Voting is open
the man has a point. i will say this if a republic has a big hat and fancy chair in some way I would be more willing to vote for it. the hat doesn't even need to be expensive just really big.

the chair should be made of at least mahogany with neat engravings in the wood work

Wel the podestates have two fancy chairs but no pointy hats, unfortunately.
Wel the podestates have two fancy chairs but no pointy hats, unfortunately.
they gotta have a big hat man it's the ultimate symbol of authority and without it who would take their government seriously? the heads can be broad as opposed to being tall

examples of hats that are big enough to allow for governance (warning big hats)

hat one:

hat two:

any of these hats, or hats like them would increase the ability to govern by at least 100 fold
they gotta have a big hat man it's the ultimate symbol of authority and without it who would take their government seriously? the heads can be broad as opposed to being tall

examples of hats that are big enough to allow for governance (warning big hats)

hat one:

hat two:

any of these hats, or hats like them would increase the ability to govern by at least 100 fold

Most something like this, the podestate of peace having one white and the podestate of war having one red.

I am excited to see how religion, magic and technology will meld together to create this world. Especially because religion is a powerful force needed to battle the Dark Gods and their Champions. They have to make sure the peasants, nobles and even the monarch isn't corrupted by the Dark Gods. If the peasants lose all hope and fall into despair due to heavy taxes or unfair justice system they could become corrupted, if the nobles become too greedy and listen to whispers of the Dark Gods and their promise of power they could corrupt their entire domain. It will be fascinating to see how all this will play out.
Our kingdom and our gods.
A New people for a new era

Life in this new world has been hard and dangerous, but despite the undead, the demons, the monsters, the political infighting, and the machinations of the dark gods we have survived, and even better than that, we have thrived. Thanks to our will, steel, and steam, today we are one of the nations that have risen from the apocalypse to take back our destiny. Our kingdom is fortunate to be one of the survivors and since then our people have been renowned and respected (and sometimes feared or hated) by other nations for our undoubted qualities. But what are the advantages that distinguish us from other peoples?

( 8 creations points + 1 point for each cataclysme selected = 12 creations points)

[] Not a country with an army but an army with a country:

The Dark Ages were a terrible time, it pushed us to become a more militaristic society than we were before. Our cities and countryside are organized so that we can quickly supplement with soldiers if we need them, and our training camps are known for providing disciplined soldiers skilled in both ranged and melee combat. All of our nobility also receive extensive education in the use of weapons and the art of war in dedicated academies so that they are prepared to defend our kingdom and lead our armies into battle. (4 points)

All soldiers and militia are recruited and trained by your nation have higher stats in Discipline, melee, defense, and firepower. All noble characters or characters with a military background from your faction have a bonus in soldiering and strategy. This includes you.

[] Steam-powered war machines (requires you to have chosen to take steam engines): During this century we have made great efforts to use machine technology to its fullest potential, naturally, we have looked for a way to find military applications for this invention. The first steam tanks are slow and expensive machines, but their resistance and the fear they arouse in our enemies are worth the investment. (3 Points)

Steam tanks are available for recruitment into your nation's armies. Although they are expensive to recruit and maintain.

[] Mastery of Magic: Magic is a complex and dangerous but powerful art, during the cataclysm we made great use of it to ensure the survival of our people, so much so that it has become an inseparable part of our culture. Today, being a noble has become synonymous with being a mage (although not all mages are nobles, all nobles are at least some mage) and those of us who specialize in the study of magic are renowned for our talent in this area. (3 Points)

Any mage unit trained and recruited into your faction has a bonus to its Magic attribute. All noble characters or those with a mage background have a bonus in Mind and Magic. Including you.

[] City of word Bearers: To survive for so long our people have not only had to show courage and bravery but also diplomacy. With the emergence of new powers, both survivors of the cataclysm, we have had to engage in diplomacy to ensure the friendship, or at least the neutrality, of these new nations, as well as to ensure the cooperation and control of our own people. Today we have a reputation as a charismatic and diplomatic people, whose tongues are as sharp and useful in settling disputes as swords. (3 points)

All characters with noble or merchant background receive a bonus in Presence and Negotiation

[] Mastodons of War: Your new homeland has exotic animals that were not found on your home continent. Like the mighty mammoths of the northern lands. With much effort, unfortunate accidents, and failures, you have managed to integrate these pachyderms into your army in an efficient manner. (3 points)

War mammoths are available for recruitment for your faction, large war beasts loaded with men in arms or a cannon.

