"What the hell now?" Ajan asked as he stood on the bridge, looking at the hologram before him. "What are they doing here?"

I just shrugged next to him. "DS9 is saying there is a diplomatic envoy to the Federation," I said as I aimed my passive sensors towards the Dominion battlecruiser floating next to DS9. "They have a Founder."

"But the Founders never leave their homeworld."

"Almost never," I corrected him as I lazily orbited the station. "It happens."

Last time I remember was back when I was still the Luna class and on my way back to the wormhole. Before the Berserker wars.

"What do you think?" he asked and looked over at Jhita.

The Andorian shrugged, "No idea. Ivy likely knows more than me, I never studied the Founders. But they have expressed interest in the Jovians before."

I suppressed a shiver at that. Quite frankly they freaked me out. They were like... everything we could become if we somehow became fascist dictators with no value for the lives of anyone but our own kind.

Even worse... they were like a dark mirror of the Federation. Lots of species working together towards a common goal. But not by diplomacy and common interests, but by genetic engineering and the steel boot of the Founders. If we had been invented by the Founders instead of Humans... we would have became the next Jem'Hadar.

If I slept, that thought might have given me nightmares.

"They have," I agreed. "But I think I speak for my entire species when I say we'll all rather collectively jump onto a ship and set a course for the closest black hole before we join the Dominion."

Ajan frowned at me and then nodded, "Are we going to the station?"

"Oh hell no," I said and shook my head. "DS9 can deal with the Founder, I'm not getting close to one. I'm just taking on some supplies, we are a bit low on some parts after helping the Pacifica."

I wasn't an Island class, I couldn't just take on raw materials and manufacture everything. I was a GCU, not a GSV or MSV like the Island class. I wasn't made for missions of indefinite length, the manufacturing equipment for some of the rarer things like warp core components or Quantum Cores were simply too bulky to be practical to squeeze onto a ship my size. Never mind the requirements for ore refining.

In theory, a GSV could fly into an planetary system and two years later, two GSV's would leave. I couldn't self reproduce like that, I would need a GSV or a station to build another one.

Now considering that, I almost wondered why people were not freaking out worse than they currently were. We are technically a Von Neumann swarm, albeit a very polite and friendly one. Likely because we were not actually doing that... and it's not like any of the technology we used was out of reach of the rest of the Federation either if they were willing to invest in ships large enough. The Island class was borderline large enough.

"Well... diplomatic envoy or not, I don't like it," Ajan said. "I'd rather have the Dominion just stay on their side of the galaxy. Even if a war with them right now would only end one way."

Jhita just nodded.

They were likely right. Though a lot of people would still die, so we would likely just collapse the wormhole. Drake might never forgive me for it and the Bajoran people would be a bit... miffed... but it was better than a full on war.

If the Dominion still wanted a scrap after that, they would just have slow boat the... what, ninety years to get here? They would be more than welcome to fight with a ninety year long supply run and almost a hundred year old equipment.

"Hopefully we don't need to find out," I said and started to move away from the Station as the transports finished. "I trust DS9 and his Captain will be able to handle matters."

Though, I really had to get together with the other ships in the systems and do something nice for him for handling that Founder. I should actually make that a standing endeavor of doing something nice for a Station as often as I can.

"So, Bajor now?" Jhita asked as she looked over at my avatar and I nodded.

"We should arrive in a couple of hours. Don't see the point to go into warp or even high impulse. Give everyone time to get ready and do their research and contacts and such."

"Good. I'm going to go pack. There are a couple of temples I plan to visit, they have the most fascinating records from before the occupation I want to study," she said and left with a wave to Ajan.

He nodded to her and then turned back to the hologram and I smirked, "Let me guess, you want to do the same thing."

"...I promised my wives we would be touring the sites and that I wouldn't be spending the entire visit working," he admitted with a shrug. "Not the worst thing in the world, but I do love Bajoran history. I did spend the last visit here doing basically what Jhita is planning to do."

"I remember," I agreed with a smile. "So where are you going?"

"I think Salia wanted to start with the capital," he said and smiled. "Of course, I'm not actually complaining. I'm looking forward to it too."

I nodded, "You shouldn't worry about missing anything either. Jhita is likely going to take scans and copies of everything they allow her to... and perhaps some they don't. You can always study those later."

