Less run, more murder. Remember what the Jovian dominated fleet did to that one cube earlier? Now what do you think the defenses on their capital are like? Those cubes are probably going to eat tens of thousands of photon torpedoes each just as the opener.
A hundred and eleven hours later, I had moved along the spectrum. Now I was closer to afraid than angry as I watched the behemoths.

I had never fought the Borg before. I had always been too far away or assigned to non-combat duties. This time I was in the main attack force.

I didn't like it.

The four massive vessels had dropped out of warp well outside the system, continuing in wide formation, over ten light seconds apart. Space around them constantly swept with tachyon beams.

The vessels were still cubes, but over a third again as massive as the other cube and seemed... heavier armed and armored. They had been assigned the name of 'tactical cube' in our databases. It seemed fitting.

"Well...shit," Drake cursed from his seat next to my avatar, "I knew I should have taken that vacation to Risa."

I knew he didn't really mean that, but I nodded anyway. I understood the feeling.

Say what you want about the Borg, but adapt? Kinda what they did. We would not be able to pull the same ambush again. They were spread out enough that if we focused our forces on one, the rest could just either move around and continue on or support from their place in formation. With those tachyon beams, no cloaked ambush would work this time.

In exact terms, we were so fucked. Our best chance was to move in from one end of the formation and try to work our way in, doing our best to preserve our numbers. But the problem was that the Borg once again, adapted.

We could remodulate our beams, but there was a limited number of frequencies phasers worked on. Setting them on a random varying frequency would help, but only so much.

Torpedoes were better, you can't match frequency with an antimatter explosion. But they were just so...

Fuck that's a lot of tonnage and if they were like normal cubes, they could keep fighting with over seventy percent of their mass missing.

ROU's were many things, but made for sustained combat and durable, they were not.

The three GSV's that were built along with as many Islands that could get here in time were still busy evacuating Circle. It wouldn't be enough, he had a population of seven million. Nowhere near enough space to move that many people. Now, he was armed enough, both in hull and with weapons platforms that he could likely take a normal cube on this own, but these four?

The fleet was over two hundred strong and I was not even counting the three hundred odd ROU's gathered in that.

But that was a lot of fucking Borg... and this time they were being careful.

It was a joint operations, Starfleet and Jovian Defense Fleet. Admiral Picard on board of the U.S.S. Reliant Robin was in command of the fleet.

"Ivy... what are our odds on this one?" Drake asked after another moment of watching the display. "Honestly."

"Honestly? Slim," I sighed. "But our job is not to defeat them. Our job is to hold as long as possible. Give everyone else time to get out."

That was a rather sad objective. We were to hold the Borg back as long as we could, give them time to evacuate as many as possible and for Circle to trigger the self destruct on all the infrastructure at New Jupiter.

If the Borg didn't stop with New Jupiter, we would give the Federation as much time to initiate Operation Bugout as possible. But this was most likely it.

If the entirety of Starfleet had been here, we might have stood a chance. But Starfleet was spread out over two quadrants...and to be fair, so were most of our ships. What we had here was just what could be gathered in time.

"...Shit. At least my parents are still on Bajor, close to the Wormhole. They should make it out."

I nodded. I checked fleet deployment with Starfleet. Star was already out by Cardassian space. She and T'Ro would make it out as well. That felt nice.

When I contacted my crew, I made it clear that they didn't need to be here. I could fight almost as well without them here. Almost as well.

Jhita told me to go fuck myself, they were coming with.

I'm so proud of them. I still refused to take on the research staff as there was no need to risk them for no reason, but Jhita didn't like being ordered around and... honestly, she could be useful to help analyze the Borg shields and weapons. She was down in main engineering.

"All ships, this is Reliant Robin. Proceed with the attack plan. Cruisers lead the attack and draw their fire, lighter units follow and strike where you can. ROU's dump your torpedoes and retreat back in system to rearm. Do not return alone, wait for waves."

Ships all around me started to decloak and accelerate towards the approaching Borg. Taking a slow deep breath, I dropped my cloak as well, raising my shields before I followed them in.

Drake pressed a couple of buttons on the console on the armrest of his chair, "If we focus fire along with the Unrepressed Anger and the Account Overdraft on the same spot, we have a higher chance to break through the shield before they adapt."

