[Rehost] A Sea of Stars (Slayers / One Piece)

Chapter 11 (Cipher Pol Arc): Concordance

Not beta'd.


Lina's head snapped up to look at the three agents hovering overhead. Ancient weapon? Did these guys know where to find even more of them?

A draught of smoke drifting into her face drew her back to the situation at hand, and she wiped away the tears welling up within her stinging eyes. She'd definitely make those other bastards pay for blasting her ship, but right now, she was grateful for the reprieve. While the two weirdos on deck were gawking, her group could take the time to recuperate and think about what to do.

Gourry's eyelids fluttered open, and he pulled himself to his feet, fingers closed around the hilt of his weapon. Behind him, Amelia entreated the swordsman to remain still, while she mended the last of his wounds. A little further back, Luke regained his senses and sprinted to Milina, positioning himself protectively between her and the octopus hair man.

Xellos appeared from the billowing smoke, touching down on the ship's deck. The Mazoku was smiling contentedly, but when Lina shot him a questioning glance, he merely shrugged and said nothing.

"Hey, Zipper!" Lina called out to the agent in front of her. "Why are those two talking about ancient weapons? Do you guys know something about them?"

The egg-shaped man looked back down at her and unzipped his mouth to speak, giving the fastener an extra tug when it got stuck halfway across.

"Well that's because the weapon Pluton has been our former chief's goal for at least the past fourteen years, chapapa." He replied. "But we lost the plans that Lucci's group captured from Water 7, so the only way to get the weapon now would be to read the Poneglyph at Alabasta."

Lina suppressed a chuckle at the sheer dissonance between the man's appearance and behavior. "And whereabouts is this place?"

The agent paused to think for a moment before answering. "Chapa, Alabasta should be on the Grand Line to the west of here. Of course, we won't be able to find it without a pose, and we don't have time to try to buy one, so Lucci will probably want us to take one from the Marines, maybe at G-8 base. And once we do that, then we'll have to..."

"So Lina, what are you planning to do?" Xellos cut in from behind while the agent continued to chatter. Another cannonball slammed into the ocean surface nearby, rocking the ship and drenching the deck with a spray of salty sea water.

"I know we're in a fairly difficult position right now, but I'm sure you can see that this also has the potential to be a great opportunity." He advised.

Lina made a troubled noise at the back of her throat. As was fast becoming the norm here, every option was a shot in the dark, filled with potentially unpleasant surprises.

The events of the previous night had shown her that their own skills and tools were not going to cut it in this turbulent region. But if sea travel was as common as it seemed to be, then surely the locals would have some way of reliably navigating these anomalies.

Then of course, there was the issue of this new lead requiring them to travel away from their original goal. As the saying went, "The hunter who chases two rabbits catches neither." Whether this was applicable depended on whether anyone was angling to snatch away their first objective in the meantime.

Lina glanced back at her entourage, some of whom had just recovered from their injuries. The new arrivals were definitely hostile, but she didn't know if the guys they'd attacked first were going to just turn on her as soon as the strides were in their favor. Xellos seemed pretty confident though, and as she pondered on what he had been doing up there, she found her gaze drifting upward, to where the three men in the sky had fallen silent.


Rob Lucci had a promise to keep. He'd made a solemn pledge to his former chief Spandam that CP9 would be paying him a visit soon. Accounts needed to be settled, justice needed to be dealt, and now that the chief's whereabouts were known, Lucci would allow nothing to stand in his way.

And standing in his way now was the Aigis spy, who ceased his ambling and came to a halt between Lucci and Jabra, turning to face the former and showing his back to the latter. A brazen gesture, but perhaps not unwarranted for a man belonging to the 'Strongest Intelligence'.

Lucci's body expanded into his towering half-leopard form, broad-chested and bulging with rippling muscles. Black curved claws extended from the tips of his fingers, and a spotted leopard tail sprouted from his lower back. The current generation of CP9 was hailed as the strongest in the organization's history, and even among them, Lucci stood alone at the summit. It was time these accolades were put to the test.

The Aigis' opening move was a killing blow. His multi-jointed arm struck with shocking speed, flowing and sweeping like water, coated in a blade of slicing wind. Only a last-minute defense prevented Lucci from being disemboweled; instead he felt the attack slice bone-deep into his forearms, sending up a spray of arterial blood.

Turning to deflect the remaining force, Lucci segued the motion into a spinning slash, striking at the Aigis with a wave of compressed air, strong enough to slice through a warship's steel bulkheads. Jabra joined the attack, throwing up a wall of projectiles shaped like snapping wolf heads. Two techniques, designed to pin the masked man between them.

The man's other arm lashed out, faster than sight, dispersing Lucci's attack into a shower of harmless fragments while giving up only a little ground. The thinly smiling mask that he wore now seemed almost mocking in its expression.

Sprinting up from below, Fukuro threw himself into a spinning tackle, which the Aigis dodged with Paper Arts. A wall of stabbing threads from Kumadori was thwarted with Iron Body, and a barrage of Storm Leg attacks were overpowered by a single return stroke. Jabra reeled back, stunned by a steel-knuckled blow to the face, and a follow-up attack sent the wolf-man hurtling into the water. The masked man descended after him, not content to assume his foe would die of drowning.

