Reborn With The Force.

You find yourselves in an expansive white void. You are not alone in this void, at your sides are others, but you can't make out what they look like or even how many there are. There is also another being there in the void, standing/floating in front of you and the other people at your sides. It is a titanic being, made up of a multitude of ever shifting crystalline shards of many colors, many of which did not exist in the world as you know it, and each shard are the size of the moon. These shards form together into the rough shape of a humanoid with six arms and two legs. It possessed four burning spheres for eyes and had no mouth, above its head were ten bands of light, and upon its back were six pairs of wings made of golden fire.

It spoke to you and the others, its voice the sound of a thousand storms yet possessing a gentle kindness to it.

"Mortals Of Another World, I Am [INDECIPHERABLE]. I Am What You Would Call A R.O.B., And Allow Me To Apologize In Advance For The Distress You Are Undoubtedly Experiencing At The Moment.
Before You All Begin To Demand To Be Sent Back Home, I Am Sorry To Say That All Of You Are Dead.
Each Of You Have Died Rather Gruesome Deaths, Unfair Deaths As Well.
Do Not Despair, For I Have Decided To Give All Of You A Second Chance At Life. Just Not In Your World.
I Will Admit, This Is Not For Purely Altruistic Reasons, I Need Your Assistance In A Particular Matter.
You See, Recently A World That I Favor Greatly Has Come Under Attack By A Threat Of Another R.O.B.
Now, I Cannot Directly Intervene As I Have In The Past As This Other R.O.B. Is Actively Preventing It, So I Require Proxies, Champions.
So, I Am Sending You.
You Will Not Be Sent Empty Handed, I Will Grant You Armor, Weapons, And Abilities That Will Make You Quite Powerful In This World.
I Shall Grant You The Powers Of Force Users, Lightsabers, And Armor Capable Of Protecting You From Those Same Weapons In The Event Some Of You Go Rogue.
I Will Grant You A Choice Between Three Different Paths: Light, Dark, And Grey.
These Paths Will Grant You More Specialized Abilities And Influence Your Appearance."

You feel a sudden painful tugging sensation at the very core of your essence.

"Your Choices Is Made, Good Luck."


You find yourself in a clearing within a forest of white barked trees with silvery star shaped leaves. You were clad in darkened armor, and in your hand was the handle of a Lightsaber. You felt the presence of a darkness in at the edges of your perceptions. It would appear to be midday, by the positioning of the sun in the blue sky. You still feel a phantom pain in your chest, where you had been shot in the chest by an unknown lunatic who apparently held some grudge against you. To the west, you detect the sound of a running river, to the north you heard the sound of hooves on the ground, and to your south you felt a great rage and hatred.

You awaken in a fertile field, golden plains for as far as you can see, with the occasional healthy green tree here and there. In the distance, you saw the silhouette of what looked to be a settlement, where your new connection to the Force gave the feeling of... fear. You then noticed the smoke starting to rise and the flickering of flames. In your dominant hand was your blaster/lightsaber hybrid, ready to ignite.

You awake surrounded by many people bearing primitive tribal clothing and possessing the features of various mammalian animals. You seemed to be in some sort of jungle forest, the foliage of the canopy thick enough to hide the sky but with enough space to let in light to shine on the jungle floor. You connection to the force let you feel the large amounts of life all around. In your dominant you felt your new Lightsaber, and you could sense something [WRONG] swiftly coming your way. The gathered animal people seem to sense it as well, as expressions of terror came on to their faces.

You find yourself being looked over by a child with pointed ears, an elf. He poked you with a simple twig. You were just outside a forest that seemed filled with some sort of strange energies. Your connection to the Force detected no malicious intent. You felt your Lightsabers at your sides.

@Lazy Coyote

You awaken to the phantom pains from your brutal death, feeling you Lightstaff leaning against you, realizing that you were sitting up against a wall in some town... that was being raided by what looked like something out of Doom. The Dark Side filled you with the power of the rage, hate, and fear that surrounded you, washing away the pain and giving you supernatural strength. What glorious POWER!

OH GOD EVERYTHING IS PAIN! It took a few seconds to let the overwhelming pain fade. Getting hit by a car was not pleasant, especially the phantom pains. You seemed to be just outside a town... that was on fire and being attack by abominations that the sight of made the Dark Side fill you with power from all the negative emotions from the attack. Pain faded in an instant, and you felt like a GOD!
You awake surrounded by many people bearing primitive tribal clothing and possessing the features of various mammalian animals. You seemed to be in some sort of jungle forest, the foliage of the canopy thick enough to hide the sky but with enough space to let in light to shine on the jungle floor. You connection to the force let you feel the large amounts of life all around. In your dominant you felt your new Lightsaber, and you could sense something [WRONG] swiftly coming your way. The gathered animal people seem to sense it as well, as expressions of terror came on to their faces.

