Reborn in a daimyo's court-Naruto SI

Chapter 38-The New Era Begins!
Chapter 38


Hiruzen seethed in rage as he looked at the bloodied remains of his comrade.

"How could you let this happen?" he questioned in a steely voice as the ANBU captain knelt behind him.

"We are not sure yet. It was as if we were under a genjutsu," he excused, and Hiruzne's gaze turned toward the head of the Yamanaka clan head.

"Inoichi, have a full workup done on everyone guarding this place and have the report on my table by the hour," he ordered. The head of the Konoha intelligence division vanished as Jiraiya sat beside Shimura's remains with a complicated expression on his face.

"What is it?" he questioned as Jiraiya continued to look around the room at the two bodies lying there.

"This is a ROOT agent," he said as he pointed towards the masked nin lying dead beside Danzo.

"Do you think the ROOT agent killed Danzo," and Jiraiya shook his head.

"No, this is the work of a third party," he said as his eyes narrowed.

"Shimura was poisoned before he was killed, and I have seen that poison before," Jiraiya said with thin lips.

"Where?" he questioned, and Jiraiya looked him in the eye.

"Orochimaru," and Hiruzen was shocked by that word.

"You cannot mean," and Jiraya nodded.

"I do, it seems this was Orochimaru's doing," and Hiruzen felt that with passing hour the day was becoming more and more troublesome.

"Lion!" he uttered, and the ANBU captain appeared behind him.

"I have a mission for you. Alert all the ANBUs. Run a full sweep over all of the territory, find and arrest Orochimaru, and confiscate all his holdings and laboratory. And also have his apprentice brought into T&I," he ordered, and the ANBU captain vanished as he sighed.

"You will not find him," Jiraiya said as he sat down near the whitened woody mass that was wrapped around Danzo.

"Shimura died hours ago, and whatever this whitish thing is was mimicking his chakra signature well enough to fool a Byakugan. By now, he would be far, far away," he said as he began to take out a sealing scroll.

"What even is that thing?" he questioned as he observed the humanoid-looking whitish mass.

"I do not know, but I plan to find out," he said as a seal erupted on the ground and engulfed the body and took it in.

Jiraiya pocketed the scroll.

"Let me ask around about this, but we have another problem now," he said, and Hiruzen nodded, realizing what Jiraiya was eluding towards.

"Send a missive to Tsunade and Minato, have an account of Shimura's death conveyed to the new daimyo," and he sighed.

"This will not reflect well on us," he complained, and it could be even worse.

"The new daimyo could suspect bad faith and could suspect us complicit in this," he said, and Jiraiya nodded.

"He could now let us hope that Tsunade is able to convince him otherwise," Jiraiya began as both of them looked into each other's eyes.

"Orochimaru," he spoke half in pain and disappointment.

"Orochimaru," Jiraiya agreed, his lips quirked into an angry snarl.

"How could he do this?" he questioned. This was the second betrayal he had suffered in as many days—the first of his dear old comrade and now his most prized student.

"He was very close to Danzo. We should have expected this," Jiraiya added, and Hiruzen slumped as he felt the weight of the whole world on his shoulder.

"I should have," he corrected as all his failures stared him in the face.

He looked up at the sky, tired and frustrated with all he had seen in the last face.

"Perhaps it is good that Minato is set to replace me, the hat grows heavier by the second," he uttered forlornly, destroyed as he realised just how badly he had failed the legacy of his sensei, the Nidaime.



It had been quite a few years since she had visited the Daimyo's castle. And though she had been a somewhat regular visitor of the castle in Shinoi, the Royal castle held little similarity to the rather functional castle of Shinoi.

The halls were studded with gold and jade ornaments. The floors glistened as servants rushed to wait on them.

The host himself seemed different as well. Akihito now sat in Royal garbs with the Royal crown sitting atop his head, and though he had aged little since their last meeting, he seemed older to her countenance as she looked him up and down.

"You have changed," she remarked as she sipped the tea they had been served, and she could see Minato's eyes glance up and down their new fire daimyo as well.

"I would hope so. This whole set of clothes costs nearly as much as my previous annual budget," he joked, trying to ease the tension in the room. She did not correct him about how she was not referring to his clothes, though she did not think the correction was needed.

"So, I have heard that Shimura is dead," he began, and she did not miss how Minato tensed besides him at those words. This was a point of contention, one which could cause much strife in the relationship between him and the village. Though she did not know him to be overly aggressive, she could not underestimate the influence of pride and power.

"He is. We are still investigating how this happened, but he is dead, and we apologize for our incompetence," she said as she bowed her head.

"Hmm, this is the second time the village has failed in its duties, and while I can understand that these mistakes were not deliberate, I would hope that such instances and laps of judgement shall not be repeated," he said in a stern voice. She sighed in relief as Minato from her side spoke up.

"We shall endeavor to live up to your expectations," Minato added, and Akihtio smiled and nodded before turning towards her.

"So, tell me, have you changed your mind about taking your sensei's place," he offered, and she could tell that the words surprised Minato, yet she could tell this for the joke it was.

"If daimyo-sama values his life, he will not make such statements," she remarked as Minato paled by her side.

Akihtio chuckled at her answer.

"So be it then," he began as he turned towards Minato.

"I believe you let me and the next Hokage talk then. Shizune-san has been wanting to meet you for some time."



Minato Namikaze had been born an orphan, and his parentage remained obscure to him to this day, even as he sat infront of the most highly-ranked noble of the realm.

Akihito Shirahoshi, the jito of Shinoi, the young Oni, the person infront of him had many names. Some more flattering than others but few could deny that he was an anomaly among the natural order of things, much like himself.

Both of them had little in terms of pedigree or family support yet were now set to take the highest positions in their respective fields. There was a sense of comradeship in that.

"You were not surprised by the news of Danzo Shimura's death?" he questioned. He was not fond of courtly obscurities and tact, so he spoke straightforwardly.

The young daimyo sipped his tea and nodded.

"I was not," he agreed to his assessment as Minato continued.

"How?" he questioned.

The young daimyo smiled obscurely as he replied.

"Contrary to popular belief I am quite knowledgeable to the happenings of the village, and had suspected such an event," he replied and he recalled how all those years ago he had rescued the two Uzumaki's, and then there was also the issue of Rin.

"Then why didn't you warn us," he questioned.

"Because I had a suspicion, a minute one at that, and I was busy fighting my own war. But that is water under the bridge. I know Shimura's actions were carried out independently, and though the village shall receive an official rebuke, you can be assured of my support otherwise," he told him as they sat once more.

"Then let us talk about the most pertinent issue at hand," he began, and the young daimyo nodded.

"Where is Rin?" he questioned, his tone sharp yet respectable, and the daimyo smiled.

"How am I to know the whereabouts of your student?" he said with a smile, and Minato's gaze narrowed.

"Though I disagree with Danzo Shimura's notion of you being a traitor, your deep connections to Kiri's rebellion forces are not lost to me. Kiri is not fond of keeping prisoners, let alone someone as special as Rin. Yet, for some reason, they not only rescued her from a cruel fate but now hold her as a hostage, alive and seemingly well-treated," Minato concluded. Being a student of the Toad Sage, Minato dabbled into espionage as well, and his special Hiraishin made that task much easier than many realized.

So, he was aware of Rin being kept as a hostage by Kiri forces, and the seal he had placed on her told him that she was alive and well.

"So, I ask again, where is Rin?" he questioned, and the young daimyo smiled.

"Your student is fine."


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Chapter 39-Alliances!
Chapter 39


When the previous daimyo had proposed to him to marry his daughter, Akihito understood that he was set to come to a very extreme amount of power. Power to decide the fate of the whole continent through the position of the daimyo.

He was faced with a choice. He could choose to maintain the status quo, following in the footsteps of his predecessor, ruling with reason. Or he could dare to dream bigger, to use Chiba's aspirations as a catalyst. The lands had not seen a Shogun in many, many years, and though the path was arduous, he believed he could reach that pinnacle. But he was acutely aware that such a decision could ignite a war, a conflict that would cost countless lives.

Yet that would cause war, a loss of life that unsettled him. Akihito believed that life was precious, and while he knew that war was a necessity, he also understood that things must change.

And so, change them he would.

"Your student is fine," he told the man, who he believed would be his arms and legs to fulfill his dreams. Minato Namikaze, the yellow flash, was an anomaly in the shinobi world, much like Akihito was in the country.

Born to nothing, yet now, through sheer willpower and some luck, he sat in the highest office in the village, with his name feared all throughout the land.

"As we speak, your student finds herself in the castle of the Water daimyo and is a guest there, kept at that location for her own safety, for Kiri's rebellion has entered its final stage and will end soon," Akihito told him and saw Minato's eyes narrow.

"How do you know that?" he questioned as Akihito passed him a message.

"Because the water daimyo calls me a brother, and he wishes to bargain a peace with us. I wish to endorse an alliance between Kirigakure's new establishment and Konohagakure. Your student's safety, though, will be guaranteed even without your ascent to this alliance," Akihito told him.

An alliance was a complex matter and could not be decided single-headedly by either Kage or daimyo. Both had to be on the same page.

"An alliance with Kiri is rather ambitious," the man said, and Akihito could feel the earlier tension leave his shoulders as he was confirmed as the safety of his student.

"That would ally Konoha to two of the Great Five villages," Minato added, and Akihito nodded.

"Indeed, and it would make what I wish to achieve much easier," Akihito added and saw Minato's gaze turn towards him once more, the small apprehension in it gone now as he looked at him with curiosity and wonder.

"And what is it that you wish to achieve?" he questioned, and it had taken him much time to realize that.

"A better world," he said honestly.

And the future Hokage's eyes narrowed as Akihito looked him in the eye and began.

"The world we live in today, good or bad, is a world built around the vision and ambition of two...maybe three people if you wish to be generous," he began, and it was the truth.

"The hidden village system was envisioned and achieved through the actions of Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha, the later actions of Uchiha set aside, these two people and Tatsugawa-sama's father who allowed them to make their alliance resulted in the formation of the village, and the world shifted improved," Akihito stood up and motioned for Minato to follow him as they retired to the garden.