[] Royal navy: One might think that having a competent navy wasn't that important during the chaos that followed the cataclysm, but that couldn't be further from the truth, with pirates, privateers, and slavers threatening your shores. With the return of developed trade between nations and the conflicts that ensue, the importance of a competent navy has never been greater. Your people have understood this and are renowned for the skill of their sailors and the efficiency of their fleet. (2 points. 1 point if Constitutional Monarchy has been selected)

Your people's ships and sailors are better than average, giving you more chances to gain naval superiority over other nations and secure your trade or deployment of troops overseas.

[] Exotics mounts

Our new land was wild and the creatures that inhabited it were fierce, but we did not give up and we were able to tame our environment to make our people prosper. Including the powerful raksh'ar, scaly carnivorous creatures that are difficult to tame but terribly effective. (2 points)

The elite cavalry of your faction rides the raksh'ar (think of the cold bloods of Warhammer), beasts that are expensive to maintain but very efficient in melee once tamed. It will be possible for you to acquire one or to have your men ridden by this creature if you get the responsibility to form your own regiment.

[] Large populations

Our kingdom is more populated than the average country, not only have we encouraged our people to produce more children to colonize our new lands and provide manpower, but throughout our history, we have also made a habit of welcoming refugees and immigrants from other peoples. As long as they obey our laws and adopt our customs. (2 points. 1 point if "More survivors" has been taken precedently)

Your kingdom is unusually populated, it is cheaper to recruit and replenish men for the army, the population centers are also higher. Including those, you can own.

[] City of gods

Having a god to watch over you is always useful, having several is even better. Provided that you satisfy them. Your people worship more gods than most and are known to be particularly pious. This comes with spiritual as well as earthly benefits, as those blessed by higher powers manifest above normal and esoteric abilities. (2 points. I point if the "Theocracy" government has been selected).

You can choose two additional gods and receive their blessings if you manage to gain their favor.

[] A prosperous people

Our people have always been naturally industrious and business savvy and the redevelopment of trade and economy between different countries has created new opportunities that your people have been eager to seize. You also learned long ago that a healthy and prosperous economy is the first step to a nation's greatness. Your people are now renowned for their merchants in every port, their business ingenuity, and their greed. (2 points. 1 point if the Republic government was selected).

Trade deals and industrial production yield more wealth. Pay is also higher for the soldiers because of your economy. This includes you.


(+1 creation point each)

However, your kingdom is not perfect, far from it. And you can see it yourself because it is currently gangrenous by several problems which threaten its effectiveness and its stability.

[] Civil war conclusion: Your country has just emerged from a civil war, which has left deep resentments and grudges between the different surviving parties. Even though the war is almost over, tensions and grudges are still present. Not to mention the fact that the war caused resentments and tensions between noble families which obviously led to fierce private vendettas.

It is easier to make enemies in such a tense political context.

[] Assassins' Guild: A guild of assassins is established in your nation, not the small-time killers who clumsily kill a person in a dirty alley, but real professionals whose fame and organization has allowed them to have connections in all the major cities of the kingdom. The kind that will kill any man for an honest wage quickly and cleanly, without unnecessary suffering, unless you are paid to inflict it. And for a small bonus, these hard workers dedicated to their profession will even go searching for you at home.

Professional killers who will come and try to kill you if you piss someone off enough to make them hire them.

[] Empty treasury: Whether it's because of mismanagement, a conflict that's gone on too long, rising bribe rates, or simply bastards who have dipped into the state treasury more than usual, the result is the same. The coffers are empty, and this is not a picture. You can see the bottom. How does this concern you? It just so happens that the salaries of the army officers are paid mainly by the state and that the latter has to save money, so you will have to tighten your belts for a while until the economic situation of the kingdom improves.

