Retired Evil Overlord Quest (Temp Title)

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Retired Evil Overlord Quest

What was your special power

[] Power Source Creation: You were an...
Char Creation 1
Retired Evil Overlord Quest

What was your special power

[] Power Source Creation: You were an overlord whose strength came from his overwhelming might and the ability to amass followers whose loyalty was ensured by giving them special abilities.

[] Nullification: You were a tyrant with the power to deny others the use of their powers. Magic, technology, martial arts, all could be sealed away by your power as a nemesis.

[] Probability Manipulation: You were a mastermind who manipulated the world itself. Disasters, luck, and the emergence of heroes were all carefully controlled by you to prolong your reign.

[] Restoration: You were a dictator who had the power to return things to what they once were. Death and destruction were beneath you.

[] Hyper Connection: You were a demagogue who had the power to know peoples' thoughts, emotions, desires, and more. All lifeforms could be controlled by you.

What was your homeworld?

[] A realm of high fantasy

[] A world in an eternal dark age, where magic was rare and feared

[] A dimension where technology progressed at an exponential pace

[] A world where magic and science fought in the dark

[] A place where magic was slowly giving way to the technology of man

[] A dark spire where humans, mages, and mystical beings made their home

[] A world where you had once thought you were the only one with powers

[] A bizarre world where a cycle of war and destruction caused it to die and be reborn many times.

Your species is

[] Dragon

[] Vampire

[] Human

[] Werewolf

[] You have no idea

Why did you retire?

[] You killed your nemesis and got bored

[] You realized none could defeat you

[] Your wife/wives died and you had to deal with being a single parent

[] You had conquered the world and your empire was efficient enough that you didn't have to do anything.

Where are you now?

[] One of the homeworld options

[] A quiet little city

[] A large city where heroes and villains keep fighting

[] A city where some odd things have been happening

[] A crime ridden island nation

Of course there is always some problem going on (Choose as many as you want)

[] A cult wants to kill you and use your soul to summon some eldritch god

[] A bunch of wannabe heroes keep trying to break into your house

[] Some kid detective keeps snooping around

[] Some princess keeps coming over and adventurers keep running around saying you kidnapped her

[] An eldritch abomination calling herself Petohtalrayn

[] Some witch cult keeps causing trouble

SB Omakes
Canon Flashback Omake: Ashe Learns Manipulation (79)
Canon Omake: Rose's Golden Illusion (410)
Canon Omake: It Turns All But You To Dust (320)
Noncanon Omake: Memoirs of an Overlord (420)
Canon Flashback Omake: She was but the first by Cogi276 (1.1k)
Canon Omake: Kenji Yamato the Idol Expert (480)
Canon Omake: The Overlord Wakes Up (350)
Canon Flashback Omake: Vatista and The Papa Wolf (380)
Canon Flashback Omake: She was like no other. A worthy partner (1.3k)
Canon Omake: My daughter Vatista (430)
Canon Flashback Omake: Council of 5 Year Olds (320)
Canon Flashback Omake: Hello My Old Enemy (350)
Semi-Canon Omake: Kindergarden Kingdom (240)
Canon Omake: If I Had Become A Teacher (420)
Canon Omake: Vatista Takes a Page From Magneto (290)
Canon Omake: The Strongest One Is....-!? (520)
Canon Flashback Omake: Singing Goodnight (190)
Canon Flashback Omake: When Heroes Run (540)
Canon Omake: The Overlord is an Idol Manager? (440)
Canon Flashback Omake: Meeting The Heroes (270)
Canon Flashback Omake: She was worth it, I loved her so (2.8k)
Canon Flashback Omake: Daily Life of a Fantasy Overlord (670)
Canon Omniverse Omake: Fans React To Bloodlines (320)
Potentially Canon Omniverse Omake: Bloodties, Season Finale (1.4k)
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Char Sheet
Character Sheet
Alias: Kenji Yamato
Species: Human
Age: Ancient
Place of Occupation: Apartment in a metropolitan city

Will: 5 (Superhuman) Ego: 2 Leadership: 10 (Exalted) Planning: 5 (Super Human) Knowledge: 15+5=20 (Observer of The Abyss). Power: 11 (God)


Power Source Creation: You were an overlord whose strength came from his overwhelming might and the ability to amass followers whose loyalty was ensured by giving them special abilities.


