He was partially right, the Foremost main turrents start with A, the rearmost main turrents end at Y. so an Iowa class is AB-Y with P1,2,3,4,5 and S1,2,3,4,5.

I've consistently seen the NC/SoDak/Iowa/KGV layout referred to as ABX.

Additionally, the USN designates secondaries by Mount (Caliber)(Number), with (IIRC) odd numbers to port and even numbers to starboard.

Hence port is Mounts 51,53,55,57,59 and starboard is mounts 52,54,56,58,510.

Though I could have port and starboard backwards. Been a while.
In slightly lighter news, I'm rewriting parts of the planned intro for Lady that should get a few chuckles in (at poor Yamashiro's expense).
Did a little research, dug out my All the Worlds ships for the 40's, 50, 60, 70's and 80's, looked up Janes,, Looks at alot of my miniatures games. Found:
British, abc, pqr, wxy for main centerline turrets.
German, a,b,c,d,f,g... starting from front.
USN has two designations.
Numbering, for all ships. 1,2,3,4,.... starting at front, no brake,
WW2 and prior. Centerline guns, #, #, A, #, #
USS New Jersey, BB-62 - 2-A-1. 2 front turrets, SuperStructure, 1 rear turret
USS New Jersey, - 1, 2, 3
Colorado Class, BB 45, 46, 48, 2-A-2, 2 Front, SS, 2 Rear turrets
USS Colorado, - 1, 2, 3, 4
USS New York Class, BB 34, 35, - 2-A-1-2. 2 front, SS, 1 Mid, 2 rear turrets
USS Texax, BB 35 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

USS Brooklyn CL-40, 2-1-A-2, 2 Front, 3rd on maindeck, SS, 2 rear
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Jersey returned with a snap shot from turrets X and Y,

Now that the kerfuffle on SB has quieted down, I've had the chance to read the chapter. The USN never used the letter arrangement favored by the British. Their designations were Turrets One, Two, and Three.

Additionally, the USN designates secondaries by Mount (Caliber)(Number), with (IIRC) odd numbers to port and even numbers to starboard.

Hence port is Mounts 51,53,55,57,59 and starboard is mounts 52,54,56,58,510.

Though I could have port and starboard backwards. Been a while.

Yeah you've swapped them; odd numbers are starboard, and even numbers port. This is also true with the "Bullseyes" series of location numbers in compartments and on fixtures.

The trick I finally learned is that "port", "even", and "left" all have four letters, whereas "starboard", "odd", and "right" all do not have four letters.

Memorizing that trick is how I was able to avoid saying several other four letter words as I got lost yet again deep inside the ship.
The trick I finally learned is that "port", "even", and "left" all have four letters, whereas "starboard", "odd", and "right" all do not have four letters.

Memorizing that trick is how I was able to avoid saying several other four letter words as I got lost yet again deep inside the ship.

My dad, who taught me how to sail, told me this little trick: "Red-Right is Wrong." which lets me figure out that Red (port) is on the left of the ship, while green (starboard) is on the right. I never got mixed up about which term went with which color because my Dad is a wine connesseur, and he loves his port wines (which are red).
Lieutenant H.J. Jackson, USCG, looked up at the old battlewagon and began to doubt the wisdom of his plan. He had sold it to his CO, the Texas Parks & Wildlife, and the museum volunteers. Abbie attacks were growing more frequent now, and were beginning to occur on US soil. Recently, a U-boat had surfaced off Freeport, TX and shelled the chemical plants there. It had been chased off by shore batteries that had been put in place just a week before, and damage was contained without a major spill.

Still, it felt as though something big was on the way. And given the nature of the enemy, naval gunfire seemed to be the weapon of choice. So, here he was, serenading the Battleship Texas, trying to summon her. Scuttlebutt said the Navy was trying to get something lined up with the Iowa class Battleships. In the meantime, around the world, ship girls had appeared, some spontaneously, others called, or summoned.
Being a native Texan, and serving at Sector Houston-Galveston, he had taken it on himself to see if he could summon the first ship he had ever been aboard.

He and his band had played nearly every song that mentioned the word Texas. Country, western, rock. A buddy of his who fancied himself a rapper even did some Third Coast rap songs. Nothing. Ballad of the Alamo, Songs about Texas, Wanna be a Baller, Thunderstruck. George Strait, Marty Robbins, Larry Joe Taylor, Brian Burns, Waylon Jennings, Alabama.

