Regime Quest

Mission 2, Turn 12
Day 19:

Morning: Message to Union

Negotiation was a funny thing. There was an old saying that if a bank loaned you a lot of money (by your standards), they owned you. But if they loaned you a lot of money (by their standards), you owned them. It got at the core of the matter, which was how much each party had at stake.

The Union had invested in me, at this point. They'd communicated with me, and I'd delivered. If I survived, they had every reason to believe that I'd keep on crossing names off their list. They had no guarantee that my replacement would be similarly cooperative.

Which was all the long way round to say that I was pretty confident that they'd work with me a bit.

The time for my assault on Phis was growing ever closer. Factoring in the time delay in our communication, and it basically had to be now. I just didn't have the time to mess around with it anymore.

I had demands, and I wasn't sure it precisely followed their system, but whatever. They'd accommodate me, or they'd have to deal with my replacement.

What I wanted was, one, them not to target me or my posse for a month. Beyond that, I was looking for a briefing on Phis, and I'd also slipped in a request for a bunch of old credit cards with lots of money on them.

The handoff was old hat at this point. I went into the usual dirty dive, left the 'briefing' in the trash once I was done making my coded notes on it. At least this time I saw my contact in the crowd, so it wasn't another missed opportunity.

Afternoon: Visit Battler

Finding Battler was as simple as letting people know I was looking to get in touch with her. The word came back within a few hours, and we'd set up a meet in Owner's shop.

She had an arrogant, strutting energy. Short hair, freckles, and a leather jacket without any holes in it. She wore a golf visor for a Sigil, tilted at an angle. She was like a prototypical version of a Regime Ultra, like a mold they'd used to make the rest of us.

"Warlord," she said, taking up a position against a soda machine.

"Battler," I answered.

"I hear you want something from me?" she said.

"You gave my predecessor your advice," I said. "You didn't think she had Ar Harbour handled?"

She looked to one side and spat, then frowned for a second.

"Obviously not," she said, "And I'd been kind of worried that the problem might be bigger than just one Warlord."


More frowning, she cracked her knuckles for a moment.

"I thought that maybe the stuff you have to do to get to be the Warlord, like, it isn't the sort of stuff you do once you have the gig, you know? So we were only ever gonna get shitty Warlords, or if we got a good one it'd just be good luck."

I set my estimation of her intelligence up a notch for her independently coming up with the idea of a structural problem.

"Yeah," I said, "I get you."

"But you took care of Ar Harbour," she said. "You got it done. And you didn't just get lucky."

"What do you think I did differently?" I asked.

"You got trucks," she said, "You got smoke machines. You got guns and trained your Ultras. You didn't just show up and expect everything to go your way. Some of the people I talked to said you knew the Ultras you'd be going up against, like what their gifts were and such."

"Scouting," I said. "It's a necessity, in my opinion."

"That's what I'm talking about," she said. "Most Warlords don't do much more than gather up their friends, live it up for a month, and then just hope that they have better gifts than whoever is out there."

"And you disapprove?"

"I want to see Her enemies crushed," she said. "I want us to win. Month after month. Year after year, come to that. I want to see a Warlord last in the job, genuinely put some fear into those cretins."

I let her wind up, just sat back and said nothing.

"You know we used to own everything?" she asked. "People act like it's normal that we fight and fight against these assholes, but it's fucking not. We used to have it all, and we are gonna have it all again."

And a notch down for my estimation of her knowledge of history.

"I like how you think," I told her, "And I think they were fools to ignore you."

"Were is the important word there," she said. "If I'd been working with them, I like to think they'd still be uh…"

She was looking for the concept for 'present tense', I thought.

"They'd still be around," she finished, a bit lamely.

"Well," I said, "If it isn't too selfish, I suppose I'm glad they fucked up."

"Planning on repeating their mistake?" she asked.

"We'll see," I told her.

We ended the interview on that note, and I stuck around for a bit, thinking about Battler.

Fairly smart, highly motivated, decent combatant. No real insight into exactly how evil she was, but Regime partisanship wasn't a great sign. Of course, I could hardly ignore my own situation for evidence that not everyone who loyal actually was.

A definite possibility.

Evening: Debrief Posse

"Erupter," I groaned, massaging my temples, "I thought we went over this."

