The Matriarch’s Tale (P2)
Akane's voice was soft and careful as she picked and summarized the Kaguya grannies quiet story. Sat on a stool beside her, she listened before she spoke again, "Whether Kurokami-jima, Ryuujima or Shizukishima, we have known all as our home. Before the first wars we knew of sister tribes, traded and celebrated festivals in honour of our forefathers. Now, we only know those who are and those who aren't."

I pursed my lips at Akane and she leaned in to receive the explanation. The granny whispered softly even my strained ears could only pick out a couple odd words before I grew bored with the incomplete sentence.

Akane sat up straight to continue, "It was after I bore my first child that I finally understood what had been done to us, what remained then and what struggles to exist now were parts of Kaguya shed away from itself, the clan divided in two. Children of the bone are given to their elder ilk, stolen away from their parents, given away, even sold."

The granny shuddered as she narrated in Akane's keen ears, "I feared what I had to do, my firstborn, a child of bone could not survive with those unlike her. She was but a girl when her fingers left her, multiplied…hurt someone. I begged, pleaded but so had been our way, children of the bone belong to the bone. They were gifts then…stolen gifts we served to our mirror clan, the one who protected us, took the ire of the many homes we traversed. Now we see them no more as trash, a blight of certain tragedy…one to be locked away or slaughtered to save a weaker herd."

I narrowed and leaned out to listen closer. Her words were…I couldn't make an idea of things just yet but there seems to be more.

"Now…now our mirror is broken, few so remain, perhaps you have slaughtered the last." I didn't miss Akane's sharp, brave glare as she spoke but it disappeared sooner than I blinked, "Be it the last or not, this mirror found us, fed us, sheltered and trained the children of bone amongst us restraint…more than we could ever give them. They took those worthy of battle and protected us from the Daimyo and his Bloodline killers. They bought our safety from Lord Yakubi, struck at the heart of his enemies, reaped their ryo, sold their women."

Akane took a sharp breath and I noticed she spoke ahead of the granny, as though recalling herself, "And then one day, they returned soaked in blood, screaming for more to quench their thirst and for…for the head of the strongest in all the land, you, Mizukage-sama." I gulped at that even though the threat had long passed. Akane listened and translated the granny's erratic breaths and sighs to words, "That night, Inari-kun was not himself, he was not Inari, he had forgotten all, everything and could not sit still. He danced yet he'd never so much as smiled, he laughed and drank, bathed in Yakubi's stolen treasure and screamed at fire. He was mad, Inari-kun had become undone somehow."

I breathed deeply, "The others were like this too?"

Akane nodded and granny murmured, "They were so mad we feared for our lives and dignity around them. They tore their clothes to display their prowess with their bone. Granny says she remembers the tradition but it was never so…animalistic."

Reina and I shared a puzzled look and I turned to ask, "You said the Daimyo and his Bloodline killers were after you, how do you know it was the Daimyo?"

Akane heeded the granny's whispers, she nodded intently to her words and said, "Compared to our mirror clan, we were weak but that is how it was meant to be, so we would not be feared, so our mirror would take the fear and be strong for it, for us. But we did not leave ourselves defenceless, we used to have men before we became a host of women and children and those men fought off the Daimyo's Samurai enough times to earn us escape. The times they failed were against shinobi that wore no affiliations or hid them.

"They were the bane of our mirror clan, persistent and blood thirsty as they'd suddenly become. But before the night Inari and the others went mad, those shinobi were nothing more than nameless enemies. But Inari found out for certain, he…granny thinks he was given a hint, met a man that told him to let a stray shinobi free and find where he returned."

Reina scoffed, "And this nameless, faceless shinobi returned to Kirigakure? Am I wrong?"

Akane frowned but shook her head. Before she could speak I had to voice my own question, something wasn't fitting right with this story. "But you said Inari went mad with the others? How did he have the sense to trail a shinobi when mad?"

At this Akane stared at her granny who paused before deflating with a whisper, "I do not know but he followed a trail and at the end was you, the Mizukage."

Reina almost jumped in her seat, "Wait…which Mizukage?" Akane looked confused and so she pressed, "We have had four Mizukage, which one did he want to kill?"

Akane looked expectantly at the granny but she wasn't forthcoming with any leads so she shrugged. I pulled Reina close, "What are you thinking?"

"It's jumbled. First they say the Daimyo's the one attacking them…I mean, it's easy to see every Samurai as the Daimyo's especially when you're on the run from them, but…the Mizukage's are distinct. Maybe the Kaguya were led on by someone to kill the Sandaime because…well, they never tried to assassinate you."

I shrugged at the last part, "I wouldn't put that against them, they were mad apparently. But…you're onto something…let's talk later, outside." She nodded and I turned my attention to Akane who quickly spoke first.

"What do you want with us?"

I put on a magnanimous smile, "First, we should correct some things. The Daimyo is fighting for the preservation of Bloodline users; his enemies are your killers. Second, Kirigakure has had nothing to do with the Kaguya until you attacked, whether your…mirror clan was led by deception or not is up for debate but…I am of the same mind as the Daimyo, remember my name well because it is my forgiveness that absolves you of the sins your mirror clan has made you inherit."

Akane still looked unsure but I had other matters on my mind so I stood and Reina stood with me, "It's been a pleasure meeting you, I hope you enjoy the space the Estate provides. Ensure you use it well, no neglect, we will talk soon."

With that Reina and I left the house and found the Kaguya that excused my presence earlier had relit the campfire outside. I shook my head, knowing it would take great efforts to integrate the Kaguya into the way of doing things here but right now it mattered little, they weren't hurting anyone and even believed themselves guiltless.

All I had to do now was keep them safe and make them flourish alongside Kirigakure…yeah, that's all I have to do.
Shadows Stir
Black and White watched the one called Reina Yuki be escorted out with a trail of children and teens leaping at her feet. It was the third house on the street she'd been to, received and sent off with the same energy. Less in houses with more adults but even then, the sentiment was set, the Kaguya were pleased with their would-be captors.

It infuriated Black so much— "It doesn't infuriate me."

White paused for a thought and said, "But you sound so angry already." Black growled but White snickered, "It can't be all that bad, that boy…Ina..something, he did well! Killed a good number of the—"

"And then the Yondaime Mizukage crushed him in a house!"

White hummed a silly tune, "Seee? You are angry! Sing with me and you'll breathe easy again!"

"Grrr! Enough, the Mizukage wasn't supposed to find them out so soon, they could have killed more but…mmm, it wouldn't have mattered. This Yagura…he's strong."

White had to agree, "And stubborn too. He should have exterminated the entire clan but instead he builds them a home?"

"That's dangerous behaviour, he wasn't supposed to do that." Black rumbled.

"We should have stopped him but how?"

"That might be beyond our mission scope, remember, Obito needs us to make them suffer while he prepares to visit…home."

White hummed, single eye tracing Reina until she disappeared into another house, "It's a good thing we returned to check on here then, they clearly aren't suffering enough."

They receded into the ground together, their watchful eyes travelling across the Kirigakure within undisturbed moments. Zetsu's face peeked at their new environment from a station on the roof of a highly protected and watched room. They had to be most careful here, it wasn't the Mizukage's Office directly but the room they spied on was situated within the Tower and watched at all times by multiple squads of ANBU.

Kirigakure wasn't very trusting of their guests. Moving across the roof Zetsu phased through walls to find their next target, the Konoha Shinobi sent to liaison Kiri and Konoha together. It's only recently Zetsu learned of such an arrangement and along with other anomalies like the Yuki and Kaguya being sheltered rather than slaughtered, coincidence was quickly becoming a pattern— Yondaime Mizukage will be a problem.

It didn't take long for Zetsu to hear the voices of one Genma and Aoba, he'd listened in on them before and their plot to do well by their Hokage was far too boring to stand, inconsequential drivel that couldn't turn into suffering for Kirigakure.

"There! Signed, dotted, stamped even. Hokage-sama will know it's from us and trust it." Genma said, he and Aoba sat about a scroll, both looking very unsure of themselves or rather, frightened, "What do you think will happen when he learns the Mizukage is a Jinchuriki?"

Aoba shrugged, "What do you think will happen when he learns we don't trust our mission captain?"

That made Genma gulp. He rolled the scroll up and shook it at Aoba, "That doesn't matter, Hokage-sama always taught me to look underneath the underneath and I'd say there's several underneath's here I'm not seeing, he has to know."

Aoba was about to say something but like last time, Zetsu found them all too boring, their plights would be useful against no one save that Danzo but they are already about to throw a hedge in his plans. What were his plans? Did they involve Kirigakure suffering? Is that why they mistrusted their ROOT captain? Zetsu doubted anything he could gain would be worth the effort but just in case, as he moved through the building down to the earth they split off a clone to eavesdrop on the ROOT-nin.

In all their time knowing Kirigakure, knowing Hidden Villages, there have always been rifts, fractures in the conglomerate alliances of clans and families that made them so powerful. He would find as many of those cracks and make Kirigakure suffer for it.

Zetsu slinked through the earth, under the foot of ignorant and vulnerable idiots until they were right underneath a beautifully terse conversation. The Funato clan compound was nothing to write home about but they were numerous, even when at war the clan remained a hub of activity simply from those underage or too weak to participate.

They were the first among clans or so they told themselves, Zetsu let their eyes peek over floorboards and listened to them moan.

"-taking us for granted, taking you for granted!" A large, loud man was yelling above a gathering over nearly fifty other Funato clansmen, all shared his furrowed brows and sneers. Together they addressed an ancient of days, the one known to all as Lord Funato.

Another man stood, adding fuel to the spark of dissatisfaction clearly brewing, "We are the descendants of the First Mizukage! Funato! That is our name should you need reminding now that we are all but forgotten by the Mizukage! Ignoring our Lord should not be taken lightly, we must make it known!"

"Kidou is right." Yet another spoke up, leaning out on his tatami at the front to press his head to the floor, "Funato-sama, let us protest Mizukage-sama's injustice against you, against the trust the First Mizukage placed in you as councillor!"

"Hmph! Protest? And end up like the Yuki?" Zetsu brought his attention to a burly man with a kanji of Sea tattooed on his left arm. He was the only one not sitting, preferring to lean against a pillar as he scanned the room. The clansmen's murmurs clamped down to listen to his words.

"Whether the Yuki did something to Lord Third or not, they are prosecuted now for speaking out against the Mizukage. Our clan maybe essential since founding but if Yondaime-sama is phasing us out, going as far as ignoring my grandfather…it means he's made up his mind.

He turned to his grandfather, "I heard Reina Yuki is basically the Kaguya's caretaker now, she visits nearly every day." He shrugged at the listening clansmen and sighed, "Now, I don't know what goes on in that tower, maybe she's working undercover, getting to know their names and favourite foods so they can be poisoned later or something…or maybe, maybe what we're seeing is the beginning of a new era, an era of Bloodline users! An era where we don't matter and will matter even less if we get in the way."

Ahh, envy. Zetsu licked his lips as the hall blew up at the tattooed grandson's words and yet all the while the Lord Funato sat still with his eyes shut as he breathed careful breathes. Zetsu saw the chance, the opportunity for chaos and suffering but not in the old man.

What is your name boy?

He bore the charisma, knew his people's fears well and had the courage to speak up. Best of all, if Zetsu did his clan math right…yes…he'd be in line to succeed. A brilliant idea for due suffering was blooming but first they'd need to research, make the proper steps or fuck it all and kill the decrepit old man. Either way, an interesting matter for later.

Zetsu slinked back into the ground, glad to have found at least one sure rift to tear the village apart so soon. He travelled back to the Mizukage Tower, ensuring his presence isn't noticed by any of the many sensors loitering nearby and quickly found the pesky Mizukage in his office.

Out of caution, Zetsu listened in from the wall of the next room, there were a myriad of seals guarding the Mizukage's Office from intrusion, nothing they couldn't get through if they wanted but the effort required along with the piss poor setting would make his chances of being discovered higher than they're comfortable with.

"-movements against Kurokami-jima for a week now, Fuguki-san thinks there will be an attempt soon though and by Lord Yakubi's messages, so does he. As far as Mei and Daiki, two reports have come in since you were...indisposed, Yagura-sama."

There was silence for a moment before being broken by near anxious speak, "What do you need us to do? We won't fail, I won't."

Zetsu recognized two voices immediately they spoke; Raiga, wielder of the Twin Kiba, and the infamous Reina Yuki. Silence prevailed for a moment longer and Zetsu wished he would allow himself the risk of visuals on the office.

"Recall Mei and Daiki, Hanzo's men will fight their war themselves."

Hanzo? Why..what? When!

The Mizukage continued speaking before either could affirm, "Extend an invite to them if they change their mind, this Pein figure will most certainly bring them their deaths once he finds them."

Nagato? How…why is this Kage poking into Amegakure?


Zetsu slinked away at once, there was pressing need to gather their thoughts on Kirigakure's sudden interest in Amegakure. He's discovered Pein so soon and neither of them are ready for the attention of Hidden Villages. I already know that! I'm just saying, maybe we should tell Obito. No, he sent us here to make them suffer. Whatever this Yagura Karatachi thinks he's up to all we have to do is remind him there are more pressing matters at home. Ahhh, I see now, so…kill the old man?
Morning Surprises
I was startled awake by the sounds of activity in the early morning. I'd heard them through my sleep and felt, and knew there was no need to bother about the people moving about my house, or more accurately, mansion. I had Ao and his squad of ANBU protecting me, there wasn't a place for the intense paranoia I awoke with.

Still, it surprised me to see the double door swung open and Junichi creeping closer like a being out of my nightmares. He smiled wide and broad at me as he hovered at my bed's end, waiting for my first word and it was, "Why are you in my bedroom?"

He made an odd face and squatted to retrieve a folder, "You don't remember? Last night you said-"

As soon as he'd begun speaking of it, the memory of my trashy order came roaring back. I held up my hand and nodded, pulled myself upright and sighed, "No, no, I do. Wake me up in the morning no matter how much I drink, damn it Uncle."

Junichi nodded eagerly, "Fortunately I didn't actually need to wake you up, merely opening the doors seemed to stir you from slumber, you're a very light sleeper, Yagura-sama."

I shook my head clear and rubbed my eyes free of gunk, "Water please."

Junichi startled, set the folder down on the bed and hurried out to fetch me some water while I nursed the headache threatening to ruin my day before it's begun. Yesterday was my last day with the bandages, I was full health, full strength presumably too. It also happened to be moving day for me as well.

I had interests to take care of now at the Mizukage Estate and while the Tower was the hub of administrative brouhaha, I could always have my work brought to me at the Mansion's Office that's already been set up or clock in for official sittings or document retrievals.

It didn't matter where I ruled Kirigakure from, not anymore anyway, what mattered now was ensuring its people felt safe and secured. What better way to shut up all naysayers by taking charge of the accused Yūki and the sealed Kaguya?

I picked myself up from bed, felt my feet reacquaint with the cold, unfamiliar floorboards and sighed. Uncle sure knows how to throw a party.

Stepped out into the corridor I expected to see Ao by my door but he wasn't there. He was somewhere close by but I couldn't be bothered putting the effort into looking. The corridor was cleaned of all sign of Uncle's housewarming party, almost like my mind was cleaned of most memories of what happened. Sake, a lot of meat, sencha just to tease me and…women?

Women…? There were women somewhere and as I reached the end of the corridor, almost getting drenched in my cup of water thanks to Junichi's hurry, I heard the soft crackle of laughter emanating from within the house.

"Thank you, Junichi." I gulped down the glass and pressed it back into his hand before walking on down the stairs. He ran back into the room and returned with his file folder.

"Breakfast is ready."

"Hmm, I can smell it." My stomach could nearly taste it too, I hurried down the steps out of hunger as much as curiosity, "You live here now…right?"

Junichi nodded, "Yes, as per your suggestion. It would be easier to aid you if I were closer."

"Right…that makes sense." At the bottom of the steps I caught the faint flicker of a dress as it disappeared into a room I recall playing darts with Uncle in. "Where is…where is the kitchen? Or the dining? Where's my breakfast?"