He was tired and his voice was shot. All the rest were tired too, and the heat and mosquitoes didn't help.

He said softly, "Please listen, old girl. We need help. I know you've earned your rest, but please, come back to us."

He turned to the band, "One more short song guys. Then we'll call it a day."

She looked down at the band playing. Her heart was stirred by the patriotic messages in some of the songs, and happy memories of the joys and celebrations of her crews were brought back by the others. "You don't need me, and you don't need this rusted through old hull. My time will come. You need eyes, you need wings. You need someone with far greater range than a naval rifle." Another song started. "And I think I know exactly who you need."

"Hey, guys! What's the celebration?"

Jackson turned and looked. Whoever, or whatever she was, she was beautiful, but had a sense of otherness about her. Was this ... Texas?

She held up her hand. "Hang on a second! I always feel better with a cap."

She grabbed a wood handled tomahawk from her belt and flung it into the air. It burst into a group of old style aircraft and they climbed into the sky until they had become full size.

"Now, then, what's the deal?"

Jackson cleared his throat. "I'm...uh...Lieutenant Jackson...uh...welcome to the 21st century?"

The girl smiled at his nervousness. "Very well, LT. I am USS Ranger, CV4. Ready for duty! Say, do you know any Glen Miller?"
Finally, US carriers made it through!
Ayup. It's not the Essex Swarm, though. It's just enough for national defense.

-.-.- / ..- .. ..-. --.. .----. . / - ..-. ..-. / -... / -..- -... .-- ..-. - / ...- --- .--- --. .--. ... -. / .-.-.

Unrelated note: an idea was pitched. There will be suffering.

I've wanted to write this once since the original.
-...- / ... .--- .... .... .--- --- .... / ---- / - .--- -.-- ..- ..-. ..-. --- / ---- / . ...- -... -- / .-.-.
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Cute snippet...might we see a Jackson/Ranger pairing in the works? ;)

Well, Ranger was in the story, but no mention of summoning, so I thought about it and, tragically, got the Walker theme stuck in my head. Had to get it out somehow, lol.

Also, it is non-canon, so don't put too much stock in it.
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Reposted from old thread:
USS Texas sat on a bench overlooking a quiet beach. Nothing but the sound of the surf. It was a good time of the day. A couple of people out fishing, but no partiers or volleyball players. At least not yet. It would be loud soon enough.

The day didn't seem any different from any other summer day on the Gulf Coast,
And frankly, at her age pretty much everyday had some kind of memory or anniversary. But June 6 always made her stop.

She absently toyed with the spent rifle bullet hanging from her necklace, a reminder from a day later in the month. She was shaken from her thoughts by the approach of USS Alaska.

"Miss Texas?" , said the large cruiser. "Some of the girls were worried about you when you weren't at breakfast."

"Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie. I just completely lost track of time. I was just out here thinking, and remembering."

"What were you thinking about?", said the large cruiser, her curiosity taking the place of her worry.

"D-day. The invasion of Europe at Normandy, France."

"You were there, weren't you?"

"Oh, yes. Myself, and Nevada, and Arky. Nelson, Rodney, Warspite and Ramillies also. Along with a whole mess of cruisers and destroyers from several Allied nations. It was massive. You remember Okinawa though, so you've seen what a big amphibious operation looks like. I was just sitting here thinking about the men we put ashore there. Not really that different from your young beau. They fought so hard to claw onto that beach. I guess I was thinking, if there was more I could have done."

Alaska sat down on the bench and hugged the older dreadnought. "How can you beat yourself up over D-day? It was an incredible victory. You, and all the ships, and sailors and soldiers who took part are heroes."

"Oh trust me, I'm not beating myself up over my service there. I just think how many men were lost, and I have to look back and think, what more could have been done? Did I make mistakes? What could have brought about a better outcome?"

"You moved within 3000 yards of the beach and fired straight into machine gun nests and sniper hides. You were doing counter-sniper work with 14 inch rifles." Alaska smiled. "I should get you one of those patches that say 'Hunter of Gunmen'. Then when our boys were almost out of range, you still provided fire support by filling one of your torpedo blisters with water to create a list and gain elevation. I don't see how you could do more."

