Do not read the story which this one is based on. Way too much why should these char even work or toleration each other that it broke about everyone belief in two posts.
Chapter 9: Dark Choices

Chapter 9: Dark Choices
My mouth twisted into a sinister sneer as I looked contemptuously down my nose at the evil devil-cat. In a motion that I didn't even know I could do I cocked my hip to the side and flicked my hair back disdainfully. "I'll not have it Kyubey. Why don't you take your 'helpful' opinions and go back to whatever hole you crawled out of, rat."

Kasumi tore her eyes from Kyubey long enough to look back and forth between the two of us with a small frown on her face. "I don't know Yami-san, the cute bunny-chan doesn't really look like a rat to me…"

"That's not the point!" I snapped, stamping my foot for some helpful added emphasis.

"Even if you become angry, that does not change the truth of my words Koakuma Yami. Accepting the gift from the patron of the Maiden of Plagues will allow you access to what would be, for you, a virtually unlimited pool of a particular permutation of Chaotic power. 'Gift' is an appropriate term, since it will grant you magic of the likes that many have lusted for and failed to achieve throughout human history."

I hesitated, for a second actually tempted by his offer. Unlimited power? Of course there were bound to be a hundred caveats to my 'unlimited pool' but I could likely still do… so many things. I mean, who wouldn't want to be able to have great magic? Change reality? To have something that many others had fought for and failed to achieve?

Then however I remembered. Looking at Kyubey I remembered that everything had a price. Like I said I didn't know if 'Nurgle' would work in the same corrupting fashion here as it did in the world of Warhammer40k that I remembered but chances were that the power would start shaping me and molding me, mentally and physically, into an instrument of Nurgle… or, in my particular case, probably more into whatever cartoon sort of Evil this "Primordial Chaos" seemed eager to turn me into.

As all of this went through my head I vaguely noted that Kasumi and Kyubey seemed to have a brief conversation. By the time I'd re-doubled my resolve to not accept any Chaos "Gifts" from Nurgle or anything else Kasumi had already walked up to the hell-cat, crouched down and picked his fluffy, snugly white body up. Kasumi even nuzzled it and squeed a little bit. It was all I could do not to be sick at the sight. In fact if I'd been in my old body, in any remotely kind of normal body, I would have probably puked at horrible wrongness that was occurring before me.

"Kasumi…" I began before I trailed off. She was just so smiley holding that little devil up to her chest I couldn't think up of a way to tell her that she really shouldn't be nuzzling and trusting that thing, no matter how fluffy and good to snuggle it's white, plushy body actually was. To add insult to injury Kyubey shot me what I absolutely swore was a smug look. Irritating little prick.

I'd warn her about Kyubey later when we could talk in private.

Clearing my throat caused both Kasumi and Kyubey to turn their attention back to me. Looking at the bunny-cat squarely in the eye I reiterated what I had been saying before. "No Kyubey. I know how the influence of Nurgle and the Ruinous Powers works. I'm not going to give up my free will to things that cheerfully name themselves 'Chaos' in exchange for a bit of power. So you can take your offer and shove it up whatever passes for an ass in you Incubators."

Kyubey just stared at me for a long time, long enough that it started to make me nervous. Kasumi just looked back and forth between the two of us, looking very confused but also willing to sit back and listen to the two of us for the moment. For my part I held my ground and reminded myself again why I needed do everything that I could not to give 'Chaos' even one more inch of influence over me than it already had.

"While your resistance is in some ways understandable, ultimately accepting a Gift is the only way you'll stand a chance to survive. If you don't it will only be a matter of time until you are dead."

Oh crap. I didn't want to ask. I really, really didn't want to ask. I ran my tongue over my new body's full lips. In the end, though, there really was no choice.

"What do you mean?" I asked with trepidation.

"Even though you have a body specifically designed for magical stealth it is not, nor was it ever intended to be, a completely fool proof system. The team of magical girls living in this city will eventually notice your presence. Once they are actively looking for you it will only be a matter of time before they track you down. So you see, you need the power that the Gift can offer you. Not only will it enable you fight at the same level as the magical girl threat already existing in this city, it will also further enhance your ability to stay hidden. If you don't want to be helpless when the inevitable confrontation occurs, you have no choice but to embrace the Gift of Nurgle."

Kasumi gasped at the implication that I'd be incapable of defending myself while I remained completely frozen except for a clenching of my jaw. There… there had to be a loophole. Kyubey was notorious for twisting facts to suit his agenda without ever having to utter a single lie. It couldn't be as bad as all that. It couldn't.

I shrugged, trying to seem casual. "I'll just leave the city then," I said as if the answer was obvious.

"The other Chaotic magical girls you are destined to meet are in this city. Without you they will be easy pickings for the nefarious magical girl team already operating in this city. Are you willing to abandon them to their fate?"

I clenched my jaw. Briefly I looked up at Kasumi who was giving me a look that was very adorably confused and just a little worried. Damn it. Could I really just abandon Kasumi and three other girls like her to the tender mercies of what sounded like a veteran team of magical girls? For all their puff and glitter I knew a lot of "defenders of love and justice" could be downright vicious. I couldn't just leave four girls to that kind of thing on their own... not to mention leaving them alone to try to fight and to do something about the corruption of Chaos that would inevitably be trying to take them over. I ground my teeth and closed my eyes. My conscience wouldn't allow me to just run and leave a bunch of pretty girls to fend for themselves. Damn it. Damn it.