Victor moves before anything has managed to click in his head. For whatever reason, all his senses are screaming at him to place himself between these people and whatever threat was approaching. His lightsaber flares to life, glowing like the hidden sun above, and his feet slide into a stance that is familiar and not at the same time. Gripping his weapon in a two-handed grip, he waits.
OH GOD EVERYTHING IS PAIN! It took a few seconds to let the overwhelming pain fade. Getting hit by a car was not pleasant, especially the phantom pains. You seemed to be just outside a town... that was on fire and being attack by abominations that the sight of made the Dark Side fill you with power from all the negative emotions from the attack. Pain faded in an instant, and you felt like a GOD!

Rhis couldn't help but bask in the power flowing through his body at least for a second as he slowly lifted himself up from where the phantom pains had made him collapse. He took a second to glance at his lightsaber, the dark purple almost mesmerising in his eyes before beginning to back away from the burning town. It was only smart after all, he had no idea who he could trust.
You find yourself being looked over by a child with pointed ears, an elf. He poked you with a simple twig. You were just outside a forest that seemed filled with some sort of strange energies. Your connection to the Force detected no malicious intent. You felt your Lightsabers at your sides.
Twelve solemnly moves his arm and slowly attempts to poke the elf child back.

He was rather sure, what with being a Jedi and all now, that he had not just experienced a mere dream, so he found a small person with a stick to be rather a downshift on the tension-scale. His newfound spacewizardness helped, as well.
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@Lazy Coyote
You awaken to the phantom pains from your brutal death, feeling you Lightstaff leaning against you, realizing that you were sitting up against a wall in some town... that was being raided by what looked like something out of Doom. The Dark Side filled you with the power of the rage, hate, and fear that surrounded you, washing away the pain and giving you supernatural strength. What glorious POWER!
Coyote clenched his fist as the warzone waged around him, giving his Lightstaff a few twirls with his other hand, before reaching up and detaching the blade from the body and putting the main part on his back. In such close quarters having a long staff would only be a detriment.

As he turned on his lightsaber (His lightsaber, a real life lightsaber), he reached out to the town around him with his new powers, drawing not on the pain and fear of the city around him, but on their RAGE, their sheer hatred for the beings that were attacking their town, and he drew it into himself, strengthening himself and giving birth to what might have been the most enraged he's ever been!

Then he took that rage, that sheer anger and aimed it at the beings attacking the town.

A maddened grin split his face as he funneled some of the energy coursing through his veins to his throat.

Step one, draw the enemy's attention.

Then he roared his challenge to the monsters.

You awaken in a fertile field, golden plains for as far as you can see, with the occasional healthy green tree here and there. In the distance, you saw the silhouette of what looked to be a settlement, where your new connection to the Force gave the feeling of... fear. You then noticed the smoke starting to rise and the flickering of flames. In your dominant hand was your blaster/lightsaber hybrid, ready to ignite.
The man who called himself Zero Eight took a moment to assess the situation, for he was no fool and could tell that despite the abilities he had recently been granted he was not invincible nor had he had time to practice using them, but regardless he had read too many novels to not be able to guess what was going on. He was in some farmland, likely managed by the village in the distance and at this very moment that village was likely being attack by....well if he was lucky regular bandits but he doubted he would be so lucky.

"Why do I have to be suck a bleeding heart?" he muttered to himself, lightsaber in hand and ready, as he began to sneak his way closer. Sure he considered going the other way but his conscience would not allow him to ignore such injustice when it was right in front of him.
Darth Janus looked towards the North. He could hear hooves on the ground. Horses, here? Where was he? Why was he here? Was he dead? When he arrived at the scene of the thundering hooves, he was careful to pay attention to his surroundings, what was in front of him, and to pick up any clues as to what was going on.
Victor moves before anything has managed to click in his head. For whatever reason, all his senses are screaming at him to place himself between these people and whatever threat was approaching. His lightsaber flares to life, glowing like the hidden sun above, and his feet slide into a stance that is familiar and not at the same time. Gripping his weapon in a two-handed grip, he waits.
The animal folk seem surprised by how fast you moved, but that did not matter. The feeling of wrongness was rapidly approaching and soon appeared bursting from the trees and landed in front of you with a loud thud. It was an abomination, its lower half like a spider with dark purple carapace, its flayed upper body had four arms each ending with crab like pincers, Its head had no face but a single cyclopean eye socket that had a strange black sludge pouring out of it. It screeched an unholy roar at you, despite possessing no mouth.

Every fiber of your being told you to destroy this monster.
Rhis couldn't help but bask in the power flowing through his body at least for a second as he slowly lifted himself up from where the phantom pains had made him collapse. He took a second to glance at his lightsaber, the dark purple almost mesmerising in his eyes before beginning to back away from the burning town. It was only smart after all, he had no idea who he could trust.
You back away from the town but soon feel something, something that radiates the power of the Dark side of the Force. Also, the further you walk away from the town, the less of that wonderful POWER you felt. You also felt a sense of [OTHER] ness from the village, and something made you want to destroy whatever was giving you this feeling.


Also there was the shout filled with Dark side power.
Twelve solemnly moves his arm and slowly attempts to poke the elf child back.