"Well, thank you, darlin'. It means a lot to me that you think so highly of what I did there. I just want to make sure I have thought of all the options if this war calls for similar actions. Soldiers will always fall in battle; I just don't want to lose any by not being at my best."

"I understand", said Alaska. "Just remember, we've all got your back."

They sat there a little while longer and Texas looked down at the lithe, white haired girl resting her head on her shoulder. Alaska had drifted off to sleep. Texas smiled and took in the sights and sounds of the quiet beach.
I wonder, lots of USN ships return. What if someone accidentally summoned Confederate Ships? Sure, outdated, slow and not worth much in a fight by ww2 standards, but they could be used as either teachers to help new ships, or even potentially use them as Coast Guarding vessels to ward off further abyssal attacks. And I am sure, right now, The US Navy will take any shipgirls they can get their hands on.
I wonder, lots of USS ships return. What if someone accidentally summoned Confederate Ships? Sure, outdated, slow and not worth much in a fight by ww2 standards, but they could be used as either teachers to help new ships, or even potentially use them as Coast Guarding vessels to ward off further abyssal attacks. And I am sure, right now, The US Navy will take any shipgirls they can get their hands on.
Five dudes in a speedboat with a machinegun and some limpet mines are going to be more useful than literally any ship from that era.
Hmmmm wasn't there a fic with that where both the CSS Virginia and the USS Monitor where summoned? I also think there was also one where tall ship girls were summoned as well?
I wrote one back in another thread where the CSS Georgia was summoned, everyone had a bloody conniption that I would dare to bring a confederate ship back, even in an omake.
IIRC, everyone there called you out for apologia. Context or lack thereof, don't try that shit with me.

Wanna link the thread post and prove it? As I remember I finished with Georgia coming out of the harbor, I never got into anything regarding the war until AFTER everyone piled on me.

So maybe the CSS is not a good idea

Its to late to do it now, so I will look it up in the Kansai collection mass thread tomorrow but I found the original post that I made to the greatest generation.

Here for anyone who wants to read it
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Wanna link the thread post and prove it? As I remember I finished with Georgia coming out of the harbor, I never got into anything regarding the war until AFTER everyone piled on me.

So maybe the CSS is not a good idea

Its to late to do it now, so I will look it up in the Kansai collection mass thread tomorrow but I found the original post that I made to the greatest generation.

Here for anyone who wants to read it

Nice intro for that ship. Didn't see any neo-confederate apologetics. Maybe I had to read further. But I also didn't see any dogpiled objections either. A CSN ship wouldn't be anymore inherently evil and undeserving of return than an IJN or Kreigsmarine ship, or a USN ship that lived its life with racially segregated crews. Pretty much all the girls have reason to wish for a second chance. Just my two cents.

Hmmmm wasn't there a fic with that where both the CSS Virginia and the USS Monitor where summoned? I also think there was also one where tall ship girls were summoned as well?

There were some early omakes in Belated Battleships, maybe on spacebattles, that involved a squad of confederate and union ships.
I had a non canon omake series in Belated Battleships called Second Chances that involved sailing ships.

Lady Pearl had a series in Belated Battleships called Zoomies that involved schooners.
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Hmmmm wasn't there a fic with that where both the CSS Virginia and the USS Monitor where summoned? I also think there was also one where tall ship girls were summoned as well?
Possibly the Harry Potter/KC crossover "Harry and the Shipgirls"? At least on the SB side, there were omakes involving a Naturalborn Confederate shipgirl, and I think at least one Union shipgirl showed up eventually in them.
Harry and the Shipgirls had one guest author that made a squad of ex-Confederate shipgirls doing shenanigans.

Unfortunately that one pretty much was Confederate apologia, with every abyssal they fought explicitly based on Union warships with the dashing southern gentle-ships always coming out on top.

That along with the authors tendency to involve other authors' characters his own convoluted plot-breaking storylines, coupled with his absolute refusal to back down when called out on this, led to him being dropped as a contributor rather decisively.

Edit: literally ninja'd just as I pressed 'post'
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Harry and the Shipgirls had one guest author that made a squad of ex-Confederate shipgirls doing shenanigans
I remember there being a few snippets by a different author about some Union girls (and maybe one or two Confederates?) serving on the Mississippi River. I think it may have been called River Rats? It hasn't been had any new snippets recently, but I think the last one was posted sometime in the last 6-8 months. I think they were posted only on the SV thread for HatSG.
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