Greetings, I just found this quest and it looks very interesting.

[X] a brown note: you can choose to use your messages as a very weak psychic attack on others
[X] Give points: Sabotage: causes something owned by the target,to be magically made to fail in a harmful way. x3

I am going to be investing a bit of points in getting this handy little power up and running. @Hugs wanted So if I understand it correctly I can only talk with the host without causing harm and if I do the same thing to anybody else it counts as me attacking them right? Could I still send others a message even if it might give them a severe headache though?
Greetings, I just found this quest and it looks very interesting.

[X] a brown note: you can choose to use your messages as a very weak psychic attack on others
[X] Give points: Sabotage: causes something owned by the target,to be magically made to fail in a harmful way. x3

I am going to be investing a bit of points in getting this handy little power up and running. @Hugs wanted So if I understand it correctly I can only talk with the host without causing harm and if I do the same thing to anybody else it counts as me attacking them right? Could I still send others a message even if it might give them a severe headache though?
Yeah only the host is immune to the effects of your voice everyone else suffers negative effects from it,it won't be too bad unless the receive a lot of brown notes without time to rest.
Another encounter and future worries
Mind over mind control 230/300: 3D100= 190
(Overflow 160)

Someone's watching me 258/500: 2D100= 71

Peppermint bomb 0/300: 1D100= 14

Crystal seed 236/300: 3D100= 177
(Overflow 113)

Jet guitar 0/200: 1D100= 60

Musical improvisation 0/100: 1D100= 50+20 (creative)

Sabotage 0/300: 3D100= 150
Mind over mind control
+ Dominated and charm spells don't effect you
+ 20 bonus on rolls to resist mental effects
- Certain powerful beings can bypass this

Crystal seed
Like Playdough but hard and with actual uses,so not like playdough at all
+ You can shape and grow the crystal seed with your mind
+ you can create separate crystal seeds by breaking off pieces of existing crystal seeds
- growing crystals is too focus intensive and slow for combat

[The creativity of the violin was of chained. The Chainer is coming to limit your potential as well. Or prepare to battle and show that you are the better artist.]

"Just great,I'm hungry,can't even remember who I am and now I have some mysterious enemy after me. It's like im some cliche anime protagonist" *sigh* "at least I have you guys, I'd still be alive without you"

[Friend, some of us have granted you an additional magic, the art of creating barriers. Maybe find a place to rest for the night, and experiment with crafting a barrier totem?]

"Oh yeah I I've been experimenting with barriers a little" they wave their hand creating a small translucent shimmer in the air "and totems require better materials to work I tried to use branches to make a totem but they where too flimsy and broke after holding a small barrier for a few seconds"

"Ahhhhhh, get back" in the distance was the sound of a woman screaming "that's one more point for me being in a cliche anime"

An: I am very tired, you guys will be in town and have longer chapters by next update.

Event roll: 50 (opportunity and danger)
Travel roll: 57 (DC 50)
[X] Care package: A Coconut
[] Give points: Musical improvisation skills
[X] Give points: Jet guitar

[X] Message: "The 'Coco' in Coconut translates to 'skull'. Cure your hunger by devouring the flesh in this unborn tree. It's emptied husk will be a fitting vessel for our power as a totem."

We might be able to reuse the shell of the coconut as material for a totem.
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[X] Give points: Sabotage: causes something owned by the target,to be magically made to fail in a harmful way. x3

I am going all in for this one.
I've changed my vote for musical improvisation to something else, because with one person has a 100 - 70 - 20 DC = 10 DC of succeeding on their own. and there are currently two people voting for it.
Adhoc vote count started by Hugs wanted on Oct 30, 2020 at 6:21 PM, finished with 10 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Care package: A Coconut
    [X] Give points: Jet guitar
    [X] Message: "The 'Coco' in Coconut translates to 'skull'. Cure your hunger by devouring the flesh in this unborn tree. It's emptied husk will be a fitting vessel for our power as a totem."
    [X] Give points: Sabotage: causes something owned by the target,to be magically made to fail in a harmful way. x3
    [X] Give points: Musical improvisation skills
    [X] Give points: Inspect x3
    [X] Give points: Star parasol x3
    [X] Give points: Food processor
    [X] Give points: Symbiosis in a bottle
    [X] Voice powers: Play this song, also if the jet guitar finishes this turn then play this once the host receives it
[X] Care package: A Coconut
[] Give points: Musical improvisation skills
[X] Give points: Jet guitar

[X] Message: "The 'Coco' in Coconut translates to 'skull'. Cure your hunger by devouring the flesh in this unborn tree. It's emptied husk will be a fitting vessel for our power as a totem."

We might be able to reuse the shell of the coconut as material for a totem.
Huh did not know that explains why the flesh version of a palm tree has skulls is the music one going to play the coconut song?
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I just loved how you made eating a coconut sound like the MC would be commiting an act of considerable depravity. Well done.
Well they are eating a baby tree and we could just spawn a skull thats just a alternate universe coconut everything is identical to a coconut inside but its just a random skull that grew from a bone plated Palm tree with literal palms
Save the girl,cliche meet up
Jet guitar 60/200: 2D100= 103

Sabotage 150/300: 3D100= 183
(Overflow 33)

Inspect 0/300: 3D100= 57

Star parasol 119/600: 3D100= 193

Food processor 0/200: 1D100= 145

Symbiosis in a bottle 0/100: 1D100= 52

Musical improvisation 70/100: 1D100= 41
(Overflow 11)

(Overflow points 682)
Voice power: Sabotage
Good thing no one uploaded any evil robot viruses into the mainframe. Kill,destroy,maim,EXTERMINATE
+ Voices can now use their vote to sabotage objects
+ this can either cause a harmful malfunction or cause the object to stop working all together
+ complex objects generally have more things that could go wrong and thus are stronger
- Some special objects may be able resist this

Vote format: Sabotage: [object in this criteria] or [specific object]

Musical improvisation
Wait we only have week to practice for the battle of the band's and your telling me none of you have even played an instrument before.
+ you can play all instruments without suffering an untrained penalty
+ 20 to all music related rolls
Your host ran down the forest to see both an unconscious Girl lying on the ground and a pig like creature walking towards them.