"I know, I know," she said, hands out in front of her in a placating gesture. "I think I'd have been able to get people to sign up this time if it wasn't for all that shit that went down yesterday."

"We only have ten days!" I said, voice firm, "We don't have TIME for these excuses!"

"It's uncertainty boss! It's the uncertainty! They need to know if we are going after the Dolls or the Timekillerz, or maybe all the gangs?. People have friends and enemies in the gangs. Signing up to fight strangers is one thing, but the people who want to come on the warband after almost always the Ultras who DON'T want to do gang fights."

"Erupter," I told her, "I need Ultras in my warband. It's not a hard job. Go out there. Tell them to join up. Lead them to the base. Get it done."

"I'm sure the uncertainty will clear up soon enough," she said, "But I'll switch jobs with Owner if you want?"

"No switching jobs!" I yelled. I rarely raised my voice, but this was serious. "You just need to do what I tell you. Stop Fucking Up!"

She subsided into her chair, hurt and sulking.

I looked over to Owner, eyes maybe a little wider and more frenzied than they needed to be.

"Training went great boss!" she said. "After yesterday everyone was extremely attentive, borderline obsessed. That bit of business yesterday put the fear of Her into them."

"Anyone ask you about that?" I asked.

"Some people tried to kind of get at it indirectly," she said, "But nobody was brave enough to just come out and ask. You made a bit of an impression, I think, showing up all bloodied and stuff and saving us from a sneak attack."

I'd probably eventually have to come up with some kind of story for what that had all been about. Anything I heard from two posse members without a common mission was probably pretty important.

Finally, I looked at the last, empty chair at our usual table.

"Anyone know where Replayer is?" I asked.

Headshakes all around.

My first thought was that some Avowed had seized her, my second that maybe she was Avowed. But there were lots of other possibilities.

I grimaced, motioning for them to close in, then gave my orders for tomorrow's business.

Day 20

10 days until next battle

Ultra rolodex: (#/#/# is Ultra strength/speed/toughness)

Tracker – Running buddy, 1/0/1, Creates tracks, and can move things on them

Shower – Adder's protégé, 1*/0/1*, gains strength and durability from witnesses

Echoer – Singer I am a fan of, 1/1/1, can duplicate any action that she sees

Bubbler – Operates Ultra clinic 0/0/?, traps things in bubbles that heal and move them

Sucker — Ultra entertainer, ?/?/?, pulls objects/people towards her at incredible rate

Gunner — 0/0/1, she shoots tracking Ultra Blasts at roughly Ultra Strength One

Chiller — 1/0/1, can freeze any object she touches, leaving them brittle and easily broken

Cutter — 1/1/1, she is a brutal front line combatant

Swimmer — 1/0/1, she can 'swim' through solid surfaces

Burner — 0/0/1, she can summon Ultra fire from anywhere that she can see

Maxxer — 0/0/0, she can augment the gifts of other Ultras, pushing their gifts

Puncher — 1/0/1, her strength and speed both go up when she repeats her movements

Maker- Friend, and protégé of Snitcher, 0/0/1, can summon the spirit of things

Clawer – Ultra fighter 2/0/1, melee combatant, deadly hooks for hands

Stopper – partner of Clawer, 0/0/0, steals form's velocity by looking at them

Sticker – Did dentistry for her brother, 0/0/2, Creates slime, can choose its stickiness

Grower – 0/*0/1, an outside Ultra I sponsored into the Lair, has a bullet blend from me, can rapidly increase the size and mass of objects

Joker — 0/2/0, a woman who can change what other people/herself look like

Stormer – 0/0/*, a woman who controls weather, does so for Regime big shots

Stomper – 2/0/1, can blast herself along with explosive stomps, problems with authority

Sworder – 1/0/1, Replayer's flunky

Singer – 0/0/0, Buffs listeners with 1 in Ultra strength/tough/speed

Battler – 2/0/1, Straightforward Combatant

Sniper – 0/0/0, X ray vision and eye beams

Union List

Vower – 0/0/?, a woman who can enforce oathkeeping

Caller – 0/0/0, a woman who can grant and use telepathic communication

Nailer – ?/?/?, a woman who can merge objects and people into composites

Hater – X/0/X, a woman whose effectiveness depends on how much her enemy is hated, and by how many people