You will earn less money than you should for a while, with all the problems that this will cause until this problem is solved.

[] Lack of soldiers: Whether it's because of a recent conflict, financial problems, or anarchic reorganization, the army is short of soldiers. This situation is temporary, but in the meantime, it is a real problem for the army and its ability to respond to threats until this problem is resolved.

Recruiting soldiers and reinforcing units that have suffered losses is more expensive as long as this crisis persists.

Gods and Goddesses

The gods are powerful entities and difficult to understand, mortals sometimes have difficulty interpreting their signs and their wills, and the gods themselves seem to have difficulty understanding human limitations. Nevertheless, the gods protect mortals and also grant them a fraction of their essence in exchange for their veneration and dedication. Those who are blessed by the gods and become their champions Each people has at least 3 tutelary gods who protect their people. Which ones are ours?

(Choose 3. 5 If the advantage city of gods has been selected.)

[] Areia the fair lioness

Araeia is the goddess of war, love, and the art of singing. She is traditionally represented as a tall, beautiful woman covered in war paint, each of her 4 arms holding a different weapon. She is most often depicted with a confident and enticing smile and in a martial yet graceful stance. Araeia represents the passion of war in all its good and bad aspects, she is a formidable warrior, a skilled tactician, and a charismatic leader. Love is also her battlefield and she is known for her numerous conquests. She is the master of the 3 types of love that can exist among mortals, the love between lovers, the love we feel between friends, and the love for our family. She is also the goddess of the art of dance, whether martial or not. She also tends to be particularly popular among warrior communities, or those who want to maintain strong bonds between their members, and dancing artists also see her as their main patroness. She is considered both fierce and loving, passionate and wise, faithful and deceitful.

Areia's champions move with grace and are endowed with charisma and an unusual talent for weapons. They also have the reputation of being excellent generals capable of leading their armies to victory in the worst of circumstances.

[] Funtar, the great judge*

Funtar is the god of administration, justice, and order. Responsible for ensuring the stability and order of the world so that it does not become an incoherent and shapeless mass, Funtar is also considered the god of stress, as he is constantly overworked and under pressure. Funtar is also one of the gods with the most surprising appearance, because once of humanoid appearance, he was cursed and transformed into a platypus for having offended Anator, the king of the gods. He is depicted as a simple platypus sitting at a desk and approving or rejecting files with a pen, his inadequate platypus body only making his task more difficult. Funtar tends to be especially prayed for by busy administrators and stewards, as well as judges who aspire to find the fairest judgments and those who are particularly stressed by their responsibilities. Funtar doesn't raely care about mortals, but when he does he always acts justly.

Those touched by Funtar's grace are endowed with superior administrative skills, as well as a great talent for judging individuals. They are also more resistant to stress and able to devote themselves to their duties for long periods of time without collapsing.

[] Qoetzacal the flying scholar

Qoetzacal the great winged serpent is the god of wind, knowledge, and magic. He is a curious and inventive god, always looking for new knowledge to discover and understand. He is also a powerful magician, capable of great feats in the magical arts. He is a god who encourages his followers to pursue knowledge and magic, even though it may be harmful to their health. He also has dominion over the element of wind, which he uses to float at will. He is prayed to by mages, intellectuals, and scientists alike.

Qoetzacal's most loyal followers often display an above-average quickness of mind and talent for magic. Spells that have a link with the wind are also more efficient.

[]Zagrean the crying berserker

Zagrean is an ambivalent god, both lord of death and rebirth, of wine and joy as well as madness and berserkers. He guides the souls of the dead to the land of the young where they can be reborn to enjoy the joys of eternity, or a period of suffering in the Tartar before being purified. He is endowed with the gift of perceiving the future, a gift that is also a curse because he has in return been struck with moments of madness that cast doubt on the veracity of his gift. Because of his dimension of god of reincarnation he is also the god of the fertility of plants and crops, because any plant that dies is ultimately reborn. He is also known to be able to cure certain mental afflictions that afflict humanity. He is often depicted as a smiling young man, a mace in one hand, a glass of wine in the other, a friendly smile on his lips but a crazy, haunted look in his eyes.

