Retired Evil Overlord Quest (Temp Title)

Day 5 Part 1
[X] Plan Cogi
[X] New daughter get
-[X] "Orphans don't get to run around on their own. Consider yourself adopted."
-[X] "Special circumstances means it's in our best interest to have her around. Plus I can't just leave her on the street."

Last Night

You stared at the amnesiac vampire girl who had been giving out her lifeforce to other girls with no expectation of a reward. That kind of altruism was basically suicidal.

"Orphans don't get to run around on their own, consider yourself adopted," You dragged her behind you back home.

"What is adoption?" She asked innocently.

….This was going to be a difficult time wasn't it? Well at least you could alter space inside the apartment to create a new room for her.
[X] Continue Researching Aika's Curse

83+80 WA+20=183 crit roll 23+83=106 2nd crit 24+6=30

Whoever made this curse was an absolute genius in the field. It was effectively an alteration to Aika's soul. There were three ways you knew of to destroy the curse, and one was not an option.

Had Sophia been alive she could have erased the curse with her power in an instant. You could potentially excise the curse from the girl by working for an entire day, but the process had a high chance of harming her soul and causing incredible damage to it. The third option was Victoria's power, but to channel it with that much precision would require an incredibly high quality sword, and you currently had no idea how to find one.

[New Options Unlocked]
[X] Try to find out more about Deadly Joker

69+100 WA=169 crit 94+69=163 2nd 38+63=101 3rd 95 nat crit 4th 20+1=21

You began your search by using several search engines and typing in 'Deadly Joker.' The number of results were staggering but most had to do with normal games and the like on it. Searching forums for anything wrong with the site mostly led to dead ends.

But rumors about strange emails and packages related to the site popped up frequently.

Then you tried the Deep Web.

It was the same.

Then you found an email on your screen. You hadn't opened your mail today.

Are you a fool or a jester?

A series of prompts were listed before you.

Do you enjoy the power of dominance or do you enjoy self control?

[] Which One?

Are you absolutely free or is it oppressed?

[] Which One?

Are you an actor or are you yourself?

[] Which One?

Do you work for others or are you unwilling?

[] Which One?

Are you running from something?

[] If yes what?

Are you trying to escape something?

[] If yes what?

What is most important to you?

[] What?

Do you seek more power

[] Yes or No.
Interludes: Disease and Bites, Breakfast With The Fight Club
Val PoV

You lived your entire life envying others. To go outside and breath in the air without going into a coughing fit or sneezing mucous and blood had been something you would have felt joy even if it was settling.

To fall down while playing and not risk bruising all over and hospitalization was what you had dreamed of.

Your immune system was practically nonexistent. By the time you were ten you were permanently hospitalized. No sickness you contracted seemed to ever go away.

You had caught diseases from simply existing.

You had accepted that you would be dying in a hospital room with no one around you.

Then you were given hope from the strangest of places.

If you took the offer then you would be able to put them all into remission. You would be virulent, they would always be in you, but they would not kill you. Though....if you did die.

So you were taught, and in the future would pass it down your line. You were given these teachings curses so that you would live and pass it on. I don't want to.

The pain would be there, worse at times, but you could walk, run, jump, and be around other people by forcing what infected you to not pass on to them. Is it wrong to be glad in what small things this gave me?

In your body were countless bacteria, viruses, diseases, and curses. Each illness enhanced or created by magic. A walking biological weapon that could control the spread, activation, and mutation of disease. I had asked for this.

If you were some kind of monster you could wipe out all complex life on Earth if there were no other mystical beings. Please no.

Of course you had no desire for that.

"Please join the Helper Club!" A cheerful voice exclaimed.

You looked to the side and saw Ingolf smiling as always. Laying in the grass you stared at the sun-like boy. I wish I could be like him.

Green eyes stared into yours. You closed your eyes and rested your hands over your stomach. "I would rather save physical activity for something that benefits me." So tiring.

You could practically feel the energetic boy frown. "It would make you feel good."

"Helping others to feel better about oneself seems disingenuous." You had a blunt and horrible personality. Your insides felt queasy.

A perfectly healthy boy who could and would not feel illness knelt next to you. "So do you just like laying here in the morning?"

Sunny rays and warmth bathed your skin.

"Do you feel bloodlust and the urge to feed?" You opened your eyes. "It would be incredibly hard for you of all people. I would let you drink your fill if you bit me. All you would need, is to change me."

His hair bristled upwards and his lips curled. Once straight teeth turned into a mouthful of large fangs before he clapped his hands over his mouth in embarrassment.

You rose up and embraced him. Its been so long. "I am afraid of dying. For my sake and for others," It was true. You did not truly regret your oath, but you had no desire for the aftermath should you die by any means. It would mean the millions of cursed infections in you spreading.

"You are sick," He whispered. In many ways.

"You are lonely," You replied. If two people have need of something and each has what the other desires, a mutual agreement can be made. This was the foundation of society. So am I.

Ingolf bit down on your neck. It was agonizing like searing hot knives piercing your flesh. You didn't care.

He cut his tongue along his fangs, letting blood drip into your wounds. You would keep your curses from infecting him. He would neither be a carrier nor a victim.

A werewolf-vampire hybrid and a disease magic using witch. It sounded utterly ridiculous, but both of you had what you wanted.

AN: No side character gets out of the insanity of this world.

Akito: Vice President of The Fight Club

You watched the rice cooker ding and brought two bowls to the counter.

Turning back to the main dish you smiled.
  1. Make the sauce by heating 2 tsp of vegetable oil in a medium saucepan over med/low heat.
  2. Add ginger and garlic to the pan and quickly add the soy sauce and water before the garlic scorches.
  3. Dissolve the brown sugar in the sauce, then raise the heat to about medium and boil the sauce for 2-3 minutes or until the sauce thickens.
  4. Remove it from the heat.
  5. Slice the flank steak against the grain into 1/4" thick bite-size slices
  6. Dip the steak pieces into the cornstarch to apply a very thin dusting to both sides of each piece of beef.
  7. Let the beef sit for about 10 minutes so that the cornstarch sticks.
  8. As the beef sits, heat up one cup of oil in a wok
  9. Heat the oil over medium heat until it's nice and hot, but not smoking.
  10. Add the beef to the oil and sauté for just two minutes, or until the beef just begins to darken on the edges.
  11. Stir the meat around a little so that it cooks evenly.
  12. After a couple minutes, use a large slotted spoon to take the meat out and onto paper towels, then pour the oil out of the wok or skillet.
  13. Put the pan back over the heat, dump the meat back into it and simmer for one minute.
  14. Add the sauce, cook for one minute while stirring, then add all the green onions.
  15. Cook for one more minute, then remove the beef and onions with tongs or a slotted spoon to a serving plate.

Your Mongolian Beef was ready, you were glad that member of the horse riding club had taught you that recipe. The clock passed seven and the only person aside from you in the club room was Buchou.

You sighed. "I can't believe no one is coming to our pre-class breakfasts."

Izaya dangled a strip of beef above his mouth before dropping it in and chewing. "It's not like they are required to come. Still good though."

"Buchou please show some decorum," You folded your arms. The door slid open. With a smile on your face you turned to greet one of your friends. "Welcome! Breakfast is served!"

The cold and impassive face of Chifuyu stared back at you.

You fell to the floor and began to sob. "Why? Why can't any of our bright and cheerful clubmates come to see us in the morning? Even the cold Ayane-chan is more softhearted than this never ending winter that blots out the sun with its cold winds."

Several black spears appeared hovering around her. "Shall I kill him?"

"He'd just heal himself back up," Izaya stuffed his face with your wonderful cooking.