He was rather sure, what with being a Jedi and all now, that he had not just experienced a mere dream, so he found a small person with a stick to be rather a downshift on the tension-scale. His newfound spacewizardness helped, as well.
When you move the child yelps and backs up quickly in surprise. He just stares at you for a few seconds before speaking with a small stutter. "W-who are y-you?" they asked, voice filled with a bit of curiosity and a little fear.
Coyote clenched his fist as the warzone waged around him, giving his Lightstaff a few twirls with his other hand, before reaching up and detaching the blade from the body and putting the main part on his back. In such close quarters having a long staff would only be a detriment.

As he turned on his lightsaber (His lightsaber, a real life lightsaber), he reached out to the town around him with his new powers, drawing not on the pain and fear of the city around him, but on their RAGE, their sheer hatred for the beings that were attacking their town, and he drew it into himself, strengthening himself and giving birth to what might have been the most enraged he's ever been!

Then he took that rage, that sheer anger and aimed it at the beings attacking the town.

A maddened grin split his face as he funneled some of the energy coursing through his veins to his throat.

Step one, draw the enemy's attention.

Then he roared his challenge to the monsters.

The creatures all turn to you, some part of them physically sensing the sheer RAGE in your voice. The villagers, who looked like regular humans mixed a few Dwarves and Half-Elves, stared at you with shock and confusion. Your shout also carried enough power that it loosed a shockwave around you that snuffed out some of fires. The demons (for what else could they be?) gave off a sense of [WRONG] ness that angered you on an existential level. They began to chitter and growl amongst themselves before a few of them charge you, flesh rending talons raised to strike.

They do jacks**t against your armor and break.

The demons examine their broken claws in befuddlement.
The man who called himself Zero Eight took a moment to assess the situation, for he was no fool and could tell that despite the abilities he had recently been granted he was not invincible nor had he had time to practice using them, but regardless he had read too many novels to not be able to guess what was going on. He was in some farmland, likely managed by the village in the distance and at this very moment that village was likely being attack by....well if he was lucky regular bandits but he doubted he would be so lucky.

"Why do I have to be suck a bleeding heart?" he muttered to himself, lightsaber in hand and ready, as he began to sneak his way closer. Sure he considered going the other way but his conscience would not allow him to ignore such injustice when it was right in front of him.
When you reach the edge of the settlement, you see someone backing away from the clearly burning town. Before you could confront him, you a loud shout of "HEY!" that was filled with Dark side energy. Also you sense things in the settlement that your new Force sense screamed were [WRONG].
Darth Janus looked towards the North. He could hear hooves on the ground. Horses, here? Where was he? Why was he here? Was he dead? When he arrived at the scene of the thundering hooves, he was careful to pay attention to his surroundings, what was in front of him, and to pick up any clues as to what was going on.
You travel north and soon come across a band of people armored like medieval knights on horseback fighting a beast with eight long bladed legs, two pincers, a scorpion's tail, and a cobra's head that spat actual fire.

You are certain that should not exist.

The Knights were losing by the way.
You back away from the town but soon feel something, something that radiates the power of the Dark side of the Force. Also, the further you walk away from the town, the less of that wonderful POWER you felt. You also felt a sense of [OTHER] ness from the village, and something made you want to destroy whatever was giving you this feeling.


Also there was the shout filled with Dark side power.

As Rhis feels the power start to fade from his body the further he got from the town, he starts to slow down in befuddlement at why the power was leaving him before being distracted by a shout coming from the town that was laced with the power of the Dark Side.

Not wasting a second, Rhis started to jog towards the town hoping to pinpoint the other Dark Side user while trying to ignore the irrational rage he was getting from this feeling in town. He wouldn't destroy that later, for now he had a potential ally to find.
The animal folk seem surprised by how fast you moved, but that did not matter. The feeling of wrongness was rapidly approaching and soon appeared bursting from the trees and landed in front of you with a loud thud. It was an abomination, its lower half like a spider with dark purple carapace, its flayed upper body had four arms each ending with crab like pincers, Its head had no face but a single cyclopean eye socket that had a strange black sludge pouring out of it. It screeched an unholy roar at you, despite possessing no mouth.

Every fiber of your being told you to destroy this monster.

Arms and legs moved on their own before the rational mind caught up. Keeping low to the ground, Victor dove forward, his yellow lightsaber sweeping forward in an attempt to sever the monster's four right legs. It may be large, but it was only as fast as its legs could move it.
I look at the strange beast, and instinctually, I gesture my hands forth, and lightning arcs from my hand as I strain to pour more power into it. The Force Lightning, aimed straight at it's head, was being poured into it explicitly for the attempt to causing it's head to explode from overcharge of electricity. I'm not sure that's how the Force works but it might work. I pour my desperation and disappointment, and rage over the atrocity which had just happened to me into the beast through The Dark Side.
When you move the child yelps and backs up quickly in surprise. He just stares at you for a few seconds before speaking with a small stutter. "W-who are y-you?" they asked, voice filled with a bit of curiosity and a little fear.
"I am a space wizard of Justice, small person. You may call me Twelve." Twelve delivers his lines with the solemnity due to them, despite lying on the ground, flat on his back. "By any chance, would you happen to know of any body or thing that those things that I am could help with? I've been lead to believe that there exists unnatural unrest... somewhere, that I am supposed to be dealing with."
The creatures all turn to you, some part of them physically sensing the sheer RAGE in your voice. The villagers, who looked like regular humans mixed a few Dwarves and Half-Elves, stared at you with shock and confusion. Your shout also carried enough power that it loosed a shockwave around you that snuffed out some of fires. The demons (for what else could they be?) gave off a sense of [WRONG] ness that angered you on an existential level. They began to chitter and growl amongst themselves before a few of them charge you, flesh rending talons raised to strike.