Resister – */0/1* Grows steadily more effective vs. each opponent

Finisher – 0/0/0 Can rapidly kill wounded foes in her line of sight

Limiter – ?/?/? Makes 'rules', or 'shields', that restrict her enemies, unlimited range, limited by being 'used up' by target's attempts to take the banned action

Murderer – 0/0/1, Death Touch

Assets: (physical)

1 truck

1 sedan

Owner's Shington Store

Packer House

Fog Machines

Lasers (diverse)

Posse: (4 slots, 3 filled)

Owner (trusted friend, housemate, gift hard to describe) 0/0/1

Replayer — 1/2/0, she can 'step back in time' to undo damage that she takes

Erupter – 0/0/2, a woman who retaliates against attacks on herself


11 Veteran Ultras, 23 Rookie (that is, haven't worked with me before) Ultras

Hexxer, Peeler, Guager, Soarer are notably less evil than the rest.

Driver, Defender and Infecter possess interesting capabilities.

Blender AP: 4/10 (5 – 3 +2 -3 +2 +1)

Actions cost 3, return 2 on success 0 on failure unless otherwise specified, Blender gains 1 AP every morning

Available Actions:

Union Kill List tree, if you feel any indication to play along with their proposal (note that KEM/Resistance missions tie in well with these matters)

Get basic info on 4 Ultras (indicate names, this is a gossip based approach unless you specify otherwise)

Get detailed info on 1 Ultra (indicate name, this is a 'track them down and speak with them' based approach unless you specify otherwise)

Kill an Ultra from the list (indicate target name and your basic method, may cause rebellion or discontent in any Posse or Warband assets you use, may not, use your best judgement and be clever)

Send Union a Message (indicate text of message, this is actually a Resistance action, but I've placed it here for ease of use)

Posse Recruitment tree

Meet more Ultras (describe method, adds d6 to contacts)

Get to know specific Ultra better (describe method transitions Ultra to potential Posse member)

Invite Ultra to Posse (must have got to know target first, if accepted, Ultra joins Posse)

Warband tree

Get more Ultras (describe method, adds Ultras to warband of quality/quantity dependent on method)

Train warband (describe method, makes QM kinder to Blender in combat sections re: her troops actions and numbers)

Task warband (describe, needs Posse member or Blender to lead them, sets warband to a task)

VIP tree (Used for Regime Luminaries)

Visit VIP (explain, explain Blender's motives and methods) (only returns 1 AP on success)

Contacts tree: (Blender currently believes morning is safer from Snitcher)

Get info from contacts (specify KEM or Resistance, method if different from usual dead drop)

Request mission from contacts (ask KEM or Resistance for action) (This can go in either direction, asking them to do something from you, or asking if they need you to do anything for them.)

Relax tree: (Actions which, on balance, regain AP)

Lay still: Cost 0, auto succeed, returns 2

Relaxation activities, Cost 0, returns 3 on success, 1 on failure

Healing work, Cost 1, returns 6 on success, Snitcher hazard

Blisser session, auto succeed, returns 4 per timeslot, cannot be ended until Blender is back at 10

Miscellaneous action: (Anything not covered above, scavenging, info gathering in person, etc, describe what Blender is going for)

Player Input:

Blender Morning Action

Blender Afternoon Action

Owner will take either a morning or afternoon action at Blender's direction.

Replayer is missing, no need to specify an action for her.

Erupter will take an afternoon action at Blender's direction.
Mission 2, Turn 13
Day 20:

Morning: Heal people

There was no way to know, of course, whether the people that I'd helped with my healing gift bore any relation to those who'd saved my life the day before yesterday.

I couldn't ask about it without risking Snitcher getting wise, and no one was going to thank me for much the same reason.

It kind of felt like it had been cause/effect, however. It reeked of 'just universe' kind of thinking, but I had a strong urge to believe that I'd been saved by the goodwill that I'd accumulated in my time of service, that the people who'd risked punishment by leading my pursuers away had been paying me back for risking punishment to heal them.

That line of thinking made me feel immediately guilty, as though I was now only doing to this to 'buy' more considerations from the populace, like an unspoken version of the Union's fucking favors list or some shit.

