Red Hand: awoken undead (ISG) (Dungeon crawler)

ei guys! just caught up, but why didn't we take that spear or that halberd in the barracks?
also, awesome quest @Foxtrot!

[x] Arthur Kane. Where can I get some pants? Can I borrow yours?
-[x] Who are you?
-[x] Who and what am I?
-[x] Where are we?
-[x] Is there an easier way to communicate?
-[x] What do you know about this ring?
-[x] What do you know about this small statuette?
-[x] What is that cloaked statue in the barracks?
-[x] Can you help me fashion this cloth into a sling bag?
-[x] What is the tech-level in this dungeon? are there early era firearms and such?
-[x] Am I a Magic-user? Can I worship gods and do they give divine blessings and powers?
-[x] is it alright that i looted all of this stuff?
-[x] can i take that halberd in the barracks? also was that a flag or banner hanging next to it?
-[x] what am i doing here by the way?

@skaro @daedalus725 check out the artwork in this quest!

edit: @Foxtrot I'm gonna confess something, i was actually not interested in your quest, the title was pretty meh so I was gonna ignore it, then I was curious what ISG was and then I saw your amazing drawings! that really got me hooked! If I may suggest something, please fix the title of your quest make it like this: Red Hand: No SV you are the Undead Abomination! (Fantasy quest or somesuch kinda like Dark Souls Dungeon Crawler!:D)
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I guess they never thought about taking more then one weapon:V

Also glad you like the quest!
can we go back to get it then? since an arming sword is a good back-up weapon, but a spear or a halberd is perfect for keeping our enemies at a distance.
-also what do you think of my suggestion of editing the title a little bit? make it like this: Red Hand: No SV you are the Undead Abomination! (A Fantasy Quest) to gather more viewers.
can we go back to get it then? since an arming sword is a good back-up weapon, but a spear or a halberd is perfect for keeping our enemies at a distance.
-also what do you think of my suggestion of editing the title a little bit? make it like this: Red Hand: No SV you are the Undead Abomination! (A Fantasy Quest) to gather more viewers.

Sure I'll count getting a spear as a vote, if it's possible

Also I might add (fantasy quest) to the title but I'd prefer to keep "Red Hand"
[x] Arthur Kane. Where can I get some pants? Can I borrow yours?
-[x] Who are you?
-[x] Who and what am I?
-[x] Where are we?
-[x] Is there an easier way to communicate?
-[x] What do you know about this ring?
-[x] What do you know about this small statuette?
-[x] What is that cloaked statue in the barracks?
-[x] Can you help me fashion this cloth into a sling bag?
-[x] What is the tech-level in this dungeon? are there early era firearms and such?
-[x] Am I a Magic-user? Can I worship gods and do they give divine blessings and powers?
-[x] is it alright that i looted all of this stuff?
-[x] can i take that halberd in the barracks? also was that a flag or banner hanging next to it?
-[x] what am i doing here by the way
[x] Arthur Kane. Where can I get some pants? Can I borrow yours?
-[x] Who are you?
-[x] Who and what am I?
-[x] Where are we?
-[x] Is there an easier way to communicate?
-[x] What do you know about this ring?
-[x] What do you know about this small statuette?
-[x] What is that cloaked statue in the barracks?
-[x] Can you help me fashion this cloth into a sling bag?
-[x] What is the tech-level in this dungeon? are there early era firearms and such?
-[x] Am I a Magic-user? Can I worship gods and do they give divine blessings and powers?
-[x] is it alright that i looted all of this stuff?
-[x] can i take that halberd in the barracks? also was that a flag or banner hanging next to it?
-[x] what am i doing here by the way
"I call myself Arthur Kane now, but who was I... before?"
This is getting good.
Looks cool.

You decide to trust the man for the moment and answer him with your deathly voice, but with a question as well.

Arthur Kane: I call myself Arthur Kane now, but who was I... before?

Father: Ah Arthur Kane, a good and proper name. Everyone get over here we have a new member!

Hearing this you look beside you to see who the hell he is talking to, you soon see what he meant. Surrounding you now are 4 other people, two of them being skeletons...
You'd be lying if you said you weren't a bit spooked, they didn't make a sound, or else you would have noticed them. But you are pulled out of thought as they all begin to speak ghoulishly.

Group: Welcome Brother Kane!

You feel a bit of confusion and welcome as they all sound hideous, but truly sincere.
The "All-Father continues to speak.

Father: Welcome Kane! To the red brotherhood! These four are all skeletons like you, let me introduce them to you...

Marrow, he's the one holding his helmet. You'll know him by the red stripe going vertically on his left eye, he's a proper and polite man.
Jukavh has red surrounding her right eye, she's been my assistant since I've entered this fortress.
Jihv who is wearing his great-helm at the moment, has a red jaw, you'll know it when you see it. He has charisma and charm, but he has no brain.
And lastly, Midhaor, he's also wearing a helmet, but his skull has a red stripe across his nose ridge. He's the latest addition to our team, before you of course, he's proven to be great help with his great size.

