Re;Birth into Victory [Neptunia] [Waitlist]

Is this still open? Kinda want to get back into playing.
Name: Acupes

Age: 24

Gender: Intersex

Race: Monster (Mandragor Scavenger -100 CP)

Faction: Traveler


-Mandragor Scavenger Traits: Whoa there boy! You appear to be having some... out-of-context abilities. (- 900 CP)

Acupes draws magic from a Ranger 'class' and has several other magical abilities stemming from naturally being a Mandragor. Acupes specifically focuses on the trap magic of Rangers along with other utility. All of Acupes magic draws on a pool of 'mana' that recharges over time and allows for multiple castings per day.

Acupes is capable of burrowing underneath stone, sand, dirt, snow, and other similar surfaces and takes less overall damage when moving underneath the ground when attacked. Jarring loud noises may cause Acupes to be thrown up and stunned by it.

Due to having no eyes, Acupes' senses are based more on smell, hearing, and a sort of acute tremorsense that outlines bodies and things whenever noise is made.

Barbed Trap - Acupes creates a trap over a 10ft area that lasts for 90 seconds. Those that step on it have to dodge or otherwise be resistant or take moderate piercing damage, be slowed, and start bleeding. Only one trap may be activated at a time.

Flame Trap - Flame Trap creates a trap over a 10ft area that lasts for 90 seconds. Those that step on it have to dodge or otherwise be resistant or take heavy fire damage and start burning. Only one trap may be activated at a time.

Smoke Trap - Similar to the above, those that step on it become blinded and the ability to cast spells/use magic takes twice as long for a period of time unless dodged or resisted. Only one trap may be activated at a time.

Viper's Nest - Acupes' magic creates a 10ft wide pit of vipers that attacks all of their enemies if stepped into. Those that step into it take moderate piercing damage and are poisoned unless dodged or resisted. Only one trap may be activated at a time.

Healing Spring - This counts as a trap, but it doesn't actually hurt anyone. A cool refreshing sprout of water appears in a 10ft area and heals those that step into it for 90 seconds. This also counts as a trap so only one may be activated at a time.

Toxicity - Acupes summons a nature spirit that does not move, talk, or attack. For 90 seconds, those that are poisoned or diseased within an area around Toxicity will take more damage and suffer more adverse effects. Only one spirit may be summoned and it can be destroyed prematurely.

Storm Chaser - Acupes moves 30% quicker for 15 seconds and recharges a bit of their pool of mana whenever they take elemental-based damage.

Mandragor's Charge: A Mandragor specific ability tied to Acupes' breed of snow-based kin. Acupes teleports a short distance towards a target and they must resist or dodge or take moderate bashing damage and be knocked down.

-Will of Steel: Can't put this dog down! (Free)

-Elemental Magic: Ranger/Elementalist combo? Yes please! No, I don't care that these are two different magic systems I'll make it work! (Free)

-Support Magic: Not the exactly most useful thing for the already utility caster, but options are nice! (Free)

-Elemental Magic Specialization: With great odds comes greater power (-200 CP)

-Support Magic Specialization: So you can buff your buffs (-200 CP)

-A Monsters Faith: A golden opportunity (-200 CP)

-Gamer Gal: Wait, what? (Free)

-Sharicite Manipulation: A curious power, not directly useful yet, but, in groups, perhaps something will come out of it? (-400 CP)


I Just Wanted Iffy To Praise Me: Look at their smile! Isn't it the most beautiful?~ (+100 CP)

JUSTICE KICK!: They definitely have a 'kick-me' sign on their back, right? (+100 CP)

We Are Definitely The Villains Here: Not a villain, says the teeth-filled plant reptile (+200 CP)

Barren Cache: Oh boy! Equipment! That I'll never ever use! (+200 CP)

Monster Magnet: A new monster means another rug on the foodchain, and places. Need. To. Be. Taught. (+200 CP)

Boss Magnet: Same verse as the first, now put me on a plane so I can get my ass kicked. (+200 CP)

Personality: Subservient, a bit curious, and ravenously aggressive if someone gets them in a bad mood. Their ability to magically create traps allows them to set up pranks if they were a bit more mischievous, their understanding of language may lead to such things if someone were to try and teach them.

Backstory: Acupes is a Mandragor, a type of plant/lizard hybrid that is known for surviving in extreme conditions of deserts or frozen wilds. All Mandragors, including most other creatures from where they're from are capable of magic and use it to great effect. While Mandragors are all lowly beasts in intelligence and perhaps more than greater cunning, it appears someone or something has given Acupes a rather impressive increase in intellect. Thusly it's self-preservation has also increased so as to not foolishly go in, attack humans and than get murdered without thought. In a way, Acupes is a bit subservient, perhaps a bit like a dog... if more ravenous. In a now unfamiliar land, Acupes will do as they've always done, survive.

Or die horribly to munchkins... who knows.

Universe of Origin: Guild Wars 1