Remnant at War: A RWBY CK2 Quest

August Week 1 Results
-[ ] Stockpile dust and wepons.
DC 40
Great success

You can't belive how easy that was. not only do you have more dust and guns than you know what to do with but you also found some Atlesian Knight-130's. Now you can expand your operations.

Reward: New actions unlocked.
-[ ] Control the remains of LODC
DC 52
Rolled: 91+18+5=114
Critical success
Scarlett Plasmina is a hotheaded businesswoman who has kept LODC alive by sheer will. When you told Scarlett that you planned to kick Jacques out of SDC she and the rest of the LODC CEO's immediately started to talk among themselves. Ten minutes later you became proud owner of LODC companies. Scarlett herself now follows your order's directly and is already planingbto expand LODC influence in both Atlas and Mantle.

Reward:Scarlett has become a (very ecstatic) Hero unit with LODC support! Also LODC becomes your pupett.

-[] By the books
Rolled : 20+24+100[Result of Critical succses]=144
One hour after you became the owner of LODC you got a call from Scarlett. Apparently not only did she take over almost all SDC dust stores in Mantle she also got a military contract. She also significaly expanded the engeniring part of LODC. This efectivly means that you don't have to search for a way to earn Lien.

-[ ] Expand THE NETWORK
DC 20
Rolled: 29+38=67
Great succses
You manneged to recruit several disgrunted employes but your greatest recruitment was Chief of Security Charles Amitola. It appears that he didn't appreciate Jacques replacing half of his staff with robots.
Reward: More recruits, New actions and a possible heero unit.
-[]Read some books
DC 0
Rolled 40+17=57
Well this is intresting. Aparently during the Great War a scientist named Alexander Daichi started to experiment with Aura's and Semblance's. Apparently it was somewhat successsfull as he found a way to evolve both Aura's and Semblance's though that is where the book ends. You may not know how he did it but you know how he found out how to do it.
Reward: More Reaserch option's.

-[]Text your Alcoholics Anonymous buddy
There is this App for alcoholics to share theyr stories. It mostly involves texting with a random person you don't know. but you foun a friend in your buddy but you haven't heard from him in a while better to check on him.
Rolled: 44
Over the week you and your AA buddy textted each other. It was quite enjoyeble talk and you..well found out many things about him. For example he is a Huntsman. Eventully he had to go fight some grimm but you feel like you met a true friend.
Reward :??? 44/100

-[]Spend time with Weiss
Rolled: 38
You found Weiss in her room looking out of her window. To say she was suprised seeing you not drinking was an understatment. You two started to talk for a while. Eventuly you had to go to attend different matters but you promised to spend some time together on a later date.
Reward: Weiss38/100

-[]Oversee Project
--[]Write In Project you wish to Oversee: Control the remains of LODC
It just comes to me, we now control all dust companies in Atlas and Mantal, apart from the SDC, and if we control the SDC then we control all the dust companies!
A tale of a Millitary dog and Huntsman [Canon]
In the Squalor...

(Noctis POV)

In the Dark shadow of Atlas in the city of Mantle, you sat in the bar with a quiet look.

"Ironwood's speaking more and more drivel." You said looking at the screen of the broadcast.

"Careful...Huntsman, with the trouble going on up top, those words might get you killed." The Bartender said as the tab was handed over.

"You already know I paid. A day in advance too." You said looking at the tab.

"New policy, keeping the huntsmen off the liquor, It's a sensible thing." he said as you finished the glass.

"Great another wise ass decision from on high by guy's that don't give a rats ass about us, TO the city in the sky! May it crash and kill them before killing us first." You said.

It was another day of this, a few months out and the only thing you had to show for an entire education in the Academy is a sense of bitterness and a feeling of emotional pain.

You lost people, mostly bright-eyed kids who needed a slightly more experienced student to see them through. Alas...the Grimm can't touch them now.

