Render Unto Moloch v2 (MtAW)

[X] Go to class. Dream vision or no dream vision, you have an early morning lecture on campus and if you want to get there on time you'd best head straight off. You can sort out what the fuck just happened in your copious free time.

British society is coming off way scarier and oppressive than any spirit or monster in this Quest. Though I'm sure we'll be dealing with spirits of class relations or something soon enough.
[X] Go to class. Dream vision or no dream vision, you have an early morning lecture on campus and if you want to get there on time you'd best head straight off. You can sort out what the fuck just happened in your copious free time.
[X] Birdwatch. As crazy as it sounds, you're reasonably sure you got guided through at least part of that whole mess by a blackbird with a cockney accent. See if you can find a bird nearby and… ask about it? You might as well, right?
[X] Birdwatch. As crazy as it sounds, you're reasonably sure you got guided through at least part of that whole mess by a blackbird with a cockney accent. See if you can find a bird nearby and… ask about it? You might as well, right?

Weee! Magic birds!
[X] Go to class. Dream vision or no dream vision, you have an early morning lecture on campus and if you want to get there on time you'd best head straight off. You can sort out what the fuck just happened in your copious free time.
[X] Go to class. Dream vision or no dream vision, you have an early morning lecture on campus and if you want to get there on time you'd best head straight off. You can sort out what the fuck just happened in your copious free time.
[X] Go to class. Dream vision or no dream vision, you have an early morning lecture on campus and if you want to get there on time you'd best head straight off. You can sort out what the fuck just happened in your copious free time.
[X] Go to class. Dream vision or no dream vision, you have an early morning lecture on campus and if you want to get there on time you'd best head straight off. You can sort out what the fuck just happened in your copious free time.
Ranks and Practices
In the Awakened World, practitioners of magic are as prone to conflicts over status, rank and privilege as anyone else. The most basic way that they determine the respect that must be afforded to a fellow practitioner of the mystic arts is, naturally, by precisely which arts they are capable of practicing.

The Diamond Orders (more on them later) divide magic into ten arcana, divide each arcana into thirteen practices, and then group those practices into five ranks of proficiency. These ranks are then used to determine the official titles accorded to the practitioners; in order to be called a Master of Forces, you must be able to demonstrate your ability to cast at least one spell from every practice under the arcana of Forces. This in turn means that when you encounter someone addressed as such a master, you can take it as a given they are fully capable of detonating a spell with the same explosive yield as a thermonuclear bomb if given time to work.

(Needless to say, in a battle between Mages, information is king)

The ranks and their associated practices are as follows:

  • Compelling spells nudge a possible but not guaranteed outcome into taking place; a coin comes up heads (Fate), a bored guard decides to take a nap (Mind), a spirit decides to avoid its Bane (Spirit)
  • Knowing spells deliver knowledge about something directly to the caster; the precise cause of a corpse's end (Death), the route to a specific destination (Space), the presence of absence of a specific destiny (Fate)
  • Unveiling spells reveal that which would ordinarily be hidden; the flow of mana across the landscape (Prime), the shape of the world on the other side of the gauntlet (Spirit) or the exact contents of what that man is reading via his WiFi (Forces)
  • Ruling spells demonstrate outright control of a subject; water flows uphill (Matter), animals obey your will (Life) and time slows down (Time)
  • Shielding spells offer protection or immunity to specific phenomena within the bounds of their arcana; walk through an inferno (Forces), shrug off the dire curse of a wraith (Death) or drink as much as you like without becoming intoxicated (Life)
  • Veiling spells either conceal an expression of their arcana or render something else hidden to said arcana; walk through a crowd without ever drawing notice (Mind), mysteriously fail to appear on any form of CCTV (Forces) or cast spells that do not alert hostile mages in the area (Prime). You cannot veil yourself from abstract concepts such as death or time short of archmastery - no hiding from 'old age'.
  • Fraying spells weaken, damage or degrade an example of their associated Arcanum. Wood warps (Life), storms blow themselves out (Forces) and the shackles placed on your foe's summoned beast loosen and twist (Spirit). This level of spell is also the first level at which it becomes possible to harm an enemy directly and with magic alone.
  • Perfecting spells are the inverse, being designed to strengthen, optimize and otherwise improve expressions of their associated arcanum. A simple t-shirt becomes bulletproof (Matter), wounded flesh heals itself in short order (Life) and simple preferences become character-defining addictions (Mind)
  • Weaving spells can modify virtually any property of a target short of turning it into something else altogether. A sword is blessed to cut immaterial foes (Spirit), a steel door melts into an icy puddle (Matter) and the last dozen seconds or so are neatly reset (Time).
  • Patterning spells can change a target into any other force that falls under the chosen arcanum. Lead can become gold (Matter), memories can be replaced (Mind), a mage might shapeshift as required (Life) or teleport to an entirely new location (Space)
  • Unraveling spells inflict a significant impairment on the target, defined as being virtually anything short of outright destruction. Quell a hurricane (Forces), warp hostile spells into harmless forms (Prime) or cause aneurysms with a glance (Mind or Life)
  • Making spells produce an example of the chosen arcanum ex nihilo. Saturate an area in gamma rays (Forces), grant sentience to inanimate objects (Mind) or add another day to the calendar (Time)
  • Unmaking spells entirely erase and destroy their targets. Obliterate the soul of your enemy (Death), catch a falling star in the hand by removing its inertia (Forces) or simply decide that someone was never born (Time)

