I have been thinking about the Borg. Specifically Borg adaption.

Item 1: The Borg are not permanently immune to phasers, despite having the option to shoot at each other with low-power phasers until every possible frequency has been used and been adapted against.

Item 2: The Borg seems to be vulnerable to unexpected weaponry.

Hypotesis 1: Bad writers, the Borg could have been immune to everything forever, but only attacks on-screen matter.
Hypotesis 2: The Borg can adapt to anything - but at the cost of weakening something else.

For the rest of the post, I'm assuming Hypotesis 2 is at least somewhat accurate.

An example would be 'adapting to continuous beam laser weaponry' - Shiny and Reflective and takes heat well - but at the cost of plating becoming harder and easier to shatter by direct kinetic impulse. Or adapting to kinetic impulse by getting more rubberlike and absorbtive - but at the cost of easier getting set on fire by plasma weaponry. Etcetera. This would mean any Borg fleet planning to attack a particular faction or system would pre-adapt to what the defenders would be assumed to use. This fits well with Item 2 - surprises in opposing force weaponry types being very bad for the Borg. Thing is, even if plating is good against phasers in general does not mean it would necessarily be perfect against every possible setting, but as the fight goes on the Borg would optimize shields and armor against the particular models and types of phasers the opposing fleet uses, and the particular frequencies they can and have used.

Hypotesis 2 could easilly be checked simply using combat footage by the AI's in-story. If the hypotesis is correct, the solution is obvious.

Currently you have a ship with x phasers, and y torpedo launchers. And that's it. The other ships of the same type have the same (or mostly the same) loadout. This may be good against everyone else, but it's horrible against the Borg.

What you want is the following: Warship a has a row of phasers, one row of lasers, one row of plasma throwers, one row of railguns, and a few disintegrators thrown in for good measure. The torpedo launchers are there as before, but all volleys mix up things with multiple different types of warheads. Warship b has a slightly different loadout, and lasers built for completely different parts of the spectrum, not to mention continuous beams instead of pulses. Maybe a few kinetic kill vehicles instead of torpedo launchers etc. Explorer c has a third version of weapon loadouts with a couple of weird things thrown in. Thing is, the 'combat damage' may suffer a little, but the ships get utility, and it would be EXTREMELY bad news for the Borg. Because now they face fleets that throws out damage all across the board. What exactly do they adapt against? No matter what they choose, it only protects against a small spectrum of the incoming ordonance, while possibly weakening themselves against the rest.

Mind you, for any military without the option of just creating parts and ammunition on the spot this would just fail utterly because of the problems it would cause with supply lines, but this is not a problem here. Starfleet would probably also fail at using this strategy, because of rules and bureaucracy. They want everything to be neat and orderly.
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You think wrong.
It are the shield freq's you have to look at.
Cancel some, leaves you open for others, like the exact opposite of said freq's.
And I bet they can only shield against so many freq's specifically(?) before it becomes quite un-economical.
You think wrong.
It are the shield freq's you have to look at.
Cancel some, leaves you open for others, like the exact opposite of said freq's.
And I bet they can only shield against so many freq's specifically(?) before it becomes quite un-economical.
Quite possibly. Thing is, the suggested strategy works for this case too.
Item 1: The Borg are not permanently immune to phasers, despite having the option to shoot at each other with low-power phasers until every possible frequency has been used and been adapted against.

Item 2: The Borg seems to be vulnerable to unexpected weaponry.

Hypotesis 1: Bad writers, the Borg could have been immune to everything forever, but only attacks on-screen matter.
Hypotesis 2: The Borg can adapt to anything - but at the cost of weakening something else.
I tend to go with Hypothesis 2. Though my version of it has the assumption that each individual unit of the Collective can only adapt to one thing at a time and that it is a purely reactive system and that they are incapable of anticipating changes of either type or frequency. I'm also assuming that shield strength is at least partly determined by the number of frequency bands you are trying to protect against. So they focus their adaption to the most recent frequencies that drones or ships in their immediate area have been hit by.
I flared slightly as the first wisps of the thin atmosphere caressed my lower hull. My main body remained in orbit as my aeroshuttle self started the entry into the thin atmosphere of the moon, above the large red orb of the gas giant that dominated the moon's horizon.

I didn't bother trying to bleed off speed too much, the atmosphere was too thin to really endanger me, even at orbital speeds, so I let it slow me down as much as possible on its own. In other words, I came in like a brick, just like the old space shuttles.