You could still feel the blood, hear the screams and the howls of agony. You chaperoned over 430 students with that Atlas military detachment.

You came back with 80 still unphased...200 injured to various degrees and a few hundred corpses, some were huntsman that tagged along. Others were the soldiers...but the majority were those bright-eyed youths that wanted to fight monsters.

And paid the price with their lives.

The Doors opened as you felt the room shift.

"For the Last time Robyn...if you ask me if I want to join your useless set of misfits for "The Sake of Mantle" I will shove all the blades at my disposal up your ass." You said as you guessed what might happen next.

You assumed that it would devolve into swearing or a fight just like last time. Or she might drag you to yet another political circus for gods know whatever reason at this point.

Maybe she'll try to kill you and make you a Martyr? You were one of the more noticeable of Mantle's huntsman in spite of or because of your youth dicking around in the Tundra.

The things you saw out there...things she couldn't even believe.

"I wasn't gonna make you into a tool of politics. Just a Dog of the Military." The voice was cheery, fitful but above all, comforting, like a lost puppy.

Which was exactly the point with this little problem. "Marrow."

"Noctis... how's life been?" he said taking a seat as you felt his tail move agitatedly.

He was gauging you...Clover must have put him up to this, the bastard, why put Marrow on the spot for your wrath when he didn't have the guts to face you himself.

It probably had to do with the fact that you despised him for his shitty luck semblance, his unquestioning nature and trust in Ironwood...or the fact he and a few of them feared your...libertarian way of thinking when it came to following Ironwoods orders.

That is to say not following them at all and went freelance when you graduated and your graduation speech was full of nothing but insults to the Ace Ops system and the Militarization of the Huntsman as a whole in Atlas.

You also thought that Ironwood was a sellout to the SDC, witch only heightened your distrust and hatred of them. And of course it had nothing to do with your home, possessions and other such things being taken by the state many years ago.

Robyn wasn't the first political idealist trying to fight the system...that had got your parents killed and their supports lumped in with radicals...leading to political repression and you on the streets of Mantle, with no opportunity. Save an Unlocked Aura..and a semblance you didn't even understand.

"Marrow...I'm doing as well as I can, given the circumstances I find myself in now." You said. "Witch is a step up compared to where I was a few years ago."

Going from eating restaurant garbage as a kid to a huntsman academy graduate to a PTSD rode man before 25 living in a loft above a bar... which was a rapid improvement from the last time you two met when you tried to rob him.

"Ouch...the offer is still open. If you still think it's worth it." He said.

"I told Clover I'd consider it when his blind ass is dead." You said. "And I'm talking about his unwillingness to see beyond his orders, see the bigger things than him."

The insult you threw at him was lobed at the one above him and not him, but the sentiment still hurt.

"You don't think I give a damn? Or feel for what's going on?" He said.

"Well you work for an increasingly authoritarian regime, with a mass wealth divide and a breeding ground for race riots and civil conflict we can ill afford and Ironwood is going full throttle with his plans I no idea what they are and Clover has the put you in the line of fire of my response. Rather then take it himself." You said standing as the sitting Faunus grew more and more agitated.

"I can't exactly see no to him you know...being my superior and all." He said.

"He's disgraceful is what he is." You said. "He is an officer, one that suffers with you in many respects...but when things go to shit, he will send you to your death without a second thought."

"That's the reality Noctis...we have to make unpleasant choices." He said.

"The best way to fix this is to put the three biggest problems in Atlas to the sword." You said bitterly.

"Careful with those next words Noctis...some might consider them treason." Marrow said as his hand went to his weapon.

"There is saying a treasonous thought and acting on them, Marrow, the mark of a true man is being able to figure out if words indeed are wind, or acted on with fire." You said as you prepared to leave.

"So witch one is it? Do you really mean what your saying?" He said.

"I'm not a Political Radical like Hill, Marrow...If I find a better option that isn't Jaques Schnee, James Ironwood,Robyn Hill or Oblivion I'll take it." You said.

