Retired Evil Overlord Quest (Temp Title)

[x] Alter his biochemistry to knock him out. Make it look like the man fainted

[x] Talk to one of your kids
-[x] Victoria
-[x] Tacticus
Discuss how school was and if there is anything you need to know about, i.e: what kind of mischief did their siblings get up to?

[x] Research Cluadia history/call the girl
-Try to find her likes and dislikes and what we can do to help her, as we have clearly given her a rough time today

Quick question, is it possible to assign a goal for ourselves? I wish that we aim to make our idol group number one in Japan, if only just because it sounds fun
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SB votes
[] Rip out all the knowledge this person as, any knowledge can be made useful after all. After that, turn his body into a toy for Yosuke. Maybe a small pair of glasses.
[] Talk to one of your kids (can be taken multiple times)
-[] Vatista-talk about Idol group and maybe see what she thinks of the idea
[] Research something (can be taken multiple times)
-[] Research Idol industry and Music, never hurts to be prepared
[] Something Else (Write in something you want to do)
-[] Magic the house a bit more than usual. Gotta make sure nothing bad happens to your kids and those punks from earlier and this stalker has made you annoyed.

[] Time to solve an age old question. What happens to a man who has had all of his skin flayed off, and then dumped into a tank of salt? After having his magic sealed away and enchanted so death will come in about six months time, or so.
Quick question, is it possible to assign a goal for ourselves? I wish that we aim to make our idol group number one in Japan, if only just because it sounds fun
Yes, yes you can.
[X] Threaten brutality on a scale unheard of even in modern day, then rip out all the knowledge the person has, torture him but leave no permanent harm on his body, and psychologically alter him in humiliating ways as a threat to shut him up, in addition to granting him permanent nitemares which will all come true if he tattle tails. ((Change his sexual orientation/give him hypnotic compulsions that are completely stupid, change his personality, etcetera)) All that he knows and whom he loves will die or suffer equal or worse than him if he fails to keep quiet.
[X] Discuss torture with our children.
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[] Plan Cogi

[] Wipe his memories, change his body into that of a girl and implant the memories of a fifteen-year-old girl who has a love of idol culture and came to use seeking an in.
[] Talk to one of your kids
-[] Tacitus and how his day went
--[] " Hello Tacitus, what is this I'm hearing about a massive creature appearing at the school and then promptly being turned into...graphite was it?"
[] Research something
-[] Black Speech
--[] Claudia's..."singing" has made me realize that I should brush up on the ancient, dead language. Perhaps I could use it to do some "mental exercises" with that strange man from earlier.
[] Determine the nature and cause of Aika's curse.

Dylan's plan was good, but it lacked a third option which makes it not a valid vote, so I added my own. (I also changed the torture option to Soixantezio's, but technically torture plan is independent of the three choices.)
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Soixantezio's insanely weird idea :rofl:
[] Wipe his memories, change his body into that of a girl and implant the memories of a fifteen-year-old girl who has a love of idol culture and came to use seeking an in.
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Yeah you're right I didn't add a third part. I like Cogi's addition. I think I'll add it.
Actually, I always wanted to be a part of a zombie red neck torture family.

You know I just realized something @Cogi276. Wouldn't the research option be obsolete. I made it with "Gray Boying" the creeper in mind. Why would we mind rape him if we are gonna turn him into a idol?
Day 1 End
[X] Plan Cogi

[X] Wipe his memories, change his body into that of a girl and implant the memories of a fifteen-year-old girl who has a love of idol culture and came to use seeking an in.

You looked down at the terrified man and smiled. "Don't worry though, I am going to grant your deepest wish. To be close to your idol." You grabbed his head. "Just so you know, the changes to your brain will be last, and I will be making sure you feel all of this."

"Oh stop trying to scream it isn't like you have a mouth anymore," You groaned while he started trying to stretch the mass of flesh so his screams of pain could escape. Altering the flesh, bone, muscle, bodyfat, organs, and genetic code of a human being could be incredibly painful.

You made the mouth last.

Constance patted the now female body she had. "What did you?"

And <Delete> upload <Generic Moe Blob Golem Personality Type I-3> add requisite memories.

You walked away from a dazed and confused person who had no idea where they were, but with vague memories of how they got your card.