"Yet now we have had three Great Wars, thousands dead, and I feel that it is time that we change once more, become better, achieve more than our predecessors, not to tarnish what they have achieved but improve it, to build a better world for those who are to come after us," he finished and looked towards the future kage as they stood in his garden. The kage looked at him with a complex gaze as he opened his mouth.

"It will not be easy, the people you speak of faced many obstacles and tribulations in their path. Your vision, while noble, will demand much the same, my lord," he began respectfully.

"Change is rarely easy," Akihito said as he looked into the sky. White clouds roamed freely over the blue infinity.

"And I am not naive enough to believe otherwise. It will require much from me but I believe I shall not be alone in this journey, I already have one who shares my beliefs," he said and saw Minato's eyes widen.

"The water daimyo, your brother-in-law," Minato replied, and he nodded.

"Indeed, but we are daimyo. The Hidden village and its kage are a daimyo's sword, and in this shifting of tides, I shall need my blade extensively," he spoke, asking him of his devotion.

As a daimyo, he could command the kage through his authority, yet it would be interference, and though he could justify much of it using Shimura's actions as a basis, he did not wish to use the proverbial stick.

It would be much better if Minato could be convinced to stand by him as he tried to unite the people through the commonality of betterment and peace.

"The village will answer the call, and so will I," he said as he knelt down infront of him on one knee, and Akihito smiled as he offered him a hand.

"Stand then, yondaime Hokage. Let us vow to leave this world in a better state than the one we were born into," he said as he helped the man stand.

"What do you plan to do?" Minato questioned.

"Not much initially, but first, we must heal from the devastations of the war. Your ascension shall do much for Konoha's morale, and I shall ensure that the village receives appropriate resources for its recovery," he assured the blonde, who smiled.

"That is highly generous of you," and Akihito continued.

"Then, when the situation in Kiri stabilizes, we shall for an alliance with them, though that is to come later. I wish to address some more internal matters in the meantime," Akihito began as they stood beside the small pond in the garden, the clear water held their reflections.

"I know that the Uchiha's have felt somewhat slighted that their candidate was denied the seat of the kage once more, and though there is little to doubt their devotion to the village and the country as a whole. I believe I have a gift to offer them as some console for the slight they may have felt," he said and saw Minato nod.

"The guardian twelve have a vacancy, and as the next daimyo, it is my duty to fill that vacancy. I believe a young Uchiha shinobi would make a fine addition to the order."

"The Uchiha will be honored by this," Minato said, and they should be, for being a member of the guardian twelve allowed one direct access to the daimyo, and hence his ear.

"I have heard much about a rising star of the clan, a young prodigy who has made quite a name for himself despite being quite young," Akihito began and saw Minato's eyes widen.

"I believe you talk of Shisui Uchiha. He is a fine shinobi," he accepted.

"Indeed, Shisui the teleporter, I believe he is called. Inform him of my nomination, and apart from that, I believe I have a gift for you as well," he recalled as the blonde kage frowned.

"A gift for me," he asked, somewhat surprised.

"A little something for becoming the yondaime Hokage," Akihito said as he gave the man a letter.

"I know it is rare for a jinchuriki to leave the village, yet I have heard that you and the Kyubi jinchuriki are quite close and how she wishes to meet her other clansmen. This is a letter from the Uzumaki in my service. They have agreed to meet with her and wish to set up a correspondence," he informed him, and he saw the man's surprise.

"Kushina will be elated," he said brightly, like a man in love, as he pocketed the scroll.

"And do tell her that I wish to meet her as well. There are some things I wish to tell her."


In a ravine deep into the Earth, two shinobi met in another part of the continent.

"I had thought the letter a lie. Yet it seems I was wrong. You live indeed," one of them began, his voice filled with awe, his golden slit-like eyes with wonder as he gazed at the wrinkled life that sat infront of him.

"Madara Uchiha." He gasped.

"I do, and you wish to live even beyond me, to live till the end of time," the old man retorted. His voice held power and authority, even at in that decrypt age, as the old man sat opposite to a Sanin he looked imperious and unworried as if he could take him apart with ease.

"I do," the snake sanin acquiesced, somewhat surprised that the old man knew of his wish.

"Then I believe we can make an exchange."

"And what do you require of me?" the golden-eyed sanin questioned.

"A new body!"


As always, you can read ahead and support me on Patreon and help me write this and other such stories. It would help me out quite a bit.

Have a fantastic day!
Your student's safety, though, will be guaranteed even without your ascent to this alliance," Akihito told him.
That should be "assent".
resulted in the formation of the village, and the world shifted improved
Either drop "shifted" or add an 'and' to make it "shifted and improved".
Then, when the situation in Kiri stabilizes, we shall for an alliance with them, though that is to come later
Missing a word? Maybe "we shall call for an alliance with them".
"I know that the Uchiha's have felt somewhat slighted that their candidate was denied the seat of the kage once more
Spurious apostrophe in "Uchihas". (Or 'Uchiha clan')
I believe I have a gift to offer them as some console for the slight they may have felt
Is it a PlayStation 5? Otherwise, I suggest "consolation".
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Chapter 40-Winds of Change!
Chapter 40:

Jiraiya - The Toad Sage

Given the situation in the village, Minato had opted to return quickly from the capital. The new daimyo had given their blessing to the new Kage, and now Konohagakure prepared to welcome its Fourth Hokage.

Being a Hokage had been his dream once – taking the hat, leading the village, and changing the world. Jiraiya had once thought a Hokage was the ultimate existence, the one entity who could single-handedly change the world, change it for the better, bring about peace.

Yet he had been naive then. A Hokage was just that – a Kage, a leader of a village, a cog in the great war machine that encapsulated the world as they knew it. He was powerful, indeed, yet a Hokage wouldn't be able to change the world. No, the change would be brought by a revolutionary, a visionary, one who might become a Kage.

Jiraiya might never be that revolutionary figure. The Toad Sage had told him that all those years ago. No, Jiraiya would only ever be a helping hand to the man who would change the shinobi world, and he believed this child of the prophecy sat right in front of him.

"So, what do you think of our new daimyo?" he questioned, wishing to know Minato's opinion of the young man.

Tsunade was fond of him, an interesting point, for she was rarely ever fond of anyone – even him, despite all his various qualities. The Impunity!

"He is ambitious," Minato added, and Jiraiya was surprised by the choice of words and the quick answer he had received.

"Though, he is pragmatic enough to make concrete efforts to achieve his ambitions," he added, and Jiraiya smiled as he saw his student reach nearly the same conclusion as him.

Akihito Shirahoshi was an enigma to those who only saw the present. His actions, when looked at individually, didn't reveal much. But if one stepped back and saw his actions as part of a collective whole, that's when his true nature and prowess began to show up.

His actions in Shino were a perfect indicator of that pragmatism. His family were recently ennobled, and so the connection between him and his people was weaker than that held by nobles who had ruled over their fiefs for generations. And so, he had first gained the loyalty of his people by giving them a better life when the whole continent was struggling. He established peace and order in his lands, nurturing in them a sense of belonging and privilege, that gained him immense loyalty in a few years as the people felt safe and secure in his lands.

And then he prepared for war, slowly gathering resources while remaining outside scrutinizing gazes by never touting himself or making bold declarations. He hid in silence, like a snake, until he realized the appropriate moment had arrived, and he struck, surprising everyone with his prowess.

"And what of Danzo's actions? What was his reaction?" he questioned.

"He was somewhat angry, though he assured us that he wouldn't put blame on the village. But he wants full accountability for the extent of Danzo's treason and what the village plans to do to remedy that," Minato answered, and Jiraiya was impressed once more.

Danzo's actions were dangerous and could have caused a major headache for the village. Of course, there were ways to counteract this. Had the new daimyo tried to make a very big deal out of it, Jiraiya was prepared to leverage all the information he had on the young noble to dampen his influence. Though now they wouldn't have to resort to such excessive means.

And that was good, for while he could handle shinobi and even regular nobles to some extent, Akihito Shirahoshi was a man mysterious and powerful enough that he did not wish to make an enemy out of him unless absolutely necessary.

"That is reasonable of him," he added, and Minato nodded as they both sat in their training yard as they would once when times had been simpler and their bodies younger, even though his student was still relatively young.

"Yes, he was angry over Orochimaru's defection and his getaway," Minato added, as he looked him in the eye, a sharp glint in them as he questioned, "Do you have any information on him?"

He smiled. Minato was much like their new daimyo. They were dreamers, ambitious yet pragmatic and ruthless enough to slay a thousand men.

"Not yet," he answered, and it was both frustrating and worrisome.

"I have scoured his labs and any other hideouts that he could use, but there is simply no trace of him," he told Minato.

That was worrisome, for that meant Either Orochimaru had been planning this for quite some time, which highlighted their incompetence in that they had never caught a whiff of this treason, or he was working with someone who would open a whole other Pandora's box.

"We have his apprentice in T&I, but she claims to know nothing about it all," he told Minato, who shook his head.

"I don't think he was the kind to divulge anything, plus she is a chunin. She wouldn't have been able to tell even if something was wrong," he said, and Jiraiya nodded.

He had reasoned the same, but their sensei was not listening to him over this and blaming the little chunin for his failures.

"There is also the seal he placed on her. We do not know what it is. They are trying to decipher it but have come up with nothing," he said as he passed on a scroll with the seal schematics to Minato.

"I will take a look and ask Kushina to do the same," he said, and that was a relief.

"I was also able to look into the whereabouts of your little student," he added as he leaned forward as Minato perked up at those words.

"He wasn't lying. Nohara Rin is a guest of the Water Daimyo and is currently residing in his castle. She has not been harmed and is being treated quite well, I have confirmed this through multiple sources."

Minato had asked him to look into the whereabouts of his precious student and to ascertain the truth behind the daimyo's words, and it seemed as if the young man was not lying.

From all the reports he had gathered, she was fine and afforded all the luxuries a guest would have.