"Besides eventually your diet would draw the attention of local hunters. Even if you were to defeat them it would only draw more powerful entities to you in time. Ultimately you would be killed given the relatively meager magical power you currently possess."

Okay, fine. So running was out. But that didn't mean I was helpless without the Gift. There had to be something else.

"Well, you said this body was designed as a Bioweapon, Kyubey," I said to it, sounding increasingly desperate. "That means I can use it to defend myself. I just don't know how. It would just be a matter of you explaining it to me, or figuring it out somehow."

"That is not a viable solution."

"Why not?" I spat at the bunny-devil.

"While it is true that the Bioweapon body you possess is powerful, its powers only allow for purely physical forms of attack and defense. Pure physical attacks are extremely ineffective against magical protections and a physical defense only offers mediocre protection against magical attacks at best. Ultimately magic is by far the most effective tool to fight beings such a magical girls. Without powerful magic of your own you cannot hope to match them. With your current capabilities any confrontation would carry with it a 99.5% probability of your defeat and utter destruction."

I stared at the thing that Kasumi was holding numbly. "Well then what good is your stupid Bioweapon?!"

"The raw physical capabilities of the Bioweapon can be enhanced with magic making them much more effective weapons. However the amount of magic your body can currently generate is insufficient for the task. It is also inefficient, as your body must produce its magic from a limited resource."

My mouth went dry at that. So those were my choices if I wanted to use magic? Accept an ultimately mind corrupting "Gift" that would allow me a functionally infinite pool of magic to draw from or continue to use the relatively small amount of magic my body could produce… but to continue to produce it, I would need to burn up fuel which would lead me to having to feed again sooner. Great. Magnificent. Wonderful options Alex. Just wonderful bloody options.

Suddenly feeling a bit faint – though it might have been more psychosomatic as wasn't sure my new body could even feel faint – I walked over and sat down on the steps of a nearby doorway. I cradled my head in my hands and dragged my fingers through my hair. Damn it. I couldn't see any obvious way that Kyubey had been twisting or omitting things to manipulate me… but even if he had been Kyubey does not lie. Everything he had said was in fact a fact, no matter how much I might want to deny it. A real fact even, not an Obi-Wan "from a certain point of view" kind of phony-baloney "fact". As I was I stood a 99.5% probability of dying when the magical girls found me. When they found me, Kyubey had made it clear it was only a matter of time.

Also I was weak. Looking up at a Kasumi who was now looking at me with worried eyes I realized that right then she was probably much more powerful than I was and could likely kill me if she wanted to. She had magic, she was an actual magical girl, albeit one who didn't seem to realize she was consorting with dark powers. As opposed to me who could do… what with her magic? Roof hop? Punch a hole through a brick wall if I used magic? Big deal. I wasn't even sure I really remembered all those martial arts I did as a teenager and in my early twenties all that well. What could I do if girls in short skirts suddenly starting raining magical death down on me? Not much. And I sure as hell wasn't going to ask Kasumi to put herself in harm's way just to protect me.

I hugged myself, suddenly feeling very alone and scared. I wasn't going to accept the Gift of Nurgle. That probably meant I was going to die. I didn't want to die, even though I may have deserved it. In fact given how horribly boned and messed up my situation was… maybe letting a bunch of protectors of love and justice end my existence in a wave of magical fire might be the best thing that I could do. I'd been ripped from my life, given a body that made me an obligatory cannibal and then been set on a path which seemed to say "accept becoming our Evil puppet or die". I'd already killed one person. Maybe it would be best to end myself before I succumbed to hunger and killed someone else. I could already feel the hunger creeping up, like a dull ache all through my body that would only continue to grow worse and worse.

Yet, even knowing all that… I didn't want to die. Maybe that made me a coward but I couldn't just make myself give up on life like that. Maybe it made me an evil person, knowing that I would keep living only at the expense of others. However I just couldn't even picture myself doing it, giving up and choosing to die. In life I'd never fought for much, but for life… I could fight for that. Even if I had to blacken my soul to do it.

I looked up at Kasumi who was now looking at me like she was trying to figure out how she could fix whatever was bothering me. Without a word she gently set Kyubey on the ground, walked over and sat down next to me on the doorway steps. Reaching for me she put an arm around my shoulders and gently pulled me in towards her until our heads and our shoulders were touching. There were no words, just Kasumi offering a near stranger her silent support and strength and comfort. God it was something I had desperately needed and something I desperately appreciated.

Seeing what little I could of Kasumi from where I was sitting I suddenly felt a powerful surge of protectiveness rise up inside of me for the girl – no, the young woman – who was currently holding me. Kasumi was every bit as kind as Ranma ½ had shown her to be, I now felt certain of that as I got to experience her nurturing spirit for myself. She didn't deserve this. She'd never asked for something that was going to try to twist the beautiful person she was inside into something destructive and cruel. I needed to save her. All the magical girls who would be tied up with me in this, I needed to save them. Even if I couldn't ultimately save myself I needed to be able to do something for Kasumi and the rest of them. Somehow.

To do that probably meant that I would have to kill again. Would I really do that? I closed my eyes and took and long shuddering breath. A few tears streamed down my face. Yes. If that's what it took to save Kasumi and the rest of them then yes. I would kill again.

The next time it would be with my eyes wide open. Maybe I was already a monster.