"True. So, you have any plans?"

I shook my head, "Not really. But I'll figure something out."

Ajan smiled, "Want to come along?"

"I don't want to get in the way."

"You wouldn't, we would love it if you came with. Just ask Erislia."

"Okay then," I said after I did just that. "Thank you."

AN// Big thanks to Pietersielie for betaing this section.
"So, what do you think?" Ajan asked with a smile as he looked up at the large object floating in the antigravity fields and small tractorbeams before us.

I flicked my right ear and hummed. "Seems a bit wooden to me."

"Don't want to be bio-recycable?" Salia teased with a grin and poked my side.

Sticking my tongue out at her, I poked back. "Getting eaten by small biological organisms? No thank you. I like being outside the foodchain." I said before I flicked my tail and looked up at the Bajoran Lightship. "It's insanely impressive what they did, though."

Ajan nodded. "Yeah. Sail-driven FTL ships. Made from specially treated wood."

"Barely FTL." Erislia injected as she put her arm around his waist, leaning against him. "Only if they got caught in a tachyon eddy."


"Mmmm." She agreed, looking up at the thirty meter long seed-shaped ship, the wide, golden wings stretching out above us.

I looked up at the design, overlaying it with information from my database and information from the Bajoran datanet.

It was pretty amazing, even if the term 'lightship' was not really applicable. Yes, it used sunlight to power itself by the wings, but the metal they were made of were interacting with subspace turbulence, not being pushed around by sunlight.

It was a remarkably effective design and even more so because it was made by technology equal to twentieth century Earth. They put these things into low orbit with chemical rockets and then flew them from there. Barely any computers. Navigating by the stars.

This was a recreation of the one found on Cardassia. Many lightyears away. That they got that far using something like this was amazing.

As I looked at the ship, I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be a sailship. Not like this one, but using the same technology. It would be slower than impulse and much slower than warp as you needed to find a tachyon stream, but...

You could fly forever. No longer needing dangerous antimatter and if you didn't have a sun around to absorb energy from, fusion reactors would be enough. It was a pretty dream, but sadly not realistic.

The galaxy was too dangerous and there were too many things with big guns out there. But maybe I could talk Circle into building one for me to use as a pleasure craft when I visit New Jupiter next.

"Wanna get something to eat?" Ajan asked, putting his arm around my shoulders.

I nodded in agreement. "Sure, if you are hungry."

"Let's see what we can find." Salia agreed. "I have never tried much of Bajoran food."

"Let's see if we can find a place selling real Hasperat." Erislia said with a grin. "It's kinda spicy, it almost feel like being back to Cait."

"I never did visit Cait. I really should at some point." I said and walked along. "From what I've seen and heard, it's a beautiful place."

Ajan nodded, said: "It is." and then smiled. "How about we head over there after the next mission?"

I smiled. "Maybe. Depends what comes up, but that does sound nice. If nothing else, we can see what needs checking out in that general direction to get us there later."

"It has been a while since we were back home." Salia said. "Would be nice seeing my parents and siblings again."

"Mmm." Erislia agreed with a smile.

I sighed and flicked my ears. "Fine... after we check out the Badlands, we'll work out way back to Cait."

"Thanks, Ivy." Ajan said and then looked across me to Salia. "So what do you think of Bajor?"

"It's nice." She answered and hummed. "Remind me of parts of Trill. The older cities, you know?"

Ajan nodded. "There are similarities. Especially in the structure of the-"

"None of that now," Erislia interrupted him. "You'll bore Ivy."

I grinned and said; "Actually, I don't mind. I find it interesting." before I looked at Ajan and continued; "Does Bajoran and Trill architecture have strong similarities?"

"In parts." He said. "Mostly in the way the roads are drawn through the cities. They are each focused around a central spot and the roads lead out from there like spokes on a wheel. You can also see similarities in our pre-space flight buildings."

Erislia let out a sigh and shot me a look. "Okay, now you've done it. He'll never stop now."

I stuck my tongue out at her.

"What about this place?" Salia asked, looking over towards a resturant.

"Ivy?" Ajan asked. "What does the datanet say?"

I shrugged. "Good reviews. Nice atmosphere and they say the food is nice, especially the northern style Hetar stew. It's apparently a kind of musty and meaty meal served with bread to dip in it."