"Not a lot of Options if your going to find a better way in this town." Marrow said.

"Unlike the lot of you...I'm keeping my Eyes open on the bigger scope." You said.

"There's only Evils in this town of these days you got to choose." He said.

"Greater Evil's and their derivatives...Lesser Evils and their derivatives, Oblivion...All of those are terrible options. If I had to choose between one of those evils or another...I'd rather not choose at all." You said.

Marrow gave a hurt look. "Choose right know I'm right. Only bad choices in this town."

"Then your not looking hard enough." You said with a small pat to his head.

AN: Well, this is interesting...I wonder what Mantle and Atlas Hunters really think about the mess going on, and that I think they hate the whole rotten thing or at least think more like Noctis.

And if your all wondering who this is, its Noctis from Atlas Acension...since this is Canon, he's had an extremely rough life compared to the AU many played.

I hope this works as an omake
My god this turn gave us a really strong start and the double down was unnecessary.

Time to talk to her son because I would feel like a hypocrite if I bash Weiss in canon for abandoning him while doing the same in quest.

Edit: It's killing me to know if that's Crow.
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August Week 1 World News
Atlas Military
[ ] Crush crime in Mantle
DC 150
94+38+30+20= 178
Great Success
General Storm announced its intent to assist police forces in Mantle with cracking down on organized crime. After several highly public raids and drug busts the MPD and other police departments all up and down the coast have been pleased to announce that arrest rates are down all over the area. It's now known as The Crusade.

[ ] Invest in the Scholarships for Combat Schools
DC 100
Decent Success
Councilman Sleet went public with the council's decision to donate to the 'Scholarships for Combat Schools' fund, funneling a total of 400,000 Lien into the organization. Surely Ironwood had something to do with this . He probably wants the students to join the Atlas military.

[ ] Announce an upcoming Charity concert
DC 50
Jacques publicly announced that the SDC would be holding a tech gala in Schnee Manor next month. You should expect an exhibition that showcases new paintings and statues made in the past year or two, as well as what they are lauding as 'the party of the century'. Apparently Weissa 'very special guest' scheduled to debut.

White Fang Mantle branch
[ ]Stop the coup
DC 5
Critical Failure
The leader of the Mantle Branch of White Fang was overthrone by his right hand man Quinn. Since then White Fang activity has been minimal exceapt for when they were spotted during The Crusade. Now everyone is waiting for Quinn's next move.

Katt Gold Company
[ ] Destroy competion
DC 80
Miserable Failure
Katt Gold Company has utterly failed to buy out its targets. The LODC made a counter attack making off with copious amounts of Katt's personal dust mines and piles of company scrip as well. Katt Golkd has refused to comment on the matter.

Random Event
You feel as if something really bad has happened... somewhere else.

Oh well. Back to work.

Last edited: Jun 27, 2020​
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Cyber here are the possible reward's. You can only choose one.
[]Noctis becomes a interactive Character
[]plus 50 to any action you want
[]Write in
We shouldn't go to ironwood without taking over the SDC. He's a paranoid wreck after Beacon and he'll likely see it as a way to knock out a competitator and take over the SDC indirectly. We'd essentially be trading one master for another if we attempt to negotiate in a position of weakness.
What were we before we got married and our father was still alive? Were we Hunterees or did we just know how to fight?
August Week 2
'AGHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!' That was Jacqueses reaction when he found out that LODC has recovered and taken over almost all SDC dust stores in Mantle. It was truly hilarious but you need to get back to work. This was only the begining of your plans for SDC.

Pick one from each category.

[]Recruit 'Bodyguards'
DC 35
Even with the AK-130 you still need someone alive to help you in fighting your enemies. You will pretend that you are hiring bodyguards for yourself. That should keep Jacques from becoming suspicus.

(Reward: Creates a task force.)

[ ] Traininig
DC 100
You have negelected combat training since you married Jacques. That needs to change. You cannot simply rely on others to protect you. It will be hard trainig but it will be worth it.

