Regime Quest

... Oh, I knew I should have voted. I'd have voted for BV, you see. Well, lesson learned!

the choices not to put Ultras in front of Blender lead to an incredibly dangerous die roll to not end the quest, where you had 1d12 and they had 2d10 take highest.
And we rolled an 11 there? Wow, that was definitely crazily lucky.
No need to vote if you were gonna vote for BV, CC always loses coin tosses. I think that's their 4th consecutive.
Aftermath 1
Day 0:
Main action: I rest, using my gift to heal myself. All day. All goddamn day. I'm stir crazy by the end of it, but there isn't any way to make my gift work faster. I endure tripled sensations all day long as I force life force into my shell of a body, repairing damage I never should have survived.

Owner: Owner is mostly sad today. I told her to get started on working out a way to get back, but I don't think she's doing much more than crying about Builder. She tells me Builder threw herself across her when the Union busted into their truck. She tells me Builder took out that enemy tank right at the start of the fight.

I never even saw it. It must have been during one of the times I was getting tackled. I'm honestly a bit broken up about Builder too. I liked her. KEM or whatever, but I wish she hadn't died.

Warband: They mostly settle in, bossing people around and stealing stuff. I try to distract them with a party, and that kind of works. I don't think anybody has died since the end of the battle, but honestly I don't have any real control right now. They follow strength, and I can't even fake that.

Day 1:
Main Action: I continue to heal myself! Today I am much better, hat tip to being magic, it is great. I go out with the Warband this time, getting them in line and planting the idea about their needing to be a Boss for the city. It will be nice to have a carrot to use on them.

Side note, my forehead has healed and it is horrific. It looks like a divot in a golf green. Like a piece of my skull a little bigger than a silver dollar spun on its side, so I have a kind of protruding horn with two dips on either side, all skinned over. I've pulled my Sigil across it, after some vague modifications.

Side Side Note: I tried to give 'Living' to a body, no dice. I can only give attributes to people (and my fucking turtle). This tripled senses thing isn't getting any easier. I fucking hate this. I will find someone who wants this.

Owner: Owner is very sad about Builder. She has been commiserating with some of the Warband, who share her feelings, and they made a kind of a little shrine for our dead. Flowers and the like, much more tasteful than I'd have guessed. No big progress on getting home. She did pull herself together enough to say that renting things in her imaginary world doesn't let her pull them through. She has to own them.

She's started 'hiring' some Ar Harborers, not sure how I feel about that. If she can open up a location here, however, she can pop out some Old World goodies, which will help morale a lot. I kind of missed my chance to stop her while I was healing though, so I'll just have to trust that the funds will work out. I *think* each new location is a net plus, like, gas stations are profitable in her imaginary world. We'll see.

Owner Side Note: Someone told her that the old department store was once a business and it may have given her ideas. She was talking to someone about 'how much that would cost if it was new'. My hazy recollections of the time before the collapse kind of say that big box stores and little stores are in different economic worlds, but who know how her bullshit gift works? At least she seems to be doing something other than crying.

Warband: I've got the warband trying to do the 'hearts and minds' thing with the locals. Framed it as a favor to the new Boss (which they each think will be them). Get the locals in an easier mood to handle. The truth, of course, is the opposite, I'm trying to work on my Ultras, get them in a better mood. If they are proud of getting the Ar Harborers to respect/like them they will be less likely to start a pogrom as soon as I'm gone.

I don't know how likely this is to work, basically everyone involved has lost loved ones at this point, but I don't lose a lot by trying. Let the flowers of community blossom, fertilized by the manure of 'or we kill you'.

Warband Side Note: Some casualties weren't fatalities, looks like we have 19 survivors, plus me and Owner. If I leave 2 or 3 behind to run Ar Harbor I will have a veteran squad to be the core of my new warband.

Day 2:
Main Action: I am healthy again! I can move around, jump up and down, whatever. It is very freeing. I'm naturally celebrating by not moving or jumping, but instead doing a bunch of boring interviews as I try to find out who the Boss should be for Ar Harbor.

I'm DQing sadists, idiots and blatant Ultra supremacists, which leaves me with the following 4 candidates.

Candidate One: Hexxer. She seems essentially untroubled or phased by what has happened. Acts no differently than she did back in Shington, never really shows emotion. Asked what her responsibilities would be, other practical questions.

Candidate Two: Adapter. Owner's partner in sorrow, Adapter was the one who reached out to Smasher when she was in a bad way. She's deep in a funk right now, but from what I remember of her back in Shington she's normally a fairly kind and upbeat person.

Candidate Three: Peeler. Peeler is a ragingly ambitious Ultra, the sort of woman who might want to be Warlord some day. She has twice the energy of any of the other candidates, would definitely take actions, just no way to tell if they would be good or bad for the people of Ar Harbor.

Candidate Four: Guager. A dude, strangely enough. He doesn't communicate, but he can sense what people intend when he looks at them with his giant eye. He is a people pleaser, driven to satiate the desires of those he sees.

I'll have to pick one of them to leave behind when we leave, and probably one or two of the Ultras to stay and be their guards. Most any of them should be strong enough to hold the place from bandits and stray Ultras. The only trouble would be if the Union came back.

Owner Action: Owner got her Ar Harbor gas station up and running. I can only imagine that in her imaginary world there was already one in operation and she just walked in and bought it from its owner, because there was no way you could set up a business that fast in the old world I remembered.

Today, for her, seemed to be mostly about getting it set up properly. Making sure she had enough hires from the town, making sure everyone knew to bring credit cards and cash, that kind of thing. Once that was done she brought some old world panache to our party, let us have a proper (that is, lubricated) celebration of our victory.

Warband: Today they mostly were waiting to meet with me, but I did start to notice that my efforts to paint our time here as an uncomplicated victory was meeting with some success. I started seeing people walking with a little pride, people bragging about how awesome they'd been during the battle.

It was a point I'd been pushing ever since the end of the battle. This was a win. We were winners. I was awesome. Best Warlord ever. That kind of thing. Flattery applied with a fucking shovel. They seemed to be buying into it. Hopefully by the time we got back they'd have echoed it enough times to really believe it.

Day 3.

Main Action: I spent today with the vanquished, doling out healing to the people of Ar Harbor and giving them an idea about what to expect from being part of the Regime. This was important work, but the actual goal I had was a lot simpler.

That was to understand what the fuck I'd just walked into. King Arthur and their whole deal had never made a lot of sense to me, and I didn't like not understanding things.

What I got back was hard for me to understand. I am, down at the core of me, something of a consequentialist. So I judge actions by what happens when you do the actions. There are knock on effects and incentives to consider and all, but at my core I'm the kind of person where to convince me to do something you should tell me what it will accomplish.

That's…not what happened here.

There's a kind of person who, back in the day, would have sold essential oils or tried to get everybody ready to board their ark. They have the ability to, I dunno, sort of change everyone else's calculations. King Arthur was that kind of person.

She didn't get everyone to think that rebuilding some buildings was going to lead to anything good. They weren't thinking about where things were leading. They weren't, I'd say, thinking at all. They were Restoring America. They were Fighting Back. It was about Dignity, about Freedom. Lots of capital letters flying around.

She tapped into a vibe I see a lot in KEM, a lot in my resistance colleagues. The idea that there just has to be something you can do, you know, just world kind of thing. "Are you just gonna sit there and lick nazi boots?" is a powerful argument to some people. The counterspell is to ask how their course of action will actually work, but it doesn't seem like anyone around here had the necessary combination of being practical enough to go there and powerful enough to fight the zeitgeist.

The Union came along at some point, metaphorically sitting down next to her and sliding their tongue in her ear. They were trying to recruit her and Merlin, take them off to fight the Pantheon across the ocean. It would have prolonged and improved their lives, would have let them do far more actual good, and might well have kept Ar Harbour from being sacked. Naturally they turned the Union down flat, came up with excuses and reasons to stay here.

Apparently the Union had been getting steadily more strident about them needing to evacuate for all three months of Regime attacks. People were quietly confident that if the Round Table crew had won this time the Union was going to just try and abduct them. Funny to think about.

Still not answered is HOW they rebuilt all these fucking buildings. The negative space in these stories is basically Ultra shaped, if you take my point. I expect that somewhere in the vicinity of Ar Harbour, or maybe in the town itself, there is a woman who has a powerful gift indeed.

Also not answered is where I'm going to put these fucking 'Living' attributes. I nearly slapped one on an informant as a 'reward' today, only barely came to my senses. This isn't getting easier.
Owner: Owner was on bike shop duty today. My reasoning is that her alter self, the gas station owner, can go around town and by bikes for cheap, then turn around and sell them back for even cheaper. The selling is whatever, just try and get a little profit, but the important thing is that while she owns them they will spawn copies in the real world, copies that we can ride back.
No progress yet, but she assures me that she understands the plan and is working on it. I suspect that she's mostly still grieving Builder, but I think her gift is primarily unconscious on her part, so that shouldn't stop much.