Slimming his form down to a lighter, more agile build, Lucci hammered the air with his feet, legs working like pistons as he accelerated to his foe. Twin fists punched out, and the masked head turned, seeming to register brief surprise, visible as a slight twitch. Too late.

A wave of force flowed past Lucci's hands, erupting into the air and rippling through the masked man's torso, causing his body to jerk back from the blow. A hairline fracture formed at the base of his mask, splitting its smile in two. The ultimate technique of the Six Styles, combining the six basic forms into a single destructive attack.

That one definitely had an effect.

For a moment, the only sound in Lucci's ears was the sound of his own heavy breathing.

"The strongest agent in the history of the Ninth." The masked man spoke at last, straightening himself up. "Is that the limit of your power?"

Only the tiniest hint of strain in his voice betrayed the fact that he had taken any damage at all.

Kumadori dove for the sea, tendrils of pinkish hair reaching for Jabra, trying to pull him out before he sank beyond their sight. A Storm Leg attack blew him back, threads slashed to ragged ribbons, his white theatrical make up stained red by countless tiny cuts.


Fukuro approached from above, fists bared, running a zigzagging trajectory toward the Aigis. The flick of a finger threw a bullet of compressed air straight into his path, sending him spinning helplessly into the water.


The masked man turned now toward Lucci, who had put some distance between them so as to not be caught by a surprise attack. Lucci's eyes widened as the other man thrust out his lanky arms in a mirror image of his own pose, paired fists held one above the other.


Twin jets of light-distorting force shot out from the masked man's knuckles, spiraling inward, compressing, merging into a single cohesive beam of devastating power. In an instant, the maelstrom closed the distance, thundering through the air with staggering speed. It was already too close, and too fast to escape.

A ball of light appeared before Lucci, expanding into a densely contained shell of bright blue flame that swallowed the spiraling wave, while leaving him untouched. Legs pumping, he cleared the line of fire as the weakened remnants of the blast roared past, dwindling to nothing in the distance.

The agent of Aigis seemed just as surprised, and in that moment, a ribbon of light weaved up from below and made a play for him. Ducking the initial thrust, the masked man failed to react when the technique adjusted itself in mid-air, striking him like a whip and detonating in a flash of white. Beneath the glare, a second crack was visible on his mask, spider-webbing out from its lower left edge.

The sea surface churned, forming jagged waves that crashed together, exploding upward in a fountain of obscuring white. Jabra's dark form was tossed out from the top of the geyser, and Lucci's eyes traced the trajectory of his fellow agent as he landed on the pirate ship's deck, choking up water and gulping in the sweet air. Standing nearby was the red haired girl that Lucci had confronted earlier, hands drawn up in some sort of ability-invoking stance.

Some wordless thought was conveyed between the two of them then.

A wave of shuriken-shaped wind blades raced past Lucci's head, deflecting off the Aigis agent's Iron Body defense. He looked back and saw his final two subordinates arriving from their ship.

"Oh my, it looks like that's the genuine article." Kalifa remarked, brushing back a lock of blonde hair and adjusting her glasses with a finger.

"Did you make some new friends Lucci?" Kaku asked playfully. Hopping from foot to foot, he took up his reverse-grip stance, paired swords flashing in the morning light.

An arc of lightning flashed up from the ship, but the Aigis operative was faster, neatly sidestepping and replying with a deluge of cutting and piercing winds. A wall of white shimmered into view, catching the direct force of the attack, but the considerable backblast caused the surrounding waters to heave. The ship's weather-beaten hull groaned as a wind-churned swell slammed into its side.

Lucci threw himself onto the scene, attacking with a series of his quickest stabs and slashes, blending animal ferocity and practiced, surgical precision. Kaku darted in and out, slashing at their foe through gaps and flinging Storm Leg attacks from a distance. Kalifa circled around, spraying a stream of foam from the other side. Unwilling to risk enduring the effects of an unknown Devil Fruit, the Aigis was forced to evade, allowing gaps to creep into his defense.

A spinning pentagram crystallized from the air, summoned by the hooded gunman, and icy tendrils shot out from its points and intersections, grasping at the Aigis spy. The masked man shattered one with a blow from his arm, weaved around another with Paper Arts, then bolted skyward when their numbers proved too overwhelming.

Kaku shifted into his giraffe-hybrid form, and his neck fired out, his oddly square nose slamming into the masked man head-on, the bare fractions of a second spent retaliating stealing away the time needed to escape. One tendril speared into the Aigis spy's leg, forming a film of frost that spread rapidly upward, immediately arresting his flight. Others poured in, encasing him in a split second, throwing on more and more layers until the man was immobilized within a solid slab of crystal-clear ice, hanging serenely in midair.

With a thought, Lucci released his Life Return compression, ballooning back into his hulking, ten-foot frame. With diminished range of motion and reduced nimbleness, it was a form he favored less when engaging in close combat. But for sheer brute strength, its usefulness was undisputed.

Raising himself to eye-level with his target, Lucci held out his fists, stopping just short of the surface of the icy cage. He poured out his strength, and the air boomed as a shock wave rippled from his knuckles, punching through crystal, flowing through flesh and shattering the frigid prison into a curtain of glittering rain.