I nodded, opening a channel to the other two ships, another pair of LOUs. "They agree," I told him after a second, "Unrepressed Anger is lead, we shoot the spot she shoots. If she goes down, I take lead."

"...Ivy..." Drake said softly and I spared him a small smile.

"I know."

Weapons, charged.

Shields at full.

Here we go then.

The first torpedoes lashed out, flooding the space as the fleet focused fire. The wave of antimatter warheads smashed into the first Borg cube. Its shields actually held for a couple of seconds before they collapsed and it started to take hits.

Nothing takes that much punishment and continues on. Not even a tactical cube. It was ripped into little pieces with secondary explosions before the Borg started to return fire.

One out of four down. One that had been a hell of a lot tougher than the last one we struck. Now the ROU's were out and retreated back in system to rearm. It would be at least ten to twenty minutes before they returned.

My launchers rearmed and I twisted in space, avoiding a seeking green beam before following the Anger in, opening fire with everything I had.

Some other ships were not as lucky. U.S.S. 'Let me look that up for you' was tumbling in space, half her forward hull missing as the War Island burned. Others were just turned into balls of plasma and gas as they took direct hits. Account Overdraft detonated in a fury of energy and plasma off my port beam as a ray of energy cored her from bow to stern.

Her warp core blew and the energy rocked me.

But it was not the warp core detonation that did the damage. It was the Borg Cutting Beam I could not avoid because of it.

The powerful energy weapon slashed, hitting me just behind the bow. My shields held for almost half a second as I desperately tried to evade while diverting power to the emitters. It wasn't enough. Nowhere near enough.

The beam dug into my hull, digging a meter wide gash in my hull, twenty meters deep, from bow to stern, almost all the way through my hull. Alarms screamed in my mind and if I had been biological, it would have been a lethal blow. But I was not, I was a warship, I was built to take hits. Half my engines were destroyed, I lost half my fusion reactors as they scrammed and sensor feeds dropped left and right. I lost fifteen people. But eighty percent of my weapons were still online. My shields were getting back up even with a few lost emitters.

I was hurt. Badly.

I had taken serious superstructure damage and that beam had been close enough to one of my antimatter tanks that the actual tank wall was against nothing but vacuum now.

But I could still fight at seventy three percent effectiveness and there was no time to grieve for my lost crewmen.

I returned fire, rerouting power to my remaining impulse drive and thrusters as my pulse phasers spat death towards the massive vessel. It didn't do much. They had adapted.

Barrel rolling, I twisted through space, barely avoiding another powerful beam of energy before starting to pull back to get some distance, buying time to recalibrate my weapons once more, seeking a frequency they hadn't adapted to yet.

Suddenly a brilliant blue beam slashed past me less than a hundred meters away, screaming on my gravimetric and subspace sensors. The Borg's shields popped like a soap bubble and the beam cored the Borg vessel before slicing straight up, ripping and tearing large pieces of the massive vessel, before the cube collapsed into itself, the rip in space-time closing a second later, leaving just drifting debris where the massive war machine had been.

GOU 'Plan B' had joined the fight.

AN// Big thanks to Pietersielie for betaing this section.
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When I contacted them (my crew), I made it clear that they didn't need to be here. I could fight almost as well without them here. Almost. (Needs clarification on who you refer to. After the next paragraph it can be deduced you refer to Ivy's crew, but it appears to refer to Star and T'Ro which is confusing.)
Editor notes?
Well. That just happened. I'm pretty sure 'Sir Pop-a-Cube' is sufficient reason for even the Borg to run away really quickly. I mean that got out of hand really fast.
Well. That just happened. I'm pretty sure 'Sir Pop-a-Cube' is sufficient reason for even the Borg to run away really quickly. I mean that got out of hand really fast.
Depends if they got good sensor readings of the weapon used, and if the Hivemind thinks they could get better readings by sacrificing the two remaining cubes. Cause getting as much information as possible on a weapon that can oneshot tactical cubes is a much higher priority than the survival of the two remaining cubes.

Remember, if the Borg were actually here to conquer they'd have sent a lot more than four cubes. They're here to poke the Federation and learn from it.
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Well they'll conquer if they can manage it. But this isn't the Voyager assimilate everything that moves Borg. It's TNG's slow but steady learn from others Borg.
Most with rankings that high were ROU's and stations.