I was up but I wasn't making a lot of effort to stave the drowsiness off my eyes, the mansion was an unfamiliar necessity, learning to navigate it would take some time. Uncle said he'd help Harusame ward it, I suddenly remembered. It had its own securities from the First Mizukage's era and a bit of the Second but they never bothered warding the home extensively.

Junichi ushered my way into a large dining room, the chandelier Uncle spun and spat senbon at hung delicately above a long table with numerous chairs. More chairs than I believed I needed but staring at them I felt my memory twist as I recalled that no, it wasn't just Uncle and I partying away, my clansmen and women took part.

Clansmen… the word felt distant from what the attendees truly were— family. Cousins, adoptive Uncles and friendly aunts and would be sisters. Despite Uncle's boisterous personality he couldn't bridge to gap between I and them, it had been so since I was hailed as the Karatachi clan's latest prodigy and now, I was their Mizukage.

I didn't expect them to get all comfortable with me over a single party but…it was some progress to humanizing me in their eyes, letting them know that their Mizukage was…family. I expected this was fell into Uncle's plans as well, I couldn't ignore that fact that as clan head he'd leverage the fact that I'm Mizukage to his advantage but I really didn't mind, the Karatachi were the backbone of my authority and if a party helped make them stronger, all the more.

I sat and waited with Junichi by my side, he stared expectantly at me and then at his folder, I sighed, "Go on with your report if you have one, Junichi." I haven't spent enough time around my Hoshigaki born aid, I could understand the young man's awkwardness though as he's suddenly moved into a mansion to do his job.

"Ah, yes." He flipped through, "Well, I've recorded several meetings planned for the week and there are a few you can address today. Kisame wishes to broach a matter at the Seven Swordsmen Headquarters."

The clatter of plates and cutlery amongst the scent of my encroaching breakfast had me growing impatient but I asked, "Do you know what he wants?"

Junichi squirmed a bit but straightened a second after, "He must…I couldn't say, Yagura-sama."

"Uh huh…" I'd gotten Junichi as part of a deal with his clan head that never actually went through to the end. Junko mentioned Kisame would come to request his enrolment into the Seven Swordsmen someday but I doubted that day would be this one.

He nodded and continued, "The council requests a meeting, well, a continuation of a meeting."

At that I sighed, Junichi wouldn't know the details of the meeting itself as I hadn't let him get that close but it was getting repetitive with Lady Megumi begging for my forgiveness on behalf of Lord Funato and Uncle not caring one bit, eager to discuss village concerns like the rampant shinobi perpetuated crime and the lack of trade merchants, as well as the not so simple matter of Hanzo's men still being alive and seeking help from Kirigakure to take back their village.

Junichi hesitated but went on to read, "A special request to meet you came in yesterday, though I didn't get a chance to tell you. It's from a high ranking official of the Daimyo's court…Princess Hanako?"

Sleep banished from my eyes at her name. Hanako-hime, the Daimyo's sister and official liaison to the capital for Kirigakure. According to Uncle she never did anything but when she did…

"Ugh, let's start small then. We'll meet Kisame after breakfast." Said breakfast promptly arrives at my table, served up by two porcelain skin ladies of very different backgrounds.

I stared at the two, one clearly of my clan and the other, a branded Kaguya. Fuck, I really need to remember what happened yesterday.

No time to pause inbetween chapters for the sake of suspense I'm afraid, had to dump it all or risk not posting today at all. Anyway, I'm glad I got it out as I'd like to once again thank everyone for their support, my patrons, reviewers, peeps watching the thread, recommending and all that love. I feel it and I am grateful.
Tomorrow is my birthday and while this year has been my worst yet, writing this fanfic and returning to the community has been one of the best decisions I've made. Thanks guys.
One more thing, I'm a lot inspired and all sappy obviously hehe so I'll be upping the early access chapters from 20 to 30 this month, change should take effect sometime next week if I get a chance to post all the chapters. Hope you enjoyed today's binge ^-^

If you wish to support myself and the library, as well as read ahead click here
Challenge for the Seven Swordsmen
Hiya! Stick around at the end of the binge, got a big announcement coming.

There were many buildings that could be considered fortresses in Kirigakure. My Tower was the most obvious of course but right next to it would be the ANBU HQ which had a layer of extra security to it as its location was secret to anyone without proper clearance. Then the Sensor Division HQ, Intel and Communications and now, perhaps my Estate as my presence naturally heightens security wherever I am.

But so few of these places embodied the definition of a fortress, the only one that does right at first glance would be the Seven Swordsmen Headquarters. On approach it exuded a dark and imposing aura, fog and treacherously infested waters surrounded it on all sides.

Junichi and I walked over the single rickety bridge that narrowed down a fog shrouded path before giving sight to its entrance, a massive stone gate adorned with water dragon and wave carvings— it looked like the dragon was a kami wielding the waves as its blade.

While I was almost certain most of the threatening features on approach— the creaky bridge, cold fog at our feet and imposing art— were little more than theatrics, I was a bit concerned the Seven Swordsmen hadn't taken time to address fraying infrastructure.

Junichi didn't seem bothered, no, in fact the young man I always felt was a bit too timid for my tastes was grinning ear to ear, his eyes sparkling with marvel at every dust mite and crude light fixture as we made our way inside.

"Is this your first time here?" I decide to ask, make conversation for the sake of getting to know the shinobi in charge of my daily schedule. At some point I'd like to bring let him closer to secure matters of state but right now, I feel his loyalty lies more with his clan than it does with his Mizukage.

"Ah...I've been here once before, with my mother. But I never made it past the bridge or the fog, I thought it would give away and drop me into an abyss of mist where I would never return from unless I beat the greatest Swordsman, Fuguki-sama. This is the first time I've seen the stone gates."

I nodded, smiled, "Well, I hope it's all you hoped it would be."

The stone gates in question swung open without a word from either of us yet on the other side there wasn't a sign of anyone that managed the gates. I briefly wondered how that worked before Junichi's excited gasps cut my attention.

Waterways flowed throughout the fortress, creating a tranquil atmosphere with the soothing sounds, though I knew that as well could be used as an intimidation tactic. Right ahead was the Grand Hall, a vast space littered with tatami mats and weapon racks, several swordsmen were already practicing their various Kenjutsu kata under the eerie glow of lanterns. Tradition said none should stop once they've begun but several did to bow a greeting to their Mizukage.

Unlike Junichi, I'd been here before; it was the dream of many young boys to become a great swordsman worthy of wielding any one of the seven legendary blades and I was no exception.

We entered through the east wing and so right before us were the modest personal quarters of the accepted trainees that chose to stay and sharpen their skills under the tutelage of the legendary swordsmen with hope to one day be deemed worthy of a legendary blade themselves. The few open rooms we glimpsed as we strolled were decorated with calligraphy and weapon stands reflecting the residents Kenjutsu style.

A sense of nostalgia washed over me at the sight. Though I didn't stay long as an acolyte of the Seven, I learned enough to know that Kenjutsu wasn't suited to me.

Junichi continued to marvel and I simply chuckled, as a semi-alumni or rather, dropout, I pointed out that the Armoury where the unassigned legendary swords were safeguarded was nearby, in the West Wing right alongside several other great treasures pilfered by past and present Swordsmen.

"Where did Kisame ask to meet?" As fun as living through the nostalgia of my boyish days were I couldn't stand the 'huts and ha's!' of the practicing swordsmen for too long without getting a headache. Not to mention I had a council meeting to attend soon.

Junichi hummed for a second, looked around and pointed with a surprised gasp this time, "Junko-sama!"

Sure enough, to my right was the tall, boyish and shark toothed woman that ran the Hoshigaki clan. She cat walked over in tight fitted trousers and a two inch heel. Her long fingers were adorned with rings and her grinning lips stained with azure coloured lipstick. Her eyes were concealed behind sharp tipped sunglasses— a useless accessory in Kiri but perhaps a weapon in itself— and her short hair bobbed with every grandiose step.

Forgetting himself, Junichi ran out to her with a grin, prattling on instantly about how marvellous everything in the fortress was. She was pleasant for a moment before squeezing his shoulder and placing a stern, smiling stare that shut him up. She held his hand and walked over to me, "Mizukage-sama, it's nice to see you again, it's been too long."

"I believe it has, you seem to be faring well as always."

She chuckled and wrapped her arm around Junichi's neck so his height forced him under her armpit as she ruffled his hair, "Of course, you blessed my aging skin by taking this one off my hands, thank you, even though you never took my offer you didn't renegade on what you'd already done for me and the clan, I am grateful."

It was too late to anyway. I'd already sent Kisame off with Samehada with Reina and introduced Junichi to the Tower staff. Plus, Kisame as Samehada's master is something I wouldn't mind seeing earlier.

"Kisame asked to speak with me here, I have some idea what he is intending but I don't have any intention of seeing it through, not today at least. Where is he? Is that why you're here as well?"

She smirked and started leading the way, "Why yes, got to be there for family. Kisame's in the meditation garden but the others are in the council room."


"Ah, Mangetsu-kun from the Hozuki is here to try out, that granny seems to be shoving him into every shred of power, I hear you've taken him up as an apprentice? Pupil?" She shrugged before I could say anything in response, "Fuguki is present of course, as is Juzo, witnesses."

"Witnesses…right." I rolled my eyes and overtook her, "Let's get this over with then." Without thinking about it my legs carried me to the meditation garden where several sat still as statues under the shade of ancient trees and the lull of musical wind chimes— I idly wondered how many were truly asleep rather than nearing their enlightenment.

Kisame sat at the top of the stairs that led to a large basin of water. Once my eyes set upon him he stirred, rose to his feet and bowed before walking across the garden with hushed footfalls for the sake of those deep in sleep or their meditation.

"Yagura-sama, thank you for coming to witness." He said, his entire demeanour held nothing that resembled the wild, ravaging Kisame I knew. Perhaps he found something in his meditation.

"Don't mention it, now, Fuguki?" Somehow Fuguki and Juzo had appeared behind us. Fuguki didn't look away from Kisame, he towered over all of us and his intense gaze bore that weight.

"Kahahaha, this will be fun to watch." Juzo said.

Junichi, Junko, Juzo and I gave Kisame and Fuguki space to stare each other down before rather suddenly, Fuguki pulled Samehada from his back to blindly hand to Juzo he grabbed it with ease though the Shark Skin bristled at his touch.

Kisame stepped up, "Honoured Mizukage, esteemed Swordsmen, and respected Fuguki Suikazan," Kisame begins, his voice clear and resonant. "I, Kisame Hoshigaki, formally challenge Fuguki Suikazan for the right to wield Samehada, the Shark Skin Blade. I believe it calls for a new master to further its legacy and serve Kirigakure and its Mizukage."

Fuguki's eyes narrow as Kisame continues, "Let our duel determine the true bearer of Samehada. May the outcome reflect the spirit of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist."

As per reader requests, I'll be adding a glossary of sorts at the end of the chapter to help readers that aren't super naruto fans keep track and enjoy the story better. I'll be using chatgpt for this task with some finer edits here and there, feel free to suggest additions to each chapter glossary or simply ask in thread.

Seven Swordsmen Headquarters

A fortress-like structure in Kirigakure that exudes a dark and imposing aura, surrounded by fog and treacherous waters. It serves as the base for the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, renowned and feared shinobi who wield legendary blades.

Fuguki Suikazan

A member of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, known for his strength and mastery over the Samehada, the Shark Skin Blade.


A young and timid shinobi responsible for managing the Mizukage's daily schedule. He has shown great loyalty to his clan and marvels at the grandeur of the Seven Swordsmen Headquarters.

Junko Hoshigaki

A tall, boyish woman with shark-like features who leads the Hoshigaki clan. She is characterized by her tight-fitted trousers, azure lipstick, and sharp-tipped sunglasses.


Known as the Shark Skin Blade, it is one of the legendary swords of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. It has a unique characteristic of devouring those who cannot control it and it does not deem worthy.

Mangetsu Hozuki

A member of the Hozuki clan who is being pushed into positions of power. He is known to be associated with the Mizukage as an apprentice or pupil.

Kisame Hoshigaki

A member of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist who challenges Fuguki Suikazan for the right to wield Samehada. Known for his wild and ravaging demeanor, he appears more composed and meditative during the challenge.


A form of martial art focused on swordsmanship, practiced by many within the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist and their trainees.

Meditation Garden

A serene area within the Seven Swordsmen Headquarters where members meditate and find enlightenment. It features ancient trees, wind chimes, and a large basin of water.


A member of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist amused and excited to witness duels, such as the one between Kisame and Fuguki.
A Price for War
I fell into my seat with a heavy sigh and took off my hat as Lady Megumi and Uncle formally bowed at my presence in the council room. They took their place on tatami mats and glanced at the empty spot between them as they've done since I stopped sending council alerts to Lord Funato.

"Junichi, Ao, make sure no one disturbs us." I spoke lightly as it was a repeat command and Ao at least would hear it the fourth time. I gave the command to let my councillors know without directly speaking to them that I wouldn't be entertaining any devil's advocates. Not today.

Lady Megumi still looked like she wanted to say a word for her oldest friend but she swallowed whatever to replace it with, "Aoto whisked you away before we could fully discuss Amegakure."

I nodded, Uncle had gotten the most recent messages from Mei and Daichi while I was unconscious and it revealed that not all of Hanzo's men were dead and gone. Some managed to pick out a fellow shinobi in Mei, and Daichi performing his own counterintelligence quickly discovered them being tailed, watched and documented.

It wasn't long before our agents had a sit down with the remnants of Amegakure's old regime, fortunately it was peaceful and gave a decisive answer to the question of Hanzo's death or life.

Of course, I knew from Mei's first reports that the Salamander was dead and a part of me wishes I'd recalled her back to Kiri then, but having her stay a while longer to observe and eventually meet the remnants of Hanzo's men was truly a blessing.

"What's left to discuss? I've given Mei's team the okay to come back home, Amegakure is a dead end for what I had in mind with Hanzo dead."

Uncle adjusts himself on his mat, "Weren't they also there to find out if Ame had a hand in the Third's passing? It might be a little redundant to keep looking at dead ends as you say four months into your reign but, isn't it worth knowing if this…Pein had something to do with it?"

I shook my head but Lady Megumi was quick to reinforce Uncle's point, "That's right. Mei's report highlights this Pein as the central figure responsible for overthrowing the Salamander and from the little she's written about her discussion with Hanzo's men…well, I'd think he has a grudge against the Great Shinobi Villages."

I sighed, this is where the blessing becomes complex. Unlike me my councillors didn't have the full picture, they didn't have their persona's fused with a soul carrying knowledge of future and past.

What can I say to calm them? I breathed a sigh and worded carefully, "Hanzo's men are eager, they see agents of a great village and they think they're saved, that they can mete out their vengeance on the pseudo-Kage that's killed their Salamander Lord. However, that will not be us, we haven't the time nor any reason to. I admit I was interested in bargaining an alliance with Hanzo but now we know he's dead, I'd rather recall our agents than let them prowl under the gaze of a man we know nothing about beyond his killing of Hanzo."

Lady Megumi pursed her lips in thought, glancing by Uncle who met her squinted gaze. She inhaled to say something but hesitated.

"Please, speak your mind."

She nodded, "There is always opportunity for alliance whether new or old regime, we're a great village, we have the bargaining might even if this Pein has some grudge against us. And since he does, we have reason to unmount him from that seat with one of Hanzo's men, an eternally grateful and loyal puppet. Beyond that…these figures, Pein and an Angel, I've never heard of powerful shinobi within Amegakure outside Hanzo…and they killed him."

Lady Megumi smacked her belly and set a piercing gaze on me, "My intuition says they have something to do with my son's death and that you're hiding something, Yondaime-sama."

Uncle looked between us, his lips parted to defend me but I raised my hand and wore a smile as Lady Megumi's wrinkled eyes stared me down, "Very well, I'll tell you. Hanako-hime has requested a meeting with me, I'm meant to see her today but I asked she join me to watch Kisame and Fuguki's duel."

Both councillors bristled at the news, "Have you decided? She will surely call Kirigakure to war, will you accept?" Uncle asked.

"Yes, I wouldn't want to leave the man that crowned me to the gallows but of course, there must be a worthwhile price. Which is what I wish to discuss."