After making that sickening decision to live and fight I suddenly had more space to think and very quickly a plan started to come together in my mind. The more I thought of it the more I started to like it. It was a plan that while it might not eliminate the guilt it would at least make me feel somewhat better about it. My plan should also give me a way to deal with our short term problems as well as possibly giving us ways to deal with our longer term problems as well… without me having to accept any dubious "Gifts".

It would be risky. Incredibly risky. But with the knowledge that I had about this world and its inhabitants… it just might work.

I tried hard not to think about how plans usually tended to work out in Nerima.

"Kasumi," I said in a small voice. I almost winced when my intended soft and intimate tone came out sounding like a slightly-less-demanding-than-usual command.

"Yes Yami-chan?" Kasumi said gently, seemingly unperturbed by my tone and giving my shoulders an encouraging squeeze. Bless that girl.

"Would you… how would you feel about doing a little photo shoot?"

Chapter 10: Crouching Hottie, Hidden Tentacles

AN: I listened to this awesome cover on repeat as I wrote this chapter. I thought I would include it. Enjoy.


Chapter 10: Crouching Hottie, Hidden Tentacles

Thankfully after talking to Kasumi it turned out that my plan could be implemented in only three days, much sooner than I had feared it might take. We agreed to get together early in the morning of the third day in order to implement the plan. When I told Kasumi what I was planning, I'd been both hopeful and afraid that she would reject the idea. After some frowns and internal debate Kasumi consented to going along with it. I was glad because I didn't have any better ideas but at the same time… it showed that Kasumi's personality had already been changed by the power of the Maiden of Plagues. She never would have accepted my plan so easily otherwise.

So that left me two days free to do whatever I wanted. On my way back to the penthouse at KHI I decided I was going to spend those days doing research and trying to find out who these other magical girls were, try to see what resources I had available as Yami and spend a long time talking to Kyubey asking him about the growing list of questions I had for the little fur ball. Even if he would most certainly try to twist things and mislead me he was still the only resource I had about everything that was going on. For the moment at least.

Unfortunately for me a harried looking and very enthusiastic Matsumoto Goro, who I really wanted to keep on my good side to help me navigate the waters of Koakuma Heavy Industries, came into the penthouse shortly after I'd returned. I looked on in horror as he showed me a schedule of my itinerary for the next few days. Apparently there was a lot to be done to officially bring me back from the dead. I had to talk to psychologists, doctors, bankers, shareholders, the press, insurance people, and lawyers. Oh dear God the lawyers.As I looked at the schedule with widening eyes I realized I had at least a dozen meetings with various lawyers over the next couple of days.

I put my foot down on the doctors, there was no way I was letting one of them examine me, and I demanded to have the third day that I needed with Kasumi off. With some visible reluctance and butler-level polite reprimands he eventually relented but only on the condition I take most of the meetings scheduled for the third day sometime in the first two. What I ended up with were a couple of sixteen hours days booked solid back to back.

To make things worse Kyubey had disappeared. Even in what little down time I had I couldn't pin the little devil down to ask him anything. Little bastard.

At first I'd been afraid of how horribly I'd mess it all up. I'd really been afraid that I would be discovered and called on for being a fraud sometime during the course of those meetings. However the following days when the meetings started I realized that something odd was happening. Not in every situation mind you, but very often it seemed I knew just what to do and how to conduct myself. When I noticed that anomaly I started paying closer attention. It was with some disturbance I found that I remembered some names of peoples and things I'd never heard of before. Sometimes when talking with people familiar with Yami I would slip into haughty arstroctic tones and mannerisms even without noticing. Even my whole body language occasionally became much more feminine and my speech easily slipped into using feminine words and pronouns.

It started to really freak me out until I realized what had probably happened. Some part of Koakuma Yami… somehow lived on inside me. I didn't have her memories but there were plenty of fragments of her knowledge and personality that seemed to slip through. It freaked me out because it felt so natural, like it was really a part of me. The memories of Miyako Kadena, the woman Kyubey had tricked me into consuming, were easily accessible to me but they felt very much separate from who I was. Yami's fragments one hundred percent and completely felt like me, to the point where I only intellectually could tell the difference apart.

It was unpleasant to have day long meetings with stuffy suits while silently having an identity crisis at the same time. As if being turned into a girl wasn't already straining my masculinity, now I was acting and talking like one for brief periods of time like I'd been doing it all my life. The few moments I had in private I made sure to walk in an extra plodding masculine manner and cuss like a sailor while using male words and pronouns. Sadly that didn't do much to immediately resolve my identity crisis.

On the plus side however those fragments of memory and personality helped me get through those two days and I'd even begun learning how to tap into them consciously. It still felt weird but a few times it had undoubtedly been an invaluable help. When it was all said and done I was fairly certain that while some people might have felt there were some things off about me and my spotty memory "as a result of the accident" was odd none of them had any doubt that I was in fact Koakuma Yami.

After the dizzying number of meetings ended two days later I was ready to jump out the penthouse window if they tried to make me deal with yet another group of overly-deferential middle aged suits. Early in the morning before the sun even rose on the third day I packed a bag and made my way to the roof. Relishing my first taste of freedom in two days I tapped into my innate magic and began roof hopping my way across town to the Tendo residence.


Kasumi and I made it to the beach at about nine in the morning. It had been fun, just taking the one hour train ride to the beaches and talking with Kasumi about everyday inconsequential stuff. She was so pleasant and easy to talk to it was hard not to really like Kasumi. I found it kind of hard to believe when she told me she had no suitors or guys who liked her. I insisted that she probably she had a whole fanclub and was just blissfully unaware of all the male appreciation that she actually received. Kasumi had just laughed it off and blushed slightly at my teasing. Though I hadn't actually been joking about that, mind you. Any guy would have to be crazy not to notice how amazing Kasumi was after spending just five minutes with her.