The door opened once again. Yori's ruby eyes blinked at the scene. "What is happening?" He asked dully.

You cried. "Your senpais are being cruel to the one who feeds you. Your papa and mama are-"

A pair of swords and spears crossed around your neck.

"The only girl I like is one who can make me feel alive," Izaya scoffed. "Stop calling me and the Ice Queen the team mom and dad."

"If we didn't have the oaths I would kill all of you," Chifuyu deadpanned.

"And I would kill you," Yori replied. You tears turned into ones of joy. "I need breakfast to function and the ones he makes are hearty."

The world was so cruel.

AN: Victoria is in a club full of beautiful young men who are clueless about romantic things and two emotionally distant girls. The only thing she is concerned about is their fighting abilities and does not realize that other girls in the school envy her membership.
Day 5 Part 2
[X] Self Control
[X] Free
[X] I am myself. Always.
[X] I work for others. Very little can be done if I am unwilling.
[X] No.
[X] No.
[X] Family.
[X] No. But it does naturally gravitate towards us.

You entered your answers and hovered over the send button.

[Answers Accepted]

The window closed before you could press send and you found yourself in a library. A man with a gold prosthetic eye smiled from across the room. "How odd, most of our players are much younger than this."

"Says a man with prematurely grey hair," You deadpanned. Charlie most definitely got that part of his personality from you, the foul mouth was probably his mother though.

The man grimaced and pulled a card out of his sleeve. "Well I shall be instructing you in the rules. One's ability is gained from their personality and answers. With it you may compete with others and accomplish daily challenges for points which can be redeemed for monetary compensation or items of equal value."

A….cartoon super hero jumped out of the card he was holding. "My ability is to use trading card games to use the effects of the cards. Additionally I can manipulate the game themselves in plenty of wa-"

"So you cheat at children's card games," You put your hands in your pockets. "Middle aged men really shouldn't do things like that. You will crush the hopes and dreams of children."

The man bristled and held his arms out as a bright light shone down on him. "I am a connoisseur of card games. The joy children feel while playing, opening packages, and trading with each other is something I hold close to my heart and do my best to fe-"

You punched him in the throat, brought your elbow up into his chin, and used your knee to slam into his stomach. Blood, spit, and teeth flew out of his mouth.

You grabbed the card and it disintegrated. That was not what you intended. The superhero fizzled out of existence with its fist centimeters from your face.

The man was writhing on the ground. So it was time to make sure he didn't get up. You started stomping on his face until the area disappeared in the buzz of static and you were back home.

Well that was eventful

[You have gained the power: Stability Manipulation]

[X] Perhaps you should try to meet with the parents of one of the idols?
-[X] Aika

Event Roll: 7

You stared at the man sitting across from you. Glasses shined across either side of the room as the two of you glared at each other.

He was a mage, his power was to destroy things with an attack that could not be avoided. A gut feeling told you that the source of Aika's curse was sitting across from you.

There was the clink of porcelain as he sipped his tea and placed his cup on a small plate.

Neither of you spoke as minutes passed. "I do not like you," He deadpanned.

"The feeling is mutual," You drank your own tea. It smelled like bleach.

"If you meddle in my family business-" He began.

"I find you lack of concern for your daughter concerning," You cut him off.

The two of you continued to sit and drink tea. Something about him was familiar.

His left arm and leg disappeared as blood burst from the stumps that were left behind. Both of you stared at the sudden and unpredicted attack. None of your five physical senses noticed anything that could have caused it.

You shifted to your spiritual senses and felt the utter wrongness of what was present. You stared at the Chthonian amalgamation.

The man's right hand moved in their direction and a colorless wave swept forward. Burning the creature as large portions of it was wiped away.

Spiritual threads of your own creation dug into the amorphous mass as it continued hounding the man. You saw him regenerating the wounds slowly as he impassively looked at the creature.

"I do not know whom could have summoned this creature," He noted as you bound it.

"Oh gee I just met you and I already want to kill you, so I imagine anyone who can summon these up would," You growled.

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? What have I done to offend you?"

"The curse on Aika," You moved so the creature was between the two of you. "So then, do you want to continue fighting this? Or explain yourself?"

Write-In Plan

[] Write in

[X] Try to find another one of those 'magical girls'

Roll: 70

Before work started you took the time to try and find magic hotspot. Snowdrop walked in step behind you, you were mostly done with forging the needed records for her. Getting her enrolled in school would take another day or so, and explaining why she hadn't joined with the rest of your children.

Walking into another alternate space where a girl with translucent energy blades fought clockwork robots was not what you expected.

You looked at Snowdrop with a raised eyebrow.

"The negative emotions of humans and animals can coalesce into monsters within this city. Mahou Shojou can kill these and regain portions of their Time," She explained. This was blatantly Urobutcher's work. Had the man gained magical abilities and begun to reenact his anime in real life?

Also that girl was some kind of robot. Even from this distance you could tell, whoever made her did not have as great craftsmanship as yourself, and didn't make a combat capable gynoid anywhere near as cute as your adorable daughter.

The girl dodged spikes and bullets with supernatural grace. She could be a wonderful idol or at the very least backup dancer. You analyzed the magic she was using. It was Equilibrium Manipulation.

Scratch that she would be an amazing idol! With that power she could make everyone in her group dance better. She ran up a wall and shot out seven blades which impaled a mechanical chicken monster the size of a house.

Yes very graceful.

Write-in your approach

[] Write in

Work Choose 4

[] Speak with Claudia
-[] About
[] Speak with Aika
-[] About
[] Speak with Diva
-[] About
[] Speak with Mr. Yorozuya
-[] About

[] Speak with Mirek
[] Take the idols out to eat?
[] Check in with one of your kids
-[] Which one?
[] Write In

AN: Eseld will be appearing in the next part
Day 5 Part 3
Day 5 Part 3

Kama Sajyou snorted. "I am Wilhelm von Honenheim! No mere mortal man can judge me. I have studied magic for centuries, I have created thousands of homunculi, and passed my soul into the bodies of my creations, you are a mere-"

You used Ether chains to tie him up while you removed his shoes and socks. Then you shoved his socks in his mouth while weaving thread around his mouth into a makeshift gag.

Much sharper Ether wires formed the outline of a dagger which floated above his eye. "You will tell me about Aika's curse." Your new power latched onto his magic and destabilized it. The stumps he had regenerated writhed before turning a mottled grey-red and growing tumors instead of healthy flesh. "Oh and you should probably stop channeling magic."

You saw his skin flush and sweat pour out as his internal body temperature skyrocketed. A smile came to your lips.

Turning your head toward the doors you shouted. "Aika, we have some things your father will be explaining."

He glared at you, it wasn't much compared to True Overlords you had fought before. Even those pure good heroes could manage better death-glares when you enraged them. Normally you killed them, destroyed the body, and then eliminated the allies so they didn't get one of those heroic second winds and friendship powerups.

The ghosts of dead friends empowering the blade of a hero so he could cleave you in half was something you wouldn't chance again. Regrowing half of your body was not pleasant.

You heard the door open as Aika walked in. She had a red hot kitchen knife for some reason.

She knelt next to her father and cut the Ether threads, which really should not have been possible. The now revealed Wilhelm spat out the socks stuffed in his mouth. "Aika cut these bonds and I will-"

He was cut off by the blade being stuck between his ribs. His eyes widened as his eyes stared at her with incomprehension. "Am I still perfect?" She cocked her head to the side. "Now that I have a will of my own? Since I received this present, I have…moments of power."