Lady Megumi shook her head as if we were about speaking nonsense so I said, "You are correct about Ame and its new leader, Hozuki-dono, but for now we must focus our efforts here, in Kirigakure and the Land of Water. I do not believe Pein is responsible for the Third's death but I bear enough suspicion to believe he's related in some way."

"If you felt that way why didn't you order Mei and Daichi to kill them?" She kept her voice mild but there was no question about her mood, she was near furious.

"Mei and Daichi would not nearly be enough to take on a man capable of bringing down Hanzo the Salamander." The honest truth. "I intended to visit Amegakure myself, have my presence make them sweat until they couldn't help but expose their misdeeds but alas, when does the Mizukage ever get to leave his village?"

A half-truth. I once planned to visit Ame with hopes of meeting Konan but since becoming myself I realize I don't have the strength for such, not even if an army accompanied me— the loss of life would be too great. But I will and soon, between my own plans to strengthen myself and Isobu's Jinchuriki training, the Daimyo's war would be a testing and boasting arena for the strength I intend to grasp.

"Calm yourself, Lady Megumi, I may have abandoned investigating Pein personally but I know someone else that may be just as interested." I said with a bright, all assured smile.

"Konoha…" Uncle muttered, putting the pieces together instantly.

"Yes and we'll make them pay just for knowing. This council meeting is about price, trusted councillors."

Amegakure (Ame)

A hidden village in the Land of Rain, formerly ruled by Hanzo the Salamander. It has recently undergone a regime change with Pein overthrowing Hanzo.

Ao the Byakugan Killer

A seasoned shinobi and a trusted bodyguard of the Mizukage, often tasked with ensuring security and preventing disturbances during important meetings.

Hanzo the Salamander

A legendary shinobi and former leader of Amegakure, known for his formidable strength and techniques. He was recently overthrown and killed by Pein.

Lady Megumi

A senior councillor in Kirigakure with strong opinions and suspicions, particularly concerned about the new leadership in Amegakure and its implications for Kirigakure.


The new leader of Amegakure who overthrew and killed Hanzo the Salamander. He is characterized by a mysterious and powerful presence, possibly holding a grudge against the Great Shinobi Villages.

Third Mizukage

The previous leader of Kirigakure whose death remains a point of contention and investigation. There are suspicions about external involvement, possibly linked to Amegakure's new regime.


A shinobi of Kirigakure tasked with intelligence gathering and counterintelligence operations, particularly in Amegakure following Hanzo's death.


An agent working alongside Mei in Amegakure to uncover information about the new regime and its potential involvement in the Third Mizukage's death.


The Daimyo's sister and liasions to Kirigakure who has requested a meeting with the Mizukage, likely to discuss matters of great importance, possibly including war and alliance strategies.


A feudal lord in the Land of Water whose interests and actions significantly impact the political landscape and decisions of Kirigakure.
Duel of Minds
Duels in Kirigakure were a big deal, a huge deal that carried the same energy as a celebration as it often meant a new Swordsman was to be born. But besides that, it meant another Swordsman candidate would be raised to take Kisame's place should his challenge prove him worthy of the blade he desires.

And so, it took less than a day for invites to find those who weren't invited and more. Dozens and dozens of wannabe swordsmen, true masters of Kenjutsu and simple novices scurried from their independent schools to have a chance at glimpsing what Kirigakure considers true Kenjutsu.

Vendors were ever ready and already enlisted to provide food and beverage for those who wouldn't have the slightest chance at witnessing the duels themselves but waited, camped to hear a rumour or even an official decree of the winner from those that did witness.

Kisame and his gutsy was the talk of the town apparently, not even the fact that the Daimyo's cloistered sister would be in attendance right beside the Fourth Mizukage, no. Kisame's daring to challenge Fuguki, the head of the Seven Swordsmen for nearly a decade when he didn't even have a legendary weapon to wield was the true enticement.

To be honest, I was with the mob in this. I felt absolutely nothing when Kisame voiced his challenge in my presence to note but waking up on the morning of the duel to attend and watch his fate be decided had my palms sweating.

What remained of Jason felt something was very off about Kisame not wielding Samehada and part of the reason he so easily conceded to letting the blue skinned man have a ride with the legendary blade was to fix that feeling. I couldn't say that it mattered anymore whether Kisame or Fuguki wielded the blade, as long as both teetered at S-rank and bolstered Kirigakure's fighting force, I would be satisfied.

But still, the unease wouldn't leave and so I directed my thoughts to Hanako-hime as I approached the crowded stone gates of the Seven Swordsmen with Uncle and Lady Megumi in tow.

"Do you think she'll take the ask well? All either of you have said about the Princess is that she's quiet, I know, but…what kind of quiet?"

As I spoke the shinobi among the cluttered crowd seemed to notice me and my councillors. They took it upon themselves to yell orders at the civilians and smack their juniors into form. Two lines of shinobi, some Genin, some scarred Chuunin with faces I now recognized but few I could put names to.

They used their bodies to split the crowd in two, I gave the Chuunin I recognized a curt nod and a tilt of my hat— some I knew from mission reports with their Squad Jounin and others I knew from the war.

The mysterious mechanism behind the gates opening and closing sensed our presence and creaked ajar, just enough for myself and my councillors to enter without anyone else sneaking past, though I wished to invite some of the shinobi who cleared my path, especially those that served in the war with me. In the end I kept moving forward as Lady Megumi spoke at my flank.

"She is…well, we haven't had much time to determine that. But it shouldn't bother you, as soon as she brings up the war you bring up our price." She snorted as she fanned herself, "We aren't asking for much anyway."

I hummed. The tense energies of the participants inside and the increased vigour in those left to train summoned that sense of nostalgia in me again, "Yes, not much except well, except everything."

Uncle shrugged, "If you don't take the gamble now…there might not be a better time or a more desperate Daimyo. If his opposition wins…"

"Right, goodbye Bloodlines."

Uncle and Megumi had come up with a simple ask for the Daimyo as a reward or rather, condition of Kirigakure joining the war. He was facing Bloodline Killers and Kiri had recently gotten a Kage most interested in keeping Bloodline users safe and nurtured.

Total annexation of the Lords perpetuating said killings. As a mild supporter of Bloodline users— if only for his fascination— the Daimyo shouldn't have any issue letting Kirigakure govern the lands those Lords will leave behind. But he's no blind man, he'd see clear as day that his influence would shrink and become dependent on Kirigakure even more than it is now.

We already had semi-command of about three of the Daimyo's islands, including Turtle Island and its meagre inhabitants. If you throw in the mainland on which Kirigakure is built and hidden with measures of absolute control and security that outmatches that of the Daimyo as well, then we'd have control over four out of eleven fiefs.

Add the two islands controlled by the Bloodline Killers and we'd have six, suddenly the Daimyo wouldn't look so hot. But if it came to negotiations my councillors were willing to cede military command over two of the Daimyo's islands we secured in exchange for absolute control of two. It was as fair a deal as war profiteering got.

Lady Megumi shook her head and crinkled her nose as we entered the main arena where just about all the important fights took place; a crowd of shinobi, wealthy civilians and aspiring legendary swordsmen clamoured for the victory of their chosen.

Their collective stench left much to be desired even though the crowds were portioned in an incomplete hexagon around the stage. The stage was a raised large stone platform covered in sand and decorated with the same images of the Water Dragon cleaving waves against each other.

There wasn't any boundary to the platform except its edge and beyond in which a large pool of water awaited any of the participants unfortunate enough to be knocked out so fiercely. I imagined the waters infested by sharks and allowed myself a relieved laugh, thankful this wouldn't be another battle to the death situation. A single stairway led up to the platform and above that was where I and other so honoured guests would spectate.

I looked up to find Junichi already trying to gain my attention as if I didn't know where I belonged but then, beside him on a long chair was a face that soured my mirth instantly, "Funato…"

Megumi and Uncle followed my gaze and found their peer seated, completely ignoring their presence as though he hasn't already noticed we were coming up. Lady Megumi shrugged unfazed and perhaps a bit mischievous, "What, did you want him away from here too?"

"No…of course not, this is a public event and he's warranted a place at my side here at the very least." I said, making sure to sprinkle some truth into my fat lie. If I could banish Funato from my sight without absolutely causing a scene that would backlash against me I would— I was just getting used to life without him and now he shows up.

"Worry not, Yagura-sama, he must know his place well now, everyone does." Uncle said with a bright, reassuring smile. "He won't cause you any headaches, I'll make sure he doesn't."

"No…I have a better idea but I doubt Lady Megumi will be comfortable with it." We'd reached the top of the stairs already but I lingered to say this. The aged but ever shrewd woman turned and smirked, "How would you feel about doing exactly as I do?"

She frowned and tilted her head, "What? You mean…ignore him?" Her eyes went wide and flitted from Uncle to me before she regained her composure and reluctantly said, "For today, anything for you, Yagura-sama."

Bloodline Users

Shinobi or civilian possessing unique genetic abilities passed down through their bloodline, often targeted for their powerful and rare abilities. In Kirigakure, they have been a point of contention and persecution.

Bloodline Killers

Individuals or groups opposed to Bloodline Users, often seeking to eradicate them. They pose a significant threat to the Bloodline Users in Kirigakure and are central to the political struggles within the Land of Water.

Daimyo's Sister (Hanako-hime)

A high-ranking noblewoman and sibling of the Daimyo, her presence at the duel is noteworthy and carries political implications. She seeks an audience with the Mizukage, potentially to discuss the war and alliance.


The feudal lord of the Land of Water. His support and the political dynamics around his rule are crucial to the strategic interests of Kirigakure.

Fuguki Suikazan

The head of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist and the current wielder of Samehada, the Shark Skin Blade. He is set to duel Kisame Hoshigaki to determine the rightful master of the blade.

Lord Funato

A councillor who has recently fallen out of favor with Yagura. Despite this, he is still present at important public events, indicating his continued influence or at least his persistence in maintaining a presence.


A shinobi responsible for organizing the Mizukage's schedule and managing his daily affairs. He is often seen attending to the Mizukage during important events.

Kisame Hoshigaki

A member of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist who has challenged Fuguki Suikazan for the right to wield Samehada. His challenge and potential victory are the talk of the village.


The art of sword fighting, held in high regard in Kirigakure. The Seven Swordsmen of the Mist are considered the pinnacle of Kenjutsu practitioners.

Legendary Blades

The seven powerful swords wielded by the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, each with unique abilities and immense power. Samehada is one of these legendary blades.


The Shark Skin Blade, one of the legendary swords of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. It has the ability to absorb chakra and is highly sought after.

Seven Swordsmen of the Mist

A group of elite shinobi in Kirigakure known for their mastery of Kenjutsu and their wielding of the seven legendary blades. They hold significant influence and are revered in the village.
Ask and...
The novices and acolytes entertained us first. Well, I say entertained but to them, this was a series of ranked matches that would determine who they'd fight next and how close they were to becoming a candidate for a legendary sword or even an apprentice of present legendary swordsmen.

A lot of the nostalgia I felt from being here came from my childhood, I was not the only Karatachi child to aspire for greatness through Kenjutsu. Though, at the time I was as young as Mangetsu-kun and little more than Uncle's chess piece, I hadn't the slightest clue where I'd find greatness and I took whatever path was open to me. Of course, I quickly found myself losing to those who had a firmer idea of what their greatness looked like, despite my acclaim as a prodigy.

Below, upon the stage, two novices clashed against each other. One with all his strength and the other with deft feet springing him away from nearly every slash, kick and blow from his opponent. The crowds cheered and jeered equally for both and I could see seductively dressed women passing about a white box to hands clutching money.

Kirigakure was many things as a shinobi village but its civilians, well, after living under the Third's regime gambling and other such vices were a favoured taste amongst the populace. Whether this was a result of the past war or the ongoing one, I did not know…yet. I had little grudge against those that would indulge but some modesty would be appreciated.

I spared a glance over my shoulder and found one seductive woman with a white box hovering over Junko Hoshigaki's shoulders, leaned over to glean her whispers before stepping away to be unnoticed at the far end of the booth.

It would seem whatever my intention for a healthy Kirigakure I'd have to contend with players at the highest tier of my regime, but I knew that by now. Uncle was a deceptive drunk, Lady Megumi just about prostituted her granddaughter to me and Lord Funato…beyond his murder happy ways against anything with a Bloodline, I couldn't speak ill of him.

He'd greeted me when I arrived at the booth though I utterly ignored it. If he wasn't coming to apologize and readjust himself to my needs then the silent treatment would continue for all to see, even Princess Hanako.

She impressed me. Her presence filled the booth of clan heads and councillors with the same measure of good behaviour mine did, perhaps even more. Her eyes were almond shaped and a captivating shade of amber that glinted with intelligence as she watched the novices fight, batting long, curled eye lashes each time her favoured novice gains ground.

It was easy to tell the deft-foot young man and his tanto was in her favour because his movements, failures and gains were all that brought a reaction to her otherwise stoic, porcelain smooth features. Her full, crimson slick lips twitched in annoyance as the man's opponent gritted through his lacerating slashes to mount a solid blow to his chest, propelling him inches close to the edge.

I smirked and gestured for Junichi who fell to my side within a second, I whispered into his ear, "Find out what you can about that one, yes, the one about to be defeated."

The Princess was seated at my right hand side while Uncle and Lady Megumi were to my left. Only Lord Funato sat at Hanako-hime's right, I saw him watch Junichi leave with a painfully curious gaze and felt more joy at his exclusion. The longer it went on the more I felt it was the best punishment I could have given the old man— irrelevance.

He leaned and muttered something to the Princess who only shook her head without ever looking away from the match. Her champion had just saved himself from taking a plunge and was straight up wall walking around his opponent, baiting the larger, violent man to come over the edge with him.

The two clashed again but this time Hanako's favoured boy anticipated his opponents strike and lunged under it, slicing at his exposed armpit and then viciously at the feet. The large man tumbled with a hiss but was as unrelenting as Hanako's would-be champion— the Princess was on the edge of her seat now, although rather subtly leaning outward to get a closer glimpse of her favoured struggling against the deadweight of his opponent.

However, it was all for naught as the proctor kicked the clinging man down to the plunge before hoisting up Hanako's champion as he is declared so for this match.

As the boy is taken away to a medic for healing the next match is set and its fighters arranged to face off on the blooded sands. I spied at Hanoko and found her interest waned, without her boy competing in this match I couldn't blame her but I figured this would be a good time as any to break words.

"You seemed enthralled by that fight, it's not often you see such, is it?" I said, minding my words as best I could.

Hanako-hime faced me, her midnight black hair cascaded in lustrous loose waves as I got a complete view of her face. She was beautiful in the most obvious definition of the word, and her voice carried all the knowing of it as she spoke, "It is a privileged I suffer, for my brother faces down opponents most willing to deliver death and tragedy. I would wish for us to switch places but then he would suffer knowing that I am in danger. Perhaps if I learned from these fighters I would be able to fend off his enemies someday."

Ohh kayy…right to business then. "Your brother need only ask and he shall receive, has he sent you to ask?"

She made an ugly face which merely ended up being cute in a pretty way, "You make jests. I am here because you asked me here, I believed you had better news for me than more lures to spring debts and garner favours from him."

Ah, she's the spicy kind of quiet. The kind that bite hard with logic, fact and truths of reality whenever they spoke, small talk had no place with her because it was avoidance, sneaky and beneath her royal hide.

"It's unfortunate you believe that, well then, if your brother won't ask then will you? Surely you have the voice to speak reason to him."

She raised an expensive eyebrow, "Reason? What reason is there to holding off on your-"

"And the winner is…Momochi Zabuza!"

My head whipped away from her and her snappy words so fast I almost got up to stand by the rail. Atop the stage was indeed Momochi Zabuza, he was tall but not as tall as the adult who's raised his hand to champion to the crowds jeering at his low caste name. He was shirtless and wore baggy pants that would be cut up in various places had he not absolutely lacerated his opponent, a poor older man who hugged the floor as he bled plentifully onto the sands, shrinking at the touch of medics come to hoist him away.

Zabuza...Of course I'd find him here. Then again, I wasn't really looking for him and neither was Jason but hearing his name roared under the jeers of low caste hate was more than enough to revive the memories of his iconic strength as the wielder of Kurikiribocho.

