Here's my take: Omare ISN'T Akachi anymore but he USED to be, and is using us for revenge or at least for sanctuary
That was my take as well, that they are Akachi in exile. I didn't know what they were planning to do afterwards, return to claim their birthright or something? Why is what happens in a clan they no longer can publicly call theirs still bother them, unless it interferes with their plan somehow?

It'd also make sense if they were sent here to ensure that we don't become a problem; I mean, Akachi could have wiped us out when they had a chance.
OK, let's discuss this. We're...allies. Let's discuss how I can reconcile know what? Nevermind.
You are very convincing. Did you take diplomacy lessons from Magna?

[x] No, but let it slide for now and figure it out later.
Open Waters: Logistics - Loyalty - Conclusion pt. 2
"Sure, go ahead." You nod. Excitedly the kids the back of line, ready to get their marks. You shake your head, unsure of what just happened. You atch the children as they chat amongst themselves at a high rate, in a joyous tone of all things, as if there hadn't just been a near-conflict. Only children could switch their moods so fast. Or maybe...

Was Omare hiding something? or did he really just make an innocent mistake like that? Or maybe he was acting? Just pretending to have forgot about it and to be happy. It was impossible to tell, mostly due to knowing how intelligent Omare was, but you couldn't help but to wonder. On some level you hoped it was all real and that the conflict was finished. Forever. But you knew that likely wasn't the case.

Your running theory was that the two were in...exile maybe? Or that they were tangentally related to the Akachi, but aren't direct clan members. It'd explain the anger and aggression and the...semingly sudden switch once Omare seemed to realize that he wasn't included as an enemy.

Regardless, now was not the time to address it. Instead you sit back and watch over the group, making sure all goes well. You can tell that Tarpeius is still suspicous of the boy, but he won't do anything unless Omare initiates it again. But one wrong move...and he would pounce.

Aerius seems...happier than usual at the news. Or maybe it's her sister returning and being partially healed? It's not very clear, but at least she's happy.

Magna seems relatively good with everything. She's grinning and showing off her mark (on her back) with impunity. She's not quite as...jubilant as Aerius (which is a shock) but she still seemed fine. strange. He just...looks cross. Mad. Altogether unhappy with the news. Is he an Akachi sympathizer maybe? Did he not like marks? You'd have to address it soon. It's really out of character for him to show...anything besides laziness.

But overall, the feel of the faction is good. You can practically feel the loyalty and cultural identity forming, and you can't help but to congratulate yourself (and Tarpeius of course) on a job well done. That said, you'd need to address a few things.

[] Talk to Gaius
[] Gather everyone and decide on the next move
[] Collect everyone not named Kasim or Omare and discuss the problem Omare just presented
[] Collect everyone not named Kasim or Omare and discuss plans to take out the Akachi
[] Just speak to Tarpeius about Omare. Maybe he had a plan
[] Write In
Black King threw 9 100-faced dice. Total: 483
99 99 15 15 53 53 63 63 84 84 42 42 66 66 31 31 30 30
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[X] Talk to Gaius
I'm...Actually curious what's his beef is because as this post mentions there are multiple theories...
If I had to guess?
It's the Akachi thing mainly, uniting against an opponent only works as long as that opponent exists. Though on the flipside, I also haven't seen much if any reason to believe the Akachi won't take a shot at us once we start building up, especially given how touchy Omare is. Unless that boy declares himself to be from another clan entirely I'm inclined to the the Akachi are indeed that petty and thusly able to take offense over us gaining power, even if for simple quality of life purposes. But the thing is Gaius seems like he wants to live his life in a relaxed state more often then not, and something like 'prepare for Akachi'...It means constant stress, wariness, and perhaps not letting go of a grudge while we have the oppertunity to let it fade into the distant past.
The Mark thing could also be it, less freedom to drift with the swings of fortune but...I think that depends on how much he likes this faction...
I am starting to feel like we grabbed too many touchy elements though, nobody amongst the power players here seems to really get along.
[x] Talk to Gaius

It's the Akachi thing mainly, uniting against an opponent only works as long as that opponent exists.
And choosing the Akachi ensures that the opponent will exist for the foreseeable future, because they are beyond our ability to put down.

Given the attitudes the trio displayed so far, I would think that existing in opposition to something isn't Gaius idea of laidback fun. It certainly is Magna's though, and with how different the Anomalies are there probably always would be someone who is annoyed at how the things are going. For now we should be content two of them are in favor of the move.

