Red Alert: Mental Effect (Red Alert 2: YR and Mass Effect)

Fucking genius

This is why I love this site
Yeah your average soldier's gonna see the prime number broadcast as gibberish.

The Citadel is going to try what?? *breaks down into hysterical laughter*
Gladius' plan is to resolve the conflict, scold them (through force or diplomacy) for playing around with relays, and hopefully get some of what they have back to Citadel Space, preferably in manners that don't let these two factions catch up on their clear and marked inferiority in terms of Eezo based science (inferiority to the council that is.)

The Allied-Soviets are guarding something of super sekrit importance.

Epsilon wants to find out what the Allied-Soviets are guarding before their response system kicks in and reinforcements arrive.
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The Allied-Soviets are guarding something of super sekrit importance.
Some breakthrough in regards to canon RA/Tib-tech or original stuff?

and hopefully get some of what they have back to Citadel Space,
I imagine they might be bashing their heads against the nearest surfaces, given what they're potentially receiving... For a time. (Mostly because a good chunk should be OCP's to them)

Epsilon wants to find out what the Allied-Soviets are guarding before their response system kicks in and reinforcements arrive.
out-system naval reinforcements or potentially chrono-porting?
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Some breakthrough in regards to canon RA/Tib-tech or original stuff?
It's related to tech you'd find in RA3 Paradox.

I imagine they might be bashing their heads against the nearest surfaces, given what they're potentially receiving... For a time.
To some extent there's something of a spectrum in technology from Scrin and Hyksos based to Reaper/Leviathan based. Human tech leans heavily towards Scrin and Hyksos based while generally speaking the Citadel draws inspiration from the Reapers. That being said, the principles behind Scrin and Hyksos tech can actually be replicated to some degree without Tiberium if you know what you're doing and have proper guidance. Tiberium just makes it easier, it's not strictly speaking, necessary, after all the Allies/Soviets and Epsilon were running around with Tesla weapons and Chronospheres in Stalin's lifetime, long before that plucky meteor had even reached the inner solar system or anyone but some weirdo cults had possession of the Tacitus.

out-system naval reinforcements or potentially chrono-porting?
The Allied-Soviets don't have Epsilon's manpower and strictly speaking don't have it's economic muscle (their per capita wealth is higher but there's a lot more Capita in the Dominion), and so formulated a plan of rapid response, which yes, does involve chrono-portation.

Chrono-porting carries a number of the limitations that XCOM Second Contact's psionic gates had, namely you can only make jumps of a certain distance, and overusing Chronotechnology on a large scale leads to very bad things.

It's why the Alliance's ships also have warp drives. These use a lower key version of chrono-technology that let them zoop around pretty fast. Epsilon instead uses the older Heisenberg drive technology which works more on hyperspace rules. These are based on Epsilon's understanding of GAP technology, which like in paradox works via projecting an image taken from another universe. With the combination of what they know of the Tacitus, Epsilon ships shunt themselves into a reality where their movement when translated back into this universe actually counts for a great deal more. Epsilon's method is the fastest but lacks precision, the Alliance's is in the middle, and Eezo FTL is the slowest but most precise. The great technology boom that occurs later on will have increased FTL speeds for the wider galaxy to the point where the average Eezo drive can go at up to 100 or so light years per day. Alliance warp drives can go at about 200, and Epsilon heisenberg drives at roughly 300. Through usage of chrono-stutter jumps Alliance ships can go faster than anyone else's in short bursts. Up to about a maximum of 3,000 light years in a single day before the ship needs to stop and rest for a while. Fleets will need to pause longer because of the added pressure they put on spacetime.

The Alliance does have gates, but their use has to be rationed, they're expensive, and they glow like the sun to enemy sensors and aren't quite indestructible. Any RA1 veteran should know what happens when you abuse the Chronosphere too much, only on a much larger scale. Chrono-gates have a maximum range of about 5,000 light years, or essentially infinite if you are going between linked chrono-gates. They will need a period of rest if heavily used however. Epsilon uses Astro-Gates which are more standard wormholes. Astrogates take the longest to spool up and have the longest charge time but they do have substantial range. C-space and other powers will have also been making their own relays as manufacturing abilities climb post-contact. What was once nation breakingly expensive and time consuming is now merely a costly infrastructure investment. Mass Relays are the fastest to charge and require no rest period but secondary relays have the shortest range and primary relays are point to point only.

Basically this Epsilon fleet is working on a schedule before the Alliance can mass-shift in relief fleets.

