Crossover Repliforce Roulette (Mega Man X4 AU Randomizer)

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There is an immortal question that one day every warrior must find an answer to: "What am I fighting for?" For Colonel, it is for pride. For Zero, it is because it is his mission, and you're in the way. For Mega Man X it is to secure peace between humans and reploids. For General, it is to secure a place where reploids could live in peace away from humanity. For Sigma, it is to prove reploid supremacy over humans. For the Maverick Hunters, it is their job; for the Repliforce, their purpose; for Mavericks, their entertainment.

The question becomes, then, why does Iris fight?

When a freak twist of fate causes Zero to lose his life in Memorial Hall against Colonel, would Iris pick up the Z-Saber in his stead? Moreover, will she choose to fight with it?

Why does her system link chip no longer work? Why does she now have the Variable Technique System that Zero had? Why does she now hold an expanded RAM set in her cortex?

and why, practically every time she thinks of any specific reploid or charging her buster, does she hear the tell-tale sound of an X-Buster going off... when X isn't anywhere nearby? What is all this stuff she's just suddenly willing into existence when she pulls the trigger?

No one's certain what a given reploid is fighting for. Perhaps Iris will one day find that answer... even if it has to take her past the stars.