I still think it would fit the AI sense of humor to have at least one ROU self-identifying as a ROUS...

Bring it the fuck on.

The Charge of the Light Brigade comes to mind here...but I'm not envisioning the Jovians as the Brigade.

GOU 'Plan B' had joined the fight.

After that one-shot, I'd propose renaming that from Plan B (which is a brand of emergency birth control in the sim/21st century) to 'Badass, Slayer of Cubes' as soon as possible.
GOU 'Plan B', Xenocide Cass.

Captain Gavin Madison leaned back in the center chair on the small bridge, watching his ship's avatar standing in the middle of the floor. Not that the bridge looked small at the moment, the holosystems made it look like they were standing in open space.

Even at this distance, the view had been zoomed in enough for the battle to be visible.

"Bee? Are you certain of this? You know that there will be... difficulties. Even if this works. Perhaps especially if this works." He asked after a moment with a frown as he watched his ship. She looked calm, standing in the middle and seemingly regarding the cubes hanging before her. She was as beautiful as the day he met her. Tall, curvy. Wearing that tight uniform like a second skin, her long red hair pulled back in a simple ponytail. A small coilgun riding on her right hip.

She nodded, her ponytail bobbing as she glanced back at him with a small smile. "We know. But bigger than those cubes taking out New Jupiter and then continuing on to the next system?"

Gavin sighed at that and shook his head. She was right. No matter the consequences of this, doing nothing would be even worse.

He regarded her for another second before he nodded. "Drop cloak and raise shields. You are free to engage."

Plan B grinned briefly at him before turning back forward, returning to professionalism once more. "Aye, sir. Dropping cloak and raising shields."

"Target the Borg and ready main weaponry. Fire at will."

"Locking on target Alpha-Two, calculating projected paths and firing plots." She said, her hands calmly folded behind her back. "Main weapon charging. Time to firing... thirty seconds."

Gavin nodded, forcing his hands to unclench in his lap. This would work. It had to work. The test firings had all gone off without a hitch. But these were the Borg. Who knew if it would even do anything?

Especially against those ships.

He watched the Cubes float before her and a quick tapping on the console next to his chair, made a hologram of one from before him, allowing him to turn it over in his hands. The great enemy of the Federation. More dangerous than any others.

Even the Dominion was a footnote compared to them. The only one that even ranked was the Berserkers at their strongest.

"Target plotted. I have a firing solution. Fifteen seconds until main weapon charged."

Gavin nodded, his eyes turning to his ship. This was what she was created to do.

The Xenocide class was created to fight the Borg, to go up against a cube one on one and have a decent chance to come out of the fight alive. The Xenocide was basically a Galaxy-sized brick of armor, weapons and engines. He was the only biological person on board.

And that was with what was now her secondary weaponry. That was assuming the experimental main weapon actually worked outside test firings.

"Firing main weapon in five, four, three..." Plan B said calmly, hands folded at the small of her back. "Firing. Target destroyed." she almost purred, her lips twisting in a small smile as the graviton reaction beam lashed out, searing through space before impacting the massive Borg vessel, ripping deep into it before causing it to collapse into a subspace rift which closed moments later.

Gavin slammed his fist against the armrest, feeling like cheering. Instead he just grinned. "Now do it again!"

"Yes, sir. Analyzing threat profile. Primary target is Alpha-Three. Locking main weapon. Main weapon charging. Twenty seconds until fully charged."

The bridge suddenly shuddered beneath him. "Report."

"Targets Alpha-Three through Four have redirected the majority of their fire to me. Shields at seventy percent. Fifty five percent." Plan B reported, easily holding her balance. The ship suddenly rocked again and she continued: "Direct hit to port nacelle. Warpdrive offline. Combat effectiveness unaffected. Main weapon charged. Firing. Target destroyed."

The bright blue beam lashed out on the viewscreen, hitting the second cube at the center, fighting against the shields for almost a full second before it cored the massive borg vessel and seconds later the cube collapsed in on itself as a glowing rift opened in reality, whirling for several seconds before collapsing, taking the debris with it.

Gavin suddenly slammed against the harness keeping him in the seat.

Bee kept standing, mag locks in her feet keeping her from falling and somehow she managed to still sound relaxed. "Direct hit amidships. Pulse phaser turret three and torpedo launcher twenty five through twenty nine destroyed. Combat effectiveness... 97 percent. Main weapon charged at 25 percent. Switching fire to target Alpha-Four."