Not sure why Aerius is happy though. Isn't she the pacifist of the group?
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Open Waters: Logistics - Loyalty - Conclusion pt. 3
You gingerly make your way over to Gaius, who's brooding in the far off corner of where the activities took place. By now everything has settled down and most people have gone back to their residence to get some sleep. Gaius however continues his pouting, arms crossed, as he glares at the realm itself, clearly angry.

With a sigh you reach him and put a hand on his shoulder, attempting to reassure him and offer support before speaking. Surprisingly (or not surprisingly given his current mood), he snatches away from you and faces you with a glare.

"So you're finally here. What, going to chastise me for not taking your mark? Or perhaps you're going to try to rally me against the Akachi and tell me all that's great about our awesome and holy Gaea clan. Please. Leave that for lesser minds. The only reason I'm here is because of my sisters." He bites at you with a sneer. You...need to take a moment, blinking in surprise as you're caught off-guard.

"I'm sorry, what?" You ask, head tilted in confusion.

"Is that all you can say? What're you surprised? I'm lazy, not stupid, and I don't appreciate being talked down to like I am."

"Gaius I never--" He holds up a hand to interrupt you.

"Yes, you did. Trying to fool the rest of them? Fine, whatever, but don't come at me with this whole 'mark' and 'common enemy' spiel. It won't work. And before you say that I wasn't included in the idiots you're fooling, then how come I wasn't consulted on this? Oh is just that I'm not important enough? Or--" This time you interrupt him with a hand.

"Gaius, stop. I understand where you're coming from and honestly it's refreshing to see you so passionate, but it's not what you think. I respect you and know you're not an idiot. You just...don't seem to care, so often I don't wish to bother you. Now is there another reason you're--"

"Of course there's another reason!" He blurts out before you can finish. "How. Dare. You!" He spits between his grit teeth. You sigh and shake your head, not knowing what he's talking about. You're done playing games at the moment so you cut straight to the point.

"Enlighten me Gaius." You motion him to talk. He snarls a bit, more energetic than you've seen him.

"Marinus. What were you thinking? The Akachi. THE Akachi. Like...ugh!" He balls his fist for a moment before relaxing his hands. "I could choke you right now! All I want to do is laze about and watch over my sisters--really just Magna if you think about it--and you come and ruin EVERYTHING by doing this! And worse, Aerius seems happy about it!" This causes your eyebrow to raise.

"Yes, I saw that. Why--"

"Because the pacifist in her thinks--knows that if the Akachi are our enemy, we have no chance. She knows that you wouldn't be dumb enough to make a move against them, and thus less battles than if you'd chosen someone else." He stops and scrunches his face in thought. "Also something about camaraderie and the mark. but who cares about that." He relays to you. Hmm...that' interesting take.

"OK, but why are you so angry?" You inquire.

"Because I know that with people Magna and those...bands of Aulus' old people here, we're going to fight the Akachi. And we're going to either work our asses off to get ungodly amounts of strength, which is not lazing, or we're going to die horrible and painful deaths!" You open your mouth to counter but he cuts you off. "And don't start with me. I put a lot of work into being lazy, I know it's like a paradox, don't question it, which means I've done research. I saw he Akachi hate coming a mile away, so I researched as to best know how to laze about when it came. Guess what I found?" He dares you to answer.

"What?" You 'ask', playing along.

"Detailed notes on the capabilities of the Earth King." He says definitively. This causes you to step back almost. He...this is amazing. Maybe you could replicate his power and--"Don't." He warns, seeing the hope in your eyes. "Just...don't. We can't, and we won't. But that's not what I'm...look. Basically, the Earth King was the best of us, ever. He controlled the Earth itself, he commanded green things to a level that he was called the Grass Emperor. He...Orion, the leaders at least, have giant...constructs of magic that dwarf mountains in size. The Earth King's constructs dwarfed those a thousand times over. He was said to hold the power of the planet himself. He was fast enough to make sound look like a snail, and he was strong enough to juggle mountains. Or so they say. They even say that he could stop others from using their magic, their power, if he bound them with his grass. And the Ocean King was him but faster and slightly weaker, with control over all the world's Oceans." He explains.

"Amazing." You say, in awe. "But I don't see how--"

"And the Akachi killed. Them. Murdered them like armless little children who were a day away of dying from disease."