Once we got to the beach we headed straight for the girl's locker room to change. I couldn't help feeling like a pervert walking into the girl's facilities to change even if I was technically a girl myself. Thankfully the beach was pretty much completely empty at that hour.

Inside the almost deserted girl's locker room I stepped out of the stall I'd just changed in and walked with some trepidation over to the mirror. I looked at my reflection and sighed. When I'd hatched this plan I'd never considered that I'd been having some identity issues and that this would only make them worse.

The girl – my body – looking back at me from the mirror was almost stupidly absurd levels of hot in the light grey two piece swimsuit she was wearing. I could easily believe that my body had been designed and not natural because even supermodels were not so ridiculously perfect in all areas. Full lips, a perfectly symmetrical face, very large and perky breasts, narrow waist, long shapely legs, enticingly curving hips and an absolutely killer ass. I was practically temptation given flesh if not for the cold, almost cruel look that my face seemed to naturally take on.

My confusion and anxiety was momentarily put to the side when Kasumi walked out of the stall she had been changing in and came over to stand next to me. Instead of a provocative two-piece like I was wearing she had on a more conservative one piece that still managed to highlight her natural attractiveness. While my beauty was somehow unearthly and perfect Kasumi's beauty by comparison looked wholesome and cheery and welcoming. While objectively I had the more attractive physical form Kasumi was no slouch at all in that department herself. In fact if I'd had to choose between two girls that looked like us I would have definitely picked Kasumi over me. Warmth and kindness had always resonated more strongly with me than raw physical perfection.

"That looks very good on you Yami-chan. I told you there was no need to worry," Kasumi said cheerfully as we stood side by side looking in the mirror. She giggled a little before adding. "I'm fairly certain you could make anything look good actually."

"Thanks," I murmured, rubbing my arms and suddenly feeling self-conscious. "You uh, you look really good too Kasumi," I said, feeling a bit unsure about paying her the compliment. Looking in the mirror I saw my face reddening slightly.

Then what I had just done hit me.

Oh God damn it. Stuttering and blushing while playing compliments. No. Hell no. If I was going to be a girl, I wasn't going to be that kind of girl damn it!

Kasumi for her part was already looking like she was trying not to giggle at my expression. Okay. Time to move on and get this show on the road. Clearing my throat I walked over to the bench to pick up my bag. Going on impulse I wrapped my towel over my shoulders to cover my breasts and wrapped a dark sarong around my waist. I was going to have to be exposed for this to work but I was going to put that off for as long as I could.

"Let's go," I said, picking up my bag and heading for the exit.

Kasumi, looking entirely too amused, just nodded and followed me out to the beach.


Ten minutes later I was out in the shallow water. I could tell that the water was cold but where it came up half way up my calves I didn't feel the least bit of discomfort. Kasumi was standing by the shore holding a large Polaroid camera up to her face.

"Okay Yami-chan," said Kasumi enthusiastically. "Give me something flirty this time!"

Inwardly I cringed, but did my best to comply. This was my plan after all. My own way to justify this to myself. No matter how awkward actually doing this was for me I had to go through with it.

Thankfully for this amateur photo shoot I'd been able to tap into a bit of Yami's memories on how to do this kind of thing as well as some advice from Miyako's memories. I went with a pose I'd seen in anime pictures many times, bending forward so my cleavage was at it's fullest display while grinning saucily at the camera.

"Good one Yami-chan!" Kasumi said. She'd been getting really into this. "Try something else. How about some shots from behind? I've seen those work really well in magazines!"

Trying not to think too hard about my tattered dignity I turned around and, after consulting the twin female counselors in my head, I knelt on the sand and arched my back backwards while pulling my arms over my head in what I was assured was a sexy manner.

"Oh, good one! Good one! What else can you do?"

Though I knew Kasumi wasn't really objectifying me it sort of felt that way a bit. Trying to hide some of my blushing I went through pose after pose, imitating all of the best ones the two and a half sets of memories in my head could remember from various swimsuit photos and magazines. Kasumi gave continuous encouragement and a little bit of direction here and there, far more excited than she really had any right to be. Thankfully we'd come to the beach early enough that it was practically deserted. The only other people there were two young children along with their mother who kept shooting us the occasional disapproving look.

The worst part? It wasn't that the vast majority of me was somewhat mortified and embarrassed by going through the plan I had come up with. It wasn't even that some small part of me felt sexy and very smug about how incredibly good I knew I looked. No, the worst part was that I had no idea if it was me feeling that way, Yami feeling that way, or if there really wasn't any way to differentiate between the two of us anymore. Screw Ranma and his genderbent problem. At least he didn't have to worry about his mind being possibly irreversibly altered to be more like that of a now dead female.

Next time I saw Kyubey I was going to punt him into a red smear on the wall. Again.

After Kasumi had nearly fifty pictures that she deemed "good" we finally called it quits. I saw Kasumi look longingly at the water for a minute and instantly felt bad. We were here for a reason and were on something on a schedule so we had to get back and catch the next train back to Nerima.

"Hey," I said to her, stepping out of the water and approaching her. "We'll come back sometime okay? I'm guessing you probably don't get to come out to the beach all that much."