If you want to know how the reapers are feeling; many of them are rather horrified. The technology of the Scrin and Hyksos' dispersion into the galaxy is catastrophically altering the cycle. They are expecting this harvest to be a particularly costly one (even with the modifications I've made to them) and fear that the Scrin may be setting up the galaxy for assimilation. The Geth and NEXUS will have also been quietly keeping apace with the advance of technology. As for the Syndicate and Forgotten; they tend to just use whatever's available for them. Military formations will try to standardize these sorts of things when possible though.
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It's related to tech you'd find in RA3 Paradox.
Hmm... *starts googling*

The Allied-Soviets don't have Epsilon's manpower and strictly speaking don't have it's economic muscle (their per capita wealth is appreciably but not terrifically higher but there's a lot more Capita in the Dominion), and so formulated a plan of rapid response, which yes, does involve chrono-portation.

Chrono-porting carries a number of the limitations that XCOM Second Contact's psionic gates had, namely you can only make jumps of a certain distance, and overusing Chronotechnology on a large scale leads to very bad things.

It's why generally speaking, Chrono-stutter jumps are secondary to Eezo based systems for FTL in Allied-Soviet ships (and while better than Epsilon's, the Council still has better Eezo FTL).

The allied-soviets do have gates, but their use has to be rationed, they're very expensive, and they glow like the sun to enemy sensors and are hardly indestructible. Any RA1 veteran should know what happens when you abuse the Chronosphere too much, only on a much larger scale.

Basically this Epsilon fleet is working on a schedule before the Allied-Soviets can mass-shift in relief fleets.
Interesting. So Yuri has a lot more strategic depth to work with but the other side can shift their forces around far more rapidly, within limits.

Overusing as in "don't use it more than x times per *insert time-unit* "? Are the Overuse effects appearing progressively with number of Chronoport usage or simply after a sort of "hard limit"? Does it apply galaxy-wide or only within a certain area?

Have a different name for the A-S yet?

And is Yuri's ex-boss still going to play a role in things?

Edit: All this talk of Chronoporting is making me want to dig up RA again...
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Man, chronorifts would terrify ME races.
Chrono-rifts terrify everyone.

Much of the work in the past centuries on Chronoscience has been to try and minimize the risk of them happening, and when it comes to transporting fleets, it's still a real concern.

When out of control, basically all you can do is stuff it so that it collapses back upon itself or wait for it to go away while it randomly drifts around.

Hmm... *starts googling*

Interesting. So Yuri has a lot more strategic depth to work with but the other side can shift their forces around far more rapidly, within limits.

Overusing as in "don't use it more than x times per *insert time-unit* "?

Have a different name for the A-S yet?

And is Yuri's ex-boss still going to play a role in things?
Well yes, the A-S were stuck on the less habitable parts of the solar system for nearly three quarters of a century and thus had a lower population base for their colonization efforts to begin with when they moved outwards. Epsilon has more people and has far fewer qualms with making vat-babies if it feels it needs more mans (also the A-S' biotech is substantially behind both Epsilon and the Salarians).

Overuse is defined by "how much is being shifted" and "how often it is being shifted", and by "how much mitigation you have in your device." WW2 era Chronospheres were barely useful due to their limited volume of transport, their inability to keep shifted objects where you shifted them for long, and the terrifyingly high risk of something going catastrophically wrong.

WW3 era spheres were much less problematic because of improvements in mitigation and the still relatively limited scale of the devices.

With WW4 (When Yuri returned), the rate of chronospheric accidents began climbing back up due to little time for advancement and greatly increased usage in the evacuation of Earth.

Now the mitigation rate is good, but the mass scale demanded by their plans means that the risk is very far from negligible.

No, I'm still thinking on it.

The Messiah works in mysterious ways with inscrutable plans.

As a note:

Humanity is generally as suspicious of it's other camps as it is of any aliens. They're more than willing to play ball with aliens if it helps with their power games against each other unless the third party presents a clear and present and immediate danger to both.

That the Scrin invasion was the most devastating aspect of humanity's most devastating conflict amongst itself is of secondary consequence.
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If that admiral actually tries to jump on them with the expectation of giving them a good drubbing she's going to get some nasty surprises...
Despite feeling a bit cold and weak today I'll get the update out soon.

Still not sure whether I should focus on space or the ground.

I am tempted to avoid a FCW entirely though.
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But they're already having a war on first contact! Granted, with each other, not the aliens, but still...
Chapter 1c
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hellenia Orbit

"Ship-Proselyte, the message from the third party vessels seems to be an escalating listing of prime numbers on repeat. 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, then it loops." The Ensign said, not turning away from her screen or even so much as sparing Bashar the slightest of glances.

"At the very least they are more polite than the Scrin were, Yuri be praised." He said quietly to himself, placing his chin between his thumb and index finger.