The Zagrean devotees are known to be able to improve agricultural yields by blessing crops, reducing the risk of crop failure due to weather problems. They are also capable of suppressing the madness of some people by passing it on to themselves for a time, they are also capable of entering into warlike trances of madness akin to berserkers where they become stronger and insensitive to fear and pain.

[] Heiniki the charming spider

Heiniki is the god of hunters, craftsmen, and trade. This god is represented with a spider's body but a black man's torso and face, a friendly and warm smile but his 8 eyes sparkling with slyness. He is an intelligent and cunning god who waits patiently for his enemies to advance by themselves in the web he has prepared for them before delivering the coup de grace, the opponents he cannot trap so he often manages to manipulate them to his advantage. He is also the master of all crafts, whether it is forging a weapon or cutting a crystal, he is able to make marvels with his web and the remains of the prey he has killed, which he exchanges to the gods for favors and other objects that are useful to him. Thus, Heiniki is often worshipped by merchants, craftsmen, hunters, and, although not often admitted, thieves and assassins.

Champions of Heiniki prove to be excellent hunters, capable of stalking their prey even in the worst conditions, or talented craftsmen capable of working wonders in their fields. They are also often charming individuals who are able to negotiate the best prices or to get into the good graces of their interlocutor.

[] Vasanias, the healing dragon

Vasanias is the goddess of storms, power, ocean mysteries and medicine. Vasanias is a goddess known for her calm and mostly benevolent nature. She is the one who taught mortals the arts of medicine, how to navigate her domain and how to extract its riches through fishing. However, she is also a fierce and miserly goddess, who punishes mortals with violence when she considers that they have robbed her by taking too much of the wealth of her domain or that they have not honored her enough before borrowing her domain. His fury is terrible and causes storms that can sink the mightiest ships as well as the proudest coastal cities. Therefore Vasanias receives generous offerings from merchants, fishermen and admirals who travel her waters. She is usually depicted as a large sea dragon with a colorful crest.

The devotees of Vasanias are reputed to be outstanding healers, able to heal almost any injury. When provoked, they can unleash storms of lightning to bring down their enemies. They also have an unparalleled gift for navigation.

*Funtar is inspire by the god Phumtar, created by Bob Lellon a french youtubeur and author in his bood "La forteresse du chaudron noir". I just found the idea of a platypus as god so hilarious that I couldn't not include him. Of course I modified his attributions a little.
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[X]plan new land, great tales
-[X]Mastery of Magic
-[X] Exotics mounts
-[X] Large populations
-[X] A prosperous people
-[X] Assassins' Guild
-[X] Areia the fair lioness
-[X] Vasanias, the healing dragon
-[X] Qoetzacal the flying scholar
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Les dieux sont des entités puissantes et difficiles à comprendre, les mortels ont parfois du mal à interpréter leurs signes et leurs volontés, et les dieux semblent eux même avoir des difficultés à comprendre les limites humaines. Il n'en demeure pas moins que ces derniers protègent les mortels et leur accordent également une fraction de leur essence en échange de leur vénération et dédication. Ceux qui sont bénis par les dieux et deviennent leurs champions Chaque peuple à aux moins 3 dieux tutélaires qui protègent son peuple. Lesquelles sont les nôtres ?
You kinda forgot to translate this section into English.
[X] Plan Manifest Destiny:
-[X] Not a country with an army but an army with a country
-[X] Steam-powered war machines
-[X] Royal navy
-[X] Exotics mounts
-[X] A prosperous people
-[X] Areia the fair lioness
-[X] Funtar, the great judge
-[X] Vasanias, the healing dragon

My family has served the royal household for many generations; faithfully recording all that has come to pass. When the end times came upon the world, we were present to record our liege's decision to preserve our people as the rest of the world fell to ruin.

Long have we waited in isolation, long have we watched as the world collapsed around us. As millions cried for salvation but found only death and damnation.

But we endured. We nursed our strength, our knowledge, and our resources. Now the time has come to take back what was once lost. By powder, steel, magic, and sheer grit we shall reclaim the world from the forces of ruin. This our lord has command.

