Revenant Rising


It has multiple meanings! Also, reference.
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No. of votes: 3
wdango, Diomedon, Enjou

[X] Moonlight Zero
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[X] Silent Chaosheart
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prince84, Bloodshifter

[X] Sailor Chaos Knightsoul Mercury
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[X] Phantom Mirrorblade
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[X] Moonlight Phantom Zero
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The Necromancer tilted her head, a finger to her lips, as she hummed in consideration, "I've decided," she spoke in a cheery and eager voice, "Your name shall be..."


You marched until you reached what could only be called the land of the walking dead. And it was here that your purpose of creation was made clear.

Embedding a magical-artifact within your hollowed armor, it was filled with her necromantic-power, though it could not power itself it seemed to draw upon your core to fuel its activity. "Keep it safe," she stated, "With this, you'll be able to raise the fallen as your minions," and giggled, "Though, for now, only Zombies and Skeletons — perhaps even Ghouls — will be the best you can do."

"You're a bit of an experiment," she admitted, "The more souls you devour then the more stronger you'll become. In time, you might be able to match a real Necromancer. Maybe even escape from my control. I really don't know."

She snorted and smiled, "Well, should you ever reach that point, feel free to do as you please."

The Necromancer gave you command of an army of 10,000; the dredges of undead that she had little need for anymore. Skeletons that were fast but fragile; Zombies that were slow but sturdy; and Ghouls that were strong and crazy.

They were, however, of the human-variety. Which meant that did not have any particularly unique traits about them. They were rather ordinary, in other words.

5000 Human-Zombies
3000 Human-Skeletons
2000 Human-Ghouls

That was the composition of your army; the Far Away Legion Of The Damned, as she had called it.

But it absolutely paled in comparison to the true conquering army that she had amassed. Orcs and Humans, Giants and Dwarfs, Elves and Arachnids, and myriad mores of species from far and wide; her army of undead could blot out both land and sky like an approaching plague of death.


Upon the balcony of her keep, she looked down on her forces, a hand upon the guard-rail.

"Though I have conquered and subjugated all of the Puraceus Isles, I still feel that this number is still not enough to challenge the Holy Kingdom Of Galtheron. Yet, I have no choice but to attack, now that a fleet of their finest has been sent here. If I stay and play defensively then I shall be smited without reprieve. Thus, I must head to the mainland and strike while their defenses have dropped."

She turned to face you and the various other Revenants standing besides, a carefree smile on her face.

"Do you lot know why I'm telling you this?" she asked with a carefree smile, "I do not expect you to understand now but you will in time — should you survive, that is."

She moved away from the balcony and towards your group.

"I give you an army each and scatter you all across the world to conquer and conquer and conquer... should you survive, your names will surely have reached the ears of Galtheron. Whether you break free from my control or continue to obey my last orders, a war with the Holy Kingdom is inevitable..." she giggled, " the end, your choices are but two: to conquer or be destroyed."


Without any further delay, the massive teleportation event began.

Light and magic enveloped you and your army, whisking you away to a land far away.

[ ] Easy Mode - You arrive at a land of peace and tranquility... time for some doom!

[ ] Normal Mode - You arrive at a battlefield of constant bloodshed and war... you fit just right in!

[ ] Also Normal Mode - You arrive at a place ruled by tyranny... usurp that spot!

[ ] Hard Mode - You arrive at a frontier where the eyes and ears of the Holy Kingdom does not reach... for much darker things have made their home here...

[ ] Insanity - There are dragons everywhere and you seem to have misplaced your army.
[X] Hard Mode - You arrive at a frontier where the eyes and ears of the Holy Kingdom does not reach... for much darker things have made their home here...
[X] Easy Mode - You arrive at a land of peace and tranquility... time for some doom!
[X] Also Normal Mode - You arrive at a place ruled by tyranny... usurp that spot!

"Rejoice, fair people, for the despot is dead! His dark age of tyranny is over at last! No more shall you have to suffer under his reign! Now a new dark age of tyranny can begin! As your new overlord, I promise it shall be even darker and more horrifying, as I intend to blot out the sun itself so that the vampires may freely roam at all hours! Rejoice, fair people... why aren't you rejoicing? I order you to rejoice! That's better, but we'll have to work on your enthusiasm."
[X] Hard Mode - You arrive at a frontier where the eyes and ears of the Holy Kingdom does not reach... for much darker things have made their home here...
[X] Easy Mode - You arrive at a land of peace and tranquility... time for some doom!

For some reason I now have the image of an army of undead attacking the teletubies and it makes me smile.