Pride: You feel this in your abilities and when your minions achieve something. People tend to try very hard to impress you

Organized Parenting: +10 to rolls pertaining to what could be considered parenting. +1 to stat checks.

Observer of the Abyss: Mundane skills are automatically at least A Rank (+80 to rolls) and learn able abilities (magic) are all at least B Rank (+40). Very few skills are outside of what you would consider "Common Knowledge." You gaze into The Omniverse. One of many, you have noticed figures like you. Above those whose eyes have yet to truly comprehend the vastness of -----. Still there are figures, something above mere Observers indistinctly placed above you. You have sought knowledge and continue to do so. Though, most of all, you observe. ???

Smooth Operator: +15 when it comes to seduction/romance options

Ages of Leadership: + 5 Leadership

Idol Expert: +15 to rolls pertaining to idols

Inhuman Will: +15 to rolls involving willpower

Exalted/Horror: +20 to rolls involving leading, +10 to conversation/empathy rolls. To your allies you are a comforting, calming, and awe inspiring figure. To your enemies you are particularly terrifying.

Schemer: +10 to planning rolls

Overlord Tutor +15 to rolls involving teaching

Comfort of a Parent: Plus 10 to all roles involving children, an additional +5 to roles involving your own.

Working Overlord: +15 to rolls involving work

Conceptual Fist (You can punch people with the concept of a punch and punch incorporeal/conceptual entities).


Kitab Ea-im (Book of Ea): +5 Knowledge: Spells and knowledge unknown even to you will be supplied by this object. When you originally found it the book was a tablet. Over time its form changed to whatever was suitable for the era. Despite the coming of the digital age it has remained in the form of a book.


The Overlord is a Single Parent: Protagonist

Council Wars: Recurring Character

Witches Apocalypse: One Scene Wonder

Rose of Chaos: Side Character

Bloodties: Was Side Character, now: What The Fuck Just Happened?


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Allies and Such
Allies and Such

Tacitus: Bond 1

His main interest is magic and alchemy. He was born with the powers of Absolute Conversion. Perhaps the most inquisitive of your children. One of the few children with an active interest in following your footsteps, he thinks a robot army is a good idea. He is a miserly fellow. He somehow became Vice Class President, you are so proud

In addition to turning matter into other forms, and energy into other types of energy Tacitus can turn make a matter-energy conversion with no loss. This can be used in many ways, notably turning an entire person into a bomb.

Alex: Bond 2

Definitely the jokester of your children. He is an Esper capable of many things though his focus is illusions.

Despite his cheeriness Alex is an expert in manipulation and using his powers to cause mental trauma on his victims. First using telepathy to find their fears, then using illusions based on them to break them. He shrugs when his siblings ask why he does it and says, "Better than killing or turning them into vegetables."

Alex's other powers include telepathy and empathy which he uses along with his illusions to enhance their effects. Seeing things, their thoughts manipulated to go along certain lines, emotions enhanced. Once a hero broke into your home while he was sitting with you.

Alex asked him one question. The man stabbed himself in the gut. He could have just used mind control, but Alex considers brute force boring. While he is not an expert on the scientific aspects of his power in your world he is one of the top 100 Espers due to his vast degree of experimentation and control of his abilities.


Your son by a witch. He was born with the power of draining lifeforce from others to empower himself. He is incredibly flamboyant and greatly enjoys music. You might want to take his guns away.

Charlie: Bond 1

Perhaps the one who has adapted to this new world the best, though incredibly quiet. He reads a lot of comicbooks when he isn't animating his toys.

Charlie's power is to animate objects. There seems not to be a size limit to this and he can make it so his toys have the size and properties of what they are meant to be unless they are meant to be magic. He doesn't understand this limit and neither do you.


Aw what a cute baby. You don't actually remember where and when he came from. That might be a problem. Seems to love your glasses.