The ship rocked once more and alarms glared on his chair console. "Shit!"

"Shields down. Borg drones beaming in on decks one to fifteen." Bee reported and turned to the left, two borg drones beaming in on the bridge.

She calmly pulled her coil gun from her hip holster and it barked loudly twice, the borg drones' heads exploding. "Anti-bording measures engaged. All borders neutralized. Initiating emergency repair."

The last Borg cube turned in space, fire playing in her direction once more and this time the ship rocked.


"Heavy damage received. Main weapon offline. Secondary warpcore offline. Diverting main power to secondary armament and shields." Bee reported. "Shields online."

The fleet was swarming the remaining cube, hammering it hard and fast. Photon torpedoes pounding the massive vessel and slowly but surely it was getting through, specially when B got stuck back into the fight. She carried over a hundred launchers, not as many as an ROU, but hers were not single shot ones - they were rapid fire autoloaders.

Fire poured into the increasingly damaged Borg vessel before secondary explosions ripped through the massive ship and it started to break up.

"Target Alpha-Four... destroyed. All targets destroyed. Standing down from red alert."

Gavin couldn't help but smile slightly across the bridge at where his ship was standing, looking as calm and professional as always, a small smile playing on her lips.

His ship. His love. His Wife.

His goddess of destruction.

AN// Big thanks to Grey Rook for betaing this section.
Hmm.... I want one of those Xenocides.... an ugly brick it might be, but dem guns....
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I can't help but think the Borg accomplished their actual objective.

The Borg aren't stupid. They knew that four Tactical Cubes wouldn't be enough to take the system, and they knew that the Jovians could see them coming. So what could they have done that made the sacrifice of four Tactical Cubes worth it?
Creating a rift between Feds and AI over their 'death star'?
While I somewhat doubt that this was the Borg's intended result of the incident, I can definitely see it resulting from everything. Alternate setting aside (insofar as the whole 'The tv shows were a condensed history for acclimation" thing), the Federation does seem to like to view itself as a peaceful society that only needs dedicated combat vessels as general patrol and exploration, and in emergencies such as Borg attacks and the whole Berserker thing. That a... I forget if the Jovians are an actual member species, or just very close allies... force like this exists during a time of supposed peace will get people back in the main/core planets upset to one degree or another.

Though since this was a Borg attack, there's some mitigating details there. Plus, I'm sure some species like the Andorians who nearly had their planet come close to being assimilated/attacked, and ship crews/officers that have directly faced the Borg themselves, will have a much more lenient view on the situation.
I can't help but think the Borg accomplished their actual objective.

The Borg aren't stupid. They knew that four Tactical Cubes wouldn't be enough to take the system, and they knew that the Jovians could see them coming. So what could they have done that made the sacrifice of four Tactical Cubes worth it?

The Borg were doing the same thing that they do almost every time they "invade" FED space. Training exercise. If they win then they get a new species/colony; if they lose then they get more practice against one of the few groups that can actually resist them. You learn more from failure anyway. It's a Xanatos Gambit.
I can't help but think the Borg accomplished their actual objective.

The Borg aren't stupid. They knew that four Tactical Cubes wouldn't be enough to take the system, and they knew that the Jovians could see them coming. So what could they have done that made the sacrifice of four Tactical Cubes worth it?
Act as a Decoys for a swarm of smaller Cloaked starships that are willing to kill everything?
"You 'just' left!" Johansen sighed, the yard dog rubbing his forehead as he stood on the observation platform with a view of the massive hole in my side. A meter and a half wide, over twenty deep and a hundred meters long.

I sighed and nodded, crossing my arms, "Take it up with the Borg. I think they have a complaints desk somewhere that-a-way."

Like this it looked even worse than with my other sensors. It was one thing to scan it and examine the hole from the inside with drones and sensors. Not that I had overly many internal sensors left in those sections.

It was another to have my avatar stand fifty meters away and just look at the thing. Fifteen crewmembers died there. If I had been rolled another fifteen degrees, it would have hit my antimatter storage and it would have been a complete ship loss. Ten degrees the other way and would have hit the second fusion plan and main engineering. That would have been fifty losses at least.