"That is good. I have sent a message to her through our daimyo as well. Let us see how she responds," Minato added, and Jiraiya raised a brow.

"I have enough men that we could attempt a rescue," he offered, and Minato shook his head.

"Not yet. As long as she is fine, I do not wish to override the intentions of our new daimyo," he said, and that was pragmatic thinking.

"He has assured me of her safety and has been generous to Konohagakure despite our failures. I must also give him some trust and hold off on any action until we feel that her life is threatened. Otherwise, we shall wait until the mess in Kirigakure resolves itself," Minato said, and Jiraiya shrugged.

"So be it then," he then narrowed his eyes as he asked another question that had been plaguing him.

"Why do you think the daimyo wished to see Kushina?" he questioned, and Minato shook his head.

"I do not know, but she should be reaching the capital soon. So, we will know soon enough."


In a castle touching the skies in another part of the continent, a portly old man stood on a balcony looking down at his country as clouds lofted beneath him. He was dressed in a white kimono made of the finest silks, and he wore a ceremonial hat atop his head.

"My lord, word has come from the Fire Country. They have a new daimyo," the voice of an attendant from behind came, informing the esteemed lord of the Lightning Country of the shift in the political environment.

"Is it the young lord from Shino?" he questioned.

"Yes, my lord, it is the very same one. He was enthroned yesterday, and there are rumors that he met with the Senju Princess and the Yellow Flash today, which gives credence to the rumors that the Sandaime Hokage may be retiring."

"Hmmm… a new daimyo and a new Kage. Interesting," spoke the old man as a gust of wind blew, cool and rustled the calmer clouds.

'An omen,' he thought.

"I can feel it, Samui," he began slowly as he looked into the distance.

"Change is coming, and we must prepare for it," he said as he looked up into the sky.

"Establish a communication channel with the daimyo of Stone Country and have Ay come to meet me. We must prepare, or we shall all be swept away by this whirlwind of change."


As always, you can read ahead and support me on Patreon and help me write this and other such stories. Your support helps me out quite a bit, so become a Patron if you can. I would be extremely thankful. 😊

Have a fantastic day!
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Chapter 41-Plans within Plans!
Chapter 41


Nohara Rin was still disturbed by her last conversation with the water daimyo, her jailor. She had tried desperately to get the man to divulge the meaning behind his words. Yet, he had been tight-lipped about it and, despite her various attempts, he had refused to divulge even a tiny bit of information.

Yet they continued to meet, and he would often accompany her to her meals and sometimes escort her to the garden.

The apprehension and fear she had felt when she had first woken up in this mansion had now lessened considerably. Though she stayed vigilant and acutely aware of her words and actions to not divulge any village secret, she had begun to understand that her life was not in danger—at least not in any acute danger in this enemy territory.

And so as another day dawned, she found herself infront of the man who had both kept her safe and in prison sat infront of her, still dressed in ostentatious clothes as he sipped his tea regally.

"Word has come from Fire country," he began, and she perked up at those words and looked up expectantly at news from her home country.

"The war of succession has concluded," he finished. She was surprised that the conflict had barely lasted a few months, and though she was not an astute student of history, she could tell that the war was shorter than usual.

"Akihito Shirahoshi has been sworn in as the new daimyo," he finished with a smile before reaching into his pocket as he passed along another envelope.

"Konoha has also begun preparations to crown a new king," he added, and she stiffened, already an all too familiar name popping into her mind.

"Minato Namikaze has been selected as the fourth Hokage," he finished, and her guess was proven right. Her sense had been made the Fourth Hokage, and she grit her teeth as she realized just what a precarious situation her capture put him in. She eyed the envelope, teh water daimyo held in his hands, before he suddenly slid it forward.

"You have letters from both of them. They have been scrutinized, of course. But their content was not incriminatory." He added, and she was not surprised that they had went throught them.

"You would be allowed a response, which will be scrutinized, so I would advise that you try not to be too smart." He finished with a polite smile, and it did little to assuage her fears or her frustrations.

"What should I write in my replies?" she questioned condescendingly.

And his lips turned up, knowing that this was nothing more than useless banter at this point, for though she was a prisoner, she had little to complain about.

"I am not dictating to you about what you may or may not write in your replies. I believe you are smart enough for that," he replied, still smiling smugly at her as she sighed.

"You should enjoy your time here, Nohara-san. Few shinobi are ever welcomed and hosted in foreign lands as you," he said, and she narrowed her eyes.

"I would much rather enjoy myself back in my own home," she replied sarcastically as he shook his head in faux hurt as he animatedly clutched his heart.

"Your words wound me, Nohara-san," he spoke dramatically acting as if her words had truly hurt him.

"I had hoped that you would grow to appreciate my company. After all, I have been making time, especially for you, out of my busy schedule," he replied, and she did not know how much of it was the truth.

Though he had made an effort to dine with her at least once a day, she was not blind to the continuous going ons of the castle as various nobles came to meet him during the day.

She could tell that the war in Kiri was entering its final stages and that her time in captivity would soon come to an end.

A captivity that had somewhat grown on her. When she had been captured, she had thought her life forfeit, for few shinobi ever made it out of enemy clutches, and those who did were never the same.

Yet she had been spared that cruel fate. Though she lost many freedoms and was entrapped in a foreign land, she was safe and honored.

And it was in some part thanks to the man infront of her. Yes, the fire daimyo had supposedly requested that she be treated well, but she was sure that if he wished, Kiri could make her life miserable, yet that was not the case.

So, she bit her lip as she glanced down, building up teh courage as she opened her mouth.

"I know that you could have made my life much tougher," she began as she looked up.

"Yet you did not. And allowed me to live a life of dignity and peace. Even though I am a prisoner, you have treated me well, and for that, you have my gratitude," she said as she gave the man a small bow.

"There is no need for that," he answered, his voice smooth as he looked her in the eye.

"I have quite enjoyed your company as well, Noahara-san," he replied as he made to stand up and began to walk away and told her the following partying words as he gave her a small smile.

"And what do we know? Maybe our futures will not be as distant as you may seem to believe."



Shisui found himself kneeling down on one knee in the Hokage tower, the village had just celebrated the ascension of a new kage with the Sandaime Hokage retiring from his position and the young prodigy, Minato Namikaze taking up the mantle of the Yondaime Hokage.

There were some tensions in the village with the recent demise of Danzo Shimura, an older and esteemed Councilman. The man had been a teammate of the Sanadaime, a student of the Nanadaime, yet for some reason his funeral had been a quiet affair done in secret with no honors.

There were some rumors around the man, and how he had committed crimes against the village, yet nothing had been made clear yet.

Though teh thing causing the most anxiety was teh defection of Konoha's infamous Snake sanin, and the news had all the clans and forces on edge, for the Snake Sanin, was no ordinary shinobi. He had headed Konoha's R&D division and was a kage candidate until recently, one who had been considered quite seriously for the position.

His defection had sever implications for the village, and already specialized task fores had been developed to track the man, yet Snake sanin was anything but incompetent. The only ray of hope in these times had been the yondaime, Minato-sama, whose strength and prowess inspired confidence in the village.

"Jounin Shisui, at ease," the Hokage-sama commanded him with a smile as Shisui stood up, still unaware of why he ahd been summoned.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama," he said as he stood up and saw those blue eyes staring at him with a glint as the Hokage-sama opened his mouth.

"Do you have any idea why you have been summoned?" the man questioned, his tone lighter than the one Sandaime-sama would have, yet he knew that he should not let that fool him. Yondaime Hokage, Minato Namikaze, was the only shinobi of their time to get an SS rank and a flee-on-sight order.

And he had not gotten that rank through smiles and politeness. He was a projection of Konoha's might, one shinobi who had singlehandedly slain over a thousand Iwa-nin to turn the tides of the war.

"No, Hokage-sama," he replied evenly. However, he feared that it may have something to do with the grievances of the clan, which were growing as they felt slighted after Fugaku-sama had been overlooked for the position of the Kage, with the Uchiha once more denied a position they had sought for years.

"You have risen through the ranks quite quickly. I have talked to many a shinobi, and all of them have touted you as a true prodigy amongst your peers, and I would tend to agree with them," the Hokage-sama praised him, and the words coming from the mouth of a man, Shisui thought a role model felt good.

"Shisui, the teleporter they call you. An interesting name," the Hokage-sama continued with a smile as he leaned forward.

"And it seems your fame and accolades have gone beyond the shinobi world," he finished his words, surprising him.

In general, most residents of the nation were not given any information about the Hidden Village, for they were Hidden. Only the essential information was passed to the relevant bodies of governance, and only a truly fabled and stories ninja would be known to the common residents of the fire country.

"Jounin Shisui Uchiha, by the order of the current daimyo Akihito Shirahosi, you have been offered a position in the esteemed Guardian Twelve. Your clan head has been informed of the offer and has given his assent already," and with that, a scroll was put forward.

"Further details and obligations of this assignment of your duties are listed in this scroll," and for a second, Shisui could not believe those words.

Guardian Twelve. The daimyo's personal guards were all special shinobi, honored and skilled beyond a regular shinobi. It was an honor, a position of great influence and power.

"Me?" he questioned, perplexed that a simple chunin like himself had been nominated for the position.

"But I am just a Tokubetsu jounin, of course there must be better options," he protested. He could name a few from the top of his head, and Hokage's student was one of them.

Hatake Kakashi was almost a household name at this point. The silver-haired ninja had been training with vigor and carrying out missions at such a pace that he was already being given an epithet of his own, the Copy in, as he made use of his friend's last gift to him.

And the Hokage-sama smiled.

"You underestimate yourself, jounin Shisui after all the recommendation for you came from the daimyo himself," and he stilled at those words.

"The daimyo-sama himself," he questioned, not believing those words.

"Indeed. The daimyo-sama himself nominated you for the position by name," he reiterated as he smiled while he tried to make sense of those words.

"You can reject the offer, of course. Though I believe you should think about it and maybe talk to Fugaku-san before you decide."

And he nodded as he picked up the scroll.

