Remedial Survival: A Scholomance Quest

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The Scholomance was created one hundred years ago by the most wealthy and powerful among the European wizard community. A grand school existing outside of proper reality built to protect their growing children from the hordes of monstrous maleficaria that would like nothing more than to devour them for their rapidly growing Mana pools.

Things didn't quite turn out that way. The systems meant to keep the monsters out of the school broke almost immediately and attempts to repair them led to a lot of dead wizards and repairs that broke down a mere three years later.

And yet the school is still in use. Because a deathtrap that kills three-fourths of its students still provides better odds than anywhere in the outside world.

And so, every year over a thousand students are signed up for and sent to the Scholomance, some from the great and powerful enclaves which the school was built to protect, and the rest from independent families, who are mostly expected to act as easy targets to distract the monsters away from the enclavers.

You do not belong to either of these groups. Every so often a wizard is born to mundane parents. Usually, all these mundane born wizards can expect is to die alone and terrified in the jaws of a maleficaria, never even knowing that wizards exist, much less that they were one.

But every so often, the Scholomance makes a mistake and grabs a mundane born child like you. Their chances aren't considered to be all that much better than they are on the outside.

Nobody here expects you to live to see the end of first semester. Let's hope you can prove them wrong.
Induction Pt.1 (Character Creation)
Bloomington, IN
You have no idea what just happened.

You weren't doing anything particularly important or notable when it happened, but suddenly, out of nowhere, you were swallowed up by a black void and, several terrifying seconds later, you were spat back out here. Wherever here is.

You're in a tiny room. There's barely enough space for the rock-hard bed that you landed on or the slightly decrepit-looking desk at the end of the room, opposite the door. It takes you a few moments to realize it, it seems so impossible that your brain refuses to recognize it, but there is no wall past the writing desk. Where a wall should be, there is nothing, only void. Your pulse races looking out into the vast nothingness, some ancient, animal, part of your brain telling you that there's no trick to it, that for the first time in your life you are truly looking at nothing. In a panic, you throw yourself off the bed and toss open the door opposite the void, and find yourself in a crowded hallway full of what looks like hundreds of other teenagers.

You can tell from a glance that they're different from you.

There's little rhyme or reason to the way your fellow teens are dressed, some are wearing T-shirts, others in full formal wear, you even see a few kids dressed in religious garb. What all of them do have in common is that they seem to be prepared; each of them is carrying some sort of bag or suitcase, coming in a variety of shapes but all around the same size and quite a few of them are wearing accessories that just scream "power" at you for some reason. Another thing they all have in common is that, while you have no idea what's going on and are mostly too confused to be scared, it's very apparent that everyone around you knows where they are and are absolutely terrified by it.

Most of the kids surrounding you don't pay you any particular attention. Those who do immediately notice that you're different from the rest of the crowd and they stare at you with pity in their eyes. Somehow, that's the most terrifying thing about this situation.

When they look at you, what do they see?

CHARACTER CREATION: You have three points to spend on your background and perks. In addition, you may take up to three flaws to obtain one additional point each.

Name: [WRITE IN]

[] Male

[] Female

[] Other

Appearance: [WRITE IN]

Personality: [WRITE IN]

Background: You had a life before coming here and, while it may not have taught you the skills expected of a Scholomance student, it will influence how well you fare here. Each background costs one point unless otherwise marked.

[] Average Family: Your parent(s) weren't anything special in the grand scheme of things, but they did their best to mold you into a respectable young person and, by most accounts, succeeded (Costs zero points.)

[] Teen Runaway: Maybe it was an impulsive bit of teenage rebellion or maybe your home life truly was bad enough that being homeless at age fourteen was a step up, either way, you've developed a level of self-sufficiency far beyond most people your age.

[] Military Brat: You've spent most of your childhood moving from base to base alongside your parents. While you're obviously not prepared for anything about your current situation, you have developed a level of discipline and tolerance for upheaval beyond that of your classmates.

[] Artist Commune: You were homeschooled alongside the children of a bunch of other artists on the commune your parents were a part of. While the curriculum was sufficient to allow you to pass the required standardized tests, it has left you unprepared for the kind of learning environment the Scholomance will provide you with.

[] Honor Roll: Your parents were both college professors and brought a certain expectation that you perform well in school to their parenting, often at the expense of other interests you may have had.

[] Part of the Team: One of your parents was a sports star when he was in high school and, while they didn't really amount to anything, that didn't stop them from pushing their failed dreams onto you. Whether or not you have any actual talent at the sport, your training has given you a degree of athleticism beyond your peers, even if it comes at the expense of developing hobbies of your own.