I smiled and relaxed in my seat, the Princess had her stoic look on but I could tell she felt somewhat insulted by my sudden carelessness and so I apologized, "I'm sorry, you were saying?"

She hmph'd and turned away, "What a reaction. He is of low origins is he not?"

"Zabuza? I suppose so."

With my eyes trained on the stage we didn't share many more words and the topic of the Daimyo and his war faded to the background of my growing glee to be reminded of Zabuza. I wondered who else I was forgetting.

Kurikiribocho (Executioner's Blade)

A massive sword wielded by Canon Momochi Zabuza, one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. Known for its unique ability to absorb and regenerate with the iron from the blood of its victims.

Momochi Zabuza

A formidable shinobi of low caste origins, renowned for his brutal and efficient fighting style. In the Canon he eventually becomes one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist and is infamous for his wielding of the Executioner's Blade.

Princess Hanako's Favored Champion

A deft-footed novice with a tanto who captured Hanako-hime's attention with his agility and skill. Despite his efforts, his match was a close and hard-fought battle, highlighting the fierce competition among the novices.
Betting on Blades
As Junko placed her early bet on the obvious winner she couldn't ignore the judgemental scrunch of Hidaki's face a second time. They'd been sitting well and fine in silence, ignoring each other in favour of the match they both had a poor viewing of thanks to being a tier lower in importance. But rather than stew and potentially bond over their common forgotten selves, Hidaki chooses to be a holier than thou ass wipe.

"I wouldn't bet on your survival." Junko said, loud and clearly towards Hidaki.

The Yuki clan head turned a questioning, annoyed gaze, "What?"

Junko smiled at him and shrugged, "You know, if they were taking bets on which Yuki gets strung up next," She gestured a knot over her neck and an imitation of a strangled face, "I wouldn't have bet you escaped, surprised you did. Glad too, don't get me wrong, haha."

He sneered, "Don't get you wrong? How am I supposed to get you then?"

Junko threw her hands in the air, "Anyhow but wrong. See, I wouldn't want death threats thrown into my turkey now."

Hidaki's knuckles whitened as his grip on his armrests threatened to splinter them. Junko merely grin and called for a platter of fishcakes but apparently Hidaki had something other than faces and worthless questions, "If that's the case I would keep my mouth shut then, saying the wrong thing causes a fall as heavy as mine."

Junko laughed loud at first but quickly covered up her cackles to refrain from drawing attention from the Mizukage and the Princess. Aoto and Megumi didn't fail to notice though but neither spoke on it or even spared more than a curious glance.

Composure restored, Junko leaned closer to Hidaki, "You ought to know better than give worthless advice. My clan, the Hoshigaki, will never be in your position. We're loyal and better than that? We're not a threat." Hidaki open his mouth to retort but she didn't let him, "Besides, you should take your own damned advice. Keep my mouth shut? You realize one word to that wrinkled old man and a slur of flattery to the Hozuki granny and you're done. Fucking learn your place."

Junko sat back and clapped mini claps as her platter arrived, she kept it all for herself of course as there was no one to share it with. If Hidaki had been polite enough to keep his judgemental faces to himself perhaps she'd have given him one but now all he can do is stew with a clenched jaw that made her snicker after minutes.

Keep my mouth shut, he says. Junko shook her head as the crowd roared for another victory in favour of the Demon of the Mist; Momochi Zabuza, or rather her fat cash cow. "Hehehe, if there's anyone winning this little apprenticeship it's him, but low caste as he is...will he climb as high as he's merited?"

She glanced over at Hidaki who's jaw was still in the process of unclenching. She shook her head and chuckled, forgoing any expectation of conversation from the man with the Mizukage's hand hovering over his clan. I can't say I blame him; I'd be missing a few teeth for sure if I were him.

"You could say the same for your Kisame. You bet on the right horse, Zabuza Momochi does seem likely to win apprenticeship, more likely than Kisame winning Samehada from Fuguki." He spared her an utterly frosty glare, "Don't overestimate your potential, Hoshigaki."

Rather than give into the urge to lay him out with the growing deluged of pride shattering sentences at the tip of her tongue, Junko nodded on like the wise clan head she so often pretended to be, "That's a lot of advice in one sitting, Yuki-san, but tell me, what about Kisame have I overestimated? He's toe to toe with Fuguki in chakra reserves, he's bonded with the damn legendary blade so many have died trying to, he's nearly a master of Water Release and a brilliant master of Kenjutsu."

Hidaki actually snorted, a condescending smile tugged on his lips as he said, "If you think Kisame is a master Kenjutsu user, no, even if he is, he's no match for Fuguki. You realize in another reality it's Fuguki sitting where Yagura-sama is now? He beats your shark-boy at every stage, including Kenjutsu, soundly I might add."

Junko picked and sucked at her teeth, "In another reality huh. How you faring in that reality you're dreaming up? Yuki or… Yūki doing well?" She flicked away some remnants of one of the many meals she's had over the past hours and waved a hand at Hidaki before he could retort, "Don't answer that, it'd be pathetic. But Kisame…well, you could just as well argue that in another reality it is he sitting where Yagura-sama does or maybe even Raiga."

She tried hard not to cackle at the imagery but a few strained ones escaped, earning her a personal glance from the Mizukage himself. He merely smiled and turned back to his royal guest.

"Ahh, Hidaki-san, you're such a joy. But if you have any thoughts about placing a bet you should bet on my Kisame, he's going to win. Fuguki is a powerhouse of ninjutsu but this match, it's all Kenjutsu and that's Kisame's playground, trust me, I'm a serial gambler."

Hidaki scoffed, "You're the last person I would trust."

"And the winner for his sixth and second to last match…Momochi Zabuza!" the Proctor roared, prancing Zabuza about the stage before setting him off. Junko stood to get a better look from her booth as the next match would decide the second finalist.

To Junko's glee it was none other than Mangetsu Hozuki coming up to face some shredded man surely five times his age. Junko planned to keep to herself but after prodding at Hidaki how could she now?

With a grin she hovered by Lady Megumi's side and asked, "Mangetsu's been doing very well, I hear he's both Hozuki prodigy and Yagura-sama's apprentice. I wonder which came first." She hummed too innocently.

Yagura did nothing to show he cared whether or not she'd said anything, the Princess was fully engaged in whatever she and he were prattling about all this time but the Lady Megumi wasn't so stoic.

"He wouldn't have become Yagura-sama's apprentice without first being a prodigy." She said with all the pomp of a proud mother that made Aoto chuckle fondly.

"Oh is that how it is? Hmm, well, tell you what, I have every faith the prodigy and apprentice of our very own Yondaime-sama will win this fight, but what about the next? The final match…" Junko leaned closer, stuffing her face between the two councillors, "The Demon of the Mist vs Hozuki prodigy, want to bet?"

Lady Megumi's mood soured in a blink and she waved Junko away, almost smacking her in the face with her hand as did, "Mangetsu's performance will speak for itself."

Junko grinned all the same, "Ah, against a low caste demon, I sure hope so."

Apprenticeship Contest: A competitive event in Kirigakure where novices and acolytes fight in ranked matches to determine who will become a candidate for a legendary sword or an apprentice to present legendary swordsmen.

Bloodline: Refers to families or clans with inherited abilities, often through Kekkei Genkai, which can make them targets of prejudice or persecution.

Demon of the Mist (Momochi Zabuza): A nickname for Zabuza Momochi, a formidable ninja known for his ruthless tactics and kenjutsu skills. In this context, he is competing for a chance at fighting one of the legendary swordsmen and being deemed fit to join.

Fuguki Suikazan: A powerful member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, known for wielding the sword Samehada. He is depicted here as a benchmark of strength in both ninjutsu and kenjutsu.

Hoshigaki Clan: A clan known for its loyalty and low threat level, represented by Junko Hoshigaki, who is shown to be cunning and confident in her clan's position.

Lady Megumi: A high-ranking councilor in Kirigakure, with strong clan ties and influence over the Hozuki clan as their Matriarch.

Low Caste: A term used to describe individuals or clans of lesser status or perceived inferior lineage within the village, highlighting the social hierarchy and prejudices present.

Mangetsu Hozuki: A prodigy from the Hozuki clan, noted for his skills and being an apprentice of the Fourth Mizukage, Yagura. He is competing in the apprenticeship contest.

Yuki Clan: A clan with a troubled past, represented by Hidaki Yuki, who is portrayed as struggling with his clan's precarious position under the Mizukage's regime.

Yūki Clan: The courage clan, a movement within the main Yuki clan to bravely seek favourable conditions and standards from the very people stealing them.

Okai announcement time!
The Hundredth chapter of Reborn in the Mist is live on bmac! I've made a whole public post about it on the day of release but it's a major deal in my writing career ish cuz it proves the value of consistency and the value of an eager, vocally expressive audience. As belated thanks and a way to celebrate my passed birthday, the price for membership on bmac will what you can, surprise me, anything from a dollar! Hahah, yeah, so this 90% discount will only last the next 48hrs, that is, until Sunday afternoon so come along and binge with meee!

Also, I've finally got early access chapters to 30(25 now that I've posted this but I'll be posting more in a few hours) So yeah, that's that, hope you enjoyed the binge, thanks again for all the support. See you next Friday!
If you wish to support myself and the library, as well as read ahead click here
Proud Kage
Junko's loudness wasn't for naught as it got the Princess and I talking again. Mangetsu's participation in these duels wasn't one I was aware of and surely had something to do with Lady Megumi's manipulations. It was fine except now everyone thought I'd been teaching the boy and possibly grooming him to take my place as Kage whereas I've only sat in the chair for four months.

Mangetsu wore what I'd always seen him with, a blue sleeveless, a wool scarf and three-quarter shorts that would usually hoist his pouches of ninja tools but that was abandoned for the single tanto sheathe attached to his back. He sported a couple injuries from previous duels that occurred before I arrived but otherwise looked ready to take down whoever was in front of him.

"Oh look, it's that young man you were rooting for, Hime. Junichi, what did you say his name was?"

"His name is Jin." Junichi provided.

"Right, Jin, you must have a good eye for Kenjutsu, Hime." I said.

The Princess merely blinked, watching Jin test Mangetsu's blade with some unease, "Not as good as yours, Mizukage, your apprentice will surely be triumphant."

That I couldn't deny so I simply turned it into another compliment, "That you can see the outcome already speaks well of you."

She snorted at this and spared a glance, "These are the finals before the main event aren't they? Your apprentice will face the one your vassals call the Demon of the Mist, I'm not so sure I can see the outcome of that match, can you?"

At that I fell silent in thought as I hadn't considered what Mangetsu facing off against Zabuza would look like until this very moment. The fact was Zabuza was a terror in each of his battles, not letting his opponent's blade even graze him while he shredded their muscle and tendons, chasing some to forfeit by tossing themselves off the edge so he wouldn't get them. Mangetsu on the other hand…

"Will you be disappointed?" The Princess pressed, eying me intently, "Should your apprentice lose against a low caste demon as your vassal aptly described, would you be disappointed?"

I breathed in and said, "No."

She frowned, "No? Isn't he under your tutelage? A prodigy of a great house? His failure shames you."

Again I said, "No, it doesn't and he hasn't failed. Mangetsu only recently became my student and between attending to my village and cleaning up after the Daimyo's messy war, I haven't the chance to teach him anything his prodigious mind hasn't already thought of."

She leaned to speak but I didn't let her, "And no, why should I be ashamed that he loses to who you call a lowly caste demon? I am beyond such discrimination, Hime, every one of my shinobi performing well means Kirigakure is performing well. Zabuza maybe a tad excessive in his violence but that is the nature of the things as my predecessors built it, excessive violence, the brutal, unequivocal conquest of those perceived to sit above it all is what it takes to be noted in this world, in the Land of Water."

She leaned back into her chair, tongue tied for a brief moment before spitting at me, "You are much the same aren't you? Your succession, I did not attend but my brother went on about the terror your power instilled in your opponents, people you now lord over as Mizukage."

I smiled my pretty boy smile at her and to my credit, it worked dashingly as her eyelashes quickly bat away from my gaze, "You're right, I am terrifying or I can be. But unlike Zabuza I already stood at the top and my Uncle sat in council already without me as Mizukage. However, like Zabuza, I wish to be acknowledged by all without prejudice dictating what I am or can be or can do. I want first a Land of Water where all islands stand as one, where the infighting ceases once and for all for harmony and inner peace to reign.

"Kirigakure has isolated itself for so long because of the fears it inherited from the Daimyo's of old. Your brother, he has the right idea battling against obtuse fools that would see the strength and glory Bloodlines bring dissolved in blooded waters. But battling against them will not be enough, not for this war, Hime. I am nothing like my predecessors, I dream of peace and I know well to prepare for war, ha…I must be prattling on and on to you when you only wish to hear one thing from me."

She shifted in her seat, the slightest movement billowed her scent through my nostrils, "And what is that?"

I sucked my teeth and wagged a silly finger at her, "If you want to know then you have to ask the right question." She rolled her eyes terribly and turned away all interest as I chuckled, "Either way, every single person that's come up to give their best chasing after their dream, their passion. Every one of them is a strong, wilful Kirigakure shinobi that has what it takes to realize my dream and perhaps…even yours as well, Hime."

She bit her lip and scoffed, "It's not them I doubt, it's their Kage."

"And the final finalist is…Mangetsu Hozuki!" the proctor yelled suddenly.

I'd barely paid the short duel any attention but Mangetsu seemed to have gone easy on his opponent, perhaps even underestimating him as his injuries seemed to have multiplied. Still, he fared better than Jin who seemed to suffer from two lost fingers, I cringed at that but quickly reassured myself the man would be alright. This wasn't the battlefield where the nearest medic was miles away from the frontlines, Jin would hold a sword again.

They cleared the stage and Mangetsu went to visit a medic as well, his next duel would demand his full strength. I peeked over at Lady Megumi and found her face strewn with a deep, angry frown. She would have taken Junko's words well the least and though Mangetsu had won this match I knew little else except total victory would satiate her. Unfortunately, if I were to bet, I'd bet on the demon.

Rise of the Demon Mist
Zabuza loved to hate Kirigakure. He couldn't help it and it seemed neither could the village, it kept giving him more reasons to hate and loath as he did. There was little else but the faint familiarity of its walls keeping him in the village, he had no close friends beyond contacts in alleyways, brothels and the like and he had no family, his own clan name was nothing more than a faded memory in Kirigakure's long history of battle and subjugation, utter and complete in that his family no longer existed beyond himself and his balls.

But they were weak, weaker still for allowing themselves to be lost in the dynastic trees of greater families. But Zabuza didn't hate Kirigakure for smothering the weak, it's the most common sense thing to do and it's what he's been doing all day long. The strong existed for this world and the weak, they were little more than a warning to the strong. A warning he took very seriously.

Over three years ago now Zabuza became the one regarded as the Demon of the Mist. All it took was smothering every single weak child and teen in the Academy that year without exception and finally his strength was recognized. Yet, three years have passed and here he was, a mere Genin still despite proving time and time again otherwise.

He thought his infamy as the Demon of the Mist would improve his chances at rising to the top of the dogpile but his low caste, weakling blood marred him still and he's only been taken advantage of. Sent on Chuunin, even Jounin level missions, left without a mentor or even a teacher and cast aside once his usefulness was done for the day, night or month worth of missions.

Low caste as he was his pay as Genin was little more than peanuts compared to the regulars enjoying leisure strolls and boat rides patrolling the border and coasts. But that was merely another reason why he was here, why he pulled himself back into the squalor of low caste society, scourged through deals, performed unsanctioned assassinations for characters even more vile than he and emptied his savings, stole some of others and bought his way into this tournament of weaklings.

The true event, Kisame Hoshigaki against Suikazan Fuguki was yet to come and it seemed even the Mizukage was as bored as he was with the opponents that threw themselves on his blade to fill time and build the hype. Zabuza had ample time to watch the Mizukage while he fought on stage, the man was unbelievable every time he looked. Only five years older than Zabuza himself and yet so much strength…the strongest.