"We don't know--"

"WE DO KNOW!" He all but shouts. "They beat us, they killed our leaders and we were so below them, that they LET US GO! We're nothing to them! The records says that we beat them, captured them for a while, but once they fought back, they wiped us out and lost NO ONE!" He stops to take heavy breaths, far more worked up than you thought possible.

"And you want to fight them." He says with a shake of the head as he begins leaving. didn't know what that was. It takes you awhile to snap out of your daze, but you manage it before Gaius has left completely. Do you have anything to say to him?

[] Yes (You can do multiple, none, or all of the below)
- [] Apologize to him
- [] Assure him that you're not actually going after the Akachi
- [] Thank him for the information
- [] Write In
[] No

And what do you do next? You could probably only manage one thing before going to bed, as your mind was frazzled by Gaius' outburst.

[] Call everyone to discuss Omare
[] Have a quick conversation with Tarpeius about what Gaius just said
[] Nothing, go to sleep. You'd address it in the morning.
[] Write In
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[x] Yes (You can do multiple, none, or all of the below)
- [x] Thank him for the information

This was more or less predictable. Also deliberate, so it's hardly something we could honestly apologize for. However, it is important to collect the data about what methods have failed in the past so we don't step in the same pitfall twice.

Got to be smarter about this. Speaking of smarts...

[x] Have a quick conversation with Tarpeius about what Gaius just said

What exactly was his idea of going after the seemingly invincible enemy? Just setting the sights high enough that people have something to work forward for their lifetimes, or did he have anything concrete in mind? How much did he know about Akachi, anyway?

[] Call everyone to discuss Omare
Ah, no. If he needs to be discussed at all, we'll be talking with Kasim about this.
[x] Yes (You can do multiple, none, or all of the below)
- [x] Thank him for the information
[x] Have a quick conversation with Tarpeius about what Gaius just said
Open Waters: Logistics - Loyalty - Conclusion pt. 4
"Gaius." You call out to him, causing him to stop in his tracks and sort of...glance in your direction (more of a glare really). "Thank You." Is all you said. Gaius stiffens and slowly nods somewhat towards you, before going back to base.

As soon as he left, you made your way to Tarpeius with haste. It didn't take long for you to find him, and apparently your mood was written on your face because he didn't hesitate to sit down and chat. Quickly, yet thoroughly you relay to him the information that Gaius relayed to you. When you finish, silence overtakes you two for...more than a moment. Finally you break it, calling Tarpeius back from whatever intense thoughts he was having.

"Did...did you know this before..." You let the words trail off as anyone could guess what came next. Tarpeius grimaces.

"I did not." He says, looking you in the eyes. "I...knew they defeated us and that they were the cause of the deaths of the Earth and the Ocean King. I also knew...some of the extent of our former leaders' power but...I dismissed most of it as fairy tales. I...should not have been so quick to do that, as I see now." He responds solemnly.

"So do you still want to--"

"Yes." He answers unwavering in the face of doubt and fear. "The information is daunting to be sure, but it also lets us learn from it. We cannot overpower them without some serious powerups. So we must outsmart them, attack from the shadows when their backs are turned, and use methods other than power to win." He states simply. You nod along, unsure of his words. "We will be victorious nonetheless."

You stop to think on his words. With the new information, were you as confident as Tarpeius? Did you still wish to war with the Akachi, or did you want to back off of that idea (in private of course, in public the faction has been united against them). Or did you want to wait and decide later maybe? Maybe even with insight from the others?

[] Agree with Tarpeius, move forward with the Akachi being the eventual enemy
[] Disagree. If they could do that to your greatest warriors...
[] Wait on it. Sleep on it. Maybe even ask the others after the sun rises.
[] Write-in
[x] Concentrate on building up to the point where you could conceivably hurt them, you will decide on how to use the power once you have it.
Aulus' Return
You nod along with Tarpeius' ideas.

"I...for now we can have them as our enemy, and gain the necessary power to defeat them..." You trail off, gathering your thoughts so you can convey them to your greatest friend. "But if--when we gain that power, let's reconvene and make a final decision at that time."

"My mind will not change." Comes his response. A predictable response but not unwarranted. You can only smile at his stubbornness.

"I don't expect you to. But I also don't want us locked into a decision we made before we had all the pieces. That's all." He nods along, somewhat understanding your point.

