I... I... I...

Finally melting into my mom's arms, I could feel all the stress boil up as I buried my head into her shoulder and just bawled my eyes out...

"Oh! How fucking cute! You think one hug makes it all better?! You're only playing Good Momma because you need our help and your little dickpuppet over there is useless. once we've saved your sorry ass, you'll just throw us to the wolves AGAIN! Isn't that right, Me?" Jumping back from her, I look over to see... me in a Grimm mask, with golden eyes leaning against the wall, a lit cigarette in her mouth and a flask at her hip that matched Uncle Qrow's.

@Roland27 and @Jaedin.

((OOC: I want EVERYONE IN THE SCENE to react to my Shadow before I continue.))
Cardin Winchester

Nani the fuck!?

Ah, it's Yang's shadow.

Let's see... let's see!

"Yang, whatever you do, don't say 'you're not me,'" Cardin said, having thought of the genius plan.

Let's not have to defeat a shadow of Yang get even stronger from her denial, right?

"Also, we've gotta curb your drinking and smoking, if she's any indication."
Ruby Rose
Seeds planted and flowers blooming.

Gulping as I turned to my mother, who abandoned me, can she really be called a mother? Especially when she'd rather take care of some random stray instead of me. I force all my emotions down, I can blow up later, when our minds aren't the most dangerous things in existence. "This is your Palace, aka the physical representation of your mind. Somewhere in here is an item that's the manifestation of this curse. If we can get that item out of here or destroy it, we break the curse. But we need to be careful, since this is an inner world, our inner thoughts can become literal demons."

"We're splitting up," Raven decides. "Yang, you're with me. Tai, take Ruby. Vernal, you go with Cardin, and Qrow takes Pyrrha. We're going to spread out and search the area. This way, each group has a fully trained fighter to deal with problems, a younger Huntsman who knows something about what we're looking for, and someone I'm bonded to so I can use my Semblance to rapidly assemble the group if we run into problems."

Now she wants me?! When I'm useful to her?! Fuck off bitch! Shaking my head, I explained. "Actually, since this is your Palace, it's probably best if you and Pyrrha don't go too deep in 'lest your Shadow effects you. Cardin, you go with Qrow, he's the most dangerous one here, protect each other. Dad, watch Ruby, she knows what this is..." You get one more chance old man, mess this up and I swear to Viris, I WILL break you! "... Vernal can help me find the Treasure since I've done this before and she knows your habits."

"Shadow? Is that supposed to be the literal demons you mentioned earlier? And why do you think I can't handle it?"

Arrogant bitch! You think this is the jungle?! Scowling, I retort. "Because, Shadows overwhelm their counterparts with mind games using their darkest, innermost thoughts, to the point where the real person is insennate with anxiety, no matter how strong they are. I've faced mine twice already and both times were hell. In places like this, might never makes right, it's all about wit, understanding and mental stamina."

Raven sighs and finally moves to embrace her daughter. "I... Fine. This is your show, not mine. Go break the curse that drove me away from you and my team. Then it will be our turn to rescue Summer and punish Glynda."

Ughhh great I get to go with Dad, why Yang you know were awkward as hell around each other. A miss-guided attempt to protect sweet little Ruby I imagine, now If only she knew what we did she wouldn't find us so sweet hehe. Letting out a resigned sigh I made my way over to The quitter dad. Not really willing or sure how to start a conversation.

Cardin Winchester

Ah, so that's how it'll work.

Indeed, it seems that Cardin will have to be careful with his thoughts.

N-not that he wouldn't have in the first place, of course!

Believe it!

Listen to Raven or listen to Yang...

Well. One's his partner and the other is an experienced Hunter.


Well, looks like his partner wins it!

Looks like he's with Qrow then.



With that decided, he walked up to the bad-luck man and greeted him. "Yo, looks like I'm your partner for this!"

I... I... I...