There is a sixth rank of power, known as Archmastery, but we shall not speak of it here. James begins the quest as an Initiate of Life, Spirit and Prime.
To whom it may concern, and so That you all have something to chew on, here are some example initiate spells. In reality the word of mugen is the limit.

  • Analyze an enchanted item
  • See through Prime-based Illusions
  • Dispel existing spells of any Arcana as long as the Prime Mage has 1 dot in the Arcana of the target spell
  • Inscribe a Grimoire
  • Perceive magical resonance in great detail
  • Detect deliberate falsehood
  • Analyze an organism for its biological features, such as age, sex, species, etc.
  • Purge oneself of drugs, toxins and poisons
  • Discern an organism's state of health and identify any illnesses
  • Determine the proximity of all nearby living creatures
  • Perceive Life Magic and Resonance
  • Counter any perceivable Vulgar Life spell being cast
  • Talk to Animals (but not humans or spirits)
  • Urge a sleeping spirit within an object for a small bonus
  • Detect the presence of a possessing entity in a host
  • Perceive Spirit Magic and Resonance
  • Counter perceivable vulgar Spirit spells being cast
  • See, hear and talk to Spirits
So we actually have a ton to work with here. Mostly because of spirit.

All Thrysus can Make spirit or phyiscal representation to take a single action in accordance with it's nature. (coaxing the spirits)

This one spell is workhorse. Depending on how mugen rules it. We can make sleeping spirits do anything non supernatural. (Please open lock spirit, please dispense 20s ATM spirit.) Though say... The greater spirit of the university might notice and object to us using spirit magic to break into our professors office. Same with a sufficiently powerful bank spirit.

I never played life at one dot so I am unfamiliar with it's capabilities. Somebody take it away!
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How much bargaining and contracting will we have to do with spirits in general to get them to do us favors? We are playing an aspiring lawyer, after all.
A mind for bargains will be very helpful. As will our magic.

The amount of wheelin and dealing will likely depend on how powerful the spirit is.

"Sleeping" spirits we can all but shove around with impunity. Though they have greatly limited powers.

Let's say... We wanted the spirit of the university to push us through graduation with straight A's though?

That would take some dealing. Like "your first born child" dealing.

Assuming they didn't just mind wipe us for our impunity.
How much bargaining and contracting will we have to do with spirits in general to get them to do us favors? We are playing an aspiring lawyer, after all.

That depends. Lesser spirits like the ones in examples given are not really aware enough to bargain with, so we can push them around as we please so long as greater spirits don't object (which usually involves disrupting the flow of essence they feed off, like withdrawing a lot of money from a bank with a bank spirit, though individual spirits can have their own principles and sensibilities above and beyond that).

When it comes to greater spirits, like the spirit of the hospital we saw earlier... Well, currently we can't actually do much at all to them, so it's all bargaining, all the time.

At higher levels of Spirit, we would be able to just order them around, binding them to the task or even trapping them in objects and use their powers directly, but that's liable to create some grudges, so caution is advised. It's a balancing act that depends on what support network we'll have then, basically.
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Just like normal dealing, spirit negotiations depend on how powerful we are and how powerful they are. We won't have trouble with ATM spirit 557 for too long, but even an Archmage had better act right around Hyperion or Luna.

Side note, this has probably already been answered, but is this based on 1st or 2nd edition? The 1e Covert/Vulgar rules really hurts some Arcana (Forces) more than others (Mind).
Just like normal dealing, spirit negotiations depend on how powerful we are and how powerful they are. We won't have trouble with ATM spirit 557 for too long, but even an Archmage had better act right around Hyperion or Luna.

Side note, this has probably already been answered, but is this based on 1st or 2nd edition? The 1e Covert/Vulgar rules really hurts some Arcana (Forces) more than others (Mind).

