Reincarnated Kyuubi Quest

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The Third Hokage's Office
Five Years After the Kyuubi's Attack

You were not expecting to be...
The Third Hokage's Office
Five Years After the Kyuubi's Attack

You were not expecting to be told that your were a centuries old chakra monster that morning, that was for sure. At most, you had expected a stern warning to behave in the academy from the old man, the venerable hokage having grown more and more distant in the last few days. At first, you had pushed the hurt you felt at his coldness by telling yourself that he was merely busy with your enrollment as an academy student, but you knew better now. He had been steeling himself to tell you the harsh truth of your existence, of your future in this village.

Your tiny fists turned white as you gripped the edge of the wooden chair you usually favored, strand of crimson colored hair obscuring your suddenly blurry vision as your felt your face twist in a ugly grimace displaying the grief and vulnerability you were not able to hide. In the last five years, you had tried to fit in to the best of your abilities. It hurts to suddenly be told that being liked would be forever out of your reach because of a previous life you did not even remember. It hurt, it made you angry... it made you cry. Right now, as you roughly wiped away the stray tears that had escaped your eyelids, you felt lost and alone and did not know what to think. You were just a kid and you felt nothing like an all powerful tailed beast in this moment. Expecting you to just go along with everything was unfair!

As you were about to voice your frustrated thoughts, a weary sigh from old man Sarutobi made your head jerk painfully upwards towards the noise and elicited a pained cry from your lips. You had nearly forgotten about the Sandaime's presence, and felt a deep blush stain your pale cheeks at your forgetfulness. You shook your head free of thoughts and decided to hear what the old man had to say for himself, as maybe there was even more trouble in the horizon for you.

"Kyuubi... I sincerely hope that what I saw in the last few years was not a ploy on your part to lower our guard, and that you are sincerely willing to turn a new leaf with this village. I understand that it is easier said than done, but working willingly as a tool for this village would bring you far more fulfillment than plotting to destroy it once more. Yes, you will be used, but in service you will find a new purpose. Should you be genuine in such purpose, you will have a place among us." He looked old when he said that, but the alternatives he told you about as his face turned into a fearsome mask made you certain that the legends surrounding his being called the 'God of Shinobi' were not to be dismissed lightly.

'I have to say something, but what?' You thought, you mind buzzing sluggishly as it usually did when you were faced with something you could not simply talk or punch into agreeing with you. As the leader of your village looked down upon you sternly from behind his imposing desk, you finally found the resolve to say...

[] (Truth or Lie) Write in speech, it must involve what you want to be called if not 'Kyuubi' (Please no Kurama, as his memories are gone for now), as well as any intent you may wish to declare. Do remember that his chakra is mostly Yang natured due to the sealing of it inside the Shinigami and so his reasoning abilities are flawed to say the least despite the Yin slowly coming back due to the remnants of Naruto's chakra. You can go in many directions from here, and it's your first chance to craft how the MC will act from now on.

Yes, it's surely confusing as an intro, but I will be giving more and more information about this 'new' setting as time go by. For now, just know that this is my take on the few 'Kurama/Kyuubi is reincarnated in Naruto's body due to the Yondaime's seal' fanfics I like so much. In this case, the MC is different looking from Naruto due to the heavy changes done by Kurama's chakra as he was reborn inside the infant body of his failed host. Pale skinned, red eyed and haired, and utterly normal for now mentally except for the chakra imbalance. That normalcy will not last, as we are talking about both a literal chakra beast and SV, but for now we are in the Mook territory.
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Honestly, though, as a five year old, I have no idea what we should be called if not Kurama.

Honestly, though, as a five year old, I have no idea what we should be called if not Kurama.

The problem with that is that he didn't tell anyone about his name since it was given to him by the SotSP as far as canon told us, so until the MC regains his memory it would make most sense for either Kyuubi or another name to be used.
The only idea I have is Uzamaki, after our mother. (It seems like we look a lot more like her then cannon, anyways.)
Honestly, though, as a five year old, I have no idea what we should be called if not Kurama.

Most japanese names have more or less obvious meaning. Just take a word you like, translate it using google translate into english and see if any people with similar name exist in the internet. If yes, than go with it, if no, try another.
There are some small grammar/spelling errors, but I like the premise. I also like kids.