Maybe she'd get over her grief faster if she was 'living'? She pointed out that I've always said giving an attribute is dangerous to the recipient and declined.

Warband: More partying, more celebration. More interactions with the people of Ar Harbour for me to observe! Peeler and Guager are the ones who seem to be getting on best with their prospective subjects.

The gals also found us a car! It is just a sedan, and the engine makes a troubling noise, but it technically drives. It belonged to an Ar Harborer, but they'd already donated it to Lancelot, so our thinking is that it kind of belongs to us in some weird, primitive way. More honestly, they would probably be glad to lose a car if it also took a carful of us far away.

The band also tried to round up some people who knew how to repair trucks, but that went less well. They found a few people, but there aren't really any tools here for the job, and the trucks aren't of a make/model that they might recognize, since Builder just spun them out of whole cloth. They might ultimately get a truck fixed, just because with 4 to draw on their might be undamaged versions of every part, but doing everything by hand it will probably take too long.

Day 4:

Main Action: Today is about getting into contact with KEM/Resistance assets who are local, seeing if they have anything for me. Snitcher is almost certainly not watching my current doings, so it should be safe.

Not that I'm abandoning protocols. We'll do the usual dead drop, etc, but I just can't see him watching what I've been watching for the past few days. No one who had the option to not have the tripled senses would fail to exercise it.

Resistance doesn't have a lot for me. Some stuff on local Ultras that I'm putting later on with the Warband's queries. Makes sense that most Resistance would be in the Regime, since that is what they are 'resisting'. There are some in Ar Harbour, of course, there are some anywhere that there are humans, but most of their info was about the Round Table gang.

KEM comes through with a doozy, though. Merlin is apparently still alive, in some sort of Union medical pod on the outskirts of town. She's in a coma or something. (My first thought is that here is someone who needs to be 'Living'). Interesting possibilities there.

Owner: Owner came through with the bikes. Lots and lots of bikes. I suspect she got more than we needed deliberately, with the idea that the Ar Harborers can use the ones we don't take.
The pattern of being a reseller is a really good one to remember. It should cut way down on our expenditures of her other selfs capital. She needs to move into some kind of middleman business.

A snag, though. Of the 21 of us, only 5 know how to ride bikes. I'm one of them, of course, it turns out riding a bike is a lot like riding a bike. You never forget it.

It's also a lot like itself because tautology, but that's less surprising.

The rest of the Ultras never had bikes, so they are going to have to learn how to ride if I want them to use these. It could be a bit tricky. Ultras don't take humiliation well at all, and learning to ride a bike involves a lot of falling off bikes. We'll see.

Warband: The Warband had the assignment of finding out who the local Ultras are. Not the ones we killed, obviously, but any others. There were a few lurking about.

Soarer is an Ultra who lives in the town, who can fly. Like, super hero flight, like Subtracter has. Just go any direction at any time. She can also grant this to someone else while she is in skin to skin contact with them. No Ultra strength/toughness/speed (what we call combat attributes), so she didn't become part of the Round Table. We were able to find her easily enough.

Sprouter makes plants grow really fast. Not, like, 'vines rise up and throttle her enemies' level of fast. But fast enough to get multiple harvests per season out of a patch or two of veggies. If the Company didn't exist Ultras like this would be really valuable. She has low level Ultra Strength, scaling up as the number of plants under her influence increases. We haven't found her yet, but she lives pretty close to town, we could probably round her up.

Viber um…controls time. I dunno, yeah. This is the answer as to how the buildings got repaired. Her gift makes time around her go at the speed of her general energy. If she is happy it goes fast. So happy her spends long time, but only short time goes by in the outside world . If she is sad it goes slow, so she spends a brief time sad and a long time goes by in the outside world. The resistance was nonspecific about how bad the dilation can get, but the impression I got was like 10x either way.

We haven't gone in and got her yet, but the area she is in is known. The Ar Harborers avoid it, but I could send someone in or go myself. The Warband doesn't know about her yet, I only found out because of being tipped off.

Gorger is an Ultra who can eat anything. Stuff they eat just vanishes away into an extradimensional space instead of actually reaching their stomach. They keep the traits of whatever they much on for a while. I feel a bit of a kinship with her, our gifts have some stuff in common. We found her easily, not hiding, just one more citizen.

Time for player vote as to how to proceed at this point! The following things must be addressed.
  • How to get back to Shington. We have plenty of bikes, but only 4 people proficient with them. We also have a car, and Soarer could probably be persuaded to lend a hand. Blender is a pro at travelling, and won't do anything terribly stupid, but the Union might be watching for you. You have 19 in the Warband, plus any locals you are recruiting, minus any you are leaving behind, plus you and Owner (you can ride a bike, Owner can't).
  • Who will be the boss of Ar Harbor? How many minions are you going to leave with them?
  • What will Blender do with these 'living' tags? If your answer has her still holding onto them you need to get at least 2 votes behind it, to represent the strain.
You can also address other things beyond those 3. Lots of possibilities, just make sure you hit those 3 at the minimum.
Thanks as always for participating!
Let's have a little discussion rather than immediately posting a plan. Here are my initial thoughts; looking for opinions:

The Boss
Generally when it comes to an Ultra dictator, I think people would rather have King Log than King Stork, you know what I mean? That cuts out Peeler, though I think it's best to let her down with a private talk about how she doesn't want to be the boss of Mudville and we're doing her a favor bringing her back to the Lair where the action is. I also don't want to lose Hexxer, who is just the sort of calm, practical sort who I would like to have as part of a veteran warband. That cuts it down to Adapter or Gauger. It's nice that Gauger is a "people pleaser", but that kind of sounds like weird Ultra dominated-by-my-gift behavior that could end up going screwy.

So that leaves Adapter, who will either do nothing in her funk or return to being kind and upbeat. Leave her two minions to help her hold things.

The "safe" option would be to do nothing, but if we want to bet big we could use our Resistance contacts to offer the Union a deal. Agree to get Merlin back on their feet in return for some firearms, and a truck capable of transporting nineteen + fuel enough to make the trip. Make it clear that there could be further deals... they might have use for a healer or someone in the Regime willing to talk. This also gets rid of one of the "Living" aspects. Or maybe just the firearms; easier to justify as a Union cache we "found". More than getting stuff, it's about opening a line of communication. If we ever want to do anything real and not just play at rebelling against the Regime, we need more connections.

Local Ultras
Soarer - Make a play to get her in the warband. Back in WWI the first use of aircraft was not to attack the enemy directly, but to conduct aerial surveillance.

Sprouter - Leave her here.

Viber - Hmmmm. "They found a few people, but there aren't really any tools here for the job, and the trucks aren't of a make/model that they might recognize, since Builder just spun them out of whole cloth. They might ultimately get a truck fixed, just because with 4 to draw on their might be undamaged versions of every part, but doing everything by hand it will probably take too long." I'm seeing a power synergy here. Owner gives Viber some old world luxuries (so she's happy) and buys some automotive tools. Viber stretches out time. The repair crew fixes the trucks in two days that are stretched to 20 days. It worked for the buildings after all!

Gorger - Leave her here.

Travel Back
I presented two options above to get motor vehicles, but really learning how to ride bicycles should not take very long. Just get the warband in the right frame of mind. Talk it up as a the sort of drill they did with Smasher. We're all learning together, nothing the least funny about falling down; you're an Ultra, and you can master this. Smasher would believe in you!

Living Tags
Offer to put them on any Resistance/KEM person who is going on a life-and-death mission soon and needs to survive whatever Ultra fuckery they get hit with long enough to Kill Every Monster. We salute your service. And if they don't want them, just find someone, anyone, who does.


I have many thoughts. Most are stupid or poorly thought out, so I'm great at RPing your average Regime Ultra!

The Boss
Generally when it comes to an Ultra dictator, I think people would rather have King Log than King Stork, you know what I mean? That cuts out Peeler, though I think it's best to let her down with a private talk about how she doesn't want to be the boss of Mudville and we're doing her a favor bringing her back to the Lair where the action is. I also don't want to lose Hexxer, who is just the sort of calm, practical sort who I would like to have as part of a veteran warband. That cuts it down to Adapter or Gauger. It's nice that Gauger is a "people pleaser", but that kind of sounds like weird Ultra dominated-by-my-gift behavior that could end up going screwy.

So that leaves Adapter, who will either do nothing in her funk or return to being kind and upbeat. Leave her two minions to help her hold things.
I strongly disagree with this. Adapter is the sort of Ultra we want in our warband, just to keep its internal dynamics semi-decent. Meanwhile Hexer will probably do a half-decent job as Boss, so let's leave her here.

The "safe" option would be to do nothing, but if we want to bet big we could use our Resistance contacts to offer the Union a deal. Agree to get Merlin back on their feet in return for some firearms, and a truck capable of transporting nineteen + fuel enough to make the trip. Make it clear that there could be further deals... they might have use for a healer or someone in the Regime willing to talk. This also gets rid of one of the "Living" aspects. Or maybe just the firearms; easier to justify as a Union cache we "found". More than getting stuff, it's about opening a line of communication. If we ever want to do anything real and not just play at rebelling against the Regime, we need more connections.
Good plan. Or at least a fun one, so I'll vote for it.