Freed from his restraints, the Aigis agent seemed about to collapse, listless like an unstrung marionette. Growing patches of red stained his once-spotless suit and coat, and his mask was a canvas of jagged cracks and fissures. To his credit, he did not cry out or make any sort of undignified sound, but from the way his gaze darted to and fro, it was clear that he had lost all heart for the fight. A brief flash of joy formed over Lucci's face between panted breaths, and he exulted in the pain and panic wafting from his foe.

"Was that enough power for you, Agent of the Zeroth?"

Without a word, the Aigis spy turned to flee, dashing toward his ship in an erratic path to avoid the barrage of Storm Leg attacks flying his way. Lucci rocketed forward in pursuit, feeling the cooling sensation of the wind blowing against his sweat-soaked forehead. The masked man remained annoyingly fast despite his considerable injuries, but as the two of them shot past the pirate ship, Lucci spotted something that made him stop.

On the ship's deck below, the red-haired girl was standing with both arms raised over her head, her expression one of deep concentration while she chanted out some sort of arcane litany. An orb of white power shimmered between her palms, and from it, an insidious glow pervaded the air, wrapped around her like a mantle of red malice.

With a cry of "Dragon Slave!" the girl threw her hands forward, and the red glow exploded forth as a surging torrent of supernatural color. It roared past the masked man, setting the air aflame with the mere aftermath of its passage, then detonated in an explosion of annihilating light. The agent and his ship vanished into the blast, which, for a brief moment, outshined the sun, throwing all on the surface into shadow. A towering column of vapor erupted into the sky, while the ocean rushed in to fill the newly formed gap.

"Well done Lina, well done." Xellos complimented from below, applauding quietly. He rose into the air, just in time to avoid the explosion-driven wave, which tossed the tiny caravel around like a wooden bathtub toy. Blueno's unattended body was fortuitously caught by a railing, while Jabra, still groggy from his near-drowning, managed to cling to the mast alongside the crew until the turbulence passed.

"Just be patient for a little longer and you might find out." The self-dubbed priest's words echoed in Lucci's mind. He allowed himself to smile. Oh, this would be interesting indeed.

With a muted crack that grew louder by the moment, the much-abused ship finally came apart. Kaku raced down, plucking Blueno's unconscious form from the railing, while Jabra and the crew cleared the deck mere moments before the hull disintegrated, revealing a solid block of gold within the hold, nearly broad as the ship was wide. Before anyone could lift a finger in response, the metallic mass plunged into the water, vanishing into the azure depths.

"That was… a lot of gold." Kalifa ventured. "Probably enough to purchase the entire Galley-La Company."

"One could easily commission a royal palace with a sum that large." Kaku agreed.

Kaku's innocent comment seemed to hit the redhead hard, inducing an unsettling shiver that caused most of her crewmates to cringe. For a long moment, she stared blankly at the patch of drifting planks where her ship used to be, then clutched her hair and screamed her frustration at the clear blue sky.


Spandam sat motionless, facing his desk in the captain's quarters, staring intently at the communicator snail placed at one corner of the table. A myriad of straps, belts and harnesses stretched across his body like cobwebs, pinning his shattered frame in place. There was an annoying itch on his right thigh, but he couldn't move to scratch it. His back throbbed where three vertebrae were fractured, but he couldn't lean forward to take the pressure off. Condensation from the ice pack pressed against his forehead was trickling into his left eye, but with his swollen lips, he couldn't so much as blow at it to make it go away.

And all of this was CP9's fault, for failing to kill that accursed Cutty Flam, and for losing the keys to that blasted Nico Robin!

Straining with what little strength he could muster, Spandam turned his head just enough to glance at the clock hanging on the nearest wall. It was an hour past noon.

Even though he couldn't turn far enough to see, Spandam knew there was at least one government agent standing at the door behind him, with orders to receive his visitors and attend to his needs. After all, he was the great Chief Spandam, whose considerable talents had earned him the position of Director within the Tower of Justice at Enies Lobby.

Or at least, that was his position before CP9's incompetent bungling resulted in the island's destruction.

Not to mention, he was the man who had obtained explicit permission from the World Nobles and the Five Elders to pursue this illustrious undertaking. Perhaps after he obtained it, he could even use Pluton to seize the reins of power himself; certainly he deserved no less.

"I'm not happy soldier." He grumbled through gritted teeth. "Not. Happy. Ask me why."

"I'm very sorry to hear that chief!" A nervous voice replied from behind. "Is there something you want me to do for you? Do you have an itch, or maybe you would like something to be adjusted?"

"No no, it's none of that." Spandam replied. "Just ask me why."


"Why what? Be specific, soldier."

"Why are you unhappy?" His attendant ventured cautiously.

"Because the ship that should be carrying our third agent was supposed to report in at noon!" Spandam snapped. "And look what time it is now! They are an hour late!"

"Really, I've come to expect this kind of buffoonery from CP9, but the World's Strongest Intelligence should be able to do better." He huffed.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't compare us to things of that sort, dear Chief." A third voice chimed in, soothing, yet spine-chilling, dancing the razor's edge between sincerity and scorn.

Spandam shivered as he felt the agent's warm breath on the back of his neck, while his doorman sputtered out a hasty apology.

