I just finished Leon's first route earlier today, and in my not at all biased opinion the game is a masterpiece.
The pacing is really, really good, the engine is working overtime to make every single scene gorgeous and tense, and the simplicity of the game really helps sell the experience. It's got a lot less mechanics than recent RE games, or even 4, but by narrowing the game down they've made the bar for mastery a little easier to reach while still maintaining a super tense and directed experience. Creeping past the first Licker to reach the STARS office, getting chased by Mr. X, doing your best to avoid the various G-Spawn: the game's fantastic at delivering super memorable moments and constantly building tension in between them. And, best of all in my eyes, it really, really is a survival horror game, because for more than half the game you simply DO NOT have the resources to clear out every enemy. Most games that were walking in RE's footsteps boiled item management down to "Be accurate and you'll kill everything," (i.e. Dead Space, which was brought most strongly to the forefront of my mind throughout the experience as something the developers had clearly played and mixed in with the 4/5/6/7 formula) but for the duration of the police station and a chunk of the sewer you literally don't have enough ammo to kill everything, even with perfect play. At some point, you have to make the decision to leave those zombies alive, or god forbid a Licker, because you need to save your ammo for something more important.
(not to mention, on a less objective level, seeing a piece of video game history like RE2 so appropriately reanimated with such loving attention is just so, so cool)
I can't wait to run through it three more times.