Soarer - Make a play to get her in the warband. Back in WWI the first use of aircraft was not to attack the enemy directly, but to conduct aerial surveillance.
Union will jsut shoot her down, but fine. What's our offer? Work for us and you won't have to fight, just fly around and we'll regularly give you better food/drinks than Company basics?

Viber - Hmmmm. "They found a few people, but there aren't really any tools here for the job, and the trucks aren't of a make/model that they might recognize, since Builder just spun them out of whole cloth. They might ultimately get a truck fixed, just because with 4 to draw on their might be undamaged versions of every part, but doing everything by hand it will probably take too long." I'm seeing a power synergy here. Owner gives Viber some old world luxuries (so she's happy) and buys some automotive tools. Viber stretches out time. The repair crew fixes the trucks in two days that are stretched to 20 days. It worked for the buildings after all!
Nice. Have Owner buy her some weed or booze or something, and we can keep her happy for ages.

Travel Back
I presented two options above to get motor vehicles, but really learning how to ride bicycles should not take very long. Just get the warband in the right frame of mind. Talk it up as a the sort of drill they did with Smasher. We're all learning together, nothing the least funny about falling down; you're an Ultra, and you can master this. Smasher would believe in you!
Or we could just buy mountain bike training wheels. Or even normal training wheels.
I prefer the truck option though.

Living Tags
Offer to put them on any Resistance/KEM person who is going on a life-and-death mission soon and needs to survive whatever Ultra fuckery they get hit with long enough to Kill Every Monster. We salute your service. And if they don't want them, just find someone, anyone, who does.
Good plan, but would the Ultra-haters really want an Ultra permanently altering their body?
[X] Plan Let's Make a Deal

The Boss
  • Leave Hexer as boss, giving her two Ultra minions from the warband to help keep order.
  • Privately assure Peeler that you've done her a favor; there's nowhere up to go from being Boss of some remote city. She'll have her chance to make it big back in the Lair under Her eye.
  • Privately give Adapter a pep talk and tell her you know she'll help keep the warband together.

  • Use your Resistance contacts to extend an offer to the Union. You're pretty sure you could get Merlin back on her feet so they can salvage something from this mess. Things turned out like they did because Her direct attention was on all this, but now that's done.
  • The Resistance can explain how you need to be wary of Snitcher, but you're willing to take a risk during the least likely time for Snitcher to be watching. Maybe we could put on a play where you 'discover' Merlin and 'throttle' her while secretly giving her "Living" to bring her back to the living. Or something? They're pretty smart.
  • In return you'd like to 'discover' a cache of supplies the Union had to 'abandon' in their hurry to get out of town. Firearms, foodstuffs; radios; a transport truck big enough for 20 with plenty of fuel if they can swing it.
  • And open up line of comunication for further deals in the future.

Local Ultras
Soarer - Make a play to get her in the warband, promising luxury old world goods from Owner's store. Back in WWI the first use of aircraft was not to attack the enemy directly, but to conduct aerial surveillance. Promise she can stay out of fighting, or at most only have to snipe from up in the air.

Sprouter - Leave her here.

Viber - Hmmmm. "They found a few people, but there aren't really any tools here for the job, and the trucks aren't of a make/model that they might recognize, since Builder just spun them out of whole cloth. They might ultimately get a truck fixed, just because with 4 to draw on their might be undamaged versions of every part, but doing everything by hand it will probably take too long." I'm seeing a power synergy here. Owner gives Viber some old world luxuries (so she's happy) and buys some automotive tools. Viber stretches out time. The repair crew fixes the trucks in two days that are stretched to 20 days. It worked for the buildings after all! You're not sure exactly what's Owner's gas station will stock, but you're pretty sure that a basic set of automotive tools for the repair crew and food and booze for Viber (and the repair crew) should be included. It would also be interesting to see if Owner being in the "fast time zone" speeds up her store?

Make a pitch to Viber and see if she's willing to go along and if Owner's treats could make her happy enough to make this work and if she's willing. Of course, if she was an Arthur loyalist then it probably won't.

Gorger - Leave her here.

Travel Back
If between the sedan, the deal with the Union, and this truck fix possibility we can get enough vehicles to take sixteen + Soarer back, then do that. If not, carefully teach everyone how to ride a bike. Children learn in about a day's practice; it ain't all that hard. In deference to Ultra egos, make sure you're in some out of the way spot and have chased off any watchers. Then treat it like one of the drills Smasher was running. Quash quickly any notion falling off a bike is "funny". Treat it like any drill where it'll take a few times to get it right and lavish on the praise when they do. They're the best! They'll master these bicycles and be the best damn riders ever.

Edit: Actually, riding bicycles would be a pretty useful skill for the warband no matter what. Unless the business with the vehicles comes together so quickly that there's no time, the warband's "assignment" will be to learn to ride. Owner has already demonstrated she can produce bicycles pretty easily no matter where we are.

Living Tags
Hopefully used at least one on Merlin. For the other one (or two), offer to put them on any Resistance/KEM person who is going on a life-and-death mission soon and needs to survive whatever Ultra fuckery they get hit with long enough to Kill Every Monster. We salute your service. And if they don't want them, just find a couple of the least-tough people in the warband and tell them you're going to power them up. Fuck it, Kill Every Monster, right? They probably have coming whatever happens to them.

@TalonofAnathrax updated Boss vote as per your wishes. Remember, you actually have to vote for it if you're on board with the plan!
Last edited:
Slight edit to make it clear that the warband should learn to ride bicycles no matter what... it could come in handy in the future.
Aftermath 2
Day 5:

Main Action: Social stuff. Lots of things got done today, bleagh. Ok, let me split my summary up into smaller stuff.

Outreach: I got a message to the Resistance to give to the Union, which feels like a safe channel to assume exists. I want to give Merlin one of these 'Living' attributes and in exchange get a truck or a bus from them, maybe some guns.

It's a bit of a long shot that they are going want to work on the level with me after we just tried to kill each other, but I'm willing if they are. Having some covert understanding with the Union would be AMAZING, going forward, for my odds of survival and accomplishing my goals. Fingers crossed here, I really want this to work.

Recruitment: I asked Viber and Soarer to join my unit today, which went over about as well as you'd figure asking people to join the people who killed their friends/family would. Soarer is saying Yes, but I get the feeling that she is only doing so because she assumes the alternative is getting murdered.

She might not be entirely wrong. She is a timid/diffident woman, and the Warband are a pack of bullies. She would be in danger in their company, though I *think* they are well trained enough not to kill her. Or, at least, the ones who survived are. Nothing like lots of death to get rid of the undisciplined.

As far as Viber goes, hrrngh, she's like Blisser, one of those weird Ultras that doesn't really comprehend the world around them, sort of seeing everything through their gift. The dude I sent into her house to pitch the offer came out with a day or so's growth of beard, which is rather alarming.

I was ultimately able to use her to get our truck repaired (more on that later), but moving her presents its own weird difficulties. If I go in a truck with her, and she gets sad, I could miss my next deadline and be killed by Her. I'm not willing to risk it, if we are going to move her (and she is 'willing' in the sense that she doesn't understand anything about where or who she is) then I need to take some precautions, ideally be in a different vehicle.

It is a ridiculous chicken/bear/sack of grain style problem, but it is somehow relevant to my life. Infuriating. My understand of her gift is that it won't protect her vehicle from a drone strike, but it isn't like anyone has ever actually done that experiment.

Truck Repair: This went great. We got the best people together, got them to take a look at the trucks and sent the local Viber-whisperer to move her into position and get her happy. The rest of us moved away and hung out for a few hours, and when we got the call clear the workers had done a month or so of work on it, enough to get one truck back in working order, at the cost of cannibalizing all 4 of the wrecks. (Fortunately, I remembered to leave an appropriate amount of food and water in there.)

I'll indulge in a moment of mourning for Builder here. I've mourned her as a person for a week now, but this moment is about her sheer goddamn utility! It feels heartless to say, but right now I'm sad that I'm going to spend the rest of my goddamn life struggling to do things that would have been trivial if she was alive. RIP Builder, you were so very convenient.

New Boss: All hail Adapter, Sad Queen of Sad Town. May her reign be long and just. I've detailed the Ultras that I thought did the least in the battle to stay behind as her guards, and I'm going to carefully not think about how long she'll be able to keep this place above water. At the every least, she isn't actively maniacal, and honestly, the Regime being how it is, I'm going to call that a win.

Owner stuff: Owner spent today selling things to the people of Ar Harbour. They really love the idea of trading useless plastic cards they find in the ruins for Old World stuff, and I think some of the things I saw her selling will be actual Quality Of Life improvements. Owner doesn't know it, but I think she's just guaranteed herself a place in future excursions, at least in the aftermath.
For her part, she is always happy to sell when/where she can, but best of all is a place she hasn't been active before. Credit Cards are a couple thousand bucks each in her private world, and when she trades them for beers and candy it helps to build up her operating funds.