He wondered what he was like, all Zabuza knew was that he fought exceptionally during the past war, enough to gather renown around his prodigious self and be picked as candidate amongst others like Fuguki, Kisame, Raiga and even Juzo for the chance at becoming Mizukage. Zabuza believed a swordsman would surely win and Kirigakure would see a new age and yet…

Now, across the blood sands was Mangetsu Hozuki, another so-called prodigy but one that the Mizuakge had apparently taken a liking to, enough to claim as an apprentice if the murmurs and betting machinations of the spectators were true.

Zabuza's original plan was simply to beat everyone in his way and earn a battle with one of the Legendary Swordsmen— a good performance against one would all but assure his enlistment into their organisation and a change of pace from his low caste struggles.

But now… "You should quit while you're ahead, Hozuki boy." Zabuza said as the proctor still stood between them. Mangetsu narrowed his eyes at him and Zabuza smirked, "I've had more practise killing your kind than you have wetting the bed."

That got the boy to growl, his nostrils flared but a quick glance at the top balcony where his clan head and Mizukage were watching calmed his rising rage as he unsheathed his tanto, "You're not the only one with something at stake. May the best swordsman win."

Zabuza ripped his wakizashi and grinned, "I will."


Zabuza was on Mangetsu before the sand from the proctor's feet returned to the lot. His blade smashed against Mangetsu's hastily raised guard with such force the smaller boy was forced to place a foot back. Zabuza grinned at that and extended his own foot into Mangetsu's trembling stance but the boy caught on quick and disengaged before he could be taken off his feet entirely.

He dashed away to make space but Zabuza was having none of it, he pressed the boy with thunderous swipes, strikes and a free kick to the chest once his guard was loose again. Mangetsu coughed, the air knocked out his lungs as he scarcesly saved himself from falling over the edge.

Zabuza's grin endured, he stood for a moment, letting the boy catch his breath, "Most of my opponents until now would have been out of the ring, you're less weak than them, but you're not strong."

He lurched at Mangetsu again, his charge filled manical glee as his wakizashi scored the sand into an upward swipe Mangetsu shielded his eyes from. With the boy temporarily blinded Zabuza did the last thing he would expect and stalled his momentum with a slide that would take the boy off his feet.

To his surprise Mangetsu leaped over his sliding form all while his eyes were shut. He rotated counter-clockwise in the air and landed an inch closer to where Zabuza's sliding momentum ended. The Hozuki prodigy struck blind but true, drawing blood from Zabuza's elbow as he frantically rolled away from the jabs.

Zabuza kicked off the sand back to his feet only to find himself beset by the Mangetsu's flourish of slashes. Fortunately, the boy had little strength in those arms and deflecting and even parrying his attacks were simple feats for Zabuza. Until he sped up, forcing Zabuza to blink rapidly as afterimages of his arms and blade obscured the true strikes that succeeded in drawing blood yet again.

Zabuza growled, leaped away and breathed deeply. Mangetsu didn't give chase, he stood across the sands for a moment, studying Zabuza's breathing with a furrowed brow. Zabuza was more furious than out of breath; how had the child managed to draw first blood? Had he underestimated his strength? No, he's already tired, that kick to the chest put him on the back foot already and this…this is the peak of his skill.

Through gritted teeth Zabuza tightened his grip on his wakizashi and prepared to put the boy down. He was about twice his age and easily three times as strong, it wouldn't be a problem, what would be a problem though…

Mangetsu broke the stalemate with a quick zigzag dash, Zabuza parried his strike but the boy let go of his weapon? Before Zabuza knew what was happening he'd been used as a stepping stool and the short boy was soaring above his head with a fist cocked back.

Even with his jaw tightened to take on the blow Zabuza's head was jolted by the force, he felt his fingers nearly lose grip of his weapon as his body tossed across the sands, nearing the edge by a margin. Hasty footsteps followed through Zabuza's rattled senses and through sheer will he picked himself in time to catch Mangetsu's follow up dropkick.

"Not again." Zabuza spat out a glob of blood and snatched Mangetsu's offending foot. "That punch hurt but this is a Kenjutsu duel kid, never lose your weapon." He readied his wakizashi and yanked the Hozuki boy towards it glinted tip.


Had the word come a fraction of a second later Mangetsu's throat would be skewered through. The proctor landed and nodded at both duellists. Zabuza let the boy's foot free and spat out another irritating bit of blood and flesh, he regarded Mangetsu with a sneer, extremely upset he'd won without filleting that baby smooth skin of his but at the same time, he couldn't help feeling impressed.

"You did a good one, Hozuki." Zabuza said to him before he vacated the stage. The prodigy had no words for him, merely a defeated look of dread as he looked up at the presiding balcony.

The proctor snatch Zabuza's arm and yelled over the jeering crowd, "And the winner, the champion, the one worth a battle with a legendary swordsman is—!"

"Is me!" Zabuza roared, "The Demon of the Mist!"

The crowds tune changed as those jeering and booing his low caste blood were drowned underneath the sensible and truth seekers. They chanted his name, Zabuza, Zabuza, Zabuza!


Zabuza returned to the locker room where most of the participants arranged themselves and equipment. It was completely empty now unlike this morning when it was bursting with weaklings lining up to lose against him. He retrieved his belongings from the temporary locker he'd been assigned and sat on a bench with a bucket of water and a clean rag.

He fetched some with a pail and poured it over his head, letting it cool his pumped blood and soothe his open injuries. He'd refused to let a medic touch him even though his next battle would be against a true swordsman, a legendary one. The wounds would hasten his strength, sharpen his mind.

Still, he wiped them clean from infection with the rag and tore open his last snack for the day. He was told to wait here for someone to prepare him for the next step, he wasn't sure which of the swordsmen he'd be fighting to prove his worth but it surely wouldn't be Kisame or Fuguki. That left Juzo and Raiga but Raiga hadn't been seen around since and he doubted he'd show up just to face Zabuza.

Juzo it is then. Zabuza went through what he knew about Juzo which wasn't much, the man wielded the Kurikiribocho and was proficient in Water Release but that didn't matter in Kenjutsu duels. He'd never been privileged enough to submit himself as a study to witness the few practise sessions and training days Fuguki was said to organize for the Seven when they weren't on mission.

However, what he did know was that Juzo was a clanless shinobi. That alone would have him slotted as low caste or near it but his skill, his strength spoke a different story.


Zabuza jolted from his thoughts at the voice. He looked, expecting to find some acolyte come to tell him when to come for the battle but instead found the Mizukage, the Fourth Mizukage. He choked. It was his goal to garner attention from the man by beating his apprentice but Zabuza felt Mangetsu got away scot free and yet…

Yagura raised a brow and Zabuza remembered himself, he fell to a knee and greeted with deference, "Mizukage-sama, I'm honoured."

"I am as well. The infamous Demon of the Mist right before fought well, very well. Mangetsu is quite capable but you…you simply have that innate strength, don't you?"

"Y-yes! I do."

"Come by my estate sometime then, I have a need for strength."

"Of course, I will sir!" He looked up to begin thanking the Mizukage for the sliver of acknowledgement but the man was gone as quickly as he'd come. But now, now even an entire bucket of water wouldn't cool the excitement racing through his blood.
Dueling for Shark Skin
"Alright, Kisame, Fuguki, there will be two phases to this challenge duel." The Fourth Mizukage began in a calm commanding voice as he looked between them, "The first is what I'm sure you've prepared for, the combat phase. You choose your bladed weapon and keep in mind that you're not duelling to kill or maim, that will not favour you in the slightest."

Fuguki grinned balefully at Kisame a few feet shorter. Kisame licked his lips in response. The Mizukage seemed to tire with them as he rolled his eyes and skipped more warnings to get to his next point, "The next phase would be the duel for compatibility. Samehada has always chosen its wielders, it's semi-sentient that way and so we'll treat it as such. Whoever wins its favour along with the combat phase will secure the right to wield it, understood? Good, now, begin!"

Kisame leaped away right as the Mizukage did, stealing some space for himself as Fuguki slowly unsheathed his katana. Both of them had chosen to use katanas for this duel and for good reason. Both himself and Fuguki weren't wearing their usual shinobi attire, instead they paid homage to the ancient and first of the Seven Swordsmen with a loose fitted, cotton cloth Samurai outfit that had zero armoured areas.

Fuguki, looking like a giant orange panda of a Samurai, began pacing along the edge, forcing Kisame to pace as well, watching his opponent as keenly as he was watched. Their katanas allowed them the advantage of strategic engagement length, but with Fuguki's incredulous size, Kisame naturally has to compensate with a longer blade than his opponent. A longer blade, despite its reach, meant it'd be heavier to heft.

But that was a non-issue for Kisame at the moment, the were merely dressing up as the Samurai the first Seven Swordsmen were but they were shinobi. Chakra enhancements may not be allowed in their duel but Kisame's body has trained with heavier objects, the Legendary Blade he fought for now was far longer and heavier even. Such a little handicap would be no problem for Kisame to overcome, he merely had to win.

By now Kisame had come around to where Fuguki stood at the beginning and neither side had made the first lunge. Kisame took this as a good sign; he wasn't being underestimated. He had it ringing in his head over and over with each careful step as he paced around Fuguki not to underestimate the man he'd come to know as leader. His might as a shinobi may be held up by his proficiency with Water and Yin Release but he was just as good as Kisame with a blade, perhaps even more experienced even if Kisame was sure he was more skilled.

Either way, Kisame was grateful for the time he'd had to study the man's careful foot placement as he noticed the moment he became ready to attack. Rather than let him make the first move, Kisame lunged out in a blink, his katana slicing toward Fuguki's startled eyes.

The larger man leaned comfortably past the attack and stabbed at Kisame's unguarded torso. Kisame twisted around the blade, his lith figure supplying him with far more flexibility than Fuguki's would allow. He doubled down on his assault and brought his katana down at Fuguki's unprotected thighs only to curse as the man unnaturally caught his katana with the sole of his slippers, capitalizing on that contact to kick his foot at Kisame.

A cornered Suikazan is a savage eh? Kisame thought as he slid through the sand, his katana bearing the brunt of Fuguki's repelling kick. The man quickly moved away from the edge of the stage, coming closer with his katana firmly in his grasp. There was a glint of glee and bloodthirst in his eyes as he marched closer, a feeling Kisame matched with ease.

The two battle eager shinobi met in the middle, their initial clash grinding sparks of flame in their grinning faces and glinted eyes. Not a word passed between them as they disengaged. Kisame brought his sword up to slice open Fuguki's stomach but Fuguki was faster and deflected the blade. Kisame let himself be carried by the momentum and fell past Fuguki's guard so they switch places. He lurched and was met with a hefty strike against his katana's length.

Kisame flinched at the strength behind the blow but wasn't deterred, he was assured his katana was made of the best steel his clan could afford, which, by default, was the best. Suikazan was a self-made man to an extent but Kisame wouldn't be shamed for using every resource available to him to succeed.

He leaped, taking to the air for a savage downward slice at Fuguki's nigh unreachable head but the man was prepared. He blocked the strike and all of Kisame's weight behind it with gritted teeth but Kisame wasn't a Hoshigaki for no reason. His freefalling feet found purchase in Fuguki's face and sternum, landing solid kicks there as he bounced off the larger man and back to stance a few metres away.

Fuguki growls, swiped his bloody nose and reasserted his grip on his katana. This time he dashed forth before Kisame could choose a direction to escape into, forcing the him to stand his ground and parry Fuguki's punishing strikes.

Kisame's eyes widened, his mind raced as he tried to keep up with Fuguki's rattling blows and feints, trying with all his might not to lose the pride of first blood to the orange haired man. Each strike sent thorough vibrations through his katana, rattling all the way to his bone and threatening to shake the weapon out of his hands.

I won't allow it! Rather than remain on the defensive, Kisame shifted his footing and began to press what few openings to deliver strikes of his own. Fuguki chuckled and the mere sound infuriated him to fuel his stirkes with more power.

Fuguki fell on the defence, though his bloody smirk made it seem otherwise. Kisame kept up his assault and Fuguki parried each with practised ease, barely buckling under the pressure Kisame was mounting on his blade. The larger man was overtly aware of the edge of the stage as well and ensured Kisame's strikes and blows were met with proper foot placement, avoiding the edge and being cornered like he was at the start.

For three tortured minutes the only sounds were the clash of their blades, shuffle of their feet and the occasional free kicks and punches Kisame got in. Fuguki took on the full brunt of another attack but leaned forward into it, sliding his katana down the length of Kisame's and grinding sparks as he went for a grab attack.

Kisame leaped away at the last moment, putting some distance between them at last. Fuguki doesn't give chase, a thing he's thankful for because after all those swings Kisame's breathe was ragged and heavy. He narrowed his eyes at Fuguki, his chest was heaving but not nearly as much as his.

What…so that's what this is. Kisame took in a deep breath and clutched his katana, Fuguki mirrored his action but didn't move from his spot, all but verbally confirming his strategy. He wants to tire me out…and he's actually doing it.

Kisame felt like smacking himself but left that for later, he'd finally noticed Fuguki's heavy strikes were little more than a bait to get him to respond in kind and he did, expending his energy and draining the strength of his blade to smash and savage at Fuguki who merely blocked and parried it all.

He couldn't fight Fuguki as though he were wielding Samehada truly nor could he fight as though he had chakra or its enhancements on his side. The only thing he could do was what Fuguki was already doing. Wait.

And so, Kisame got a grip of himself, set his stance straight and cleared his mind. Fuguki seemed to recognize the change as the mocking, baiting smirk he wore faded into a sharp glare. The larger man matched his stance and the two met in the middle, circling each other with the tips of their katanas an inch or so past the other.

This duel was going to be decided by one, loose opening and like Junko always told his impatient self; opportunities create themselves when no one's looking.

Fuguki inhaled, shifted his foot and Kisame knew, he saw it and he took it. In a flash of movement, the two swordsmen dashed into the other, their blades becoming still as they stood in trance. Kisame heard his heart beat in his ears and his hand sensed the squelch of flesh, he'd dodged Fuguki's blade by an inch, traded a sliced up bicep for a stab through the larger man's abdomen.

"Halt!" the Mizukage descended, had a look and simply nodded at Kisame as Fuguki stumbled back, taking his both katanas with him.

Fuguki himself didn't look displeased, merely annoyed, either by the fact that he had a katana sticking out of him or that Kisame had won, it didn't matter, because all that was left now was to command the Shark Skin Blade to his will.
I landed back in the balcony after declaring Kisame winner of the duel, an outcome I have to say I wasn't so sure of. Junko though, wore the largest, proudest grin I've ever seen and who could blame her? She bet on her champion, the supposed underdog as things go and she won. She also won the bet against Mangetsu, choosing the Demon of the Mist over the Hozuki prodigy much to Lady Megumi's visible ire.

Hidaki had already made his exit, Lord Funato trailed behind him and Junko lingered behind to shove her good gambling in Lady Megumi's face, but everyone was quickly making their way out of the balcony side and toward the Armoury where the final test would take place as soon as Fuguki and Kisame were healed of their wounds.

There wouldn't be any civilian spectators, in fact, there weren't any for the true duel of the night. The stage and its surrounding where people clamoured, cheered and jeered the acolytes' tournament was emptied out as soon as the time for Kisame and Fuguki's duel came. Only shinobi of prominent clans were allowed to sit in and watch.

Hanako-hime stood with my hat in hand as I dropped from the railing, she stepped forward, her feet barely making a sound as she handed it back to me. I'd let her hold onto it while I proctored Kisame and Fuguki's duel, there weren't many shinobi worth proctoring a duel between Kiri's swordsmen except perhaps swordsmen themselves.

"Thank you." I said.

She forced a smile behind her fixed veil and raised fan, turning around as she said, "I will not be joining you for more violence, I'm afraid I have had my fill. It's been a rather unproductive day and I wish to return home now." She glanced at her Samurai-shinobi guard and her ladies in waiting at the entrance, but there I caught a glimpse of Uncle Aoto, he made a sign, one that asked for my quick attention.

I nodded at him but turned my attention to the Princess, "Unproductivity isn't a bad thing, Hime, sometimes it's just what you need." I could peek her scowl by the way her brows dipped and eyes narrowed, so I smiled widely. "Come, sit with me for a minute, the balcony will be emptied in a moment and we'll be able to speak freely. I do have something more to tell you."