"I will," he answered, still in a daze, with a single whisper leaving his lips as he left the office dazed, for he had just learned that not only was he becoming quite famous, he had just received a nomination from the highest power in the land. He had just received a nomination from "The daimyo-sama."


Back in the capital, in the training ground in the daimyo's castle, Tsunade Senju found herself standing opposite to the most esteemed noble of their land as teh guardian twelve looked on worryingly from the side, their eyes locked onto her with worry and apprehension as the newly risen daimyo-sama stood opposite to her with an unreadable expression.

"Are you sure about this, Akihito? Killing intent is no joke, and I am no regular shinobi, no matter what you may think. I have participated in two wars. Even if I were to reel myself back, it could be dangerous," she reiterated, yet the young daimyo nodded.

"I know, but this is necessary, and I would not have asked you if I had not believed it to be. I will be fine, so let us get started," he said as he slowly took a breath. She nodded before closing her own eyes, knowing there was little she could do to stop him.

"Then so be it." She replied as she closed her eyes, bringing her chakra to just beneath her skin, before she let it go with a burst as she focused all her killing intent on the young boy infront of her.


The ground beneath her feet cracked, and she suddenly found herself surrounded by twelve overly zealous shinobi, their blades at her neck.

"HALT!" came Akihito's voice, and she watched as the Guardian twelve pulled back revealing a still standing but rather huffing form of Akihito Shirahoshi and she was surprised by his resilience, for she knew full fledged shinobi who would falter after such pressure.

"I ordered you to not interfere," he barked angrily, and the leader of the twelve stepped forward.

"But daimyo-sa...."

"I was clear. She will not harm me. Do not interfere again!" he ordered, and the man nodded.

"As you wish, daimyo-sama," and with that, they vanished once more as he locked eyes with her and as sweat dripped down from the side of his head.


He spoke, and she nodded, trying to reason out the reason behind this unique request.

'Just what are you planning now, Akihito?' she thought as she got ready once again.


Read ahead and support me on Patreon. Help me write this and other such stories by becoming a Patron. It would be pretty cool of you. 😊

Have an awesome day!

Though teh thing causing the most anxiety was teh defection of Konoha's infamous Snake sanin
C-c-COMBO! :p
most esteemed noble of their land as teh guardian twelve
One more.
Her sense had been made the Fourth Hokage, and she grit her teeth as she realized just what a precarious situation her capture put him in.
Should be "sensei"
His defection had sever implications for the village
Should be "severe".
Last edited:
Chapter 42-Family Reunion!
Chapter 42


When word of Uzushio's destruction reached her, she was filled with fear, apprehension, anger, rage, and, most of all, loneliness.

Yes, Lady Mito still lived, yet she was nearing the end of her life and would soon depart from the world, entrusting her burden to Kushina and leaving her all alone. She had lost family, she had lost friends, she had lost everything she had held dear on that day.

For years after that day, she would wait, eyes locked onto the open skies, watching every messenger hawk, hoping that it would bear the word of any survivor. Yet no such word would come, and soon enough, the vestiges of hope would breathe their last, dying as she resigned herself to a life without family.

And so, years would go by, she would rage, fight, study. She would befriend many people, fight with many people, meet Mikoto, Shizune, and most importantly, meet Minato.

He was the only one who would never laugh at her dreams, who would call her hair a pretty red rather than the usual tomato insult. And she would fall in love, no longer alone, yet still a hole would remain in her heart, yearning for a family that may never come.

Yet it would. Tsunade-sama would come bearing the news and would tell her the news she had long lost hope of ever hearing again. Word about Uzumaki, the red devils hunted to the last child, yet lived.

Two more, a woman and a child. Hidden away by a noble and she had expected the worst acutely aware of the shifty nature of those with such power. Yet she had been assured of otherwise, assured that they were well, that her family distant though they may be were being treated well.

It had hurt her that they had not contacted her. She had wept that day, some in relief and some in pain because of that. Yet now the wait was finally over, and she sat infront of the two people she had long wished to meet.

"I had never thought I would see anyone like me again," her words shook as the Uzumaki woman sat infront of her. Kirin was her name, and she was a bit older than her. And though her memories were shoddy, she was sure that they were cousins, distantly but still cousins.

Ans that meant Kushina was already an aunt. She was already one to Itachi, but still, it was by blood this time.

"Me too. When word of the ambush came, we were outside of the village. I tried to go back, yet by the time I reached the ports, I learned of just what had happened, of how everyone...." and the older woman halted her words, sighing in pain as Kushina's fingers over the cup tightened in rage. Even after all these years, the rage had seldom lessened.

She felt her chakra burn with her rage, the seal on her belly torching up as the Kyubi fed of her rage.

She sighed and calmed herself down as the older woman continued.

"We were stranded. I saw men searching for us, for any redheads, and hunting them down. So, we went into the forest, I saw many of our kin killed and captured yet I evaded them, as I lived in the forest, until Karin felt ill," she spoke weakly, and Kushina had met the little girl.

She was a mirror image of Kirin-san and was a jolly child with quite a mouth on her. She was six, of age, to enter the academy.

"She fell ill, and despite my efforts, her condition only deteriorated. And just as I was about to seek the aid of a Hidden Village for her, we were saved. And since that day, due to the magnanimity of Lord Akihito, we have never wanted for anything," she spoke with reverence, and she did not know how to feel about that.

He was their daimyo, and he had rescued them. Yet he had kept them from her.

"Why did you not contact me?" she asked, seeing her lips thin as she looked down.

"I had seen some of the Shinobi world and feared it, feared what it would mean for Karin. She was a child, and I did not wish to force her into a life I barely understood." And though she wished to ensure that such a thing would not have happened in Konoha, but she knew that was a lie.

Even recently, the revelations about Shimura's operations had shocked her. It was all so damning that if it ever got out, it could shake the very foundation of the village.

"I apologize if that was wrong of me. I know how lonely you must have felt, but I had to choose what I thought was best for Karin," she said. And Kushina waved away her apology.

"No, you do not have to apologize," she spoke.

"I am just happy that you are alive," she elaborated, and she was being honest.

"You mentioned something about needing my help?" Kushina asked as she put down her tea. All this ceremony was making her tiresome and restless.

"Indeed," spoke Kirin san as she put down her cup as well.

"I know it is sudden and presumptuous of me, but Lady Tsunade-sama assured me that you were the best person to talk to about this," the older redhead began, making her frown.

"Of our clan's many Kekkei Genkai, I am blessed with two," she began, surprising Kushina, as the red-headed woman slid back her sleeve.

"The Eye of the Kagura, which I have been told you share, and the special healing chakra, yet Karin is different," and Kushina's lips thinned as she saw the bit mark on her forearm.

"Karin, though, my little girl has been blessed even beyond that," she spoke somewhat proudly as Kushina's mind raced, as the dots connected.

"You cannot mean...." she gasped, and the older redhead nodded, confirming her suspicion.

"She has been blessed with all three. And her chakra reserves are greater than a regular child. Despite my wishes, she wishes to become a shinobi like Tsunade-sama, her savior," she said with a smile as the older redhead lowered her head.

"I cannot help her beyond my limitations, and so I implore you to take her under your wing and help her tread the treacherous world I know nothing about," the older woman's vice shook at those words as Kushina sat there awestruck.

There was no need to think about it. She could never deny such a request.

And perhaps this would be good practice for her in preparation for the life that grew inside her womb.


MAHIROY MIYA-Mother of the Third Prince.

Mahirou Miya's life was over. Her son was dead, and her father's lands lay besieged, him and her brothers a captive waiting for the daimyo to decide on their fate.

It was all over, the struggle, the plotting, everything was over as she sat in court dressed in a black kimono for mourning as the new daimyo presided over his first session at Court.

Akihito Shirahoshi, the young Jito of Shinoi, sat on the throne, dressed regally as her lord husband once did, as her son was supposed to. Yet unlike before, he did not sit alone, for behind him sat the accursed Princess.

It was an archaic tradition that an Empress would sit behind the daimyo, offering him counsel if he wished so, yet none before the young ji to had ever let the Empress take such a position of power, often regaling them to the more womanly affairs.

Yet the young jito was different, for he placed his Empress behind himself, honoring her beyond that Cur ever deserved.

She grit her teeth as she saw her daughter in that place. She seethed in rage. It was all because of her. Because of that wretched girl. Had she died just like her mother, none of this would have happened.

Her son would be alive. Her father would be alive.

The prime Minister stood up, as the gong was sounded, stilling the whole hall as he spoke in a powerful voice.

"Let the session begin," and so the young daimyo's first court session began as many nobles came and began to extoll various gifts of their new daimyo, trying to curry favor with him. Some went bold enough to present their daughters, insulting the Empress behind them, yet there was no shift in his expressions.

Neither at the fanciest swords or dresses nor the most promiscuous of girls, his eyes didn't wander as he sat there impassively, going through the motions. Yet he was a man, and men were fickle. Already, the Daimyo had a concubine, Himiko Chiba, and she had a plan to use her.

Due to the mourning, the young daimyo could not displace her or any of the previous daimyo's wives for a few months. And as she seethed in revenge and indignation, she promised to utilize that time to get her revenge, if not on the daimyo, then on the one who had caused all this.

That accursed Princess. She would put an end to her as she had done so for her mother, lest it be the last thing she did.

The whole farce continued for some time, and then it would end, with the whole court tense, for the new daimyo had said no word; none knew what went in his head.

"I have seen enough," he said, his powerful and disappointed voice cutting across the room as the nobles tensed.

"Our country has just come out of a war of tough times which saw many sacrifices from our people. And while many of you would be expecting grandeur celebrations at my ascension, as have happened for many of my predecessors. I shall make it clear right now: I am not those men," he roared, and his presence filled the room.

"I will not languish in treasures as my people starve, and I shall not let any of you do so as well. Yet I am not blind to the need for celebration," he added a bit softly.

"So, I announce a Spring gathering in honor of my ascension and the end of the war. And with so, I announce an end to the rationing. Let us rejoice in this new era of peace and pray that it may last us our whole lives," he announced as the lords clapped.

"But before that," he announced sharply, and the applause cut short.