Warband stuff: They were mostly hopping about on my errands today, and what time I left them for their own devices was mostly about celebrating the new Boss and the stuff leading up to and following away from that. They are getting a bit restless, methinks, so it is a good thing I'm planning on leaving tomorrow. The DID do some practicing on those bikes. I'd say that they are adequate, at this point, did wonders for their morale, at least. I'd forgotten that bike riding is a lot of fun.

Very weird to observe the warband enjoying anything. For a group of merciless killers they sound a lot like a bunch of teenagers/twentysomethings when they let their fists down.
Frightening Trivia: The guy who attacked me at the end, who staved in my skull, was apparently Arthur's lover, went by 'Mordred'. Warband asked around about him, apparently he still had his buffs after Arthur died, ran out of town, and was heard, and I quote, 'swearing vengeance'.


I expect I'll see him again sometime, hopefully I won't go into our next bout with a crippling chest injury. If I'm lucky he'll be pissed at Her, not me.

I'm never lucky.

Tomorrow (that is, Day 6 of Mission 2, where I'm assuming She will have something for me to do on or around Day 30): We set off, first thing in the morning! Time to go back to Shington.

Player Votes:
  • Pass on 'Living' to Merlin or no? Doesn't look like the Union is going to get back to me before I set out on the road. If Yes, give a brief synopsis for Blender is setting this up for anyone Snitching on her.
  • Let me know what you want to do about recruits. They will both come along if you push, Soarer seems like she might be a flight risk (ha ha), but doesn't need any transport at all. Viber needs special transport (Can't ride a bike, Blender won't share a vehicle with her.)
  • Give me the basic plan for getting back. You have a car, a truck and a bunch of bikes. Shington is a day's driving, a week or so on bikes. Blender is the best navigator of the crew, but now that you've made the trip once it is much less likely that anyone gets lost.
  • Getting rid of 'Living' tags. Blender must get rid of at least one of these. She can keep another extra, though she'd be more comfortable getting rid of both. Let me know who gets the tag she is definitely dropping, with choices ranging from a local (after your healing none are in poor healthy, but an extra life never hurt), your Resistance contact, a member of the Posse (builds loyalty?), Merlin, or anything you want to write in.
  • Last minute actions? It is pretty set in stone that Blender and Co. are heading back on the morning of Day 6, but you still have the night before if you think of anything you want to get done.

Thanks for responding, as always!
@Walter I got to say you're making this "Living trait disposal" thing into kind of a drag. Is it that big a deal?

[X] Plan Pass the Living

  • Pass "Living" to Merlin even without an explicit deal; maybe it'll keep the Union from drone striking me on the way back if nothing else.
  • Make a visit out to where Merlin is being kept in the late at night, having pushed one last Resistance message about "tonight or never" and "just play along for the Snitcher"
  • Ham it up with some double meaning phrases; "I'm here for Merlin. Dying is too good for that bitch, she's going to have to live and suffer."
  • If the Union doesn't kill me or try and chase me off with guns and stuff, give Living to Merlin and also lie aloud about, "I found the perfect Blend for you. Live and suffer," like you're giving her a tortuous blend.
  • Then get the hell out of there as fast as possible.
  • If the Union guards don't seem to "get it" and are trying to kill me for real, beat a hasty retreat.

  • I got what I wanted out of Viber, but I don't see a long term future for her. Leave her here,
  • Soarer comes along under her own power. She takes a warband member with her while flying, which I play off them scouting together/a reward of getting to fly but is really to keep an eye on her.

Getting Back
  • As Warlord, I get to ride in the truck the entire way and so does Owner as a member of my personal posse
  • The others get to take turns between riding in the truck and bicycling.
  • I ride the truck down the road carrying as many people (and their bicycles) as the truck can without being too cramped for about 15 or 20 minutes and and wait for the rest to catch up on bicycles, rinse and repeat.
  • Basically everybody gets a turn in the truck, but I also use it for petty power dynamics. People who make me happy get to ride; those on my shitlist get to bicycle.
  • Soarer is on "scout ahead" duty, taking a warband member along with her to make sure she accurately reports back. She's to look for any signs of a Union ambush.
  • Get rid of both livings no matter what. Order of preference is - Merlin, Resistance Contact who wants it, and then posse members no matter what.
Hmm, hard one to answer, I think it is mostly a 'Yes' tho.

Blender not being able to accumulate extra traits is a game balance thing, just to stop her from being one of those rolling balls that gets bigger when it rolls more stuff up to roll more stuff up. She is supposed to be Kirby, not Megaman.

The enforcement mechanism back when I was tracking Agency Points was that you couldn't recover them while you had an extra attribute, so the players would naturally get rid of them. I'm trying to replicate the feel of that mechanic in my current, slightly more freeform way of doing stuff, by having her complain about it a lot.

As far as it being a big deal, in theory giving someone a trait can kill them if it knocks off another, more critical trait (I give you 'jumping', and 'living' falls off). So it speaks to Blender's character who she will give to and why, but I've never actually assigned #'s to how likely it is. She hasn't seen it (on camera) kill anyone that way, but she has in her backstory. She's given out a few at this point (see, Jumper, Builder), without killing them, so it is at least somewhat rare.

Other people can also (in theory) suffer from the same malaise that afflicts her when she's over capacity if it pushes them over capacity (that is, Bob Random isn't any happier Livingx3 than Blender is). Most people have enough slack for one extra attribute in their though, so that's rarely a concern. This is tied into why most people survive her giving blends, if you are 3/4 and you get 1 you won't lose anything. Death via a Blend donation needs someone to be at capacity and for the one it knocks off to be something crucial.

It isn't supposed to be hard, though, Blender can do it no prob whenever there is someone nearby. Just something she has to do.
Aftermath 3
Day 5: (Night)

Supplemental Action: Merlin. I'm not normally one for night activity, but some deeds are best done without witnesses, and with any luck at all Snitcher will have decided that I am generally only active during the day, and will not have been checking up on me.

I hadn't heard back from the Union, which wasn't terribly surprising, it wasn't even clear my offer had made its way to their decision makers, but I went to deliver on my part of the proposed bargain anyway. They didn't have a lot of reasons to believe in my goodwill, so it was time to start giving them a few.

I stole out from the dwelling I'd commandeered under cover of night, steering my way towards the building my Resistance contacts had indicated contained her comatose form.
I spared a thought for the possibility that it might be a trap of some sort, but dismissed it. My warband were sleeping within shouting range, and everyone in this town with the courage to oppose us had died in the battle with Arthur.

The possibility existed, of course, that the Union had snuck back in in order to setup a kill shot at me, but I dismissed that too. I couldn't go through life assuming that assassins were waiting in every bathroom. I was a strong Ultra, I had no reason to fear, I resolved not to do so.

The door was unlocked, I snuck within. There were no lights, not many amenities. I could dimly make out a figure in a sort of an egg shaped pod thing. Like a clear plastic couch that also had a top, if I had to describe it. I walked over to it and groped around on it, looking for a catch or some other way to open it up.

I'd originally planned to deliver some hammy lines about 'really make you suffer' or something similar, but I'd been working off the idea that there'd be anyone to talk to here. I'd fall back on that if anyone showed up, but in the absence of anyone to talk to I felt like even Snitcher might realize that he was the target audience of a monolog delivered to an unconscious person.

I didn't find a hook to unlock or anything, but there was a section of the top middle area where there was no plastic, like a kind of window. I stuck a hand down in there and felt around until I got it on her face.

I released the first of the two 'Living' attributes that I'd got during the battle, to my immense satisfaction.

I was immediately aware of two things. First, it was very fucking dark in here with my vision only doubled, and second, the figure under my hand immediately started to stir.

I wasted no time, retreating rapidly from the premises like I was on fire. I might not actually have any Ultra Speed, but I like to think that I can scamper with the best of them. I was back out on the street in less than ten seconds, walking away like I'd never actually entered.

Day 6:

Departure: I got rid of the other 'Living' while we were getting ready to go. The Resistance contact who'd pointed Merlin out to me had ultimately decided that she wanted it, so I slapped her five on my way to departing.

It's hard to describe how much relief I felt as I finally got rid of the last extra attribute, went back to the spirit I'd been born with. I also have my death touch back in tip top shape, so that's fun too.

Travel: We spent today heading back to Shington, taking the same route that we'd taken to go there.

I'd been considering relying on the bikes a bit, but between the truck, the sedan and Soarer we were able to get everyone motorized without squeezing people in too much.

I rode in the truck, and I also used that as, essentially, a kind of mobile court, where those in my good graces carried on with plenty of space, under my watchful gaze. The car was my purgatory, hot boxed and crammed with seven Ultras, filled with those with whom I was less thrilled.

Soarer took Peeler with her on the trip, they seemed to get along, and from what she tells me flying gifts are great fun. If I can spare the time, I might try going flying with Soarer sometime in the future. It might be revealing to see Shington from the air, and I know I'll need relief from the pressures of my situation at some point.

