Remnants of Gold: A FNAF Time Travel Fanfic

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Cassidy was dead. She was killed by a man in a Springbonnie suit. She hunted him beyond the grave after she died, but something went wrong.
Now she is alive once more, two years before she died. The only problem is that she doesn't remember who killed her. But she won't give up so easily. She will get her vengeance again sooner or later.
It's been so long
Cassidy opened her eyes and sat up. She was in her old bedroom, which was weird since she usually didn't dream this far back. Well, then again, ghosts didn't really dream. They just sometimes had to remember their past so they wouldn't become rabid, which was hard to come back from if she was being honest, and it only happened to her once! The others weren't so lucky. She stood up and looked around. The room wasn't like she left it on that day, so that meant that this dream was happening further back, which happened only once before. Hopefully Evan wouldn't have a reason to wake her up before she could really enjoy this dream.

She had to get dressed before her dad came to call her to breakfast, and she wanted to avoid breaking the memory. The last time she did that, she was out of it for a month, and with them looking for ???, she couldn't afford that. Evan couldn't confront ??? alone. Hell, she was pretty sure she couldn't confront their killer alone, and she was pretty sure she was the one who hated ??? the most! No, she needed to focus on the dream right now, or she would leave Evan alone. She walked over to the clothing drawer, opened it, and took out the first thing she saw that wasn't pink.

It took her a while to dress, mostly due to the fact that she didn't need to change for the last twenty (?) years, but she eventually managed to figure it out. She heard a knock on the door, which brought the memories flooding back and almost made her cry, but no, she wouldn't cry. She was stronger than that! She went to open the door, but it was already opening, and there stood her dad. She remembered her last words to him, and the regrets came flooding back into her head as she tried to hide her emotions to not break the dream. "Cass, are you alright?" Her dad asked with a look of concern on his face, and she couldn't do it anymore. Every time she met him in these dreams, she had to ask for forgiveness and cry until she woke up! Her dad's face started to look even more concerned and unsure of what to do.

Before she knew what was happening, he was hugging her, which confused her. Normally, the dream would already be broken by now, but it hadn't. Dad kept hugging her, and she couldn't take it anymore and started to cry. As she cried, her dad said, "C'mon, Cass, you can talk to me." Could she? What would she say? Sooner or later, she would wake up; it didn't matter what she said. Did it? She didn't know anymore. "If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to." He said, and at that moment she knew this was real, or at least a really cruel dream. If it was a dream she would make ??? suffer even worse than she was planning on originally. She looked at her dad and said her first words to him in decades. "Okay dad." Dad stopped hugging her and stood up. He looked conflicted but didn't say anything and just offered her his hand. She took it and they exited the room.

An hour later, Cassidy was sitting at the table eating pancakes, and she now knew that this was real because she had never tasted anything in her dreams, and this was delicious. Her dad and mom were giving her an occasional glance to make sure she was okay, which she understood. She looked at her mom to again see that she was pregnant, which meant that she was two years before she was killed by Spring-Bonnie. She noticed that she couldn't remember her killer's name earlier when she realized what year she was in and started to plan how to save Evan and Charlie because she knew they got killed this year, but how and when she didn't know. She knew both of them were still alive because that old Fredbear and Friends show was still playing on TV, and she knew they stopped playing it after Evan's death.

It was the weekend, so she didn't have to go to school yet, which she was grateful for. Spending at least ten years as a killer ghost did NOT help her social skills, and she was always an outcast, even if she wasn't the only weird girl in class! It would also give her time to plan how she would prevent the killings and catch the killer. Finding out where Evan and Charlie lived to keep them safe was the top priority, as was finding out if she was the only one here who remembered. A part of her was asking if she was going crazy and if the last few years were just a very messed-up dream, but she knew deep down it wasn't. It was real, her friends were real and she was going to SAVE THEM.

"Sweetie, are you feeling better now?" Her mom asked, and Cassidy just realized she was spacing out, which wouldn't have been that weird before, but being back among the living, people would notice it and be weirded out like the other kids at school were. "Yes mom. I don't know what came over me before." She replied while trying to make a confronting smile, but she could tell it wasn't that great by her dad nearly chocking on his pancake once he saw it. And by mom's expression, she wasn't buying it either.

Cassidy didn't know what to do to reassure them, but she would figure it out eventually. Maybe Evan could help if he remembered her. She had a lot to do.

40 days till the Party