So it was not as bad as it could have been. But it was bad. I knew those people well, they were my friends. But... it could have been a lot worse.

"Circle, are you seeing this? Is this as bad as I think it look?" Johansen asked before he frowned at me. "Ivy, we have not even finished the barrel yet. And believe me, with the Borg coming, we tried."

Circle formed a hologram next to us and nodded, "It's worse actually," he said and a hologram of my hull formed before us, several sections where the cut went through was highlighted in red. "These are major structural components hit by the beam. I'm going to be honest here Ivy, and I'm saying this as the one that designed the Murder class, I have no clue how you managed to get back to the station without folding in half."

I gaped at him, running a internal scan, "...I know my structural sensors took a hit, but... it's that bad!?"

"It is. Sorry, Ivy, but it's not something easily repaired. Run a alignment scan along your main axis."

My ears went flat against my head as I did, finally realizing how bad things were, "...So that's why my thrust was unbalanced. I put it down to engine damage."

My spine was bent almost half a degree to port. The fact that I had not even noticed, showed exactly how damaged my sensor input was right now. No wonder I needed to burn my thrusters to keep on course.

"I'm sorry, Ivy. But we can't repair this," Circle sighed. "I'm going to need to kick you out of the bay, I need it for other ships I can repair. We need to find you a new ship."

I was not exactly happy about that and I glared at him before I looked away and sighed. Reality was what it was, there was no use arguing about it. I was lucky to have survived a hit like that at all, yet alone being able to limp back to port under own power.

I got most of my crew back home safe. I guess that's all I could really wish for sometimes.

"Sorry, ship," Johansen sighed. "Wish we could help."

"It's fine," I said quietly. "You are doing the best you can, and if anyone could repair it, it would have been you guys."

"Ivy, there are several ships finishing production within the next couple of months and only a couple of them are spoken for yet, even with our current losses," Circle said as the observation platform docked back up with the side of the dry dock. "You will be back in the void before you know it."

I managed a small smile at him, "Thanks Circ."

He released the docking clamps and I started to slowly float out of the dry dock, through the massive forcefields keeping the air inside, moved and guided by his tractor beams. I once again felt vacuum against my ravaged hull as he moved me around the station and to the side, passing me from tractor beam to tractor beam, touch gentle as a feather as he moved my multi thousand ton hull slowly to a regular docking spot before pulling me close and locking me down, extending docking adapters to my airlocks.

Energy leads extended and attached to feeding ports as he started to give me power and I sighed, starting to initiate shutdown on my fusion reactors, joining my already depowered warp core. One more ship shot out from beneath me.

What was that in the count? Three? Four? Depends how you count I guess.

Drake slowly blinked awake, sitting up in his bed before looking over at the window, "Ivy? Why are there stars outside?"

As soon as I docked with Circle, he had pretty much went to his quarters and collapsed into bed. I don't blame him, not after being awake for thirty hours running on adrenaline and nothing else.

I formed a hologram in his quarters, at least that system still worked in this part of the ship.

"No good news," I answered with a shrug, smoothing down my robes. "I'll give you the details later, but in short... I'm too fucked up to be repaired. Major core structural damage and there is a bend in my spine. I'm getting scrapped and transferred to another vessel as soon as Circle can find one for me."

Drake cursed in Bajoran before he got up, "Kitten... I'm so sorry..."

I shrugged one shoulder with a sad smile, "At least I got most people back home. And... honestly? I count myself lucky. Over seventy ships didn't."

A fifth of the fleet that struck the Borg died. A lot of people died even if over half of them had been ROU's caught in the Borgs return fire on their way out after their dropped their payloads or on the way in. No sneaking up on them this time.

He frowned down at me, "I know you better than that, ship."

"I'm dealing with it," I sighed and shook my head and changed the subject, I was feeling kinda crap about it. There was nothing I could have done better to keep them safer other than to force them off the ship, but that didn't make me like it any more.

"I'm curious where I will end up next. I don't have Circle's build queue yet so I don't know my options. Even with our multitasking abilities, he is kinda swamped right now and it can wait until things calm down in a day or two. I'm not getting anything before then in any case."

Drake nodded and rubbed his eyes, "...What time is it anyway?"

"About oh five thirty. You got about four hours of sleep."

AN// Big thanks to Pietersielie for betaing this section.