We got back late at night, and I left the Warband back at their old Barracks, while Owner and I evicted the chumps who'd dared to move into the Packer House while I was gone.


Day 7 (Trying to simplify the format to make the quest less impenetrable to new readers) ? until next battle

Ultra rolodex: (#/#/# is Ultra strength/speed/toughness)
Tracker – Running buddy, 1/0/1, Creates tracks, and can move things on them
Shower – Adder's protégé, 1*/0/1*, gains strength and durability from witnesses
Echoer – Singer I am a fan of, 1/1/1, can duplicate any action that she sees
Bubbler – Operates Ultra clinic 0/0/?, traps things in bubbles that heal and move them
Sucker — Ultra entertainer, ?/?/?, pulls objects/people towards her at incredible rate
Gunner — 0/0/1, she shoots tracking Ultra Blasts at roughly Ultra Strength One
Chiller — 1/0/1, can freeze any object she touches, leaving them brittle and easily broken
Cutter — 1/1/1, she is a brutal front line combatant
Swimmer — 1/0/1, she can 'swim' through solid surfaces
Burner — 0/0/1, she can summon Ultra fire from anywhere that she can see
Maxxer — 0/0/0, she can augment the gifts of other Ultras, pushing their gifts
Puncher — 1/0/1, her strength and speed both go up when she repeats her movements
Replayer — 1/2/0, she can 'step back in time' to undo damage that she takes
Maker- Friend, and protégé of Snitcher, 0/0/1, can summon the spirit of things
Clawer – Ultra fighter 2/0/1, melee combatant, deadly hooks for hands
Stopper – partner of Clawer, 0/0/0, steals form's velocity by looking at them
Sticker – Did dentistry for her brother, 0/0/2, Creates slime, can choose its stickiness
Grower – 0/*0/1, an outside Ultra I sponsored into the Lair, has a bullet blend from me, can rapidly increase the size and mass of objects
Joker — 0/2/0, a woman who can change what other people/herself look like

Assets: (physical)
1 truck
1 sedan
Owner's Shington Store
Packer House
Fog Machines
Lasers (diverse)

Posse: (4 slots, 1 filled)
Owner (trusted friend, housemate, gift hard to describe) 0/0/1

16 Veteran Ultras
Hexxer, Peeler, Guager, Soarer are notably less evil than the rest.

Blender AP: 10/10
Actions cost 3, return 2 on success 0 on failure unless otherwise specified, Blender gains 1 AP every morning

Available Actions:

Posse Recruitment tree
Meet more Ultras (describe method, adds d6 to contacts)
Get to know specific Ultra better (describe method transitions Ultra to potential Posse member)
Invite Ultra to Posse (must have got to know target first, if accepted, Ultra joins Posse)

Warband tree
Get more Ultras (describe method, adds Ultras to warband of quality/quantity dependent on method)
Train warband (describe method, makes QM kinder to Blender in combat sections re: her troops actions and numbers)
Task warband (describe, needs Posse member or Blender to lead them, sets warband to a task)

VIP tree (Used for Regime Luminaries)
Visit VIP (explain, explain Blender's motives and methods) (only returns 1 AP on success)

Contacts tree: (Blender currently believes morning is safer from Snitcher)
Get info from contacts (specify KEM or Resistance, method if different from usual dead drop)
Request mission from contacts (ask KEM or Resistance for action)

Relax tree: (Actions which, on balance, regain AP)
Lay still: Cost 0, auto succeed, returns 2
Relaxation activities, Cost 0, returns 3 on success, 1 on failure
Healing work, Cost 1, returns 6 on success, Snitcher hazard
Blisser session, auto succeed, returns 4 per timeslot, cannot be ended until Blender is back at 10

Miscellaneous action: (Anything not covered above, scavenging, info gathering in person, etc, describe what Blender is going for)

Player Input:
Blender Morning Action
Blender Afternoon Action
(Owner is busy today, mollifying angry Ultras about her absence)
@TalonofAnathrax What do you think?

So let's step back and set some priorities and thoughts about Blender's future direction.

1. We got to find a way to deal with this Snitcher thing. Just taking chance after chance and hoping we've picked the right time when Snitcher isn't watching is asking for trouble.

I have three different ideas on how to tackle that:

a. Learn a Snitcher secret weakness (if it exists) for what might block his powers.
b. Find an Ultra who allows some sort of communication method he can't see through my eyes and hear through my ears, like telepathy or some shit.
c. Find an Ultra who can put us in somewhere his gift can't see, like maybe a pocket dimension or something. For instance, he might have had a lot of trouble seeing people in Viber's sped-up time... but she was just so impossible to manage.

2. Need to refocus on our true purpose. KEM/the Resistance came through for us back on that mission, and we need to help them out. What the hell am I even here for?

[X] Plan Snitches Tell Stories

Morning Action - Request mission from contacts: Resistance

Afternoon Acton - Hang out with Maker. Tell her about my recent adventures, but use the chance to pump her for more information on Snitcher since she's his protégé. How did she get in good with him? What's his deal, really. End with inviting her into the Posse. Hell, we're friends; why did I wait so long, right?
Rolls Post
Walter threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Even BV, Odd CC Total: 9
9 9
Walter threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Get to know Joker Total: 5
5 5
Walter threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruit Warband Total: 7
7 7
Walter threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Owner Diplo Total: 4
4 4
@TalonofAnathrax What do you think?

So let's step back and set some priorities and thoughts about Blender's future direction.

1. We got to find a way to deal with this Snitcher thing. Just taking chance after chance and hoping we've picked the right time when Snitcher isn't watching is asking for trouble.

I have three different ideas on how to tackle that:

a. Learn a Snitcher secret weakness (if it exists) for what might block his powers.
b. Find an Ultra who allows some sort of communication method he can't see through my eyes and hear through my ears, like telepathy or some shit.
c. Find an Ultra who can put us in somewhere his gift can't see, like maybe a pocket dimension or something. For instance, he might have had a lot of trouble seeing people in Viber's sped-up time... but she was just so impossible to manage.

2. Need to refocus on our true purpose. KEM/the Resistance came through for us back on that mission, and we need to help them out. What the hell am I even here for?

[X] Plan Snitches Tell Stories

Morning Action - Request mission from contacts: Resistance

Afternoon Acton - Hang out with Maker. Tell her about my recent adventures, but use the chance to pump her for more information on Snitcher since she's his protégé. How did she get in good with him? What's his deal, really. End with inviting her into the Posse. Hell, we're friends; why did I wait so long, right?
Thanks for tagging me! I would have voted but I was undecided, so I decided to keep quiet and let the dice decide. Focusing on Snitcher is good, but requesting missions from the Resistance felt hamfisted. Basically I expect us to either be given another job immediately, or have to fix our team dynamic and recruit two more Posse members before another job comes. Diving headfirst into another mission now felt premature.
Mission 1, Turn 1
Day 7:
Morning: getting to know Joker.

"How'd she die?" asked Joker.

I looked away for a long moment, thinking about Builder's last moments.

We'd met up at one of the Ultra Fight sites, an old skate park that they'd built a wall of rubble around. It set my old brawler instincts tingling to be in an arena and not have a fight lined up.

"Well," I finally said. "She chose her own way out, you know? I think that's all any of us get in the end."

Joker looked searchingly at me for a bit, and then it was her turn to look away.

Or, at least, I thought that's what she was doing. I wasn't entirely clear on the limits of her disguise ability.

Builder had run through the details on her, way back when I had her investigate Joker the first time. She could disguise any number of people, making them look like anything that she could imagine. She had to touch you first, but thereafter she could always disguise you forever after that.

The disguises were only visual, and they went away when she slept. She used them in the Ultra Fights mostly to make people look wounded or do minor cosmetic changes, or to let the same person play multiple roles.

I'd felt like I knew quite a bit about her gift, but I still wasn't sure she was really looking where she looked like she was looking.

"I told her not to go," she finally said. "Begging for a bullet, with her gift. I don't know how you talked her into it."

"It wasn't a bullet that got her," I responded. "I warded her against that. She fell to a Union Ultra, same one that got me."

Her gaze went to my forehead, she winced.

"An impressive victory," she said, after the moment stretched uncomfortably, "Your tenure as Warlord is off to a fantastic start. Has She given you your next assignment yet?"

"I can't say," I answered. "The last target had agents inside the Lair. I've basically given up on the idea of ever leaving my war footing."

She held up her hands in mock surrender.

"You caught me," she said. "My secret plan to gather intelligence by just asking one of you slowpokes instead of using my gift to get the info is in the open now."

I chuckled, turning that over in my mind.

I hadn't been really thinking too hard about it, but her gifts would make surveillance a breeze.

"I envy you," she eventually said.

I raised an eyebrow, inquisitively.

"Being bulletproof, fighting Her enemies. It must be nice. I have to be constantly alert, always aware. If I ever miss a shot, that's it for me."

"Sounds rough," I said, deadpan.

"Sure, sure," she allowed, "Listen to the lady with Ultra Speed gripe, but you know what they say about everyone wanting everyone else's gift. I'm no more immune than anyone else."