[] Child Star: Whether your parents were part of the industry or trying to live vicariously through you, they threw you into the show business world at an early age. Your career has demanded that you develop a certain level of charm but, while you haven't reached the meltdown point yet, your time in the industry has started leaving cracks.

Packing: Unlike the rest of your fellow freshmen, you didn't have time to pack in preparation for your arrival. Select what you happened to have on you when you were taken.

[] +2 The clothes on your back and absolutely nothing else. Add two points to your trait selection.

[] 0 What you happened to be carrying at the time. Select one item.

[] -1 A backpack, handbag, or purse you were lucky enough to be carrying at the time. Select two items.

[] -2 A full suitcase, you were, by sheer coincidence, preparing for a trip when you were taken. Select three items.


[] Food. While it would be an objectively bad trade, you'd be surprised what a senior is willing to give for a Twinkie after four years on military rations and lightly expired milk.

[] A musical instrument. There are quite a few spells that include musical components, and even a mundane instrument can be used to cast them. A hobby to keep you from going crazy while you're trapped here doesn't hurt either.

[] Sets of clothing. If you don't bring your own changes of clothes, then your only options are to either make your own, trade something that's probably a lot more valuable for them, or just start stinking after a few days.

[] A knife. While it won't necessarily last you long, it is a way to defend yourself from maleficaria, a tool you can use for shop class, and maybe even a trade good; all without having to brave the supply closets.

[] Textbooks. While obviously not being strictly applicable to your current circumstances, a mundane chemistry textbook can still give you a grasp on the basics of how alchemy works before you're thrown in the deep end.

[] Smartphone. While you can't access the internet in the void that the Scholomance is located in, a combination flashlight, calendar, alarm clock, and calculator is still quite useful. Provided you can keep it charged.

[] Write-in. Please limit any write-in options to stuff a fourteen-year-old would reasonably have access to while alone.

Perks: Each perk costs one point to take.

[] Bilingual: In addition to English, you speak one more language. (Chinese, Hindi, and Spanish will allow you to better communicate with your fellow students, while less common languages will provide you with spells worth more in trade.)
-[] Write in language here.

[] Team Captain: Be it in football, chess, or dance, you have experience in managing large groups and keeping people on task.

[] Believer: You've always believed in the supernatural, from ghosts, to cryptids, to wizards. While the Scholomance may not be exactly what you pictured, you're still far more mentally prepared to accept the supernatural than others would be in your place. (Mutually Exclusive with Skeptic).

[] Easily Bored: No matter how much you do them, chores and the general annoyances of life never get easier and you never really get used to them. Of course, in a world where you build up energy through effort, this can be an advantage. (Mutually Exclusive with Diligent Worker).

[] Survival Camp: It's just a hobby, but have an interest in wilderness survival and, while most of the skills don't translate well here, you have learned how to make a little food go a long way, as well as gotten used to stomaching food that, while unappetizing, is not actually dangerous.

[] Patient: You possess a near superhuman tolerance for boredom and can put that to good use when it comes to stuff like waiting for a lengthy alchemy mixture or a piece of ritual magic to conclude.

[] Calm Under Pressure: You've historically shown a talent for keeping your wits about you in a crisis. Considering how common crises are in the Scholomance, the ability to not break down in a panic at the sight of a maiming proves shockingly useful. (Mutually exclusive with Anxious).

[] Scrapper: Maybe it's a hobby, maybe people just don't like your face, either way, you've been in enough fights to take a bit more of a beating than the average fourteen year old and you can keep fighting or running after taking a hit that would put someone else down.

[] Pretty: While it means less in an environment where everyone around you has had it beaten into their heads that romantic relationships are a terrible idea, you're still quite pleasant to look at and that makes people more likely to pay attention to you than they would someone else they've already dismissed as doomed.

Flaws: Each flaw grants one point up to a maximum of three.

[] Old Injury: An event that occurred prior to your admittance to the Scholomance left one of your legs partially paralyzed. While magic can potentially fix this, you won't have the skill for quite a while and it would take a lot to convince an upperclassman to spend the mana to do it for you.

[] Comfortable Life: Your parents were quite wealthy and, even if your upbringing was somewhat unusual, you never lacked for creature comforts. The Scholomance provides roughly the opposite of this lifestyle. (Mutually Exclusive with Teen Runaway origin).

[] Skeptic: You've always thought that tales of the supernatural were obviously fake and impossible. While you're not so set in your ways as to keep that belief in the face of your current situation, it's still an inconvenient mental hurdle when your magic is dependent on belief to function. (Mutually Exclusive with Believer).