Finally melting into my mom's arms, I could feel all the stress boil up as I buried my head into her shoulder and just bawled my eyes out...

"Oh! How fucking cute! You think one hug makes it all better?! You're only playing Good Momma because you need our help and your little dickpuppet over there is useless. once we've saved your sorry ass, you'll just throw us to the wolves AGAIN! Isn't that right, Me?" Jumping back from her, I look over to see... me in a Grimm mask, with golden eyes leaning against the wall, a lit cigarette in her mouth and a flask at her hip that matched Uncle Qrow's.

Cardin Winchester

Nani the fuck!?

Ah, it's Yang's shadow.

Let's see... let's see!

"Yang, whatever you do, don't say 'you're not me,'" Cardin said, having thought of the genius plan.

Let's not have to defeat a shadow of Yang get even stronger from her denial, right?

"Also, we've gotta curb your drinking and smoking, if she's any indication."

Startling at the sudden appearance of Yang's shadow I let out a light curse under my breath this soon damnit. Oh my how crass, remind you of anyone hmmm.

Meanwhile, Pyrrha seemed to be observing Shadow Yang as if waiting for a fight to break out.
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I... I... I...

Finally melting into my mom's arms, I could feel all the stress boil up as I buried my head into her shoulder and just bawled my eyes out...

"Oh! How fucking cute! You think one hug makes it all better?! You're only playing Good Momma because you need our help and your little dickpuppet over there is useless. once we've saved your sorry ass, you'll just throw us to the wolves AGAIN! Isn't that right, Me?" Jumping back from her, I look over to see... me in a Grimm mask, with golden eyes leaning against the wall, a lit cigarette in her mouth and a flask at her hip that matched Uncle Qrow's.

@Roland27 and @Jaedin.

((OOC: I want EVERYONE IN THE SCENE to react to my Shadow before I continue.))
Jumping to attention, all the Branwens readied their weapons while Taiyang entered a sloppy stance. Seeing my doppleganger, they all looked confused until Vernal spoke up. "Alright girl, that's enough, you've had your fun barging in here with your little posse and stringing Raven along with your talk about curses and inner demons, but I've been to plays believe it or not and we don't have time for this little show. Good effort though, Under different circumstances I'd happily pay to see the whole thing, but we have a Tribe to run, so it you don't mind--"

Before she could continue through, Qrow barked at her. "Shut up! I don't know what's going on, but it's not the strangest thing we've seen, so I don't think she's putting it on. Haven't you noticed Raven has been acting different ever since we got here? This is how she used to be before she left us."

Gesturing at the Grimm-Shadow, Tai brought us back on track. "As much as this whole thing is odd and we should definitely talk about it before we move on. Can we address why my daughter has a delinquent, Grimm Cultist Twin?!"

Snorting, the reflection roared with laughter as she took a swig from her flask. "HAH! Oh puh-lease! `Your Daughter`? What a joke! I only have two members of family here, Ruby and Dad." As she gestured to each named person, she didn't point at Taiyang, but rather Qrow. "As if the Leech could ever get the balls to use anything other than a hand or tissue. Heh, can't remember the last time I laughed so hard."

@Roland27 and @Jaedin.
[9:24 AM] Inquisitor Seru: /r 1d100 * 7.2 #Via Solis, Seventh Tendril
[9:24 AM] BOTMadokami & Homucifer: @Inquisitor Seru: 1d100 * 7.2 Via Solis, Seventh Tendril = (3)*7.2 = 21.6


"A thought occurs, and perhaps one that belies my Stoic heritage. If it is within my power to make virtuous of the evil, should I do so, Lord Solus?" He sat with legs crossed. "I can convert the Virus, after I save the Grimalkin... And I can fight the sickness in the Heart of Man. I can take those lost to Darkness. Force them into the light."
Jumping to attention, all the Branwens readied their weapons while Taiyang entered a sloppy stance. Seeing my doppleganger, they all looked confused until Vernal spoke up. "Alright girl, that's enough, you've had your fun barging in here with your little posse and stringing Raven along with your talk about curses and inner demons, but I've been to plays believe it or not and we don't have time for this little show. Good effort though, Under different circumstances I'd happily pay to see the whole thing, but we have a Tribe to run, so it you don't mind--"

Before she could continue through, Qrow barked at her. "Shut up! I don't know what's going on, but it's not the strangest thing we've seen, so I don't think she's putting it on. Haven't you noticed Raven has been acting different ever since we got here? This is how she used to be before she left us."