So it has been written, so shall it be done.
[] City of gods

Having a god to watch over you is always useful, having several is even better. Provided that you satisfy them. Your people worship more gods than most and are known to be particularly pious. This comes with spiritual as well as earthly benefits, as those blessed by higher powers manifest above normal and esoteric abilities. (2 points. I point if the "Theocracy" government has been selected).

You can choose two additional gods and receive their blessings if you manage to gain their favor.
If we choose City of gods can we pick 5 gods instead of three?
I'm not completely sold on the use of steam weapons so if anyone feels like making an argument for another option I'm willing to hear it out.

I'm also debating whether to expand my plan description into a full omakes later on as a "how we got here" story.
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Battles and engagements rules
The battle rules are both similar to and slightly different from the individual combat rules.

Here is the common sheet for all units

Units stats

Force : Represent how numerous a unit is.

Firepower : Represent the ability of a unit with their ranged weapons.

Melee : Represent the ability of a unit to fight in melee.

Magic (for special units only) : The ability of this unit to use sorcery in an offensive or defensive way.

Discipline : Represent the morale of a unit and its ability to follow orders.

Armor : The amount of protection the unit has and its chances to avoid a loss.

Traits : Bonuses that give your units some advantages.

Loyalty : How loyal your unit is to you personally.

When two units clash they must first make firepowers rolls if they have ranged weapons, each success inflicts losses on the enemy. To do this they must pass a test whose difficulty depends on the time, terrain and distance.

For example, A musketeer unit shoots at their enemies with their firepower of 5. As their opponent is at normal distance and on flat ground, the difficulty is average, so 4.

The musketeer unit rolls 4, 3, 2, 5, and 10

In this example, they roll 5 dice because their firepower is 5 and inflict 4 points of losses to the enemy because 4, 5, and 10 are above 4, the difficulty level of this action. N 10 is a critical success worth 2 successes.

Melee combat is brutal and often expeditious, there is no particular difficulty imposed, any result of 5 is a success and inflicts a loss on the enemy unit unless the latter manages to make defense and armor tests. The defense roll corresponds to the -1 melee attribute.

The unit that has suffered the most losses must pass a discipline roll to avoid fleeing, the greater the losses, the more difficult the test.

Equipment, weather, terrain, and other factors may influence the rolls.

And you in all of that ?

As a single individual, you can't destroy an entire enemy unit on your own, but your exploits can make the enemy flinch and restore morale to your unit. And if you manage to kill an enemy commander then you gain even more glory.
If a long-distance firefight breaks out, you choose your target first, and if you manage to shoot it down, you gain renown. Not much if it's an ordinary soldier, more if it's a senior officer.

In melee, the number of opponents you have to face in one round depends on the number of your troops and the enemies. If you are outnumbered you will have to face more opponents at the same time. If your forces are of equal strength then you will only face one opponent and if you are outnumbered then you will have an ally to help you.

Each time you kill more than one enemy per round or an officer you make your enemy's discipline test more difficult. The engagement lasts until one side has fled.
[X] plan fantasy Prussia
-[X] Not a country with an army but an army with a country:
-[X] Royal navy:
-[X] Large populations
-[X] A prosperous people
-[X] Areia the fair lioness
-[X] Funtar, the great judge*

-[X] Vasanias, the healing dragon
-[X] Civil war conclusion
-[X] Steam-powered war machines

edit: fixed up my plan a little there's one extra point but I like the idea of the civil war thing so I'm cool with it
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[] Not a country with an army but an army with a country:

The Dark Ages were a terrible time, it pushed us to become a more militaristic society than we were before. Our cities and countryside are organized so that we can quickly supplement with soldiers if we need them, and our training camps are known for providing disciplined soldiers skilled in both ranged and melee combat. All of our nobility also receive extensive education in the use of weapons and the art of war in dedicated academies so that they are prepared to defend our kingdom and lead our armies into battle. (4 points)

All soldiers and militia are recruited and trained by your nation have higher stats in Discipline, melee, defense, and firepower. All noble characters or characters with a military background from your faction have a bonus in soldiering and strategy. This includes you.
This choice gives better soldiers/commanders. Simple, effetive.
[] Steam-powered war machines (requires you to have chosen to take steam engines): During this century we have made great efforts to use machine technology to its fullest potential, naturally, we have looked for a way to find military applications for this invention. The first steam tanks are slow and expensive machines, but their resistance and the fear they arouse in our enemies are worth the investment. (3 Points)

