Remember [FSN/FZ] - Four Heavenly Threads

... no?

I mean, maybe? But... if he was a vampire hunter, he's proooobably at the "dodge bullets" level. I guess Booth could've caught him off guard..
linkhyrule5 said:
... no?

I mean, maybe? But... if he was a vampire hunter, he's proooobably at the "dodge bullets" level. I guess Booth could've caught him off guard..
Booth was just that good, Presence Concealment and all.
XenonPrime said:
Probably not considering I've never heard of this book, for a legend to be distorted by fiction that fiction needs to be largely accepted as fact about the hero, people would literally have to genuinely remember Lincoln as a vampire hunter in the 'obviously he wasn't a real vampire hunter, it's probably a metaphor for something else in his life or otherwise has a grain of truth to it' kind of way.

Like how people who like to connect the Arthurian myth to history Alfred the Great and his son Edward the Elder for their roles in uniting the Anglo-Saxons and driving back the Danes.

Heh, say, wouldn't that piss Saber off? She was a Briton right? And she fought against the Saxon invasions right? She probably wouldn't think too highly of the Angles either.

People thinking she was an Anglo-Saxon king, hehehehehe.

EDIT: Although considering she's blonde she probably has Angle blood somewhere in her family tree.
Do recall Vlad's heroic spirit got corrupted by Dracula, so it's easier than you think.
Guile said:
Do recall Vlad's heroic spirit got corrupted by Dracula, so it's easier than you think.
What percentage of humanity would have heard of Vlad III of Wallachia without Bram Stoker and Dracula?

What percentage of humanity would have heard of Abraham Lincoln without Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Slayer?
Archons said:
How many people outside of Europe can recognize the vast majority of heros spawned throughout the history of western civilization and its origins? You think an American is going to know that someone like Cu Chulainn even existed, let alone anything about his legend?
The cool thing about the Throne is that it's atemporal. It doesn't matter if now people don't remember them, so long as they were remembered/deified/worshipped/blah blah blah at some point.
Kyte said:
The cool thing about the Throne is that it's atemporal. It doesn't matter if now people don't remember them, so long as they were remembered/deified/worshipped/blah blah blah at some point.
That sortof implies that if modern Heroic Spirits might be possible, we would only get a better perspective on that in a century or so once their deeds have faded into history a bit. In seeing whether or not, from the perspective of the future, today's heroes are figures of legend or mystery.

Hrm. That would mean that "no modern heroic spirits" could have two meanings -- both in the sense that today's world makes it difficult for them to come about, as well as the fact that it could be hard to recognize a Heroic Spirit in the same era he was active in. Like an artist's or author's works becoming much more popular and worth more after his death.

The second restriction -- "hard to recognize in the present"/"hard to be sure of something until long after is has happened" -- would also be made even worse by our current time.
Nameless_Flame said:
With Vlad, he was remembered as a ruler with particularly vicious acts towards his enemies, but wasn't particularly legendary in the sense of Nasuverse Throne-bound souls until he became synonymous with Dracula and vampires. He went from a historical figure (non-Throne) to legendary monster (Throne) and he's been stuck with Innocent Monster as a result when he reached the Throne.
I dunno, you don't get a title like 'The Shield Against The Turk' without being pretty famous at the time.

To throw your words back at you, just because Vlad III isn't well-known now, doesn't mean he wasn't pretty crucial to the catholic world for a little while there.
Well, it's not like he knew everything involved there.Although Zouken being a creepy fuck is apparent.
Nameless_Flame said:
Sure, of course. The issue is finding the right tool for the job (I personally don't know of any that fit the bill aside from Rule Breaker, and even that's iffy) and, more importantly, dealing with the heart worm without killing Sakura, which isn't easy. Zouken's old, evil, skilled and crafty, traits that make him basically as spiteful as a Spacebattler with his skills in making sure any defeat screws the victor over as much as it does him.
Well, he's probably wondering if -- since Archer selectively removed worms from Kariya -- he can do that to defeat Zouken? Such as by removing the heart-worm. Has the heart-worm been implanted yet anyway?

And as for the right tool for the job... Hm. Maybe something like Curtana, the sword of mercy? Perhaps it could have an effect suitable to striking the heart-worm without hurting the person (i.e. Sakura) holding it.

Or at least, that's the first thing that came to mind. A merciful sword. "tip broken off by an angel to prevent a wrongful killing." Sounds like maybe it would avoid killing a person unintentionally; perhaps what you might need in this sort of situation.
Of course, I highly doubt Saber would have any problems annihilating a monster like Zouken, and saving an innocent little girl. I don't think Irisviel would have any problems either.
Twilght08 said:
"Yo, Saber. There's this girl in the Matou family's mansion that kinda needs your help. You know, the Matous, Master of that psycotic Berserker that keeps trying to kill you? Anyway, can you meet me there in - say, an hour? Oh, and if you want, you can take the white-haired chick (who's coincidentally also the Grail vessel) with you. This is totally not a trap."
Alternatively: "You, Saber. There's this girl in the Matou family's mansion that kinda needs some help. Anyway, I'll be the one going in and fetching the girl, would you mind looking after her while I finish up killing the monsters in the house?"
Chapter 12 Draft in progress

Waver Velvet was living in tissue hell.