"W-well, I just wanted to make sure our team member was doing okay." He quickly stammered. "Plus, I had heard that he was the only one among you three who didn't have an ability, so I used my connections to procure a Fruit, should you have need of it."

He gestured with his chin toward one of the desk's drawers.

"Your concern is appreciated, but unnecessary, Chief." The spy noted, flawlessly formal and academic. "Now onto business: we will be arriving soon at the port of Nanohana. Moreover, our translator has confirmed the absence of the princess, the palace security captain, and the royal guard commanders. Truly the fortunes are in our favor, are they not?"

"Oh, well that's good." Spandam replied. He remembered something, then added, "Oh yeah, who is our translator anyway? I'm sure my father had all but one of those Oharan demons put to death."

"She comes to us from Dressrosa, Chief. In the New World." The agent raised his voice so as to make himself heard over a dull roar emanating from above. The ship bobbed as something heavy landed on the deck.


"A warship?!" Lina threw her hands up in exasperation. "Why does Pluton have to be a warship?! I want something I can hold, damnit!"

Crossing her arms, she plopped down on a nearby couch and leaned back against its cushion. The small comforts of the captain's cabin were much appreciated after all they had been through.

Kaku strode over to her end of the table and poured her a mug of steaming hot tea. Leaving the empty kettle, he withdrew back to the opposite side, where his fellow agents were gathered. Seated front and center among them, Lucci raised a glass of rum to his lips, and his pigeon, dressed in a matching black overcoat, leaned down from his shoulder to share a sip.

While Fukuro had chattered more than enough for everyone, the bull-guy, Blueno, had yet to say anything since they'd started negotiations. Then again, he didn't seem like the talkative type, and that first battle where he'd been burnt had only started because of a misunderstanding anyway. Plus, Lina had healed him right up as soon as they'd gotten onboard.

"Well then," Zelgadis replied grumpily, "this conflict has nothing to do with us. I say we get off at the next island and find a way to head back toward our original objective."

"Whoa, hold on there Zel, I didn't mean it quite like that." Lina quickly stopped him.

"This former chief of yours," she addressed the Cipher Pol members, "so you're saying he's the one responsible for sending that long-armed freak at us?"

The seven spies and one pigeon sitting across from her nodded in unison.

"And you guys don't have any intel on where or what Poseidon might be?"

The Cipher Pol members confirmed by shaking their heads.

"We really have no interest in obtaining the weapons for ourselves." Kaku explained. "Pluton was always the chief's objective."

Lina nodded. The fact that former intelligence agents didn't know where Poseidon was located was a very good thing in her mind, since it meant no one was likely to go after it. That made sense; if the relic in the sky was the only one pointing to it, not many people would've seen it.

"In that case, I say we head over to Alabasta." She concluded. "It's still a good idea to check out those ruins in case they're holding clues to anything else, and I need to teach that punk chief of yours a lesson for sinking my gold. Plus, if they have any more ships like this, then we can steal one before we go."

"Call it fair and just compensation for my loss." She stated matter-of-factly.

The corners of Lucci's mouth curled up into a momentary smirk.

"Indeed, your logic is impeccable!" Xellos commended from his position leaning against the wall. "I'm sure no one has any objections to Lina's proposal?"

"Chapapa, but it was the wave caused by your technique that ended up sinking your-" Fukuro's mouth snapped shut with a metallic clink at Lina's threatening glare.

"Treacherous villains seek to unearth the weapons for their evil plans!" Amelia stood up on a chair, throwing her cape back and posing dramatically. "They shall be smashed with the hammer of justice!"

"That's right!" Kumadori called out in agreement. "Treachery and betrayal have befouled, polluted and blackened the chief's good name! Yoyoi!"

Zelgadis sighed in resignation. "Alright, fine."

Lina turned toward Luke and Milina, her gaze inviting them to join the discussion.

"Works for us, right Milina?" Luke shrugged. Milina remained silent, content to allow Luke to speak for her as well.

"Then…" Lina rose from her seat and walked to where Rob Lucci sat. It worked out to something surprisingly simple in the end.

"We'll sail with you to Alabasta to get a look at these ruins, and if any more of these goons show up, we'll pitch in to fight them off." She offered. "And after we get all that over with, then we'll go our separate ways."

She stuck out her hand.

Lucci stood up, and all eyes fell upon him as he paused momentarily, then took up the offered hand and shook.
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Chapter 12 (Cipher Pol Arc): Strange Bedfellows

Beta'd by Leon89.


Lina didn't start to relax until they were well on their way, with the late afternoon sun casting an orange haze over the horizon.

Arranging for accommodations had been simple enough. The ship they were sharing was originally intended to house an entire platoon of Marines, plus associated support staff, so there were more than enough rooms to divide between the men and women, and the two distinct crews. The cabins were pretty sparse and bunk beds weren't the best, but they had all made do with less in the past.

The ship was equipped with a fairly spacious galley, with all its food stored inside a mechanical contraption capable of automatically generating cold temperatures. Even with her party's voracious eating habits, the journey was only expected to take a few days, so they probably wouldn't need to restock barring some unforeseen catastrophe.

Lina had protested a little when she'd found out that Jabra was going to be in charge of their cooking. Devil Fruit or not, she didn't like werewolves.