Father: And that's everyone, now for your question. Listen my son. He gets into a serious tone I will be honest with you, there are many men who come into this dangerous place, not many ever leave and you will soon see for yourself that the dead litter this place like the bricks that compose it. We found your skeletal corpse at around morning time, you we're in perfect condition and I believe that it would be a waste to let you rot any further. There's a rune on the back of your skull. I designed that rune myself you see. It grants cognitive life to the remains of the once living. Now don't go touching it, if that sygil breaks... you will be back to rotting on the floor... If you are still curious as to how this works, I would be glad to explain, but it's a complex subject that we can further discuss on the road.

You take a moment to process all that information... The skeletons surrounding you all seem to be just as serious as the tone of the "Father", you guess that it's the same for them as-well...

Calling yourself "All-Father" is a bit imperious, don't you think?
Just ask him "Why do you call yourself 'All-Father'?" No need to label his self-given name. Yet.
Agreed. We don't even know this guy, so it's not like we have a... bone to pick with him.

Having more curiosity and wanting to change the mood you decide to ask more questions.

Arthur Kane: ... U'm "Father" you said that "They" call you "All-Father" why is that?

You see him return to a charismatic mood

Father: Ahh so you're wondering about the name eh? Well "They" are the skeletons around you. You see ever since I first gave life back to the dead, I've been proclaimed as a "Father", trust me when I say this, at the start I told them that it was a bit much and that they give me too much credit. But you see, the name stuck, they just truly enjoy calling me by that and it doesn't seem to bother any of us. He says while looking at his skeletal companions.

(These are you're votes, I did not think that going for the spear would be possible while speaking to Father)

Where can I get some pants? Can I borrow yours?
Where are we?
Is there an easier way to communicate?
What do you know about this ring?
What do you know about this small statuette?
What is that cloaked statue in the barracks?
What is the tech-level in this dungeon? are there early era firearms and such?
Am I a Magic-user? Can I worship gods and do they give divine blessings and powers?
is it alright that i looted all of this stuff?
can i take that halberd in the barracks? also was that a flag or banner hanging next to it?

You are still hungry for knowledge and ask some more questions.

Arthur Kane: Father I have a few more questions if you will, where could I find some pants? Do you have any I could borrow?

He laughs a bit at the silly question.

Father: Oh you make me laugh child, unfortunately towards your request, no we don't have any spare trouser's on us at the moment, but I'm sure we will find some.

Arthur Kane: Alright, what about this place, where are we exactly? And is there an easier way to communicate?

Father: Son we are within the fortress of Count Faeller, a humongous stone fortress belonging to a long dead dynasty, yet for a deceased name the fortress is still full of secrets and life, as I said before many come into here to find items, people and all sorts of other things. As for communication, I will always be able to speak with you just fine, as with you and the other brothers and sister Jukavh, in-fact you can speak to other long dead souls, since you are of same kin. As for me, I've tattooed a certain sygil that allows me the privilege to speak with the dead as-well.
He says in a friendly way.

Arthur Kane: I see... Furthermore, You pull out the ring from your pouch and the statuette from your rib-cage What do you know of these? You say while displaying the objects to him.

Father inspects the items at hand intently giving a long hum as he thinks

I'm quite certain that the statuette is Drof the god of torment, you see he always is represented with a sword pointed to the sky. As for the ring I have no clue, if you try it on there should be a hint as to what it does otherwise to be exact we'd need a certain spell that I'm sure is on some page in my books, but that will take some searching on my part...

Arthur: Ah I see, what about that cloaked statue in the barracks? Also are there any firearms that you've come across on your journey?

Father: If you saw a cloaked statue then that must be Boandas Godess of death and fog. As for your other question... I've never seen arms made of fire in my journeys... Father says confused.

You hear from behind you a second voice, you guess it's one of the skeletons.

?: I think he means cannons All-Father.

You see Father look a bit embarrassed and have a quick laugh.

Father: Of course! You meant cannons, yes those are littered across the fortress, but they're a hassle to move, unless they have wheels on them.

Arthur: Ah interesting, a few more questions Father, am I a magic-user? Or do I have to pray to the gods to receive blessings and such. Also is it alright that I've taken all this equipment from the room ahead?

Father looks pleased.

Father: Well of course you can use magic my son, you're living being and will are all magic. My sygil on your skull shall fuel you for long, I've made sure of that, but your question towards the gods is just as valid, if you pray they may just grant you any wish you can imagine down to the worst punishment imaginable. It really relies on their mood, you see, but if you know who you're worshiping too well enough then you will know what to do to gain their favor, I've received a few miracles myself I'll have you know. He says proudly Anyhow, towards your last question, as I said this fortress is long abandoned, and all items within are forfeit, I doubt anyone has seen a guard in sight to deal repercussion for stealing, but there are others in this environment who will not have mercy on you if you take their most wanted possession. Beware.

After a short sigh, Father regains his composure after the onslaught of questions and decides to ask you one last.

Father: Now my son, there is much more out there for all of us, what say you to joining the red brotherhood, you seem like a strong chap and I'm sure w'ed all be humbled to have you on our side?
hmmm... I don't mind joining, but should we ask what the brotherhood is all about? also, we need to go back for that halberd! also, look at our fellows' armor, really shiny! also, let's worship Boandas as our patron goddess!