This was not a metaphor. Beside him, an overflowing wastebasket of blood-stained facial tissues stood as the primary landmark of his room. Evidence of its failure to contain its charges was present in the series of similar tissues tossed around on the floor. A new member joined their ranks, casually disposed of by the gigantic bleeding man behind him, sitting on the bed.

Alexander the Great had a small cut on his face, and his blood-flow simply would not cease. Between the two emergency tissue runs, extra loads of garbage he had disposed of, and supreme care he had to take such that his gracious old hosts wouldn't notice, the young man was almost beside himself with frustration.

He almost wanted to ignore the directive to focus on Caster, simply so he could have Rider crush Lancer and make the bleeding stop.

But, that would be suicide. He was better than that. His alchemical sleuthing had borne fruit, and they were almost ready to go . . . if not for the bleeding. While Rider had no real problems with letting the wound flow free while he was in 'battle mode,' Waver was just a bit too pragmatic to want to be spilling his Servant's blood everywhere, after all.

He had been pacing around his room considering his options when his foot slipped on an errant Kleenex and he fell on his ass. Mumbling in pain, he caught Rider's eye.

"Show more respect, boy! That's the blood of a king you're trodding on! Ha!"

At last, his temper snapped.

Waver stood up, and silently picked up a few of the sanguine objects. He went over to his alchemy set and started to work.

Rider, curious as to his Master's lack of outraged mewling, raised an eyebrow and watched. The boy had proven himself as an alchemist with the river samples, so whatever he was doing was probably going to be interesting, at least.

Waver tore off some of the blood soaked fabric and dropped it into a flask. Muttering to himself, he fought off the urge to wince as he activated his Magic Circuits. He concentrated, and poured prana into the flask.

Rider, still waiting for a result, idly scratched an itch on his scalp with his free hand. This eventually escalated to scratching an arm, then his chest. Within a few more seconds he was itching all over his body and could not scratch fast enough.

Not a fool, he vocalized his feelings.

"Oy, brat, what is the meaning of this?! Do I have to give you another knock on th- oy!"

Waver had turned at the diatribe and glared for a moment before going back to his casting. Blood was streaming from his nose, and Rider could faintly detect the ever-unwelcome smell of seared flesh.

"Oy, boy, you've made your point!"

The itching stopped. Waver let out a breath, and shuddered in pain.

Rider reached out tentatively but drew back as Waver stood and whirled on him.

"Do you GET IT now? I am an AMATEUR! A few drops of blood, and I made you ITCH! If Caster got your blood he could probably make you explode! Lord El-Melloi . . . would probably make your dick rot off or something."


"Really. It's not difficult, it's just a matter of time, prana, and deftness with curses. Blood is the ultimate arcane link, after all. Only an ID-I-OT would leave it spattered around somewhere. Especially this phantasmal Ghost-Liner blood stuff. I don't even want to know what kind of extra ectoplasmic resonance once could achieve with the proper thaumaturgy . . ."

Rider shook his head ruefully as Waver ranted on. The boy was right; he was on a playing field with magi. That the boy felt it necessary to harm himself in making his point only hammered home how serious he was taking this whole War. His success in bypassing Rider's admittedly meager D rank in Magic Resistance was nothing to sneer at, either.

He tossed his current tissue aside and reached for a new one. Dabbing on his cheek, he considered their options with the full brunt of his tactical mind, and smiled.

Well, sure. But it wouldn't have done any good until he convinced Rider it was important, which required this scene.

They probably will end up doing something like that, though.
I thought he was just trying to impress upon Rider that yes, fixing that thing is important and stop being flippant about it and the fixing part would come later.
It's a curse. The curse is "this wound is a natural part of you". If you cut off the area, the would will reform along with the rest because it's a part of you.

Also please don't necro, it's been over a week since last post.
And it apparently does zero damage. ( I know that is probably situational, but they really should've picked a different picture for it on the wiki than that particular gif...)
ksho said:
Nope, it's still a copy of Excalibur as far as I can tell (albeit a degraded one)

The thing about Archer/Shirou abilities is that he's a faker, his entire schtick is that he can create bootleg copies of legendary weapons down to the very last detail.....including their history and power. Sure, he may be able to repackage them to better suit certain uses or situations (eg. Calabolg II/Hrunting/K&B O), but the core product is still a bootleg copy of the original.

Even if he were to create an original product, it'd be just a useless novelty item without Excalibur's history attached to it. (which is the source of a Noble Phantasms power).
Excalibur doesn't work that way. Divine construct, it's history isn't it's source of power.

If it helps, I mentally divide Noble Phantasms into two broad categories: the ones that were born from myths, legends, stories and history, and the ones which were forged as Noble Phantasms.

Excalibur, Avalon, Ea, Kanshou and Bakuya, and likely Excalibur's sister blades, were forged as Noble Phantasms from the get-go, and don't draw their power/existence from the legends about them.

Other Noble Phantasms were born from the myths and legends of heroes and their deeds. Such stories are the source of their powers, and what defines those powers.

Mind, this might be wrong, but that's how I view things.
All weapon NPs had their power in life, but what they manifest depends on the HS that uses it. (Even without history they're still magical swords)
Gae Bolg was originally a ranged javelin that Cu managed to pull off a time-reversing heart-kill trick, thus associating that particular version of Gae Bolg with him. Thus, only Cu gets time-reversing trick.

And Archer still can't trace Excalibur, he just makes Excalipoor and named it Image. :V