That said, we're five. A sad and angry five year old who doesn't quite understand what is happening. What do such children usually want? Comfort and usually to cry and scream to calm down. Maybe some sweets or something, but that's not very good for them.

Has our tiny protagonist had a name at all yet?

Behind the Name: Browse Names


I'm thinking Yuuki would be good.
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There are some small grammar/spelling errors, but I like the premise. I also like kids.

That said, we're five. A sad and angry five year old who doesn't quite understand what is happening. What do such children usually want? Comfort and usually to cry and scream to calm down. Maybe some sweets or something, but that's not very good for them.

Has our tiny protagonist had a name at all yet?

Unfortunately, I'm not a native English speaker so some errors will probably continue to pop up for time to time, apologies!

As for names, the name that I hope you will all decide on will be the one he was given previously. So yeah, he's officially called Uzumaki (???) until the name is chosen.

Last thing! You don't have to think too hard about is speech as he IS a five years old kid, guys. I just want to know how you would want him to react for now, and to see what you would want him to (try to) do.
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Urgh, where are the people who can make up good japanese names.

What about Ryuu? Simple, strong name. Uzumaki Ryuu? Yeah, sounds good. But I don't know if we really count as Uzumaki. What about Akira Ryuu?

Takashi Ryuu for "noble dragon"?

[] (Name Here). Sounds good, right? I guess never running out of chakra helps a lot in being a ninja.
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Unfortunately, I'm not a native English speaker so some errors will probably continue to pop up for time to time, apologies!

As for names, the name that I hope you will all decide on will be the one he was given previously. So yeah, he's officially called Uzumaki (???) until the name is chosen.

Last thing! You don't have to think too hard about is speech as he IS a five years old kid, guys. I just want to know how you would want him to react for now, and to see what you would want him to (try to) do.
Hmmm, in that case, I do like Arata and Minoru as names. Naoki might also be good...
Urgh, where are the people who can make up good japanese names.

What about Ryu? Simple, strong name. Uzumaki Ryu? Yeah, sounds good,
Uzumaki just means spiral or vortex/whirlpool, so you can simply look up names and see their meaning via the link I shares. Find one that combines well =p

With that in mind
Naming a reborn Kurama with a name that means 'fresh, new' is really cute to me, for some reason.
Yes it totally is! Kinda warming the heart!

[X] My name is Uzumaki Arata an' that's all I ever been! I don't know anything about being some monster either, but if you think I'd go off and do bad stuff for no reason then that's stupid! Stupid like when someone says they don't like books! I'm gonna go be an awesome person and gonna rub it in your face, you old mean wrinkly book hater!
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[X] My name is Uzumaki Arata an' that's all I ever been! I don't know anything about being some monster either, but if you think I'd go off and do bad stuff for no reason then that's stupid! Stupid like when someone says they don't like ramen! I'm gonna go be an awesome person and gonna rub it in your face, you old mean wrinkly ramen hater!
Oh God please no. There is already 700 chapters written for that protagonist. What's the point of doing something different just to end up the very same obnoxious brat?

[X] Uzumaki Ryuu. Sounds good, right? I don't care about what you say I did in a previous life, I'm me, and nothing else! I'm going to be a ninja because I want to be a ninja. I don't care about what Kyuubi did or didn't do, my name is Uzumaki Ryuu.
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Oh God please no. There is already 700 chapters written for that protagonist. What's the point of doing something different just to end up the very same obnoxious brat?

[X] Uzumaki Ryuu. Sounds good, right? I don't care about what you say I did in a previous life, I'm me, and nothing else! I'm going to be a ninja it's because I want to be a ninja. Winning or losing, it will be all on me, as it should be!
Because we are five years old, and Uzumaki genetics are too stronk for us to not like ramen.

Also emotional black mail because Kushina.
Because we are five years old, and Uzumaki genetics are too stronk for us to not like ramen.

Also emotional black mail because Kushina.
Red haired Uzumaki? No need for more.

Liking it doesn't mean we fucking swear by it.

"Gonna go and do bad stuff". Really? Hiruzen just told we killed hundreds of his people, you write "gonna go and do bad stuff"?
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Red haired Uzumaki? No need for more.