"Hey Gourry, do you think I made the right choice?" Lina asked suddenly. She looked over to where the swordsman sat, leaning against a wall with his feet propped up by some spare cushions.

"Hmm? Whaddya mean Lina?" Gourry asked.

"I mean going all the way with these guys." Lina clarified.

"It's just, things are different this time, you know?" She continued, finding herself a little surprised at how forthcoming she was being.

"Before, if we were getting into something serious, the others could bail out if it was getting too dangerous for them. But now, now that we're in this world, we all have to stick together. So my decisions are going for everyone."

"And when we get there, we're probably going to have to fight even more guys like that one in the morning." She added.

A quiet snore alerted Lina to the fact that Gourry had nodded off. Normally this would have earned him a boot to the head, but instead, she let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding. After all their adventures together, maybe that was just his way of expressing his confidence in her.

Lina pulled herself to her feet. She needed to find Zelgadis. There was somewhere they had to be.


"This is a Log Pose." Kalifa stretched out her arm to display the accessory attached to her wrist. Lina and Zelgadis scooted forward, leaning in to look. It had taken all day to secure this vital lesson, so by the gods she was going to get it.

Lina tapped the device with a finger. It was a clear, glassy orb, with what was obviously a compass needle suspended within, pointing steadily in the direction of the ship's heading. A metal frame and accompanying leather strap kept it fastened to the wearer's arm.

She blinked as the implication came to her, and from Zelgadis' gasp, it seemed he had grasped it too. Rummaging through one of the pockets lining her cape, she produced her own compass, whose needle was still spinning wildly around its pedestal.

"How come your needle can stay straight?" She asked, pointing at the accessory in question. "I couldn't even get my crystal ball to work on this crazy ocean."

"The islands of the Grand Line emit their own magnetic waves, so of course an ordinary compass wouldn't work." Kalifa said smoothly, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"The Log Pose is a special compass that records the magnetic interactions between nearby islands. Once it has locked onto the pull, it will point to the next island on the route."

Smirking, she bent down, brushing her long hair back over her shoulder and bringing her face close to Lina's, allowing her tie to dangle free from her generously proportioned chest. No, Lina wasn't jealous at all, not one bit.

"Trying to sail on the Grand Line without a Log Pose is impossible." She chided. "You all would've gotten lost and shipwrecked before long if we hadn't arrived."

Lina's face pulled into a frown. Maybe she was right, but did she really have to put it like that?

"So what's the name of the island that it's pointing to now?" Zelgadis ventured.

Kalifa's gaze turned sharply to look at him.

"That's sexual harassment." She admonished.

Lina watched as Zelgadis stiffened like a plank, and felt a slight shudder passing through her own body. The vibes that this woman was giving off were strongly reminding her of someone from her past, who she had unwillingly journeyed with for over a year before she met Gourry. Someone she definitely didn't want to remember.

She glanced outside to take her mind off such thoughts. Night was falling, and she could hear the fluttering sound of sails being furled, and the sloshing of water against the ship's hull gradually dying down.


The two crews convened on the deck, the disciplined ranks of the Cipher Pol agents assembling at the prow standing in stark contrast to the mostly aimless mob that was Lina's group. Just ahead, a cluster of lights could be seen, sweeping search beams mounted onto a ring of cliffs, diligently scanning the darkened seas.

"This is Navarone Island, home of the G-8 base." Lucci spoke, his voice cutting through the chatter. "Once we take what we want, there will be no need for us to wait."

"Oi Lucci, you aren't just ordering this because you wanna spill some blood are you?" Jabra asked conspiratorially. "How do we even know they'll have an Eternal Pose for Alabasta?"

"No, he's probably right." Kaku replied. "A base's fleet would be expected to deploy in a timely manner to any island within its jurisdiction. Alabasta is a little out of the way for G-8, but with the recent incident there that lead to Crocodile's dismissal, there's a high chance that they'll have it."

"I've checked the base's docks." Blueno added. "Vice Admiral Jonathan's battleship is not present."

"So? What'd you call us up here for?" Lina sniffed. It was windy outside, even though they'd stopped moving, and she was already longing for the warm radiance of the ship's deckhouse.

"We will invade the base, and return when we have an Eternal Pose, which points perpetually to a single Grand Line island." Blueno explained. "Then we can set out immediately for our destination."

"Yoyoi! And you, our trusted and most honorable allies," Kumadori chimed in, "must remain here and safeguard the ship from enemy attack!"

Lina gave a curt nod, and watched as the three preeminent agents took off toward the base. Blueno stretched out a hand, pulling apart a section of air to form a doorway into his hazy green dimension, closing it behind him once Fukuro, Kumadori and Kalifa had entered.

"They're so cool!" Amelia squealed, eyes shining. "A team of secret agents, fighting villains in the name of justice!"

Lina snorted. She had half-opened her mouth to remind Amelia that they'd been fighting the very same team just that morning, then stopped herself as she hit upon a new train of thought.

"Well, I don't see why we all have to stand out here at the same time." She suggested. "How about you take first watch then Amelia? If anything happens, I'll be inside."