Black ribbons came out of her shadow and impaled his remaining foot. "This is the improper way of using it, but it makes whatever this is weaker." She unbuttoned the top portion of her dress and scratched the bleeding curse tattoo. "It hurts, and I can feel my body getting weaker if I do this."

Her hand passed through his ribcage. Aika smiled. "But I feel a lot better when I use it this way, it is hard to describe." She removed it, no harm seemed to have been done to his body. Then her hand swept to the side. An invisible field followed it, cutting off Wilhelm's right arm. The portion it had passed through was simply gone, it would have looked like a perfectly clean cut if not for the two pieces clearly not having matching ends.

Wilhelm screamed. "I wanted what was best for you. To make you like The Eight, The Eight have no connection to the Abyss in their formative years, but if I were to cut off your connection and perform the correct actions you could achieve a level like theirs. Your power is definitely capable of reaching conceptual heights like theirs, but if it is too close to The Abyss in the beginning we could not properly compare it to other subjects. Then those bastards blew into different directions in the wind so I had to make a new plan."

He wanted to make her into one of the Witches? No one knew how they ended up with their strange connection to The Abyss so trying to create them was incredibly stupid. Especially given what could happen to people who made connections with it, you remembered Solomon simply fading away.

This man hadn't even been trying to prevent that fate, he was doing things which risks Aika disappearing on a hunch.

The other door opened wide and a young girl looked at you. "He killed Rin Tin Tin." An ancient mage murdered a dog that survived World War One and became a movie star? "He buried my puppy alive in the basement."

Dots connected in your mind. You turned to Aika. "Cutting him to pieces with a superheated knife can come later."

You let the child (who really should have been in school) lead you to the basement where you buried Wilhelm up to the neck. The girl left and came back with an ant farm which she poured over his head. "Here are your ants."

They started burrowing beneath his skin. You sensed magic being used on them.

You used a piece of your power to give Wilhelm regeneration.

Aika smiled at her biological father. "You know how you would show me dissections incredibly slowly?"

Something was wrong. The area around the man's head was seemed to have changed somehow. He thrashed around with impossible speed.

Note to self, Aika's Nothingness affinity includes Godai Void magic.

The floorboards creaked as the Chthonian slithered down the stairs with hundreds of hands. The spiritual entity seemed to have changed somewhat.

Its midsection, if the word truly applied, swirled and seemed to flicker before a man stepped out of it.

Long silky black hair in a tight braid, soft features, pale skin, long legs, a thin waist, slender neck, piercing eyes, easy smile, thin and arched eyebrows, and a flowing clothes. A picture of beauty stood before you with a cane in hand, a teacher who greatly enjoyed answering any student's question with parental affection.

A person who looked wonderful in jeans and a sweater.

Despite being a straight man.

It remained one of your favorite practical jokes to send Paracelsus on diplomatic ventures and watch people end up incredibly confused as to his gender.

When you had first met the man during the Renaissance you had been convinced he was a woman pretending to be a man to study the sciences.

Wilhelm started shouting, but the time dilation field he was in caused it to sound like incomprehensible screaming.

Paracelsus sighed. "I was contacted by my wonderfully talented niece recently, I am very upset with you little brother. But do not worry as I shall ensure your legacy is protected. After all it ending would be horrible."

The man's shouting stopped as he smiled.

"Of course your legacy is your children, not your research," Paracelsus smiled like an angel. "I am a teacher first, spreading knowledge has always been my desire and why I follow my friend. You have not been affectionate to your children, in fact you have sought to darken the light in them. Even succeeding to that in a degree," He pulled a sword out of the cane and held it at Wilhelm's head.

A seizure inducing laser beam made of multiple spiraling colors drilled a several dozen meter deep hole in the ground Wilhelm had been stuck in. "Now we don't need to deal with a mess," He held a finger in the air like he was teaching the girls a lesson.

Aika stared. "I had been planning on cutting him to pieces."

"I had planned on feeding him to Boogie," The younger girl added.

Paracelsus picked her up. "My friend I shall be taking care of my nieces."


Well not you could avoid the awkwardness of trying to adopt a girl infatuated with you along with her younger sister.


Magical Girl Part

[Roll: 61+15 Smooth Operator+10 Exalted=86]

Well there were a few ways to do this. You used Stability to reinforce you equilibrium just in case and walked forward. "Hello, I have a proposition for you."

The robotic magical girl blinked while six translucent blades impaled more clockwork monsters. "A mage? Are you one of the people involved in this experiment?"

You shook your head and continued walking forward. "No, in fact I am someone trying to end this. One of my daughters is a magical girl enthusiast," You pointed toward Snowdrop. "And another is an actual magical girl. So I am concerned with the process of these crystals."

She nodded. "They seem to be a form of magic mostly used by those among the Elder and Outer Gods. Obviously not powerful enough to actually be one of them, it uses the lifespan of the user to make up for lack of true magical ability. Ones such as myself with a virtually unlimited lifespan have much greater ability to use it before our crystals wear, signifying entropy within our physical bodies."

Well that explained how Snowdrop could go around giving others her own power. Vampires are virtually ageless, in fact they grew stronger with time. That actually….how her power might fluctuate with the use of the crystal was something to think about.

She directed the blades into the last creature. Cleanly slicing through sprockets before disappearing. "There seem to be four systems recently put into place within the city."

Four? You knew of Deadly Joker and this Madoka knockoff, but not a third or forth.

The girl counted off on one hand. "The system that uses magic and science to grant psionic powers, Deadly Joker, the system that uses Alien Magic to grant mystic powers, and the organized killing natural holders of abilities of various natures are invited to join."

Well that explained the number of serial killers.

"The fourth is a group of natural ability users of various origins that have created a Divine Magic system that concentrates the 'worship' of idols for an unknown purpose. Presumably these systems are for some form of research, but they all have very different focuses and factors involved. Therefore, it is my deduction that these are at least three different people involved who at one point worked together. This is the most likely explanation for why they are all located in this city."

And the last bit was probably Wilhelm and the idol cult…..eww. A man had collected a group of perverts to stalk, worship, and try to perform a ritual on his daughter.

Just….ick. Your vocabulary was being influenced by your younger children.

With that knowledge you repaired her crystal, handed your card to the girl, and walked away with your face in your hand.

[X] Speak with Claudia
-[X] Make sure she's doing ok

Roll: 48+10 Exalted+15 Working Overlord+15 Idol Expert=88

Claudia sat across from you in your office drinking coffee and Advil. Seriously you saw the pills floating in the coffee for some reason. She frowned and straightened out her skirt. "Mr. Yamato there is something I need to reveal to you."

"You are an ESPer," You deadpanned.

"Hurk!" Her head went back like an arrow hit her in the head. "How did you know?"

You sipped tea. "I can sense psychic energy, though I cannot tell what power it is just like that."

"Oh, you sure are knowledgeable about this kind of thing," She nodded. "I can copy the abilities of others, but do not worry my idol skills have nothing to do with it."

You paused in thought, rubbing your chin. "Is it possible that you gained the Black Speech by meeting someone fluent in it?"

Claudia blinked, stared at you, and started banging her head against the glass window. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

You put a thick folder between her head and the glass. It would be no good if she hurt herself.

[You know Claudia's power]

[x] Speak with Diva

Roll: 64+10 Exalted+15 Working Overlord+15 Idol Expert=104 crit roll 91+4=95 2nd crit 10

You opened the door to the lounge. Diva was rolling on the couch sniffing the wolf-fur coat.


You think you should come back later.

[You realize Diva's infatuation. She is fine emotionally despite, or perhaps because of the last few days.]