I knew that this wasn't true. I had no inkling, no idea whatsoever that the people in the gang territories were preparing to do that, and I would have had no complaints if they'd just kept their heads down.

It was true grace, a favor unlooked for in the darkest moments. But guilt is a funny thing.

It was a relief, then, to turn immediately back around and repay the favor. The decrepit and destitute of the Regime seemed like a personal affront today, and the work of my healing gift somehow holy, a returning of the world to its proper estate.

I'd long since resigned myself to the possibility of Snitcher discovering my morning activities, but for some reason the possibility hung particularly heavily over me this morning. It was a relief to reach the end of my queue without incident.

If I died on the Phis mission, or if She snuffed me out for some random breach of the Regime's fetish for Strong Man Makes Strong Choices, then at least I'd done this much good.

Afternoon: Find Replayer with Erupter's assistance

"Why would they lie to you?" Erupter asked, seemingly sincerely, "You're the Warlord!"

I kept my grin pasted on my face, before patiently reassuring my eager young assistant that it had been known to happen.

Each of my Posse members would have posed their own challenges as a bodyguard/henchman. Owner was a hothouse flower, unable to survive outside the Lair. She'd have added no extra intimidation factor, and in fact I'd have had to curtail my efforts in order to see to her protection. Replayer was a vicious hound, prone to resorting to violence at the slightest obstruction, and excessively skilled at surviving the problems she created thereby. I'd pictured Erupter as a happy medium of the two, and by and large she was.

But one thing I hadn't considered, going in, was to what degree she was a cloud cuckoo lander. Like, it was a strange thing to say about a ruthless totalitarian, but she was actively in denial about the world we inhabited.

"Ah," she said, tapping her nose on the side, "Spies from our enemies! You are so wise, Warlord, to anticipate their vile antics."

"Yes," I said, "That's it exactly."

We'd visited Replayer's home first off, and found, by questioning her consorts and body servants, that she'd left home that day the same as any other, taking clothes that made it clear she was heading out into the outskirts of the city.

From that point on we'd played a frustrating game of 'have you seen this woman' with an endless succession of bystanders, who largely lied to us for what I knew to be basic self interest and what Erupter would imagine to be nefarious foreign subversion.

Ultimately, thanks most likely to the goodwill the unpowered humans of Shington had towards one of their vanishingly few Ultra healers, I'd been pointed towards a sort of salvage yard at the edge of town. With Erupter in tow I'd headed out.

"Remember," I cautioned her, "Let me do all the talking. You just keep a watch out for the Union's agents in the gangs. If you see anyone in Dolls or Timekillerz colors, you let me know."

She nodded, and I headed in.

The scrapyard hadn't always been one. It looked like, at its core, we were looking at the remnants of a highway onramp, long collapsed. It had found a brief second life as a Knight outpost for a while, but been abandoned again at some point, their trappings left to decay slowly into ruins.

Nowadays it served as a kind of collection point, where salvagers would bring together the pickings of the old city and scrabble through them for the valuables.

Every eye was on our Sigils as we strutted inside, hands reaching to guns, people falling into the Posture. Everyone watched to see if more of my people would follow us through, to see if my war on the Gangs had somehow come to this little patch of nowhere.

I forced back the shame I felt when I saw fear on human faces. They didn't know, and they weren't acting any differently from how I'd act in their shoes.

We made a beeline for the Ultra in charge, a short woman with a fair complexion and an old paper crown for a sigil.

"Warlord!" she said, jumping up off a chair made out of stacked tires, "What you want?"

She had a bit of an accident I couldn't place, it was more like 'Wheh-schu-went'.

"I'm looking for someone," I told her.

"Yeah!" said Erupter.

"We find things here, not people," she said, eyes down and carefully not threatening.

"I know you do scavenging, I'm asking if someone came by here, should have been yesterday?"

"Yeah! Tell her!" said Erupter.

"Lots of people been here yesterday," she said, words coming fast and difficult to parse, "I dunno which was your someone."

"Replayer,"I told her.

"The bitch who killed Brody and Mari?"

"There was a fight?" I asked.

"Yeah!" hyped Erupter, "Fucking fight!"

The Ultra said something so fast I couldn't make it out. That accent was killing me.

"What?" I asked.

"Yes. She. Was. Here. She. Killed. People. She. Took. Things."