[] Medical Condition: You have a medical condition requiring you to periodically take medication or otherwise suffer rather unpleasant symptoms. While the Scholomance will provide you with said medication, it won't do so for free.

[] Anxious: You've always felt that the world is out to get you and that any little failure could be the end of you. The fact that failing here means your class project might hunt you down for revenge certainly doesn't help matters. (Mutually exclusive with Calm Under Pressure).

[] Diligent Worker: You've always had an easy time when it comes to chores or any other type of hard work. What would be an asset anywhere else becomes a problem when mana is built up by how much effort a task takes. (Mutually exclusive with Easily Bored).

[] Dyslexic: While you've learned to cope with your dyslexia over time when it comes to day-to-day reading, it's still not completely effortless and it takes things to a whole new level when you're also working with an unfamiliar language.

[] Trusting: You always like to think the best of people and assume that their intentions are pure. An admirable quality in the outside world, significantly less so when everyone around you is looking for any edge that keeps them from meeting a gruesome end.

[] Abrasive: Maybe it's your personality, maybe it's your looks, or maybe there's an unpleasant vibe to you, either way, there's just something about you that rubs people the wrong way. A rather nasty liability when your survival can depend on a fellow student warning you about the monster in the supply cabinet instead of taking the opportunity to loot it while the monster's occupied.
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What is The Scholomance?

The Scholomance is the setting of Naomi Novik's Scholomance Trilogy, a giant magic academy dedicated to keeping the wizarding community's children safe from the horrible monsters that want to devour them for the mana they produce before they become strong enough to defend themselves. In practice, only about one-fourth of all students survive, which is still significantly better odds than someone on the outside gets.

Who attends the Scholomance?

There are a limited number of seats for students allowed into the school, generally around a thousand a year. The majority of seats go to students from three countries, the English who created the school, the Americans who took over school operations after World War II, and the Chinese who threatened to build their own school if they weren't given a seat at the table. Around a fifth of the students come in from countries besides those big three.

Within that subsection, the majority of students come from Enclaves, wizard collectives that can throw around enough power and influence to remain mostly safe, and provide the kind of capital and power necessary to keep the Scholomance running. After all the enclave kids are taken care of, the children of notable independent families are brought in, both to make connections with their families and to serve as human shields for the enclave kids. Finally, there's you, a child from a mundane family who nonetheless got in without applying. The generally accepted explanation for this is that someone who was on the list and happened to live near you got themselves killed shortly before the first day of school.

What do classes in the Scholomance look like?

There are no teachers at the Scholomance, all of the classes are handled by the school itself, which has a sort of intelligence behind it. The classes offered at the school are all geared toward helping the students avoid death, either by providing them with power or by beating survival techniques into them.

These include languages, allowing students to access more incantation based spells; creative writing, allowing students to try and create their own spells; artifice, the creation of magical tools and weapons; alchemy, the creation of potions and medicines; and maleficaria studies, lessons on the various types of monsters out there and how to survive encounters with them.

What are Maleficaria?

Maleficaria is an umbrella term for a variety of different magical creatures that survive by consuming mana and are incapable of producing mana themselves. While mostly harmless maleficaria exist, the vast majority obtain their mana directly from the source, wizards.

There is an astounding variety of maleficaria in the world, ranging from creatures of myth and legends, to monsters created when an alchemist forcibly combines two unrelated creatures together, to incorporeal entities that drive wizards mad and siphon the mana from their comatose bodies, to other, stranger things.

If there's anything else that seems to be missing, please ask.
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Potentially subject to change if thing's don't seem to be working out with them.

Rolls: Every roll consists of on d100 with various bonuses and maluses applied depending on a combination of traits and the circumstances surrounding the roll.

Spells: Spells can be obtained at specified times, generally the beginning and end of a day, during which you can write in a request for a spell which the school will provide after rolling a plain d100, with certain bonuses applied depending on what languages you know. Higher rolls will grant more efficient spells that fit closely with the written in use, while low rolls will result in spells that are inefficient, difficult to learn, and only tangentially related to the requested function. You may opt to not spend an action on learning the requested spell, but each spell you have available that is unlearned provides a cumulative -10 to all further rolls to obtain spells.


The use of magic requires you to spend mana. How much mana any particular spell costs is determined by its complexity, whether you have an affinity for that type of magic, and whether you are practiced at casting that spell.