She sat, albeit reluctantly and I waved Uncle Aoto away, quickly signing that I'd be with him soon. He nodded and shut the door behind him, taking her stubborn guard and flirtatious ladies-in-waiting with him.

I sat, giving the Princess my full attention as she gently fanned herself and looked away from me, "I've changed my mind."

My smile grew as her head whipped to face mine, curled brow raised in anticipation of my next words but they didn't come, I just stared at her until she asked, "About what?"

Here I stopped smiling entirely as I announced, "About waiting for you or the Daimyo to ask to be saved. It's obvious you'll break should I give you time but the Daimyo breaking to my will doesn't matter as much as the innocent lives that are taken from this world with every passing hour nothing is done."

"Then you will-!"

I raised my hand to halt her excitement, there was more, "Kirigakure will join and end this war in a week but we will be doing more than that. If your aides have done their jobs at all you should know that I've taken in the Kaguya clan and recently there has been some upheaval about the Yuki as well. I have taken to ensure both are sheltered and taken care of."

I narrowed a stern gaze into those prettied eyes of hers and said, "My aims will be the emancipation of every oppressed Kekkei Genkai wielding clan in the land of water. It's a huge undertaking as there are many and my Estate only has so much space and so, the lands of the Lords rebelling and slaughtering these clans will be annexed by Kirigakure at the end of the war."

"Annexed?" the Princess hissed, "You have no right! The only way that land will be given to you will be at the leisure and mercy of my brother."

I snorted, "Now you know why I wanted you to ask, don't you? You have a week to still ask, make this a simple give and take deal. If you do not, then Kirigakure will simply take."

"You wouldn't dare!"

"I said I changed my mind, didn't I? This is what that means. You sat here with my hat while I proctored that duel, you must have thought segregation and violence is all there was to Kiri, all there was to its protector. But I assure you, there's more than enough violence and more underneath us that you, a cloistered Princess will ever know."

Hanako wasn't listening, she stood from her seat furiously glaring down at me, "You realize what you've spoken is treasonous? You plot against the Daimyo right in front of me, no, to me, his liaison. You will be punished, Mizukage."

I looked up at her from my seat and shook my head, "There is no greater punishment than wielding useless power, do as you must, Princess, I have given you a week to decide what you want Kirigakure and the Capitol's relationship to look like. Speak to your brother and get him to accept these conditions or at least, come to the table to negotiate, this week is the last chance he'll get to do so."

She dropped her fan from her face, leaving it veiled but revealing a good part of the beauty she'd hidden all this time. She was confused, shocked and nearly speechless, "Mizukage, if you do not wish to do the right thing then I shall find someone else who will, there are many-"

My boisterous laugh cut her off before she could finish that pathetic threat, "If you mean to say the Water Daimyo, your brother, will involve outsiders in these matters rather than sit down with me then you've all but started a Fourth Shinobi War, you remember what those look like, don't you? Ha, but it's nothing to worry about, your brother will never do something so stupid."

Her lower lip trembled in unbridled anger at the insults, she stuttered and then shut her jaw tightly as she breathed and arranged herself to leave.

"Remember, a week!" I called out as she left, slamming the door with all her might.

It didn't take long before the doors opened again and Uncle Aoto came in, he looked worried though his cheek was stained with lipstick, I shook my head at the man as he asked, "What happened? She looked…very upset."

"I just gave the Daimyo an ultimatum, we'll be joining the war regardless."

His eyes narrowed in confusion but then widened, "You mean…we're going that route?" He sat where she did as he took in the news.

I shrugged, "Only if the Daimyo wishes to be embarrassed but I have a feeling he won't."

"What happened? I was sure you'd join the war regardless of reward. Whenever I spoke of usurping the Daimyo or acting behind his back before you were always so against it, didn't even consider it an option."

I smiled at him, "I told you, I've had an awakening. There isn't time to do things the soft way, at least not things like this. The Land of Water and its clans need to be cleaned up and organized under Kirigakure and the Daimyo swiftly and with as much force as is necessary. There are greater concerns abroad."

Aoto hummed thoughtfully at that, "Abroad huh, does this have anything to do about you lying about your reasons for recalling Mei from Ame?"

I stared at him, genuinely startled that he'd seen through that lie, "It's more of a half-truth, nothing to worry about in the immediate but…the Land of Water needs my full attention right now, as do the Kaguya and Yuki."

Uncle didn't push for more, instead he nodded in agreement and gestured sealing his lips, "Classified."

I chuckled and asked, "What did you want to tell me earlier?"

"Oh, that. Lord Funato wants to speak with you."

I rolled my eyes, "Of course he does."

"No, really, he…he sounded like his timeout had given him some perspective and begged me to put a word in with you. He's done a lot for this village and though he acted behind your back and against your orders, he's worth a second chance, I feel so. He just needs to see more of your vision and understand where Kirigakure is headed now is not where he's coming from, you're the best person to explain that to him."

I breathed that in and groaned. I didn't want to indulge the man but at the same time, Uncle made very valid points. Besides, prolonged strain between a Mizukage and his councillors wasn't exactly a positive outlook.

"Fine, but after we're done with this Samehada ordeal, it's been a long day."
Samehada's Master
Samehada was splayed across a table that easily extended past six feet in width and yet it still flopped over the end like a wet, fresh catch straight out of the sea. The cool, ocean blue of the Armoury's sterile walls didn't help matters either.

The Armoury, as the host of so many complexly crafted weapons was built to the highest Fuuinjutsu standards and maintained its own atmosphere of chakra as a special feature for the Shark Skin Blade especially.

Among its other security functions the Armoury was made so that the many chakra sensitive weapons amongst the Seven were nominal. Samehada could be stored unwrapped and not feast on the chakra based properties imbued in the others as it would be forced to assume a hibernation mode of sorts. Kubikiribocho wouldn't rust no matter how oxidized the air was, Hirameikarei wouldn't leak as much chakra and would be ready for action right at the get go, and Shibuki, the Blastsword, wouldn't unleash a legion of explosive tags at scent of a lit match.

Kabutowari, Nuibari and the Kiba Blades weren't a problem beyond securing their security and right now only the Kiba was absent from the Armoury, weighted at Raiga's side.

The clan heads stood witness behind me as Kisame and Fuguki took their place a couple paces away from the table Uncle Aoto placed Samehada. I was worried the Blade would stir the moment he touched it but the gloves he wore were specially made for that; so unworthy and even non-shinobi could lift, clean and eventually practise with the blade. Otherwise it would immediately sense and devour the chakra and possibly the person dumb enough to touch it barehanded.

Traditionally I should've placed the blade before them but I've had my fair of Samehada and I knew it had a taste for my chakra, or more specifically, Isobu's. If I came too close or let too much of the Three-Tail's chakra leak it would surely stir and seek to devour, then I'd have to possibly excuse the final test or watch it from behind a glass wall next week so I didn't stir a bias.

I levelled a gaze at Kisame and Fuguki, then Samehada some equal ten feet between them and tried not to snicker as for a moment, the stern, power hungry swordsmen about to duel were nothing more than a couple competing over a dog's favour.

"Call to it." I said and behind me Junko's breath hitched.

Kisame and Fuguki took it easy at first, their faces wrinkle with slight concentration as they took similar stance and beckoned the blade with an extended, chakra filled palm, ""To me, Samehada!""

The Blade didn't leap from the table but it did stir. A soft rumbling, snarl signalled its awakening, it seemed to stretch, shaking away the sleep from its non-existent eyes as its maw cracked open with a yawn. It quickly got a sniff of both chakra signatures and for a moment, behind it where much of what I could see was its handle grip backside, it looked confused.

In its defence, this was the first time in Kirigakure's history there had been two people claiming its ownership and actively duelling for it. History was being made in the cold walls of the Armoury.

"Samehada! To me." Fuguki punctuated, his chakra grew intense, he couldn't flare or channel more chakra than his hands length, any more and he'd essentially be feeding the beast and the purpose of this exercise was not that.

Kisame maintained a cool head, his jaw tightened but focus clear in his silent and singular command. Samehada at this point reared up from the table, sitting up almost like a human, frighteningly so. It glanced between them, leaning outward each time but never truly committing.

And then it turned to me. Inwardly I curse as I felt its sentient awareness keen on my being, without another reaction I calmed my admittedly excited breath, brought the waves of my chakra to calm and sought Isobu in the back of my mind like he promised he'd be whenever I needed him.

"Isobu, for a moment, could you suppress your chakra?"

I could sense the Giant Turtles confusion that I'd want the power he offers suppressed but since becoming myself he's been more than willing to listen and talk. Without a word I felt the Tailed Beast restrain itself though as I opened my eyes I saw that Samehada's teeth ripped mouth was already beginning to froth.

It lost interest as soon as most of my chakra was suppressed though and immediately turned to Kisame with a hungry growl. Fuguki's eyes widened and he barked, "Samehada!"

Again the beast sword swerved with indecision, rearing at Fuguki who looked relieved to have its attention again. He beckoned, "Come, now."

Samehada in some ways was nothing more than a dog and to accommodate for its doggy ways Fuguki and Kisame were restricted to only beckoning commands. How easy it would be to simply say 'Come let's feast' and see the Blade lurch. No such luck for either of them though, promises of chakra beyond the sliver in their palms was restricted.

However, it seemed Samehada recognized its true master without need to be coerced. Without a single word Kisame had stolen the sword's attention yet again and this time, for good. The Shark Skin Blade threw itself off the table with a beastly swiftness, allowing Kisame to catch its tail or rather handle and be drained steadily of chakra as consequence of mastering the legendary blade.

"Yes!" Junko's scream burst the terse silence more than any of Fuguki's meagre commanding attempts. She looked ready to leap at her clan's scion but restrained herself under the gaze of fellow clan heads and myself.

She cackled regardless at the look of abject loss and defeat that had overcome Fuguki. The large man looked around the room and not for the first time I felt his youth and status reflected in the way a man of his size shrunk, suddenly out of place among his betters.

You're mistaken Suikazan. I thought to myself as I stepped forward and congratulated Kisame with an approving grin, "Well done, Kisame and for a moment there I thought your overcoming Fuguki was a fluke."

He took the compliment in stride, sharing a sharp toothed grin as he winced at Samehada's greedy scales stabbing his palm, "Thank you for the opportunity, Yagura-sama, I will not disappoint you. Samehada will be a terror in my capable hands."

"I'm sure it will." I raised my hand towards his shoulder and he leaned for me to tap it approvingly, "Well done, again, you make your clan proud."

"Yes, yes he does!" Junko doubled down with all the confidence of a gambler who hadn't lost yet. She quickly came up to him next, standing at his side and basking in all the glory a legendary weapon tied to the Hoshigaki name brought as Uncle Aoto and Lady Megumi congratulated him as well.

"Mizukage-sama." I heard an aged voice call behind me.

Without turning to him I said, "Just a moment Funato-dono. Fuguki," I called out to the man who'd remained like a mistletoe growing in a field of peppers.

"Yagura-sama," The challenging gravel that lustred his voice months before I'd become Mizukage was nowhere to be found, his head was part lowered already and not just due to my height.

I looked and gestured at the Armoury full still with the Kabutowari, Nuibari, Hirameikarei and Shibuki and said, "Surely you've mastered another one of the blades?"

His eyes widened in surprise at the question but a second after glittered as he recognized the opportunity, "Though I strive to master all, only Samehada, Kabutowari and Hirameikarei answer to me well."

I thought about it for a moment, Hirameikarei, the flounder fish shaped twinswords that could be split or transformed according to the users will was the blade I saw my apprentice wielding in the coming years. Mangetsu's display at the tournament was brilliant though he lost to Zabuza in the end— no fault of his own but the performance alone ensured I began thinking of his future as my apprentice.

The Kabutowari, like many of its peers was a strength intensive dual weapon— a giant axe and hammer linked together by a rope. Dual wielding such a weapon would require strength that was likely beyond me and even beyond Kisame but Fuguki was just about built for it.

"You will wield the Kabutowari then." I declared much to his shock and relief.

Confusion spread through his features not a moment after though and he asked, "What must I do for this favour, Mizukage-sama?"

"Favour? This is no favour, it is your duty, at least until someone else comes along to challenge you for it." I smirked, knowing full well he thought I'd hold a grudge for inciting the battle royale that was my succession or perhaps even prejudice for not being of a main clan as Kisame and I am.

He fell to his knees, fist clenched and trembling at his side, "Thank you, Mizukage-sama, I will continue to serve you as I have."

I merely gave a curt nod and waved Funato to fall at my side as I walked out, leaving Junko, Lady Megumi and Uncle Aoto to discuss whatever gambling scheme the shark lady was roping them into.

It didn't take long before I found a dojo master room and pushed it open for Funato and I. I sat at the large tatami atop a small set of steps where a table with an ink pot and some books stood.

"You have thirty minutes."

Annnd that's a wrap folks! It's been a wonderful month, the library has accomplished quite a bit of its goals; bringing early access to a month ahead, reaching 15 members and hitting the awesome milestone of a 100chapters just for Reborn in the Mist. Of course, in the process, I am a tad burnt out and so I'll be taking next week off to stretch my sore fingers and maybe give some love to other books hosted in the library.

For such an accomplished month I want to give especial thanks to the patrons that have stuck with myself and the library; noxodrac, Asura, Hunter-nin#1, wombato, Revan, Hunter-nin#2, Ashkar, SergeantJoe, 8thknight, Berik, Coalman95, Hunter-nin#3, iscp03, Radius and Will.

I'll see ya'll on the 12th of July, hope you enjoyed today's binge!

If you wish to support myself and the library, as well as read ahead click here
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Beneath My Gaze
"Oh Yagura-sama, forgive my ineptitude, forgive my failings and stubbornness Lord Fourth." Lord Funato was kowtowed before me, his voice pained with sincerity of his failings, "I have failed to see how I erred but I know I have, you have cast me aside after all, a useless servant. But I ask you, I beg you for a second chance.

"This old man has not long left to live and among my many failings my son threatens to become one, he doesn't understand that the truth, that his father is but a man capable of error, he doesn't see his father's failings only those that failed his father. Please Lord, if you give me this second chance I will serve your every word faithfully, there will be no repeat of arrogance and my pride is long buried.

"Allow me a second chance, Lord Fourth, and if I fail your expectations then as well, please allow me resign so the dignity and prestige of the First Mizukage, the Funato clan is preserved. Let the legacy of the First Mizukage not be tarnished by my abrasive child."

I understand we haven't spoken in some time but to ramble on like this. Still, it was nothing but a roundabout manner of asking for both a second chance as well as warning me that there are worse rulers for the Funato clan. I scoffed, the old man would die eventually, whether now out of a heart attack from my dismissal or later, it doesn't matter.

But the fact that he's self-aware enough about his son and heir to press his head to the floor like this…well, that speaks for itself. I've maintained a subtle spy network on each and every one of the clans of Kirigakure, it was not my original idea, merely something I expanded after taking the helm from Jason and subsequently, the Third Mizukage.

That the Third Mizukage felt the need to watch his citizens spoke volumes of how much anyone could be trusted and through the grapevine of this spy network I expanded, I haven't been deaf to the mutters and murmurs of insulted Funato clan members. They've been at the top for so long the taste of air at the bottom offends them enough they can barely restrain themselves.

I breathed, folding my arms as my gaze settled on Lord Funato. He at least is wise— a product of being on several Mizukage councils likely— he knows well there's a good chance I already know about his abrasive son and the clan he's begun rallying to prepare protests against my regime, even against his father's wishes. But there would be no protests, not just because this matter dies here but because there was a war to prepare for and I'd enjoy having him battle at the frontlines.

Spill a little blood for your village, Funato clan.

In the end I sighed and tried not to scowl too much as I summarized Lord Funato's request, "So…in essence you want me to not only forgive you but also give you a second chance that would let you save face should you, perhaps inevitably, fail me again?"

Lord Funato merely bowed deeper, his arse raised as his head couldn't bury any further into the floor. I rolled my eyes at this and breathed calm thoughts. It shouldn't piss me off so much that his bald, wrinkled head is the most I'd get for his disobedience, I'd have preferred very much to being rid of him entirely but alas, he has apologized and I am no stone heart villain.