My first inclination was to go down the 'why did the fight start' rabbit hole, but I suspected the answer was just Replayer's basic temperament.

"What did she take?"

"You better tell us what she took!" chimed in Erupter.

I shot her an angry glare, gestured to our surroundings. She gave a cheerful nod and turned her attention away, watching for Avowed or subversives within the cringing pack of humans that surrounded us.

"Maps," said the Ultra, "And a few daggers. She…"

Her speech got fast again and I lost the thread.

"What?" I asked her.

"Maps. And. A. Few. Daggers. She. Wanted. People. Who. Had. Been. Outside. The. City. A. Lot."

Shit, I suddenly had an idea about where Replayer might be.

"Did she walk by?" I asked, "Or was she driving in a vehicle?"

We were out on the edge of the city. If she'd taken a vehicle from another cache she could have swung by here to handle her navigation issues.

"Car," said the Ultra.

That clinched it.

"Alright, thanks for your help." I told her.


Evening: Debrief

"So did you find her?" asked Owner.

I gestured around, as though to point out that Replayer still wasn't here, and remained sullenly silent. I was still fuming about this stupidity.

"We did!" said Erupter, "We found out where she got directions and we know where she left from."

"Left?" asked Owner.

"Replayer is on a scouting mission," I told her. "She's gathering info on Phis."

"I thought you meant-"

"I know," I said, gritting my teeth.

"Do you know when she's-"

"Nope!" I said, with a false brightness.

"Or that she isn't already…"

"Nope!" I repeated, a bit of a manic edge in my voice.

"Well," she said, "If she isn't familiar with the area, she might have only got there some time today. If she just hangs around on the outskirts and starts back later on…maybe she gets back tomorrow?"

"Or the day after," said Erupter, "If she infiltrates and does awesome spy stuff."

"Or never," I pointed out, "If they catch her and kill her."

I massaged my temples, trying to force myself back into composure. If being angry about something changed it then She would never have taken over.

"How'd the training go?" I asked.

"Alright," said Owner, looking away and then back again, "But we really need to address these gang war rumors."

"Is it that big of a deal?" I asked. "I haven't decided what we'll say yet."

"Yeah," she said, "The gossip in class was that the two gangs we fought last time are merging, and maybe joining up with another in a sort of protective alliance. People seem to think we are gunning for all the gangs."

"They are the ones who attacked us, though," I protested, thought not too forcefully. I was well aware of how easily a story could drift and lose meaning when it had to pass from person to person across Shington.

"Nobody knows that," she said, "nobody seems to know ANYTHING. If we don't put a narrative in place soon, there's no telling what they'll come to believe.

I gave up on the temple massage, this headache was here to stay. At least it couldn't last longer than ten more days.

Day 21

9 days until next battle

Ultra rolodex: (#/#/# is Ultra strength/speed/toughness)

Tracker – Running buddy, 1/0/1, Creates tracks, and can move things on them

Shower – Adder's protégé, 1*/0/1*, gains strength and durability from witnesses

Echoer – Singer I am a fan of, 1/1/1, can duplicate any action that she sees

Bubbler – Operates Ultra clinic 0/0/?, traps things in bubbles that heal and move them

Sucker — Ultra entertainer, ?/?/?, pulls objects/people towards her at incredible rate

Gunner — 0/0/1, she shoots tracking Ultra Blasts at roughly Ultra Strength One

Chiller — 1/0/1, can freeze any object she touches, leaving them brittle and easily broken

Cutter — 1/1/1, she is a brutal front line combatant

Swimmer — 1/0/1, she can 'swim' through solid surfaces

Burner — 0/0/1, she can summon Ultra fire from anywhere that she can see

Maxxer — 0/0/0, she can augment the gifts of other Ultras, pushing their gifts

Puncher — 1/0/1, her strength and speed both go up when she repeats her movements

Maker- Friend, and protégé of Snitcher, 0/0/1, can summon the spirit of things

Clawer – Ultra fighter 2/0/1, melee combatant, deadly hooks for hands

Stopper – partner of Clawer, 0/0/0, steals form's velocity by looking at them

Sticker – Did dentistry for her brother, 0/0/2, Creates slime, can choose its stickiness

Grower – 0/*0/1, an outside Ultra I sponsored into the Lair, has a bullet blend from me, can rapidly increase the size and mass of objects