Kasumi looked surprised at my suggestion before shooting me a pleased and grateful smile. "That would be nice. Maybe when we find the other girls we could all take a trip back here together?" she mused. "I think that would be nice."

I smiled back at her, though inwardly I wasn't a hundred percent comfortable with the idea. How do you, for example, frolic with a bunch of girls in the water, as a girl, when you're mentally a guy, without feeling like some kind of pervert who is taking advantage of them? Kasumi didn't even know I was attracted to girls and that it took quite a bit of effort to keep my eyes in appropriate places when she was wearing that bathing suit.

Maybe I would need to fess up to my situation?

"Sure. We can see about doing that," I said, hiding the trepidation that I felt.


We were nearly back to the parking lot and the public changing rooms when it happened.

I got my first taste as a girl of guys being disgusting assholes.

We turned a corner and were suddenly less than ten feet away from four guys in their twenties. From looking at them it really obvious that they had been out on an all night bender and were just now starting to drag their inebriated asses home. The tallest one, a guy with messy hair and an ugly soul patch, was the first one to notice us. He looked at Kasumi first before turning to me, his eyes leering me up and down with an expression that made me distinctly uncomfortable. He licked his chapped lips and spoke.

"Hey babes. Man, the two of you are fine. We're going back to my place to keep the party going, why don't you two honeys tag along?"

At his words the rest of his buddies turned to look at us. It was only a second before their looks turned to leers and one of the classy guys actually wolf whistled. Briefly I looked around. This early in the morning there was no one around, the parking lot was practically deserted and there was no one in sight. It was just us and these bozos. Damn it. I'd never had to deal with anything like this before.

They were in between us and where we needed to go. We'd just have to get them to move. Making my voice cold as ice I leveled the lot of them an unimpressed look. "No thanks. Now if you don't mind, we need to get going. We have an appointment we cannot be late for."

Instead of moving aside like reasonable, polite men would have done soul patch guy grinned and started swaggering towards us. Emboldened by his actions his buddies followed along, lecherous and amused smiles on their face. All of them were bigger than me and Kasumi. Didn't these idiots realize how this looked?

Soul patch stopped right in front of me, grinning with a stupid look on his face. I could easily smell the alcohol on his breath. "Don't be like that Snow Angel. We just want to show a good time."

"No. Thanks." I replied flatly. This close I could feel the warmth in his body. In the past two days I'd only gotten hungrier. This idiot provoking me wasn't helping that. "Come on Kasumi," I said, turning my head to look at her. "Let's go."

I moved to turn around when soul patch grabbed my arm. My flesh roiled a bit underneath my skin. Now that a regular human was touching me the feeling of hunger inside of me seemed to expand. I was tempted just to let my body act the way it wanted to, it would feel so good to absorb him whole. And of course if I did that then there couldn't be any witnesses…

I shuddered as I pushed those thoughts away. The idiot holding on to my arm grinned at seeing that. He either thought my shudder meant I was scared or that I liked him grabbing my arm. Suicidal soul patch guy couldn't have been any more wrong on either count.

"Come on baby, don't be like that," he said in a wheedling tone as his thumb caressed my arm. "My place is huge and my pop's got it stocked with the best booze. We'll show you a good time, I promise."

His buddies all said various things in the affirmative, moving in and crowding me and Kasumi in even more. I couldn't move, afraid if I did I would start getting violent. Being hungry as I was meant beating up all these guys and letting them live might be beyond my current capabilities. But if they didn't back off soon I was going to snap. Anyway I saw the situation it was likely going to end in blood and these idiots didn't even realize that they were setting off a monster.

"Now there's no need for that," Kasumi said in a gentle reproaching tone. Everything seemed to stop as everyone present turned to look at her. "I'm sure you nice boys have some nice games that you wish to play, but I'm afraid that we really need to make it to our train on time."

Almost as if by magic the leering, encroaching men suddenly looked much less sure of themselves. Kasumi just gave them a sweet disarming smile. Two of the four guys looked positively dazzled by it.

"Now I don't mean to be rude, but we really should be going. You boys get home safe, okay?"

The men seemed to snap out of whatever trance they were in and started muttering apologies.

"S-sure, of course…"

"Very sorry, we'll do that Miss…"

"Yeah, absolutely, we're so sorry to have troubled you…"

The only one who wasn't immediately won over by Kasumi was soul patch. He looked conflicted before looking back at me and leering at my body once again. What he saw seemed to make up his mind because suddenly his grip tightened around my arm. It was all I could do not to grab that… pig by the throat and absorb him into my body.

"Let go," I hissed at him.

Soul patch seemed momentarily taken aback by the venom in my voice before the alcohol in his system shored up his courage. "Naw, you just don't see a beauty like you every day honey. I'm not going to just let you walk away. In fact, you and me are gonna go back to my place and then I'm going to show you what a real man does with a hot piece of ass like you."

He yanked my arm, trying to pull me towards him. Soul patch seemed surprised when I didn't budge an inch. I was trying to decide how to get away from him without killing him when Kasumi interfered.

"I'm sorry," she said, placing a placating hand on soul patch's shoulder. However there was something different about her voice this time. It was still gentle Kasumi, but there was a certain terrifying… something in her voice that I couldn't properly identify. "But we're going to be late. I must insist that you let us be on our way."

