Reach the Stars, Explore the Void : A Stellaris inspired quest of research and exploration

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Explore the stars, develop technologies, try to not destroy the Universe.
Starting Vote
This quest comes from way too much Stellaris.
I will alternate posting on this quest and on
Try to survive the Winter

Welcome to space, the final frontier.
In this quest, you will play as the newly promoted head of the main research, development and exploration institution of the human species as it takes its first step into the wider galaxy, allowing a familiar and understandable viewpoint on alien events and discoveries.
You will need to send expeditions to explore and study the wonders of space, research and develop new and groundbreaking technologies, deal with a limited budget and the political intrigue of a starfaring state, and try to survive the many dangers that lie amongst the stars and in the hearts of man.
But first, choose the Institution you will lead, and humanity background :

[] United Earth New Hopes Initiative

The 21 century nearly destroyed the human species. Between climate change, resource depletion, constant conflicts, political and social instability, and even some limited nuclear exchange, mankind was barely two steps from extinction.
With the gravity of this threat, most nations decided to put their differences on hold, and form a successor to the defunct UN to try to save as much as they could.
A lot of desperate measures later (and some subtle and not-so-subtle actions to ensure the cooperation of the entire world), Earth is more or less saved. Much has been lost, but with the threat of destroying Earth's fragile equilibrium, no one is ready to endanger the unity of the United Earth.

As the leader of the United Earth Science and Exploration Commission, your duties are to develop the technologies and find the resources necessary to heal Earth, keep mankind united and offer a better tomorrow to our species.

+ Most advanced industrial and tech base of all options.

+- Earth still bears the wounds of a century of disasters, limiting starting resources, but offering opportunities for unique projects to heal them and a lot of political capital.

- Earth is still divided between states, under the umbrella of the United Earth. Expect intrigues, petty politics and headaches.

[] Imperial Academy of Sciences

History has taken a different course, and after decades of industrial warfare, a great empire has united Earth. After such a feat, the Imperial Court is restless. For the conquerors of continents, what is a few revolts, or another bout of infrastructures development ?
As the newly appointed head of mankind's most brilliant minds, willing or not, your duty is to find new lands to conquer, new resources to take, and new ways to further the Empire's glory.
Do not fail.

+ All the world's resources at your fingertip. Millions will starve before you have any budgets cut.

+- The Imperial Court is a cesspit of vipers, and you cannot ignore politics. Fail, and your head will end up on a pike. Success, and the Imperial Throne could be your.
- Your job is to further the Empire's conquests. Do not expect to be able to take morale (or even rational) actions easily.

[] Forward Defense Division

Humanity was struck by an enemy beyond our imagination, our cities destroyed by weapons centuries ahead of us. Through stubborn resistance, desperate ingenuity and, more than anything, luck, we vanquished the invaders. Not, mankind is united, if only by fear of another invasion that would doom us all.
As the leader of what is left of mankind's intellectual might, your duty is to unlock the secret of the invader, scout the universe for dangers, and ensure that never again will mankind by at the mercies of extraterrestrial threats.
+ Access to advanced technologies to use and reverse-engineer on Earth and in the solar system.

+- Humanity is united by fear and anger, both strong motivators and a risk if left unchecked.

- Weakest tech and industrial base of all options.

Second, what is the Status of the wider galaxy beyond the solar system ?

[] Stars Untouched

The galaxy is unexplored and unexploited, full of natural wonders and strange, unperturbed vista. Resources and space lie unclaimed, but there are few equals to find here, and in such a young galaxy, mankind could be the first to make quite...fatal mistakes.

[] Lights in the Voids

The galaxy is full of life, species and civilizations. Mankind will venture into land mostly claimed and the political intrigues of the wider galactic community, but if they can find reliable partners and play the game of interstellar politics, this life filled galaxy could be turned to their advantages.

[] The Sins of the Past

The galaxy has been shaped by civilization beyond compression, able to shape planets and stars as if they were simple clay. They build wonders beyond imagining, and weapons able to destroy the stars themselves. And now the galaxy is silent, the great empires fallen, leaving only ruins behind.
The galaxy will tremble under the might of what mankind unearths, for good or for ill.

And finally, how do you want to build in more details your starting situation :

[] Starter Choice

I will propose next update a few general starting situations, and the update after the first MC of the quest. Short and simple.

[] Vox Populi
The player base will propose a general idea for the starting situation (Roman Empire in Space, Earth post War of the Worlds...), followed by a vote between the most popular, and the choice of the first MC.

[] A Chronicle

A prologue in multiple posts with a points system, in order to build the history and situation of Earth in a detailed way.
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[x] Imperial Academy of Sciences
[x] The Sins of the Past
[x] Starter Choice

Time to toss people into the ancient murderbots until they get so clogged with meat they gently shut down so we can research them for our bosses to get their own murderbots.

Oh and one more thing:

[] Remember to actually turn on the Map The Stars Edict.
[x] Imperial Academy of Sciences
[x] The Sins of the Past
[x] Starter Choice

Time to toss people into the ancient murderbots until they get so clogged with meat they gently shut down so we can research them for our bosses to get their own murderbots.

