Remnants of Outland - Outland GSRP - IC thread

Mok'Nathal - Turn 4 New
Name: The Mok'nathal
Capital: The Mok'nathal claim no great hold. Leoroxx rules from the wind paths along the Blade's Edge Mountains, from village to village and town to town. For now, he conducts himself in Ena-Sheer, a herders' village in the northern reaches of the Mok'nathal's territory,
Leader: Leoroxx
Major Characters:
Who among the Mok'nathal will distinguish themselves? Only time will tell.

Army amount: 2
Air Army amount:

Alliance: -
Allies: -
Cordial: -
Friendly: -
Distrust: -
Enemy: -
Rival: -
At War: -


1.) [Warplan] An dread wind blows from the north, carrying the stench of fel and putrid meat. The Legion prowl Outland, and know might know peace where they tread. Leorexx martial the Hunters and Beastmasters of the Mok'nathal, and begins a guerilla campaign of war against the Legion to his people's north. Two armies, two hosts, assemble at his call.

2.) [Standard] We-The-Mok'nathal are born from the land. We are sustained by it. Guided by it. And as it has molded us so have we molded it. The Beastmasters know this better then all, for they are no true masters to their companions but kin. Draenor is broken and Outland is changing, and we must change with it. We must learn the ways of walking with our kin. The eldest of Beastmasters assemble, to the teach the younger generations of their bond and to guide them in creating bonds of their own.

3.) [Standard] Leoroxx has no throne. He has no desire for one. All he desires is to be first among equals, and the ensure his people are safe. But he does desire a shelter for his people, a refuge to which they can retreat is all else fails. In the central region of the Mok'nathal's territory, they begin to build a citadel that might outlast this ending of days.
Ango'Rosh - Turn 4 New
Name: Ango'Rosh Tribe
Capital: Mound of the Ango'Rosh
Leader:Ogrelord Gorefist
Major Characters:

Army amount: 2.75 (replenishing .25)
Air Army amount:

Alliance: -
Allies: -
Cordial: -
Friendly: -
Distrust: The Murkblood Tribe, Sporeggar, Sporeggan
Enemy: -
Rival: -
At War: -

1) Create a Magocratic Aristocracy: The Shamans who enslave Water Spirits have the right idea and so does the Magi who experiment with Shadow. Just as Ogres have two heads, the Tribe need a dual system of leadership - myself, the great Ogre Overlord Gorefist and the sinister cabal of the winedark marsh mages. Useful magic uses (combat, utility, healing, agriculture) shall freely teach and try to proliferate the Arts. They shall sit closest to my side and have the most sumptuous food, with right of first denial even over myself.
2) Summon Demons: We will need more Imps and Sayaadi to form messengers, scouts and advisor cadre. Any who harm them will face overwhelming retribution.
3) Sporegar Diplomacy: Just as we have food-slaves, task-slaves and scout-slaves, allies are more useful than enemies. It is a simple enough task to mollify people who ask to be in our service. Kill the weakest ogres - the least useful, dumbest or most rebellious - and send their heads to the Sporeggar as a gesture of goodwill. The Sayaadi attached to the group should convey the following: "Here are those who killed and eat your flesh. We can fight together."
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Maladaar's Host - Turn 4 New
Name: Maaladars Host
Capital: In our hearts and prayers
Major Characters:

Army amount: 2
Air Army amount:

Alliance: -
Allies: - Awetduck and Unethical
Cordial: -
Friendly: -
Distrust: -
Enemy: -
Rival: -
At War: -


1.) (RESEARCH) (Awetduck) Potentially Train ghost whelp wings to help with the ongoing project.

2.) (CONSTRUCTION) Construct Defenses, Dracolich flame spires, and if time permits a reanimation nexus.