Once the others were gone, Amelia quickly seated herself on the thick wooden railing at the fore of the ship, squinting into the darkness to try and pick up what she could. One searchlight flickered out, then another, until the exterior of the base was plunged into darkness.

In her mind, Amelia pictured the agents darting silently from cover to cover, traversing the base while eluding patrols. Maybe they could even trail lone guards right out in the open, using bursts of super-speed to keep out of sight while flashing cool poses in the process. In the unlikely event that they were spotted, a quick chop would knock the soldier out before he could utter a peep, leaving the remaining defenders none the wiser.

The sound of footsteps on the deck behind her pulled her from her thoughts, and she looked toward the source to see Zelgadis coming to relieve her.

"I'll take over the watch." He offered. "The night gets pretty cold out here on the sea."

Amelia shook her head. "No, I wanna stay here a little longer." She said, then added. "But, if you want, why don't you come wait with me?"

Zelgadis nodded his assent, leaning against the railing beside her, and for a while, the two of them watched in companionable silence.

It was broken by a scream.

It wasn't a scream borne of fright, or even a simple cry of pain; this was an eerie sound, as if all of a man's hopes and dreams were erupting out as a single outcry, wrenched from the living world and cast into the afterlife.

"What?!" Amelia managed to blurt out. Beside her, Zelgadis furrowed his brows.

Though she could only listen, it was like witnessing a catastrophe in slow motion. Gunshots rang out and cannons thundered, only to be cut short, replaced by a ghastly chorus of cries. In between them, she could just make out sounds that could've been begging, before they were terminated like all the others. Her imagination filled in the gaps, painting for her a grisly picture of what their allies were doing. She leaned forward, covered her mouth with a hand, and retched.

A moment of silence was followed by a sound like a creaking hinge. An air door opened on the deck and Blueno stepped through, moving aside to make way for his colleagues. Lucci emerged last, his white spotted shirt and dark coat matted with blood, reeking of death. In his hand was clutched an hourglass-like frame, with a single glass orb held in its center, and a tiny needle floating inside.

"Mission accomplished." Lucci spoke with a shark-like grin.

"You killed them." Amelia drew in her arms and averted her eyes. She suddenly felt very cold. Beside her, Zelgadis growled, fingering the pommel of his sword and the hilts of his pistols.

"They were just doing their job, they never did anything to you." She was starting to tremble. "They screamed and begged and you just killed them."

"They were weak." Lucci turned to rejoin the other agents, who had stopped to wait for him by the cabin door.

"That was their sin."

Zelgadis waited in silence until the agents had filed in through the door.

"Hey, come on." He said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Let's get you to your room."


Lina yawned and stretched her limbs as she felt the first warm rays of dawn sweeping over her face. It looked like it would be a pleasant day; the sea was calm, the sky was clear, and in the distance she could just make out the dark silhouette of some monstrous sea serpent, emerging for a breath of the crisp morning air before dipping back beneath the surface.

She briefly wondered if it tasted like dragon.

Lina glanced over at Milina's empty bed on the far side of the room, with neatly folded covers occupying one side of the mattress. Not many people got up early enough to be gone before her.

Amelia lay closer, wrapped tightly within her blankets. She had woken up gasping several times during the night, though she seemed to be getting some restful slumber now.

Lina rose and put on her clothes, hooking her cape to her pauldrons and giving her hair a quick brush. There'd be time to investigate later. Now was breakfast time.


Amelia didn't wake until noon, when Zelgadis had knocked on her door to see if she was alright. Now she swallowed as she stood in front of the entrance to the captain's cabin, where the seven agents were gathered for their afternoon tea. They were well into their second day at sea, but the two groups remained noticeably disconnected, seldom mingling except during meal times.

To Amelia's surprise, the chatter inside died down, and the door swung open to reveal Kaku standing in the doorway. With one hand, he gestured for her to join them, while he poured her a cup and pulled up an empty chair with the other.

"Thank you Mr. Kaku." Amelia said and took the offered cup. She sat down, feeling the eyes of all seven agents turning toward her. Some, like Fukuro and Kumadori, wore curious looks, while Blueno and Kalifa remained stoically neutral. Lucci's expression was one that she could not read at all.

"Gonna say something?" Jabra asked, cracking his neck then taking a sip from his mug.

"Well, you guys said you were government agents right?" Amelia asked. "I was just wondering, what does an agent do, exactly?"

"We are agents of Cipher Pol, as we have said." Blueno explained.

"There are eight publically acknowledged Cipher Pol cells stationed around the four Blues and the Grand Line. They perform espionage and provide assistance to the Marines' intelligence division, though they are concerned more with political matters than criminal and military."

Amelia nodded. While Saillune preferred to cultivate relationships of openness and trust with the other kingdoms on the continent, there were always some unsavory types against whom clandestine activity was necessary.

"We were members of the Ninth, an unofficial unit along with the Zeroth. We performed some of the same duties as the eight official branches, but in addition, we were trained and given license to kill any individual who acts in a manner that is contrary to the World Government's interests."

Amelia felt her blood run cold as a distant childhood memory tugged at the back of her mind.

"Wait, so you're saying that… that you're-"

"Our primary occupation was assassination." Blueno confirmed.

