Remnants of a Void: Reincarnation (RWBY/Kirby)

[X] Take the initiative and help them.
-[X] Rally the others to take out the deathstalker, while you attack the fliers.
-[X] Load Burn and Lightening Dust into your blades.
[X] Take the initiative and help them.
-[X] Rally the others to take out the deathstalker, while you attack the fliers.
-[X] Load Burn and Lightening Dust into your blades.

I mean this is our big chance to not fuck up right? Make Weiss start taking us seriously, get some confidence and respect? I say that because
1.( we mess up here, there are so many people present for covering our ass (that we may or may not literally set on fire (our ass that is)) that worst case our aura takes a few shots, and that's it.
2.( the real nightmare scenario is Weiss finds out that Violet is Faunus right? Is that so bad? We get it out of the way and (depending on how Weiss may react) stop being so scared of her.

okay I say that like Violet comes out of her shell in this one vote, I know that's not true. But proving to herself that she is capable, is at least a first step.
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Waaaait a minute. If I am reading this right. Are the votes suggesting us to take down both the Griffon and the Nevermore Alone!?
You skipped the reasoning then.

Basic idea is we play distraction since we have so many things to both attack and be attacked by the two fliers (who are inherently harder to get to to fight) while everyone piledrives the Stalker into the ground so that can be wrapped up quickly.

We should probably have at least a spotter I suppose? Eh.
You skipped the reasoning then.

Basic idea is we play distraction since we have so many things to both attack and be attacked by the two fliers (who are inherently harder to get to to fight) while everyone piledrives the Stalker into the ground so that can be wrapped up quickly.

We should probably have at least a spotter I suppose? Eh.
Then at least bring in Ruby and a few light hitters as well. No matter how I see it it's impossible to distract both flyers alone.
[X] Take the initiative and help them.
-[X] Rally the others to take out the deathstalker, while you attack the fliers.
-[X] Load Burn and Lightening Dust into your blades.
[x] Ask Weiss if you should do something.
Weiss for president!
.. I just find team-leader Weiss to be an interesting idea. Also not-team-leader protagonist is also a curiosity that could potentially be fun.
No matter how I see it it's impossible to distract both flyers alone.
At our current aura levels? That seems fair. But otherwise? We do not actually know the upper-limit on our summons aside from aura-expenditure. 50 autoturrets is not the most... precise definition of "alone" that one is likely to encounter... . To be fair, they would not last long against the Nevermore, but the potential exists. I also hope that we can try jumping off of familiars in order to enhance our airborne cred. Ruby and Nora have a disturbing head-start on earning that stuff, and it is making us look bad!
[X] Take the initiative and help them.
-[X] Rally the others to take out the deathstalker, while you attack the fliers.
-[X] Load Burn and Lightening Dust into your blades.
[X] Take the initiative and help them.
-[X] Rally the others to take out the deathstalker, while you attack the fliers.
[X] Take the initiative and help them.
-[X] Rally the others to take out the deathstalker, while you attack the fliers.
-[X] Load Burn and Lightening Dust into your blades.
Your partner stands in consideration for a moment, "You may grab it, if you want."

"...Are you sure?" you blink, before wilting under Weiss's subsequent look, "O-Okay then.
It's hard to tell if Weiss wants Violet to make her own decisions or not.
The first thing you see is the silhouette of a rather large Nevermore. Below that is a steadily growing red and black dot that you quickly realize is actually Ruby, following her is another growing dot that appears to be a girl with a massive hammer.
Oh god. What have we done?
We can rally the troops to take out the deathstalker, while the fliers stay distracted by whoever has the best… aerial… mobility. Oh.

