It's Raining Men
Chandra pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He has the advantage here. Sure, he might be sitting in front of a genemodded elemental supersoldier and a woman who's won the jackpot when it comes to First Empire hypertech bonding with you, but he knows something they don't know. He doesn't smirk or play for the moment. It's too important for this.
Okay, he doesn't play
excessively. He does lean forwards slightly, so the fan is blowing air through his hair and the lights in the room cast shadows over his face, leaving his glasses to catch the light. But that's just natural, right?
"That cyborg bitch wasn't a racer," he says bluntly. "She was a hired killer. The reason her flier was more like a war machine than anything built to race is that that's exactly what it was. Two targets." He swallows. "She got a payout on one of them. Ravana. Want to know how much that was worth?"
Abhas is already turning pale. Chandra assumes that Ilana's doing something, but there's a painting of some dead dude in the way. Chandra makes an idle grab at one of the glasses on the table, to clear his throat of the fumes of the journey. Unfortunately, it seems to fix itself in the air about a third of the way to his lips, liquid frozen in ripples, and he has to disguise the sudden stop as a deliberate pause.
Chandra names the number, and Illana gasps. Even Abhas looks impressed, in a horrified way. Someone could probably put a competitive bid in for this estate with that amount, or buy their way into the breeding lines of a dynastic family. The water unfreezes while they react, and he manages to take a sip and put down the glass without incident.
He points a finger at Abhas. "You're part two. She's still alive. She's probably got enough cybernetics in her that she's back on her feet, and even if she isn't, anyone who can pay that much will be sending others. For that kind of money, I wouldn't trust
anyone close to me." He pauses, and curses that streak of honesty. "She's probably safe," he admits reluctantly, switching his pointed finger to Illana. Well, the painting, but still. "We know what kind of
thing she is now, and you were still alive when I got here. Even if R..." his throat dries up, and he coughs. "And I really hope I'm not wrong about this, because I want to live. Of course, if you plan to turn into some kind of hypertech bladed horror and eviscerate me," he adds to her, "I'd take it as a favour if you... uh, didn't."
Hmm. That could have been a pithier ending.
"How'd you figure this out?" asks Abhas, "An informant?"
Chandra tosses the flight computer, still charred, onto the table. It thunks satisfactorily, and Ilana says something along the lines of "What is that?" from the other side of the painting as Abhas plugs it into his personal computer.
"...Oh shit," says the dragon-blood as he browses the logs, "Oh
shit. I need to pass this to security, just...stay here. And don't kill each other. Or break anything."
Abhas clears the room with haste, and Chandra and Ilana are left staring at each other, well, the painting between them, for a good few minutes. It's a tense silence, broken only by a staring contest with a painting on Chandra's part (He was cheating, on account of being able to blink freely with the shades on. The painting was cheating, on account of being an inanimate object. Chandra gave himself good odds) and a staring contest with the back of a painting on Ilana's.
It takes Ilana a good four minutes to get sick of her staring contest and grab the painting, hauling it out of the way.
Then everything goes to hell pretty much all at once.
Abhas bursts into the room
in powered armor (visor open), a rifle in his hands and panic in his eyes.
All of the lights go out, the room's illuminated solely by a faint glow around Ilana and Abhas and, as Chandra swiftly realizes, the engines of easily a dozen dropships hovering in the skies above the compound outside of the window.
Half a dozen
power armored soldiers and a mini-mech crash through the roof, jetpacks flaring. The soldiers wear face concealing armor, marked in red and some house sigil Chandra doesn't recognize, and they're all armed to the teeth. Their leader stands out, ignoring his bulkier armor and larger proportions, he's wielding a sword in one hand and some sort of rifle in the other without seeming effort.
The Mech's a
bit more intimidating, it's massive, bulky, and is blocking the main exit. Chandra's seen the model before, corps and the Legislators sometimes use them for crowd control. It's got a pair of machineguns mounted to the top of its chassis, and he knows from experience that its legs can crush a man to paste.
Two of the troops land on the table, though it doesn't break or budge (Someone's going to ask questions about that eventually, Chandra realizes, but hey), the rest are scattered across the room. The mech is, of course, blocking the most convenient exit.
There are seven enemy combatants in the room with you. Five power armored infantry with assault rifles, one squad leader with a zap-baton and a net launcher, and a mini-mech. You have your sword, Ilana is unarmed. Abhas has a rifle of some description.
[ ] If you can freeze a microwave, you can freeze a giant robot. Make your bullshit time powers work for
you. (1x)
[ ] This is going a bit too fast, you need more
time, if you just had a moment to think... (1.1x)
[ ] Look, you've got a sword, and you're good with the sword. Just sword the dude in charge. (1.2x)
[ ] As above, but go for the giant robot instead. (1.3x)
[ ] Harvest the mooks, for simplicities sake. (.8x)
[ ] Write-In