Vatista: Bond 4

There was this one time you got drunk and built a deathmachine. You have no idea why you built it in the form of a little girl. You are doing your best to keep her away from the internet. Among her many weapons is the ability to use any magnetic object as ammo for a railgun.

Her true power aside from the variety of weapons put inside of her is Electromagnetic Manipulation. She has grown to the point where you have unlocked that power. Vatista is the master of one of the Fundamental Forces of The Universe.


Integrating "Junk" Data

Vatista was made for no reason in particular, but she is the Ruler of Machines. It is not a purpose or role, simply a fact. All your knowledge of science and magic has been inscribed into her code and she can control machines similarly to Ashe. Organic beings can be transformed into cyborgs or machines by her will.


One of your oldest children, who became a vampire to attain immortality. She has the ability to cut things. Including noncorporeal entities and magic.

Ashe: Bond 2

Another inquisitive child of yours. Unlike Tacitus Ashe focuses on more scientific pursuits. Born with the ability to manipulate technology, she leverages this for what could probably be considered 'mad science'

Aside from her vast intelligence Ashe's power is mainly shown in the form of technopathy. With it she can give machines orders and essentially 'download' information. This can also be used to hack in a manner of speaking using her knowledge of computers write or alter programs in systems to do things such as give her own computers access. Aside from using it to telepathically talk with Vatista she does not use it on her.

Ashe is capable of forming machines from her mental schematics by making the materials around her assemble as she desires. This includes bending and shaping them as she wishes. She can also make machines disassemble at will. Ashe's limit is that the base materials must be present.

Titania: Bond 1:

A rather adorable daughter of yours. She is capable of manipulating light and dark magic in very odd ways. Though she is rather flighty and odd due to her fey heritage.

Her specialties include illusions, mind control, and creating things out of concepts and manipulating fate. How Fae do this is hard to explain. That is aside from the light and darkness blasts of doom.

Fortuna: Bond 1

One of your youngest children, and probably a good example of why you shouldn't reproduce. Raising a child with the ability to manipulate causality is incredibly confusing. Victoria's full sister.

Fortuna's preference is to use her power to move things from one place to another as it takes less energy from her. She sees the links between events which causes her to have a of form short-term precognition. Other than that her main attacks consist of causing improbable bad luck and causing enemy's actions to backfire spectacularly.

Vatista, Fortuna, and Charlie are in middle school on the same campus as the others. Victoria is much older but is posing as a 3rd year high schooler, Tacitus actually is the age of a 3rd year, Luce and Titania are second years, the rest are 1st year highschoolers.

Your Idols
Claudia Aeneas: Bond 1:

A prideful idol under your care. You think she is an ESPer and know for certain that she somehow knows the Black Speech without noticing it. She seems to have a sheltered personality.
Singing: D
Appearance: Ex
Dancing: C
Charisma: A
Luck: A
Acting: A+
Sajyou Aika: Bond 1:

A reclusive idol. She is fairly helpful but you haven't noticed any significant emotion from her, including while black fluid spurt out of her mouth from Claudia's singing. Oh wait there was the one time she asked if you were a fairy godfather. She has an unknown curse on her that you haven't managed to discern.

She trusts you and knows you are not normal. She doesn't seem to be bothered by it.
Singing: A
Appearance: A
Dancing: C
Charisma: EX
Luck: E
Acting: EX
Diva: Bond 2

A newbie idol whose personality you haven't quiet gotten a handle on. A Kresnik hunting her so she definitely is a vampire.
Singing: A
Appearance: B
Dancing: D
Charisma: A
Acting: C
Luck: D
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Character Creation 2
Winning Plan
[X] Plan monkey wrench
-[X] Power Source Creation: You were an overlord whose strength came from his overwhelming might and the ability to amass followers whose loyalty was ensured by giving them special abilities.
-[X] A world where magic and science fought in the dark
-[X] Human
-[X] Your wife/wives died and you had to deal with being a single parent
-[X] A large city where heroes and villains keep fighting
-[X] A bunch of wannabe heroes keep trying to break into your house

Will: your sense of self and the ability to keep going, this can be used to curb your ego, resist mental effects, persuasion, and fight through incredible pain and odds
Ego: This is your mental image of yourself. If it gets too high you are megalomanic, but too low is bad as well
Leadership: Your charisma and ability to get others to follow you
Planning: Your ability to form plots and direct others effectively
Knowledge: The accumulation of what you know, common sense is at the lower end, and ancient knowledge is at the higher end.
Power: It comes in many forms, but it is self explanatory

Human: +2 Leadership +2 Planning +2 Will. As a human you know you were likely born less powerful than many of the other beings, but you have found ways to supplement that.