Gesturing at the Grimm-Shadow, Tai brought us back on track. "As much as this whole thing is odd and we should definitely talk about it before we move on. Can we address why my daughter has a delinquent, Grimm Cultist Twin?!"

Snorting, the reflection roared with laughter as she took a swig from her flask. "HAH! Oh puh-lease! `Your Daughter`? What a joke! I only have two members of family here, Ruby and Dad." As she gestured to each named person, she didn't point at Taiyang, but rather Qrow. "As if the Leech could ever get the balls to use anything other than a hand or tissue. Heh, can't remember the last time I laughed so hard."

@Roland27 and @Jaedin.
Cardin Winchester

Right. Okay.

Yang has deep-seated issues, and while Cardin is her partner, he doesn't think he needs to hear and realize these err, hidden ugliness. Not close enough for that.

So he decided the best thing to do was cup his hands around his mouth and say, "Buuuuurn... Also, I did not need to know that. TMI, girl."
"Whatever we call your plan, it's probably safer than giving a soul to a Grimm, as it already has precedence in Penny"
Sighing, Ozpin started walking backwards from the launchpads. "Understood, I'll be down shortly." Hanging up the Scroll, he tuned to Glynda. "The world has started moving again, we can't hide it anymore. Assemble the Council of Vale, it is time I withdrew the curtain."

Without waiting for a response, he bolted forward onto one of the pads, thumping it with his cane as he went, and at the exact apex of the launcher's deployment, his eyes burned with magic, allowing him to leap off the mechanism with the force of a thunderclap, shattering the launchpad and catapulting him into the stratosphere.

Hanging miles above the forest, The Emerald Wizard grins as he scans the ground for the most eclectic group yet. Finding them, he taps his cane on mid-air and just plummets, landing amongst them in the perfect kneeling knight pose.

@Lt Darkhound and @Assembler
[9:24 AM] Inquisitor Seru: /r 1d100 * 7.2 #Via Solis, Seventh Tendril
[9:24 AM] BOTMadokami & Homucifer: @Inquisitor Seru: 1d100 * 7.2 Via Solis, Seventh Tendril = (3)*7.2 = 21.6


"A thought occurs, and perhaps one that belies my Stoic heritage. If it is within my power to make virtuous of the evil, should I do so, Lord Solus?" He sat with legs crossed. "I can convert the Virus, after I save the Grimalkin... And I can fight the sickness in the Heart of Man. I can take those lost to Darkness. Force them into the light."

[8:12 AM] Inquisitor Seru: /r 1d100 * 7.2 + 21 #Via Solis, Seventh Tendril
[8:13 AM] BOTMadokami & Homucifer: @Inquisitor Seru: 1d100 * 7.2 + 21 Via Solis, Seventh Tendril = (10)*7.2+21 = 93
[8:13 AM] Inquisitor Seru: Whoops, that should have been a 22
[8:13 AM] Inquisitor Seru: Final total 94

"It would be simple. A mutation of a spore known as cordyceps, integrate the mental effects of such, or the parasite Toxiplasmosis, instead of a predilection towards selfishness, make man selfless. They would receive a reward response from acts that protect and aid others. And in the doing, I would make man Just."
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Lie Ren
The Cliffs below Beacon
A Story of Creation, part 4
Without waiting for a response, he bolted forward onto one of the pads, thumping it with his cane as he went, and at the exact apex of the launcher's deployment, his eyes burned with magic, allowing him to leap off the mechanism with the force of a thunderclap, shattering the launchpad and catapulting him into the stratosphere.

