RETRO/REVIVAL FPS Tournament of Champions - Round 1d: Zane Lofton vs Prisoner 849

MT Foxtrot or Lucy

  • Lucy

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  • Zane Lofton

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  • Prisoner 849

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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While there are truly mirthless games on this list (Quake 1, Avenging Angel, Prodeus), I wouldn't exactly list Hedon, a game where you play as a horny deviantart OC from the tribe of amazonian orcs and goblins battling demons from hell as one of them.
Zane Lofton vs Prisoner 849 New
Zan took a knee to rest for a moment as she surveyed the carnage. Not a bad day's work for the Iron Division, one demonic temple cleansed through righteous ultraviolence. Reloading her crushbow, the demon blooded orc paused, and then spun.

A man stood at the top of the stairs, bathed in unknown light and obviously demonic blood. "99 demons down, one to go." Lo Wang said, flicking his katana once. "You feeling lucky, scrub?"

Zan cracked her knuckles. It was just going to be one of those days.

Shruikans and bolts flew, followed shortly by fire and shells. Lo Wang's riot gun forced Zan to cover, the four barrels of automatic hell filling the room with death as the ninja cackled. "Fuller auto, bitch!"

Zan took a quick sip from a potion of stoneskin, and then smirked as she pulled up her spike gun and fired out.

The two circled each other through the temple, trading fire but not ground. As ammo ran out, Lo Wang decided to change plans. With acrobatic flourish, the ninja grappled across the room, bouncing off the wall and swinging his blade in one fluid motion. Zan was waiting for him.

400 lbs of demon blooded orc muscle empowered by the Ring of the Red Monk caught Wang by the throat and then tossed him like a ragdoll. A shadow fell over the ninja.

"You're mine."

Lo Wang rolled back to his feet. Time to re-evaluate. If head on assault didn't work, then it was time for the bomb. Backing off to a safe distance at speed, Lo Wang pulled his trump card. "I love nuclear power." he quipped.

The explosion rocked the temple, destroying everything.

Everything except Zan the Bonebreaker, as she clung to the elemental ring that left her unburnt by nuclear fire. Walking out of the smoke, she smirked. "Do you know the difference between you and me?"

Lo Wang shook his head.

"I'm fireproof." Zan held up the Scroll of Inferno. The most powerful pyromancy of the Minotaurs melted Wang to ashes.

"You're not."

Zan the Bonebreaker wins

Zan's toolkit here was just too good. She had everything Lo Wang had access to, and defensive options he just didn't have. A good fight.

Zane Lofton (Slayers X) vs Prisoner 849 (Unreal 1)


Zane Lofton is the X Slayer, an acolyte of Mike and enemy of the Psykos. After the Psykos blow up his mom, Zane unlocks his hackblood and goes on a campaign of vengeance against his step father. Armed with the S blade, dual pistols, and his Hackblood powers, Zane is the Final X Slayer.

Zane the most powerful character on this list, a true Chosen One of the 90s. Honestly, everyone else should surrender now.

Prisoner 849 was the sole survivor of the crash of the UMS Vortex Rikers, a prison ship that passed too close to the planet Na Pali. The prisoner found themselves entwined by prophecy into the war between the peaceful Nali and the sociopathic Skaarj. After defeating the Skaarj Queen and escaping Na Pali, the Prisoner was shanghai'd into helping the UMS discover another ship that had crashed on the planet, returning to Na Pali.

We will be considering Gina, the default player character, as the canonical Prisoner 849. The Prisoners weapons include the Flak Cannon, Eightball, Bio rifle, and the Minigun. They also have access to an array of items like the Jump Boots and Accoustic Dampener that make them better able to get the drop on their enemies.

Discussion will continue until 10/20
I feel like Zane's Hackblood powers might tip the scales here, but I'm not familiar with what he's actually capable of beyond limited flight and throwing energy balls around. Could somebody fill me in? Also on his arsenal and any gadgets he has.

Prisoner 849 is a fairly typical FPS heroine. She's pretty quick on her feet, but most of her arsenal is projectile-based - the only two weapons she has that are hitscan are the pistol and the minigun, and the minigun is honestly kind of weaksauce in my experience. The Eightball, her rocket launcher, has six barrels and can load up to six grenades or rockets at a time, making for a devastating first strike that takes a while to set up. The GES is similar; it fires Green Exploding Shit in a sharp arc, but charging it allows it to deal massive damage at close range... if you can get close enough without getting shot, or interrupted while charging it. The Flak Cannon is a super mean shotgun which fires ricocheting metal shards at close range that deal high damage. The secondary fire launches the whole shell as a grenade instead. It's awesome, but takes a bit to reload between each shot, and you can't carry a lot of ammo for it.

She does have that handy shield belt to keep bullets away from her squishy insides, and might be able to plant some Nali Fruit Trees to get her health back if there's a lull in the fighting, but her arsenal is short of handy gadgets unlike Zan. And OP does not see fit to give her the expansion's assault rifle which was hilariously overpowered, presumably for that reason. Her armour does absorb 80%/90% of all incoming damage once her shield belt is depleted, though, so she'd seem to be pretty tough until it wears away.
Zane's arsenal beyond hackblood is mostly edgy versions of your standard FPS guns. Dual pistols, the S-blade, the Glass Blaster (a shotgun that shoots glass sharts), the Explosive Sewage Launcher (shoots toxic sludge that attracts rats), the X100 Rapid Mutilator (a minigun that has enough recoil to allow the player to extend their jumps), the Triple Helix Rocket Launcher (fires a 3 round burst of missiles).