It was an uncomfortable reminder of how I split off from Star too.

Ignoring it, I changed the course slightly more north.

"There it is," Drake reported, glancing back at Jhita and Jennifer. "The landing site is on the scope now. Ivy, put us down as close as you can."

"I'll try, but there is not a lot of even ground there," I answered and shifted my course slightly, burning my thrusters as I slowly circled the place at a altitude of five kilometres. "I could try to set down just behind the wreck, in the furrow it plowed during the crash. That may be the flattest spot unless you feel like walking three kilometres."

The area was rather uneven even with the drifted sand, covered with two to four metre large rocks all over the place.

The Aeroshuttle Alpha was not exactly large, but it was not tiny either. At almost thirty by twenty-four metres, it needed some surface area to land.

"I'd rather not," Jhita said and tapped her fingers on her armored thigh. "You know, that seems like a stupid oversight. We should have some sort of ground vehicle for this kind of situations."

She really had a point there. There were occasions like this where you didn't want to beam in or land too close. Or just roam around the area and gather samples instead of using a large shuttle. That was a bit of an oversight, the aeroshuttles did have cargo bays able to carry something like that and ramps able to load and unload them.

"You are quite correct," I said, nodding on the screen. "It seems to be something that has been missed during the planning stage. I'll make a note and see what is available next time we visit a civilized planet. It'll hardly hurt to have one loaded in one of the shuttles if it happens to be needed."

Going by the Mass Effect line of thought, something MAKO-like should be possible. Even with anti-gravity and transporters, ground transports were still popular.

As I slowly did a pass along the hundred and fifty metre long wreck, partly covered in sand, I scrolled through the database for a good model.

Running my scanners across the ground, I found a place of packed sand not too far behind the wreck and came to a halt, slowly lowering my landing struts as I gently settled down on the sand. The sand billowed up around me and I shut down the thrusters. The fine dust settled down in the almost non-existent wind.

Drake nodded and checked the readings before he looked over at Jennifer, "Okay. First of all, this will just be a quick scout of the area. We can get a proper look later when we get more people down here. This is just to make sure it's safe and if we can identify whose ship it is."

Both scientists nodded and they all started to make their way towards the rear hatch. I waited until their suits were sealed and I tested the seals before I sealed the rear area and decompressed it, opening the hatch.

The temperature outside was just on this side of the atmosphere not raining down onto the surface.

Drake raised his hand, using the tricorder built into the armored suit before taking the lead down the ramp, leaving the two women and then my heavy platform to take up the rear. I just kinda kept out of it, letting them get on with it.

I didn't mind taking the boring tasks and such, but this was exactly the kind of reason my friends were out here. There was no way in hell I would steal this from them.

So the suit instances were just riding along, helping with sorting and giving them the information they needed while the heavy platform padded along.

None of me were separate though, all my instances were in sync as my main body was just in orbit.

Turning my head on the heavy platform, I lowered the nose to the ground, running a chemical analysis before standing up again, padding along through the fine dust. I was so going to need a good cleaning after this is done. Sealed or not, this dust was going to get everywhere and not only on this platform, but on and in the shuttle as well. It's going to cover the suits, at least the visors were antistatic and it wouldn't stick too badly.

We slowly approached the stern of the ship, the hull and impulse drive stretching up above our heads and I looked up at it, "For having hit as hard as this thing did, it held up pretty well. They believed in building tough."

Jhita nodded and put her hand on the bronze colored hull, "Yeah... Let's check inside."

"Let's find a entrance," Drake said and rested his favorite projectile rifle comfortably across his chest. "Ivy, you take the lead. Just in case some gribbly feels like jumping us."

"I'm more worried about automated defenses," I said and moved past the group. "I'm not detecting any power sources strong enough but that doesn't mean there aren't any."

I carefully scanned ahead, reaching, feeling and probing with every sensor available to me as we moved along the side of the wreck. Plenty of holes, but all too small to enter through until we got closer to the front. A large tear was dug deep into the hull, showing a room inside, sand and dust having drifted inside, filling half of the chamber.

I turned my head and looked back at the rest of the team as I stopped by the hole, "What do you think?"

Drake lifted his hand and scanned the rift, eyeing through the information before he readied his rifle, "As good as any I suppose," he said before he nodded to me. "Ladies first."