Homeworld: +2 Knowledge +1 Power

Power Source Creation: +10 Power +2 Leadership. Minions begin with Loyalty 3

Tragedy: -3 Ego, +2 Planning

Current Total

Will: 2 Ego: -3 (Depressed) Leadership: 4 (Peak Human) Planning: 4 (Peak Human) Knowledge: 2 Power: 11 God

So then overlord, just how old are you?

[] Ancient: You are one of if not the oldest human alive in your dimension. Civilizations rose and fell while you watched +5 Knowledge +2 Ego

[] Industrial: You saw the world change, and with it so did you. +2 Knowledge +2 Planning

[] Modern: You have lived less than a single lifetime and have grown to contend with those much older than yourself. Will +2, Planning +2

What was your origin?

[] You were born with your ability. A gem in the rough. +4 Ego, +2 Will

[] You studied the mysteries hidden within your world and created your power yourself. +3 Knowledge +1 Planning

[] You are the creation of alchemists. Your body and power tailor made. +2 Planning +2 Knowledge

What kind of overlord are you?

[] Emperor Scientist/Sorcerer: +5 Knowledge. You were a teacher, then you gathered your best pupils to form a company. With that powerbase you began your journey.

[] God Emperor: +5 Leadership. +5 Ego. Minions normally start with +5 Loyalty (Totaling at 8: Incredibly Fanatical). Not that you actually considered yourself a god, but realized the devotion the image could inspire.

[] Shadow King: +5 Planning. You gained contacts either through crime or joining a government organization. Once you had enough you used your substantial leverage to your advantage.

Choose a trait

[] Attachment: You care for many people and things. You have an internal sense of when something is going wrong.

[] Pride: You feel this in your abilities and when your minions achieve something. People tend to try very hard to impress you.

[] Rage: .....When you feel it, whether hot rage or cold wrath, people see it. Then they tend to run screaming for the hills.

Could you guys post and vote on an image to use? Otherwise I will find one.

edit: An image other than The God Emperor of Mankind
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Char Creation 3 Base and Kids
Okay then vote closed. Unnamed vote wins

Unnamed: Will: 2 Ego: -1 (Sad) Leadership: 4 Planning: 5 (Super Human) Knowledge: 15 (Knowledge of The Abyss. Know things from outside of your universe) Power: 11 (God)

After moving to another dimension there were many things you had to do. Such as determine where you were going to live. Luckily this city had a plethora of homes on the market.

And the...oddness of many residents made it so many were just like home. You were not sure if that was an improvement.

You lived in a

[] Western Style Mansion: Easily defensible, attracts moderate attention. Neighbors keep to themselves.

[] Japanese style Traditional Mansion: Wide open spaces are nice for kids right, you do not have any neighbors.

[] Gothic Castle: You have no idea where this came from, it attracts A Lot of attention, and it would take a tank to get through.

[] Apartment: You bought the building so you have a stable income other than your horde of gold and jewels, but need to deal with incredibly annoying neighbors. Probably a good way for your kids to interact with people their age.

[] Normal House: Nothing special, might be a bit cramped

Your parenting style was

[] Organized and Protective: You have lists for everything you need and make sure your kids have bird familiars flying nearby.

[] Lax Tragedy makes this unavailable

[] Aw look at my future protégées: Training them to be future overlords.

[] Overprotective Dad: If it were possible you would be following them everywhere. You are a brick wall and nothing shall get through!

[] Public School: They can meet people and be exposed to normal and fun life.

[] Private School: Nothing but the best this world has to offer!

[] Tutors: You have people to teach them, and can make it clear to the teachers what failure means.