Assassins. Amelia shivered at that word, as images of her mother's death flooded her vision, her blood pumping onto the floor and mixing with that of her murderer. Her elder sister Gracia had departed the following day, taking with her a memento from their mother's closet, and they never did find out who'd sent the killer. Investigations had determined only that the assassin's intended target was Gracia herself; perhaps it was even someone from within her own family.

"Y-yoyoi… are you well?" Kumadori ventured.

Amelia blinked and nodded, breathing deep to calm her nerves. Still, here was a group of assassins, who, by their own admission, had until recently been given free reign to kill in the name of the World Government. Was it right because it was necessary? What made something necessary? What made it right?

Amelia found herself recalling Shiki's words. She was about to reply when the entire ship rattled with the booming thunder of cannonfire.

"What now?!" Jabra snapped in irritation as the tremors caused his grip to waver, spilling hot tea onto his bare chest.

"Pirates. Troublesome, but not unexpected." Blueno said, pushing his seat back and standing up.

"We passed the island of Jaya not long ago." Kalifa added. "Probably a group of pirates thinking they can make an easy haul."

"Not unlike what your group was doing." She added slyly.


Lina and Gourry stood on the deck, gazing at the distant but fast-approaching pirate ship. It was a rather garish thing, with patches of bright, mismatched colors that invoked more distaste than fear when viewed. A fluttering white flag mounted atop its tallest mast was emblazoned with a coiled serpent symbol, fangs bared and tongue flicking.

Lina laughed cruelly, causing Gourry to cringe.

"You know, it's been really long." Lina said. "Finally we get to fight some completely normal pirates, without any floating islands, giant monsters or martial artists on their side."

A burst of smoke sent a cannonball soaring their way, which she detonated in midair with a salvo of flare arrows.

The captain of the other ship seemed to interpret the fiery blast as a hit, and the pirate ship tilted its rudder and closed to board. Soon the pirates were close enough to be heard, and Lina could hear them shouting out their threats; something about handing over her ship's valuables in exchange for their lives.

She snorted. Their lines were so run-of-the-mill.

An air door opened behind her and Blueno stepped through, while the remaining agents dashed out of the various windows and portholes. Assembling on the side of the ship facing the pirates, the seven agents cut a pretty imposing figure in the afternoon light. The pirates hesitated.

"Hold on just a second." Lina quickly cut in. "I saw these guys first. They're all mine."


A couple of fireballs later and the pirate ship was left burning and sinking behind them, while the survivors scrambled for the handful of floating planks that Lina had so graciously left intact.

"Ah, treasure. Just what I needed to help me get over all this stress." Lina smiled as she landed back on deck, a sack of loot slung over one shoulder. Pouring out its contents, she began to sort them into the various compartments sewn onto her cape. The coins she slipped into one pouch, art objects into a small bag, and the few gemstones she'd poached were separated and placed into a side pocket. If they ever arrived somewhere where her crystal ball worked again, she could use some earth and water magic on them to sculpt them into more pleasing shapes, which would increase their trade value accordingly.

She frowned as she held up a wad of paper bills. Her mind was still having trouble ascribing value to these things. Maybe if she could find somewhere to spend some.

"Oh, why don't you wear this Zel? You always seem to be the one on top of this kind of stuff." Lina presented a Log Pose, snatched from one of the pirates before she'd dealt the finishing blow to their ship.

Zelgadis nodded and clipped the device to his wrist, following the examples they had seen. Folding up her cloak, Lina rose and inspected the hovering needle, noting that it diverged somewhat from their ship's heading.

"So, where's this one pointing to?" She asked the agents.

"The island west of Jaya on this route should be Ukkari Island." Blueno replied. "I am unaware of any notable features."

"Actually, Ukkari Island recently acquired a new set of hot springs, chapapa." Fukuro cut in. "Just built, and I heard they're really good."

"Ooh, can we go there?" Lina blurted immediately, eliciting a round of strange looks.

"Come on, what's the big deal? I mean it's not like we're going to get to our destination today right?" She pressed on despite, turning to Kalifa for confirmation. "So where's the harm in spending an evening at the springs, relaxing before battle?"

"It's true." Kalifa conceded. "At our current speed, we should arrive at Alabasta tomorrow either way."

Lina suspected that she was secretly wanting to go too.


The G-8 base on Navarone Island had always been labeled as "peace-crazy" by its detractors. Heavily armed and surrounded by a ring of cliffs, the island was avoided by pirates, and thus the base itself saw very little combat. This in turn gave it value as a repair and recuperation stop, for damaged ships and Marine soldiers injured in the line of duty. Here they could rest easy, secure in the knowledge that no trouble would come calling.

Nonetheless, there were those at Marine Headquarters who saw G-8 as useless, and some had tried several times in the past to have it closed down. Kuzan personally felt that such drastic actions were counterproductive, and had quietly filed his opposition to them every time. It was one of the few things on which he saw eye-to-eye with Sakazuki.

Kuzan wore a grim expression, and said nothing as he walked the blood-slicked halls of the base. He'd ordered his ships back to G-8 for maintenance after another day of fruitless searching, only to find over a hundred Marine soldiers murdered in cold blood. Telltale signs spoke of the perpetrators' identities; bullet-like penetration wounds with no bullet to be found. Severed body parts, accompanied by massive gouges torn into the nearby walls and floors. Embedded slugs, deformed as if they had been rebounded by some impenetrable object. The main gate was still intact, with no signs of forced entry by a ship.