Liking it doesn't mean we fucking swear by it.
And we haven't, so I don't see why you dislike it so much. It's a five year old trying to insult a mean old guy by saying he has shit tastes. I was originally going to have it be something about snoring or smelling like an old person, and will totally change it should to irrationally hate a single one off so much.

No use in arguing I guess.
"Gonna go and do bad stuff". Really? Hiruzen just told we killed hundreds of his people, you write "gonna go and do bad stuff"?

Okay, now you're just being anal and picking at straws. We are a five year old. A child. Barely more than a toddler, and from what has been presented to us we are not a super mature and smart prodigy ala Itachi. Bad stuff is pretty much the gist of it. And if you read then you'd see 'not going to'. But you know, sure.

Go ahead and try flinging shit about simplifying things so they sound more fitting for a young, emotional and angry, child to say.

Because that's totally reasonable.
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This is us setting up the MC's personality. Answer like a brat and he will act like a brat. Answer maturely and he will act mature for his age. Simple like that.

And calling the Hokage, who just threatened to end us should we not play ball, the equivalent of an "old fart" is certainly acting like a brat.

So yes, I'd like to avoid the word-for-word (and sum total) of Naruto's characterization to be our first trait defining line.
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I admit I was not expecting to come back from my shower with the thread's first argument. Please do discuss how you want the Uzumaki to be like, but remember to keep in mind the fact that everyone have different opinions, okay? Let's be cool, people. :)
This is us setting up the MC's personality. Answer like a brat and he will act like a brat. Answer maturely and né will act mature for his age. Simple like that.
Except that your write in also has us acting like a brat and canon part one Naruto. In addition to the hilarious sentiment that personality doesn't change at all ever from when you are five years old.

But if you hate being similar to canon so much I'll change it to books and not those dastardly noodles.
Because I kept in mind he is, from an angle, five years old. But I highlighted completely different traits.

I'm not too happy with the last line, so I changed it yet again.
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Because I kept in mind he is, from an angle, five years old. But I highlighted completely different traits.
You highlighted a single trait, wants to be the best. Perhaps to prove people wrong. That sounds rather familiar! Almost like Naruto. But for you concern of this setting our personality in stone I'd like to point out that the gm says this is just our first chance in the opening post. As well as stating we have some diminished reasoning capabilities.

Needless to say, I doubt that our character will be staying as stagnant as you seem to think.
You highlighted a single trait, wants to be the best. Perhaps to prove people wrong. That sounds rather familiar! Almost like Naruto. But for you concern of this setting our personality in stone I'd like to point out that the gm says this is just our first chance in the opening post. As well as stating we have some diminished reasoning capabilities.

Needless to say, I doubt that our character will be staying as stagnant as you seem to think.
No, you miss the point. What I highlight is his sense of self, of worth. He doesn't care about what a giant demon fox supposedly did, because that's not him. His achievements and his failures are his own. He is Uzumaki Ryuu, nothing more, nothing less. It's a small slight to any hint of pride that might have survived Kurama. Still got the chakra, so I think it's fitting.

Also being slighted when he is threatened to be a good tool for the village.
Finding the means to fill the ridiculous gap between the mental and physical energies found in the MC will an important goal should SV wish to regain traits from Kurama. It's not mandatory of course, but that's one of the ways the MC could be greatly changed over time. Should you decide to ignore the ghost of Kurama entirely and figure out you want to be concentrating on the present and future, there will also be a lot of opportunities to change as a person. As pointed out he's just five years old, so the option is more of an opportunity to add some quirks or character traits to what I already portrayed more than anything else... that and the naming thing.
Naming after a beast... is not all that good for a japanese-themed world in general.

A few options that may fit.
If we want to tie the character to Konoha, than some reference to leaves/forest may be of use. Some are
- Wakaba (young leaf)
- Koyo (autumn colorful leaves and a kind of red color)
This would also be totally in-character for a 5th year old
Alternatively, a 5 year old may want to alienate others more, like "you don't want me, I don't want you", meaning taking a name that is in direct symbolic opposition to Konoha (forest foliage), like
- Kasai (as in Shirin Kasai: forest fire)
- Maimaiga (Gypsy Moth, a known group of defoliators)