Mana is refilled through effort and will be passively refilled throughout the day after events such as chores, studying, or fleeing life and death situations. Every time mana is gained this way, a d100 roll will be made with a variable DC, a failure will reduce the amount of mana gained by that same activity in the future. In addition, when presented with the option, you may spend an action exercising or performing some other type of tedious action in order to build up mana.

At any given time, you can only hold a limited amount of mana, though you can obtain mana batteries to hold excess mana.
Character Sheet
Name: Áine

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Physical Description: Lithe build, chiseled features, shoulder-length auburn hair, unusually pale skin, large; green eyes.

Affinity: Enforcement: The setting of rules and restrictions.

Natural Mana Capacity: 5/11

Stored Mana: 0/0

  • Child Star: Your parents thrust you into the entertainment industry at a young age, primarily focusing on your musical talent with a limited amount of acting jobs here and there. You've developed a certain amount of charm in order to navigate the industry, but it hasn't done wonders for your mental health.
  • Pretty: Your appearance isn't necessarily conventionally beautiful, but your features are striking and captivating to the point that pretty would be most people's go to descriptor for you.
  • Calm Under Pressure: You have a talent for keeping your wits about you in the middle of a crisis.
  • Guileless: You like to think the best of people, and will generally take them at their word if you aren't given reason to do otherwise. You are particularly trusting towards those that you consider yourself friendly with.
  • Early Riser: Your natural sleep cycle happens to align with the times that you're expected to be awake while attending the Scholomance.
  • Unflappable: You've been exposed to some of the more magical types of unpleasantness that are so common to the Scholomance and managed to get through it without being too unsettled by the experience and will be able to carry that experience forward.
  • Hates Stairs: Your first experience with going up the Scholomance's stairs was unpleasant and the school will be repeating that experience whenever you're alone or on in a small group.
  • Quick Reflexes: So long as you manage to keep your cool, you're quite good at reacting to, and avoiding, dangerous situations as they arise.
  • Well-Mannered: You're quite good at polite conversation, avoiding faux pas, and generally giving off a good image when socializing with people who aren't already against you.
  • A Gift For Numbers: Despite receiving the least comprehensive education that the government will allow, you do still have a natural talent for mathematics.
  • Spellsinger: Your existing musical talents lend themselves well to spells that take the form of songs or which require musical accompaniment.
  • No Context: You are not a native to the secret world of magic that you've had the misfortune to stumble into and lack much of the basic background knowledge that would be expected of anybody else in your position, something that shows in your ability to keep up in history class.
  • Musical Talent (Violin/Fiddle): You know how to play and are quite good with your instrument of choice.
  • Languages (Irish Gaelic): In addition to English, you are also completely fluent in Irish Gaelic.
  • Proficiency (Tin Snips): You know how to properly and efficiently use tin snips.
  • Proficiency (Glass Cutter): You do not yet have full mastery of how to use a glass cutter, but you're getting there. (30/75)
  • Proficiency (Bunsen Burner): You have obtained basic proficiency with a Bunsen burner. More delicate use will require more practice, but you can use it assured that you will not injure yourself or break anything.
  • Basic Athleticism (Minor): You're far from being fit in any sense of the word, but you think it's fair to say that you're not completely pathetic
  • One mundane violin.
  • One set of clothing.
  • Six pens.
  • One Notebook.
  • Mend-and-Make: You may use this spell to repair broken objects or to aid in the construction of new tools and objects, though more detailed work will require learning specific variations of the spell. Mana cost: 3
  • Standard Contracting Spell: You may use this spell to create a binding, magical contract between two or more people. Those that are subject to this contract find the idea of breaking the terms of the deal deeply unpleasant and, if they break the deal anyway, are subject to a penalty that varies based on the amount of mana put into the spell. Mana cost: 1/2/3/4
  • Echo, echo, echo: You may use this spell to auto-succeed on a perimeter check where the threat would be detectable based on the shape of the space targeted. Mana cost: 1
  • Deireadh Leis an Imirt. For the duration of the one-minute-long song, all filth or staining materials will slide off of your clothes and body. Mana Cost: 2

Currently Learning:
Class Progress:
  • Italian (133/400)
  • Artifice Project: Power Sink (92/320)
  • Alchemy Project: Food Poisoning Cure (32/50 x 6)
  • Algebra: (102/200)
  • Finnish: (104/400)
  • Modern History: (75/200)
  • Hates Stairs 1/4 (2/10) (3 Mana)

