Alright, calling dibs on Merlot.

However, before I even consider making a sheet, I have to chew through those 47 pages of IC thread.
So are there anyone that are currently at Beacon? Like befrie i dont want a single player thing
University is starting its routine of attempting to bury me in deadlines.

So, seeing as the free time I'd have dedicated to this has been hijacked by Souls Reaped From Beyond, for now I'll retract my claim on Merlot.

Might come back at a later date, but don't hold your breath for it.

Yeah I've spent this whole game sitting in a warehouse waiting, and even if I do start gunning it for the action I'm an in-game month away from interacting with another player what with the travel time from Menagerie. Given that the whole thread thus far is still in Initiation - ie, day one - that's, like, literal years of IRL time to get to the rest of you? Besides, sorta lost interest after a couple weeks of waiting around.


So, uh, yeah. What @Anya Homura said. Y'all have fun though.
I'm still in the game, just don't want to interrupt Jaune/assembler while he's on the phone
Dibs on Oscar Pines, cuz who wouldn't want to troll the Wizard of Oz?

Oh wait... He doesn't exists yet... I shall get Qrow instead for Milo Murphy's Law shenanigans.

After reading quite a bit, and mentally scarring myself with that certain relationship of Team STRQ, dibs on Mercury Black.
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If (I could) I joined back as Raven Branwen, would I still be at the camp?
Raven, along with Vernal, Ruby, Yang, Pyrrha, Cardin, Tai, and Qrow, is currently in a mindscape trying to remove a curse Stella/Glynda placed on her, said curse being the reason she left her family and Ozpin. Shit went down in the last week.

Alias: Magnus
Character: Mercury Black
Age: 18
Race: Human
Complexion: Pale White
Height: 5'10"
Hair Colour: Silvery-gray but looks Violet not under light
Eye Colour: Gray but looks Violet when not under light
Aura Colour: White
Handedness: Right


  • Health: 100% / 100% (Regenerates by 1% per turn.)
  • Aura: 100% / 100% (Regenerates by 1% per turn.)
  • ???: ??? / ???

Current Weapon/s:

  • Hermes: A pair of prosthetic legs that has a large pair of boots with a firing mechanism built into them.
    • Form/s:
      Prosthetic Legs with Boots

??? {Not Yet Unlocked/Achieved}

  • Unlocked: You now have a force-field around you that makes you similar to a tank. Unfortunately you can still feel pain but you could learn how to deal with it.
  • Twin Souls: Two Souls shouldn't appear alongside one another as one would overwrite the other... But not you. You got larger Aura Reserves but not as large as that Arc kid from Beacon. You also have a secondary Aura Reserve. {Unity with the Second Soul is not achieved. | Not Yet Unlocked.}
  • Totally Kicking It (Minor): Your adaptability to the events is good that your semblance will adapt within reason. {Needs Unlocked Semblance to be used.}
  • The Henderson Roleplayer- I mean Anarchy Reigns (Old World Trait): You are like Old Man Henderson, your very being is like an Anarchy to the World itself. Be warned, for not only will you be a target if you acted off, but those higher in existence might took interest to you... And they are very, very clingy to their subjects. Especially that certain god named Zeus, if you are a girl. (Roll a 1d20 to do something that is so Improbable it doesn't work at all until you rolled 15 or higher.) {Not Yet Unlocked. 10 Improbable events and Impossible actions to the on-going plot must be made to unlock.}
  • There is Another: You have another soul which is actually the original owner of the body you get, and a constant voice in the head. Have fun with them judging your every actions. (Another Soul, yay. Sarcasm. Oh and you have to fight for control otherwise they will get their body back.)
  • Legday Everyday: You are now a master to kicking things. (+50% Damage to everything you kicked and +50% Learning speed to everything related to Legs Martial Arts, but -15% damage to everything you hit other than kicking and Learning speed to everything not related to legs.)
  • The Black's Creed of Assassins: You are an Assassin who managed to kill of your teacher who is better than you. (+50% Damage to everyone who thinks they are winning or better than you, +20% Learning Speed to all Assassination Techniques, +20% Bonus to Assassination Projects, +20% Bonus to the Creation of Trick Weapons, +35% Bonus to Stealth Kills and Projects, this Trait might evolve into something more... )
  • Murderer: You killed a human being, congrats. (+50% Damage to everything that are Humanoid, might evolve into Serial Killer if killed 10 or more Humanoids.)
  • Hunter: Well, lucky you. You attended a Huntsman Academy and might be graduated to one. Regardless, you now know how to hunt things... (+20% Bonus to Hunting Projects and +25% Damage to Grimms.)
  • Espionage: You succeeded in spying things. (+50% Bonus to information Gathering and Subterfuge Projects.)


  • Befriend Zwei.
  • Kill Cinder, if she has gone full cuckoo.
  • Find Ozpin's Coffee Stash, then steal it.
  • Find Oobleck and learn his coffee drinking ways. If they asked why? Tell them... It is for the Greater Good (of yourself).
  • Learn why am I here.
  • Why is there a voice in my head?
  • Get shades and a 'badass' longcoat or a duster coat. Probably update the outfit as well.
  • Learn other ways to fight than kicking people.
  • Increase pain tolerance.
  • Learn firearms.

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