RE 2 Remake: Raccoon City has the worst welcoming committee

United States

So they finally revealed the RE 2 remake and it comes out January 25th. It also runs on the RE 7 engine and it's not a fixed camera.

Resident 2 Remake and it's over the shoulder!?



Gameplay demo, looks pretty cool.

From the first minute I could peg it as a third-person hack of RE7, and basically every other bit of how the game appeared to 'feel' in the rest of the video only seemed to prove me more right. Also Babyface Leon looks like a weird digital Dane DeHaan.
Leon cutting away the tape on an electric box is literally the same as Ethan doing it in RE7, only in third person.

Curious about the exact durability of the knife. Impressions Video I watched mentioned that about five swipes could down a zombie, and in that video above(if that's the same that I watched a while ago) that using the knife to stop a zombie bite took about a fourth of the durability bar.
So, anyone get this game yet? Been having fun with it on Leon's Normal route so far, though the enemies are far too much of a bullet sponge for my taste on this difficulty. Got past the goddess statue before calling it for tonight, gonna go below tomorrow and see what I encounter.

This is my first time playing RE 2 in any form, so I'm quite excited to see what it has in store for me.
So, anyone get this game yet? Been having fun with it on Leon's Normal route so far, though the enemies are far too much of a bullet sponge for my taste on this difficulty. Got past the goddess statue before calling it for tonight, gonna go below tomorrow and see what I encounter.

This is my first time playing RE 2 in any form, so I'm quite excited to see what it has in store for me.

Called it a night as well. Atmosphere is really tense though
I stayed up way too late playing it last night. If I had a single complaint it would be that it's TOO effective as a horror game, and TOO faithful to the spirit of the original.

I know, I'm an RE4 baby. But I just feel like the over the shoulder perspective demands a different kind of gameplay loop which RE2 doesn't have. I MISS the kick. Not being able to mix up combat like that makes it so boring by comparison. It's just "Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Wait for enemy to reveal whether they're alive or not. Pop. Pop. Pop."

Yes, you can just avoid the zombies, but that doesn't FIX the problem, it just becomes a different problem, that it's annoying to traverse areas full of enemies.

The game is genuinely tense and scary, it's just that I don't think that's what I WANT resident evil to be. I want Resident Evil to be stupid and hilarious, that's why I love it. I kind of thought after 7 that they'd found a decent balance (Even though I hate 7's first person perspective) but unfortunately the events of RE2 kinda shackle the game in place on that front. You can't have Willy Berkin making Evil Dead references and there's no convenient room mysteriously filled with lava.

I'm still enjoying the game, I just dunno. I don't think I'm going to replay it after I'm done with scenario B.
Wow, I'm really liking the look of these zombies. The beef jerky dessicated corpse variety have dominated the market for way too long, and its good to see the more fleshy ghoulish kind getting some love.
Let me tell you, I may have had a little accident at the new Licker introduction but I proper shit myself once Mr. X turned up and that stompy bastard chased me the length and breadth of the RPD multiple times. Literally "o lawd he comin", the perfect remix to such a familiar area by forcing me to constantly stay on my toes and stay moving. Scarier than Jack Baker ever was.

I'm probably like... hhhhaaaaalfway through Leon A? And so far my biggest complaint is that
Ada's section was kinda janky and the puzzles were poorly conveyed. Like twice while scanning for shit to hack with the EM-gun I had no idea what the game was asking me to do and as far as I could tell I was doing the right thing but there was nothing doing so I had to take a cheap death and try again. Also the Sewer Gator being a glorified QTE was a bit of a letdown.
Let me tell you, I may have had a little accident at the new Licker introduction but I proper shit myself once Mr. X turned up and that stompy bastard chased me the length and breadth of the RPD multiple times. Literally "o lawd he comin", the perfect remix to such a familiar area by forcing me to constantly stay on my toes and stay moving. Scarier than Jack Baker ever was.
Oh lawd is he comin, Mr Bitchslap ain't stopping till you're a paste against the wall, and there ain't no loading screen doors to save you now.
I enter a room with two lickers roaming around.

I have three handgun rounds. No gunpowder.

I'm sneaking past them at a snails pace, I'm almost through, I just have to creep around a few more-


*Door I'm going for bursts open*

I just finished Leon's first route earlier today, and in my not at all biased opinion the game is a masterpiece.

The pacing is really, really good, the engine is working overtime to make every single scene gorgeous and tense, and the simplicity of the game really helps sell the experience. It's got a lot less mechanics than recent RE games, or even 4, but by narrowing the game down they've made the bar for mastery a little easier to reach while still maintaining a super tense and directed experience. Creeping past the first Licker to reach the STARS office, getting chased by Mr. X, doing your best to avoid the various G-Spawn: the game's fantastic at delivering super memorable moments and constantly building tension in between them. And, best of all in my eyes, it really, really is a survival horror game, because for more than half the game you simply DO NOT have the resources to clear out every enemy. Most games that were walking in RE's footsteps boiled item management down to "Be accurate and you'll kill everything," (i.e. Dead Space, which was brought most strongly to the forefront of my mind throughout the experience as something the developers had clearly played and mixed in with the 4/5/6/7 formula) but for the duration of the police station and a chunk of the sewer you literally don't have enough ammo to kill everything, even with perfect play. At some point, you have to make the decision to leave those zombies alive, or god forbid a Licker, because you need to save your ammo for something more important.

(not to mention, on a less objective level, seeing a piece of video game history like RE2 so appropriately reanimated with such loving attention is just so, so cool)

I can't wait to run through it three more times.
Watched Pat play it on launch day. Every sequence with Mr X was tense as hell, with that constant Clomping serving as the drumline to incoming doom. The expanded story and files really help explain alot of what was actually going on in the game.
I ran out of ALL my bullets and herbs in the final section of the game.

I made it, but it was tense as all hell. Easy 10/10 for me.

It makes me shiver to think what would have happened had I made one more careless error throughout the game. A higher contrast from RE7 were I had a small arsenal of healing items, ammunition, etc at the end. In Re2 I had nothing, and that makes me happy.

Just so y'all know DMX got out of jail like the day after RE2make came out, if you hear him coming, don't waste ammo on him, just run.
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So there's going to be free story DLC called Ghost Survivors. Three scenarios about characters who died in canon, but the scenarios are basically supposed to be, "But what if they didn't die?"

You'll be playing as the owner of the gun store, the mayor's daughter, and one of the other soldier's from Hunk's squad.