"I see. Very well then." And with that, the conversation is over as is the day. With such an eventful day, you quietly climb into bed, hoping that the morrow is much more still and calm.

Suddenly you awake, sensing great power and danger, your hopes unanswered and swayed to the other side of the spectrum. It doesn't take you long to get dressed and go find the disturbance...mostly because the disturbance is sitting right there at your base, eating your food and conversing with your new faction members. An old enemy has returned, old in more ways than one.

It is Aulus.

Noticing you (as well as Magna, Aerius, Gaius, and Tarpeius who come outside soon after you), Aulus wipes his mouth and stands with a grin.

"I return!" He shouts, so all can here. "Not to claim my revenge...but to commend you on a group well built, a faction much like my own!" You eye him suspiciously, knowing something is coming. "I have also come to challenge." He says more quielty, still grinning, as gasps resonate throughout the faction. "I will find myself the leader of this group, through a challenge, as is Gaean tradition, to the current leader...Marinus."

All eyes look towards you. Your eyes look to Tarpeius' and Tarpeius shakes his head, signaling something to you. So he can't help you in the challenge but...

"And by what right do you challenge? We are not savages, one must have the right to challenge before trying to exert his strength on others." Aulus grin drops to something close to a permanent snarl.

"By what right do you lead?" He counters. "I may not be of royal blood, but neither are you. At least I fought with the great Earth and Ocean Kings and know of how great our clan once was." He sneers at you. "You know nothing and have already spit on our rules with your...previous performance and interference. So I issue the challenge once more. Do you accept, or do you forfeit?"

You only gulp, saying nothing, thinking it over. You could fight, but surely Aulus was the greater combatant. You were smarter but...would that be enough? And you could let someone else fight, but they would then be named leader of the faction and it could...would send the wrong message. What would you do?

[] Accept the Challenge
[] Let someone else fight for you (and become the leader of the faction)
- [] Magna
- [] Tarpeius
- [] Gaius
[] Decline the Challenge and let Aulus become the leader of the faction
[] Write-In
"By what right do you lead?" He counters.
Good question. By what right do we lead? Certainly not by the right of strength; we have people who are more powerful than us under our command.

So maybe we should change the nature of the challenge towards where we are stronger? A thinking contest, perhaps? Sure, Aulus may disagree, but he made a bet on personal strength and lost. We lead because he messed up, and I see no reason to make the same mistake.

Of course, then we open ourselves up to a takeover by someone who is smarter, but hey, it would not be Aulus.
Aulus' Return: The Challenge Pt. 1
"I accept." You begin. "But as leader, the challenge should be different. By what right do I rule? My intellect. And you'll have to prove greater intellect in order to--"

"Hahahaha!" Aulua laugha, cutting you off. "That's not how it works boy. The Gaea have explicit clan rules and it is always by might which the leader is determined." He stops and sneers. "Perhaps if you succeed and rebuild the Gaea, then you can change the rules. But until then..." He gives a bloodthirsty smile. "Welcome to die."

That didn't go the way you planned it, but looking around, you could see that Aulus had everyone's support. From Magna to Gaius to Aerius on...some level, to even Tarpeius, though he looks conflicted. Only Omare and Kasim had differing thoughts, but they hardly counted as Gaea. With a deep sigh, you nod and begin making your way to a clearing as Aulua follows with a confident smile.

Aulus is definitely stronger with his magic, but he's old. Much older than you, perhaps you can...overwhelm him? Tire him out maybe? But your physicals...

[] You were extremely powerful, but slow.
[] You had insane levels of durability for some reason, though not much else
[] You were incredibly fast with your movements, though a bit of a weakling strength wise
[] You were fast and strong, a glass cannon
[] You were...balanced as all things should be.

But regardless, you have to use it to your advantage if you could. Though you might be out of luck and have to rely on your smarts.
Aulus' Return: The Challenge Pt. 2
You should be able to outpace him, and you hit hard enough to matter...maybe...?

"Let's start." Aulus says with a grin as he stomps and a giant mountain begins rising around him. Time slows down for you as you contemplate your response. Should you try to rush in and end it now? Or should you hide your physical abilities until he has an opening? Surprise is one of the best tools in a fight after all.

There were pros and cons to both, possibly ending the fight early means the problem is solved, and waiting gives him time to build his defenses or to possibly overpower you with his incredible Earth Magic. You were good with water, but not 'create mountain' or 'create mountain-sized bird' level.