"We must deal with an immediate matter, a matter of treason," he announced, and her heart shrunk as the gates were opened.

"Bring in the accused!"

And she watched as armed guards brought in her father and brothers.


Read ahead and help me write this and other such stories through my Patreon. Have a look and consider helping me out, if you can. 😊

Have an awesome day!
And she watched as armed guards brought in her father and brothers.
I am surprised that Miya is not beside them or is she being kept aside for a different fate?

I doubt Akihito Shirahoshi is blind to her part in this and he would KNOW that the easiest way to get poison into the woman's quarters would be through a HIGH ranking wife/consort so she would defiantly be too dangerous to leave unattended when she no has nothing to lose through reckless actions.
I am surprised that Miya is not beside them or is she being kept aside for a different fate?

I doubt Akihito Shirahoshi is blind to her part in this and he would KNOW that the easiest way to get poison into the woman's quarters would be through a HIGH ranking wife/consort so she would defiantly be too dangerous to leave unattended when she no has nothing to lose through reckless actions.
Lack of direct evidence, at least In quantities that would permit him to deal with her openly. So don't draw attention to her publicly and when she makes a reason to do so have a shinobi take care of her.
Lack of direct evidence, at least In quantities that would permit him to deal with her openly. So don't draw attention to her publicly and when she makes a reason to do so have a shinobi take care of her.
Maybe "let" her get in touch with known problems and then pick her up alongside them.

"Oh, how horrible that the honourable Miya chose to associate with known rebels/smugglers/bandits/murderers. Now I have NO CHOICE but to punish her alongside them... What's this?!? she was hiring them to commit treason? Do you have Proof?"
Chapter 43-A Victor's Privilege!
Chapter 43


Tsunade Senju had known Akihito Shirahoshi for the better part of a decade, yet even now, the boy would sometimes be a mystery to her. He had risen from a simple jito to now the daimyo of the whole fire nation.

Speaking politically, he was perhaps the most powerful man on the continent, yet even now, he often remained an enigma to her, especially now as he sat huffing, covered in sweat, the unique training he had asked for her aid completed.

Akihito was no stranger to the concept of Killing Intent, a skill ingrained in him through his rigorous samurai training. However, there was a distinct difference between the battle instincts of a samurai, where the emphasis was on form and function, and the shinobi arts, which focused solely on the art of killing. This nuanced distinction in his training was a testament to the complexity of Akihito's character.

He was the daimyo now. He had at his beck and call a literal army that would do his bidding, tear down villages, slaughter thousands at his word. Yet what task was so important and secretive that he put himself through this training?

"Just what are you planning, Akihito?" she questioned as the young daimyo wiped away the sweat from his forehead.

Their eyes met, and he smirked.

"Why are you so curious? Don't tell me you are worried about me?" he questioned, and she scoffed.

"You idiot, you are a daimyo now. I don't know if you realize this or not, but this whole country depends on you. You bear responsibility for millions of lives. So don't be reckless. Tell me what it is that you prepare for so that I may help you," she chided him. He glanced up at the sky, his breathing now calm and even as he had not spoken for some time.

"Have you given any thought to my proposition then?" he asked, reminding her of the offer he had made to her earlier.

"I don't understand. You have the guardian twelve and the Hokage at your beck and call. Why would you want me as an advisor," she asked.

"Well, for your beauty, of course," he japed, and she kicked a pebble at him, which he blocked with his sheath as he chuckled.

"Be serious, brat!" she chided him as he smothered his laugh. Even though she knew someone else would have liked it a lot had those words been said to her.

"There are many things that I could use your aid in. There is much that I, as a civilian, will never understand about the shinobi culture and the village's operations. If I am to navigate these waters and do as I envision, I shall need an advisor well versed in the bloody world of shinobi," he spoke seriously as he turned towards her.

"One who is beguiled by propaganda and idiotic ideologies, but one who sees it for the mess and danger it is, and wished to change," he made his case.

"You do know that Minato has offered me a place on his Council, allowing me to do as I had always wished and establish a true Medical Corps in Konoha," she told him. Minato's offer was tempting, yet it was legible.

Akihito's offer was mysterious and contained many secrets and a vision that she was somewhat scared to know.

"Admirable, but that venture would demand little from you. Shizune-san would be able to do it just as well. She knows nearly just as much as you about iryo ninjutsu and would be able to lead such a team just as well," he picked holes in her rebuttal, his assessment again showing her how he knew and saw more than many gave him credit for.

"And what would you have me to do as your advisor?" she asked, after much thought, deciding to know of his real intentions.

He looked into her eyes as he answered.

"I would have you change the world," and there was conviction in his tone, conviction that reminded her not of the boisterous and hopeful dreams of her grandfather, Hashirama. No, this was the cold and calculated conviction of her uncle, Tobirama. A dream, a vision based not on hope but on cold and cynical action.

"And this training is a part of that?" she questioned, and he nodded.

"It is the beginning," he replied as her mind raced.

"Tell me then, and I shall have an answer for you," she offered, and after a second of thought, he nodded as he turned away from her and turned towards the sky once again.

"You do know that I quite admire your grandfather and Uchiha Madara for what they did. The latter subsequent actions ignored. They changed the world. Especially Hashirama Senju," he began, and it was interesting to see him speak of her grandfather, yet he did not speak of him as the God of Shinobi, the most powerful man to ever live. No, he spoke of him as a man, as a kind-hearted man.

"Great as he was, your grandfather made a mistake in his endeavors. He committed a wrong of great proportions that must be corrected," and she frowned. Those words coming out of anyone else's mouth would have her enraged and angry.

Yet she knew of him enough to know that if he was saying this, then he truly believed it.

"And what wrong was that?" she questioned, a bite in her tone as she saw him trying to gather fault in her grandfather.

And his answer would make her gasp as she realized just what the idiot was planning to do.

And she was thankful that she had gotten to know of it earlier.

For there was no way she was letting the fire daimyo stand in front of damned bijuu.



Minato had been Hokage for some time now, and slowly but surely, he was beginning to understand the responsibilities that came with the Hat.

He had soon come to realize that he could not carry them on his own and that he must have allies, people who would advise him in matters of extreme importance.

And he had just the people for that. Sandaime sama became controversial after the sheer extent of disturbing actions Shimura Danzo had been involved. Though he remained a village asset because of his prowess, he had thought it best not to call him.

So, three people had been chosen for it. His sensei had been first. Though he was a Sanin and a very powerful shinobi, his actual utility lay in his vast information network that spanned all over the continent.

The second one had been Tsunade-sama, even though the Senju Princess had yet to give an answer to his offer.

Lastly, he had made an offer to Fugaku Uchiha. The Uchiha Patriarch was a phenomenal shinobi with an acute grasp on tradition and village politics, so he had formed his own council. Though unlike the previous one, they had little actionable power, they were valuable advisors to him.

"The war in Kiri is over," Jiraiya-sensei broke the news as Fugaku-san raised a brow.

"They have selected a new kage and daimyo. Terumi Mei has been selected as their new Kage, and Fushio Suzuki has been named as the Water daimyo," he informed him, and Minato could feel their new daimyo's vision take shape.

"Our new daimyo's brother-in-law," Fugaku added, and it was not a surprise to him that the man was acutely aware of the political situation. He was, after all, the head of a storied clan.

"Indeed, we can expect negotiations for an alliance to begin shortly, for the daimyo-sama wishes to make peace with Kirigakure and Water country." He told them.

"The Hyuga's will not be happy about that. You must know of the treachery of the one they name Ao the Locator," Fugaku-san pointed out.

"Indeed, but an alliance with Kiri would be good for us. There is much bad blood between us, and with that alliance hammered out, three of our borders would be secured," he told them.

"Perhaps, but Kiri and Konoha have a bloody past. Never have the two villages ever forged an alliance to this day," Fugaku-san pointed out.

"These are newer times, and we must give peace a chance," he rebutted, and the man nodded.

"I believe Jiraiya-sama shall lead the negotiations," and Minato shook his head.

"No, I shall do that myself. Jiraiya-sama has a new mission, a highly secretive mission that has both mine and daimyo-sama's approval," he told the Uchiha patriarch, who was surprised.

It was not wrong of him to assume that Jiraiya-sama would lead the negotiations. After all, he was more experienced with this stuff.

"And what would that be?" he questioned.

"We are going to intervene in Amegakure and help broker peace between the two factions inside the village."


HYAKUYA SOSUKE-The Prime Minister

Hyakuya Sosuke has served as Prime Minister for the last decade. Before that, he was an executive tax officer, overseeing the collection of taxes from all the lands. The job involved much travel, allowing him to see the various fiefs and provinces in the region.

When the Second Great War had broken out, he had watched as people had starved, the nobles ruling over them continuing their opulent and languish lifestyles at the cost of the people. It enraged him to see this injustice, enraged him to watch the nobles waste away food, waste coin while children in their own fiefs starved.

The respite between the Second and Third Great Wars had been small, for true peace had never truly been achieved; only a truce had materialized at the end of the Second War after the losses had become astronomical.

By the time the Third War had begun, he was the Prime Minister, and despite being the third most powerful man in the region, he held little power to interfere in the debauchery of the Nobles. He would oft hear word of thousands dying because of famine because of natural disasters, as the Kingdom's resources would be stretched thin because of the war.

Yet a ray of hope would emerge from the region of Shinoi. It would begin as word of massive migration into the flat region, with many lords laughing as their people fled their lands in desperation.

Yet despite the influx, Shinoi survived, there would be no word of death and demise, and he would dispatch a royal scout to those lands to see the state for himself and the report he would receive would shock him.

Shinoi, a poor region, governed by a young lord faired better than even the capital, its fields lush with grain, its people safe and healthy as the young lord dispatched swift and exemplary justice.

It was the first time he would learn of the young jito of Shinoi, and from then on he would keep an eye on the young lord. Sometimes even protecting him, as the lords grumbled about him, tried to bring him down by naming him an oni.

And when the news of the daimyo's son's demise would reach the capital the Daimyo-sama would be enraged, angry beyond reason, yet he would be helpless. The plot against his wife and sons involved lords too powerful and too closely related to himself.