I only have 2nd edition, so that'll be the default.
2e spells we have access to right now:

Life 1

Analyze Life: Learn biological details about the target (race, age, gender, illnesses, injuries, total physical dots). Supernatural beings register as an unknown species, even if they have a human form. With more effort, you can determine exact physical dot totals for a stat, rather than the cumulative.

Cleanse the Body: Target gets a bonus equal to Potency (how much power we put into the spell) on their next roll to resist toxins. With more effort, they can roll immediately rather than wait.

Speak With Beasts: Self explanatory. Keep in mind that animals have a different perspective than humans. With more effort, you can speak to all animal species, rather than just one that you specified when you cast the spell.

Web of Life: Detect living things within the spell's area. Can specify what you want to know about, and should due to the existence of microorganisms. Can also scan a target for bacteria, parasites, or pregnancy.

Prime 1

Note that as Prime is not one of our Ruling Arcana, casting any of these spells will cost 1 mana in addition to any other costs.

Dispel Magic: Suppress a spell for a time equal to this spell's Duration. With more effort and a point of mana, permanently end the spell (the caster will know this has happened). Must have at least one dot in all Arcana used in the spell. If combined with Fate 1, you can selectively suppress the spell for some subjects but not others.

Pierce Deception: Automatically detect falsehoods. Mundanes have no chance of fooling you, supernatural deception provokes a roll off. The falsehood must actively be within your sight; just looking at someone won't tell you they're a tax cheat, but looking at their tax return would. With more effort, you get a vague, metaphor-laden sense of what the truth is.

Supernal Vision: Detect and analyze all manner of supernatural phenomena. Can learn about a subject's Arcana, current mana levels, Path, Nimbus (magical aura/calling card), etc.

Sacred Geometry: Detect ley lines and nodes. With more effort, we can detect whether a node has a Hallow, a spring of Mana (very valuable real estate). If combined with Death or Spirit 1, You can detect Avernian Gates and Loci, respectively. Other Arcana may reveal their own weird things.

Scribe Grimoire: Costs 1 mana, lets you record Rotes you know for others to learn. Explaining Rotes requires a deep dive into the casting system, which is for another time. With more effort and another point of mana, the rotes are permanently recorded.

Word of Command: Essentially hack a magical item or spell, activating it while bypassing its trigger conditions. Any mana required must be supplied by us. By adding other Arcana, we can use this on things related to that Arcana (Spirit for fetiches, Fate for fae curses, etc.).

Spirit 1

The Gauntlet: A key concept for Spirit magic, the Gauntlet is the barrier between us and the Shadow Realm, the spirit world. Attempting to cast across the Gauntlet imposes a penalty or bonus equal to its strength. The Gauntlet is generally strongest in the city and weakens as you go out, while a Loci actually gives a bonus to casting across.

Loci: Thin places in the Gauntlet. Prized by spirits (and thus spirit mages) as an easy way across and as a reliable source of Essence, spirit food.

Coaxing the Spirit: Compel a spirit or its physical counterpart to take an action in accordance with its nature. Cars can start, animals can attack or flee, guns can fire, cliffs can have rockslides. Resisted by the Rank of the spirit or the Composure of the counterpart, as appropriate.

Exorcist's Eye: Perceive and communicate with spirits in the world. Can detect active spirits, spirits within objects, discorporated spirits (Spirits don't normally die when critically wounded, just disperse until they can regenerate) and the presence of cross-Gauntlet conduits. With more effort, you can see across the Gauntlet into the world you're not currently in (this is resisted by Gauntlet strength). With Death or Mind 1, you can apply these effects to ghosts or Goetia, respectively.

Gremlins: When someone rolls a failure with an object that has been subjected to this spell, it is converted to a dramatic failure. Can convert a number of failures equal to the spell's Potency. With more effort, so long as the target is in sight, you can choose which failures get converted.

Invoke Bane: Spirits have Bans, actions they are compelled to take or avoid, and Banes, substances and areas that cause them harm. This spell compels a spirit to spend willpower to even enter the vicinity of its Bane and cannot touch it at all. Resisted by Rank, does not work on Spirits with Rank higher than 5 (Archmage level foes, kiss your ass goodbye).

Know Spirit: Determine information about a Spirit, its name, Bans, Banes, powers, Rank, etc.
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I am almost certainly not going to use anything in the way of actual mechanics from the rpg for this quest, so don't worry about tracking mana costs and such. That said your ruling arcana - life and spirit - will be stronger and easier to use than any other arcana you happen to pick up later.
All Thrysus can Make spirit or phyiscal representation to take a single action in accordance with it's nature. (coaxing the spirits)

Coaxing the Spirit: Compel a spirit or its physical counterpart to take an action in accordance with its nature. Cars can start, animals can attack or flee, guns can fire, cliffs can have rockslides. Resisted by the Rank of the spirit or the Composure of the counterpart, as appropriate.