[X] Work on their dancing

Roll: 90+100 Dancing+10 Religious Idol+15 Overlord Tutor+15 Working Overlord+15 Idol Expert=245 crit roll 47+145=192 2nd 44+92=136 3rd 10+36

[Diva Dancing is now C, Aika and Claudia Dancing B]

You saw a sight that reminded you of over a millennia ago. The girls were exhausted and on the ground rubbing their aching feet.

The first time you saw Victoria learning swordplay for Eseld flashed before your eyes. She had been adorable as a child. A bit hyperactive, though most children were in your experience.

Why was your boss staring at you like you were some kind of monster? Hmm, your dancing shoes were on fire.

[x] Take the idols out to eat

Event roll: 72

You stared across the room in the restaurant you frequented.

Your worst nightmare had come true, he had been right.

Claudia snapped her fingers near your face. "Is something wrong?"

Snowdrop, having been playing with swords on the roof while you worked, ate fries. "He seems to be staring at two highschool boys."

"How did he even do that?" You wondered.

Two psionic energy signatures that felt incredibly similar to Vihn's were coming from the boys sitting in the table next to yours.

A pair of studious looking boys looked back at you. Wearing immaculate uniforms and stern looks on their faces. Nodding politely towards you.

How had that vindictive, hateful, misanthropic man reproduced? And twice at that!

They even had manners that they were using for reasons other than annoying people.

How had Vihn of all people reproduced?

[Goals Completed, fix the curse and kill the one who created the Inugami]


You returned home and unlocked your door to find something odd and wonderful.

You looked to the sky. "Thank you whatever god of fortune who is smiling upon me, for however she teleported and got into here, because everything is not on fire and the door is not broken.

At that very moment Atsuko passed. "Oh so you have purchased an esc-"

"I will kill you," Both of you deadpanned.

As the troublesome woman scurried away you looked at Eseld. "Why are you in a French maid uniform?"

Eseld nodded sagely. "Morwen informed me that this is the proper wear of a female house servant."

Bless that witch who may have more than platonic affection for your Chair of Warfare.

Rewards: Aika Bond 4 and another action slot

Choose 5

[] Talk to one of your children (can be taken multiple times)
-[] Who and about what?
[] Talk to Eseld
[] Try to find someone (write in what you want to talk about) (Can be taken multiple times)
-[] Corren
-[] Vihn
-[] One of those heroes
--[] Which one
-[] Write in
[] Investigate something
-[] People who have been dangerous around idols
-[] Serial Killers
-[] Deadly Joker
-[] Write in
[] Take some me time
[] Write in something else
Interlude: Several
Eseld Albion

You lounged on the sofa in the back corner of your office fuming. They had elected a child as the temporary ruler of the kingdom. A ruby marble was crushed beneath your teeth. That was the fourteenth that had found its end in the last hour.

Grinding your teeth like this was not beneficial to yourself nor your horde. The fragments of millennia old gems cut to perfection glistened upon the carpet. Turning the grey carpet into something of a spectacle.

You popped a sapphire into your mouth and your teeth began to grind once more. "Should I have Snake eliminate the girl upon the throne?" A velvet smooth voice asked you.

Morwen, your second in command strode out of the shadows. The mage-knight had a habit of lurking within your shadows, both metaphorically and literally. The tall woman had let her hair out of its usual braid, she often did this when outside the field of battle. The sword you had given to her long ago was strapped to her belt, a baleful purple eye opened up and scanned the room before closing it and resting once more.

You crunched the gem and watched large blue fragments embed themselves in your desk. Splinters flew into the carpet. "They'd suspect it was one of the eight who had not been to whatever shadow council they likely organized. It would also cause infighting within the kingdom." Your eyes bored into hers with a threat hanging within. "Should something happen to the temporary leader of our country I will eliminate everyone who was involved."

The witch took a low bow. "Yes milady, in other news I have located the dimension our Overlord has taken residence in. It is the same one where the former Chair of Tradecraft has retired to. Lord Paracelsus has tasked him with keeping an eye on our King."

Two of your teeth collided into each other with enough force to make sparks before grinding each other apart. They regenerated as you growled. "If that insect so much as touches him or the royal children I will swallow him whole and let the acids liquefy him within my gullet.

Your subordinate's eyes practically sparkled. "I would love to see you return to your true form and obliterate your enemies as you take flight Lady Albion!"

Taking that form meant not being able to use the sword your King had gifted you, but enough rage would make you disregard honorable combat. That miscreant had once stood against the country and if he dared try to rebel after taking his leave….at the very least whatever nation he took shelter in would burn once you had moved the royal family out of the crossfire.

AN: I am working on the story update, I tend to write interludes as warmups.

Eseld: Dragonlord/Demonic Dragon

Morwen: Dragonic Weapon Construction

Akito: Vice President of The Fight Club

You watched the rice cooker ding and brought two bowls to the counter.

Turning back to the main dish you smiled.

    • Make the sauce by heating 2 tsp of vegetable oil in a medium saucepan over med/low heat.
    • Add ginger and garlic to the pan and quickly add the soy sauce and water before the garlic scorches.
    • Dissolve the brown sugar in the sauce, then raise the heat to about medium and boil the sauce for 2-3 minutes or until the sauce thickens.
    • Remove it from the heat.
    • Slice the flank steak against the grain into 1/4" thick bite-size slices
    • Dip the steak pieces into the cornstarch to apply a very thin dusting to both sides of each piece of beef.
    • Let the beef sit for about 10 minutes so that the cornstarch sticks.
    • As the beef sits, heat up one cup of oil in a wok
    • Heat the oil over medium heat until it's nice and hot, but not smoking.
    • Add the beef to the oil and sauté for just two minutes, or until the beef just begins to darken on the edges.
    • Stir the meat around a little so that it cooks evenly.
    • After a couple minutes, use a large slotted spoon to take the meat out and onto paper towels, then pour the oil out of the wok or skillet.
    • Put the pan back over the heat, dump the meat back into it and simmer for one minute.
    • Add the sauce, cook for one minute while stirring, then add all the green onions.
    • Cook for one more minute, then remove the beef and onions with tongs or a slotted spoon to a serving plate.

Your Mongolian Beef was ready, you were glad that member of the horse riding club had taught you that recipe. The clock passed seven and the only person aside from you in the club room was Buchou.

You sighed. "I can't believe no one is coming to our pre-class breakfasts."

Izaya dangled a strip of beef above his mouth before dropping it in and chewing. "It's not like they are required to come. Still good though."

"Buchou please show some decorum," You folded your arms. The door slid open. With a smile on your face you turned to greet one of your friends. "Welcome! Breakfast is served!"

The cold and impassive face of Chifuyu stared back at you.

You fell to the floor and began to sob. "Why? Why can't any of our bright and cheerful clubmates come to see us in the morning? Even the cold Ayane-chan is more softhearted than this never ending winter that blots out the sun with its cold winds."

Several black spears appeared hovering around her. "Shall I kill him?"

"He'd just heal himself back up," Izaya stuffed his face with your wonderful cooking.

The door opened once again. Yori's ruby eyes blinked at the scene. "What is happening?" He asked dully.

You cried. "Your senpais are being cruel to the one who feeds you. Your papa and mama are-"

A pair of swords and spears crossed around your neck.

"The only girl I like is one who can make me feel alive," Izaya scoffed. "Stop calling me and the Ice Queen the team mom and dad."

"If we didn't have the oaths I would kill all of you," Chifuyu deadpanned.

"And I would kill you," Yori replied. You tears turned into ones of joy. "I need breakfast to function and the ones he makes are hearty."

The world was so cruel.