Prosecuting them based on suspicion could tear the realm apart. Of his children by the Lady Mio, only his daughter remained, weak and feeble yet alive, and though the daimyo-sama could not act himself, he could employ an instrument against these powers.

Akihito Shirahoshi would be that instrument. The daimyo-sama would agree, and a match would be proposed between the young jito and the Princess surprising the whole region.

And now, as he stood at the grave of the late daimyo, the newly crowned Empress beside him. His heart felt at ease. He had served the man for all his life, and had been close enough to him to call him a friend.

"It is done, old friend. Your revenge is complete," he whispered as he prayed for him.

"Prime Minister," a voice called from behind, and he found a servant bowing there.

"The Daimyo sama wishes to see you."


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Chapter 44-I Have Come to Bargain!
Chapter 44

JIRAIYA-The Toad Sage.

"An intervention in Amgeakure," confirmed the Uchiha patriarch. Minato nodded as the new Council informally met in the Hokage's office for the first time since Minato's ascension, even though it was incomplete.

Tsunade was yet to give her answer, and the way she was spending so much time in the capital and their new daimyo's loft ambition hinted at a greater plan. Now, it would all depend on what she would prefer to.

If his conjecture was right, the daimyo could offer her a spot on his own council, an unorthodox measure but one completely legal given the novel status of the Senju clan. It would be similar to the position offered by Minato, and hence, the choice would be entirely up to Tsunade.

As for their new daimyo's lofty ambition, the young man had spent little time in trying to make his mark. Already, there was word about sweeping changes in the legal and tax structures of the province, with an emphasis being put on the lords to not simply rest on their laurels.

Practises proven successful in areas of farming and mining in his own lands were being embossed on the daimyo's fiefs, and Jiraiya could foresee a substantial increase in the daimyo's incomes and power with the steps he was taking.

"That could be dangerous," Fugaku added and Minato nodded.

"It could be, but it is not wrong to say that the last two wars were triggered out of the Five Great Nation's greed to control the central region of Ame. Stability in Ame could help stabilise things in the whole region allowing for peace to hold," he added.

"This is being done on the daimyo-sama's orders?" Fugaku questioned and Jiraiya spoke up.

"It is, though we are not going to do this the ninja way," he added making the Uchiha patriarch eyes turn towards him, as Minato passed him an official missive.

"Konoha and the Fire country will officially be providing war relief to the war-torn Amegakure with the official blessing of the ruler of the land, and in so would offer our patronage to any peaceful negotiations between the two groups locked in a battle for the control of Amegakure," he told. And there was the beauty of their plan.

"The daimyo-sama plans to declare his intentions openly?" Fugaku seemed surprised, just as he had been.

"Indeed, and given that we are the only nation with ample food production and money to support this effort, it is a role only we can take," plus he also had a suspicion that their new daimyo was aware of his connection to one of the two groups operating in Ame.

Akatsuki, the young force that had swept up the Eastern regions of Ame, was a mysterious group claiming to fight for Peace in Ame. Hanzo had been keeping a close eye on the group and had yet to make an overt move against them. The Salamander of Ame was growing old and would be smart enough to smell the change brewing in the air.

Their new daimyo seemed aware of his connection to Akatsuki and had proposed his name for this mission specifically, showing his acumen for knowing things once again.

"It is a bold move," Fugaku conjectured.

"It is, but we can make one as the victors of the previous war. Despite everything that has happened, Konoha is strong, and with the funds arriving from the capital, we will be able to make substantial improvements to the given infrastructure. It is a move that I wish to make," and the Uchiha clan head nodded, knowing that he had little ground to reject or speak against it, not that it would be any effective for the council's role had been made quite less by Minato after the whole Shimura debacle.

"And what would be my role in this?" and that was why he was being summoned.




Kushina Uzumaki was not fond of pomp and ceremony. She did not like the obtuse traditions and other such practices and was uncomfortable with them, even though she knew that such things could not be avoided sometimes.

And it was one such time as she sat infront of their new daimyo.

Akihito Shirahoshi, the young daimyo, sat opposite her, dressed in the finest silks she had ever laid eyes on, dressed as a noble of his rank should, yet he lacked much of the haughty attitude and overbearing pride held by most nobles.

He was quiet and amicable, yet she did not let that fool her for a second. Kushina Uzumaki was a sensor, and with their sheer proximity, she could sense his chakra rather thoroughly, and she was surprised.

Akihito Shriahoshi was not a shinobi, he was a samurai yet his chakra told her of a sharpness and training that went beyond the normal samurai training. His chakra nature was wind much like Minato's and had been trained to absolute precision. She could argue that his master over Futon could even rival that of Minato's, and then there was the amount of chakra; his reserves easily rivaled that of Tokubetsu jounin and, given his age, would continue to grow.

Had he been born in a hidden village, she was sure he had the makings of a prodigy. And then there was the setting. He did not have tens of servants waiting on him; they sat alone, him and Lady Tsunade, who seemed rather nervous as she sat beside the young daimyo.

"Why have you summoned me here, daimyo-sama?" she questioned, for she could tell that the conversation until this point had been more perfunctory, and she felt that it was better that they moved to the point.

"Truthfully, I wished to see and thank you for the burden you carry for the village and my country," he began, and she was taken aback by his sincerity.

"...and wished to see if there was anything I could do to lessen that burden," and with that, he put down his cup, and she felt his chakra sharpen as he looked into her eyes, and it was as if she was being stared at by Mikoto's Sharingan.

"Being a jinchuriki, I am aware that you have carried a heavy burden since the bijuu was sealed inside of you, a burden which would have interfered in your life greatly, and would continue to do so as we move forward," and she stilled at those words as his eyes lowered going towards her belly.

'He knew,' she thought as her eyes raced towards Tsunade-sama.

Her alarm must have shown, for the daimyo's next words surprised her.

"I know of your pregnancy, Uzumaki Kushina," he spoke, and she stilled, for by law and tradition, it was highly risky for a jinchuriki to carry a child. This could endanger the whole village, for the seal would weaken during the birthing, putting the whole village's safety in jeopardy.

"There is no need to fear. None shall interfere or speak against your choices," he assured her, and she nodded.

"I am grateful for that, daimyo-sama, but what is it that you seek from me," she asked once more.

He did not answer immediately.

"I wish to meet the kyubi," he answered, surprising her, and for some time, she couldn't recess those words.

"You wish to meet the kyubi," she asked again. The young daimyo nodded as her eyes shifted towards Tsunade-sama for guidance, for she did not know how to react. By hierarchy, a daimyo was above the Hokage, yet this was an unusual request.

A very dangerous request.

"Of course, I do not wish to temper with the seal or anything of the sort. You are a sealing master yourself, and for your assurance, Lady Tsunade shall assist me in this," he said, pointing towards her.

"As I would ever let you go through this madness alone, you fool," she called him out with a scoff, surprising him and herself.

"You are going to let him do this," she asked, and the blonde sanin shrugged.

"He is more stubborn than my own grandfather, all I can do is not let him die," she said and then her eyes landed on the young daimyo once more.

"But why? The kyubbi is a bijuu, a beast of destruction and unimaginable hate, why would you want to try and engage it," she asked, and he smiled.

"I believe there is more to the bijuu than you realize. This is a simple enough request. I have talked to the Hokage-sama about this as well, and though reluctant, he did not object to this," he assured her.

"Ok," she acquiesced, not really having any space to object.

With a nod, he put forth his hand, and Tsunade-sama stood up, came up behind him, and placed her hand on his head.

"With his chakra control, he should be able to enter your mind space," she told her. She nodded as she took his hand and felt his chakra adjust to her own. Tsunade-sama gave her a nod.

She closed her own eyes, calming her chakra as she reached inside for a place she rarely, if ever, dared to tread.

And like a trickle, his consciousness followed her own as she felt herself fully immersed in herself. When she opened her eyes, she found herself in an infinite yet finite clearing. The ground beneath her feet was water that gleamed a red hue, and a faint orange glow lit the area.

And right infront of her was the reason for her survival, her prisoner, her duty. Her burden.

Chained and impaled on a massive boulder, covered with seals that had been perfected over centuries, yet despite all this, its chakra bubbled dangerously, filling the air with a sense of foreboding and death that made her own edge,

And then she felt it as the red orbs opened, and she felt those slits land on her, sending a shiver down her spine.


The whole clearing shook as the weapon of mass destruction, Konoha's trump card. The nine-tailed foxes glared at her and bared its chakra. Despite the seals, it filled the air and made her gulp down as it growled dangerously.

This was dangerous. The bijuu continued to roar and struggle. All her efforts to rein it in failed as the air thickened with its presence. This was a mistake.

"AHHHHHH!" it roared as it tried to pull away from the chains. Kushina pushed her own chakra into it and tightened it, trying to reign in its chakra for the daimyo-sama, but the beast was unmanageable.

"It's too much, we nee..."

But her words were cut short as the daimyo-sama stepped forward unbothered by his sword strapped to his side as the water beneath their feet rose in waves, and the daimyo-sama walked forward and took out his sword and tapped it gently on the surface, and it all calmed down as he spoke up.

"Do you not think all of this enough, Kyubbi?" he spoke addressing the giant beast whose focus now turned towards him.

"Who are you? I Shall tear you to shreds; I will break free and savage your soul!" it roared again as it stared at the daimyo-sama with its red eyes.

"I am Akihito Shirahoshi, the daimyo of Fire Country..." the daimyo-sama spoke clearly.

"And I have come to bargain, child of the Great Sage," he uttered and the Kyubi's eyes narrowed at those words, and it roared, furiously shaking up the whole clearing as it tried to break through the seals.

"HOW DARE YOU TAKE THAT NAME! HOW DARE YOU! I WILL KILL YOU! I WILL TEAR YOU TO PIECES!" it roared angrily as she felt the seals heat up.

"I speak only the truth. After all, you are his child in a sense, aren't you..." the daimyo-sama continued, unbothered by the massive pressure in the air.