Steam tanks are available for recruitment into your nation's armies. Although they are expensive to recruit and maintain.
These seem to start us with special steam tanks, which sounds like they might become somewhat akin to IRL knights, powerful, but very expensive. Probably the biggest point is having more tech foundation due to the effort to weaponize it...
[] Mastery of Magic: Magic is a complex and dangerous but powerful art, during the cataclysm we made great use of it to ensure the survival of our people, so much so that it has become an inseparable part of our culture. Today, being a noble has become synonymous with being a mage (although not all mages are nobles, all nobles are at least some mage) and those of us who specialize in the study of magic are renowned for our talent in this area. (3 Points)

Any mage unit trained and recruited into your faction has a bonus to its Magic attribute. All noble characters or those with a mage background have a bonus in Mind and Magic. Including you.
This makes all nobles mages, and makes mages more powerful, which seems to be useful, especially with the variety of what magic can do.
[] City of word Bearers: To survive for so long our people have not only had to show courage and bravery but also diplomacy. With the emergence of new powers, both survivors of the cataclysm, we have had to engage in diplomacy to ensure the friendship, or at least the neutrality, of these new nations, as well as to ensure the cooperation and control of our own people. Today we have a reputation as a charismatic and diplomatic people, whose tongues are as sharp and useful in settling disputes as swords. (3 points)

All characters with noble or merchant background receive a bonus in Presence and Negotiation
Better talkers for nobles and merchants, seems like it would benefit trade and help at least mollify fueds, due to better at talking thing.
[] Mastodons of War: Your new homeland has exotic animals that were not found on your home continent. Like the mighty mammoths of the northern lands. With much effort, unfortunate accidents, and failures, you have managed to integrate these pachyderms into your army in an efficient manner. (3 points)

War mammoths are available for recruitment for your faction, large war beasts loaded with men in arms or a cannon.
We get war elephants, not much more or less to say here...
[] Royal navy: One might think that having a competent navy wasn't that important during the chaos that followed the cataclysm, but that couldn't be further from the truth, with pirates, privateers, and slavers threatening your shores. With the return of developed trade between nations and the conflicts that ensue, the importance of a competent navy has never been greater. Your people have understood this and are renowned for the skill of their sailors and the efficiency of their fleet. (2 points. 1 point if Constitutional Monarchy has been selected)

Your people's ships and sailors are better than average, giving you more chances to gain naval superiority over other nations and secure your trade or deployment of troops overseas.
Better navy, and all that brings with.
[] Exotics mounts

Our new land was wild and the creatures that inhabited it were fierce, but we did not give up and we were able to tame our environment to make our people prosper. Including the powerful raksh'ar, scaly carnivorous creatures that are difficult to tame but terribly effective. (2 points)

The elite cavalry of your faction rides the raksh'ar (think of the cold bloods of Warhammer), beasts that are expensive to maintain but very efficient in melee once tamed. It will be possible for you to acquire one or to have your men ridden by this creature if you get the responsibility to form your own regiment.
Special mounts that allows for powerful, but expensive elite cav.
[] Large populations

Our kingdom is more populated than the average country, not only have we encouraged our people to produce more children to colonize our new lands and provide manpower, but throughout our history, we have also made a habit of welcoming refugees and immigrants from other peoples. As long as they obey our laws and adopt our customs. (2 points. 1 point if "More survivors" has been taken precedently)

Your kingdom is unusually populated, it is cheaper to recruit and replenish men for the army, the population centers are also higher. Including those, you can own.
More people more everything. Not much else to say
[] City of gods

Having a god to watch over you is always useful, having several is even better. Provided that you satisfy them. Your people worship more gods than most and are known to be particularly pious. This comes with spiritual as well as earthly benefits, as those blessed by higher powers manifest above normal and esoteric abilities. (2 points. I point if the "Theocracy" government has been selected).