If the platform had movable eyes, I would have rolled them. Instead I turned and peered into the open space. Empty other than for broken equipment and sand, no real sounds in the thin air that I could detect other than the sound of moving sand and wind. The inside looked more or less humanoid sized and shaped, the door into the next area seemed to be suitable for bipedal species, possibly mirror symmetrical from the door controls. No way to tell, but the buttons seemed to be suitable for someone with fingers.

I slowly entered the wreck.

Gribblies, gribblies, gribblies... here little gribblies...

Sometimes I'm so glad I don't have an adrenaline gland.

AN//Big thanks to Pietersielie for betaing this section.
Yes ,but you can overclock your processors to compensate. :rofl:
No gribblies materialized.

Likely because the inner door was closed. I paused and scanned the room as the rest followed me inside. Neither anything really recognizable nor bodies.

Jhita walked up and put her hand on the door, sliding it down to press the controls. Nothing happened. She shook her head and stepped to the side, "No power. Ivy, could you..."

I padded over and went onto my rear legs, slamming my claws through the metal before tearing the door off its mounts, throwing it across the room.

"...come here and I can open it with your powersource." Jhita finished before she shrugged, "But I guess that works."


Drake snorted, "You can hardly tell she used to be a warship."

"Bite me."

He grinned in his helmet, "Let's continue and see what we find."

Shaking my head, I exited the room and walked on through the new opening, scanning in each direction. Hmm... clear in both directions and no sand.

Most species have the bridge closer to the top and front of the ship. Comes with being humanoid. And that was to the right so...

I turned to the right and started to slowly stalk down the corridor, allowing the rest to follow, Drake taking up the rear, keeping an eye out even though I scanned with my suit instances as well.

I activated the headlights on the suits and my heavy platform. Completely unnecessary, optical vision was at best a tertiary sense for me, but my companions were all visually based and even if a sensor overlay on the visor of the helmet was more efficient than having it see through, using headlamps was more familiar and comfortable.

It's possible I used to think the same back in the sim. Now it was a bit of a strange thought. Being so limited in what you could perceive... they couldn't even see IR or magnetic fields. I can't imagine being like that anymore.

Turning the corner I paused. Biological tissue detected. Humanoid. Carbon based, calcium bone structure. Copper based blood. No water detected.

I slowly approached the fallen and desiccated body. It was completely dried up and had taken a lot of damage, but a genetic scan confirmed it.

"...Is that what I think it is?" Jhita asked as she knelt down next to the fallen body, running her hand across him in the air, using the built in tricorder.

I nodded, "Vulcan. Damage is consistent of close to two thousand years of low atmosphere exposure and burnt force trauma from the crash. It seems that we have discovered a ship sent out from before the split between Vulcans and Romulans."

"What is it doing all the way out here?" Jennifer asked with a frown, "We are a long way from Vulcan, especially on a ship that can only do warp four at best."

Drake shook his head, "No idea. Would have taken years to get this far out. Damn... travelling this far just to die on an airless moon. Poor bastards."

Jhita sighed and nodded, "Yeah," and then she stood up, "Let's find the computer memory, maybe we can find out."

I nodded in agreement, standing up fully as I scanned and cross checked with later Vulcan designs and what little was known about Vulcan ship designs during this time while talking it over with Merilyn.

Not much was known, too much was lost from that time. Very little in fact, hell, before the Romulans revealed it, nobody even knew they used to be Vulcans.

Hmm. I looked up and back, "If this ship follows what we know of Vulcan ship design from this period, which admittedly isn't much, the main computer should be one deck up and closer to the rear of the ship."

"And the bridge?" Jhita asked as she looked at my heavy platform, "We should be able to gain access and power it from there. Right?"

"Maybe. Depends on the damage." I agreed and shrugged with my heavy platform, "Worth a try, we are on the way to where the bridge should be anyway. You would think someone like the Vulcans would put up signs... even during their pre logic days."

Drake shrugged, "Lead the way. Still, I bet the Vulcan science council will love this find. Have they found any ships like this from this time period?" he asked as I started moving again.

Jhita shook her head, "Not that I know. Barely any technology survived from that time. After the last war and the split of the Romulans, they fell into a dark age and lost most of the knowledge to make what high technology they had left. They didn't get space travel back for over a thousand years."

"No ships this intact." I agreed, "And none this big."