They do jacks**t against your armor and break.

The demons examine their broken claws in befuddlement.
Coyote stared at the monsters that had attacked him, before he snarled, lashing out with his short Lightsaber in an attempt at bisecting as many of the creatures in one swing as he could, all the while lashing out with his other arm to grab the closest thing to a neck that he could find on one of the demons, before funneling quite a bit of the coursing RAGE in his body into his arm and chest, doing his level best to pick this thing up and physically hurl it at the biggest and nastiest thing he could see.

He once more roared his wordless challenge to the monsters, before turning to the largest group of fantasy races he could see.

"Do any of you know how to use a sword?"
When you reach the edge of the settlement, you see someone backing away from the clearly burning town. Before you could confront him, you a loud shout of "HEY!" that was filled with Dark side energy. Also you sense things in the settlement that your new Force sense screamed were [WRONG].
'Interesting' Zero Eight thought to himself as he observed the man backing away from the town and the subsequent loud shout coming from deeper within, the sensation of what he could only assume to be Dark Side energy that accompanied the scream made him think that whoever was yelling was a Darksider of some kind and had used it to amplify his voice....likely to get something's attention and if he had to guess it was whatever was causing the sheer sense of Wrongness to emanate from within the village.
As Rhis feels the power start to fade from his body the further he got from the town, he starts to slow down in befuddlement at why the power was leaving him before being distracted by a shout coming from the town that was laced with the power of the Dark Side.

Not wasting a second, Rhis started to jog towards the town hoping to pinpoint the other Dark Side user while trying to ignore the irrational rage he was getting from this feeling in town. He wouldn't destroy that later, for now he had a potential ally to find.
But his musings were interrupted as the Man before him suddenly did an about face and charge back into the town, the exact opposite reaction that a normal person would have. His curiosity peeked Zero Eight began to follow the man from the shadows, doing everything in his power to conceal his presence and making a mental note to try and figure out Force Cloak in the future.
Arms and legs moved on their own before the rational mind caught up. Keeping low to the ground, Victor dove forward, his yellow lightsaber sweeping forward in an attempt to sever the monster's four right legs. It may be large, but it was only as fast as its legs could move it.
The creature howls in pain as your lightsaber easily cleaves through its legs. It loses balance and falls to the ground. The gathered animal folk looked surprised that the beast was wounded, and several of the more muscular and actually armed ones began to move towards the beast, spears raised to strike.

The creature saw this and swiped on of its pincers towards them, a bolt of purplish lightning surged from it and struck one of them, blasting a hole through their chest.
"I am a space wizard of Justice, small person. You may call me Twelve." Twelve delivers his lines with the solemnity due to them, despite lying on the ground, flat on his back. "By any chance, would you happen to know of any body or thing that those things that I am could help with? I've been lead to believe that there exists unnatural unrest... somewhere, that I am supposed to be dealing with."
The child blinks, confusion etched on his face. "Space Wizard? But the Ways of The Sages has all but lost to the world. That's what the Elders say at least." The Elf child said. You hear voices in the distance and through the Force feel several people coming closer.
I look at the strange beast, and instinctually, I gesture my hands forth, and lightning arcs from my hand as I strain to pour more power into it. The Force Lightning, aimed straight at it's head, was being poured into it explicitly for the attempt to causing it's head to explode from overcharge of electricity. I'm not sure that's how the Force works but it might work. I pour my desperation and disappointment, and rage over the atrocity which had just happened to me into the beast through The Dark Side.
The lightning doesn't pop the aberrations head, but it does completely fry its brain and kill it. The knights seem surprised and quickly begin to look for the source of the creature's demise. One of them sees you and yells, their voice feminine. "You there! Who are you?"
As Rhis feels the power start to fade from his body the further he got from the town, he starts to slow down in befuddlement at why the power was leaving him before being distracted by a shout coming from the town that was laced with the power of the Dark Side.

Not wasting a second, Rhis started to jog towards the town hoping to pinpoint the other Dark Side user while trying to ignore the irrational rage he was getting from this feeling in town. He wouldn't destroy that later, for now he had a potential ally to find.
'Interesting' Zero Eight thought to himself as he observed the man backing away from the town and the subsequent loud shout coming from deeper within, the sensation of what he could only assume to be Dark Side energy that accompanied the scream made him think that whoever was yelling was a Darksider of some kind and had used it to amplify his voice....likely to get something's attention and if he had to guess it was whatever was causing the sheer sense of Wrongness to emanate from within the village.