Then a wave of dark power crashed into my senses causing me to gasp a little in shock. I could feel the magic rush from Kasumi and into the thug she was touching. The magic felt foul and defiled… yet somehow still strangely familiar and almost comforting. Instantly the thug let go of my arm and fell to his knees, violently vomiting all over himself with an intensity that couldn't be entirely natural.

"Oh my," Kasumi said, bringing her hand to her mouth in a gesture of surprise. "I suppose maybe he had a little too much to drink last night. Don't you agree Yami-san?"

I nodded numbly as the guy on the floor heaved like all of his internal organs had suddenly decided they wanted explode out of his mouth. His buddies crowded in around him in concern and Kasumi and I took the opportunity make our exit. I shot her a questioning look which only caused Kasumi to giggle.

"What was that?" I whispered to her as soon we were far enough away not to be overheard.

"Just a little trick," she said with a shrug while still having the giggles.

Aw hell. "You didn't… infect him or anything… did you?" I asked with trepidation.

"No silly, I promised you I wouldn't without your permission, didn't I Yami-taichou?" Kasumi replied easily. "He'll just be sick for a day or two. He'll be just fine afterwards." Then brought her finger to her lips in a thoughtful gesture. "Probably."

I just looked at her, wanting to somehow reprimand her but… well… she had stopped me from potentially killing all of those assholes. And besides what I had planned for later on that day was in fact far, far worse. Even though I sort of wanted to I had no ground to be throwing stones.

"Well… thanks Kasumi," I said a little grudgingly. "I'm impressed with how you handled those guys."

"Oh it was nothing," she said with a dismissive gesture. "They were just some silly boys who were feeling a little bit playful, that's all."

I just looked at Kasumi in disbelief before snorting in amusement.

"Come on. Let's hurry up and get changed. We have a train to catch and then the rest of the plan to carry out."

At the mention of the plan Kasumi seemed to wilt a little. Internally I winced. Part of me couldn't help but feel like I was only corrupting her further. I felt terrible about it. But I really couldn't think of anything better.

If you don't have many choices then sometimes you have to choose the lesser evil. Even if the lesser evil is still evil as hell.


Happosai returned to the Tendo Dojo after having stashed his latest haul of panties in an undisclosed location. He'd taken them to keeping them in his room at the dojo at first. Of course he'd quickly learned that was a mistake as that troublesome Ranma and even little Akane had destroyed his stash on numerous occasions. Ungrateful brats. Didn't they understand that an old man like him had such few pleasures left in life? Was it really so wrong if he took a few panties here and there? Alas, now he stored his stash in various locations around Nerima. Not as convenient as the dojo but they at least guaranteed that his silky darlings would still be there for him to roll around in when the urge eventually took him.

Entering the Tendo home Happosai stretched his senses out, quickly realizing that no one was home except for Kasumi in the kitchen and an individual whose energy he didn't recognize in the upstairs bathroom. Feeling a bit peckish the old Grandmaster of the Anything Goes Martial Arts School made his way to the kitchen.

"Kasumi, my girl!" he exclaimed, jumping up on the counter. "How are you doing today?"

The girl regarded him with what he thought was a sad look for a second before it was gone and her typical cheerful smile took its place. "Grandfather, I am very well thank you. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"As a matter of fact I was a mite hungry," Happosai replied leadingly.

"Well, in that case I was just making a little something. Why don't you take a seat Grandfather? It will be done in just a couple of minutes."

"Right-o, thank you Kasumi-chan!" the diminutive pervert said cheerily before going to do just that.

About ten minutes later Kasumi came into the dining room holding a tray. As she did so Happosai took the time to admire her. A real beauty, that one had turned out to be. Very shapely with grade A breasts. Too bad her aura was too peaceful and tranquil to really get his engine going. The fact that she was more-or-less family was really only secondary in that consideration.

"Here you go Grandfather," Kasumi said cheerfully as she set all the dishes on the tray in front of him.

To Happosai's surprise and delight he saw that Kasumi had been making all of his favorite dishes. What a wonderful child! She was the only one who really had any appreciation for her elders! Unlike that ungrateful Ranma who wouldn't let him play with her breasts or wear the lingerie he brought her. Thanking the eldest Tendo daughter profusely Happosai began to eat voraciously. It tasted great. In fact it tasted wonderful. It was a feast worthy of a last meal.

"Grandfather," Kasumi asked politely as she refilled his tea. "I was wondering if I might speak to you for a moment after you are finished?"

What was this? He wasn't really interested in anything she had to say. Then again she had just made this wonderful feast for him so he supposed he could be magnanimous.

"Sure Kasumi, no problem!" he said cheerfully as he quickly shoveled in the last of the food.

Afterwards, feeling fat and satisfied, Happosai cleaned his teeth with one finger and graciously allowed Kasumi to converse with him. "Well what is it girl?" the old pervert asked. "What is it that you would like to talk to me about?"

"Well," began Kasumi, suddenly looking a bit nervous but still managing her trademark smile. "I have a very good friend you see. My friend has heard all about what an amazing Martial Arts Master you are and how you founded the Anything Goes Style. This friend of mine asked me to request a meeting with you, since they would very much like to learn the Anything Goes Style from you."

Well, that was unexpected. There had hardly ever been anyone asking him to teach them. Then again there was no way he was going to waste his time teaching some new waste of space. He'd already done the student thing with Soun and Genma. Ranma was interesting and a worthy heir, but he'd never had to teach that young man from scratch after all.

"I'm afraid I don't take students anymore Kasumi-chan," Happosai said with a mock-sad shake of his head. "Tell your friend that it simply won't be possible."