Crazed stalkers, you had dealt with those before. Of course those were normally after your wives, daughters, or sons and not your….well your subordinates in your old world could definitely be considered employees.

[X] Talk to one of your kids
-[X] Tacitus and how his day went
--[X] " Hello Tacitus, what is this I'm hearing about a massive creature appearing at the school and then promptly being turned into...graphite was it?"

[Their Event Roll after that was 99 with a crit roll of 26]

You prepared dinner and waited patiently for your children to return from their afterschool activities. That clubs were apparently required was something that annoyed you somewhat. At least they were in a place you knew though.

Charlie was the first to return. "Game Club, nothing much interesting happened." Too bad.

Ashe and Vatista were next, the former greeted you with a tackle hug. "Robotics club was fun."


A boy fell to the floor as he watched a miniature terminator tear his chainsaw robot to pieces and use its own arms to saw it apart. "TERMINATE TERMINATE!"

Back to Normal

Vatista finished showing the clip from the projectors in her eyes. Tacitus had entered just as the projection showed the screaming robot. He patted Ashe's head. "Now you just need to scale them up and make them wear people suits."

The rest of your children walked in afterwards.

Luce and Alex grinned and chorused. "Drama Club."

Titania held her knees and poked the ground. "The Magical Girl Appreciation Club wouldn't let me in," That was a thing? "So I joined the Anime Club." Again the former was a thing?

Victoria sat in a chair while holding Fortuna in her lap. "I have entered the so called Fight Club," Like the novel? "And Fortuna become a member of the 'Helper' Club." What in the name of your ancestors was that?

You looked at Tacitus. "I am the Class Vice President, clubs are not required since I will have to go to Class Council meetings, and sometimes present issues as well as reports to the Student Council or Club Council." Why did this school have so many councils?

With a sigh you picked up a boiling kettle and poured yourself some tea before sitting down. "So Tacitus, what is this I'm hearing about a massive creature appearing at the school and then promptly being turned into...graphite was it?"

Apparently none of them had found that interesting or worth note, oddly even the news barely mentioned it.

"I assume there is some mad scientist somewhere in town," Tacitus shrugged. "Perhaps one with a vendetta against the school, or someone on the campus."

Why did the universe keep throwing problems at you?

"Why graphite?" You asked.

Fortuna raised her hands up and pencils rained onto the table. "For Free!"

Victoria's gaze met Tacitus.' They stared at each other before she finally spoke. "Thou truly are that miserly."

Even Yosuke facepalmed.

Back to normal
[X] Research something
-[X] Black Speech
--[X] Claudia's..."singing" has made me realize that I should brush up on the ancient, dead language. Perhaps I could use it to do some "mental exercises" with that strange man from earlier.

Knowledge check: 15 needed 7.

You are fluent in the Black Speech, there had been a time where you had lived with a tribe of people who built their civilization around a glowing green rock that washed up near what would become Carthage. As well as that New Age church built in a deep cave with water pooling around it.

After killing the god living underneath it you had actually made use of it as a base for an incredibly long time.

Of course you had never sung in it like Claudia seemed to have done by COMPLETE ACCIDENT. This world seemed stranger than your own. And that was saying a lot.

[X] Determine the nature and cause of Aika's curse.

Rolled nat 1

One of your idols was cursed. That could be an extreme problem. So then you would need to look at her curse through the Astral Plane since you were so far away from Aika.

Pitch black darkness slammed into your mental third eye seemed to stab into your brain. Nonsensical images filled it right before you realized what was going on.


"O R'lyeh?"

Fuck not this psychopath again! Ever since Anatolia it had been hounding you.

"Have fun with a psychotic cult that want to do terrible things to the soul of an idol!"

You opened your eyes and saw Victoria grimacing while everyone looked confused.

You felt a chill. There was a knocking on your door. Ice was creeping out from underneath.


Well it was time to bite the bullet.

You opened the door and deadpanned. "I have no interest in procreation at this time as I am dealing with ten children Ithaqua. Tell your friend that if they are the cause of my troubles appendages will be torn off." You took a moment to appreciate the fact that Ithaqua was one of the ones that actually understood human preferences.

Victoria turned the kettle over. Nothing poured out. She twisted the top and showed you frozen tea. "Everytime."