AN: Victoria is in a club full of beautiful young men who are clueless about romantic things and two emotionally distant girls. The only thing she is concerned about is their fighting abilities and does not realize that other girls in the school envy her membership.

Eseld PoV

You pulled your horse toward the stables. Within your helmet your eyebrows twitched in annoyance. The last kingdom you were sent to fight surrendered as soon as your army crossed the border. Hearing that it was your command banner flying caused them to simply lay on their backs and let you walk into the capital.

Literally even! You had tested just how spineless they were by trodding on their king. What was the point of a conquest if they failed to even attempt to resist? If you had been doing this for yourself back when you were an Overlord the entire country would have simply been sacked for their treasures and summarily burned to the ground as punishment.

Not to mention the nobility's attitude, only pleading for their own lives while offering you their daughters and sons for "the dragon general and dark researcher's lusts." To imply that such things existed!

Also the lack of pleading for mercy on their peerages and commonfolk, but the former issue was a much more important problem! Who was spreading these rumors? You would swallow them whole in your natural form and let them melt to death within your stomach.

A quickly moving blur with a long gold tail leaped through a window and onto your stallion. Dropping your lance onto the ground you caught it with both hands and set your greeter on the saddle with you. Princess Victoria sat with you and fussed with a lock of her hair for some reason. "Eseld?" She began before looking down for a moment.

You heard a dog barking from the window, obviously upset with his master taking a short-cut he could not.

You removed your helmet. "Yes Princess?"

Princess Victoria grumbled. "Mother punches things but I don't think my power works like that."

If not for your supernatural hearing it would have been incoherent mumblings. "Speak up Princess or else in the future your subjects will get nothing done because they cannot hear a word you try to say."

She repeated it in a shout.

You nodded. "So you wish to learn knightly combat I assume." She nodded.

Swinging one leg you dismouted and set the Princess on the ground.

She looked up at you and frowned. "You are too tall."

You blinked. "What? I am a perfectly..." Your form was specifically molded to be taller than most any other mortal woman other than Amazons or ones with giant's blood. It might make instructing Princess Victoria in the proper movements difficult from the sheer awkwardness of having to stoop so low and guide her.

You sighed and shifted your form to a shorter one, the proportions were awkward so you changed those as well. "Now then, for our first lessons."

Several Hours of Grueling Torture Later

Hmmm, perhaps you had gone too hard on the young girl?

She was groaning with dirt all over her. "Why does sword practice hurt so much?"

"Because you are terrible at dodging despite having the strength to shatter trees with a wooden sword," You noted while sitting in the field you had chosen to practice in.

You began to pat her head. "It is good to seek self improvement." Princess Victoria leaned into your hand for a reason you knew well from experience on that end.

"Oh my...well this is amusing," Another voice chuckled. "You have discovered my secret technique of dealing with Victoria."

You covered your face.

Interlude: Amber Eyes
Kohaku PoV

Two days ago your father had taken your bunnies out of their cages and fed them to the falcons. You loved your bunnies, and loved the birds, but something in your heart broke watching that.

You stooped on the other side of the door while watching your father and a man meet in the sitting room. Neither of them spoke, simply glaring at each other while the clink of fine china continuously was sounded.

When would it happen? Minutes passed between the two without anything happening until your father spoke. "I do not like you." And now you definitely liked the stranger. For a moment you thought of simply leaving. You were already late for school as it was, but soon something interesting should be happening.

The man sipped tea and said something you could not hear. Your father glowered at him. The stranger grimaced. "The tea tastes like bleach." You had to agree, you had been told to prepare it so you chose the worst tea in the house.

They continued to drink and glare across the table at one another. It was obvious that they absolutely despised one another. It felt odd to watch people like this, you were an intruder, but it was far more interesting than grade school. Your father was uncomfortable, shifting, glaring, and gritting his teeth behind pursed lips.

Your father said something but the man cut him off. "I find your lack of concern for your daughter concerning." Did he mean you or your older sister? It was probably your older sister, there was only one person aside from her that cared about you.

Silence fell in the room and they continued drinking the tea.

The stranger made you think of a teacher for some reason, one who put on a smile even if he didn't feel it to try and make others happy.

You knew people somehow. A black creature leapt from the darkness and clamped dozens of jaws on your father's left arm and leg. Pieces of the boogie-man creature disappeared as your father's right hand moved toward it and the stranger simply moved his fingers. Blue threads bound boogie and the two men continued staring at each other.

The stranger smiled at your father. "So I more people than just me hate you." You wished he would let go of the threads.

"To stop you from doing anything else, I am just going to let go," His smile was real. "After all I hate people like you."

You were happy, your bunnies were avenged.

A distant memory of your first puppy being taken from you nudged the back of your mind. You hoped dogs went to a good place when they died.

AN: I think you can guess who made the Inugami. Also her PoV does not perfectly reflect reality due to her mentality.

SV: Due to lack of comments I have posted interludes on SB that I didn't on SV.
Day 5 Events
Random Event Roll: 22

Some people had surprisingly simple desires. It was something you had in common with Diva. You enjoyed peace and quiet, and Diva loved flowers. As such you had come to an agreement.

A bit earlier though you had gotten a surprise while leaving the office.

Diva stood in the elevator with an expectant look and blush. As soon as the door closed she took in a breath and glanced at you. "Could we go on a date?"

While you were……actually no you were mithril-adamantium alloy dense, but unlike stupid and dense people you didn't think 'oh as friends' when people ask you on a date.

"Where would you like to go?" You took off your glasses and put them in your pocket. She turned beet red as soon as you did that.

Truthfully you had no idea why people acted like that when you removed your glasses. Was the curl somehow cursed with the same spell as Diarmuid of The Love Spot?

It was fairly simple to find a public greenhouse with the GPS and it wasn't as if you had a problem with gas money. Replacing the engine with a cold fusion reactor made such things nonexistent after all.

Diva looked out the passenger window of your car while you drove. "Mr. Yamato, before I was an idol I never got to go out of the estate during the day more than ten times a year. After…that happened I had been living hand to mouth until a family servant found me. I was worried about being in that cage again, but since I was the only one left I could make decisions for myself."

You thought of your own parenting. Protecting your children had been your number one priority, but you did not smother them. Of course few people could have twenty four hour guards hidden around their children at all times. Still you did let them leave the castle.

Since your children started school you hadn't gotten to see them nearly as much as you used to.

The weekend was coming up though.

"They wanted what was best for you, and parents try their best," You replied solemnly.

Diva nodded while looking outside. "Idols have lifestyle restrictions put on them. We need to act super ethically, and even if dating is allowed by your specific company it is normally required to be low key."

Perhaps a joke was needed. "So they probably would have a heart attack if they learned you went out at night and bit other girls on the neck. It sounds somewhat-" You let it trail off.

Diva blinked and tried to cover her mouth as she laughed. "Oh that would make their heads explode in shock and confusion."

You arrived at the greenhouse and opened the car door for Diva. "Thank you very much," She smiled.

Well things were looking up.

30 Minutes later

You were beginning to think these weirdos had an idol Radar.

A man laughed while standing among the trees. He dressed in some kind of gothic visual kei style you saw some male idols use. "I am Hachi the most powerful of the Idol Cult, for besmirching the names of idols I shall kill you," He pointed at you while frothing at the mouth with rage. "And you Diva!" You were definitely going to kill him. He glared at the young vampire. "Going on dates like a common harlot with this piece of shi-"

His jaw was ripped out while you used Aether threads to remove his lower body, which was obviously where most of his thinking was coming from.

Diva looked down at the man with a frigid glare. "Insult me if you like, but speaking an ill word of the person I love means you will not speak anymore."