Oh no.
It's a shame they're by a cliff. Nora would probably be able to propel herself in the air a few times with explosions without much worry.
And the dynamic for how Weiss gives orders, and how she expects Violet to interpret her remarks, is already being set. If she gives her permission, that's exactly what she means. She doesn't want Violet to come back and 'pester' a concrete answer out of her.
It's hard to say without much comparison, but Weiss's responses to Violet seem oddly... terse, subdued even. It could be from her poor showing against the geist, but it's almost like Weiss saw Violet's wings already.
.. I just find team-leader Weiss to be an interesting idea. Also not-team-leader protagonist is also a curiosity that could potentially be fun.
On one hand, Weiss making an honest effort to lead a team effectively, especially one with two faunus in it, is really interesting. On the other hand, Weiss is very likely to double down on her bossy heiress persona unless her present worldview is sufficiently shaken.

[X] Take the initiative and help them.
-[X] Rally the others to take out the deathstalker, while you attack the fliers.
-[X] Load Burn and Lightening Dust into your blades.
but with all our minions I would think we'd have an advantage on distracting, splitting attention, taunting enemies, etc.?
//You bring up a fair point here. As such I'm going to be buffing them slightly.
//From now on you will get +1 to offensive combat rolls for every two active familiars you have. As with everything in the combat side of things, this will be subject to tweaking down the line if needed.

... Speaking of, did we break or sprain our ankle on that Nat 1? If so, did it heal yet?
//If you didn't have Aura to take the brunt of the hit, then it would've sprained or twisted that ankle.
Votes Locked.
Adhoc vote count started by Doccer on Jul 6, 2021 at 5:22 PM, finished with 21 posts and 14 votes.
[X] Take the initiative and help them.
-[X] Rally the others to take out the deathstalker, while you attack the fliers.
-[X] Load Burn and Lightening Dust into your blades.


"They're going to need help." you say, drawing your weapon and calling several familiars into existence, "I'll get the flyers, think the rest of you can get the deathstalker off of them?"

"Of course." Nora smiles, brandishing her hammer, "Can't let my partner get hurt now. Come one Ren! Ren's Partner! Let's do this!"

"Wait, are you suggesting that we--" the bespectacled guy speaks up, only for Nora to let out a battle cry and charge into the fray. Ren gives him a quick glance before following behind the energetic girl, prompting him to let out a resigned sigh before joining them.

"Let me help you, Beacon Buddy!" Coral readies her submachine gun, as Melinda twirls her naginata and moves to join the trio along with Jaune and Pyrrha, "I'm better at range anyway, and that Deathstalker's armor looks pretty tough. Besides, I can't let you take on two opponents alone, that doesn't seem very fair. Wanna help, Blake?"

"Sure." Blake switches her sword-like weapon into something resembling a pistol, taking aim at the nevermore as you spread your familiars out. Idly, you spare a glance at Weiss, freezing up a bit when you lock eyes with her.

"You better keep them off us. I'd rather not have a repeat of the last fight." Weiss speaks, before readying her rapier and speeding off towards the Deathstalker.

"O-Of course." you say, before turning back to the grimm. Out of the corner of your eye, you spot Coral giving you a look of concern.

"D-Don't worry about it." you reassure, "Let's focus on the task at hand."

"Alright then." Coral takes aim, "Let's give this our best shot, Beacon Buddies!"

"I don't think I ever agreed to be called that." Blake glances at her partner.

"I-I mean we're partners so that makes us buddies in a way, right?" Coral falters slightly.

"Maybe. Though perhaps we should do what Violet said and focus on the grimm before having this conversation?"

"Right. Sorry."

Sending your familiars to harrass the grimm, you have them split into two groups, each focusing one one flyer as you use the opportunity to insert some fresh dust vials into both halves of Gemini. As you do this, Coral unleashes a spray of bullets from her rotary submachine gun at the griffon while Blake takes several potshots at the nevermore. Your combined efforts have the desired effect of drawing their attention off the deathstalker group. Unfortunately, this results in an angry griffon descending on the three of you, followed by a flurry of sharp feathers.

"Yikes!" Coral ducks under the griffon's talons as you dodge to the side. You notice the Blake seems to have created some kind of clone of herself that ends up taking the hit for her as the feathers begin to land all around you. Fortunately, nobody gets hurt as both of the flyers move past the clearing.