8:00 AM - 8:30 AM​

Room 4127​

Room 4127​

Room 4127​

Room 4127​

Room 4127​
8:40 AM - 9:10 AM​





9:20 AM - 10:50 AM​
Maleficaria Studies

Room 4001​
Algebra 1: English

Room 4127​
Modern History: English

Room 4316​
Algebra 1: English

Room 4127​
Maleficaria Studies

Room 4001​
11:00 AM - 12:30 AM​
Intro to Shop

Room 1009​
Intro to Shop

Room 1009​
Modern History:

Room 4316​
Intro to Shop

Room 1009​
Intro to Shop

Room 1009​
12:40 AM - 1:10 PM​





1:20 PM - 2:50 PM​
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM​
History of the Scholomance:English

Room 4278​
Intro to Lab

Room 1006​
Languages: Finnish

Room 3162​
Intro to Lab

Room 1006​
History of the Scholomance:English

Room 4278​
4:40 PM - 6:10 PM​
Languages: Italian

Room 3476​
Creative Writing

Room 4164​
Languages: Finnish

Room 3162​
Creative Writing

Room 4164​
Languages: Italian

Room 3476​
6:20 PM - 6:50 PM​





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Cast List
Appearance: A short, dark-skinned girl with curly, brown hair tied up in pigtails.

Affinity: ???

Known Spells: ???

Relationship: You don't know her too well, but she's been friendly and seems to have taken it upon herself to help you adapt to your new life at the Scholomance.
Appearance: A tall, well-built boy with pale skin and short, blonde hair.

Affinity: ???

Known Spells: ???

Relationship: You're first and so far only meeting didn't exactly go well, considering that he berated you into having a panic attack under the assumption you were digging into his past. You don't particularly want to see him again and you can't imagine he does either.
Appearance: A heavy-set girl with tan skin and black hair cut into a short bob.

Affinity: ???, stated by Leah to be useless for survival unless the user is willing to go down an "unfortunate" path.

Known Spells:
Echo, Echo, Echo: Allows the caster to map out a space by releasing a sound wave and contructing a mental map based on what it hits.

Relationship: She's perpetually downcast and convinced of how unlikely she is to survive, but she seems nice enough and you feel that could befriend her.
Appearance: A thin boy with short, messy, dark hair.

Affinity: ???

Known Spells: ???

Relationship: You've only met him once but the meeting basically boiled down to him trying to pump you for information on your background, something which Leah remains insistent you should keep to yourself. Not exactly a great first impression, but you wouldn't necessarily be opposed to knowing him better.
Appearance: A thin girl with pale skin and short, straight, black hair.

Affinity: ???

Known Spells:
Unknown Stone-Shaping Spell: A spell that seems to give Jingfei the ability to finely control and sculpt stone.

Relationship: She seems nice and helpful, and was willing to help you learn the mend-and-make spell. On the other hand, she also seems to have figured out your background because of a careless remark on your part, which is potentially problematic.
Appearance: A dark-skinned boy with short hair.

Affinity: ???

Known Spells: ???

Relationship: He seems a bit intense, but you wouldn't really say he was particularly unpleasant, even if he did decide to grill you about your choices for no apparent reason. Still, you wouldn't be opposed to getting to know him further.
Appearance: A pale, light-skinned girl with strawberry-blonde hair.

Affinity: ???

Known Spells:
Unknown Bone-Shaping Spell: She was able to pull bone-knitting needles from her arms with this spell, though you don't know it's full capabilities. You do know, however that you would rather not see it again.

Relationship: You've only met her once and in that time she proved to be largely anti-social and demonstrated a talent for magic you can only describe as off-putting. While you wouldn't really say you have anything against her, you also have no real desire to attempt to get to know her better.
Appearance: A pale-skinned, Japanese girl with dark hair and dark eyes. Strikingly beautiful, but also unsettling in a way you can't quite articulate.

Affinity: ???

Known Spells: ???

Relationship: Showed up at your table for dinner one day, solely to antagonize everyone present. You have no particular desire to interact with her any time soon.
Appearance: A tan-skinned girl with dark brown hair and an athletic build.

Affinity: ???

Known Spells: ???

Relationship: Despite your relationship with her starting when she kicked a maleficaria at you, you've since talked and discovered her to be a perfectly pleasant person, even if she seems a bit self-deprecating at times.
Appearance: A pale-skinned boy with dark hair and a large build.

Affinity: ???

Known Spells: ???

Relationship: Seems to be a generally quiet type, but certainly nice enough. Has agreed to try and keep Aiden away from you; this appears to mostly be because he hates him, but you appreciate the gesture nonetheless.
Appearance: A pale-skinned, slightly heavyset girl with dark red hair.