And waiting would give him confidence, make him think you were weak and easy (well, not easy. You weren't a pushover) to beat, and then suddenly, when he's not ready, you'd hit super fast and super hard, not giving him time to erect a sudden defense or to prepare himself.

However if you start fast, he has time to adjust to your speed and to possibly get your rhythm and time you, rendering your speed almost useless. And once he knows your power...he can make his constructs thick enough that even your combined power and speed don't pierce them. assumed he could, based on his fight with Magna. And given that stamina IS his weakness, due to age, there are merits to waiting, but also to trying to tire him out immediately. Either way, you had to be careful, as he was powerful enough to end you if you slip up. What would you do?

[] Blitz him immediately and Continue the attack, tiring him out ASAP
[] Play the long game, fight Magic with Magic, use your intelligence, and when he's tired...strike!
[] Write-In
Alright, we know what Omare had to say about this guy-he's old, he tires. Although WHEN he tires, he gets desperate and does things like pull mountains into birds to fight with. Also he's a jerk who killed his own men trying to get at the Akachi kids we have.
Do I think we can sucker-punch him? Perhaps but he also seems like he'd expect us to do something like that...IDK.
He seems like he'd do poorly with a head-on rush but Water vs. Earth...Might work out if we can force him into an earthen shell around him and then fill that with water but IDK if we can do that...
...I think I'm going to assume this is less 'do we win or lose' and more 'how does our MC fight?'
And since Glass Cannon won the vote, here's what I'm thinking.
[X] Play the long game, fight Magic with Magic, use your intelligence, and when he's tired...strike!
risky given our stats, since it basically means we fight a control style but don't really have the durability to withstand surprises, but this gives us the flexibility to do something other than just RUSH the enemy, which will end poorly the second we slam into someone who can tank that initial onslaught, even if we can't necessarily do quite as much damage in a hurry otherwise.
[x] Play the long game, fight Magic with Magic, use your intelligence, and when he's tired...strike!

Just hope to not get hit. He'll have to adjust to our speed, and he knows his limits, so he'll be putting progressively more power into his offense over time, trying to end us before he runs out of steam. That will eventually come at the cost of neglecting his defence.
Aulus' Return: The Challenge Pt. 3
As Aulus raises his defenses, You try to interrupt him with a powerful stream of water, as large as your body. Unfortunately you're not quite fast enough, and Aulus is quick to let you know.

"Not fast enough boy!" He taunts as his 'mountain' closes up and blocks your attack. You grimace, but immediately try something else: an attack from below. At your command, a geyser of water shoots up, from the 'floor' of his 'mountain', but he somehow blocks that as well.

You only have a moment to contemplate your next move, when Aulus makes the decision for you. Suddenly the ground beneath you collapses and you begin to fall in an Aulus-made chasm of Earth. Recognizing the move from his fight with Magna, you're ready to counter it. Gathering water beneath your feet, you shoot it out from under you in pressurized streams, sending you moving far and fast. And good thing too, since it appears Aulus is mixing his tricks now, as you see hundreds of Earth spears form in the chasm. He was going to skewer you...

Regaining focus, you look ahead and see that Aulus is countering your counter. A giant fist made of Earth is coming right at you, ready to crush you in a single blow. With a flick of your hand, you erect a wall of water in front of the fist, but it manages to punch its way through. Your wall didn't do nothing though, as the fist is much weaker and slowed down now.

With another geyser, you cut the fist in half, and land safely near where it spawned, looking around, weary of more Aulus attacks. And come they do.

Below your feet, Earth spears form, trying to skewer you. As you look to react to those, Aulus sends a dozen Earth pillars flying at you, straight from his mountain. And to top it off, he's shifted the ground beneath your feet to throw off your balance, making it hard to escape. What do you do?

[] Use your speed to escape, though with the thrown balance, there's a risk...
[] Use your speed and strength to move and punch through his constructs so you come out 100% clean
[] Try to use your water magic to block the attacks. Maybe a combined water sphere, water wall, and pressurized stream...
[] Take to the air again with water beneath your feet. It'd leave you vulnerable again, but maybe Aulus would tire himself out if he kept attacking you...
[] Forfeit the fight. You didn't want Aulus to be leader, but you wanted to die much, much less
[] Write-in
[X] Try to use your water magic to block the attacks. Maybe a combined water sphere, water wall, and pressurized stream...