[] Teach them yourself: You are one of the first humans, one who has gained knowledge from other universes after mastering the science and magic of his homeworld. No one could teach them more than you!

Child options (As many as you want)

[] Tacitus: His main interest is magic and alchemy. He was born with the powers of Absolute Conversion. Perhaps the most inquisitive of your children. One of the few children with an active interest in following your footsteps, he thinks a robot army is a good idea.

[] Alex: Definitely the jokester of your children. He is an Esper capable of many things though his focus is illusions

[] Luce: Your son by a witch. He was born with the power of draining lifeforce from others to empower himself. He is incredibly flamboyant and greatly enjoys music. You might want to take his guns away.

[] Charlie: Perhaps the one who has adapted to this new world the best, though incredibly quiet. He reads a lot of comicbooks when he isn't animating his toys.

[] Yosuke: Aw what a cute baby. You don't actually remember where and when he came from. That might be a problem
He manipulates differences

[] Vatista: There was this one time you got drunk and built a deathmachine. You have no idea why you built it in the form of a little girl. You are doing your best to keep her away from the internet.

[] Victoria: One of your oldest children, who became a vampire to attain immortality. She has the ability to cut things. Including noncorporeal entities and magic.

[] Ashe: Another inquisitive child of yours. Unlike Tacitus Ashe focuses on more scientific pursuits. Born with the ability to manipulate technology, she leverages this for what could probably be considered 'mad science'

[] Titania: A rather adorable daughter of yours. She is capable of manipulating light and dark magic in very odd ways. Though she is rather flighty and odd due to her fey heritage.

[] Fortuna: One of your youngest children, and probably a good example of why you shouldn't reproduce. Raising a child with the ability to manipulate causality is incredibly confusing. Victoria's full sister.

edit: Please vote by plan
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Day 1 Part 1
[X] Plan Sleepyforest
-[X] Apartment
-[X] Organized and Protective
-[X] Private School: Nothing but the best this world has to offer!
-[X] ALL children

Like all other days since you created your power your eyes snapped open, completely attentive to the details of your small room. Bed, dresser, desk, lamp, fan, bookcases, computer, pictures of your children, all accounted for.

No intruders sensed with base six, electromagnetic spectrum, mystic sense, nor ESP.

Baby is sleeping in his crib.

You spent five minutes watching the fan spin before sitting up and getting out of bed.

Five minutes of stretching, ten minutes showering, 1 minute dressing. Personal preparations complete.

With your personal needs dealt with you put Yosuke in his baby chair and went to the kitchen to make pancakes for ten. The batter turning brown in the pan you turned to the fridge and set nine lunchbags on the table. Turning back to breakfast you flipped the pancakes before putting them on a plate, and taking dinner out of the freezer and into the fridge to begin thawing.

Ten plates each with two pancakes, a fork, knife, and glass of juice. On the baby seat was juice and a jar of baby food. Breakfast complete.

Victoria walked out of one of the room for the older girls. She yawned and clapped her hands loudly. "Father has cooked our meal, if thou dost not rise it shall lose its heat." You knew she could speak in a modern form, Victoria and you predated the language you were using.

Seven of your children rushed out of their rooms and scrambled to their chairs. Vatista simply floated to her chair and began to cut into her pancakes mechanically. Alex telekinetically carried maple syrup to the table and Luce began to drown his pancakes in it.

Fortuna's pancakes had syrup, chocolate chips, sugar powder, and sprinkles all over it despite the latter two ingredients not being in your pantry. The sounds of two sighs were heard as you groaned at your children's casual use of power.

You looked at the source of the second one, Charlie raised his hand up. "Hey Dad, how's work?"

Choose One

[] Teaching, you are used to it
-[] At public school.
-[] At your children's private school.
-[] Tutoring a family with old money.
[] Idol going to be weird once you start today. Getting a bunch of people to get along and work together has been your job for a long time.
[] Writing your life story under the guise of fiction is going well. (Can take with other options)
[] Running a book store is okay.
[] It isn't like you are in any actual danger as an information broker.