"We have no intelligible communications otherwise, yes?" He added, folding his arms while the icons of the three fleets maneuvered about on his holographic display of the battlefield. The Epsilon fleet had a numerical advantage, but the Alliance had both a greater concentration of production facilities here than could be provided by Epsilon Cleric ships with this fleet, and were almost certain to have their reinforcements arrive before Epsilon's own relief fleet.

"No Ship-Proselyte."

"Have a mastermind ship establish psychic contact, show them our language, so that we do not lose anything in translation." The ship-proselyte asked.

"The Fleet-Proselyte concurs with your course of action brother." The Ensign said in her typical almost bored voice, but she managed a glance and a smile at her commander, the woman clearly harboring some excitement beneath her mask of stoicism.

"Thank you ensign Petrovic." He said, giving her a tip of his peaked cap. She wasn't fond of telepathic communiques and while he found that odd, Bashar respected her wishes to speak to her through purely verbal means.

As he observed his holographic table, the icon of a mastermind ship steamed forward under escort, and, thank Yuri, was not targeted for enemy attack, with a response to the Aliens' prime numbers being given in hopes of not adding to the shooting war. A tense moment passed, and then the telepathic waves crossed the gulf of space, not the domineering sort usually expected from mastermind vessels, but a wave of speech.


Citadel fleet

Gladius blinked as she watched the view screens, then a wave of thoughts foreign to her mind struck her head. As per Epsilon first contact protocols not just language, but history was broadcasted, in a method far more invasive than any mere data-stream. Her hands soon found their way to her temples as she tried to make sense of what she was seeing.

Images of progress, regress, war, peace, culture, barbarity, a history and a language course crammed in the space of a few moments. Stars made their presence known behind her eyes, but new words found themselves rooting in her mind, new concepts, new ideas. Her mind somewhat dulled the onslaught of the infodump, a combination of fierce training and neurological differences meant the process was not entirely perfect, and she could sense the subtle bits of the message that had an underlying seed of subliminal propaganda in them.

She'd read about Asari mind melding, though she never engaged in it herself, not finding the Asari particularly pleasing to her sense of aesthetics, but she thought she had an idea of it. She found that this idea was incomparable to the implantation of information into the minds of her and quite likely everyone else the mastermind ship could reach. No orgasmic wave of delight, no seering probe of pain, just a dull headache from so much being forced into her mind at once.

There was no real information on military capacity, a wise move she thought, but in addition to information on language, she had received the protocols needed to properly sync their communication devices, certainly more useful than the piles of information waxing poetic about the greatness of Yuri.

"Goddess...w-what?" The Asari next to her said as she winced, reaching for a thermos filled with some warm liquid and quickly chugging it down to try and relieve the sensation dancing around behind her eyes. A relieved sigh came from her as the liquid sent a warm feeling through her digestive tract and she soon regained her footing.

"Something very interesting just fell into our laps." Gladius said, and though Turians did not have the range of facial motions to provide a grin, the Asari was more than capable of telling that she was, terrifyingly, excited about what was to come.

"Make sure to put in a call for reinforcements, if this comes to a fight I want reserves at my back. Send them some calls and see if we can have a chat." She said, her orders being followed the very instant she gave them. Everything falling into place when she so requested was something that made her a very happy Turian.

"What do you want us to say first?" The Asari asked, shaking her head as he did so while the Turians around her seem to have largely shrugged off the prior mental offloading.

"Well they've fired the first shots of the infodump war, so I say we fire back. Make sure to exclude strategic or tactical information, I've been in enough negotiations to know that a bit of uncertainty goes a long way into making the other party more pliable." Gladius ordered before realizing that technically, as a negotiator the Asari wasn't formally under her command. Frakking civvies.

"Aren't we also uncertain of them?" The Asari asked, her face forming into an expression of puzzlement.

"We've seen them fight, we've even had a short firefight, they haven't seen us do anything more than drive around. I'd say we have the informational edge. Oh and Ambassador; if you think I don't know my way around diplomacy because I'm a Turian who hasn't spent a day out of the military in decades, I've got this Prince from the Terminus systems I'd like you to meet who wants to deposit his money with you." She said with breath-taking bluntness that almost made the Asari's jaw drop.

"Data-packets transmitted fleet Admiral." One of the ensigns reported, and almost immediately Gladius could just imagine the scientists and diplomats swarming over any terminal they could to get a peek at that data. Right now any information was worth it's mass in element zero to be hoarded and only grudgingly passed out. Once both sides had been properly contacted, two holograms appeared, one of a woman in an Epsilon female herald uniform, a rather gothically styled suit, and the other was the Alliance commander in the region, a bearded man whose otherwise professional looking uniform was marred by his cowboy hat. Herald Danica Pavelic and General George A. Chappell.