Reward: Malus against enemy Martial actions made against Willow directly, ???, ???)
[ ] Upgrade Knights to current standard
DC 110

You and Scarlett come up with a few upgrades that should bring your AK-130 to a higher level. Right now they're getting the job done but they could always be improved. It might be difficult to rotate them out as you improve them while still doing their tasks, but it's definitely possible with the right person in charge. You already have the technology!

(Reward: AK-130 upgraded to current standard, AK-130 efficacy increased)
[ ] Reach out to General Storm
DC 85
You'll be frank with yourself- Storm flat-out hates you. You're not really sure why, maybe it's got something to do with being an Alcoholic, or maybe you offended him somehow when you last met at his promotion party. Either way it's going to be hard getting him to play ball, but having him as someone to collaborate with may bear fruit.

(Reward: Establish contact with General Storm, ???)

[ ] Reach out to Ironwood
DC 105
Really? James Ironwood? The same Ironwood who constantly refuses your husbands emails and won't even come to the table about opening up the border? THE SAMEMAN WHO TOOK NEARLY GOT YOUR DAUGHTER KILLED! ! ! You… suppose you could, but it'll be hard for you to take him seriously…

(Reward: Establish contact with Ironwood, ???)

[ ] Reach out to Katt Gold
DC 70
The second richest man in the world is predictably pompous. While he's not the type of guy you'd invite to lunch he knows his way around a corporate boardroom, a trait which could be invaluable in a collaboration. Besides, both of you are known for your secret hate of Jacque! On the other hand, he's notoriously greedy and might end up betraying you in the end.

(Reward: Establish contact with Katt, ???)

[ ] Reach out to Robyn Hill
DC 65
Robyn Hill is a Mantle huntresss who recently entered politics. Joining her would give you more opportunities in Mantle An invaluable ally to be sure, but one you could potentially alienate with some of your future plans.

(Reward: Establish contact with Robyn Hilll, ???)

[ ] Reach out to Council of Atlas
DC 65
There's no one head of the conglomerate that's controlling most of California, or at least nobody that's public. Still, some of the biggest corporations, like Funtelligence, Sycorax or Bakaemono (Previously Kreitech), could prove useful contacts.

(Reward: Establish contact with the Council , ???)

[ ] Recruit Mantle Huntsmen
DC 55
There are all sorts of empowered individuals out there.Pulling some of them into your fold early on might be a good idea, especially before your rivals snap them up. Huntsman of Mantle will be much more comfortable with THE NETWORKS mission statements, but also have a reputation for eccentricity. Then again, so do you.

(Reward: choice between several hero units, units will be happily working for you but may be unpredictable)
Scarlett says that you shouldn't involve yourself in managing LODC so Jacques doesn't start suspecting something.
[ ] Expand THE NETWORK
DC 50
THE NETWORK could always expand more.

(Reward: New recruits for THE NETWORK, more Intrigue actions )

[ ] Investigate what happened to Gemeral Greene
DC 70
According to the military , Greene died in a wepon prototype testing , but you're sure there's more to it than that! Come on, are you really going to trust the military? It'll take a bit of doing, since those white-suited goons like to turn everyone away, but hopefully THE NETWORK can find out what really happened.

(Reward: ???)

[ ] Spy on SDC
DC 45
THE NETWORK will take a look at what Jacques is hiding.

(Reward: Discover if SDC is hiding something, potentially discover secrets of Jacques)

[ ] Look into Grimm
DC ???
You've got no tangible proof but you're pretty sure that grimm have a reason to destroy humanity. You could attempt to try and find signs of intelligent life in them, but with how dangerous it is and without anything to go on you'd be taking a huge stab in the dark. Who knows, you might get lucky!