But his musings were interrupted as the Man before him suddenly did an about face and charge back into the town, the exact opposite reaction that a normal person would have. His curiosity peeked Zero Eight began to follow the man from the shadows, doing everything in his power to conceal his presence and making a mental note to try and figure out Force Cloak in the future.
The two of you walk into the burning village and see a certain scene...
Coyote stared at the monsters that had attacked him, before he snarled, lashing out with his short Lightsaber in an attempt at bisecting as many of the creatures in one swing as he could, all the while lashing out with his other arm to grab the closest thing to a neck that he could find on one of the demons, before funneling quite a bit of the coursing RAGE in his body into his arm and chest, doing his level best to pick this thing up and physically hurl it at the biggest and nastiest thing he could see.

He once more roared his wordless challenge to the monsters, before turning to the largest group of fantasy races he could see.

"Do any of you know how to use a sword?"
The Demons who tried to strike you down are cut down by your crimson blade, and another is thrown into a large ogre like creature with enough force to knock it over. The other Demons brandish their claws and set them aflame with shadowy flames, while more gaunt and skeletal demons summon eldritch lightning.

A few of the villagers nod at your question, but none seem to have a weapon.

In the White Void, The ROB looked through a viewing portal, observing its champions. It had not expected for half of them to encounter the forces of its enemy so quickly, but was impressed by how naturally they used their new powers. However, It noticed the high presence of the Dark Side and found it potentially worrying. So it found another two Souls who choose the path of the Light. After giving them the same run down it had given to the others, it sent them to more peaceful areas. Besides, more Champions will increase the odds in its favor.


You awaken in a bed in a room, one that looks like something you would find in a tavern in a fantasy RPG. You are alone, your lightsaber on the nightstand next to the bed. You feel the soothing warmth of the Light side gently caressing your mind. Suddenly, a woman in medieval cloths opens the door and looks at you with surprise. "Who are you?" she asks in confusion.


You awaken in the middle of a field. When you sit up you will find there is a village nearby, completely peaceful and NOT on fire. You have your Lightsaber at your side and The Light's embrace fills you.
Fear and panic seized me as my big brother's hands clamped down hard on her neck. His eyes were bloodshot and his breath stank of liquor. "I was right after all, brother. You ARE utterly useless." I feebly thrashed around in my bed, but it was for naught. Finally I just gave up even as my baser instincts screamed at me to resist. He was right afterall. This way...this way I would have peace, and I would no longer be a burden on my family. And brother...perhaps without a useless sibling to drag him down...perhaps he could be the person I always thought he could be...

The Pain faded. Everything did. I had it. Finally. For the first time in so many years. Peace.

You find yourselves in an expansive white void. You are not alone in this void, at your sides are others, but you can't make out what they look like or even how many there are. There is also another being there in the void, standing/floating in front of you and the other people at your sides. It is a titanic being, made up of a multitude of ever shifting crystalline shards of many colors, many of which did not exist in the world as you know it, and each shard are the size of the moon. These shards form together into the rough shape of a humanoid with six arms and two legs. It possessed four burning spheres for eyes and had no mouth, above its head were ten bands of light, and upon its back were six pairs of wings made of golden fire.

It spoke to you and the others, its voice the sound of a thousand storms yet possessing a gentle kindness to it.

"Mortals Of Another World, I Am [INDECIPHERABLE]. I Am What You Would Call A R.O.B., And Allow Me To Apologize In Advance For The Distress You Are Undoubtedly Experiencing At The Moment.
Before You All Begin To Demand To Be Sent Back Home, I Am Sorry To Say That All Of You Are Dead.
Each Of You Have Died Rather Gruesome Deaths, Unfair Deaths As Well.
Do Not Despair, For I Have Decided To Give All Of You A Second Chance At Life. Just Not In Your World.
I Will Admit, This Is Not For Purely Altruistic Reasons, I Need Your Assistance In A Particular Matter.
You See, Recently A World That I Favor Greatly Has Come Under Attack By A Threat Of Another R.O.B.
Now, I Cannot Directly Intervene As I Have In The Past As This Other R.O.B. Is Actively Preventing It, So I Require Proxies, Champions.
So, I Am Sending You.
You Will Not Be Sent Empty Handed, I Will Grant You Armor, Weapons, And Abilities That Will Make You Quite Powerful In This World.
I Shall Grant You The Powers Of Force Users, Lightsabers, And Armor Capable Of Protecting You From Those Same Weapons In The Event Some Of You Go Rogue.
I Will Grant You A Choice Between Three Different Paths: Light, Dark, And Grey.
These Paths Will Grant You More Specialized Abilities And Influence Your Appearance."

You feel a sudden painful tugging sensation at the very core of your essence.

"Your Choices Is Made, Good Luck."

At first I was overawed at the titanic being in front of me that radiated pure majesty and power. God exists. But then its words hit me.

NO! Nononononononono! I had peace! For the first time in my miserable life, I had peace! Why was I being toyed with? Cursed with an existence so pathetic I failed at taking my own life. What did I do to deserve this life as a glorified circus freak?