Well either the Crawling Chaos was trolling you or she was the source of the curse, possibly both. Rather tame considering you had yet to see a problem stemming from it.

You heard more knocking on the door and for felt a form of twisting sensation in your stomach for some reason despite Ithaqua being an air and cold embodiment with crippling depression stemming from countless millennia locked on an ice planet surrounded by insane worshippers that. Oh now you knew what that feeling was.

After a moment's hesitation you turned back to the door. "If you can control the aura I will let you eat at the table."

The eldritch embodiment of air sang. "Yes d-"

"Come-ons will lead to you being teleported out of the building," You deadpanned.

At that moment your phone rang. It was Mr. Yorozuya. Why was the image for his ID somehow scarier than his normal face? "Yes sir?"

"An amnesiac girl with encyclopedic knowledge of idols for the last 15 years just appeared on our doorstep with your card," He deadpanned.

"Yes sir," You replied.

"She has the basic skills down, and agreed to an absolute steal of a contract. The idol school has plenty of vacancy and this could be considered charity which looks good on taxes. Good work, oh and a strange girl offered to be her roommate. She had a wonderful voice, like an angel from the stars" His voice became wistful before the phone went off with a click.

How did he give off the impression of a deadpan glare with his voice alone?

Was it some kind of Esper ability?

Wait, strange girl.


Ashe stared at the broken remnants of your phone, crumbling onto the floor. "Can I please tinker with that?"

You sighed and handed it to her. Knowing Ashe she would somehow make it better than before.

30 Minutes preparing lunches, 15 minutes stretching, 30 minutes bathing. Blessed sleep until morning.

Choose 3 for the beginning of the next day

[] Talk to one of your kids (can be taken multiple times)
-[] Write In who and about what
[] Research something (can be taken multiple times)
-[] Write In

[] Track down one of those hooligans before you have to deal with them again

-[] Which one?

[] Perhaps you should look up if there are any dangerous people that have obesssions with one of your idols?

[] Perhaps you should try to meet with the parents of one of the idols?

-[] Which one (idol that is)?

[] Something Else (Write in something you want to do)

Gain Goal: Figure out who is behind the curse and break it
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As amusing as that typo was, I felt I should point it out.

also crossposting

by Phantomdemon2
Plan A
[] Perhaps you should look up if there are any dangerous people that have obesssions with one of your idols?
[] Track down one of those hooligans before you have to deal with them again
-[] Let's go with Girl on the Left Aka. Loli with boxing Gloves. Looks like a fighter so she may spill if we get her angry enough. If weakminded enough- possibly mind control
[] Talk to one of your kids (can be taken multiple times)
-[] Vatista, ask her how she is and kindly request she use murderbot powers to keep track of everyone at school. Don't want to take any chances with Eldritch Abominations in town.
[X] Plan Cogi
[X] Perhaps you should look up if there are any dangerous people that have obesssions with one of your idols?
[X] Arrange for a bodyguard for your idols. It was lucky that the idiot went after you, but the girls might be in danger.
[X] Perhaps you should try to meet with the parents of one of the idols?
-[X] Diva of course
--[X] Why is she a vampire anyways? This might explain that.
Once more I offer my impeccable suggestions for everyone's enjoyment.
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[x] Talk to one of your kids
-[x] Titania.
--[x] Explain to our little princess that two of our idols seem to prefer outfits like hers. See if she has any new ideas on the latest fashion trends
[x] Research
-[x] Optimal idol dance and act routines (Or at least a basic outline). We've got the girls, the outfits (we're working on the singing). Time to get started.
[x] Perhaps you should try to meet with the parents of one of the idols?
-[x] Claudia
--[x] She had to have learned Black Speech somehow. Are her parents practitioners or native speakers? Plus she has displayed a rather sheltered upbringing
[x] Talk to one of your kids
-[x] Titania.
--[x] Explain to our little princess that two of our idols seem to prefer outfits like hers. See if she has any new ideas on the latest fashion trends
[x] Research
-[x] Optimal idol dance and act routines (Or at least a basic outline). We've got the girls, the outfits (we're working on the singing). Time to get started.
[x] Perhaps you should try to meet with the parents of one of the idols?
-[x] Claudia
--[x] She had to have learned Black Speech somehow. Are her parents practitioners or native speakers? Plus she has displayed a rather sheltered upbringing