You can choose two additional gods and receive their blessings if you manage to gain their favor.
Allows us to select all but 1 god,since there is only 6 to choose from in the first place
[] A prosperous people

Our people have always been naturally industrious and business savvy and the redevelopment of trade and economy between different countries has created new opportunities that your people have been eager to seize. You also learned long ago that a healthy and prosperous economy is the first step to a nation's greatness. Your people are now renowned for their merchants in every port, their business ingenuity, and their greed. (2 points. 1 point if the Republic government was selected).

Trade deals and industrial production yield more wealth. Pay is also higher for the soldiers because of your economy. This includes you.
More industry is implied, though defenitly akes us into a bit of a trade hub it seems...
[] Civil war conclusion: Your country has just emerged from a civil war, which has left deep resentments and grudges between the different surviving parties. Even though the war is almost over, tensions and grudges are still present. Not to mention the fact that the war caused resentments and tensions between noble families which obviously led to fierce private vendettas.

It is easier to make enemies in such a tense political context.
This makes it so that tensions are high right out of the gate due to the civil war...
On the other hand, unless there are relatively simple means to hunt dark god infiltrators/betrayers, tensions are bound to rise
[] Assassins' Guild: A guild of assassins is established in your nation, not the small-time killers who clumsily kill a person in a dirty alley, but real professionals whose fame and organization has allowed them to have connections in all the major cities of the kingdom. The kind that will kill any man for an honest wage quickly and cleanly, without unnecessary suffering, unless you are paid to inflict it. And for a small bonus, these hard workers dedicated to their profession will even go searching for you at home.

Professional killers who will come and try to kill you if you piss someone off enough to make them hire them.
On one hand, the nation has easy access to assassins, on the other hand, same thing.
[] Empty treasury: Whether it's because of mismanagement, a conflict that's gone on too long, rising bribe rates, or simply bastards who have dipped into the state treasury more than usual, the result is the same. The coffers are empty, and this is not a picture. You can see the bottom. How does this concern you? It just so happens that the salaries of the army officers are paid mainly by the state and that the latter has to save money, so you will have to tighten your belts for a while until the economic situation of the kingdom improves.

You will earn less money than you should for a while, with all the problems that this will cause until this problem is solved.
This means the game starts with the nation having money problems.
[] Lack of soldiers: Whether it's because of a recent conflict, financial problems, or anarchic reorganization, the army is short of soldiers. This situation is temporary, but in the meantime, it is a real problem for the army and its ability to respond to threats until this problem is resolved.

Recruiting soldiers and reinforcing units that have suffered losses is more expensive as long as this crisis persists.
This means the game starts with the nation having manpower problems.

[X] Plan Bold
-[X] Not a country with an army but an army with a country
-[X] Mastery of Magic
-[X] City of word Bearers
-[X] Exotics mounts
-[X] Royal navy:

-[X] City of gods
-[X] Civil war conclusion
-[X] Assassins' Guild
-[X] Empty treasury
-[X] Lack of soldiers
-[X] Areia the fair lioness
-[X] Funtar, the great judge*
-[X] Qoetzacal the flying scholar
-[X] Heiniki the charming spider
-[X] Vasanias, the healing dragon

-4-3-3-3-2-1 = -16
+1+1+1+1 =+4
Or another name is max quality, since my choices were focused on making a highly skilled nation that is simply better. though the skills would be needed for the start considering the challenges. Though notably, while the assassins guild means risk of internal assassinations, it seems to be one with a potential boon, as they are assassins that could be used against other nations, possibly.
okay so basic idea we're in a really good position to protect ourselves from outside threats it's the internal stuff that will get us. also we'll have at least 4 extra creation points to use on our actual character.