"Are you two capable of understanding me?" The Asari asked, getting a nod from the holograms of them both.

"Yes, of course I can." The woman responded, her face seeming to bear a constant expression of disinterest.

"I'm gonna have to ask you to power down your weapons there ." The man said with a prominent drawl to his voice.

"...Are you making unilateral demands of us?"

"Ab-so-lutely. Wouldn't want ya makin' any sneak attacks or anythin'." Chappell said with a tip of his hat, prompting a look of disbelief from the Asari and Gladius.

"And what if we refuse?" Gladius said, folding her arms.

"Why I reckon I'll have to blow y'all to smithereens for violating restricted territory." He said with a grin that put him halfway between ecstatic and batshit insane. Gladius had never seen a human before, but she had seen enough "smoothface" species to know that that kind of expression generally was as much of a threat display as it was a greeting. That made her slightly nervous, if he was feeling that confident he almost certainly wasn't bluffing.

"You're heavily outnumbered, and we are trying to establish peaceful contact here." The Asari said, having to restrain herself from gritting her teeth.

"Sure, sure, but I don't like havin' to negotiate when the other guy's got all the cards ya hear? As for the outnumbered thing? Eh, you should do a recheck in about...oh I'd say...ten seconds if I'm readin' this plan right." He said as he brought up his PDA, chuckling to himself.

Sure enough, space proved to be warped and time showed itself as bendable, white flashes began to make themselves apparent all through the orbit of the planet as the chronosphered in reinforcements made a mass shift to reinforce the Alliance positions. In a moment, Gladius became very aware of being at a strong numerical disadvantage, and that these beings were something she'd have to treat carefully with.

"Now, if ya'll are willin' to play ball we can talk this out like civilized folk, or I can get real violent and tell Lord Grand Admiral Squeaky flippers the Dark Duke of all that ya'll've been a mighty nuisance, and you don't want me to get Squeaky out 'fore he's had his chum bucket, trust me. Your choice." Chappell said, spreading out his hands and grinning, making sure his words implicated both the Epsilon and Citadel forces as being at risk of drawing the wrath of the Red and Blue.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Author's notes: Yes, I'm avoiding a FCW. Don't worry, you'll get your daily dosage of mindless violence later on.
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As a note, I'm on the look out for Beta readers, anyone up for the challenge?
"Now, if ya'll are willin' to play ball we can talk this out like civilized folk, or I can get real violent and tell Lord Grand Admiral Squeaky flippers the Dark Duke of all that ya'll've been a mighty nuisance, and you don't want me to get Squeaky out 'fore he's had his chum bucket, trust me. Your choice."

Oh shit... Dolphin Admirals?! :o

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Oh shit... Dolphin Admirals?! :o

Cetaceans are an important part of the Allied-Soviets and ever since a method to communicate with them was discovered, have been considered as full members.

Being already used to living in water, they're also better at three-dimensional thinking, which has lead to them being well suited to being pilots or ship commanders.

Heck the chairman of the Allied-Soviets by the time the shepard(s) portion of the story starts is going to be an Orca.
Cetaceans are an important part of the Allied-Soviets and ever since a method to communicate with them was discovered, have been considered as full members.

Being already used to living in water, they're also better at three-dimensional thinking, which has lead to them being well suited to being pilots or ship commanders.

Heck the chairman of the Allied-Soviets by the time the shepard(s) portion of the story starts is going to be an Orca.


I... I was just making a wild guess, you know...
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This is Red Alert, where standard tactics call for lightning guns to counter the enemy's transforming IFVs that don't actually transport anything while nearly invulnerable war blimps drop bombs on factories build a few kilometers away from your base to prevent them from creating actual flying saucers.

Some degree of silliness is to be expected. And Chairman Shamu (well I probably won't go for that name), leader of the Free Galaxy (self bestowed title) giving Charlie Chaplin esque speeches against the Batarian Hegemony, is just that kind of silly. what about the Giant Squids? Although they ARE only giant compared to infantries and in ME the opponent IS a more gigantic space squid... what about the Giant Squids? Although they ARE only giant compared to infantries and in ME the opponent IS a more gigantic space squid...
Squids are something I'm unsure of.

As for size, you'd be surprised what genetic engineering can do for something's scale.

There has however, generally been less of an impetus to use them as the importance of wet navies and sea-shipping has taken a nosedive since space-travel became easy.
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I see that someone had studied in the Howard T. Ackerman school of interstellar diplomacy.
Chappell's a man who likes to talk when he can't be blown away by the other guy in one go.

Next snippet's all about diplomacy though. Should be fun times!

Might squeeze in a bit about what NEXUS is up to.