I refuse! Do you hear me, 'God'?! I REFUSE! I accept...

There was that insufferable presence again. That tiny voice at the back of my head, my entire life, that told me I wasn't useless, that I was worth something. It lied and poisoned me with honeyed words. Made me blind to my failings a failed pathetic being. Nothing but a stone on the neck of good people. Slowing them down and drowning them in the filth that was my presence and existence. I thought that deceiver, that liar would've died. But still that small voice haunted me. Even in death it mocked me.

And as always that voice had its way with my being.

"Your Choices Is Made, Good Luck."

I screamed wordlessly as I felt pain in the very essence of my being. I screamed at the unfairness of it all. I screamed at losing the peace I had. I screamed because it was all I could do. It was all I knew...


You awaken in a bed in a room, one that looks like something you would find in a tavern in a fantasy RPG. You are alone, your lightsaber on the nightstand next to the bed. You feel the soothing warmth of the Light side gently caressing your mind. Suddenly, a woman in medieval cloths opens the door and looks at you with surprise. "Who are you?" she asks in confusion.

Memories of a life before swirl in my mind, threaten to overwhelm me, but a calming presence fills my mind and very being. Where there was despair, now I feel only a sense of deep melancholy and sadness. A small feeling at the back of my head tells me even this calming warmth...the Light Side of the force...won't always work this efficiently. A little parting mercy from a God, perhaps? But I can think on such things later. A new life...a new existence...a new...body?!

Wait what?

A quick look at my body tells me I'm not a schlubby man-child anymore. Like the start of a terrible fanfiction, I'm 'on the other side' now! Well yes I had had thoughts and fantasies about this before, but to have it actually happen...FOCUS! FOCUS MAN!...WOMAN!..

Picking up my lightsaber, I nervously wave at the woman and respond as best as I can. "Hello there." Smooth move, asshole. Try again. I clear my throat and push on. "Hello there. My name is (Noelle, a small voice at the back of my mind supplied) Noelle I my own home, but the last thing I remember is a flash of light and suddenly I found myself in this place. Funny how things work, eh?...If you don't mind me asking, Ma'am. Where am I?"
The creature howls in pain as your lightsaber easily cleaves through its legs. It loses balance and falls to the ground. The gathered animal folk looked surprised that the beast was wounded, and several of the more muscular and actually armed ones began to move towards the beast, spears raised to strike.

The creature saw this and swiped on of its pincers towards them, a bolt of purplish lightning surged from it and struck one of them, blasting a hole through their chest.

As the monster started falling without the support of its legs, Victor jumped up onto its thorax and swept his saber through its neck. For good measure, he also bisected its torso.

Without a word, he hopped back off the tumbling creature and approached the fallen...person. He'd figure out what to think of them later. Victor grimaced at the hole blasted through their torso.

'This is beyond normal medicine,' He thought to himself, 'But...'

While he wasn't certain that he could actually do it, he knew that Force Healing was possible. Testing out a theory, Victor gathered the Force into his hands. He imagined the victim's wound closing and tried to will the Force to do so. He was really hoping it didn't manifest as a telekinetic blast instead.
"I am Janus." I say as I come out all decked out in my armor. "I killed the creature with my lightning, because it looked like you people needed help. It was defeating you quite handily, and I didn't need to let you all die."
Rhis stared at the man currently fighting the demons, who was obviously the source of the shout that had caught his attention earlier. The dark side seemed to radiate off him as he fought the creatures.
Wanting a bit of the action, Rhis goes to attack one of the demons that are still alive, swinging his lightsaber downwards so to bisect the creature.
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"I'm sorry," the doctor said. "There's no reasonable expectation of improvement, let alone recovery."

"Does that mean - " Robert began to ask before choking back a sob.

"Yes. Yes, I'm afraid. You have a difficult decision to make. Please talk it over with her friends and family."

You awaken in the middle of a field. When you sit up you will find there is a village nearby, completely peaceful and NOT on fire. You have your Lightsaber at your side and The Light's embrace fills you.

"Wow... guess that wasn't a dream," Serenity murmured. She sat up, held her hand up and looked at it against the bright blue sky. She spread her fingers out, feeling the play of muscles and ligaments.

She moved gingerly but gracefully, limbs obeying her will as they never had before. She felt like bursting into dance - and she did. She began slowly, twirling as she rose to her feet, feeling light as air, stretching out tall and long and straight as she had never been. And then she let her new body move, exploring its limits and capabilities, as she savoured its power and flexibility.

With that physical change had come a mental one as well - her newfound grace was matched by a calmness, a centeredness she'd never felt before. Stray thoughts came, but they went just as quickly. She didn't feel the need to hang on to them, to gnaw at them; she simply held them for a moment, then let them pass.

I'm free, she thought.

And she found her hands holding two short metal tubes, each with a tassel on the end. They were ribbed and knurled but fitted her grip as if they were made just for her - and with a shock she realised that they had been. The hands that held the tubes had shaped them as well, and for a purpose.