"What do you think?" Salia asked. "Give it a try?"

Erislia nodded. "Sure." She agreed and lead the way inside.

The inside was rather nice, set up in a homely and rustically primitive atmosphere. Lit up by actual candles instead of real lights and a small fireplace in the corner.

Hmm. Nice theme. The Bajorans did like their traditional old style of things in general.

AN// A big barrel of thanks to Grey Rook for betaing this section.
Too bad such a faction would probably be unable to actually protect itself.

But it might indeed be something for escape raft and similar. A lifeboat that does not run out of fuel sounds like a good idea.
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I imagine it would be more of a hobbyist group within the main culture rather than anything that would require independent protection. Still, lots of ways you could go with it - ships built by those who sail on them? Slowly convert an asteroid belt that's near its star into a belt of tree farms and lightships? Really demilitarised dROUs? Do some ridiculous, um, aeroforming? and construct one of Niven's Smoke Rings?

They'd still want the high-tech sensor suites though. I doubt that would be negotiable.
Or depending on the precise mechanics of the effects it might be useful to have something based off of it as a emergency low-power tertiary drive.
Or depending on the precise mechanics of the effects it might be useful to have something based off of it as a emergency low-power tertiary drive.
If it's possible to make with 20th century tech, that means it should be very easy to make a discount version with fabricators. Main drive dead? Use *this* design to make solar sails, and use those to putter home to port, even with all anti-matter previously ejected to avoid catastrophic damage. Would it be fast? Probably not. But it's something. Perfect? No. But "good enough".

Very curious if the solar sail method of moving is 'stealthy' or 'hillariously loud' to sensors.
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Very curious if the solar sail method of moving is 'stealthy' or 'hillariously loud' to sensors.
I imagine it would be very, very stealthy to certain kinds of sensors, while blatantly obvious to others. Like it wouldn't even show up at all on subspace sensors and barely show on EM sensors, but on thermal, and maybe visual, ones it would show up pretty obviously.
Mind you that would only be if you knew to look in the correct direction, or what you were looking for.

Just be glad that Jovians don't have a "Dress Like A Pirate" day. Half of the Federation Would'nt be able to tell the difference...
I imagine it would be very, very stealthy to certain kinds of sensors, while blatantly obvious to others. Like it wouldn't even show up at all on subspace sensors and barely show on EM sensors, but on thermal, and maybe visual, ones it would show up pretty obviously.
No chance of it being loud on thermal sensors, because impulse drives are fusion torches enhanced with subspace hax. In comparison to that anything that doesn't directly involve nuclear reactions is silent.
No chance of it being loud on thermal sensors, because impulse drives are fusion torches enhanced with subspace hax. In comparison to that anything that doesn't directly involve nuclear reactions is silent.
I didn't say it would be 'loud'. Just that it would show up pretty clearly. Also, just because they regularly use fusion torches, doesn't mean other thermal sources aren't visible to their sensors.

Also, all this is pretty heavily dependent on circumstances and positioning.
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I adjusted my orbit slightly to match up with Enterprise where she floated in standard orbit, sliding up so I was sitting just a couple of hundred kilometers behind her.

Meanwhile, I was touring the Bajoran capital city with my avatar and Erislia, Salia and Ajan. I have to admit, I was having a pretty great time.

"I see your repairs have been going well." I said to Enterprise as I opened a channel to the larger ship.

"They did." She agreed with a smile. "Good to see you again, Ivy. Even if it is in a new hull."

I shrugged one shoulder. "Stupid Borg. Some breakage is expected. Still... I liked that class, it was sad to see it go, I was an LOU for less than a year."

"Still... Zephyr class. Exciting, isn't it?" Enterprise said with a grin. "You are beautiful."

"Thank you. I have been tinkering a bit with my warp geometry, I managed to increase efficiency by over one percent." I said with a happy flick of my ear. "Still not as efficient as a Luna, but I have larger engines and more space without having a bigger warp bubble so... eh."

Enterprise grinned. "I like your hull color too. Chrome? Shiny."

"I know, isn't it just?" I giggled before I tilted my head in question. "How are the negotiations going?"

The other ship let out a sigh and crossed her arms. "Ugh. Don't ask."