"Right back at you," I responded, "It must be nice to be that fast."

She smirked at me for a moment.

"It's alright," she said. "Makes normal conversations and such a pain, and waiting for things is just the worst, but you get used to it. There are compensations, you know?"

I could imagine.

We talked of even more inconsequential things after that, just shooting the breeze and getting to know one another a bit. I didn't find out any surprising or alarming facts, Joker seemed to be about what Builder had reported.

She was a powerful Ultra, combining a gift with moderate utility with some significant direct combat ability. Like Builder, she wouldn't join the Posse unless I could protect her from bullets. Like Smasher, she didn't seem to have any particular moral stances, neither for nor against my actual priorities.

Afternoon: Recruiting from the Yard

My newfound prestige had made my stock rise even higher back at the Yard. The cheers and hooting went on for what seemed like an hour when I made my triumphant return.
I gave them a pretty basic speech, nothing fancy. We were mighty, our enemies were bitches, join me and see battle against Her enemies, all that sort of thing.

It amazed me that people could watch me bring back just about one out of every four who followed me away the last time and trip over themselves to join up. It was a pattern of behavior that had just never really clicked for me. I'd probably been protected by my contempt, my estrangement from those around me. These women would unironically die for the Regime for the same reason that people have always been willing to die for their tribes.

Just 'us against them' was all. Nothing weird or hard to explain about it.

Recruitment went pretty well. I'd taken quite a few out of the Yard before, and not all of those present now were up to my standards, but I found eight Ultras who seemed strong enough.
The warband itself had been busy, and there were another five Ultras waiting at the barracks to join up. All told thirteen new members, almost doubling our numbers.

It was hard to know whether or not to be happy about that, in the absence of a defined mission. Her idiotic rule against outnumbering our enemies meant I might have to leave some Ultras behind if the next enemy wasn't numerous, but I might also be well behind where I needed to be if I was walking into a 200 Ultra fortress.

I was probably good for now, I couldn't imagine anywhere big enough for Her to want it sacked having just ten Ultras guarding it, but it would be a good idea to find out when and where I was hitting next before I spent too much more energy on the warband.

Looking back at my last outing, one of the most important developments was getting the info on King Arthur and her gang comparatively early. It would be very convenient if I pull that off again.

Owner: Customer Satisfaction

"Rough day?" I asked Owner.

We were settling in for our usual sleep/guard routine, safely ensconced in our usual room of the Packer House.

She looked like spent the day being crucified, and like tomorrow would be more of the same. She was drawn, pale, and utterly exhausted. Honestly she'd probably looked better on the trip back from Ar Harbour.

"Yeah," she said, shortly.

She lay down on her bed at that point, essentially cutting off the possibility of any further conversation on the matter.

I very nearly pressed, it wouldn't be too hard to force it out of her, but the thing was that Owner wasn't stupid.

We'd been together for a while, and she'd never been hesitant about asking for my help if she needed it. She wasn't asking now.

That told me that she thought my assistance would make things worse. Maybe her ornery customers were strong enough or connected enough to give even the warlord pause, or maybe she just figured that things would go more smoothly if she did things her way.

Whatever the reason, it meant that I'd be stepping on her efforts if I made my own inquiries into her situation, or at least running the risk of doing so. I couldn't exactly foretell the consequences of doing that.

The consequences of not doing it, on the other hand, seemed to be that she was busy placating the Lair's Ultras, instead of helping me keep us alive. It seemed like she wasn't done yet, and I had no idea how much longer it might take.

I drifted off to sleep, mulling over whether or not to meddle in Owner's affairs.

Day 8 ? until next battle

Ultra rolodex: (#/#/# is Ultra strength/speed/toughness)
Tracker – Running buddy, 1/0/1, Creates tracks, and can move things on them
Shower – Adder's protégé, 1*/0/1*, gains strength and durability from witnesses
Echoer – Singer I am a fan of, 1/1/1, can duplicate any action that she sees
Bubbler – Operates Ultra clinic 0/0/?, traps things in bubbles that heal and move them
Sucker — Ultra entertainer, ?/?/?, pulls objects/people towards her at incredible rate
Gunner — 0/0/1, she shoots tracking Ultra Blasts at roughly Ultra Strength One
Chiller — 1/0/1, can freeze any object she touches, leaving them brittle and easily broken
Cutter — 1/1/1, she is a brutal front line combatant
Swimmer — 1/0/1, she can 'swim' through solid surfaces
Burner — 0/0/1, she can summon Ultra fire from anywhere that she can see
Maxxer — 0/0/0, she can augment the gifts of other Ultras, pushing their gifts
Puncher — 1/0/1, her strength and speed both go up when she repeats her movements
Replayer — 1/2/0, she can 'step back in time' to undo damage that she takes
Maker- Friend, and protégé of Snitcher, 0/0/1, can summon the spirit of things
Clawer – Ultra fighter 2/0/1, melee combatant, deadly hooks for hands
Stopper – partner of Clawer, 0/0/0, steals form's velocity by looking at them
Sticker – Did dentistry for her brother, 0/0/2, Creates slime, can choose its stickiness
Grower – 0/*0/1, an outside Ultra I sponsored into the Lair, has a bullet blend from me, can rapidly increase the size and mass of objects
Joker — 0/2/0, a woman who can change what other people/herself look like

Assets: (physical)
1 truck
1 sedan
Owner's Shington Store
Packer House
Fog Machines
Lasers (diverse)

Posse: (4 slots, 1 filled)
Owner (trusted friend, housemate, gift hard to describe) 0/0/1

16 Veteran Ultras, 13 Rookie (that is, haven't worked with me before) Ultras
Hexxer, Peeler, Guager, Soarer are notably less evil than the rest.

Blender AP: 9/10 (10 -3 +2 -3 +2 +1)
Actions cost 3, return 2 on success 0 on failure unless otherwise specified, Blender gains 1 AP every morning

Available Actions:

Posse Recruitment tree
Meet more Ultras (describe method, adds d6 to contacts)
Get to know specific Ultra better (describe method transitions Ultra to potential Posse member)
Invite Ultra to Posse (must have got to know target first, if accepted, Ultra joins Posse)

Warband tree
Get more Ultras (describe method, adds Ultras to warband of quality/quantity dependent on method)
Train warband (describe method, makes QM kinder to Blender in combat sections re: her troops actions and numbers)
Task warband (describe, needs Posse member or Blender to lead them, sets warband to a task)

VIP tree (Used for Regime Luminaries)
Visit VIP (explain, explain Blender's motives and methods) (only returns 1 AP on success)

Contacts tree: (Blender currently believes morning is safer from Snitcher)
Get info from contacts (specify KEM or Resistance, method if different from usual dead drop)
Request mission from contacts (ask KEM or Resistance for action)

Relax tree: (Actions which, on balance, regain AP)
Lay still: Cost 0, auto succeed, returns 2
Relaxation activities, Cost 0, returns 3 on success, 1 on failure
Healing work, Cost 1, returns 6 on success, Snitcher hazard
Blisser session, auto succeed, returns 4 per timeslot, cannot be ended until Blender is back at 10

Miscellaneous action: (Anything not covered above, scavenging, info gathering in person, etc, describe what Blender is going for)

Player Input:
Blender Morning Action
Blender Afternoon Action
(Owner is still busy whatever she is dealing with is ongoing)
[X] Plan Touch base with Maker

Blender Morning - Hang out with Maker. Tell her about my recent adventures, but use the chance to pump her for more information on Snitcher since she's his protégé. How did she get in good with him? What's his deal, really. End with inviting her into the Posse. Hell, we're friends; why did I wait so long, right?

Blender Afternoon - Investigate potential next mission. Method: My last mission was a follow-up to a bunch of failed missions, right? It stands to reason that my next mission might go the same way, working on a problem that the Regime has been trying to deal with for a while rather than something totally new. Hook into the Lair gossip network by bragging about my own exploits and inviting Ultras to talk about other recent warband missions. See if there have been any recent failures She might order me to to clean up.

@TalonofAnathrax what do you think? I'm trying to follow up on the not so subtle hint that knowing the next mission beforehand would be a big advantage, and I still think it's very worthwhile to check in with someone we bought during character creation as an explicit "friend" and who might also know something about Snitcher.
Rolls post
Walter threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Even BV odd CC Total: 4
4 4
Walter threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Hang out with Maker Total: 7
7 7
Walter threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Investigate Potential Missions Total: 2
2 2
Walter threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Owner mollify clients Total: 5
5 5
Mission 2, Turn 2
Day 8:
Morning: Catching up with Maker

I knocked at the door, stood back to wait.

It was honestly weird to see a building in Shington, in the damn Lair of all places, with a carefully maintained lawn and no holes in any of the walls. Maker's house looked like belonged at the end of a suburban cul de sac somewhere, way back in the past when such things were normal.