Affinity: ???

Known Spells: ???

Relationship: She seemed oddly, almost eerily cheerful and overconfident the one time that you've met her. You're not strictly opposed to spending more time with her, but you're not inclined to seek it out either.
Appearance: A dark-skinned boy with short, dark hair.

Affinity: ???

Known Spells: ???

Relationship: Somewhat hesitant and awkward, but nice enough. You wouldn't have any objection to getting to know him better.
Appearance: A scrawny, pale-skinned boy with light-hair and glasses.

Affinity: ???

Known Spells: ???

Relationship: He seems to like you well enough for unintentionally helping him out the first time you met. You don't really know him all that well, but you's be willing to change that.
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[X] Plan: The Leader Scholomance Deserves

-[X] George Adams

-[X] Male

-[X] Appearance:

-[X] Personality: "I am a Leader, a Unifier, the Voice of the many and I-" sudden scuffle "Hello! This is Abrigail Adams. George's older sister here to poke some holes in the inflated opinion has of himself. I don't think I need to tell you that little George is a tad dramatic, or that he has a bit of an Ego, but you probably haven't realised he's a bit of a control freak as well." Indignant screams of protest are ignored "To be fair he is a decent leader. Thats mostly because he has so much practice assuming command of children he has no authority over by convincing or tricking them in to believing that he is infact, somehow in charge. It's amazing just how many times he's gotten other kids to march to his tune with just a megaphone, audacity, and a good bluff, almost as amazing as how utterly remorseless he is no matter how many times he's caught." Sigh "that said, he is a genuinely compassionate person, and he has a strict, no man left behind, policy when it comes to people he feels responsible for. He'll lead you into trouble, but he'll also take full responsibility for every wrong done with his head raised high. He's that kind of idiot, so please, do a concerned sister a favor and keep an eye on him for me?" Dramatic, Stobborn, Bossy, Compassionate, Loyal, Optimistic.

-[X] Military Brat: You've spent most of your childhood moving from base to base alongside your parents. While you're obviously not prepared for anything about your current situation, you have developed a level of discipline and tolerance for upheaval beyond that of your classmates.

-[X] -1 A backpack, handbag, or purse you were lucky enough to be carrying at the time. Select two items.

-[X] Food. While it would be an objectively bad trade, you'd be surprised what a senior is willing to give for a Twinkie after four years on military rations and lightly expired milk.

-[X] Write In: A spare Megaphone "borrowed" from your drill sargeant dads work supplies. You never leave home without it, and everyone has given up on keeping you from taking it. With it you can truly be heard.

-[X] Team Captain: Be it in football, chess, or dance, you have experience in managing large groups and keeping people on task

-[X] Calm Under Pressure: You've historically shown a talent for keeping your wits about you in a crisis. Considering how common crises are in the Scholomance, the ability to not break down in a panic at the sight of a maiming proves shockingly useful. (Mutually exclusive with Anxious).

-[X] Diligent Worker: You've always had an easy time when it comes to chores or any other type of hard work. What would be an asset anywhere else becomes a problem when mana is built up by how much effort a task takes. (Mutually exclusive with Easily Bored).

Lol went a bit overboard on personality but inspiration struck. What teenager doesn't have an inflated opinion of themselves? Luckily Abigail is willing to step in and set things strait. To bad this particular audio recording was left behind on George's desk at home.