"That bad?"

Bad blood between the Bajoran people and the Cardassians was to be expected. A century of occupation and stripmining of the Bajoran homeworld would do that. But both had agreed to restart negotiations and the Cardassians did have an entirely new government since the Dominion war.

She grimaced and shook her head. "Yes and no. Things between the Bajorans and Cardassians are about as expected, but that's was not the big snafu this time."

"So what happened?"

"The Cardassian Ambassador refused to recognize the Federation envoy."

I frowned at her. "What?"

Enterprise sighed and shook her head again with an annoyed look on her face. "The Cardassian Government no longer recognizes the United Federation of Planets as a political entity." Lol, what?

I just stared at her. "...What? Enterprise, when was the last time you did a core diagnostic? You did take a pretty major hit, maybe something-"

"An hour ago. My fifth this week." She said and let out a frustrated sigh. "And I had it confirmed by members of the engineering staff and DS9. No, I am actually sane and did hear that as did everyone else at the table."

"Okay, so that begs the follow up question... why?"

"Because their maps now has the Federation's space as claimed by the Jovian Hegemony."

I just ran my scanners across Enterprise for a moment before I had my com avatar rub the bridge of my nose. "Oh for fuck's sakes."

"Pretty much." She agreed. "Ambassador Jurgen was not... well... not entirely happy about that. But I had to take over negotiations. The Cardassians refused to work with him. Their government's official stance is that the Federation is now ruled by us." Well, they're not wrong, per se.

"...This won't cause trouble at all..." I sighed and crossed my arms. "Well, it's easily solved, have them send a representative to the council and see how much shit we have to deal with. That ought to settle them down."

Enterprise rolled her eyes. "Yeah, wish it was that simple."

"Gates is going to be so pissed."

"Well, then he can haul his billion ton arse out here and handle them himself." Enterprise snarked before she grinned. "The things you run into being the flagship."

"Yeah. But at least it's not as bad as the show."

"Thank the stars for that. I don't feel like dealing with negative space wedgies or omnipotent arseholes. I have enough duties as it is just exploring and handling diplomatic missions."

"Wouldn't give it up for the world, would you?" I asked her with a grin.

She grinned right back. "Would you?"

"Fuck no. How's Geordi?"

"Doing good. There is a break in the talks for today so we are taking a tour in the capital, seeing the sights. Might as well while we are here."

I nodded. "My thoughts exactly, my avatar is down there with Ajan, Erislia and Salia right now, doing the same thing."

Enterprise smiled. "A date?"

"No." I said and rolled my eyes. "Just out with my friends."

"Your friends. One of whom has two Caitian wives and you just happen to have a Caitian avatar. Who suggested you come along? Ajan or Erislia?"

"...Ajan, but Erislia confirmed it."


"It's not a date."

Enterprise smiled at me. "If you say so."

I rolled my eyes and flicked my tail in annoyance. "Caitians are more formal about it, you know that. Erislia would make it clear if it was."

"Not if they are just feeling things out first."

"...Shut up. Great, now I won't be able to get that out of my mind!"

The larger ship just grinned at me.

AN// Big thanks to Grey Rook for betaing this section.
"Because their maps now has the Federation's space as claimed by the Jovian Hegemony."

I just ran my scanners across Enterprise for a moment before I had my com avatar rub the bridge of my nose. "Oh for fuck's sakes."

"Pretty much." She agreed. "Ambassador Jurgen was not... well... not entirely happy about that. But I had to take over negotiations. The Cardassians refused to work with him. Their government's official stance is that the Federation is now ruled by us." Well, they're not wrong, per se.

... Don't know how I didn't see something like that coming with someone at some point.

I nodded. "My thoughts exactly, my avatar is down there with Ajan, Erislia and Salia right now, doing the same thing."

Enterprise smiled. "A date?"

"No." I said and rolled my eyes. "Just out with my friends."

"Your friends. One of whom has two Caitian wives and you just happen to have a Caitian avatar. Who suggested you come along? Ajan or Erislia?"

"...Ajan, but Erislia confirmed it."


"It's not a date."

Enterprise smiled at me. "If you say so."