I paused by a door. It was actually marked with a very old Vulcan language. Bridge. Well, flight control was a better direct translation, but still.

"Here." I said and carefully forced the door open with my tail manipulators, trying to keep the damage to a minimum. As I entered, it revealed more bodies. Five fallen. All heavily damaged, males and females. Multiple broken bones each, intense internal and even external damage, even discounting having been basically freezedried. They hit really hard, even an internal dampening system is not perfect, especially one as primitive as this ship would have had.

This ship was a grave.

I continued sadly, carefully stepping over a fallen male as I scanned the bridge, "Here." I said and pointed at one of the consoles, "This is the engineering console, it should have the direct link to the main computer." before I moved one of the fallen as gently as I could as she was in the way. Frozen solid or not, the body would have been fragile so I settled her down again carefully a couple of meters further away.

Drake nodded, "Jhita, see if you can get Ivy hooked in to power this thing up. If not, we need to find the main computer and pull the memory."

"Yeah. Let's get this done, this place gives me the creeps." Jhita said and walked over, pulling the cover of the console off.

I slowly ran my scanners across the room. I didn't like disturbing this place either, there should be a full strength archaeology team here. And it really should be a Vulcan team, it was their history after all and while I would love to examine this ship from top to bottom, it was not our place.

As soon as we get the data, we can get out of here and send our findings to Vulcan.

AN// Big thanks to FPSCanarussia for betaing this section.
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Let's see, what could cause major rifts here... oh. Of course.

Cultural overviews of the homeworld at the time, including biologic problems and hierarchies.
A political manifesto about why they are running away from the mind control regime, and are trying to make their own way.

Basically, enough information that the Vulcans have to hush it up one way or another, or be guaranteed at least a major backlash and severe supsicion. Possibly more than the Vulcans can actually afford.
An Emo Vulcan AI. (Utterly depressed as well)

The Vulcan version of the HMS Pinafore.
'Timestamp... corrupted.
Initiating playback.'

The image was filled with slight static before revealing a Vulcan in a brown uniform with a high collar. He seemed to be speaking but there was no sound for several seconds.

"...odus fleet. We are one of the better ships to fulfill the scouting role." He said before he paused and rubbed his face. "By the ancestors, that's a depressing thought. Anyway, we'll do our best to find a new home where we can rebuild. Where they can't find us. The people on board are the best people we could find. Scientists and engineers. Not that we have many of those, I sup..."

'Data corruption. Seeking next stable datablock.'

'Timestamp 0000000
Initiating Playback.'

The screen reveal an older Vulcan, wearing what seemed to be the same uniform as the previous one.

"Log number one. I am Centurion Dermades and tomorrow the Pathfinder is clear to leave drydock. The first of her class." He said with a satisfied smile. "The most advanced ship of her size. Can't say I'm not proud of having built her, but tomorrow she will belong to someone else." His smile widened. "She is beautiful, the pinnacle of Vulcan engineering."

He then frowned faintly and continued; "But I have to admit that the continued conflict with the Tunuran province bothers me. More and more resources are being diverted away from the fleet and the colonies. Maybe she will be one of the last of her class. I can only hope that fate is not so cruel, she is so beautiful. We could be so much more than thi..."

'Data corruption. Seeking next stable datablock.'

'Timestamp #Null
Initiating Playback'

This time the screen clear of static to reveal the first Vulcan but he looked tired, his short hair was disheveled and he leaned against the console. "..We just got out. I have no idea where my daughters or wife are but... I just have to hope they got out on one of the other shuttles. Those fucking maniacs. What logic is it to using a fusion device on a population center!" he snarled and slammed his hand down on the console, collapsing back into the chair. "Remus is destroyed. Wiped off the map." He sighed, seeming to lose all the energy as he rubbed a hand across his eyes. "We lost."

He sat there for a long moment without moving, slight static moving across the screen before he spoke up again, lowering his hand. "We will randevous with the rest of the fleet at the edge of the system and only then we'll know how many made it out. We'll wait as lo..."

'Data corruption. Seeking next stable datablock.'

'Timestamp Year 7564
Initiating Playback.'

As the screen cleared once more it revealed the same Vulcan. His hair was longer and his face narrower but he looked clean now.