I blinked as a thought came to mind, his bald wrinkly head might not be such a bad reward after all, there were many things the Funato clan head power over in the Land of Water and if I wanted to fund my growing army of Bloodline users I'd need funds, resources and all the political backing to ensure my legacy stands for itself should anything…unforeseen happen to me.

But this is years in the future, assuming the old man kicks the bucket before then, then what? Who do I hold on the hook? His son is described as abrasive by the father and I'd met the man a couple of times as a fresh out of the Academy Genin. He was insufferable to work with then and surely still would be now if he takes after his father at all.

There were many options that came to mind, including using my ANBU operatives to force a scandal on the heir, a scandal I could blackmail him with down the line. Or perhaps simply an expression of how far my reach as Mizukage goes; I could send him to the battlefield and have him almost assassinated. But then why go through the stress of almost assassinating anyone when you could just go through with it? Does his son have any value to Kirigakure beyond his strength as a shinobi?

If not, then does Lord Funato have another son? Or perhaps a grandson I could mould? Ah but why mould his progeny when I have vastly talented apprentices and potential students in my back pocket already?

In the end I let out a groan as my thoughts for taking care of Funato and his mess of a clan began to spiral. I was getting ahead of myself, there was a need for a plan but, the old man wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Best to focus on what's in front of me.

I stood and walked over. He raised his head slightly at my approach and I grinned bright and stupid as I knelt by his frail side, a steady hand placed on his shoulder as he sat up, "That's all I needed to hear then, Funato-dono, your commitment to Kirigakure, to me. I forgive you." I wore my most disarming, cute smile as I declared this and felt a knot of tension release from his shoulders, "Your clan should follow your footsteps without issue from now on, yes?"

"Yes, of course, Lord Fourth, I will put my son in his place."

I smirked, "I will rely on you once more, Funato-dono." I helped him up to his feet but promptly left him to himself in the dojo.

Out onto the courtyard, I found the moon high but not struggling to peek through the fog of Kiri's mist. It's been a very long day and I'd not had a bite to eat in too long hours. I wondered where Junichi was as I strolled out through the abandoned corridors of the Seven Swordsmen, their acolytes long in their beds with few exceptions burning the midnight oil with their training.

I was about stepping out of the main building to the street that led to its gate when a terrible feeling overcame me. I glanced around, watching if the training acolytes felt it too when a strangled scream broke the peace of the night.

A full one-eighty spin and a full sprint down the exact path I'd taken, shortened with swift and eager leaps across the rails brought me closer to the source. Chakra spiked ahead, it was unsteady. Sliding doors snapped open as acolytes reared from their slumber at the sudden noise but we were in for more as I landed on the rail opposite the dojo master room I'd left Funato in.

Panic rushed through me as both my natural senses and Isobu screamed for me to dodge. The room exploded, a blazing flame with zero heat yet all the power of combustion threw the traditionally built room and four others into splinters.

It took nothing for me to fashion a [Water Mirror] to deflect and absorb the impact, I wasted no time as the clamour and screams of horror took through what remained of the corridors and courtyard, discarding my mirror I leaped off what remained of my perch and a formed a hand sign to gather the necessary chakra.

With a wave of my palm, I released the gathered Wind Release chakra, sending the smoke and crackling wood dust far from my sight, "Funato!"

I spotted the man easily, bleeding under a pillar of wood with a shady figure standing above him, poised with a kunai, no, that's no kunai, "Wind Release: Wind Bullet!"

Seventeen bullets escaped my lips in the span of seconds, forcing the figure away from Lord Funato before they could finish the job. The way they were garbed was unlike any shinobi, their head to toe was shrouded and wrapped in dark clothing with no headband in sight or even a weapons pouch.

My bullets were fast and powerful though, I felt one extinguished against the fleeing foes back, tossing them outward in their escape attempt. I quickly began forming signs for a Water Clone when Ao landed at my side.

"Leave them to us, Mizukage-sama!" He leaped away before I could protest, ANBU crawled from the rooftops to meet up with him.

With no one to argue with I set my attention to freeing Lord Funato from the rumble. He was stabbed through his chest, arm and leg when I lifted the pillar off of him, his head bleeding out profusely and yet he raised an arm, calling to me.

I leaned down to pick him up, he trembled in my arms, lips desperately trying to form words, "What is it? No, don't speak, I'll get you to a medic immediately."

My legs tensed to leap onto the rooftops when the old man grabbed my scarf and declared, "S-shizu…Shizu Yuki!"

Summons to War
The Lord Fourth's invitation to his Estate was one Zabuza never lost thought of even after his match with one of the legendary swordsmen was postponed due to their headquarters blowing up. He had more than enough attention now, all the attention he could want— permission to petition the Mizukage.

That's basically what his invitation was, it was a ladder, a path for Zabuza to reach the heights he's always known he stood atop. He'd make every second of the Mizukage's attention worth his while and prove the impossible possible.

Still, those realities had yet to come to fruition. He'd left the very next day though he had little hopes of the Mizukage being present at his Estate after the attempt on his and the Lord Funato's lives. But he went anyway and was rewarded with acknowledgement

Junichi, the Mizukage's assistant seemed to be on an errand, running in and out the Estate when he noticed Zabuza mid-argument with the guardsmen. The Hoshigaki Chuunin affirmed that Zabuza was wanted but not at that moment, the Mizukage, as he expected, was not present at the Estate or free for a meeting with him.

That didn't deter him and even as the village buzzed with tension and fear festered amongst the nobler clan folk, Zabuza did not hesitate to be turned away on the second day. In fact, this morning he'd had breakfast and trained and got ready to be turned away a third time when his moderately positive outlook took a dip.

He'd expected the knock at the door to be any one but Mangetsu Hozuki, his landlord, a prostitute or some hapless shoeshine or even the fishcake hawkers. The boy regarded him in the threshold of his door, almost three feet shorter, ladled with more baby fat than muscle and stuffed into a Chuunin vest clearly customized for his size, his strange tanto and four pockets.

The sight made Zabuza grind his teeth. Everything about the boy screamed superiority even though it made no sense, Zabuza was bigger, better, stronger in every manner and yet there he stood, swimming in the unimpeachable authority of a higher rank, status and worth.

"You'll have to pay me to beat you this time, Hozuki." Zabuza greeted.

The boy's levelled expression didn't change, "We're summoned to the Mizukage." He turned away and hopped off the seventh floor open corridor.

Zabuza wasted no time leaping after him. A spark of excitement and fear jolted through Zabuza as the racing winds billowed past his blood rushed ears. What could it be? The Mizukage had asked for him to meet at his Estate but Zabuza never thought he'd be summoned to meet the man for a second time and so soon no less.

Despite his hope for the Mizukage's attention, Zabuza had survived in Kiri thanks to pessimism and he couldn't help wondering if perhaps this was a meeting to punish him rather than reward him with true opportunity for recognition.

He stared at Mangetsu's rooftop leaping back, Zabuza hadn't done nearly enough damage to the boy that his clan would seek some sort of recompense, could they? It was a duel, a competition for goodness sake right? Right?

You're a low caste demon
. The voice that had been dispelled ever since his dominating performance at the Seven Swordsmen came back with a vengenance and Zabuza couldn't say it was wrong. He is a low caste demon, with no family and little to no worth besides the small fame he's garnered amongst other useless folk like him. And what was that really worth in the end? Free meals? Sex?

There was no loyalty. But Mangetsu had the loyalty of his clan, the backing of its Matriarch who was as old as Kirigakure itself and a recurring name in those history classes he never took seriously. She was a power that could demand anything, even Zabuza.

Zabuza cursed and bit his cheek at the thought of the Mizukage 'lending' him to the Hozuki clan. He'd never once thought that such would be possible because he never accomplished enough acclaim for it but now, he had attention and the high clans always absorbed what good low caste clans could manage.

The low caste didn't really have a choice either and neither would Zabuza, as much as he loathed the thought, if he wanted power, strength, maybe it wasn't a bad thing to take whatever was offered and not bother looking at the giver.

Zabuza shook his head free of the heaping doubt, nervousness and insecurities as they approached the Tower. There was still a chance this was going to be some actual good for him and not a guised punishment.

Mangetsu didn't bother going through the main entrance and simply dived through an open window in the higher levels of the Tower. Zabuza hesitated to follow him for a moment, having only ever been through the main entrance, even with Jounin mission captains.

Monkey see, monkey do.

He dived through and was instantly blown away by the casual luxuries of the room. It was an office sitting room cornered by two shelves of items that looked foreign and expensive. Mangetsu was across, greeting the lady by a raised desk reading a scroll as he disappeared into an orange lit corridor.

Zabuza kept up, greeted the lady who stuttered in response and met up with Mangetsu in the corridor filled with seven other shinobi loitering and discussing something.

They hush up once they notice Mangetsu and Zabuza, of the seven Zabuza only recognizes two of note; Rina, the Chuunin that was supposedly going to marry the Fourth Mizukage, it was an unending period of gossip and sencha tea sales that month. The other was a Tokubetsu Jounin, Toneri. Zabuza had worked with him before his promotion and he held some respect for the man as even though he had the slight advantage of being middle caste, he still worked extremely hard for what he earned.

"Good, we can ask to come up now." A Jounin said with a look of excited relief— it seemed Zabuza wasn't the only one looking forward to this.

As the Jounin led the way up a round of stairs into the wide hallway that provided a large lounge and two staff desks for secretaries that weren't there, Zabuza noticed something else interesting.

I'm the only Genin here.

There were six Chuunin, one Tokubetsu Jounin, one Jounin and him, the singular Genin. It was clear this was not going to be a punishment at all, in fact, it might be the very opportunity for Zabuza to prove once again, his worth and be promoted.

If it's the Mizukage, he won't overlook me. He won't deny my strength. His invitation to be here alone was confidence of that.

The Jounin knocked, "We're ready, Mizukage-sama."

"Quick, come in." Zabuza heard the Mizukage's assistant call out.

The Jounin lead the way in and everyone instinctively filed in behind him according rank, with Zabuza dead last as was natural. Still, there was silk clean and classy furniture in the way and the group inevitably spread out as they occupied the rather large office, allowing Zabuza a good line of sight with the Lord Fourth.

He was nothing like last he saw him, he was dishevelled, his hair in a frenzy and his dark eye bags sagged along his stitched face. There was an oppressive aura about the room despite its inviting aesthetic and Zabuza was certain was the steely mood the Mizukage was in.

There were three people directly before him, Kisame Hoshigaki, Fuguki Suikazan and Juzo, three of the legendary swordsmen. Lord Fourth began, "Here they are. You shouldn't have any need for reinforcements with a selection like this."

Junichi who Zabuza hadn't noticed hovering by the Mizukage's side appeared with a tray of scrolls, distributing one to everyone present. Zabuza identified the scroll as an A-rank mission brief by the colour of the band strapping it, maroon.

He'd been only two A-rank missions, Jounin taking advantage of the low caste demon, but the fraction of its pay was what allowed Zabuza to rise as high as he has. And now another one, this time with three legendary figures— he wasn't sure if their presence meant the mission's difficulty was reduced or if it was increased, either way, Zabuza listened closely as the Mizukage began addressing them directly.

"I'm sure you're curious what you've been summoned for so I'll get to it. Each of you has been handpicked to end the Daimyo's war." He let the declaration hang in the air, though none present were surprised or fazed by it, Zabuza couldn't help gulping at the thought. This was war, his first war.

"Under your Jounin Captains you will recon the armies raiding Kurokami-jima, Lord Yakubi's fief as well as the opposing isles of Yureisen, and Midoriwara within a week time. Prepare for extensive battle and resistance but also prepare to come home." The Lord Fourth punctuated the last part especially, sparing a glance at the legendary swordsmen as he did. "The Daimyo's armies will serve as your main body of reinforcement and cover once prelim operations have been covered by your Jounin Captains. Any questions?"
Solidarity or Deceit
Just when I thought things were starting to go smooth, just when I started to see the future I want to build, just when I'm at the cusp of bringing Kirigakure to know and understand that discrimination and clan biases would be a thing of the past….

I tried not to grind my teeth too much as Junichi and Ao flanked my sides down the sterile hospital ward corridor crawling with ANBU and Jounins from the Funato clan. Despite my earlier words with Lord Funato, his clan members were still my shinobi and respected my presence with deep bows or kneeling. I acknowledged their presence briefly but my destination was the room they all congregated to guard.

My body and mind screamed for precise and accurate movements and action. After two sleepless days of rising disappointments and a soreness in my voice from barking orders at Jounin and ANBU to secure the border, coast, walls and the sensory bubble as squads upon squads searched the thick forest and marsh for Lord Funato's would-be assassin only to report nothing, I finally had something.

Lord Funato was awake. The man was still a legend in his own right, a thought that brought some measure of comfort to my tense mind. He'd managed to repel his attacker if only for a short time; it was no coincidence that the fire that blew up the dojo had little to no heat, it was purposeful, cynical as the old man is he stopped to consider the lives of those around him even while being attacked.

It'd have been a different story had he unleashed his true strength in that enclosed area, bad news not just for his attacker but for him and whoever was unfortunate enough to be around. Needless to say, I was impressed and pleased to hear that he'd woken up.

His last words to me were confounding and yet another source of my mounting stress. It couldn't, no, shouldn't be the Yuki clan behind this again, even though the person he saw is dead the fact that it was her face places a lot of suspicion on the Yuki clan once more. Fortunately for them, I haven't told anyone and I sure hope the old man hasn't repeated it yet.

Ao stepped ahead of me to open the room door, "Thank you, Ao." I looked around, the area was secure enough but… "Secure the area, patrols, make sure no one is listening in."

He gave a sure, curt nod and vanished to perform his duty. His failure to capture the assassin weighed heavy on him, especially since I was already in the middle of pursuit when he asked me to leave it to him. I don't want to blame him, he wasn't alone in the chase and what each of those involved described the assailant to be like was a piece of information I was sure I could use somehow.

"Junichi, summon Hidaki to my office, I want him to be the first thing I see when I get back."

"Uh, at the Tower or at the Estate?"

I'd had wonderful plans to work from the Estate and still would like to, but this was a discussion for the Tower, "Tower." The young man bowed and left to find his way to the Yuki clan head.

I stepped in fully and shut the door behind me, finding Uncle Aoto, Lady Megumi and Lord Funato's son have already gathered besides the bandaged old man.

His son was a burly man with an eye-catching kanji of 'Sea' on his left arm, he looked nothing like Funato except in the eyes and perhaps the way his face is squared and aligned to allow that orange beard fall, actually, the more I look the more Lord Funato I see. He just isn't short and has far more muscle mass than his ancient father.

He was easily in his thirties by the looks of him, he'd surely seen more of the Second Shinobi war than I have read of and the downward quirk of his lip at my arrival told me he still felt that veteran superiority he used to boss Genin and Chuunin back in the day. I narrowed at him for a moment trying to remember his insignificant name in the host of two lifetimes of memories before Lord Funato's voice broke out.

"Mizukage-sama, pardon me for not bei-"

"Nonsense! Lord Funato, I am glad to see you awake and speaking even." I glanced at my councillors and then his sons name snapped to the forefront of my mind, "Ah! Yes, you are Shigeru Funato, yes? Our Lord's heir."

The man seemed dignified to be remembered and his lips itched to a smile, "Yes, that I am. And I must thank you for saving my father, Lord Fourth." He fell to a knee and bowed his head, "You have my eternal gratitude."

Do I? I wanted to say but restrained myself, it was surprising enough that he put aside whatever rumbles he was drumming up within the clan to bow his head and thank me.

"He would have done the same." I said, smiling at the old man laid in bed. His arms, head and stomach were bandaged up with a cord flowing through underneath the sheets. I didn't get how extreme his injuries were but it seemed Lord Funato was in for a long recovery.

Lady Megumi agreed with a hum, "He would." She looked like she'd shed some tears or was at least genuinely distraught at the sight of the old man in bed. Uncle Aoto breathed in deep, a subtle reminder for us to start our improvised council meeting.

"Shigeru I'll have to ask you to excuse us while we speak to with your father." I said, not looking away from the old man though I felt his son's surprise and slight offence.

"Why would I leave his side?"

Uncle Aoto explained impatiently, "You won't, this is a privy council, you aren't counted amongst it." I remembered Uncle shared my experience with Shigeru, they'd fought in the same war and so he'd surely suffered more of the man's stubborn headedness.