You handed your children their backpacks before they left. Baby Yosuke stared at you impassively. "Baby," You began. "I thank you for being sane like far." He raised his arms up as you picked him up.

Door locked. Now to get out of the apartment building without-

[Rolled 72]

"Greetings," You heard the semi-familiar voice of Atsuko Fukui. You were already walking to the elevator by the time she began to speak more. "Sir I do believe that something is deeply wrong with your eldest daughter."

The doors were closing but she stuck a book in between the doors. It dinged and opened up to let her in. "She may be possessed, have you noticed a sudden personality change in her?" She asked.

Not at all. You shook her head.

"I know your family may seem....odd," Atsuko stared at you with little emotion. "Especially due to their ages and appearances in comparison to you."

Press top button, close, sidestep out, watch as she fails to get it back open.

Yosuke looked at you. You nodded and took the stairs down.


[Rolled 72 again]

You drove to the daycare calmly and without incident despite some people on motorcycles fighting animal monsters.

When you arrived the teacher had to fight you to let go of Yosuke, as usual.
Day 1 Part 2
Plan Idol V2:
[X] Idol going to be weird once you start today. Getting a bunch of people to get along and work together has been your job for a long time.
[X] Writing your life story under the guise of fiction is going well. (Can take with other options)

With your fatherly duties complete at this point, it was time to get to work. Getting your current job had been somewhat troublesome, but it had a high income so using illusions and mind control on well over a dozen people to create the correct records for yourself was worth it.

Fairy Tale Productions. A popular media company that not only produced movies and idols, but books and cartoons as well. Employment there allowed you to skip several steps in submitting your 'fiction' light novels. Today would be the first day of your main job however.

You put your car in the parking building, entered the elevator, and pressed the button for floor six. Nothing interesting had happen-

The doors opened up to reveal the dead, emotionless eyes of a monster from the deepest bowels of Tartarus. An incredibly focused beady stare bore into your soul, scanning it, measuring your worth and qualities before carving out the best portions of it to be devoured by its dread lords.

Truly if you had someone like this in your old army none would have stood before you due to the terror he would bring. Perhaps you could clone his eyes and weaponize them. This was obviously some sort of Mystic Eye ability.

"Is something wrong Mr. - - -" He asked.

[] Write in current alias

You shook your head impassively while averting your eyes to the floor and bowing. "Nothing Mr. Yorozuya."

"Good we need to introduce you to your team," He turned around, his eyes no longer shearing into your soul, and walked down the hall. Office workers in their cubicles ducked their heads and anyone unfortunate enough to have been between them dove into the nearest cubicle even if it was occupied.

The flailing limbs and cries of pain reminded you of your early years, back when early homo sapiens were a purely hunter-gatherer species. Men fleeing from large felines and tumbling into one another to avoid claws that would shred their flesh from their bone.

They had been simpler times, horrible as well.

You had the feeling Mr. Yorozuya would cause tigers to run away crying with their tails between their legs.

Nevertheless you followed him to an glass office with the blinds closed.

Claudia Aeneas
Singing: E
Appearance: Ex
Dancing: C
Charisma: A
Luck: A
Acting: A+
Sajyou Aika
Singing: A
Appearance: A
Dancing: C
Charisma: EX
Luck: E
Acting: EX
Singing: A
Appearance: B
Dancing: D
Charisma: A
Acting: C
Luck: D
Your first thought was that two of these girls were wearing dresses that Victoria and Titania would love. Mr. Yorozuya bowed to the girls. "Greetings once again girls, this man will be the producer of your new idol group."

You bowed as well. "Greetings," You stated before taking a notebook out of your suitcase.

[Planning Check: 5+1 Organized Parenting-1 Negative Ego=5 Needed 2. Stellar success]

And got to work.

"Ms. Aeneas you have chronic headaches, these can be dealt with Advil. A doctor's visit has been scheduled to see if you need prescription medicine, if you have a sudden headache one way to deal with it is coffee. Ms. Sajyou while you have excellent performances and have performed as the leading lady in three movies your fanbase is small. This can be remedied by having more public appearances and showing your charms. Ms. Diva you are a new idol so you do not have a fanbase yet, your brooding songs and history in opera are good but you will need to work on your acting." You read from your notes while Mr. Yorozuya stared.