Joker — 0/2/0, a woman who can change what other people/herself look like

Stormer – 0/0/*, a woman who controls weather, does so for Regime big shots

Stomper – 2/0/1, can blast herself along with explosive stomps, problems with authority

Sworder – 1/0/1, Replayer's flunky

Singer – 0/0/0, Buffs listeners with 1 in Ultra strength/tough/speed

Battler – 2/0/1, Straightforward Combatant

Sniper – 0/0/0, X ray vision and eye beams

Union List

Vower – 0/0/?, a woman who can enforce oathkeeping

Caller – 0/0/0, a woman who can grant and use telepathic communication

Nailer – ?/?/?, a woman who can merge objects and people into composites

Hater – X/0/X, a woman whose effectiveness depends on how much her enemy is hated, and by how many people

Resister – */0/1* Grows steadily more effective vs. each opponent

Finisher – 0/0/0 Can rapidly kill wounded foes in her line of sight

Limiter – ?/?/? Makes 'rules', or 'shields', that restrict her enemies, unlimited range, limited by being 'used up' by target's attempts to take the banned action

Murderer – 0/0/1, Death Touch

Assets: (physical)

1 truck

1 sedan

Owner's Shington Store

Packer House

Fog Machines

Lasers (diverse)

Posse: (4 slots, 3 filled)

Owner (trusted friend, housemate, gift hard to describe) 0/0/1

Replayer — 1/2/0, she can 'step back in time' to undo damage that she takes

Erupter – 0/0/2, a woman who retaliates against attacks on herself


11 Veteran Ultras, 23 Rookie (that is, haven't worked with me before) Ultras

Hexxer, Peeler, Guager, Soarer are notably less evil than the rest.

Driver, Defender and Infecter possess interesting capabilities.

Blender AP: 9/10 (4 – 1 +6 -3 +2 +1)

Actions cost 3, return 2 on success 0 on failure unless otherwise specified, Blender gains 1 AP every morning

Available Actions:

Union Kill List tree, if you feel any indication to play along with their proposal (note that KEM/Resistance missions tie in well with these matters)

Get basic info on 4 Ultras (indicate names, this is a gossip based approach unless you specify otherwise)

Get detailed info on 1 Ultra (indicate name, this is a 'track them down and speak with them' based approach unless you specify otherwise)

Kill an Ultra from the list (indicate target name and your basic method, may cause rebellion or discontent in any Posse or Warband assets you use, may not, use your best judgement and be clever)

Send Union a Message (indicate text of message, this is actually a Resistance action, but I've placed it here for ease of use)

Posse Recruitment tree

Meet more Ultras (describe method, adds d6 to contacts)

Get to know specific Ultra better (describe method transitions Ultra to potential Posse member)

Invite Ultra to Posse (must have got to know target first, if accepted, Ultra joins Posse)

Warband tree

Get more Ultras (describe method, adds Ultras to warband of quality/quantity dependent on method)

Train warband (describe method, makes QM kinder to Blender in combat sections re: her troops actions and numbers)

Task warband (describe, needs Posse member or Blender to lead them, sets warband to a task)

VIP tree (Used for Regime Luminaries)

Visit VIP (explain, explain Blender's motives and methods) (only returns 1 AP on success)

Contacts tree: (Blender currently believes morning is safer from Snitcher)

Get info from contacts (specify KEM or Resistance, method if different from usual dead drop)

Request mission from contacts (ask KEM or Resistance for action) (This can go in either direction, asking them to do something from you, or asking if they need you to do anything for them.)

Relax tree: (Actions which, on balance, regain AP)

Lay still: Cost 0, auto succeed, returns 2

Relaxation activities, Cost 0, returns 3 on success, 1 on failure

Healing work, Cost 1, returns 6 on success, Snitcher hazard

Blisser session, auto succeed, returns 4 per timeslot, cannot be ended until Blender is back at 10

Miscellaneous action: (Anything not covered above, scavenging, info gathering in person, etc, describe what Blender is going for)

Player Input:

Blender Morning Action

Blender Afternoon Action

Owner will take either a morning or afternoon action at Blender's direction.

Replayer is missing, no need to specify an action for her.

Erupter will take an afternoon action at Blender's direction.