Hanging miles above the forest, The Emerald Wizard grins as he scans the ground for the most eclectic group yet. Finding them, he taps his cane on mid-air and just plummets, landing amongst them in the perfect kneeling knight pose.
As the wind of dust cloud fades from the sudden intruder upon our midst, I see Oz in a perfect superhero landing. Instantly, I break out into my classic sarcastic slow clap. "Two out of ten. The superhero landing is overrated, and it's a killer on your knee."

@jonas @Assembler @Xalgeon
Lie Ren
The Cliffs below Beacon
A Story of Creation, part 4

As the wind of dust cloud fades from the sudden intruder upon our midst, I see Oz in a perfect superhero landing. Instantly, I break out into my classic sarcastic slow clap. "Two out of ten. The superhero landing is overrated, and it's a killer on your knee."

@jonas @Assembler @Xalgeon
Some cliff.
Too little time, too much to do
"Reference to Deadpool, Or is it something else?" I asked Ren, it would be a smooth way to determine if he was an insert like me. Probably better than asking if he knew a Monty.

"So how do we make this? I imagine that Ren here makes the body, and then someone else creates a soul. I'm interested in the details."
[8:12 AM] Inquisitor Seru: /r 1d100 * 7.2 + 21 #Via Solis, Seventh Tendril
[8:13 AM] BOTMadokami & Homucifer: @Inquisitor Seru: 1d100 * 7.2 + 21 Via Solis, Seventh Tendril = (10)*7.2+21 = 93
[8:13 AM] Inquisitor Seru: Whoops, that should have been a 22
[8:13 AM] Inquisitor Seru: Final total 94

"It would be simple. A mutation of a spore known as cordyceps, integrate the mental effects of such, or the parasite Toxiplasmosis, instead of a predilection towards selfishness, make man selfless. They would receive a reward response from acts that protect and aid others. And in the doing, I would make man Just."

[4:00 PM] Inquisitor Seru: /r 1d100 * 7.2 + 94 #Via Solis, Seventh Tendril
[4:00 PM] BOTMadokami & Homucifer: @Inquisitor Seru: 1d100 * 7.2 + 94 Via Solis, Seventh Tendril = (77)*7.2+94 = 648.4
[4:02 PM] Inquisitor Seru: /r 6d100 * 7.2 + 648 #Via Solis, Seventh Tendril, Bonus Die 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
[4:02 PM] BOTMadokami & Homucifer: @Inquisitor Seru: 6d100 * 7.2 + 648 Via Solis, Seventh Tendril, Bonus Die 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 = (44+91+91+100+50+84)*7.2+648 = 3960
[4:02 PM] Inquisitor Seru: /r 4d100 * 7.2 + 3960 #Via Solis, Seventh Tendril, Bonus Die 7, 8, 9, 10
[4:02 PM] BOTMadokami & Homucifer: @Inquisitor Seru: 4d100 * 7.2 + 3960 Via Solis, Seventh Tendril, Bonus Die 7, 8, 9, 10 = (14+69+18+16)*7.2+3960 = 4802.4

His fingers were steepled beneath his chin as he continued to ponder the nature of the situation. "Such could even be worked into the very aura. Or, failing such, a direct infective vector could be used. I am impartial to the method, mind. I simply am concerned with how I am to make mankind just." He was leaning forwards, having dismissed his tendrils, and felt them fold many legionfold more.

"Failing such, there is also entrusting these... children. But I am an Adult. It is not their place to fight people like Salem. The burden and duty is mine, for to expect such of those who are scant old enough to shave, or to know the soft embrace of love?" Peter's eyes closed, as he remembered. "Though perhaps such is an unfair comparison. It was not until I tried to commit suicide by the Bandit Witch..." He let his fingers drift to his flank, tracing the left ribs, remembering the bite of ice dust.