You shut your notebook. "Other than that it is well known that you must be passing all of your classes, I recommend forming a study group, using flashcards, and two column notes. The study group should help you in becoming a team. If you have issues please call me on my work number as I can tutor you."

You heard a pencil drop.

[Rolled: 87+15 Knowledge-1 Negative Ego=101 crit roll 51+1 Excess=52]

You were also fairly certain your idols were an ESPer, cursed, and a vampire. In that order. Joy.

Choose 3

[] Speak with Claudia
-[] About
[] Speak with Aika
-[] About
[] Speak with Diva
-[] About
[] Speak with Mr. Yorozuya
-[] About
[] Take the idols out to eat?
[] Check in with one of your kids
-[] Which one?
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Day 1 Part 3
[X] Kenji Yamato

[X] Speak with Claudia

-[X] About her singing

Your Roll: 74+4 Leadership-1 Sad+1 Organized Parenting=78. Good success

Claudia Roll: 2-10 E Rank Singing=-8


Your ears are bleeding putrid black fluid you had never seen before. What was happening? What was going on? Had your nemesis turned evil, followed you to this dimension, and unleashed a biological weapon?

You could feel a little sliver of your soul die before being remade by your modifications.

Claudia finished her eldritch ode in what had to have been the Black Speech.

Diva was curled up in a ball in the corner. "I think my blood started pumping in the opposite direction….while curdling."

Aika smiled and patted Claudia's head. "Do not worry Cla-" She involuntarily spat black fluid similar to what was leaking out of your ears before collapsing to the ground.

"Aika!" Claudia shouted. "What has befallen you?"

Make that two people on your team that were cursed, there was no way it was possible to be that inhumanly bad at singing. It was like a warcrime against humanity.

"I think we need a voice coach," You noted.

Knowledge Check: 15+1 Organized Parentin-1 Sad=15. Needed 5. Incredible success.

Of course you had learned how to sing in your millennia alive. Early on it had been due to tribal oral traditions, later it had been due to studying the gods and theosophical spells were often musically based.

So you could probably save money and do it yourself.


[] Coach Claudia yourself

[] Have the company hire a tutor for you to schedule in

[] Maybe the other idols could help? (Can take with other options)

Back to things

[X] Discuss what they want as a theme for the idol group

-[X] Suggest a 'Dark' Magical Girl theme. Normal Magical Girl groups are a dime a dozen but you had first-hand experience with dark, and it would stand out as being different.

[X] Take the idols out to eat.

Nearest Fast Food Restaurant

Your Roll: 98 nat crit. The dice gods are tsundere crit roll 94+4 Leadership+1 Organized Parenting-1 Sad=98 2nd crit 12.

The girls had been told to change into their casual clothes…which turned out to be the exact same things they had been wearing for Aika and Diva. Of course Aika's clothes were modest for an idol so that was not that odd. Claudia was somehow being the most normal, despite apparently having natural knowledge of The Black Speech, by changing into a short pink dress.

Claudia and Diva were staring at their hamburgers while Aika slowly ate. You had a feeling the former two came from very well off families, and had never been to a place like this.

You crossed your arms. "So then, this group needs a theme."

Claudia immediately stood up and put one foot on her chair. "I agree Producer, which is why I suggest," She put one arm on her chest while stretching the other to the sky. "Imperial Roma!"

Everyone was staring at what appeared to be a crazy person.

"No," Diva deadpanned, shooting it down like you had done a hero on a Pegasus that one time.

Aika nodded. "I think that would be far too limiting, we need something else. Original like your idea, but more easily done. I have experience as a lead in live action films, an Alice in Wonderland fantasy movie, a magical girl fighting film, and in a giant monster versus mecha disaster movie. Claudia has hosted shows before and starred in plays," She hummed. "And Diva has been in operas but not much else."

Just what kind of role did she have in a disaster movie?

You already had an idea though. "Dark Magical Girls."

Three pairs of eyes stared at you.