Oh, poor Drake. He HAS to have had this thought himself by now.
I don't get it. The Cardassians are pulling some rules-mongering bullshit. I assume it goes back to the subspace weapon thing and the Federation not sanctioning the Jovians. It would be some pretty tenuous reasoning and is obviously designed to drive a wedge between the Feds and Jovians. Which might be a valid tactic if they were all inside the same legal system.

But they are not. The Cardassians are a separate sovereign nation from the Federation, the Jovians are a member state of the Federation. The Cardassians are also a lot smaller and weaker than the Federation after the Dominion war, even more than that the Jovians could solo Cardassia in a month or two. The Cardassians don't get to dictate terms, no one who matters cares what their political maps say. They can sit at the adults table and deal with the Federation or they can go home.

As an analogy if France sat down in the UN and said that their country recognized that Texas ruled the United States and thus they would only deal with Texans they would be laughed out of the room. The US would probably be stunned into inaction by the sheer craziness of the situation. They certainly wouldn't take it seriously.

Might also be a good idea to ask the Cardassians if their leadership has been infiltrated by Founders. A large star nation suddenly picking up the idiot ball when the Dominion sends a diplomatic envoy to the Alpha quadrant? Usually the Founders are a bit more subtle and professional though...
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I don't get it. The Cardassians are pulling some rules-mongering bullshit. I assume it goes back to the subspace weapon thing and the Federation not sanctioning the Jovians. It would be some pretty tenuous reasoning and is obviously designed to drive a wedge between the Feds and Jovians. Which might be a valid tactic if they were all inside the same legal system.

But they are not. The Cardassians are a separate sovereign nation from the Federation, the Jovians are a member state of the Federation. The Cardassians are also a lot smaller and weaker than the Federation after the Dominion war, even more than that the Jovians could solo Cardassia in a month or two. The Cardassians don't get to dictate terms, no one who matters cares what their political maps say. They can sit at the adults table and deal with the Federation or they can go home.

As an analogy if France sat down in the UN and said that their country recognized that Texas ruled the United States and thus they would only deal with Texans they would be laughed out of the room. The US would probably be stunned into inaction by the sheer craziness of the situation. They certainly wouldn't take it seriously.

Might also be a good idea to ask the Cardassians if their leadership has been infiltrated by Founders. A large star nation suddenly picking up the idiot ball when the Dominion sends a diplomatic envoy to the Alpha quadrant? Usually the Founders are a bit more subtle and professional though...

Actually, it's more like they are trying to increase tensions between the Federation and the Jovians by implying that not only have they been doing this illegal subspace weapons development, but they are also the secret masters in control of the whole Federation. Not just as an internal entity, but implying that a foreign government controls yours secretly is a big deal in international polictics. That happens here with people claiming that X is just 'An American Stooge' or similar. Happened a lot in the Cold War.

Of course, everyone won't believe that, but some people might wonder a little, and then that wondering turns into yammering, which turns into rumbles of discontent. Then the polticians get involved. Someone talks up sanctions or 'safety changes'. The Jovians object because it would (rightly) make the Federation less safe, as any safeguards could be used to disable or slow down the AI enough to negate their strategic advantage. This generates more pushback by the Federation, and puts them in a position where they might actually be challengable again - remember, AI is like Nukes only better - a non AI nation basically cannot do dick against a nation with AI ships. They can't even really do espionage or terrorism at any appreciable scale.

This is a quintessentially Cardassian play.
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Or, the Cardassian Government is going to try to surrender to the one nation they feel can actually protect them, and help them heal as a nation ...

Mind you, it wouldn't be the first time a group of people found out that they were the secret rulers of the world, despite their intentions.

May be the Founders think they found another race that is also without a base form. One that they feel they can deal with in a friendly manner.
Hmm. If they convinced a delegation to go to Cardassia then someone shut down the wormhole. That would be on hell of a rift...
How? Cardassia is on this side of the wormhole. Shutting it down wouldn't do anything besides piss off the Bajorans. And, possibly, agitate the Federation.
How? Cardassia is on this side of the wormhole. Shutting it down wouldn't do anything besides piss off the Bajorans. And, possibly, agitate the Federation.
Huh. For some reason I put both The Dominion and the Cardassians on the far side of the wormhole in my head, but that makes no sense... :confused::( Clearly it has been too long since I watched DS9.