I can't see this without "I am a stick" jumping to mind.
IV. See with Eyes Unveiled
You stand there, just past the door to the hospital, and for one brief and terrible moment contemplate just… forgetting. Telling yourself that you had a bad trip, that the pills Jen gave you to help focus your mind were clearly bad, that everything you saw and heard and felt during that extended journey was just an increasingly elaborate series of hallucinations.

It would be simpler, wouldn't it? To push it aside, tell yourself it didn't happen, leave it all unexamined and just get on with your life. Go back to class, focus on your studies, graduate and find a job and send money home, drag your parents and your whole extended family out of the ruins of their old life inch by bloody inch…

You can't do it.

Even if you wanted to, even if you were the kind of person who could turn aside a revelation in the interests of your mundane concerns, you simply cannot do it. Even now, standing in the empty air of London by night, something feels different. The world around you, once so chaotic and confusing, now seems… shallow. False, almost, like a fresh coat of paint slapped down over a moldering ruin, a plastic bag deforming beneath the weight of too much cargo. It feels like you could reach out and brush it all aside, take the blinders from your eyes and see the truth once again, glorious and terrible though it may be.

You chew your lip, then let out a short bark of hollow laughter. You can't turn aside from the true significance of what just happened to you, but that doesn't mean you need to drop everything and go hearing off in search of answers right this very minute. If nothing else you've got class in a few hours, an early morning lecture on… honestly you can't even remember, but enough of your professors are sticklers for punctuality and reliable attendance that you simply can't afford to just blow this one off in favour of some free time, even if you would be using it for a good cause.

So. Legal theory now, divine revelations of cosmic insight later.

Still making that odd, breathless noise that you rather hoped would sound more like laughter, you duck your head and set off down the street. A cold wind whips at you from the looming maw of a nearby alleyway, and with a shudder you pull the hood on your jacket up and tuck your hands as far into the pockets as they will go. It's not a complete cure for the cold, you left your good coat at home today, but it's enough to stop you dying of exposure so long as you keep moving and that will simply have to suffice for now.

It doesn't take you long to find a station, the distinctive red circle and blue bar shining softly in the early morning gloom. Stepping inside, you make your way over to the wall and it's sprawling map of rail lines and connected bus routes, trying to determine where you are in relation to where you need to go. It takes you a few minutes to work it out, and when you do the first thing you say is a curse. No wonder you didn't recognize the name of 'Oak Hill', you're halfway across the bloody city! No doubt the bobbies dropped you off at the closest medical establishment worth the name, which means you must have been walking in an unseeing daze for hours at the least… how the hell did no one else see fit to stop you, or at the very least take note?

Shaking your head, you fish the small blue card the government gave you out of your pocket. Discounted rail travel is about as far as the powers that be were willing to go in making your commute to and from the university any easier - not free, of course, never free, not when they can yet milk even the smallest drops of wealth from your lean and shallow frame - but you've had plenty of cause to be grateful for it all the same. The system is on automatic at this time, the staff reduced to skeleton levels huddled further in around the few functional heaters, and the clatter of metal and the bang of automatic doors slamming open echoes loudly in the cold night air.

On the platform, you tuck yourself in against a pillar to stay out of the wind and allow yourself to think at last.

The world, it seems, is… well, if not fake, then at the very least considerably larger and more fantastical than you had ever previously considered. You don't have nearly enough information on what is going on or indeed what you saw to make any kind of reasonable judgement, but assuming that you didn't literally eat the heart of god then it seems safe to assume that symbolism of some sort plays a significant role. You can't currently see anything particularly strange, yet the sense of fragility persist, so… two worlds, overlaid on one another? Does it stop at two? What is the connection between them? Is there a connection? Already the list of questions you have is enough to fill a book and you have no doubt that the answering of many will produce further avenues of enquiry in turn, and yet the thought is not nearly so daunting as you would have expected.

Indeed, you feel invigorated, relishing the mere thought of being able to slowly peel back the veil of lies and half-truth and see at last what lies belief. Who knows, maybe the world beyond this one isn't so relentlessly shit for everyone you care about. You wouldn't put money on it though. Do cockney blackbirds even use money? Questions for later.