George is my idea for a militia leader. Hed survive because he convinces enough people that there supposed to be listening to him, and establishes a sort of anti-maleficarum coalition. It seemed fun. Here's hoping the megaphone is approved.
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[X] Plan Human, Not Faerie
-[X] Áine
-[X] Female
-[X] Aine isn't beautiful in a conventional sense but can be called pretty. With her lithe stature, big eyes and chiselled features, she looks like a faerie gracing the world with her presence.
There is something uncanny in her features. Her shoulder-length auburn hair highlight the unusual paleness of her skin. Even her songbird-like voice, with its silky tone, sounds strange.
-[X] She puts up a stoic facade and hides her true feelings behind the smile. Starved for genuine human interaction, she wants to find friends to laugh with, share stories with them, have fun with. Yet, instead, she puts up a mask in front of everyone, too scared of letting people down.
-[X] Child Star
-[X] 0 What you happened to be carrying at the time. Select one item.
--[X] A musical instrument.
-[X] Calm Under Pressure
-[X] Pretty
-[X] Bilingual
--[X] Gaelic
-[X] Trusting
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[X] Plan Wonderland
-[X] Name: Alice Liddell
-[X] Female
-[X] Appearance: A short girl of five feet in height, Alice has blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. (Think animated Disney Alice in wonderland)
-[X] Personality: A girl who thinks herself a mature young lady. Alice loves a good story, the out of the ordinary, and the fantastical. Good at keeping a calm head under pressure but known for losing her head in the clouds daydreaming when she gets bored.
-[X] Average Family: Your parent(s) weren't anything special in the grand scheme of things, but they did their best to mold you into a respectable young person and, by most accounts, succeeded (Costs zero points.)
-[X] -2 A full suitcase, you were, by sheer coincidence, preparing for a trip when you were taken. Select three items.
--[X] Sets of clothing. If you don't bring your own changes of clothes, then your only options are to either make your own, trade something that's probably a lot more valuable for them, or just start stinking after a few days.
--[X] A musical instrument. There are quite a few spells that include musical components, and even a mundane instrument can be used to cast them. A hobby to keep you from going crazy while you're trapped here doesn't hurt either.
—[X] Smartphone. While you can't access the internet in the void that the Scholomance is located in, a combination flashlight, calendar, alarm clock, and calculator is still quite useful. Provided you can keep it charged.
-[X] Survival Camp: It's just a hobby, but have an interest in wilderness survival and, while most of the skills don't translate well here, you have learned how to make a little food go a long way, as well as gotten used to stomaching food that, while unappetizing, is not actually dangerous.
-[X] Calm Under Pressure: You've historically shown a talent for keeping your wits about you in a crisis. Considering how common crises are in the Scholomance, the ability to not break down in a panic at the sight of a maiming proves shockingly useful. (Mutually exclusive with Anxious).
-[X] Pretty: While it means less in an environment where everyone around you has had it beaten into their heads that romantic relationships are a terrible idea, you're still quite pleasant to look at and that makes people more likely to pay attention to you than they would someone else they've already dismissed as doomed.
-[X] Comfortable Life: Your parents were quite wealthy and, even if your upbringing was somewhat unusual, you never lacked for creature comforts. The Scholomance provides roughly the opposite of this lifestyle. (Mutually Exclusive with Teen Runaway origin).
-[X] Dyslexic: While you've learned to cope with your dyslexia over time when it comes to day-to-day reading, it's still not completely effortless and it takes things to a whole new level when you're also working with an unfamiliar language.
[x] Plan in Another School with my Smartphone
-[x] Name: Yoko Reed
-[x] Female
-[x] Appearance: A tall, half-Japanese girl with long black hair
-[x] Part of the Team: One of your parents was a sports star when he was in high school and, while they didn't really amount to anything, that didn't stop them from pushing their failed dreams onto you. Whether or not you have any actual talent at the sport, your training has given you a degree of athleticism beyond your peers, even if it comes at the expense of developing hobbies of your own.
-[x] 0 What you happened to be carrying at the time. Select one item.
--[x] Smartphone. While you can't access the internet in the void that the Scholomance is located in, a combination flashlight, calendar, alarm clock, and calculator is still quite useful. Provided you can keep it charged.
-[X] Traits
--[x] Bilingual: In addition to English, you speak one more language. (Chinese, Hindi, and Spanish will allow you to better communicate with your fellow students, while less common languages will provide you with spells worth more in trade.)
---[x] Japanese
--[x] Team Captain: Be it in football, chess, or dance, you have experience in managing large groups and keeping people on task.
--[x] Calm Under Pressure: You've historically shown a talent for keeping your wits about you in a crisis. Considering how common crises are in the Scholomance, the ability to not break down in a panic at the sight of a maiming proves shockingly useful. (Mutually exclusive with Anxious).
-[x] Flaws
--[x] Medical Condition: You have a medical condition requiring you to periodically take medication or otherwise suffer rather unpleasant symptoms. While the Scholomance will provide you with said medication, it won't do so for free.

Mostly punning off the name due to the one piece of equipment that caught my eye, and building a bit of a "mysterious anime exchange student" vibe.
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[X] Plan: No! I don't need no dumb school! Send me back! Wait? Magic? Like mind reading? I'm in!
-[X] ClariceCharles Mcquillon Xavier
-[X] Female Male
-[X] Short cut brown hair under baseball hat worn backwards. White dirty skin with a dozen scars across his arms, one just under his eyes, which are a dark green. Is skinny with muscled arms and legs from years of climbing and fighting. Also wears a worn out aviators jacket, baggy blue jeans, fingerless gloves, and black steel toed boots, and a red scarf around her kneck.