I could see a few of her creations darting around at the edges of my field of vision. One was fixing a pothole out in the street, another bringing a hefty sack of something or other over to a side door. They took no notice of me, of course, as I wasn't relevant to their reasons for existing.

Andrew opened the door. He was a big guy, middle aged. He'd packed on a few pounds since the last time I'd been bye, but unless he had a secret forehead divot I was in no position to criticize.
"Mia!" he said, delighted, holding out a hand for a handshake.

It never failed to amuse me that Maker's brother had absolutely no fear of my death touch. Half of my own warband would recoil if I tried to shake their hands, but this human asked for it without thinking twice.

"Andrew," I responded, "Nice to see you again."

He stepped back into the house, and I followed him inside.

Stepping into Maker's place was always like going back in time. She had electric lighting. She had matching furniture. She had air conditioning, for goodness sake. I stood in a room that I could only call a foyer, but I was also, in a very real way, standing in the old world.

I'd never worked out who exactly had owned this place, back in the day. Some congress critter or lobbyist, most likely. Town houses didn't come cheap, not when this was the capital of a nation.
"Hey Blender," said Maker, stepping out of a hallway. "How you doing?"

Andrew was big, six feet something, the kind of guy you'd automatically step aside for if you were on a collision course. Maker was to him as he was to me. She towered over me, I came up to mid chest height.

"Quite well," I answered, "You see the fight?"

She pumped a fist, then nodded for me to follow her and led the way into a sitting room.

One of her creatures, I always thought of them as goblins, hovered around anxiously. She made a gesture and it shot off to fetch something. Water, if I remembered correctly.

"I was so worried for you!" she said. "They kept knocking you down. That must have been awful."

"I kept getting back up," I said. "And, in the end, they didn't."

The goblin swept back in with glasses of water, and I was delighted to find that it was actually cold.

"Well, congratulations on your victory!" she said. "We were all rooting for you."

I gave a wan smile.

"How did you watch it?" I asked. "I know Snitcher can't save things for later viewing, and I know he was with Her when that fight was happening."

At least, I thought I knew that. If I was wrong about that I was in a frankly horrifying amount of trouble if he ever decided to go back and check my mornings. I'd based my anti-Snitcher strategy pretty soundly around the idea that he didn't have a save function.

"He casts a lot of things to me," she said, unabashedly, "and I always make sure to catch the Warlord fights. We really wouldn't have anything to talk about if I didn't share his viewings, don't you know. They are his whole life!"

"Oh," I said, "I didn't realized that he can share his vision with someone who isn't present. That must be very convenient."

Also, low key, somewhat terrifying. It meant that he could probably hijack my senses whenever he wanted.

Everyone knew that Snitcher could ride your senses once he'd touched you. Everyone knew that he could take someone else along, that was how She was able to watch out of people's eyes.
But somehow I'd always assumed that the people he wanted to show his target's senses to had to be physically with him at the time. Sobering to learn that that was not the case.

"You were amazing!" she gushed. "So brave! I had my heart in my throat every time you stepped up into the fighting. There were so many of those rebels, but you never got scared."

I did the gesture where you sort of fan your face. Like a modest, 'go on' kind of gesture.

She did, in fact, go on, and I was treated to the unfamiliar sensation of being fawned over. Maker was extremely impressed by my wartime heroics, and not at all shy about showing it.

We got caught up over the course of a few hours. Her family was thriving, her situation basically good, and her relationship with Snitcher remained rock solid.

It might just be residual rivalry talking, but Maker was honestly lucky she'd lost out in the Warlord race. Arthur and company would have eaten her alive. As shy and retiring as she was, it was hard to imagine how she'd have ever recruited more forces than just her goblins.

I got a little more stuff about Snitcher, aside from just the thing about him being able to bring his snitches in on the viewing side of things. Maker seemed to be essentially his entire social circle, and she gave me a decent view into the nature of the guy.

Everyone knew that he was a voyeur, of course, but, like, I'd never fully appreciated the extent to which that applied. Dude was paralyzed. He spent essentially zero time inside his own form. The snitches lived his life on his behalf.

It wasn't all screwing. He had them just hanging out, had us going into danger, the Fists pushing people around… Snitcher, in a weird way, the soul of the Regime to a greater extent even than Her.

It inspired me to think of a new anti-Snitcher countermeasure. Even if I was going to do something suspect at a time when he was active, I should be ok as long as I was really really boring beforehand. He would basically never catch on as long as anyone in his orbit was doing anything more interesting than what I was up to.

I finished our conversation with the preliminary invite for Maker to join the Posse.

She said she had to think about it. I was actually a bit surprised to find out what was driving her reluctance.

"I'm just worried I'd drag you down," she said.

"Let me worry about that."

"I saw the last mission," she reminded me. "I saw how hard you had to fight with two noncombatants in your Posse. I hate to think that I'd contribute to anything like that."

"I really think-"

She cut me off.

"Let me think on it for a few days, ok?" she said. "I'll get back to you by Day 11."

We shook hands again, and I left.

Afternoon: Gather Info on new targets.

I spent the afternoon listening to gossip, trying to get a hint as to where my next mission might be.

It was incredibly irritating to realize that most of the other people who were gossiping with me were desperately trying to get a hint *from* me as to where my next mission might be.

It made sense, of course, I would presumably be the first one to know, but it still led to some weirdly stilted exchanges where we all acted like of course we knew, while knowing that the other didn't know.

I had the odd sensation that I was witnessing Resistance/KEM info gatherers at work, presumably they would be reporting my caginess back to the King Arthur equivalents in a variety of other targets as soon as they could.

I was able to put one notion to rest, at least. I'd speculated that the Regime, having previously sent me at a target that had resisted their efforts (our efforts? I didn't think of myself as part of the Regime, but of course I was) might do so again.

It turned out they were simpler than that.

The Regime attacks the same place, over and over, until it wins. Then it attacks a new place. If Warlords fail too many times in a row they send a Fist, or She goes in person.

So I don't have to worry about the next target being one that we have failed at before, it'll be one we haven't attacked yet (or one that we successfully defeated a long time ago, and then lost.)

Evening: Debriefing Owner

Owner was clearly in a better this evening, lacking the fatigue that had been so evident the day before.

"I got my customers squared away," she said, "and I've fixed the worker situation. I should be able to start working on our next mission tomorrow."

I liked that it was 'our' mission now. Back in the day she used to ask me what I was doing to prepare for 'my' mission.

"Nothing too serious?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"Just some Ultras getting snippy about their junk food getting cut off, dick measuring stuff. Plus some of my workers had wandered off when they weren't sure I was going to come back. Can't blame em."

"You put it to rest?"

"Yep," she said. "Everyone's feathers have been soothed. We should be good going forward."

I settled in to make sure no one killed us while we slept.

Day 9 ? until next battle
Note to players, Maker will contact you with her yes/no on Posse membership in a few days. No need to spend an action on it if you don't want to.

Ultra rolodex: (#/#/# is Ultra strength/speed/toughness)
Tracker – Running buddy, 1/0/1, Creates tracks, and can move things on them
Shower – Adder's protégé, 1*/0/1*, gains strength and durability from witnesses
Echoer – Singer I am a fan of, 1/1/1, can duplicate any action that she sees
Bubbler – Operates Ultra clinic 0/0/?, traps things in bubbles that heal and move them
Sucker — Ultra entertainer, ?/?/?, pulls objects/people towards her at incredible rate
Gunner — 0/0/1, she shoots tracking Ultra Blasts at roughly Ultra Strength One
Chiller — 1/0/1, can freeze any object she touches, leaving them brittle and easily broken
Cutter — 1/1/1, she is a brutal front line combatant
Swimmer — 1/0/1, she can 'swim' through solid surfaces
Burner — 0/0/1, she can summon Ultra fire from anywhere that she can see
Maxxer — 0/0/0, she can augment the gifts of other Ultras, pushing their gifts
Puncher — 1/0/1, her strength and speed both go up when she repeats her movements
Replayer — 1/2/0, she can 'step back in time' to undo damage that she takes
Maker- Friend, and protégé of Snitcher, 0/0/1, can summon the spirit of things
Clawer – Ultra fighter 2/0/1, melee combatant, deadly hooks for hands
Stopper – partner of Clawer, 0/0/0, steals form's velocity by looking at them
Sticker – Did dentistry for her brother, 0/0/2, Creates slime, can choose its stickiness
Grower – 0/*0/1, an outside Ultra I sponsored into the Lair, has a bullet blend from me, can rapidly increase the size and mass of objects
Joker — 0/2/0, a woman who can change what other people/herself look like

Assets: (physical)
1 truck
1 sedan
Owner's Shington Store
Packer House
Fog Machines
Lasers (diverse)

Posse: (4 slots, 1 filled)
Owner (trusted friend, housemate, gift hard to describe) 0/0/1

16 Veteran Ultras, 13 Rookie (that is, haven't worked with me before) Ultras
Hexxer, Peeler, Guager, Soarer are notably less evil than the rest.