Glancing over at the other group, you notice a combined force of Melinda, Nora, and Pyrrha driving the oversized scorpion back while Ren and the guy with glasses provide covering fire. Jaune seems to be holding his shield out towards the deathstalker while putting himself between the grimm and the sisters. Soon, the combined efforts of the melee team provoke the deathstalker into lashing forward with its stinger, which Weiss promptly locks in place with Ice Dust, giving everyone time for a quick breather as you regroup.

"Uh guys." Jaune is the first to speak up, "Those flyers are circling back, what are we going to do?"

"Do you really need to ask that?" Melinda questions, "I say we just finish them off."

"Or we could simply just stop dilly-dallying and get what we came for. Our objective's right there." says Weiss.

"She's right." Ruby nods in understanding, "Our mission is to grab the artifacts and make it back to the cliffs. There's no point in fighting these things."

"Run and live, huh?" Jaune remarks, "That's an idea I can get behind."

"Oh, don't be such a baby." Melinda scowls, "There's three of them and fucking twelve of us. I think we can take them."

"I mean, maybe, but they seem pretty tough, plus this place is pretty open, which is kinda bad when two of them can fly." Coral argues, before glancing at you, "What do you think, Beacon Buddy?"

[] Weiss is right. Every team who hasn't grabbed a relic yet should grab one and everyone should high-tail it to the cliffs. (The Grimm will be unable to support each other effectively, but each group of four is roughly on their own. Low risk of lesser grimm joining in during or after the fight.)
[] Melinda has a point, you guys do outnumber them quite a bit. Not to mention they're probably going to be a problem either way... (The teams can support each other and even swap targets if need be, but the Grimm will be able to as well. Additionally, the fight might attract more grimm that must be dealt with on the way back to the cliffs.)

The actual battle is about to begin. Which foe will your team ultimately face off against?

[] Feathered Fiend - Giant Nevermore
[] Taloned Terror - Griffon
[] Ancient Armored Arthropod - Deathstalker

What is your general strategy?

[] Familiar spam. Provide general support to the team.
[] Don't use familiars to conserve Aura. Stay at range with Coral.
[] Favor melee. High risk, high reward.
[] Mix it up. Do whatever seems best in the heat of the moment.
[] (Write-in?)
[X] Melinda has a point, you guys do outnumber them quite a bit. Not to mention they're probably going to be a problem either way... (The teams can support each other and even swap targets if need be, but the Grimm will be able to as well. Additionally, the fight might attract more grimm that must be dealt with on the way back to the cliffs.)
[X] Taloned Terror - Griffon
[X] Familiar spam. Provide general support to the team.
[X] Melinda has a point, you guys do outnumber them quite a bit. Not to mention they're probably going to be a problem either way... (The teams can support each other and even swap targets if need be, but the Grimm will be able to as well. Additionally, the fight might attract more grimm that must be dealt with on the way back to the cliffs.)
[X] Taloned Terror - Griffon
[X] Familiar spam. Provide general support to the team.

I say that we try to reason that they will come after us anyway, and we should at the very least get them off our tails before leaving. We don't have to kill at the moment, just incapacitate.

Edit: Adding additional sub-vote
-[X] Point out that they are probably being watched so this could get some extra credit. Plus they are going to face worse odds in the future without teachers watching over them. Better get use to the pain now. Besides, I don't think they will let us go so easily and come after us anyway,
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I say that we try to reason that they will come after us anyway, and we should at the very least get them off our tails before leaving. We don't have to kill at the moment, just incapacitate.
This is a good point. I was on the fence before, trying to balance spite against cowardice. But yeah, let's at least make ourselves irritating.

[X] Melinda has a point, you guys do outnumber them quite a bit. Not to mention they're probably going to be a problem either way... (The teams can support each other and even swap targets if need be, but the Grimm will be able to as well. Additionally, the fight might attract more grimm that must be dealt with on the way back to the cliffs.)
[X] Taloned Terror - Griffon
[X] Familiar spam. Provide general support to the team.