"Oh," said Kasumi, wilting a little. "I'm sorry to hear that. She's going to be so disappointed."

Happosai's ears perked up at that. "She?" he asked with very obvious interest.

Kasumi nodded solemnly. "She's a very nice young woman. I'm afraid she really had her heart set on this. I hope she won't take your rejection too hard."

"This friend of yours…" Happosai asked, leaning forward. "What does she look like? Is she… well… how do I put this... a little hottie with big boobs?"

Kasumi seemed to think about it for a few moments before brightening up. "I think so, but I'm not sure what Grandfather considers appealing. However I have a photo album of her from the last time we went to the beach. Would you like to see it?"

Happosai's eyes sparkled. Pictures of young hotties? In bathing suits? At the beach? YES PLEASE. Eagerly Happosai nodded so fast that his head was practically a blur.

With a smile Kasumi reached under the table and pulled out a photo album. Happosai wondered why she was keeping it under the dining room table but all such thoughts flew out the window as soon as Kasumi opened the first page. With incredible speed even for a martial artist of his caliber the old man snatched the photo album out of her hands and practically crushed his face into it.

"W-who is this?!" Happosai wailed, practically crying tears of joy at the amazing beauty contained in those pages.

"That's my friend Yami-chan," Kasumi replied cheerfully. "She's a very smart and friendly girl."

Though she might well be smart, the girl in those photos didn't look friendly at all. Not that it detracted at all from her exotic allure. If anything it only enhanced it further. That pale, perfectly unmarred skin. That long, lustrous snow white hair. Those curves. Those calves. That ass. That cold and perfect face. And… and…

"By the Kami, what tits!" Happosai screamed out loud, unable to contain himself.

Those were, without a doubt, absolutely perfect S++ quality tits. It had been hundreds of years since he had seen something so beautiful! Tears freely ran down Happosai's face. They were perfect in every way. The proportions. The height. The perkiness. The only thing he couldn't assess was the bounce but he could tell from experience that would be perfect well. Even Ranma-chan didn't have tits this good! Hers only barely rated an S+ ranking on her best day!

As he furiously flipped through all the pictures Happosai began to put together his thoughts on the absolutely magnificent, one-of-a-kind female specimen in front of him. That ice-queen and slightly cruel look on her face that was apparent even when she was smiling sent shivers down his back. This looked like the kind of woman who would slap you in the face, order you to strip naked while she remained dressed, whip you and choke you with your own belt and then step on your balls with her spiked heels while she smiled cruelly at the pained look on your face. And then make you like it.

"And she wants to be my student?" Happosai asked Kasumi in disbelief, his eyes never leaving the pages he kept furiously flipping through.

"Of course Grandfather," Kasumi said. If her voice was just a little stiff then the Master of Anything Goes didn't notice it.

This was someone Kasumi knew! Oh to behold those breasts in person! Those looks! He could only salivate as he imagined what the Ki of her panties might taste like!

"W-where is she?" Happosai asked, his voice shaking a little. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been this excited over a new conquest. "I-I'll need to fondl- err evaluate her personally. To see if she's fit to be a student. You understand, a great master like me can't just take on any tit- err person off the streets as a student you know."

Kasumi nodded sadly, but again Happosai was too hyper focused on the pictures to notice. "Of course Honored Grandfather. If you could wait a while Yami-chan will be down here soon. She is currently upstairs taking a bath in the bathroom."

Happosai froze, not having been sure if he'd heard right. His luck was never that good. "You said," he began with tears in my eyes, "that she's taking a bath… this girl… right now… upstairs?"

Kasumi nodded once as solemnly as if she were in a wake. "Yes Honored Grandfather."

"Well!!!" Exclaimed Happosai. "Need to go Kasumi! Bye!"

Happosai turned to run at top speed. To his surprise he was stopped when strong feminine arms suddenly wrapped around him in a hug. Happosai faltered, confused by the sudden move.

"Kasumi?" he asked questioningly.

"Honored Grandfather," she began, sounding sad. "It has been an honor knowing you. I promise that when you die, your body will be used to give rise to new life, so that your legacy will go on forever. Death is only natural. I will make sure that only the best comes from yours. You have my solemn promise Grandfather."

"Ugh… thanks?" Happosai said, feeling very confused. Something told his instincts that something was very… off here. However the thought of perfect S++ breasts was too alluring to keep him distracted for long. Prying Kasumi's hands off him he gave her a cheeky wink. "I'll hold you to that. Got to go. Bye!"

In seconds he was outside and hanging by his fingertips under the small window that lead directly into the upstairs bathroom. Pulling himself up effortlessly the ancient martial arts Master looked over the lip of the windowsill. What he saw inside took his breath away.

She was even more magnificent in person. There she was, completely nude as the day she was born! Sitting on a stool she was rising off the soap that was covering her body. As the suds washed off the red-eyed, pale beauty even more of her figure was tantalizingly revealed for his eyes to feast on. If anything she was even more beautiful, her breasts even more magnificent in person! And her white hair was clearly one hundred percent natural. How exotic!

Happosai was not a man who often restrained himself when it came to his desires. This case was no different. Shivering with excitement like a Chihuahua the old master let out a war cry that was feared and despised by every single woman all across Nerima.