"Normal Magical Girl groups are a dime a dozen," You explained. "But I have first-hand experience with dark, and it would stand out as being different. Additionally it opens up a lot of musical options. Opera styled songs, new genres based on classical forms such as Baroque Metal for example. Lighter genres are also able to be done with it. Additionally it would potentially make it easier if you want to get into voice acting. At the very least songs you sing could be used as music for any one of the number of magical girl anime." You began to list the benefits of the choice.

Diva nodded. "I am perfectly fine with that, some of my dresses could be used again."

Nero smiled. "I look perfect no matter what I wear, Producer I am certain this can work."

Aika frowned. "I am not sure about the dresses, I prefer blues and white so I do not think I am up for that kind of style"

That was somewhat funny.

"White while often used to represent innocence is also used to denote purity," You shook your head while thinking of some of the people you had met in your old world. "Your preferred color choices can stay. If you had a role it could be a character such as an 'innocent villain' one who does not understand why what she does is considered wrong or one obsessed with purity to the point where heroes view it as crossing the line."

You had plenty of experience with people who considered themselves good while committing atrocities you balked at.

There had been that alien in all white who wanted to consume the entire human race into her biomass fuel while absorbing their minds into her gestalt intelligence. That had been one of the creepier alien invasions you dealt with.

Aika clapsed her hands in her lap and nodded. "I see," She smiled. "Well this can work then."

Event Roll 1: 38 Minor Annoyance

Event Roll 2: 26 Mild Annoyance

At that very moment Ms. Fukui walked into view from the line at the register. Your eyes met for a moment, then she began to walk with incredible speed in your direction while spouting nonsense. "Ah so the wild beast has dug his claws into innocent young women who-"

"This is my job," You cut in.

"Oh so you are a gigolo and not the other way," She began to speak of things you would rather not hear about.

"I own the buil-" You prepared to lay down your trump card.

"I shall leave and not anger the one who can make me lose my low rent apartment," Fukui floated away.

The girls stared.

"I think she is some form of cultist fused with the stereotype of a nosey neighbor," You explained.

Aika and Diva nodded.

After finishing your meals the four of you began to walk back to the company building. Your left eye began to twitch as you sensed the hooligans that kept trying to burgle your house approaching.

Five teens boxed you in while waiting for the crosswalk. "Hello Mr. Villain," The glasses wearing teen began. He had a Taser in his coat pocket.

So you turned to the nearest policeman, held one hand to your mouth, and shouted. "Hello, police this band of miscreants are approaching young girls while holding Tasers. I fear for the youth of the country."

You pulled his hand out of his coat, showing the weapon.

Cue pedestrians screaming and running away while burly men and police officers bodyslammed them. Ah the wonders of beings a nondescript businessman when in confrontation with youths in brightly colored clothing.

Claudia laughed and pointed to them. "Foolish thugs, do you believe you can simply mug an idol?"

And Aika was already helping you pull her away once the sign said you could go.

Rolling d10: 1. Tacitus. Event roll. 12 Oh boy

You stared impassively at the biomechanical monster. It was taller than the school building. Approximately 25 meters high, one meter across, composed of organic-metal of some sort. Serrated blades and armor covered it and created what could be described as a living blender as it moved.

Perfectly capable of slaughtering everday humans and impervious to small arms fire. It would also likely prove undamaged by normal tank shells.

It rushed towards you.

You sidestepped it and ran your hand across one of the smoother portions of it for a scant second.

All of its mass was reconfigured into graphite. The statue skidded as its velocity sent it forward, edges breaking off or catching on the ground, causing it to break to pieces.

The class president stared.

"What the fuck?"

You bowed. "I would prefer it if you did not speak of my ability."

"…….Okay but this needs to be explained because….WHAT THE FUCK?" She screamed.

"Absolute Conversion fixes problems," You deadpanned.

Choose 3 (Moving to the End of the Day)

[] Speak with Claudia

-[] About

[] Speak with Aika

-[] About

[] Speak with Diva

-[] About

[] Speak with Mr. Yorozuya

-[] About

[] Take the idols out to eat?

[] Check in with one of your kids

-[] Which one?

[] Write In
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