Your creations here are your creation points for your kingdom and your people. The character creation will be different so you can use all your points here.
Creation Point: 12
[X] Plan: A Wealthy & Powerful People
-[] Crisis
--[] Civil war conclusion (+1)
--[] Assassins' Guild (+1)
--[] Lack of soldiers (+1)
-[] Not a country with an army but an army with a country (-4)
-[] Mastery of Magic (-3)
-[] City of word Bearers (-3)
-[] Royal navy (-1)
-[] City of gods (-2)
-[] A prosperous people (-2)
-[] Gods and Goddesses
--[] Areia the fair lioness
--[] Funtar, the great judge
--[] Qoetzacal the flying scholar
--[] Heiniki the charming spider
--[] Vasanias, the healing dragon

Edit 1:
A nation coming out of a civil war that killed a lot of soldiers. The civil war could be between Rural Nobles and the City Nobles. Rural Nobles and agriculture they used to rely on for income is diminishing in value due to cheaper imports from foreign nations. This lead to tension between the two side that lead to civil war. The Assassins Guild managed to establish itself during the civil war by getting hired by both sides.
The nation is otherwise well positioned to take advantage of trade and industrialisation. After new soldiers are trained up the nation will be ready for anything.
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[X] Plan Bold
-[X] Not a country with an army but an army with a country
-[X] Mastery of Magic
-[X] City of word Bearers
-[X] Exotics mounts
-[X] Royal navy:

-[X] City of gods
-[X] Civil war conclusion
-[X] Assassins' Guild
-[X] Empty treasury
-[X] Lack of soldiers
-[X] Areia the fair lioness
-[X] Funtar, the great judge*
-[X] Qoetzacal the flying scholar
-[X] Heiniki the charming spider
-[X] Vasanias, the healing dragon
We have basically the same plan except for exotic mount. I wanted to prioritise prosperity of the nation and take advantage of wealth from trade deals and industrial yields.
[X] Plan: Homo Deus
[] Not a country with an army but an army with a country
[] Steam-powered war machines
[] Mastery of Magic
[] City of word Bearers
[] Exotics mounts
[] Civil war conclusion
[] Assassins' Guild
[] Empty treasury
[] Areia the fair lioness
[] Funtar, the great judge
[] Heiniki the charming spider

Ours were a people of ingenuity, cold ambition, and clear judgement. We correctly deduced that we could not afford to bring all of our people and horses with us when we fled, for although our hearts bled for our kin left behind, we knew that the new land we were journeying to would not necesarily be kind to us. We knew we had to take our best and brightest, and all of the greatest tools we had available if the few of us that made it across the oceans were to have any chance of survival in whatever new world awaited us.

We survived the frought exodus across oceans to our new home, and were welcomed by this bountiful new land we now call home. We have joined our our people to the blood and traditions of those native to our new home, and with them they brought a hot, fiery passion that burned our cold ambition to the roots. Their devotion to Areia spread an appreciation of love, dance, and joyous exultation to our people; and despite the cold, strict, mechanical bent of our culture, this warmth was not a hard sell after the intense crucible of our exodus. After watching so many of our kin die, hopeless, loveless. Now our cultures are as one, and all are better off for it.

Ours are a sharp, willful people. We respect the gods. We venerate the Holy Triumvirate of Funtar, Heiniki, and Areia. But we do not fear them. Not ours, and not these new 'Dark Gods.' We have taken on what our scholars herald as the greatest endeavour ever undertaken: To raise ourselves beyond mortal ken. To be as gods ourelves.

In recent years a shadow war has been waged- a war for the soul of our people. The Royals and the Nobles fought a war of ideals in the backrooms and backalleys of power. In their desperation they spent coffer after coffer on knife after knife until our nation had no more coffers to cough up. There were some minor armed conflicts, but on the whole our people have come out of it mostly unscathed, and (for now,) unified.

Other nations have powerful mages, yes; other nations have fierce warriors and fiercer cavalry, yes; other nations have gained some knowledge of gunpower and steel, yes; but none like ours, for as our story in this new world began with the assimilation and integration of two peoples, it has continued with the integration of magic, technology, and fierce warriors, into one formidable army. Our craftspeople are the best in the land, and the Steam Tanks they have created are fearesome on the battlefield, its true, but one figure on the battlefield is emblematic of our proud nation above all: the noble Dragoon. Fierce Raksh'ar mounts; the best training anywhere, whether of the body, the mind, or the tongue; the best rifles and blades that money can buy; magical artifacts both new and old.

Ride, noble Dragoon, ride and carry us to victory.
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