Remnants of a Void: Reincarnation (RWBY/Kirby)

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Void exists in all dimensions, and reincarnates into different forms throughout the ages. This time, it has taken the form of a faunus...

This faunus now begins her enrollment at Beacon Academy to become a protector of Remnant, but only time will tell if this incarnation will become an Ally of the Stars...
//This is a reboot of one of my previous quests, Remnants of a Void. After debating whether or not to continue the quest after its long hiatus, I felt that it would be better to give everyone a fresh start. Therefore, without further ado...

At the distant edge of a galaxy, a battle to decide the fate of the universe was reaching its conclusion.

Recently revived, the God of Destruction: Void Termina had been stripped of the last of its protective layers, and its core essence was in the process of being overpowered by the attacks of a certain pink puffball and his allies. With a final, determined yell, the hero unleashed a massive blast of energy from his friendship-borne spacecraft and reduced the dark lord to but a fraction of its life, leaving it at the mercy of the many companions the pink one had made over the course of his latest adventure, and, with a brilliant flash of light, the would-be destroyer's threat to existence was ended…

However, the defeat of Void Termina was not without consequences…

In another dimension, a wave of dark energy, carried by the reality transcending shockwaves of a dark god's demise, washed over a planet with a broken moon. The Creatures of Grimm that inhabit it briefly quivered as the ominous, unseeable wave washed over them. As it continued to spread across the planet's surface, it eventually found the womb of a faunus woman, and began to draw itself into the unborn child growing within...

It is said that Void Termina reincarnates throughout the ages in many forms, however, this next iteration will likely be the one of the most peculiar ones to have ever existed…

17 years later...

Your name is Violet Tenebris.

You are what is known as a faunus, one of the two sapient races that inhabit the world of Remnant, with the other being humans. The key difference between humans and faunus is that the latter possesses animal traits, of which there are a great diversity.

You, specifically, are a vulture faunus, with your trait being an impressive pair of black and white wings -- a trait that you inherited from your father -- which are currently shifting uncomfortably beneath an old, dark grey coat that you've had so long you might as well consider it part of your signature look. You'd rather not have to conceal them like this, but they'll probably net you some unwanted attention if you didn't.

Idly, you glance out the window at the city of Vale down below. You honestly can't believe that you're actually here, on an airship, and heading to Beacon. It was quite a surprise when your parents managed to scrounge up enough Lien to send you here. A small part of you wishes they didn't -- as workers in an SDC quarry, they honestly need it more -- but you are thankful for them nonetheless. While attending Atlas Academy would've been somewhat less expensive, you probably wouldn't have a great time there on account of your… genetics…

As you continue to stare at the city, you take a moment to check on your weapon, a pair of twin butterfly swords known as Gemini, which can be infused with Burn, Ice, or Lightning Dust cartridges to give them an elemental edge. Additionally, they could also be shifted into hand cannon pistols to engage with ranged targets.

In addition to your weapon you also have your semblance, Familiar, at your disposal. It allows you to summon minions from your shadow at the cost of some Aura. They look like sinister, cycloptic orbs of darkness, and they have the ability to shoot some kind of black, eldritch-looking lightning at their targets. To be honest, you sometimes wonder if their appearance would be off-putting to other people…

Speaking of, you wonder if you should try and get to know some of the other passengers. They will be your potential classmates, or possibly even team members, after all. Plus your parents would probably want you to make some friends. Though, even though this isn't Atlas, you can't help but think that your faunus heritage might make that difficult if they ever saw your wings...

"Hi there!" A girl's voice suddenly snaps you out of your thoughts. Glancing over, you spot a shorter, pink haired girl with a scarf around her neck, on her hip is some kind of weapon, folded up neatly into a portable form.

"I couldn't help but see you were standing here all alone…" she speaks again, "So, are you excited about going to Beacon? It's a pretty cool looking place in the pictures, am I right? Oh, uh… My name's Coral, by the way."

"Um, yeah I'm a bit excited." you let yourself smile, "And I'm Violet. It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise." the pinkette nods, "I'm excited too. I wonder what the academy's like in person… Probably awesome, right?"


"Soooooo…" Coral drawls out after a moment of silence, "What's a nice, friendly person like you doing here all by your lonesome?"

"Well, uh... I sorta need some time alone to think sometimes…" you explain, "plus I don't really have any friends on this airship to hang out with... I'm from the kingdom of Atlas, you see."

"Atlas? Gee, that's quite far away... It explains the coat, though..." Coral tilts her head, "So why did you want to come to Beacon, then? Isn't Atlas Academy, like, right there...?"

"Atlas Academy is kinda... more intimidating than beautiful..." you answer, not wanting to go into full detail, "Plus it's cold..."

"But isn't all of Atlas cold?"