During your introspection, your gaze has wandered, and with a start you realize you have begun studying the series of signs and informative posters displayed along the crumbling red-brick walls. They are as familiar to you as the sight of your own face in the mirror, that peculiar combination of simplistic artwork and bold-font type designed to convey as much necessary information as quickly and reliably to the audience as possible, and yet when you look at them you cannot help but feel that there is something… more. Not new information, precisely, but… new words, new phrases, a different way of putting it almost, which makes very little sense and yet…

Slowly, as though caught in a dream, you raise one hand and draw a key from within your pocket. You touch it to the brickwork next to one of the signs, and in a series of quick, flowing motions you scratch a symbol into the wall. Then you lower the key and survey your work. The symbol you carved into the stone looks like no language you have ever seen before, has no real artistic merit to hint at higher meaning, and yet just looking at it you find that you understand. There is meaning there, in that handful of hastily scrawled lines, significance that almost seems to cast the rest of the wall into a vague and irrelevant mess, a wealth of warnings and protocols condensed down into a single symbol.

Huh. It seems you're bilingual now. Neat.

The dull clatter of echoing rails signals the arrival of the early train, and with a certain reluctance you step back from the wall and turn to wait by the side of the platform. The slender, tube-like vehicle emerges from the tunnel like some kind of grand metallic worm, and you fight the sudden impulse to wonder if that point of comparison is one of idle thought or half-realized insight. Legal theory now, divine revelations later.

The interior of the train is, thankfully, clean and so warm, for enough people use the underground for their daily commute that inflicting miserable conditions on them would backfire immensely, and with a sigh of relief you sink down into one of the cushioned seats and let your head slump back against the wall. There don't appear to be any other passengers in your compartment, unsurprising given the unholy nature of the hour, and as some of the heat begins to return to your skin you opt to stare vacantly out of the far window in lieu of any greater thought or diversion. The train lurches into motion once again, and with slow grace the view outside the window changes from bare stone walls to the sprawling bulk of the City as it begins to rise in preparation for another working day.

Legal theory now, divine revelations… screw it.

You close your eyes, trying to recall the state of mind that occupied you sometime last night. You take a breath, doing your best to ignore the antiseptic stink of cleaning chemicals that someone recently soaked the carriage in.

Then you open your eyes and look.

At first, everything looks the same, albeit somehow more distant, more washed out, as though you are looking at the world through a thin haze of smoke or mist. The same looming buildings dominate the horizon, the same glittering roads criss-cross the landscape, the same dull grey strip of water divides the city in twain.

Then you look to your right, and a metallic centipede grins at you with a thousand felt-wrapped teeth.

You've never been easy to scare, but even so you feel your heart leap into your throat and it is a real effort of will not to start screaming as you watch the gigantic insect scuttle it's way down the carriage towards you. Except… no, it's not going down the carriage, it's going through it, swimming through glass and metal and plastic as though they were nothing more than water. You look closer, peering at the creature in undisguised fascination; sparks flash from it feet at irregular intervals, it's shell seems to be made of laminated plastic, the light behind its eyes looks like nothing more than a pair of beaming headlights… oh.

It's the spirit of the train.

You watch it scurry past your feet with inches to spare, apparently judging you entirely irrelevant to its morning commute, then turn your attention to the window once again, and this time you see them. The lumbering oxen with hides of glass that stir within the office blocks, the chittering demons of light that dance within the confines of every lamp and bulb, the orchestra of data-spiders that weave their web of light across the sky, the dim shadow of something huge and monstrous swimming past beneath the surface of the Thames…

Everything has a spirit, a soul of it own. Every last thing, from the pebbles on the street to the sun in the sky (and you swiftly learn not to look too closely at that one because fucking hell that hurts). Billions of them, in numbers fit to drown the globe, separated from the world you know by a layer of lies and misdirection thinner than the weakest tissue.

This… will take some getting used to. The full implications of this are simply beyond your ability to process in the moment, so for now you content yourself with sitting on the train and simply watching. Observing as the world within a world that you called London comes slowly to waking life once again. It is a sight that will stay with you until your dying day, you can feel it in your bones.

It also causes you to miss your stop.

Eventually, once class is over and his assignments for the day complete, James has a chance to actually start investigating the truth of what he has found about the world in more depth.

Where do you start?

[ ] Animism. Everything has a spirit, it seems, so really you can start anywhere. Go home, get comfortable, and have a chat with… the TV, maybe? The bed? That cat that likes to pester you for scratches?

[ ] Archive. You were in the library when this kicked off, and you remember seeing some works there that you had never encountered before. Go take a look at some of them and see if what they say matches up with what you can see.

[ ] Expertise. This is London, so there's bound to be an occultic bookstore or general place of freakery somewhere around the place if you look hard enough. Drop by and see if you can find someone who sees the world as you do.

[ ] Write-in