Shigeru gritted his teeth and was about to yell something when Lord Funato beat him to it, "Shigeru! Do not shame me while I'm in this sorry state."

In the end the tattooed man marched out of the room, his thankful attitude gone up in flames as soon as it'd come. But once the door shut I took his seat and began, "Alright then, what do you remember so far?"

Lord Funato nodded, "After you left the dojo I…I began to gather myself but I decided to pour some sake."

Lady Megumi shook her head with a soft smile, "Sake isn't allowed in the dojo, you still carry some with you ey?"

"Well, I emptied my last bottle and was about to leave when I felt a presence behind me, I called them out and they screamed that this was for the Yuki clan. I defended myself but they were…unbelievable strong or perhaps I am simply weak. I saw her face…Shizu Yuki."

"The dead one?" Uncle asked, arms folded as his scratched his stubble in concentrated thought.

Lord Funato nodded, "Whether they meant their attack was for the Yuki or the Yūki, I do not know, but whoever they were, they wore her face and it is what I remember."

"Perhaps this is the work of some…disgruntled members of the clan?" Lady Megumi offered, "It wouldn't be the first time, perhaps even that child you harbour, Hisako. Shizu was her mentor and the one that coerced her to do her bidding."

Uncle Aoto sucked his teeth and shook his head, "Ahh, seems too convenient, not to mention reckless. It wasn't long ago Shizu was put to death, the Yuki are cowed and some are even receiving the attention of the Mizukage, what more would they want by assassinating Lord Funato?"

The old man swallowed hard, "Justice."

I raised a brow at that answer from him. Perhaps he has changed after all. Still, I shook my head, "Aoto is right, it is far too convenient. I engaged the assailant briefly and I noticed the weapon they used was…unconventional. What kind of assassin uses a chakra rod? There is only one other place I've seen that uses that weapon, Amegakure."

My councillors regarded me with wide eyes at this revelation and Lady Megumi was the first to speak with a sharpness to her voice, "My son first and now Lord Funato, isn't it about time you tell us what you know about Amegakure and their interest in Kiri, Lord Fourth?"

I shut my eyes and thought, "I will speak once I've convened with Mei Terumi, she's returned and she's injured as well. Daichi, her partner seems to have been lost but I haven't gotten any report."

Horror strewn across Lady Megumi's features and she nearly screamed, "You are fighting the wrong war, Yagura-sama, Amegakure is clearly against us! We should crush them, now!"

"There's more." I said, looking across my councillors again, "It may be true that Ame is against us but we must know how much chaos they've sown. Reina Yuki and I discovered that the Kaguya clan were baited into attacking Kiri by an unknown figure, the Kaguya currently living amongst us have had nothing to do with it otherwise. But the stories don't match us, it is clear someone is attempting to steer Kirigakure in a certain direction."

I held their gazes, "We mustn't fall for it."

Lady Megumi still looked like she could breathe fire— which was plausible— but she restrained herself and nodded along with Aoto and Lord Funato.

I rose from the seat, "Good, the investigation continues, now I have to go speak with Mei. In the meantime, help me keep the peace, I'll speak with Hidaki as well but I need no more problems, understood?"
A Friend Indeed
I stood and gathered myself for a moment after the door shut behind me. Lord Funato would be fine and well in time and I've shown my support by paying a visit as well as saving his life in the first place. What I was concerned about now was Mei.

My enemies have begun moving mad. Open hostilities are clear as day now and the future of Kirigakure would hinge on what Mei's report on her assailants and journey back home would reveal. Though I already had a feeling what she would say I didn't want it to be the first thing she said to me.

And so, as I walked down the stairs into the general shinobi wards of the hospital, away from the entire floor Lord Funato's injured presence secured, I searched for a trustworthy shinobi I could bother with my Kage hat for a moment.

"Hello." I greeted a lady at the reception counter, she wore starched clean uniform with Kiri and the medic's insignia adorning them. Her work at her station kept her head down but she looked up with a fake smile that instantly wiped away upon seeing me, "Could you help me hold onto this, I can't remember where my assistant went."

I needn't charm her with a smile but I did anyway and found her giggling, "Yes, of course, uh, I mean, yes, Mizukage-sama."

"Thank you."

It's been six months now since becoming a Jinchuriki and five months of my reign as Yondaime. The village knew my face well, my picture was held up in every governmental office and quarters, the Jounin and Chuunin stations, the hospitals and several clinics, the prison and academies. My face was everywhere people congregated and in Kirigakure, as Kage, my name was their hope.

Right now, after yet another blatant attack on Kirigakure, my name was spoken in the soft corners of homes praying for safety I was terrified I couldn't assure. How had the assassin gotten in? How did they manage to escape even Ao and his squad? When, where, who will they strike next?

As I approached Mei's hospital room I put the nervous thoughts out of my mind, kindly reassuring myself I had all the knowledge to outmanoeuvre Amegakure and the Akatsuki if it truly came down to it.

Two knocks and her voice came through, "Come in."

I gulped, Mei and I have been comrades in the hope for a Kirigakure free of discrimination, a unified village, one ready and able to negotiate with outsiders without paranoid fears. I haven't laid eyes on her since the night we were summoned about the Third Mizukage's death and yet I'd already given her orders as her Fourth Mizukage, she's done her part well and yet I doubt if I've done mine at all.

Squeezed the handle and pushed the door open, a fair wind blew from the open windows she sat up at, there she was, the thin ray of light cast a luminescence on her hair— it had grown a significant amount since I last saw her, she looked slimmer too, skinny.

"Mei." I watched her shoulders jerk at the sound of my voice. She stood from her bed, her arms were wrapped in bandages all the way down to her fingers. She wore a simple hospital gown that was modest enough to cover her backside, though I glimpsed some stitches climbing down her spine from the curve in her shoulders.

She turned and my breath hitched, her eyes were bloodshot in a way I hadn't expected. They looked as if they were bleeding out right now, one was as red as blood with a single spot for her iris, a frightening sight on her. The other fared better, with lines of burst veins stretching all over but not as severe as the other.

Mei's lips trembled with a smile quickly turned grin, she stepped out of her bedside and made to sweep me in a hug but something stopped her and suddenly she fell down to a knee.

"No, stop! I'm not here as that, I'm just here as me, as Yagura, we don't have to do that now." I said, almost pleading for the shinobi in her not to force the Mizukage out.

She looked up and found my hand waiting for her, "You look terrible." Is the first thing out of her mouth.

I snorted, "Do I? Compared to who?"

Smirking she let me help her up and let her hand linger in mine, "I have a very good reason to look this bad. But I guess you do too, I hear you're Mizukage now." She said, eying the haori that still hugged my frame. The hat was easy to get rid of if temporarily but the haori, after four months of wearing it nearly everywhere, had quickly become habit of my outfit.

A genuinely proud smile graced her face as she threw our hands into a handshake, "Congratulations, Yagura-senpai, you've done too well."

Even with one eye looking like it had seen hell, Mei was a beautiful woman and I couldn't help the blush of my cheeks and ears, "I wouldn't say too well, Kiri is…a difficult village."

She rolled her eyes at me and offered a seat, "We knew that already."

"Yeah, I guess we did but…it's different behind the seat yknow?"

She nodded and sat back on her bed, "Tell me about it, really, how have you been? What is…what is the village going through?"

Again I snorted, "You want me to chew your ears off with boring council meeting about tax, import and crimes?"

Mei shrugged, "What else? You said you don't want to be Lord Fourth right now." She emphasised my title with a mock sultry voice, "And I'm not too ready to relive my mission either, so, let's just keep each other company, for now at least?"

I blinked at that, turned my head around and checked the time on the dusty wall clock. I had a meeting with Hidaki Yuki soon, even though I doubted the Yuki's involvement in the recent attack, Shizu Yuki being the face of the assassin made it worth checking in with him.

Not to mention I was in the middle of organizing a war, and had security reports from the ANBU waiting for me alongside details on how the Princess Hanako has reacted to my ultimatum so far. There was a lot that needed my oversight, including the Sensor Division as this was their second failure to pre-empt an attack on the village.

But I hadn't slept in two days and nights and Mei, she has yet to look at me with all the expectations one would of their leader. I wanted to keep it that way, for just a moment and enjoy her ignorant presence. It's been too long since I've had a friend by my side.

I nodded, "Okay, just for an hour or two then." She grinned and I cleared my throat, "I guess I should start with the good news then. There's a new Bloodline clan in Kiri and I intend for more to join."
Amegakure Reports
Mei would dare to say she'd gotten comfortable in Amegakure. For all its dreary and the fact that it was another shinobi village— albeit a minor one— the Rain continued to be extremely hospitable to her and Daiki the longer they lived behind its rainy radius.

As the months went by Mei went from stranger to young, new house-wife and then to friendly new house-wife who could do well with your thoughts. In the markets, she'd made good friends of the house-wives that often came buying and selling and many had taken interest in the beauty who'd just moved in to raise a family.

Mei noticed a trend in reactions whenever she spoke about Daiki and the potential family they were building; a downturned mood forcefully turned perky was what each and every woman and even man had expressed as they encouraged her to try certain foods and buy certain fruits to enjoy her husband more.

Not one to let a mystery lie unturned, Mei prodded and pouted until someone broke and let the cat out of the bag. As it turns out, Amegakure was a great place for building a family…with the caveat that children were expected to complete a tour of service to the state and god.

The denizens didn't particularly dislike the tour of service, it made sense to them and many were already in rotation around their borders, ensuring Amegakure's security against the greater nations. With no Daimyo to back them, Amegakure only had its god and themselves to protect them, however, it was a topic of contention with foreigners and many often fled the village after finding out.

Mei didn't reassure her contacts of her permanence in Amegakure for she knew she'd be gone someday, plus, they didn't really matter as much as this god and his angel.

In the many months she stayed a denizen, Mei has only glimpsed the presence of the Angel once, through the clamour of a man gasping at her the shadow of her wings soaring above. It was this singular proof Mei had to her existence. She worried for a time after that that the Angel was after her, she was worshiped as a fair adjudicator of the Rain's god's justice but she was no mere market thief or drunk.

At the time, Mei and Daiki had just discovered that they were being watched not only by the state out of suspicion in the earlier months but by the previous governments vestiges. Hanzo the Salamander's loyalists were a persistent bunch and the truest jackpot of information Mei had come across in the course of her mission, sitting down with them, even if for a few minutes was a granted.

Their leader was a gruff of a man, had she seen him on the street, Mei would have clutched her purse and likely crossed over to the other side. Whether it was a function of his disguise or an effect of the casting down of the old regime, Mei wasn't sure but the man held his ground as a competent shinobi, easily tokubetsu Jounin by her standards.

He deduced they were shinobi of one of the great five, which was a lesser feat than it seemed in hindsight, after all, who else would have an interest? What ended up mattering in the end was that he warned against the so-called god of the rain, Pein, giving the man behind the curtains a name for her to hang onto, more than she'd gotten from the populace.

She pressed for more but the man shook his head, demanding that if her village wanted to know about Amegakure they would do so with his backing or not at all. She relayed this back to home, Daiki predicted accurately what the response would be but it was even more shocking when it came.

A withdrawal order. The mission was over once she got that. It was both a relief and a shame, she missed home dearly and wanted to see what becoming Mizukage had made of Yagura and his influence on the village. But at the same time, it felt as though her work was barely just starting, the full picture on who or what this Pein was. Discovering the extent of their capabilities and how they compare to Hanzo as well as other great village leaders was important work!

And in that thinking, Mei wasn't alone.

In preparation to leave Amegakure she began dropping hints and buying less and less goods over the one week she and Daiki planned to stay before leaving. It would be unnatural and suspicious if they just up and left without any of the friends and acquaintances they've made having an inkling, it didn't match with their civvie personas and until the mission was done, they'd follow procedure.

Said procedure didn't account for outside perspectives like Hanzo's remnants though. After their initial meeting Mei hadn't bothered giving a response to their demand, silence was an answer most shinobi were familiar with. But they also had a flair for the dramatic.

"What do we do with the body?" Daiki asked, his face strewn with disgust and annoyance as he searched the pockets and hidden compartments.

Mei breathed in and calmed herself, had this happened on any other day she would be panicking, no, she should be panicking still. There, splayed against their broken living room table and bleeding all over their rug and couch was none other than the gruff leader of Hanzo's remnants.

"He's still fresh, whoever did this to him must be close," Mei bit her lip at the thought— Amegakure was actively snuffing out all vestiges and from her last conversation with the now dead man, he confessed that the Angel was little more than a glorified enforcer. If it was her that did this then… "We have to leave, now."

Daiki nodded and shifted out a note from the man's sleeve, "Right, you should probably read this first."

The sight of the crumpled note gave her pause, she snatched it from Daiki and read it while he prepared. They'd be leaving in a hurry so they only needed the fundamental things.

His handwriting was poor, though Mei granted some leeway as he was at the tail end of his life being hunted by a supposed god or angel. She deciphered the contents sentence by sentence until it made sense or a fraction of it.

A pantheon of six gods? Ruling over single parts of godhood and…sharing one purpose. Mei wasn't sure if she understood the man's meaning, it forwent anything that could help against the angel that must have been after this man but spoke in detail about the rain god and his divine pantheon. Push and pull. Nullification and…summoning.

It was the last the man bothered to write, three of the six domains of this 'god' were known. She didn't understand what the first two meant but the last was obviously some kind of summoning contract. She clutched the note and stuffed it in her pouch, it was suddenly the final day of her mission here and she'd found something worthwhile to return with. This is good enough.

Daiki returned from the inner rooms with two bags, most of their shinobi gear was sorted into it and they'd change once they fled past Amegakure's borders, for now, civilian clothing and mental preparedness would serve more than the armour of their ANBU tier gear.

Annd that's a wrap for the week folks. Unfortunate cuz this chapter is a two-parter but alas, the schedule mustn't be disturbed. Thanks for all the comments, hearts, suggestions and general positive vibes propelling me forward. I appreciated the break very much and I do feel rejuvenated.
Anyway, Mei will complete her report next Friday!

If you wish to support myself and the library, as well as read ahead click here
How do you mean? 'Gladiators' was about 20-30 chapters ago.
Sorry, new to the forum, not sure how I messed up but the comment was supposed to be for chapter
How do you mean? 'Gladiators' was about 20-30 chapters ago.
Sorry, I'm new to commenting on the forum, so I'm not sure where I messed up. I was trying to comment after the "Repulse-nin vs Samehada's Chosen" chapter, which is the one right before "Gladiators". I just picked up your story today. It just seems like a very sudden transition with no warning, and a little missing information with the interactions between the characters.
Sorry, new to the forum, not sure how I messed up but the comment was supposed to be for chapter

Sorry, I'm new to commenting on the forum, so I'm not sure where I messed up. I was trying to comment after the "Repulse-nin vs Samehada's Chosen" chapter, which is the one right before "Gladiators". I just picked up your story today. It just seems like a very sudden transition with no warning, and a little missing information with the interactions between the characters.
Ahh, I get you. It might feel sudden to move from meeting with the Daimyo to "Halt!" in the next chapter, but that was kinda the point. No need to show them going to Bar Beach and getting settled, best to just start the fight hehe. You'll find I employ such technique often, hope it's not jarring. But otherwise, welcome to the forum! I don't get a lot of comments here so I'm especially glad to have you reading, enjoy the binge!
Ahh, I get you. It might feel sudden to move from meeting with the Daimyo to "Halt!" in the next chapter, but that was kinda the point. No need to show them going to Bar Beach and getting settled, best to just start the fight hehe. You'll find I employ such technique often, hope it's not jarring. But otherwise, welcome to the forum! I don't get a lot of comments here so I'm especially glad to have you reading, enjoy the binge!
Thank you!
As I read through, would you like me to point out any spelling/grammar issues I see?
Or would you prefer if I didn't?
Thank you!
As I read through, would you like me to point out any spelling/grammar issues I see?
Or would you prefer if I didn't?
Go ahead! Tho I'm hundred chapters deep into this story already so I doubt I'll be able to go back and correct all of them, on all my posting sites, someday I'm hoping for a beta reader.