Happosai shot through the bathroom window with the literal speed of a bullet. He bounced off the floor, opened his arms wide and launched himself straight for the girl's perfect plushy pillows. Happosai didn't give her any time at all to react before he was latched on to her chest like a suckerfish and motorboating vigorously in between her breasts for all he was worth.

They were miraculous! Heavenly! The feel, the density, the softness! There were no greater breasts anywhere! They were… they were…

It took him far too long to realize something was wrong. By the time he took the time to notice that something wasn't quite write his hands up to his wrists and half his head had already been sucked into her body. In immediate panic he tried to pull away. This only triggered the… thing… that he was attached to to react violently all at once. The girl's torso and arms exploded into a mass of red-and-black fleshy tentacles that instantly wrapped all around his diminutive body holding him fast and preventing him from pulling away. At the same time he felt the parts of him that were already inside the girl get speared and attacked by more hooks and tentacles. Happosai screamed as he felt the tentacles start to try to dig into his skull. Only his martial arts and Ki hardened bones stopped them from instantly penetrating his skull and pulping his brain.

The Old Master finally started to truly struggle with all of his centuries of martial arts strength but the tentacles were monstrously strong and he had no leverage. Happosai screamed again as he felt the parts of him inside of the monster girl being rapidly stripped of skin and muscle. Only his bones seemed to hold strong but even those were quickly losing the battle against the demon that was trying to eat him.

He was pulled inch by inch further into her body even as he struggled in every way he could possibly think of. It was all for naught. When his entire head and the tips of his shoulders where already in the demon's body and it had started dissolving his neck and all of the major arteries contained within was when Happosai realized that the fight was already over.

"Oh well," Happosai thought, strangely at peace with how he had met his end. "They might have been demon boobs, but they were still the best damn boobs that I experienced in over two hundred years! I really can't think of a much better way to die…"

Even though he knew it was over Happosai continued to struggle until the very end. He might have been a pervert, but he was also a martial artist. There was no way he could go into the next life satisfied unless he fought this final opponent until the very end.


Ranma Saotome sneaked in through the window of the upstairs room he shared with his Pop, feeling irritated and not at all sorry about leaving Akane behind as he'd made his way back home. Stupid tomboy. He'd asked her, after thinking it over a lot about how he wanted things between the two of them to go, if they could spend the day together doing stuff. Akane had been suspicious at first but had eventually agreed. Things after the failed wedding had been rough between them and one of them had to take the first step if they wanted to make things right, and it sure as heck wasn't going to be 'kane.

They'd been out for barely an hour when Kodachi had shown up, spouting her usual line of nonsense. That would have been fine except Shampoo picked that moment to hit him from behind with her bike, throwing him face forward straight into Kodachi's chest. That had gotten him malleted into a new crater by Akane. Stupid tomboys with their stupid gorilla strength. Then Mousse had shown up, demanding to know what Ranma had done to Shampoo in order to get Akane so mad at him. It had only escalated from there and their day together had been ruined. Needless to say it had put them both in a bad mood.

Did Akane really have to blame him for everything every time though? It clearly hadn't been his fault. She'd been there, she'd seen it for herself! Yet somehow she still always managed to blame him. He wasn't a pervert and frankly Ranma was getting really sick and tired of being called that all the time when it simply wasn't true.

Deciding to take a bath in order to calm down Ranma sighed and made his way to the bathroom. Having expected only Kasumi to be home downstairs and being distracted by his own dark thoughts Ranma didn't think to check if the bathroom was occupied before opening the door. When he did he really wished he'd checked the sign before subjecting himself to what he saw.

It was… a girl kneeling on the floor. Except there were tentacles sprouting from her arms and torso. Fleshy, freaky red and black tentacles twisting and thrashing everywhere. As if only to add to the utter wrongness that he was seeing, sticking out of her chest… were a pair of tiny legs. That were still kicking. It took him a moment of horrified realization to notice that they belonged to the old pervert.

In a rare instance for him Ranma only stared frozen as the kicking legs of the Grandmaster of the Anything Goes School were sucked into the girl's body, kicking and buckling weakly the whole time. When the legs were finally fully pulled in all the way and all traces of them had disappeared the tentacles then began to pull back and withdraw, pulling back in and reforming into the body of the girl. In only seconds all of the tentacles were gone leaving only a regular looking teenager in their place. She sank into seiza there on the floor with her head thrown back and her eyes closed with a look of pure ecstasy on her face.

She was… gorgeous. Granted that was nothing new to Ranma. He was surrounded by gorgeous girls trying to get his attention every day and he even turned into one himself. However this one looked so perfect… there was no way that it was natural. Given what he had just seen it was almost a hundred percent certain that her looks weren't natural.

I really hope she's not a fiancée.

The girl kneeling on the floor finally opened her eyes and seemed to realize she wasn't alone. She turned her head to look at him and her expression slowly morphed to one of fear and shock. The two of them just stared at each other, monster girl and genius martial artist, for a few moments that seemed to stretch out forever.

In the end however she was the one who reacted first.

The girl crossed her arms over her breasts, threw her head back, and screamed.


Yeah, thought Ranma as he winced at the volume of her screech, that's about right.

This is an Evil character. (Reluctantly Evil, it's in the name)
One would hope that their more evil actions are not approved of.
But yeah, it was a jarring bit of body horror. Which I figure was the point, what with the whole beach sequence just before it, and the non-violent resolution before.

But with the memories of Happosai, the whole team just got massively more potential, so there is some 'Greater (evil) purpose' to the eating, beyond eating a very life-energy rich goblinoid.