You shook your head. "Insulting her also gets you killed and," You blinked while watching his tongue wag from the gaping wound. "He should not be alive or conscious." You opened your mental third eye. He could absorb the powers of others by devouring their bodies.

That was a rare one for humans.

He had cannibalized Connell for his accuracy, the girl for her chi augmentation and pulverization, the zombie, and even Constantine after finding the genderbent psychic.

Of course he hadn't gained any of their experience from eating them. Power was useless unless you know how to truly use it.

A smile came to your lips as you raised your hand. The air shimmered as a translucent energy formed into a sword. "We will get to see if something works now." The blade launched as you used Aether threads to pull him away. Despite the change in the target's location the blade pierced him still. Space warped to allow for the conclusion enforced by your new power.

More blades destroyed the body as you offered Diva your arm. "We can still smell the flowers." She beamed at you.

Eseld Date

Roll: 88+15 Smooth Operator=103 crit roll 13+3=16

Driving to the day-care after dropping Diva off at her apartment building you picked up Yosuke and drove home with him in the back seat.

Night began to fall when you got to the complex and finally home.

Victoria was sleeping on the couch with Vatista and Fortuna next to her.

You decided not to wake them and sat at the table with a groan. Today had been…odd. Eseld drew up a chair next to you and rested her arms on the table. "Kintaro's child assistant is the one as acting director."

You sipped tea. "Not that surprising she knows how to deal with eccentric people due to their odd family, and her youth will make neighboring kingdoms assume the kingdom has become 'good guys' in their view.

She laid her head in your lap. It wasn't often that she did that kind of thing. "I do not think I've slept for a long time."

You rested a hand on her hair. "Go ahead and sleep some."

Eseld yawned. "I cannot do something like that I had planned on asking you to go on a da-a training excursion!" She changed her tune most of the way through.

Despite her insistence on being a serious dragon lady she was downright adorable when her guard was down. Dragons had a bit of a problem with acting like that though.

You smiled. "So where do you want to go?"

Near instant travel by being grabbed while she leaps through the window at supersonic speeds later

You landed outside of a gothic cathed-wait why the hell did Japan have massive gothic cathedrals in the middle of a city? The logic of this city confused you to an immense degree.

A black sword appeared in Eseld's hands. "Please my king fight me to your heart's content." She planted the blade in the ground causing space to shift.

You were in a gothic castle filled with stained glass that set an unearthly red light across every single brick within. Dragons of a certain age learn tricks to keep adventurers out of their loot, one such trick was to create alternate space to keep the vast majority of it in.

Eseld smiled and lifted her sword. "So let the battle begin." She launched herself forward like a bullet. Her sword raised overhand and descending upon you.

You embraced her and let the force of her body knock you several dozen meters forward and into the ground. Eseld blushed. "What is this dirty trick? I ca-ca-ca-cannot fight if you do something like this." She was cherry red.

You patted her head again. "Is what you really want most to fight? You haven't even been here for a day."

The moment was ruined as the ceiling groaned before a lightning bolt ripped through it and hit right next to the two of you. It sent a cloud of smoke up that filled the room but you could sense an incredibly powerful energy source.

As the dust cleared the two of you came face to face with.

…An adorable child crying as she hugged a scraped knee. "Uuuuu why did I have to land like that?"

You looked at Eseld and faked a blush as you put a hand on your face. "Oh so this is what it was? You had been hiding a secret love child from one of those times Titania's mother drew you into our bed while all of us were drunk and have been searching for me due to hoping that revealing our blessed daughter would lift my spirits from my depression."

A new shade of red could be named from the look on Eseld's face. "W-w-what? No, I never. Wha-huh?"

The girl stared at the two of you. "Why is a dragon fighting an inferior species?"

She stood up with the red coming from anger instead of embarrassment. "My king is not inferior. He has slain dragons without straining himself youngblood so show respect to the true lord of my home dimension."

Electricity arced between her horns as the dragon girl turned away. "A mighty celestial sea dragon such as I is above a western dragon serving a human! I am Jingu of Ryuuguu-jou the daughter of Ryuujin the god of dragons!" She pointed at Eseld. "Humans are lowly creatures undeserving of respe-"

"So you are named after the Empress who Ryujin helped with martial conquests?" You smiled with your eyes closed.

"Eck!" She tripped up at that.

"So your father is foolish for respecting a human woman enough to name you after her?" You continued.

The effect was like an arrow being driven into her skull as she collapsed to the ground.

"And why are you here then oh celestial being?" You asked.

She curled up on the ground. "I got banished to Earth for the next 500 years for eating my big sister's hair. Father wouldn't even look at me and-"

Eseld had already turned into her more 'adult' form and held the girl to her bosom. "I am your mother now, ignore cruel dragons who leave their children to defend for themselves. Ones such as those will imprint knowledge upon their eggs and abandon them before they even become hatchlings due to being far too possessive of their hordes."

And now her parental issues were showing.

Did this make you a godfather?

[+1 Bond Eseld]

AN: Still waiting on a tie breaker.
Day 5 End
Day 5 End

[X] Talk to one of your children (can be taken multiple times)
-[X] Luce
--[X] About Drama Club
[X] Talk to Eseld
-Ask how the kingdom is doing, how's she's doing and ask her advice on what we should to. We respect her opinion as a lieutenant. Remind her about keeping low key if she suggests conquering

You sat down with Luce and Eseld. Your son spun his guns around his fingers while looking at the ceiling. "So how's work?"

"Strange, how is your club?" You asked.

"There is some kind of angel or something in it, I drain her power all the time so she doesn't end up using it on somebody. It's hilarious and prevents her from doing something like attacking Vickie with holy power or whatever else divine beings like to do with 'monsters,'" He nonchalantly answered.

You blinked. "Well if problems occur call me."

"Oh if problems occur my plan is to jump through her portals and absorb all the energy in her home plane so everything from it dies," He shrugged. "What is the plan for dinner?"

"A buffet," You replied while leaning back. "I need to get more food over the weekend since I haven't shopped for a month. Eseld what has happened recently other than the election?"

Her eye twitched. "Literally nothing of importance."

Well that was actually good new in your opinion. "So is there anything you think we should be doing?"

"Conquering this island country and turning it into a staging point as to rule this world," She stated with utter seriousness.

"….Let's put a pin in that."

[X] Investigate something
-[X] People who have been dangerous around idols

Roll: 21+15 Idol Expert+15 Working Overlord=61

Since your only leads were on the internet you asked Ashe to help you out.

Her open grin and shining eyes was an expression her mother often made when she was having fun. "No one escapes me!" She laughed while typing away on the computer.

After a few moments she tracked the most often used computer of one of the final members of the cult to one in their school. Just how many students will you have to kill?

[X] Try to find someone (write in what you want to talk about) (Can be taken multiple times)
-[X] One of those heroes
--[X] The girl with the boxing gloves
---To many things are going on in the city, you know exactly how powerful those hero types can grow to so if you could direct them, that would be best

Rolled: I already showed you

[X] Write in something else
---Have a family dinner with Eseld. Go out somewhere nice and calm and make sure everyone is doing fine.

Roll: 90+10 Organized Parenting+15 Comfort of a Parent=115 crit roll 98 nat crit 88+15=103 2nd crit 91+3=94

All of you walked to a buffet and sat at a corner booth. Jingu stared at the fabulous amount of meet prepared at the buffet in the center of the room. Drool escaped her mouth. "Delicious. Humans are not as lowly a species as I thought."