"When she froze me to the ground after I struck a blow reckless, caught her between the beat of the first and second, and felt the crunch of her own joints in my tender mercies. When she defiled my body, took what was not freely given." He shook, remembering, and accepting for the first time in many years a horrid fact. "I told them I consented. That I was eager. How could I not? What man can allow himself be made so weak? It fit with my amoral, and reckless demeanour, the dalliente and rakish, so empty and hedonistic. And they accepted it. After all, I was just a fool who had a scuffle and a quick lay with a bandit. No Man. No Specialist can be a victim of rape, especially not at the hands of a Woman. And they wonder why I despise them."

The air was heavy. "I may not have been chaste before I met her, but Raven Branwen took my innocence. I think it was losing such in that moonlit darkness, and being forced to accept that this world has value, that made me ready. Ironic, isn't it? It was an act of malicious cruelty, and selfish brutality, that made me ready to love Willow. That to have a relationship of any meaning, I had to be defiled by a woman who cared little for me. And that to know love of any purity... I had to be willing to discard individual lives without a single blink. And then I saw that defenseless child, barely breathing."
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Lie Ren
The Cliffs below Beacon
A Story of Creation, part 5
Some cliff.
Too little time, too much to do
"Reference to Deadpool, Or is it something else?" I asked Ren, it would be a smooth way to determine if he was an insert like me. Probably better than asking if he knew a Monty.

"So how do we make this? I imagine that Ren here makes the body, and then someone else creates a soul. I'm interested in the details."
"No it's not a Deadpool reference. Did I once mention the impracticality of it?" I snarked, still doing my sarcastic slow clap for Oz.
Sighing, Ozpin started walking backwards from the launchpads. "Understood, I'll be down shortly." Hanging up the Scroll, he tuned to Glynda. "The world has started moving again, we can't hide it anymore. Assemble the Council of Vale, it is time I withdrew the curtain."

Without waiting for a response, he bolted forward onto one of the pads, thumping it with his cane as he went, and at the exact apex of the launcher's deployment, his eyes burned with magic, allowing him to leap off the mechanism with the force of a thunderclap, shattering the launchpad and catapulting him into the stratosphere.

Hanging miles above the forest, The Emerald Wizard grins as he scans the ground for the most eclectic group yet. Finding them, he taps his cane on mid-air and just plummets, landing amongst them in the perfect kneeling knight pose.

@Lt Darkhound and @Assembler

Lie Ren
The Cliffs below Beacon
A Story of Creation, part 4

As the wind of dust cloud fades from the sudden intruder upon our midst, I see Oz in a perfect superhero landing. Instantly, I break out into my classic sarcastic slow clap. "Two out of ten. The superhero landing is overrated, and it's a killer on your knee."

@jonas @Assembler @Xalgeon

Some cliff.
Too little time, too much to do
"Reference to Deadpool, Or is it something else?" I asked Ren, it would be a smooth way to determine if he was an insert like me. Probably better than asking if he knew a Monty.

"So how do we make this? I imagine that Ren here makes the body, and then someone else creates a soul. I'm interested in the details."

Lie Ren
The Cliffs below Beacon
A Story of Creation, part 5

"No it's not a Deadpool reference. Did I once mention the impracticality of it?" I snarked, still doing my sarcastic slow clap for Oz.
"It gets easier if you have my Semblance."
"Yeah, I know how to do my part, but what exactly is involved here?"
Lie Ren
The Cliffs below Beacon
A Story of Creation, part 5

"No it's not a Deadpool reference. Did I once mention the impracticality of it?" I snarked, still doing my sarcastic slow clap for Oz.
"It gets easier if you have my Semblance."
"Yeah, I know how to do my part, but what exactly is involved here?"
Cliffs somewhere
Getting the basics of making living things
"You did comment on The impractic... oh sarcasm, sorry"
Last edited:
Lie Ren
The Cliffs below Beacon
A Story of Creation, part 4

As the wind of dust cloud fades from the sudden intruder upon our midst, I see Oz in a perfect superhero landing. Instantly, I break out into my classic sarcastic slow clap. "Two out of ten. The superhero landing is overrated, and it's a killer on your knee."