Her thumbs moved as if of their own volition, and blue light, outshining even the sun, spilled forth. Twin shafts of crackling, buzzing energy speared from the tubes, and of its own accord her body began to wield them in a startling display of whirling, lightning-swift strikes combined with incredible agility.

It may have looked like a blur of motion, but Serenity watched herself going through the sequence, and understood that it was a set of fighting actions - but against whom? Or what?

The sequence took a couple of minutes to complete, and at the end Serenity sank into a deep lotus, feeling energy wash into and through her.

I'm here for a reason, she thought. I don't know what it is yet but I've got to find out.

And with that she rose to her feet again and made her way down to the village.
The two of you walk into the burning village and see a certain scene...

The Demons who tried to strike you down are cut down by your crimson blade, and another is thrown into a large ogre like creature with enough force to knock it over. The other Demons brandish their claws and set them aflame with shadowy flames, while more gaunt and skeletal demons summon eldritch lightning.

A few of the villagers nod at your question, but none seem to have a weapon..
Unlike the first Man he had been following, who Zero Eight idly noted was probably a Sith like the man already fighting these Demons, Zero Eight remained in the shadows observing the battle from the way the combatants fought to the way the Demons responded. He needed more information before he could commit to a course of action.

Idly he also began to take note of the Villagers that were on the peripheral of the battleground, particularly he was looking for one who was isolated enough and coherent enough for him to quick and stealthily subdue for some...questioning.
The child blinks, confusion etched on his face. "Space Wizard? But the Ways of The Sages has all but lost to the world. That's what the Elders say at least." The Elf child said. You hear voices in the distance and through the Force feel several people coming closer.
Twelve blinks beneath the obscuration of his robe and attempts to feel the newcomers through the force. Or perhaps skim is the better word? Handshake? Glance? He's not too sure what catchy term he can use to describe attempting to sense the general nature and intent of people by... assessing their presence in the Force. Assessing. Maybe he'll just call it that. If he ever mentions it to anybody, that is, it seems like the sort of thing to keep under ones belt.

Twelve simultaneously shrugs as he continues his conversation with the small Elf, grass sliding with the back and forth motion of his shoulders. "A flame gutters, and its ashes cool. Later, it is found once more to be burning. Perhaps the fire never truly died. Perhaps somebody grew cold. Riddle me this, while we wait on our new arrivals; who lit the first flame?" Inside his head, Twelve solemnly fist pumped at the oblique wizardness of his statement! Surely he had nailed it.
The Demons who tried to strike you down are cut down by your crimson blade, and another is thrown into a large ogre like creature with enough force to knock it over. The other Demons brandish their claws and set them aflame with shadowy flames, while more gaunt and skeletal demons summon eldritch lightning.

A few of the villagers nod at your question, but none seem to have a weapon.
Coyote nods, turning to the angered Demon's and reaching onto his back, quickly attaching his lightsaber to the end of his staff, turning it into a far more deadly weapon, and unlike the sword, he actually knew how to fight using a spear.

"Search around, find some weapons and stay together, make sure to stay close."

Coyote once more reached out to the rage surrounding him, directing once more into his body.

He lashed out with the end of his Lightspear towards the nearest demons as he ran towards the giant Ogre, rearing back one of his fists and pushing as much of the renewed RAGE into his fist as he could, before throwing it forward into the Ogre's stomach.

Memories of a life before swirl in my mind, threaten to overwhelm me, but a calming presence fills my mind and very being. Where there was despair, now I feel only a sense of deep melancholy and sadness. A small feeling at the back of my head tells me even this calming warmth...the Light Side of the force...won't always work this efficiently. A little parting mercy from a God, perhaps? But I can think on such things later. A new life...a new existence...a new...body?!

Wait what?

A quick look at my body tells me I'm not a schlubby man-child anymore. Like the start of a terrible fanfiction, I'm 'on the other side' now! Well yes I had had thoughts and fantasies about this before, but to have it actually happen...FOCUS! FOCUS MAN!...WOMAN!..

Picking up my lightsaber, I nervously wave at the woman and respond as best as I can. "Hello there." Smooth move, asshole. Try again. I clear my throat and push on. "Hello there. My name is (Noelle, a small voice at the back of my mind supplied) Noelle I my own home, but the last thing I remember is a flash of light and suddenly I found myself in this place. Funny how things work, eh?...If you don't mind me asking, Ma'am. Where am I?"
The tavern girl gives you a clear look that she doesn't believe you. "What a ridiculous story, finding yourself in unfamiliar location after a mysterious flash of light? What do you take me for, a child?" She begins to turn, most likely to call someone over.

Quick, what would someone with Force Powers do?!
As the monster started falling without the support of its legs, Victor jumped up onto its thorax and swept his saber through its neck. For good measure, he also bisected its torso.

Without a word, he hopped back off the tumbling creature and approached the fallen...person. He'd figure out what to think of them later. Victor grimaced at the hole blasted through their torso.

'This is beyond normal medicine,' He thought to himself, 'But...'