At the table next to you a very small blond boy was stuffing his face full of beef, chicken, pork, rice, noodles, and absolutely no vegetables. A red haired woman sighed. "Ing if you eat like that you will not grow."

He continued wolfing down food. "But Bree I need meat. Those horrible people who I helped gave me nothing but fake kebabs, kebabs need meat on them!"

Fortuna stood on the seat and waved. "Ingolf hi!"

The boy waved in acknowledgement. "Wow I thought you were joking about how big your family was."

The woman looked at you. "Are your children picky eaters?"

The only blood Victoria liked was your own, and she required blood to actually function normally. "Yes."

You walked to the buffet and filled your plate with Mongolian beef, teriyaki chicken, rice, carrots, and various vegetables before returning to your table. The only members of your family with similar concern for getting all food groups were Tacitus and Ashe.

The rest were gorging on only carbohydrates and meat.

Well Vatista, Titania, and Victoria technically didn't need food, depending on if Luce was draining energy from others he didn't either. Actually given his comments lately he probably did not need to eat nearly as much as he was currently.

Part of you thinks that his power processed everything he ate into pure chemical energy without needing to store it physically within his body. Either that or he had a tape worm which you could not sense.

Thinking about it Fortuna and Tacitus could use their powers to cheat weight gain as well.

Eseld and Jingu had large piles of plates and bowls growing in height next to them. They towered over everyone in the room.

Titania suddenly broke into a grin while she looked at a waiter. "Is there any form of eating challenges here?"

"Yes ma'am there is," He stared at the two dragons in horror. "If a person can eat fifty full plates they do not have to pay at all."

Titania smiled. "Everyone at this table except for the baby will be entering it."

She must have come to the same conclusion as you.

Alex, Charlie, and Snowdrop stared at you with fear in their eyes. Alex could probably open an interdimensional portal in his stomach, but the others….

"You don't need to if you don't want to," You explained while looking at the towering stacks being brought towards your table.


One of those heroes stared at the towers of food. When had she gotten here?

You looked at her face and then at the towers. "Do you want to join us?"

The knife and fork she brought out made 'shing' sounds.

The blonde boy jumped over his seat into your booth. "I will take one of the other stacks!" He cheered. His guardian thumped his nose.

"Don't get your feet on restaurant chairs," She groaned.

Sixty completely licked clean bowls were piled next to Jingu, Eseld, and Ing. "More please," They held their hands out to the waiter who began to back away slowly in fear.

One Hour Later

One permanently traumatized waiter later you were carrying the hero girl due to her being too nauseous to walk. "You should have just stopped once you were green in the face," You noted while following your no-worse-for-wear children, lieutenant, and lieutenant's daughter.

The physical contact let you know exactly what kind of power she had.

And it made you truly happy you hadn't actually fought those heroes earlier. A demigod who didn't inherit just one power from their godly parent, but literally all of the domains if at a diminished level.

A luck manipulator and Guardian rolled into one was an existence you did not want to fight. The latter was like those heroic second winds that power up protagonists boosted to the eleventh degree and on at all times. The more friends they have and the more danger they are put in the stronger a Guardian would be. Just…no you would need to immediately kill the entire group so she could not get that country leveling power boost if you actually had lethal intent towards those teens.

You shuddered at the mass damage that the entire local area would be put through. Nothing would be left if her true power was manifested.

"So what is a demigod doing with street level heroes?" You asked.

She blinked. "What?"

This hero didn't even know her divine ori-wait no it was a hero they tended to be oblivious to their things like that and had secret origins galore. "Given the powers I can feel from you I would assume you are the child of Benzaiten."


She stared at you. "The monks who raised me suddenly make a whole lot more sense."

You wondered if they were the same group that trained Eliwoo-you-mean Corren. Reaching up, you patted her head despite the awkward position. "Given the type of deity we are talking about entrusting you to her worshippers probably means some enemy of hers either knew of you and planned to exploit you to attack her, or it was done to prevent that from even being thought of."

"So dragons might want to kill me?" The girl asked.

"…." You realized something. Benzaiten was a charismatic goddess with control of music. Your eyes glinted. "So young miss, have you ever considered being an idol?"


"I can train you in magic," You added.

"EH!" She cried.

You were going to turn a demi-god of a musical goddess into an idol even if you had to use the biggest carrots you had to reel her in.

And then you would make it so you would manage her! None would prevent you from exploiting magic to reach the top of the listings!

You took off your glasses and smiled.

Her face turned red. "Okay."

Alex laughed. "Now I understand everything." Luce bowed to you while Victoria facepalmed in embarrassment.

[Gain Etsuko Bond 1. Contacts: Etsuko, Bree Rhiannon, Ingolf.]

Choose 3 children for bond ups

[] Write In

Choose 5 (It is the weekend!)

[] Talk to one of your children (can be taken multiple times)
-[] Who and about what?
[] Meet one of your idols (can be taken multiple times)
-[] Who, about what, and what will you do?
[] Do a weekend activity with your children (Can be taken multiple times)
-[] Write in
[] Talk to Eseld (About and do what?)
[] Talk to Etsuko (about and do what?)
[] Talk to Jingu (About and do what?)
[] Talk to Bree (About and do what?)
[] Talk to one of your children's friends (Write in what about)
-[] Ingolf
-[] Riko
-[] Riko's brother
-[] Write in
[] Try to find someone (write in what you want to talk about) (Can be taken multiple times)
-[] Corren
-[] Vihn
-[] That robot magical girl
-[] One of those other teachers (which one?)
-[] One of those heroes
--[] Which one
-[] Write in
[] Investigate something
-[] Serial Killers
-[] Deadly Joker
-[] Magical girls
-[] Write in
[] Take some me time (Random Encounter, can be taken multiple times)
[] Meet one of your neighbors
[] Write in something else
Last edited:
Day 6 Part 1
[X] Do a weekend activity with your children (Can be taken multiple times)
-[X] Ask if they want to do anything and if they don't have any ideas, have a picnic at the park.

Roll: 90+15 Comfort of a Parent+10 Organized Parenting=105 crit roll 14+5=19

Random Event: 9
[X]Offer food that we personally made, our Knowledge should make that food GODLY
-[X]If we don't know ask how we pissed her off
-[X]Fix whatever we did to piss her off
-[X]Use the Power of Moe and Sexiness, we take off our glasses and while Jingu is in our lap looking adorable.
-[X]redirect her anger at you to Jingu's dad, explain how she got kicked out while she was so young and know your taking care of her.
-[X]Let loose your children upon her, she won't stand a chance.
-[X]Grab Eseld and the Both of you start seducing the Dragon God.

The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, there were no heroes trying to kill you, you had no paperwork to do, and you were getting to spend time with your kids. It looked like everything was just fine.

Then the ground opened up as a coiling serpentine dragon of a size that dwarfed even Eseld's natural form rose out of the ground. Hissing as steam rolled off of its white scales. "Lady Armage….who the fuck are you?"

Hmm an alternate space had been made. The park had been replaced by idyllic grassy plains with rivers flowing in the distance. Cattle grazed peacefully without a care in the world.

You felt…fear. You had no idea why, you had met plenty of god in the past. This person though…something about it felt entirely different in comparison to the ones from before.

It wasn't the feeling of death exuded by the dragon god, but something else. Something which was unnatural to it.

The divine entity was stable, but it had a number of demonic aspects foreign to it. It remained in its true nature as a divinity, not even as a Demon God, but tainted by something it was not. You had encountered demons derived from or having originally been gods until demonified by another pantheon, but this one had not been 'inverted' for lack of a better word.

You took out a sandwich from your picnic basket. "Would you like a sandwich?"