"Why did I have to be such a failure of a magician,I don't wanna be eaten by some nasty pigman".

Unnamed host fight roll: 94+20(combat instincts)+20(barrier magic)+5(knife)+80(dark magic burst)-20(range disadvantage)= 219

Pig man fight roll: 66+30(Strong pig)+10(make-shift spear)+20(range advantage)-80(dark magic burst)= 36

Unnamed host attack roll: 100+20(combat instincts)+5(knife)+80(dark magic burst)+186(Fight victory)×2(crit)= 782

Pig man defense rolls: 34+10(Fat shielding)-203= 0

Pig man health= 0/600 (deader than dead)

Your host charges at the pig man knife in hand only to be surprised when he exploded in a burst of dark energy that disintegrated the pig.

"Well that was unexpected and a bit anticlimactic if I'm being honest" Your host looked towards the unconscious Girl.

"I should probably make sure they aren't injured or anything"

Unnamed host medical roll: 71+20(first aid kit)= 91

??? Injury roll: 8-20(wanted alive)= -12

"Looks like they only have a few cuts and scratches nothing to serious" your host begins to clean and bandage their handful of minor wounds.

"I probably should wait for them to wake up before I start moving again"
Your host sits by a warm fire watching over the girl, who is currently within their sleeping bag.

"You know trail mix get kind of boring after you've been eating it for three days straight"
Two coconuts appear above your host head, both of them end up getting smacked away with one of them landing near the fire and the other landing next to the girl.

"Hey don't do that coconuts kill more people yearly than sharks, wait a minute why can I remember that but not my own name"

[The 'Coco' in Coconut translates to 'skull'. Cure your hunger by devouring the flesh in this unborn tree. It's emptied husk will be a fitting vessel for our power as a totem.]

"Firstly why do you have to make it sound like I'm about to commit some depraved act for an evil ritual" *crack* "and secondly if coco means skull then wouldn't making a totem out of it be a rude stereotype" your host drinks the coconut juice before cutting out and eating the white "nut meat"of the coconut.

"Now then to make a totem,I'll need both sufficiently durable objects to handle the strain of magic and natural objects to clear out the mana build up. The crystal seed should work as the base then I'll just need to attach the coconut shell.

10 minutes later
Your host looks over what looks like a lamppost but with a cage on the end containing some sticks and a coconut

Barrier: Creates a barrier across its entire range,your host can choose who is and isn't allowed in,the barrier being damaged increases strain.

Voice powers: Voice powers are changed to become more defensive and hit all possible targets within the barrier

Durability: 20
Maximum strain: 15
Range: 30 ft
Strain removal: 3 per day

Crystal seeds (base)
A crystal capable of growing from nothing
+ voices can use one of their actions to grow the totem increasing all stats except strain removal by 1
+ voices can use one of their actions to restore 1 durability

Coconut (2) (Focus)
A large and durable nut from a tropical fruit
+ strain removal increased by 1

Bundle of sticks
Sticks and not stones
+ increases strain removal by 1
- a pain to collect in large amounts
- Requires another focus to avoid breaking

"I was expecting a working totem to look a lot less derpy, definitely didn't expect it to look like a piece of abstract art"

"Now where did that other coconut land" in their search they look towards the sleeping girl to see that they are no longer asleep and are also holding a cat now?

"Oh good to see your finally awake,also where did that cat come from?"

"Who are you and where am I" the girl climbs out of the sleeping bag and looks at your host warily

"Well I'm the guy that rescued you from that pig thing and your currently in the middle of the forest"

"Ohh right, hey since you already saved me once is their any chance you would be willing to let me travel with you at least until we can get out of this forest" they look at your host holding both hands and pleading.

"Sure why not,also by the way what's your name and I'll ask this again where did that cat come from?" "My name is Olivia and this is my familiar Moon

Dark magic burst
Considered so unimportant by the author it's not even getting placed on the spell list
+ Applies a bonus equal to your total mana to combat rolls
+ Applies a malus equal to your max mana to enemy combat rolls
- consumes all mana
- there are many ways to counter this ability
- scrub magic
Note: if you have better ideas for these characters names tell me and I might change them

An: since I absolutely suck at naming things I'm going to outsource the names to you guys. Also remember when I told you that you would be in town by the next update turns out that was a damn dirty lie.
@Hugs wanted

Can I turn that barrier into an offensive weapon by playing baby shark on a loop to everyone within its radius?
Yes it will agitate and demoralize anything within it as well as act like a very weak Psychic attack while being heard

Lore: your playing a song that creatures from a different dimension find annoying and agitating

Note: Songs can choose to be heard by other people much like loud voices
[X] Give points: Food processor
[] Give points: Symbiosis in a bottle
[X] Care package: Deli platter
[X] Voice powers: play this aloud

if its not too late to change my vote I thought of something way funnier and edited it in
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[X] "As a Flower I consider the act of eating to be especially depraved. Even if I understand that you vertabretes need it to survive. perhaps you could ask that olive about the surroundings."
[X] Give points: Jet guitar
[X] Give points: Power of friendship

Deliberately misinterpreting names for the purpose of comedy.

I'm also going to begin with one of the most important long term ones for if we want to form a musical themed adventure against the composer.