Blender AP: 6/10 (9 -3 +2 -3 +0 +1)
Actions cost 3, return 2 on success 0 on failure unless otherwise specified, Blender gains 1 AP every morning

Available Actions:

Posse Recruitment tree
Meet more Ultras (describe method, adds d6 to contacts)
Get to know specific Ultra better (describe method transitions Ultra to potential Posse member)
Invite Ultra to Posse (must have got to know target first, if accepted, Ultra joins Posse)

Warband tree
Get more Ultras (describe method, adds Ultras to warband of quality/quantity dependent on method)
Train warband (describe method, makes QM kinder to Blender in combat sections re: her troops actions and numbers)
Task warband (describe, needs Posse member or Blender to lead them, sets warband to a task)

VIP tree (Used for Regime Luminaries)
Visit VIP (explain, explain Blender's motives and methods) (only returns 1 AP on success)

Contacts tree: (Blender currently believes morning is safer from Snitcher)
Get info from contacts (specify KEM or Resistance, method if different from usual dead drop)
Request mission from contacts (ask KEM or Resistance for action) (This can go in either direction, asking them to do something from you, or asking if they need you to do anything for them.)

Relax tree: (Actions which, on balance, regain AP)
Lay still: Cost 0, auto succeed, returns 2
Relaxation activities, Cost 0, returns 3 on success, 1 on failure
Healing work, Cost 1, returns 6 on success, Snitcher hazard
Blisser session, auto succeed, returns 4 per timeslot, cannot be ended until Blender is back at 10

Miscellaneous action: (Anything not covered above, scavenging, info gathering in person, etc, describe what Blender is going for)

Player Input:
Blender Morning Action
Blender Afternoon Action
Owner will take either a morning or afternoon action at Blender's direction.
[X] Rounding out the Posse

Reasoning: Maker is absolutely right that I need more combat power in my Posse. The warband is fine for numbers, but I need a posse with some hit to them. Ultra speed is very powerful; time to get cracking on that. Speaking of my warband, though, I need to start getting them trained.

Blender Morning: Train Warband
I need to get my veterans and rookies integrated. This first session we'll just concentrate on having the veterans show the rookies the drills that Smasher taught them so that they're all used to being on the same team. I have ideas for more advanced stuff, but one thing at a time.

Blender Afternoon: Invite Replayer into Posse
Owner already checked her out so I know what I'm dealing with. She's a powerful combatant... and also doesn't flinch at mass murder. Half the reason I'm inviting her is so that I can figure out how her Replay ability works and ensure she doesn't come back alive from the next mission. Kill Every Monster. My plan is to reintroduce myself and remind her of her previous conversations with myself and Owner, tell her that I want a badass like her on my team, etc., etc.

Owner Morning Action: Investigate Burner
Owners is to smooze Burner with some old world goods and try to find out how powerful her Ultra Fire is. Can it reliably beat at least Ultra toughness 1? Also get a sense of what sort of person she is. My reasoning is that I could really use a ranged attacker. Imagine pairing her with Soarer so she could see the whole battlefield.


@TalonofAnathrax pinging you as usual for your consideration. What strikes me is that we have five Posse spots and only one filled... by a non-combatant at that. We really need to fill up the Posse with some more combat power if we want to survive the next mission intact. Agree/disagree?

EDIT: Realized that actually, Blender personally talked with Replayer before. Adjusted to acknowledge that.
Last edited:
Small correction, it was Owner, rather than Maker, who checked out Replayer back in the day. Otherwise carry on!
CCC refuses to make a post on Sufficient Velocity for reasons I don't know, though they assure me they are not banned and have never had an account here. With their permission, I am reposting the back-and-forth we had on Walter's blog about dueling plans in hope there's someone else still reading this quest inspired to vote.

Plan CCC
I agree with BriefVoice that we need more combat utility in the Posse, and that Ultra Speed will give us that utility. I *don't* think that we should bring Replayer into our team, though; if we keep bringing people into the Posse just to get them killed, people are going to get suspicious.

But no-one will be at *all* worried if we kill someone outside our Posse who 'annoys us'. That's the Regime way, isn't it?

Also, bringing Replayer into the Posse gives her a position of authority over the Warband. We don't want her to make the Warband *more* monstrous than it is.

Blender Morning: Invite Joker into Posse. Offer her a Bulletproof blend as an enticement to join.

Blender Afternoon: Find out the nature of the next mission, by straight-out asking Subtractor. I don't *like* to talk to her, but working in the dark hurts me in ways I don't even know about yet. I need to find out.

Owner Morning: Train the Warband. (BriefVoice is right, we should integrate them properly). Try to instil a bit of discipline – make sure that the rookies will listen to the veterans, and the veterans will listen to Owner. And learning more about discipline and hierarchical organisation may well help Owner to run her imaginary shop better, too…

My response:
[if we keep bringing people into the Posse just to get them killed, people are going to get suspicious.]

I mean, I doubt it. Also, Replayer is "light monstrous". More uncaring that actually malicious. I'm not that worried about her effect on the warband.

Replayer is a better fighter than Joker, full stop.

[Owner Morning: Train the Warband. ]

See, I think we made a big mistake last time by offloading all the warband training onto Smasher. It ended up that as far as they were concerned, she was the Warlord. She was the only one who ever interacted with them.
I don't want to make that mistake again. The warband needs to see that Blender is in charge, not her posse members.

And frankly, I don't think Owner with no offensive powers can command their respect sufficiently to bully them into line.

CCC's Reply:
I wouldn't call her "light monstrous". She's a bored serial killer who can and will kill randomly. We *don't* want that thinking being demonstrated as an example to the Warband. Also, there's a decent chance that she'll kill our Resistance or KEM contact if she hangs around us (likely without even realising the significance).

She might be a better fighter than Joker (though she would mainly use her Ultra Speed to fight with, and Joker has equal Ultra Speed, so the difference is likely minor), but Joker more than makes up for that by being _way_ better at Sneaky Stuff and espionage.

[Owner's morning]
You're not wrong; we _should_ personally train the warband a lot. But… we also do need to start expanding the Posse (and that we _really_ should do in person) and we really, really, REALLY need to know where we're going next – those are two tasks we _can't_ offload onto Owner, no matter how much we might want to.

As for commanding their respect? Owner survived Ar Harbour. If that by itself is not enough, then Blender will make the culprits regret their choices, tomorrow.

My Reply
[ She might be a better fighter than Joker (though she would mainly use her Ultra Speed to fight with, and Joker has equal Ultra Speed, so the difference is likely minor), but Joker more than makes up for that by being _way_ better at Sneaky Stuff and espionage.]

Joker also strikes me as something of a coward by regime standards, honestly. I mean, not that I blame her OOC for wanting to preserve her own life, but she is not someone who is going to charge blindly into dangerous situations and risk her life if she can help it. Not even with a bulletproof blend.

Replayer is someone who we can send into an extremely dangerous situation and she'll be like, "no problem" and go in. Joker will not.

[You're not wrong; we _should_ personally train the warband a lot. But… we also do need to start expanding the Posse (and that we _really_ should do in person) ]

Owner can do the "scout this person out and see what they're like" portion of the posse expansion, which is why I put her on Burner.

[we really, really, REALLY need to know where we're going next]

Yes we do, and honestly I'd like to think of a better way to do it than straight up asking Subtractor. Every interaction with her is a major risk. One low roll of the dice and we could get loaded with an 'extra' assignment (remember being told to go round up people for the Process) or she might just kill Blender for no particular reason.

I haven't yet thought of a good alternate way of finding out, so while I think of something I'm having Blender do stuff that absolutely needs to be done anyway on the theory that these are actions that would have to be spent no matter what the next assignment is.

CCC's Reply
[Joker being a coward by Regime standards]

Yes, but I'm not sure that's a bad thing. Joker used her brain on occasion; Replayer does not, trusting in her power to keep her alive instead.
We need smart people more than stupid people.


Yes, Owner can scout out new potential Posse members. But *someone* should look after the Warband today, and Blender has two higher-priority tasks to complete instead.

[Next mission]
We're agreed on the importance of finding this out. Asking Subtractor seems the logical next step… odds are she knows, but just hasn't told us yet. If that fails, my backup plan is to ask Joker to do some spying.
And yes, Subtractor might dump some more makework on us. Frankly, that'll be better than working in the dark. I doubt she'll kill us, though – not when Prevailed herself is looking forward to watching whatever our next mission is.
For the record, other options for figuring out the next mission include:
– Asking Snitcher, who sees plenty
– Asking Joker to do some espionage for us
– Assigning the Warband to figure it out as a "test" of their espionage abilities
– Asking a precognitive Ultra, like Answered or Predictor
– Asking KEM or the Resistance
But asking the person who is actually supposed to be giving us these assignments seems like a decent idea to me…
[X] Plan CCC

I'm sorry, but Replayed sort of felt like an idiot. If we're going to be offloading part of the responsibilities of commanding the Warband to her, I'd prefer if she weren't a dumbass.
Our minions were super useful last time, so let's keep making good use of them in future fights!

And while she is evil, so is everyone else.

And again, thanks for tagging me. I appreciate the reminder.