"Well, wouldn't you want to be somewhere warm when you've been on a frozen continent all your life?"

"Ok, you make a fair point." Coral smirks, before glancing out the window, "Huh, looks like we're going to touch down soon... Mind if I stick with you for a bit?"

"Not at all." you say, seeing no harm in letting her come with you, "As I said, I don't really have any friends in Vale yet, so I guess I could use the company."

"I see." she blinks, before asking something that catches you off guard: "So does that make us friends, then?"

"U-Uh..." you stammer at the unexpected question, "Sure? I-I mean if you want to then--"

"Sweet!" she pumps her fist into the air, "Then from this moment forward, we're Beacon Buddies!"

"...B-… Beacon Buddies?" you question.

"Well yeah! You're my new buddy and we're attending Beacon, that makes you my Beacon Buddy and vice versa, doesn't it?"

You blink, before giggling a bit, "Yes, I suppose so..."


The two of you continue chatting for a few minutes about trivial matters before the airship finally touches down. Following the crowd as it streams out of the transport, you step out onto the cliffside docking bay, staring in awe as you admire the architecture of the academy ahead of you as you capture your first real glimpse of it. It's definitely--

"Oh, wow! It really is more beautiful in person, isn't it?" Coral practically states your thoughts out loud.

"Yeah, it really is..." you trail off as you nod in agreement, practically bursting with happiness that you're actually standing here.

After taking a moment to enjoy the view, the two of you begin to walk down the main avenue. As you do so, you soon spot something that immediately sends a horrible chill down your spine: Standing next to a cart with quite a large amount of luggage is a girl with white hair, and on the back of her equally white getup is the unmistakable snowflake emblem of the Schnee family.

You start to internally panic as you continue to stare in disbelief… Why is there a Schnee here!? Everything seems to grind to a halt as your brain tries to process the girl's presence...

"U-Uh… Beacon Buddy?" a hand suddenly passes in front of your face, snapping you out of your thoughts, causing you to glance over at a concerned looking Coral, "Are you alright? You got real quiet all of a sudden..."

"A-Ah, yes, I'm… perfectly fine, just... Wondering about something..." You quickly answer as the Schnee walks off to the side to speak with her servant.

It's at this moment that you notice another pair of people nearby: A girl in a red cloak, and a blonde. After a moment, the blonde quickly speeds off with some other people, leaving the other girl in an almost comical, off-balance spiral, which unfortunately sends her hurtling right towards the Schnee girl's luggage...

You can only watch in absolute horror as she proceeds to collide with the cart and spill its contents all over the pavement. You can't help but wince, as you anticipate what's coming next.

Sure enough, the Schnee girl immediately takes notice and, as you expected, looks quite a bit irritated. You wonder whether or not you should do something as she begins yelling at the girl in red…

[] Just keep walking. This will probably resolve itself, and you really don't want to deal with the wrath of a Schnee right now...
[] Intervene. That poor girl in red knows not of the doom she just unleashed.
[] Do nothing and just watch the conflict.
[] Ask Coral to intervene and watch from the sidelines.

//I also feel that I owe any returning players some compensation for the reboot, so feel free to choose one of the following, if any. New players are free to vote as well.

Accept Dark Lord's Boon?
[] Permanent +5 to combat rolls
[] Permanent +5 to persuasion checks*
[] Increased weapon ammo capacity
[] +2 Dust ammo mags of your choice (Burn, Ice, Lightning, Water, Wind, or Gravity. Can specify two types, giving you one mag of each.)
[] +100 Aura capacity
[] Decline compensation.

*was debating leaving this one off, considering such rolls will be quite infrequent, but included it for the sake of fairness.
Mechanics and Information
//Welcome to Remnants of a Void: Reincarnation, a quest where you play as Void Termina from Kirby Star Allies reincarnated as a Vulture Faunus. The focus will be more on the RWBY side of things initially, with more Kirby stuff coming in later after things are initially established.

Rules and Mechanics

Copy-paste powers go!

This is a vote based quest. Simply vote on the choices presented and the next update will be written based on your responses. Write-ins will be used occasionally.

Combat will present you with a list of choices with varying success levels, which can be increased or decreased by modifiers.

Some choices will be marked as "(Persuade)" meaning a persuasion roll will be used if that choice is selected. Persuasion chances can also be subject to modifiers.

Note that this is meant to diverge from RWBY canon due to the nature of the quest. The degree of diversion would depend on your choices.

Aside from that, this is a fairly straightforward quest, so please enjoy and have fun.

Omakes are also welcome and encouraged.
Character Sheet

Name: Violet Tenebris
Species: Vulture Faunus
Name: Gemini
-Twin Hand Cannon Butterfly Swords
--Blades can accept Burn, Ice, or Lightning Dust to give them an elemental edge. The pistol functionality can use all kinds of Dust.