He drummed his fingers on the table. "We just finished the survey of system H62ft2. No habitable worlds and we are about to reach the end of the comms distance with the rest of the Romulan fleet. We know their course and speed, we can find them again if we need to if we find our new home." he said and frowned. "Supplies are low, but with rationing we should last another seven months. Nine if we are willing to starve a bit. That gives us four more months of searching before we have to return to the fleet. But if we don't find somewhere to settle down, somewhere far away from Surak... what does it matter?"

The Vulcan seemed lost in though for a long moment. "I suppose I can see the... allure in his philosophy. Control, logic. Suppress your emotions and act according to logic. Ancestors know that my brother tried hard enough to convince me that it was the way forward back when we still talked. I hope he is still alive... even if he is one of the enemy now. Turov is still my brother." he said before he sighed pressed a couple of buttons, looking to the side of the recorder. "Salia... I wish you were here. No... No, I wouldn't wish that on anyone."

'End of datablock. Searching for next datablock.'

'Timestamp corrupted.
Initiating Playback.'

The screen was full of static, the view slightly obscured by a thin haze of smoke and this time there is someone else there, a female Vulcan with her long brown hair tied back on top of her head, wearing the same kind of uniform as the man before. She looked haggard, her hair a mess and slipping from its bounds.

She simply stared into the pickup for a long moment before she turned it off again.

'End of datablock. Searching for next datablock.'

'Timestamp year 7564 &%&//¤##%
Initiating Playback.'

The screen cleared to reveal the same woman again, this time out of uniform, wearing a simple dark undershirt. She seem to pause before speaking up. "I am Tamil. I'm in charge now, I guess. C-captain Lotek was killed a week ago, leaving me in charge."

She paused for a moment and then ran her hand through her hair. "How stupid is that? I'm an engineer, not command staff. But I had seniority and, well... maybe an engineer is what we need right now. The asteroid we hit ripped a big hole through the living section and the main hydrogen tank. We lost twenty-eight people, including most of the main bridge crew and Captain Lotek."

Tamil paused and rubbed her eyes for a moment before she continued. "I don't even know why I'm doing this. We are probably dead anyway, we are on reserve fuel with the fusion reactors and without them, we will burn through what little antimatter we have too fast to make it back to the fleet. The tank we could lose, but what's worse, it took the hydrogen collector with it. We have repaired the tank, but the collector..."

She sighed. "We have one chance, there is a gas giant in the next system. It's risky, especially with a hole in the front of the ship, but we may be able to skim the outer atmosphere and use an atmospheric pump to gather the hydrogen we need. We just need to do it six more times on the way back to the fleet."

Tamil shook her head and stared at the picture pickup for a long moment before she sighed, said: "I'm not cut out for this." and reached over before the picture turned to static.

'End of datablock. Searching for next stable datablock. No more data located.'

AN// Big thanks to Grey Rook for betaing this section.
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Well.... that was depressing. Seeing as my total knowledge of Star Trek comes from this series, except for some of the more ubiquitous references, I have to say that this chapter seems to be a prelude to very interesting things regarding the Vulcans. Debate and questioning over who started the war and such. Very interesting indeed!

As an aside;
...will rendezvous with...
Well.... that was depressing. Seeing as my total knowledge of Star Trek comes from this series, except for some of the more ubiquitous references, I have to say that this chapter seems to be a prelude to very interesting things regarding the Vulcans. Debate and questioning over who started the war and such. Very interesting indeed!

As an aside;

Dude it really doesn't matter much. Take Earth at it worst, crank the emotions up to 11, make it a desert death world, add psychic weapons of mass destruction, and the ability to actively mind-rape your enemies. Vulcan was scary crazy for a long time before they eventually became the ultra logical paragons of peace they are now.
Dude it really doesn't matter much. Take Earth at it worst, crank the emotions up to 11, make it a desert death world, add psychic weapons of mass destruction, and the ability to actively mind-rape your enemies. Vulcan was scary crazy for a long time before they eventually became the ultra logical paragons of peace they are now.
That's the story, but the people in this video didn't seem much different from us.

Certainly there were wars. There are wars right here, as well. Probably they had it a bit worse than us, but...

Was suppressing themselves that harshly really worth it? Couldn't they have found a different solution? A bit of genetic engineering, maybe.

If I'm thinking that, then certainly so will a lot of the other people who see this. If it had been a Starfleet ship discovering this ship, then it'd probably have been suppressed. But since it's not...

Well, the story is called "Rifts".