@jonas @Assembler @Xalgeon

Some cliff.
Too little time, too much to do
"Reference to Deadpool, Or is it something else?" I asked Ren, it would be a smooth way to determine if he was an insert like me. Probably better than asking if he knew a Monty.

"So how do we make this? I imagine that Ren here makes the body, and then someone else creates a soul. I'm interested in the details."

Lie Ren
The Cliffs below Beacon
A Story of Creation, part 5

"No it's not a Deadpool reference. Did I once mention the impracticality of it?" I snarked, still doing my sarcastic slow clap for Oz.

"It gets easier if you have my Semblance."
"Yeah, I know how to do my part, but what exactly is involved here?"

Cliffs somewhere
Getting the basics of making living things
"You did comment on The impractic... oh sarcasm, sorry"
Rising from the crater, eyes alight with Magic, the Druid simply blew dirt from his shoulders with naught but the wind and grinned. "Actually children, when you get to my age, impracticality becomes a moot point. Mr. Ren, a pleasure to meet the first Champion of the modern age. Please, do be cautious in this new field, Haust knows we weren't and we got played for fools."
Lie Ren
The Cliffs below Beacon
A Story of Creation, part 6
"It gets easier if you have my Semblance."
"Yeah, I know how to do my part, but what exactly is involved here?"

Cliffs somewhere
Getting the basics of making living things
"You did comment on The impractic... oh sarcasm, sorry"

Rising from the crater, eyes alight with Magic, the Druid simply blew dirt from his shoulders with naught but the wind and grinned. "Actually children, when you get to my age, impracticality becomes a moot point. Mr. Ren, a pleasure to meet the first Champion of the modern age. Please, do be cautious in this new field, Haust knows we weren't and we got played for fools."
I sighed as Oz began speaking. "Right. Magic, the cure to many ails, including broken knees. Good to know. And, you see, caution has been thoroughly thrown to the wind. My first real act as a Champion is to create new life. I'll definitely have to sit down and think about things before doing much more, though."
Lie Ren
The Cliffs below Beacon
A Story of Creation, part 6

I sighed as Oz began speaking. "Right. Magic, the cure to many ails, including broken knees. Good to know. And, you see, caution has been thoroughly thrown to the wind. My first real act as a Champion is to create new life. I'll definitely have to sit down and think about things before doing much more, though."
Shaking his head, Ozpin chuckled. "You misunderstand me Mr. Ren, Magic in and of itself doesn't allow me to surpass others. Indeed, if Ms. Smiur performed the exact same maneuver, either she'd have shattered knees, as you so rightly guessed, or be so winded from magical drain and shock that she'd be defenceless for a good few hours. However, one perk of having more energy than you know what to do with, as Mr. Arc can attest, is being afforded the ability to show off without repercussions."

@Assembler and @jonas
Shaking his head, Ozpin chuckled. "You misunderstand me Mr. Ren, Magic in and of itself doesn't allow me to surpass others. Indeed, if Ms. Smiur performed the exact same maneuver, either she'd have shattered knees, as you so rightly guessed, or be so winded from magical drain and shock that she'd be defenceless for a good few hours. However, one perk of having more energy than you know what to do with, as Mr. Arc can attest, is being afforded the ability to show off without repercussions."