(Reward: Possible confirmation of inteligent Grimm)

[]Spy on someone.
DC Variable
There's a number of people in the country that see a lot of underworld activity; mostly those that have a lot of mercantile trading going on. It might be a good idea to set up some small informant rings in order to keep your ear to the ground on what's happening across the shady side of the country.

Choose One:
-[ ] General Storm: DC 70

The new General in town. He must be hiding something right?

-[ ] Ironwood: DC 200
General James Ironwood is the Headmaster of Atlas Academy, as well as a general in the Atlasian Millitary and a holder of two seats on the Atlesian Council.. He is defenitly hiding something big.

-[ ] Katt Gold: DC 75
You don't become the second richest man on remnant without doing something shady.
[]Read some books
DC 0
You have some free time might as well read one of these books so they don't collect dust. Who knows you might find something intresting.

Reward: Depens on how much you roll.

[ ] Begin researching Aura and semblances
DC 50
Alexander's notes have been intresting but they are mostly incomplete. No matter how hard you look there isn't a guide how he evoled them so it's theory time!

[ ] Research AI
DC 95
Soo the Millitary had a robot which looked like a girl and even acted like one. You aren't sure why they didn't announce this discovery to the to world but that doesn't matter now. The sciencist at LODC want to out do the millitary and create an A.I rivaling the robot girl's and maybe even surpass it! But for now they have to figure out how the Millitary did it.

(Reward: General fame and fortune, technological edge, more actions unlocked)

[ ] Begin the LODC Space Program
DC ???, higher DC indicates higher initial success
Space. The final frontier. The one place nobody on remnant never managed to crack with any sort of regularity. Sure, you've seen plans for spaceships and SDC even had some plans for a space station in the works, but that literally never got off of the ground. Instead of expanding outward, you can expand upward! Imagine the possibilities! Space Science! A vantage point to spy for aliens unobstructed by a pesky atmosphere! An asteroid belt filled to the brim with valuable minerals!

(Reward: Space program started, research options unlocked, questline unlocked)

[ ] Develop energy weaponry
DC 75
That robot girl had some preety impresive energy wepons that were better than what Atlas has! The laser weapons Atlas can currently build are large, unwieldy, expensive to develop and even more expensive to fire and must be connected to an Airship. Perhaps with some research you could reduce them down to a man-portable size.

(Rewards: Bonuses to some martial rolls, other tech options become available later on)

Personal Actions
Willow has 3 personal actions
[]Spend time with Weiss
You haven't spend much time with Weiss since she came back. It's time to change that.
Reward: Weiss 38/100

[]Spend time with Whitley
You and Whitley barely see each other. You will become better mother to him.
Reward: Whitley 0/100.

[]Text your Alcoholics Anonymous buddy
There is this App for alcoholics to share theyr stories. It mostly involves texting with a random person you don't know. but you foun a friend in your buddy but you haven't heard from him in a while better to check on him.
Reward: ??? 44/100

[ ] Chat with the Boss
Your employees are valuable resources in the pursuit of reclaiming your birthright. You should see how they are doing. Choose a hero to spend time with. That hero gains a +10 to loyalty for the next 3 turns. This option can sometimes also lead to learning more about your chosen hero, possibly granting new traits or events.

[]Oversee Project
-[]Write In Project you wish to Oversee
Scarlett Plasmina has 2 personal actions
[ ] Personally oversee LODC product testing
While you no longer have the title of CEO, you are still technically in charge of LODC. It behooves you to oversee the process of making sure LODC products maintain the standard of quality they are known for.

[ ] Hummiliate Jacques on live Tv
Having major stakes in an megacorporation is nice and all, but it isn't exactly your sole motivation in life; this is. You spend your action taking sweet revenge.

[ ] Get in touch with your old friends

You were born in Mantle but had to move to Atlas when you were adopted by dad, and it's been a while since you had a chance to catch up with old friends from back in the Slumps. Now that your living situation is secure, if a bit unorthodox, it might be time for him to reach back out
[ ] Work for Willow
-[ ] Which project?
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