Oh and one more thing:

[] Remember to actually turn on the Map The Stars Edict.
You mean the [] Finance British Museum expeditions Edict ?
Juste remenber, some murderbots people faster than you toss them.
Episode IV, A New Hope
[X] United Earth New Hopes Initiative
[X] Stars Untouched
[X] A Chronicle

Edit: How long will the civ creation vote last?
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[x] Imperial Academy of Sciences
[x] The Sins of the Past
[x] A Chronicle
[X] Forward Defense Division
[X] The Sins of the Past
[X] A Chronicle
[X] United Earth New Hopes Initiative
[x] Imperial Academy of Sciences
[x] The Sins of the Past
[x] A Chronicle

I'd rather not go for the predictable (and probably generic) choice from any space quest.
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[x] Imperial Academy of Sciences
[X] Stars Untouched
[X] A Chronicle
Hmm Imperials or New hope?
gonna toss a coin.
Episode IV, A New Hope
[X] United Earth New Hopes Initiative
[X] Stars Untouched
[X] A Chronicle

Edit: How long will the civ creation vote last?

The current vote will last until tommorow, 8 PM Paris Time.
After this, if A Chronicle win, their will be 3 votes : one for setting the stage (the divergence that birthed the Empire, or the state of the planete at the founding of United Earth) one for actions taken before the current time, and one for the starting situation (MC, political situation...).
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[x] Imperial Academy of Sciences
[x] The Sins of the Past
[x] A Chronicle

I'd rather not go for the predictable (and probably generic) choice from any space quest.
If you mean the United Earth, there are few less generics options.
Beyond USA-China nuclear exchange, United Earth could be founded by the corporate overlords of a cyberpunk dystopia, a few conspiracies or be the extension of the Quarantine Council after a few engineered plagues were unleashed.
Also the right choices allow Skynet or AM as MC
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[X] United Earth New Hopes Initiative
[X] The Sins of the Past
[X] A Chronicle

The xenophobic option is boring considering this is Stellaris were talking about, SPACE! neo-feudalism is overused as a alternative to typical SPACE! UN, trying to keep the UN 2.0 intact without the xenophobia from forward defense being the Sword of Damocles keeping everyone united is ironically the more interesting option here in my opinion, its the optimistic(or most dark given the QM mentioned it could be a cyberpunk dystopia or worse lol) option to pick while still presenting enough challenge to keep things interesting.
Sins of the Past is the best option here given the sheer variety of stories that can be told given how many precursor civilizations are in Stellaris( and Chronicle has the most worldbuilding(which is always a good thing)
EDIT: I just noticed its Stellaris inspired not Stellaris proper oops, im still keeping my picks given how wild Stellaris precursors tend to get and a inspired story from them is just as likely to be wild, and the ,,lets be xenophobic,its really in this year" option is just plain lame in my opinion
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[X] United Earth New Hopes Initiative
[X] The Sins of the Past
[X] A Chronicle

The xenophobic option is boring considering this is Stellaris were talking about, SPACE! neo-feudalism is overused as a alternative to typical SPACE! UN, trying to keep the UN 2.0 intact without the xenophobia from forward defense being the Sword of Damocles keeping everyone united is ironically the more interesting option here in my opinion, its the optimistic(or most dark given the QM mentioned it could be a cyberpunk dystopia or worse lol) option to pick while still presenting enough challenge to keep things interesting.
Sins of the Past is the best option here given the sheer variety of stories that can be told given how many precursor civilizations are in Stellaris and Chronicle has the most worldbuilding(which is always a good thing)
I don't think the Imperial one is xenophobic (it could be but idk) it sounds more militaristic with a science tinge.
[X] United Earth New Hopes Initiative
[X] The Sins of the Past
[X] A Chronicle

The xenophobic option is boring considering this is Stellaris were talking about, SPACE! neo-feudalism is overused as a alternative to typical SPACE! UN, trying to keep the UN 2.0 intact without the xenophobia from forward defense being the Sword of Damocles keeping everyone united is ironically the more interesting option here in my opinion, its the optimistic(or most dark given the QM mentioned it could be a cyberpunk dystopia or worse lol) option to pick while still presenting enough challenge to keep things interesting.
Sins of the Past is the best option here given the sheer variety of stories that can be told given how many precursor civilizations are in Stellaris( and Chronicle has the most worldbuilding(which is always a good thing)
EDIT: I just noticed its Stellaris inspired not Stellaris proper oops, im still keeping my picks given how wild Stellaris precursors tend to get and a inspired story from them is just as likely to be wild, and the ,,lets be xenophobic,its really in this year" option is just plain lame in my opinion
Just to be specific, Forward defence can be not Xenophobic (think Xcom) and the Empire can be not feodal (Imperial China is an option).
I will try to keep the feel of exploration in Stellaris, without being to bound to it (to prevent people just cheeking up events on the wiki).
Just to be specific, Forward defence can be not Xenophobic (think Xcom) and the Empire can be not feodal (Imperial China is an option).
X-com in the first game feels like their on the edge of it, though xcom 2 is much less so.

Personally tho, if were doing Forward Defense i'd edge towards Xenophobia because thats how i think humans would ACTUALLY respond to such an attack.
Just to be specific, Forward defence can be not Xenophobic (think Xcom) and the Empire can be not feodal (Imperial China is an option).
I will try to keep the feel of exploration in Stellaris, without being to bound to it (to prevent people just cheeking up events on the wiki).
While i admit space XCOM in a Stellaris inspired universe does sound pretty damn tempting for me,il stick with my choices.Imperial option is still a no for me regardless of variety.
Also i woudn't personally worry too much about,,keeping the feel'' with the exploration stuff from Stellaris given its feel is largely all over the place and barely consistent(at least from what i remember,its been a very long time since i played unmodded Stellaris,probably remembering it wrong)
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Personally tho, if were doing Forward Defense i'd edge towards Xenophobia because thats how i think humans would ACTUALLY respond to such an attack.
"What the heck is that?"
"I don't know! Where's the sergeant with the Nuke!?"
"Kill it! Kill it with fire!"

A simple harmless flower was destroyed that day, and the world rejoiced
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