3.) (FINDING EYES ON THE INSIDE) Descend deeper into the ruined city to find the lost purpose of the Auchenei relics
Sporeggan - Turn 4 New

Name: Sporeggan
Capital: Sporeggan
Leader: Rhb'tssln Prime
Major Characters:

  • Rhb'tssln Prime - Prime Leader and Speaker of the Sporeggan
  • Ib'prrfen - Noted Harvester Leader
  • Tyl'nn'lol - Noted Harvester Leader
  • Pa'nan'dol - Noted Sporeling Preserver
  • Rhin'o'viris - Noted Big Friendly Fungus Giant
Army amount: 2
Air Army amount: 0
  • Sporeling Harvester: The Sporelings lack any sort of martial discipline or even weaponry. They are armed with merely their fists or the odd throwing rock, and this results in their armies being very lackluster against any other as they resort to simply overwhelming their enemies in sheer numbers.
  • Sporeling Preserver: The preservers are the great spell casters of the Sporeling race, able to entrap enemies within vines or cast wide healing upon both Sporelings and Giants alike.
  • Fungal Giant: The fungal Giants are more akin to cousins of the sporeling, towering creatures with strength that rivals a Gron. The sporelings, for all that they're cousins, do not have many of these Giant's, but they are almost certainly their greatest defenders.

Alliance: - N/A
Allies: - N/A
Cordial: - N/A
Friendly: - N/A
Distrust: - Draenei Remnants, Orcish Remnants, Literally everybody else
Enemy: - Murkblood Tribe, Ango'rosh Tribe, Burning Legion
Rival: - Sporeggar
At War: - N/A

Action 1: Trim the Fel Warplan:
Thus we are now to know war. And may Zang show no mercy on them.

- 2 armies dedicated to assault against Legion, supported by the Sporregan and Kurenai.
1 army made up primarily of Harvesters & Purifiers, will attack from the south, alongside whichever forces our allies provide. This is a diversion attack, meant to draw Legion attention and forces.
1 army made up primarily of Fungal Giants & Preservers assembles in the east. The timing here is crucial. Once the Diversion army has engaged, the giants (preservers behind them for healing and making sure their new enhancements work), alongside the heavy troops of our allies, will begin their charge. The goal is to break through the (hopefully) weakened Legion defences, breakthrough to the portal, and smash it to pieces.
Once the portal is destroyed, a signal will be given and all forces are to retreat immediately.

Naturally, a few guides will be sent to the Kurenai in order to make sure they are safely led through the swamp without sinking or encountering dangerous animals.

Action 2: Heed the Call of the Wilds:
"Who threatens the Wilds?"
The ongoing integration of the beasts of the wilds of Zangarmarsh into the warriors fighting to protect our most sacred swamp, gifted to us in the passing of mighty Zang, shall continue to be pursued, with a collection of Sporeling Harvesters and Fungal Giants alike learning to tame and cooperate with the many terrifying creatures of the wilds. Those Harvesters who show promise, alongside the assistance of the Preservers, are to begin training and practicing new ideas in order to establish a new branch of warriors to serve the remnants of Zang.

Continue taming and training the wildlife of Zangarmarsh, preparing for further integration into are faction. The development of a new group of warriors, not just the put upon Harvesters, but a group of sporelings trained to work with the many beasts of the wilds is to begin.

Action 3: Shiny Stones?

The previous exploration of the muck and mire has revealed a bevy of new shiny, and potentially very useful bits and bobs for our Harvesters to make use of in their day to day lives, preferably in the same fashion that the assorted squishes roaming through the swamps of Zargarmarsh are doing so. It's time to investigate and experiment with how potentially useful they are, from the glowing crystals to the reflective chunks, and see how we can apply them.

Begin seeing what the various hunks of shiny bits and piece we've collected might be useful for. Any particularly glowy ones might be of use to the Preservers, while the Harvesters and Fungal Giants could find uses for the stronger, sharper pieces.
Laughing Skull - Turn 4 New

Name: Laughing Skull
Capital: N/A
Leader: Bale the Silent
Major Characters: N/A

Army Amount: 2
Air Army Amount: 0

Alliance: -
Allies: -
Cordial: -
Friendly: -
Distrust: -
Enemy: -
Rivals: -
At War: -

1. [Regular Action] - With the complete lack of reaction to the construction of our watchtowers between our territory and that of the Mag'har, we have decided to build a third. Three watchtowers are harder to take down stealthily than two, after all.

Construct a third watchtower between Lauhing Skull and Mag'har territory.

2. [Secret Action]

3. [Secret Action]