I definitely think the griffon is the way to go. We can reach it in a way others can't, and the birdie's feather spam could shred our familiar spam. Also, it sort of feels like it's "ours," since it wasn't in the show.
[x] Weiss is right. Every team who hasn't grabbed a relic yet should grab one and everyone should high-tail it to the cliffs. (The Grimm will be unable to support each other effectively, but each group of four is roughly on their own. Low risk of lesser grimm joining in during or after the fight.)
[x] Taloned Terror - Griffon
[x] Mix it up. Do whatever seems best in the heat of the moment.
[X] Mix it up. Do whatever seems best in the heat of the moment.
-[X] This is likely the final battle of the day. Get aggressive.

[X] Melinda has a point, you guys do outnumber them quite a bit. Not to mention they're probably going to be a problem either way... (The teams can support each other and even swap targets if need be, but the Grimm will be able to as well. Additionally, the fight might attract more grimm that must be dealt with on the way back to the cliffs.)
-[X] Point out that they are probably being watched so this could get some extra credit. Plus they are going to face worse odds in the future without teachers watching over them. Better get use to the pain now. Besides, I don't think they will let us go so easily and come after us anyway,
-[X] Draw the flyers into those ruins over there. Still plenty room to fly but also plenty of tall areas for our members to jump around and get some height. Lure the Flyers into a trap!

[X] Ancient Armored Arthropod - Deathstalker
-[X] Take a page out of the flyers hand book! Use the space to spam familiars and ever time the Deathstalker focuses in one direction make sure it gets attacked from another.
-[X] Make sure you have at least Blake to help. Her semblance looks useful and that moment when the Deathstalker over extends it's self to strike with it's tail is it's weak point!
-[X] Offer Weiss your unused vials of Dust - if she wants them.
--[X] If Weiss has any Ice Dust point out the fylers can't fly very well if they have a block of ice both weighing them down and shaped to destroy their aerodynamics.

If we used Water Dust can a Grimms feathers/fur get soaked?

I say that we try to reason that they will come after us anyway, and we should at the very least get them off our tails before leaving. We don't have to kill at the moment, just incapacitate.
Adding your reasoning to my subvotes.
Also I don't think Grimm stop at incapacitate?

Edit: I hope other people take up my subvote of suggesting shaped ice to Weiss at least. She mostly does big block of ice instead of anything interesting, or unique with her ice.
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[X] Melinda has a point, you guys do outnumber them quite a bit. Not to mention they're probably going to be a problem either way... (The teams can support each other and even swap targets if need be, but the Grimm will be able to as well. Additionally, the fight might attract more grimm that must be dealt with on the way back to the cliffs.)
[X] Taloned Terror - Griffon
[X] Familiar spam. Provide general support to the team.
[X] Melinda has a point, you guys do outnumber them quite a bit. Not to mention they're probably going to be a problem either way... (The teams can support each other and even swap targets if need be, but the Grimm will be able to as well. Additionally, the fight might attract more grimm that must be dealt with on the way back to the cliffs.)
[X] Taloned Terror - Griffon
[X] Mix it up. Do whatever seems best in the heat of the moment.
[X] Melinda has a point, you guys do outnumber them quite a bit. Not to mention they're probably going to be a problem either way... (The teams can support each other and even swap targets if need be, but the Grimm will be able to as well. Additionally, the fight might attract more grimm that must be dealt with on the way back to the cliffs.)
[X] Taloned Terror - Griffon
[X] Familiar spam. Provide general support to the team.
[X] Melinda has a point, you guys do outnumber them quite a bit. Not to mention they're probably going to be a problem either way... (The teams can support each other and even swap targets if need be, but the Grimm will be able to as well. Additionally, the fight might attract more grimm that must be dealt with on the way back to the cliffs.)
[X] Taloned Terror - Griffon
[X] Don't use familiars to conserve Aura. Stay at range with Coral.