Permanent Modifiers:
-Combat: +0
-Persuasion: +5
+5 - Dark Lord's Boon (Quest Reboot Compensation)

--Create one-eyed, sphere-like minions out of your shadow to fight by your side for an aura cost

Floyd Tenebris - Father
Iris Tenebris - Mother
Schnee Dust Company - Your parents' employers.
Coral Waterlily
- Friend.
Ruby Rose - Friend.
Jaune Arc - Friend.
Weiss Schnee - You are nervous around her. Also your partner...
Yang Xiao Long - Friend.
Melinda Slate - Acquaintance.


Team Name: TBD
-Violet Tenebris (You)
-Weiss Schnee (Partner)

(This updates at the end of every combat, as well as at the beginning of every in-game day. Per-turn updates will occur while within combat.)
Aura: 390/1000
Health: Good

Weapon Status:
>Blade 1 - Normal
>Blade 2 - Normal
>Magazine 1 - Normal (3/10)
>Magazine 2 - Normal (3/10)

>Burn Dust Vial (100%) x1
>Ice Dust Vial (100%) x1
>Lightning Dust Vial (100%) x2
>Magazine [Normal] (10/10) x4
>Magazine [Burn Dust] (10/10) x2

Aura-Related Abilities:
>Semblance [Familiar] - Summon (-5 Aura)
>>Basic minions made of darkness. Gain +1 to combat rolls for every two you have active.
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[X] Intervene. That poor girl in red knows not of the doom she just unleashed.

[X] Permanent +5 to persuasion checks*
why the parents who i assume are faunus working for the Schnee company? and considering that she doesn't want to gut Weiss immediately I assume that they are not slaves mine workers
[X] Intervene. That poor girl in red knows not of the doom she just unleashed.
[X] Permanent +5 to persuasion checks*
[x] Intervene. That poor girl in red knows not of the doom she just unleashed.

[x] +100 Aura capacity
[x] Intervene. That poor girl in red knows not of the doom she just unleashed.

[x] +100 Aura capacity

Spam minions of Darkness!

I like that this is back!
[X] Intervene. That poor girl in red knows not of the doom she just unleashed.

[X] +100 Aura capacity

If'n we want to change things, let's change things and get ourselves involved! Also, more cute little minions, woohoo! It's not a ridiculous boost or anything, the combat bonus is probably "better" but that's also part of why I like it. It lets us do more of our Semblance without much risk of making us OP or anything.

Also, huzzah for the quest's return!
why the parents who i assume are faunus working for the Schnee company? and considering that she doesn't want to gut Weiss immediately I assume that they are not slaves mine workers

She doesnt want harm to come to her parents

[x] Intervene. That poor girl in red knows not of the doom she just unleashed.
[x] +100 Aura capacity
[x] Intervene. That poor girl in red knows not of the doom she just unleashed.
[X] Decline compensation.

It's back, and that's all we need.
[x] Intervene. That poor girl in red knows not of the doom she just unleashed.
[x] +100 Aura capacity

I am a man of simple tastes: I see a Ruby Rose interaction, I pick it.
[X] Intervene. That poor girl in red knows not of the doom she just unleashed.

[X] Permanent +5 to persuasion checks*

First glad it is back, second It's RWBY. We need all the Persuasion bonuses that we can get to not let anyone do any stupid decision.
[x] Intervene. That poor girl in red knows not of the doom she just unleashed.
[x] +100 Aura capacity
[x] Intervene. That poor girl in red knows not of the doom she just unleashed.
[x] +100 Aura capacity
[x] Intervene. That poor girl in red knows not of the doom she just unleashed.
[x] Permanent +5 to persuasion checks
[x] Intervene. That poor girl in red knows not of the doom she just unleashed.

[x] Permanent +5 to persuasion checks

I am new and know nothing of the previous quest, I do however want to start a revolution.
[x] Intervene. That poor girl in red knows not of the doom she just unleashed.

[X] Permanent +5 to combat rolls
[x] Intervene. That poor girl in red knows not of the doom she just unleashed.
[x] Permanent +5 to persuasion checks

I didn't catch this before, looks fun! Persuasion because Kirby crossover equals friendship to me.
*was debating leaving this one off, considering such rolls will be quite infrequent, but included it for the sake of fairness.
If you know that the rolls are gonna be infrequent, then maybe you could increase the bonus to compensate, say +10? If you think that would be too strong, then that's fine. Just an idea.
[X] Intervene. That poor girl in red knows not of the doom she just unleashed.

[X] Permanent +5 to persuasion checks
[X] Intervene. That poor girl in red knows not of the doom she just unleashed.

[X] Permanent +5 to persuasion checks*
[x] Intervene. That poor girl in red knows not of the doom she just unleashed.

[X] Permanent +5 to persuasion checks