While he wasn't certain that he could actually do it, he knew that Force Healing was possible. Testing out a theory, Victor gathered the Force into his hands. He imagined the victim's wound closing and tried to will the Force to do so. He was really hoping it didn't manifest as a telekinetic blast instead.
You focus the power of the Force into the wound, calling upon to heal the injury. You see as the hole slowly begins to close, and you can feel your own strength fading quickly. When the man's wound fully closed, you could feel yourself begin to black out from exhaustion.

You were not trained in the ways of the Force, all you had was a form of instinctual knowledge on it, granted by the ROB who gave you this new life.
"I am Janus." I say as I come out all decked out in my armor. "I killed the creature with my lightning, because it looked like you people needed help. It was defeating you quite handily, and I didn't need to let you all die."
The knights all seem to whisper amongst themselves, words like "Sage" and "Magic" were heard through your connection to the Force. The knight who spoke first and questioned you gave you an ugly look through her helm, which you knew because you could sense her negative emotions through the Force.

"While your help is... appreciated, I must ask you come with us back to castle Skyfall. There you will meet with the Marshal so that proper compensation can be paid for your assistance." She said.
"Wow... guess that wasn't a dream," Serenity murmured. She sat up, held her hand up and looked at it against the bright blue sky. She spread her fingers out, feeling the play of muscles and ligaments.

She moved gingerly but gracefully, limbs obeying her will as they never had before. She felt like bursting into dance - and she did. She began slowly, twirling as she rose to her feet, feeling light as air, stretching out tall and long and straight as she had never been. And then she let her new body move, exploring its limits and capabilities, as she savoured its power and flexibility.

With that physical change had come a mental one as well - her newfound grace was matched by a calmness, a centeredness she'd never felt before. Stray thoughts came, but they went just as quickly. She didn't feel the need to hang on to them, to gnaw at them; she simply held them for a moment, then let them pass.

I'm free, she thought.

And she found her hands holding two short metal tubes, each with a tassel on the end. They were ribbed and knurled but fitted her grip as if they were made just for her - and with a shock she realised that they had been. The hands that held the tubes had shaped them as well, and for a purpose.

Her thumbs moved as if of their own volition, and blue light, outshining even the sun, spilled forth. Twin shafts of crackling, buzzing energy speared from the tubes, and of its own accord her body began to wield them in a startling display of whirling, lightning-swift strikes combined with incredible agility.

It may have looked like a blur of motion, but Serenity watched herself going through the sequence, and understood that it was a set of fighting actions - but against whom? Or what?

The sequence took a couple of minutes to complete, and at the end Serenity sank into a deep lotus, feeling energy wash into and through her.

I'm here for a reason, she thought. I don't know what it is yet but I've got to find out.

And with that she rose to her feet again and made her way down to the village.
As you moved closer to the village, you saw that there was a castle nearby, like somethin out of a fantasy setting. The village was also close to a forest and some forested mountains. When you arrive to the front entrance of the village, you are meet by two guards.

"Halt, state your business here at Leafstone traveler." said the Guard on the left.
Rhis stared at the man currently fighting the demons, who was obviously the source of the shout that had caught his attention earlier. The dark side seemed to radiate off him as he fought the creatures.
Wanting a bit of the action, Rhis goes to attack one of the demons that are still alive, swinging his lightsaber downwards so to bisect the creature.

Unlike the first Man he had been following, who Zero Eight idly noted was probably a Sith like the man already fighting these Demons, Zero Eight remained in the shadows observing the battle from the way the combatants fought to the way the Demons responded. He needed more information before he could commit to a course of action.

Idly he also began to take note of the Villagers that were on the peripheral of the battleground, particularly he was looking for one who was isolated enough and coherent enough for him to quick and stealthily subdue for some...questioning.

Coyote nods, turning to the angered Demon's and reaching onto his back, quickly attaching his lightsaber to the end of his staff, turning it into a far more deadly weapon, and unlike the sword, he actually knew how to fight using a spear.

"Search around, find some weapons and stay together, make sure to stay close."

Coyote once more reached out to the rage surrounding him, directing once more into his body.

He lashed out with the end of his Lightspear towards the nearest demons as he ran towards the giant Ogre, rearing back one of his fists and pushing as much of the renewed RAGE into his fist as he could, before throwing it forward into the Ogre's stomach.

The Demons were caught off guard when a second man joined the fray with a sword of light, while the original turn his blade into a spear. The demons tried to fight, but soon found their claws, even burning were hellfire, were useless against the armor the two wore. The ogre like demon tried to take a swing at Coyote, but was too slow. The Sith's rage and Dark side empowered fist slammed into its gut, and the force of the blow caused it to stagger back even as it spat out blood in large amounts.

The villagers began to look for any weapon they could find in order to help their apparent saviors, all while another remained hidden and merely observed.
"IS there something the matter?" Janus asked. "I can hear the tone in your voice, and it seems somewhat. . . disappointed, or at least, some how marred by emotion, I can't quite tell. Tell me, and be honest, would my life, or limb be in jeopardy for any reason if I come with you? I promise that I am a danger to no one."