"Why do you have the scent of a Witch all over you?" The dragon growled.

You calmly took another sandwich out and took a bite out of it. "Well I am a Witness of The Abyss."

"….." It stared at you. "Then it should just be The Abyss all over you not the scent of one of the Eight."

"One of them looked at me," You shrugged. "Sandwich?"

Roll: 64+30 Lady Killer+20 Guide+10 Offering+20 Rare=144 crit roll 39+44=83

A pair of slitted grey eyes stared at you for a long moment before blinking. "You are powerful, are you one of those humans who goes around calling themselves an overlord?"

"Yes, I am an overlord," You took off your glasses. "These are my children, one of my generals, and her recently adopted child."

The dragon god looked at Eseld. "That dragon child next to you is not of the same stock as you."

"She was kicked out of the watery halls of Ryujin's realm due to devouring her sister's hair," Eseld explained.

Jingu nodded. "I chewed all of it off."

Vatista stared at the dragon. "I want to ride your head."

It began to chuckle as it reduced in size until a woman in rather tight fitting clothing stood before you. "I am Veles, Slavic god of Music, Magic, Trickery, Wealth, Farming, and Death."

You blinked. "Aren't you supposed to be a bearded man?"

The dragon god held the bridge of her nose. "After I lost several of my Domains and gained demonic attributes I went through many hoops to regain them. Among those were devouring the Authorities of deceased Earth Mother divinities. That process managed to reduce the demonic forces while giving me the Domains once again. The change in gender is one of the side effects, I have gotten used to it. Besides I have been in such forms…" She trailed off while she noticed the youth of some of your children. "Nevermind."

Something still nagged at your mind. The unnerving aura was…not destructive, not death, but The End. Apocalyptic Force.

You frowned. If a god of already dubious nature was attributed a demonic nature they often became demons, if one was identified with what was identified as Pure Evil and the bringer of the endtimes….Apocalyptic Force could be cursed upon them and integrated into their very nature.

A god of wealth and prosperity likely did not enjoy having that…grafted into their soul. Unfortunately you did not have the ability to change a very god's nature without an incredibly long amount of time, effort, and power over the course of at the very least several years if you didn't make potentially hundreds of virgin sacrifices.

Veles took your uneaten sandwich and began to eat. "It has been a long time since I have had offerings."

Why she was looking for the Armageddon Witch was something you decided not to touch upon. Trust was something one gained over time.

[Bond 1 Veles Gained]

Choose One Child to gain a bond with

[X] Talk to Eseld (About and do what?)
Ask if she and Jingu need anything. Also ask if since she's now Jingu's mother, does that make him the father. See if Eseld wants to finish that Date/Sparring that got interrupted

No on both.

[X] Talk to Etsuko (About and do what?)
Go through the basics of being an Idol and give her a Crash course in it all. Ask if she has any problems that you should know about.

99 nat crit 90 (YANDERE DICE!)+100 WA+15 IE+15 OT+15 WO+10 RI=245 2nd crit 36+145=181 3rd 52+81=133 4th 81+33=114 5th 18+14

[Etsuko Unique Skill: Divine Luck: the range of crit is expanded. 80-100 is considered a nat crit, 1-20 is considered a nat failure. If a roll within her fail range occurs she must forgo a +100 Luck Bonus to instead reroll without the bonus.]

Etsuko Roll: 62+40 B Rank Singing+20 Divine Voice+100 Divine Luck=222 crit roll 23+122=145 2nd crit 81 Nat Crit 3rd 83 nat crit 4th 26

Etsuko's Stats (After Bonus from your teaching train)

Singing: A

Appearance: B

Dancing: B

Charisma: B

Luck: Ex

Acting: B

You sat in the recording station while Mr. Yorozuya's eyes twitched and his mouth foamed. "Is everything okay?" You asked.

Beady bloodshot eyes stared at you. "Where do you find these people?" At least you think that is what he said, the foam garbled it a bit.

"On the streets."

"I did that when I was a Producer," He deadpanned. "But I did not get…this."

Angelic singing came from the mouth of the tomboyish demigod.

Well you were getting a solo album to show the higher ups that she didn't need the idol school. So less work for both of you. Unless that included paperwork….it probably did.

[X] Investigate something
-[X] Serial Killers

Rolled: 73+100 WA=173 crit 43+73=116 2nd 95 nat crit 3rd 96 nat crit 4th 75+16=91 (YANDERE DICE!)

You walked down a deserted alleyway in a well off part of the city. From your semi-legal searches this was one of the areas where the serial killers operated the most and-what the fuck were you seeing?

A young teen had been roughed up and was getting into a rather poor boxing stance while a blue haired girl talked on a phone and a man was-WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK WAS GOING ON?

The girl spoke over the phone. "So we have your son and dog so if you want to see them again-"

"I think I'll just eat it," The man said.

A woman walked by, drew a knife from her sleeve, and cut the man's head off with a single swipe. Blood sprayed everywhere as she caught the dog and threw the knife into the girl's hand. Cutting the phone apart and splitting the hand down the middle, hanging loosely as the girl stared down the gaping split while blood poured out of it.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" She shrieked. A deathglare was shot at the woman. "Die you bitch, Execution Visage!"

The woman stared impassively at her. "And?"

Backing away slowly the girl shuddered. "You should be dead. No one can look at me dead on and live."

The three of you blinked. "What?" You all said impassively.

"What kind of monsters are you?" She screamed.

"You were going to let that man eat Henry!" The boy shouted in defiance while running forward. He tackled her and punched her hard in the face, sending teeth flying.

A second knife came out of the woman's sleeves and she calmly decapitated the girl as well. She stared at the bodies for a moment, set the dog down, and closed her eyes while touching the blood coating her wrist.

When her eyes opened again they were cold and black. "So this again."

Write in Introductions, Questions, and Offers

[] Maximum of three questions for each person

[X] Write in
-[X]Create a Magic Panic button for all your children, for your idols and for Esled and Jingu. Too much shit has been happening and you want to be able to get to your kids if they need it.
Rolled: 3 (You blew up your workshop) (YANDERE DICE!)

That night you tried to set up a new magic item to inform you if your children were in danger.

It blew up the entire apartment. Coughing as the smoke cleared you blinked as it seemed that everything was okay other than your supplies being gone.

Veles PoV

You frowned while the odd man's baby sipped juice from a crystal cup. How was the volume of it never changing?

Choose 5 (Late Afternoon and Night)

[] Dinner Plans (Must be taken)
-[] Write In
[] Talk to one of your children (can be taken multiple times)
-[] Who and about what?
[] Do a weekend activity with your children (Can be taken multiple times)
-[] Write in
[] Talk to Eseld (About and do what?)
[] Talk to Jingu (About and do what?)
[] Talk to Bree (About and do what?)
[] Talk to Etsuko (About and do what?)
[] Talk to one of your children's friends (Write in what about)
-[] Ingolf
-[] Riko
-[] Riko's brother
-[] Write in
[] Try to find someone (write in what you want to talk about) (Can be taken multiple times)
-[] Corren
-[] Vihn
-[] That robot magical girl
-[] One of those other teachers (which one?)
-[] One of those heroes
--[] Which one
-[] Write in
[] Investigate something
-[] Serial Killers
-[] Deadly Joker
-[] Magical girls
-[] Write in
[] Meet with one of the two people you just met (can be taken multiple times)
-[] Which one
-[] Talk about what?
[] Take some me time (Random Encounter, can be taken multiple times)
[] Meet one of your neighbors
[] Write in something else

AN: I decided that given the presence of Yosuke the house would actually be okay. Storywise it wouldn't make sense if it wasn't.