Read ahead and support me on Patreon and help me write this and other such stories. Help me along in this journey by becoming a Patron. It would be pretty awesome of you.

Have an awesome day!
That was good, looking forwards Kurama reaction and pov. Will Akihito Shirahoshi bring about the industrial revolution?

The land of fire had instant Ramen and electrification in Naruto, if I remember correctly, but we haven't seen a lot of technology or how the common folke live yet in story.
Chapter 45-A Snake's Strike!
Chapter 45


The Senju Princess had seen much in her life. She had traversed the world for years and experienced much during that time.

Yet, the enormity of what she had just witnessed in the mind of Kushina Uzumaki was beyond anything she could have fathomed.

She had, of course, known of a bijuu's ability to converse, yet she had thought of them neither as full of intelligence nor as individualistic. She had always considered them to be an aberrant concentration of chakra that had gained consciousness.

Her entire understanding of the bijuu had been shattered in a single hour. Now, as she faced their young daimyo once more, a burning question consumed her- what else had he hidden from her all these years?

And more importantly, how the hell did he know all this?

Even now, after nearly shattering her mind, he sat content and at ease, sipping his tea as if he had not just conversed and bargained with the strongest bijuu, calling it by a name it had somewhat recognized.

"How?" she gasped as her mind failed to understand how he could know all this.

"How what?" he retorted, and she scoffed angrily.

"Do not play games with me! How the hell could you know that, know the secrets of a bijuu, secrets that even I am not privy to, yet somehow a boy decade younger than me, a civilian with no connection to the shinobi world, is!" she retorted.

"What do you wish for me to say?" he asked, and she gritted her teeth.

"The truth, I would have the truth."

"And if you find it inadequate," he retorted, and she was taken aback by his words as he put down his cup and stared into her eyes.

"For sometimes, the truth is not enough. People desire more, wish for more, expect more," he answered, her lips thinned as she replied.

"I would have it nonetheless—the truth and no lies. Please, have you not come to trust me yet, even after all these years?" she implored, and she saw him contemplate. She saw his mind race as he looked into her eyes.

"So be it then," he said with a sigh as her heart skipped a beat in anticipation of the reveal.

"There was a time when I was young, I had a very specific name in the populace," he began as he looked out the window.

"They called me an 'oni' a demon in human form. An escapee from the world beyond, a lost soul," he finished, and she did know of those rumours. They had prompted her first visit to his lands and set off everything that had followed.

And as the implication behind those words dawned on her, she stilled as a chill passed down her spine. Being a medic and shinobi, Tsunade believed little in religion. She was a cynic even when it came to matters of God or Gods.

Whatever deity resided up in the heavens, she had long given up on it since the day it was taken from her family.

"Let us just say those rumors weren't that far from the truth," he finished, and she stilled as she processed those words.

"It comes to me in dreams, or it all did. Though most of it only ever clicked together later, as I realized just what it was that I was seeing," he finished as he looked down and sighed.

"What did you see?" she asked again, and his lips thinned as he looked into her eyes and answered, his words sending a chill down her spine.

"A war unlike any, a danger that could unravel the whole world as we know it."



Being back in the palace she had called home all her life was special, especially as she now wore the same crown her own mother had once worn—the Crown of the Empress.

She was now the Empress, her revenge for the killing of her brothers now complete as the Lord Mahiro and his sons were hung for treason, their lands cut up and divided for other lords. The Mahiro family had been ended in all but name for only the previous daimyo's concubine remained childless and unable to continue the line.

Yet now, as she looked at the woman kneeling down below her, she felt little of the hate that had once simmered in her heart. The arrogant woman had been reduced to bones and skin as she glared at her with hateful eyes.

She felt only pity now, pity for the state she was in. Akihito had left her fate in her hands, allowing her to dispense whatever she saw fit, as he focused on more important matters.

"Do you know why I have summoned you here?" she called, and the woman bowed her head.

"I am unaware why the Empress has summoned this humble serva..."

"Do not pretend, Lady Mio," she cut in before the older woman could finish.

"There is no need for pretenses anymore," she spoke strongly as the older woman gritted her teeth.

"YOU!" she snarled, her chest heaved as a very familiar face stepped out from the side. It was Lady Chiba, the daimyo's only concubine.

She had been approached by the lady infront and a particular other faction, to bring down herself, so that Lady Chiba may replace her as Empress and sway the Emperor in his various decisions.

"I am already aware of your crimes," she added as the older woman's glare shifted from herself to Lady Chiba, who smirked as she raised a fan to cover herself.

From what she had come to understand of the woman, she cared little for Miyuki. She deferred to her, yet Lady Chiba's true loyalty lay only with Akihito, which was strange.

And when she had been approached, being considered naive and greedy, as the Lords and Lady Mio tried to bribe her and turn her against herself and Akihito, she had come to her, knowing that with the negotiations with Kiri coming up, Akihito was rather busy as he focused on the recovery efforts.

Even right now, the whole Province's administration was being modified to his specifications as his techniques and methods, tested in his own lands, were now adopted for the entire country. Already the projected revenues were massive, and yet money was being spent just as quickly as Akihito established and patronized many research and advancement facilities, hoping for the land of fire to catch up to and then eventually go beyond the more technologically advanced Lightning country.

It was a bold move, along with many of his other actions and decisions. Akihito cared little for the status quo and was moving towards its absolute abolition as he ruled with an Iron fist, and as she had feared, the lords had not taken this lying down.

"You have been found guilty of conspiring against the daimyo and myself, conspiring against people who provide you with heart and shelter in your time of grief," she spoke, and the older woman scoffed.

"I have done nothing wrong except helping to liberate these lands from the scourge that rules over us," and the insult made her nostrils flare.

"Silence!" she spoke as guards brought their blades near her neck. The pity she had felt for the woman was replaced with anger.

"I speak but the truth. How could an up-jumped peasant become the ruler of this land? This a farce. A FARCE!"

"If she utters one more insult against the daimyo, cut off her tongue!" Lady Chiba spoke up from the side, her chilling tone and voice in contrast to the usually bubbly cheer the woman often carried.

The guards and even Lady Chiba turned towards her as she nodded.

"Do as she says!" she supported her call as Lady Mio shut up, realizing that this was no joke.

"I had thought of offering you mercy given the loss you have suffered..."

"I need no mercy from you! You should have died along with your mother, you damned bastard!" and the guards hit her with the blunt end of the spear, forcing her down on all fours.

"AGHH!" she screamed in pain as Miyuki stood up.

It seems she had not changed at all. Then so be it.

"And now you shall get none either. By my order as the Empress, you are to be taken prisoner and put in the Black cells until you have given us the names of your conspirators!" she ordered, and the older woman balked.

"THE BLACK CELLS! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND? I AM THE WIFE OF THE LATE DAIMYO! YOU CANNOT PUT ME THERE!" she balked, her face paler than it had been before.

Yet Miyuki remained unbothered by the cries, and sympathetic pleas as she continued.



Back in Ame, in a country where the skies only ever rained, three people stood deep inside one of the region's taller buildings, contemplating the latest message they had received from the victors of the Third Great Ninja War.

"This cannot be serious. The Land of Fire offers us aid, mediation, and the recognition of our sovereignty and borders," said the orange-haired Ame, clad in a black cloak.

"Indeed, and let us not forget that Konoha is allied with Sunagakure and, if the rumors are true, is also on the cusp of an alliance with Kiri. Hence, of the Five Great nations, three would potentially accept our borders and give us legitimacy," added the purple-haired girl. Her hair is decorated with a paper flower.

"Do you think Hanzo will accept such an offer?" asked the relatively quieter redhead, his forehead adorned by an Ame hitai-ate.

"He should. This goes beyond Akatsuki or Hattori. This is for the betterment of Ame, and if he accepts this offer of mediation, then I plan to sit across the table from him," spoke the orange-haired nin as he smiled.

"This is it, Konan, Nagato. We shall finally have peace in Ame; we shall be a proper country," he said cheerily as the atmosphere in the room eased. The three leaders of Amegakure's Akatsuki smiled until suddenly, the orange-haired nin shouted as he pushed away his red-haired friend Nagato.

"LOOK OUT!" he shouted as he pushed his friend away as the kunai whizzed past his face, cutting him across the cheek. As the two quickly jumped back as the purple-haired Konan bombarded this intruder with a rain of paper-made shuriken.


Yet the shuriken were deflected by the intruder who rose out of the ground, his golden slits landing on the three before settling down at the redhead.

"You avoided that. Interesting, this might be quite interesting!" the intruder said as he wet his lips. His golden snake-like eyes focused on Nagato, more specifically, the purple eyes that remained hidden under those red fringes.

"You! I recognize you!" uttered the purple-haired Konan as she gasped in fear, as her face grew pale as she was reminded of a scene from years ago, of a time when they had met their sensei and savior.

"You are Orochimaru. The Snake Sanin."


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Chapter 46-Ambitions and Secrets!
Chapter 46: Ambition and Secrets


Observation skills were crucial for a shinobi. In a world shrouded in secrecy and subterfuge, the ability to see beyond the surface was paramount. Thus, Minato couldn't help but notice Kushina's somber mood upon her return from the capital. He waited patiently, hoping she would confide in him, but weeks passed without a word about her meeting with the Daimyo. Finally, he decided to broach the subject.

He had met the Daimyo himself and knew Tsunade had also been present. However, the nature of their discussion, which had left Kushina so contemplative, remained a mystery. Since his ascension as Hokage, especially during these tumultuous times, Minato had little time for himself or Kushina. Leading the village through the tribulations of the Third Great Ninja War demanded his full attention.

Peace talks with Kiri were progressing smoothly, and the capital had allocated funds to ensure the village's recovery and rebuild its reserves.


He called out, deciding to take some time out for a quiet meal together. It wasn't much, but he knew he needed to make time for her and their unborn child.

Lost in thought, Kushina jolted when she heard his voice. "Yes?" she asked. Minato smiled and gestured towards her now-cold ramen bowl.

"Oh," she sighed as he chuckled and took it.