@Assembler and @jonas
"Actually I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't be too big of a strain on my aura to do a three point landing, though it would probably not be as practical as a roll. I'm pretty sure I can do a roll-to-kneel to get the visual style mixed with the practicality." I explained, while it's been two years since I formally trained Parkour, I still remember some of it. The roll included.
"But anyway. Ozpin, you would happen to have brought spare pants, preferably in my size?"
"Actually I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't be too big of a strain on my aura to do a three point landing, though it would probably not be as practical as a roll. I'm pretty sure I can do a roll-to-kneel to get the visual style mixed with the practicality." I explained, while it's been two years since I formally trained Parkour, I still remember some of it. The roll included.
"But anyway. Ozpin, you would happen to have brought spare pants, preferably in my size?"
Pushing his glasses up, Ozpin replied. "No Ms. Smiur, I do not, in fact, make it a habit to carry around female teen pants 24 hours a day, as I have no use for them, despite what the internet believes."
Pushing his glasses up, Ozpin replied. "No Ms. Smiur, I do not, in fact, make it a habit to carry around female teen pants 24 hours a day, as I have no use for them, despite what the internet believes."
Still at some cliff
Still pant-less
"Damn, well, I still thank you all for not making this more awkward than it needs to be."
To be honest I had expected more stares, or not-stares(desperately trying not to look), but everyone had just acknowledged that I didn't wear pants and just continued on with the conversation. Did they have different views on modesty here? I might be on to something here.
"This actually brings me to my main point." Gesturing at the field of darkness, Panther continued. "This is merely an iota of what I can teach you if you become my Champion. And trust me Ms. Belladonna, no mere Huntress can hope to topple even one of The Four Black Remnants, let alone all four at once."

"I..." I steady myself, gathering my thoughts. This... attack? of mine is by no means minor. If this is just a mere fraction, then either this world scales exponentially ala DBZ or DxD, or conceptual powers exist. And if that's the case... I could do a lot with the concept of Shadow. "I accept becoming your champion then. It seems I'll need it, and I can't help but admit these powers have..." yeahhhh not admitting I basically fell into a daze using them "...fascinated me. How do I complete the process?"
Sienna arrives in a blaze of glory, like the total badass she is. She's definitely not a worried mother, no, not at all. And she's definitely not worrying for that... man... either. No Siree not at all!

Sienna arrives in a blaze of glory, like the total badass she is. She's definitely not a worried mother, no, not at all. And she's definitely not worrying for that... man... either. No Siree not at all!


@Jhin Lemon

While her Bullead was flying in at an unsafe speed, the man waited, kneeling, as if in prayer. His mind was partitioned, one segment speaking with Solus, whilst his active mind remained aware of the battlefield around him. His cyberpathy washed over the bullhead, finding nothing untoward, before he waited for the woman to be exiting, before two tendrils wrapped around Sienna's waist, pulling her towards the man who hugged her as he stood, his arms immediately around her, his helm still on. He looked every inch a macine but for a hint of his jaw in sight, helm and visor hiding much of his face, armour hiding the rest. Crimson-orange tendrils writhed around his arms, snaking over Sienna and playfully intertwining around her... Shielding her.

"A decade and some change and you still use the brand of perfume I bought you for Winter Equinox?~" Soft, playful... "This might hurt, so you might wish to inform your guards of who I am, and that if they open fire on me, I will leave them as stains in the snow. I finished it before you got here. What we spoke of, and augments as powerful as mine..." He was kissing along her neck. "When you are ready, we can begin. Your men have nothing incriminating on their scrolls, but they are still not me. Once you recover, I am going to bring peace between you and the Schnee family. Jacques we can work on together..."

A mental ping warning Merlot that the White Fang and Sienna were on site was fired off, as well as a Scroll message that Sienna Khan, and four honour guard were present being fired off to Whitley.

"I have Willow Schnee and her son en route. With yourself and Crimson as representatives of the White Fang, and her and Whitley as representatives of the Schnee, we can address grievances and hammer out an accord. What wrongs there have been on both sides can be addressed, and with Merlot and myself as neutral witnesses... It can be enforced."
Sienna is being hugged... and two guards drop back to open fire whilst the other two charge with spears. Seems they didn't much like an accord... or maybe they just didn't like tentacles, who knew?