"Admiral sir!" A Marine shouted from behind him. "We've done an inventory as you requested! Nothing was amiss except…"

Kuzan turned. "Except?"

"Except the base's Eternal Pose for the country of Alabasta."

The crew pulled up the ship's sails and dropped anchor at the hot-springs island's southern shore, right next to the bathhouse's entrance. Beyond the walls, Lina could see clouds of steam drifting up from the baths, and hear the sound of water bubbling and gushing from fountains. A smattering of voices were audible as well, but strangely, the island didn't have any docks on which they could moor their ship, nor did they see any other ships anchored around its perimeter.

Lina quickly put that thought from her head and giggled. The place looked even better than she had imagined. Lucci and Blueno weren't coming anyway, so they would be on hand if anything went wrong with the ship.

Debarking with the rest of her party, Lina strode through the entrance, approaching the receptionist with a wad of money in hand. She stared quizzically for a moment at the tall, dark-skinned man, her eyes falling upon a pair of small, feathered wings sprouting from his back. She shrugged.

"So, how much will it be for eleven?" Lina asked, leaning on the front counter. She didn't feel too bad paying for everyone if it was going to be with her paper notes.

The man mumbled something back that she couldn't really hear.

"What's that?" She pressed.

"Miss Lina, I think he's trying to talk with his mouth closed." Amelia pointed out.

Lina looked up at the receptionist, who was staring down and gesticulating at her, but with his lower lip stuck inside his mouth, his attempts to speak came out as a series of unintelligible grunts.

"Say something with your mouth open you idiot!" Lina screeched.

"Ah! How careless!" The man blurted in surprise.


Lina folded up her robes and removed her earrings, then wrapped herself in a towel and tied her hair back with her headband. She slid open the wooden door that lead to the spring, and stepped into the evening air.

Lina gasped in delight. The full moon above cast its light down through the drifting of vapor, producing a sort of ethereal, dream-like quality. The pool itself was dyed a lovely sky blue by whatever minerals flowed through its waters, and wide enough that several small islands of smooth rock could be seen jutting out from its surface. A gushing fountain in the back provided the finishing touches to the bath's calming atmosphere.

The springs were newly established, and the other female guests had retired to their rooms, so they had the women's bath all to themselves. Lina dipped a toe into the balmy waters, then lowered herself down, leaving her towel on a nearby stone. Amelia was already deep in relaxation, immersed in water up to her nose, eyes closed and face flushed red from the warmth. Milina sat off to the side, leaning against the pool's edge.

Kalifa emerged last from the women's changing rooms, giving Lina a wink and a smile as she walked toward the pool, swaying her hips seductively as she did. Lina shut her eyes and turned away as Kalifa dipped into the pool, though when she peeked again she saw that the lone female agent had kept her towel on and did not allow the water to reach her chest. Oh right, Devil Fruit.

Lina gritted her teeth as a furious argument erupted from the men's section, interrupting her peaceful repose. Jabra and Fukuro's voices were the loudest, clearly audible over the splashing and the gushing of the fountain, joined by a few others that she didn't recognize. Kneeling to raise her head above the surface, Lina cleared her ears of water, allowing her to make out a few snatches of the conversation.

"What's that zipper on your mouth good for if you can't keep it shut!"

"Can't do anything about it now, chapapa!"

"Shut up! And don't try to 'chapapa' me! I took my eyes off you for a minute and you went and told everyone all about our plans!"

The heads of the four women turned slowly to share a worried glance.


Lina snatched up her towel and threw it around herself. Oh, why did it have to turn out like this? Throwing etiquette to the wind, she invoked a Levitation, soaring over the divider and into the men's section.

Though Blueno and Lucci had remained on the ship, the men's bath was still rather crowded, with seven guys present between their two crews. Three other men stood off to one side, clothed in loose desert apparel. The sullen expressions they wore indicated that they definitely had a stake in this, and from their scars, it looked like they weren't just some ordinary people either.

Nonetheless, whatever concerns they had had been sidelined for the moment by the frantic argument between Jabra and Fukuro. Lina watched as the former clambered onto his colleague's stout chest and tugged at his zipper mouth to emphasize his point. Kaku tried to weigh in, and when words failed to get through, he stood up and forcibly separated the squabbling pair.

Catching himself, Jabra turned instead toward the three strangers, murderous intent burning within his eyes. A carpet of dark fur flowed down his back, and his face stretched outward, bones cracking as they reshaped themselves into a long, lupine snout. A thick, bushy tail sprouted from his back, twitching with jittery energy.

"See to it that the ship's ready to sail when I get back." He growled. "I'll be quick."

Lina opened her mouth to yell for him to stop when a feminine voice cut her off. All eyes turned toward the dressing room, where a young woman stood in the doorway, dressed in a pair of light jeans and a dark tank top, with wavy blue hair tied into a loose ponytail.

Cries of "Princess" and "Princess Vivi" spilled from the mouths of the three men.

"Please stop." The princess pleaded again. "We'll do what you want. Just please, tell me what's happening in my country."
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