-[X] Charles was always one of the boys. He liked boy clothes, boy games, and good fights, no matter how much his parents tried to correct him. He was confident, brash, agressively playful, and a terrible flirt whenever he found a girl he liked. He's always hated school, and perfers to figure things out himself.

-[X] Teen Runaway: Maybe it was an impulsive bit of teenage rebellion or maybe your home life truly was bad enough that being homeless at age fourteen was a step up, either way, you've developed a level of self-sufficiency far beyond most people your age.

-[X] -1 A backpack, handbag, or purse you were lucky enough to be carrying at the time. Select two items.

-[X] Sets of clothing. If you don't bring your own changes of clothes, then your only options are to either make your own, trade something that's probably a lot more valuable for them, or just start stinking after a few days.

-[X] A knife. While it won't necessarily last you long, it is a way to defend yourself from maleficaria, a tool you can use for shop class, and maybe even a trade good; all without having to brave the supply closets.

-[X] Easily Bored: No matter how much you do them, chores and the general annoyances of life never get easier and you never really get used to them. Of course, in a world where you build up energy through effort, this can be an advantage. (Mutually Exclusive with Diligent Worker).

-[X] Survival Camp: It's just a hobby, but have an interest in wilderness survival and, while most of the skills don't translate well here, you have learned how to make a little food go a long way, as well as gotten used to stomaching food that, while unappetizing, is not actually dangerous.

-[X] Scrapper: Maybe it's a hobby, maybe people just don't like your face, either way, you've been in enough fights to take a bit more of a beating than the average fourteen year old and you can keep fighting or running after taking a hit that would put someone else down.

-[X] Dyslexic: While you've learned to cope with your dyslexia over time when it comes to day-to-day reading, it's still not completely effortless and it takes things to a whole new level when you're also working with an unfamiliar language.

-[X] Abrasive: Maybe it's your personality, maybe it's your looks, or maybe there's an unpleasant vibe to you, either way, there's just something about you that rubs people the wrong way. A rather nasty liability when your survival can depend on a fellow student warning you about the monster in the supply cabinet instead of taking the opportunity to loot it while the monster's occupied.

The first one hasn't taken off so here is try two. Runaway boy. Thrilled to have actual powers, pissed to be back in school. Glad to be in a place where being good at stabbing things doesn't send girls running, vexed at not figuring out how to read minds yet. Curiously intriqued about examining Maleficarum insides upclose, annoy at having to learn to read a new language.
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[X] Plan: Translator, Linguist and Polyglot
-[X] Name: Joĉjo Miguel Lung
-[X] Male
-[X] The Canadian-born son of a Chinese father and Spanish mother Joĉjo somehow looks both a part of the background scenery and oddly out of place at the same time. With black hair and tanned skin he had the unfortunate luck to be taken from his home just as he was putting his shirt on. Dressed in nothing but a Lord of the Rings shirt, brown pants and sneakers he must figure out a way to survive.
-[X] The Son of two professional professors of linguistics Joĉjo was raised in a house that constantly switched languages. The first language he fluently spoke was not evolved but created, Esperanto the most commonly spoken conlang, if a language that only has 100,000 native speakers worldwide can be considered common. His multilingualism only grew from there. By the time he entered primary school he could speak 4 languages fluently, those of his parents, English and Esperanto. His fascination for languages sparked when he realised he could say things few people or at times no one understood. He learned Hindi to talk with his Indian teacher, studied Sumerian to read the tablets displayed at his parents university, and pestered his parents to teach him Laurantain so he could claim to know the local ancient language. Now at Scholomance he sees that magic is a thing, but if he is being honest, the languages excite him more.
-[X] Average Family
-[X] +2 The clothes on your back and absolutely nothing else. Add two points to your trait selection.
-[X] Patient: You possess a near superhuman tolerance for boredom and can put that to good use when it comes to stuff like waiting for a lengthy alchemy mixture or a piece of ritual magic to conclude.
-[X] Bilingual: In addition to English, you speak one more language. (Chinese, Hindi, and Spanish will allow you to better communicate with your fellow students, while less common languages will provide you with spells worth more in trade.) x6
--[X] Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, Laurentian, Sumerian, Esperanto
-[X] Comfortable Life: Your parents were quite wealthy and, even if your upbringing was somewhat unusual, you never lacked for creature comforts. The Scholomance provides roughly the opposite of this lifestyle.
-[X] Diligent Worker: You've always had an easy time when it comes to chores or any other type of hard work. What would be an asset anywhere else becomes a problem when mana is built up by how much effort a task takes.
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