"Let me heat it up for you," he offered, walking towards the kitchen. She nodded in appreciation.

"You've been very quiet since returning from the capital," he remarked as he placed the bowl in the microwave. He couldn't miss the way she perked up at his words, though she didn't deny it.

"What happened there?" he asked, seeing her chew her lip nervously.

"If it's confidential..." he began and shook her head.

"No, he said I could talk about it with you, if I wanted to," she said, making him frown. What kind of conversation required such secrecy?

The microwave beeped. He retrieved the ramen and returned to the table.

"What do you think of the new Daimyo?" she asked, the tenth person to ask him that very question.

"He seems highly ambitious and practical," Minato replied.

"One shouldn't underestimate him because of his age." And clearly, one with a lot of secrets, Minato thought. The Daimyo had somehow convinced Lady Tsunade to reject his offer, and now the Senju Princess was an advisor in his court.

"Did you know I asked Jiraiya and Tsunade about the Uzumaki they rescued?" Kushina began, reminding Minato that she had also met with her clansmen.

"I wanted to know if they, or the village, ever had any information about them."

This was an interesting question, one that hadn't even crossed Minato's mind.

"Both gave the same answer," Kushina continued. "The village had no intel on their whereabouts. Nothing, not a single thing."

"Yet, this young lord from the capital not only knew they existed, but also had a good enough idea of their location to hire a team specifically suited for the rescue mission," she said, leaning forward, her voice growing heated. "A team he knew would keep it quiet from the village."

"It's as if he was aware of the danger they'd be in if they came here, or understood their importance," she added. "He knew of their existence, their location, and the connection between the Uzumaki and Tsunade to get her on the mission. A young lord barely into his teens."

Minato's mind raced. The pieces didn't fit.

"And somehow, he knew about my pregnancy as well," Kushina said, her words widening Minato's eyes.

"What?" he exclaimed, surprised. She nodded.

"Yes, he congratulated me himself," she confirmed. Minato's mind reeled. Kushina's pregnancy was a high-level secret due to the implications for the seal restraining the Nine-Tails. If word got out, enemy villages could launch an attack while the seal was weakened.

"Could Lady Tsunade have told him?"

Kushina shook her head. "She learned from him as well. She was unaware of it herself. Jiraiya hadn't told her yet," she explained. Minato gulped, surprised and perplexed. He had to re-evaluate his thoughts on their young Daimyo.

"And he congratulated you on it," he repeated. Was this what had upset her? But there seemed little to worry about if he hadn't raised any concerns. Such a matter wouldn't be his domain, yet he could have expressed some reservations. But he hadn't, despite knowing about the secrecy, if his own suspicion about the young lord were correct then also the dangers this pregnancy would pose to the village and the nation subsequently.

"Yes, he did," Kushina said. "But he also made me witness something I had never truly thought about," Kushina finished, her gaze dropping to her stomach.

"You said so yourself that our new Daimyo has great ambition, that he wishes to seek peace, true peace," she said, meeting his eyes again.

"I think I saw firsthand how he plans to do such a thing," she continued, her voice gaining conviction.

"How?" Minato leaned forward, intrigued.

"By using the nine bijuu," Kushina revealed, dropping a bombshell.

Minato's breath hitched. The tailed beasts, the nine colossal forces of nature, were legendary creatures of immense power. Each village coveted their might, and the thought of using them as tools for peace seemed...unrealistic, at best.

A heavy silence descended upon them, broken only by the clinking of chopsticks against bowls. The weight of Kushina's words hung in the air.

"Are you sure?" Minato finally asked, his voice barely a whisper.

Kushina nodded solemnly.

"He spoke of a future where the bijuu are not seen as weapons, nor as bargaining chips to force the other nations to the negotiating table.

Minato frowned. While the idea sounded noble on the surface, the potential for disaster was immense. The bijuu were unpredictable and difficult to control. Using them as instruments of peace seemed illogical and something that had never been imagined.

Yet he also knew that the young daimyo was not one to believe in fairy tales. Their short meeting and the deep surveillance he had run on the young lord cast an image of a practical mind that did not believe in hubris.

Just what did the young lord know that he believed such a thing possible, and what it meant for them and the whole world?

"But wouldn't that just make them even more valuable targets?" Minato pointed out.

"And more importantly how does he even plan to accomplish such a thing?"

"That's the question I also asked myself," Kushina admitted.

"But the Daimyo seemed confident. He spoke of a way to tame their power, to somehow make them work for the greater good, and I believe I caught a glimpse of that as well," she added as she gained a look of guilt on her face.

"And what hint was that?" Minato pressed, his concern growing.

"I cannot say much. I was only allowed a glimpse of it, but if it was what I think it was then I believe that the young lord is even more complicated and complex figure than we realise," she added filling him up with even more suspense.

Minato pondered this for a moment. The young Daimyo, Akihito Shirahoshi, was undeniably ambitious. His actions so far had been bold and decisive, shaking up the political landscape of the Fire Country. But using the bijuu for peace? It seemed like a fantastical notion, bordering on insanity.

"We should keep an eye on him," Minato finally decided. "This ambition of his... it could be a force for good, or it could lead to unimaginable chaos."

Kushina nodded in agreement.

"We should, but be careful not to make a move against him. His actions until now have shown that he trusts you, me, and the village. Breaking that trust could prove detrimental for everyone."

"I will be careful," he added as he rubbed his chin.

"Perhaps I need to have a talk with Lady Tsunade."


HYAKUYA SOSUKE-The Prime Minister

Hakuya Sosuke, the Prime Minister, prostrated himself before the young Daimyo, Akihito Shirahoshi. The young lord had been everything Sosuke had expected – a whirlwind of action and change.

Months into his reign, the Fire Country had undergone a transformation. Stricter adherence to laws, prosecution of corrupt lords – Akihito was moving swiftly, capitalizing on the confusion of his rise to power to push through reforms before the more conservative factions could gather their bearings.

"Is it truly wise, my lord?" Sosuke ventured, his voice measured.

Despite his youth, Akihito cut a formidable figure as he sat on the throne of the fire country, ruling wisely and with intention as the daimyo of the greatest province of the continent. The young lord regarded the Prime Minister with a piercing gaze.

"What troubles you, Sosuke-san?"

"The appointment of a shinobi as advisor. The lords are already tense over your more unorthodox measures. Making a shinobi an advisor could further unsettle them and potentially lead to more dangerous actions," Sosuke explained, offering his counsel as was his duty.

Akihito scoffed.

"Let them wag their tongues. Words are wind Sosuke-san, they matter little to me. The lords shall all fall in line or suffer the consequences of their unthoughtful actions."

Sosuke hesitated. He understood the young lord's belief, but such an iron-fist approach could backfire, and though he hoped it would not, it was his duty as a counsellor to speak to the dangers of such an approach.

"My lord, if I may," he began, seeking permission to speak further. Akihito inclined his head, a silent signal to continue.

"I understand you must have some profound reason for your actions, but I must caution you that this all seems a bit too rushed. Perhaps it would be better to pace such decisions," Sosuke offered, hoping his words would be received well.

Akihito, however, seemed unfazed as the young lord's eyes darted toward the skies, and he exhaled deeply.

"I do not think we have the time," he answered, a hint of tiredness leaking into his tone.

"We move ahead with this," the young daimyo declared, his voice leaving no room for argument.

Sosuke bowed his head, accepting the Daimyo's decree.

"As you wish, my lord," Sosuke replied, his voice laced with a hint of worry, yet he would do as he was bid for that was his duty.

"Speaking of that," he continued, his sharp gaze shifting, "you asked me to allocate grain and other supplies for Amegakure. Our land itself has just come out of a war. Allocating such funds could disrupt our own food prices and cause unrest."

The young lord's action spoke of his more pious and altruistic nature, of helping the poor and the destitute yet Sosuke feared the implication such a move would have on their own people, and cautioned the young lord once more.

A confident smirk spread across lord Akihito's face.

"That will not happen. After the implementation of the newer farming techniques we discussed, our new production will be greater than the projected numbers. The higher yields will help us keep the prices in control."

Sosuke raised an eyebrow, surprised. The Daimyo had indeed mentioned these new techniques a while back, but Sosuke had dismissed them as youthful enthusiasm.

"And Sosuke-san...." Akihito added, his voice hardening,

"....keep an eye on any lord who may try and hoard grain for undue profit. I will not allow such actions. Send the lords a warning that if they try to incite turbulence, I shall deal with them as I did with the other claimants."

Sosuke gulped. The young Daimyo's ruthlessness was on display once more. He remembered the swift and decisive way Akihito had handled the power struggle following the death of the previous Daimyo. Several rivals had been dealt with swiftly, leaving no room for dissent.

"As you say, my lord," Sosuke murmured, mentally vowing to ensure the grain distribution went smoothly.

Just then, the doors to the throne room slid open, and a woman of striking beauty entered, followed by another woman with a gentler demeanour. The first woman, adorned in regal attire, was Lady Miyuki, the Daimyo's wife and the Empress of the land.

The young lord's gaze softened slightly as Lady Miyuki approached. She bowed gracefully. "My lord," she greeted.

"Miyuki," Akihito acknowledged with a nod, his tone softer than it had been ever in their little talk.

"What brings you here?"

Lady Miyuki flushed her hand lingered on her stomach for a fleeting moment, offered a radiant smile. "I bring great tidings, my lord."

A beat of silence hung in the air before Miyuki continued, her voice filled with joy.

"I am with child."

A gasp escaped Sosuke's lips. The revelation sent a jolt through him. An heir to the throne would undoubtedly solidify the young daimyo's position and potentially appease the more conservative lords who craved stability, offering a new avenue in the pursuit of suitable alliances.

Lord Akihito's eyes widened in surprise. Then, a slow smile spread across his face, which was soon erased as the lord's concubine standing beside the Princess spoke up.

"Shall we announce a celebration for this great news?" she asked, and Sosuke looked toward the young lord, who seemed to be conflicted on the decision for some reason.

"My lord, it would raise the morale of the masses," he added, and the young lord nodded in the end.

"We shall have a celebration, issue the missives."


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