I'm curious why so many people are voting to walk away and do the same thing but in a slightly different fashion. I mean, there is a serious, non-zero possibility that this is the reasonable guard. If you guys are going to be taking actions to avoid dealing with hostile guards who don't like you, I'd just go over the wall or use PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER, because "Look for another guard post" seems to be, pretty much "play roulette as to whether or not we get a more personable guard."
It's not "scope out the place and look for the most likable guard, then introduce ourselves to him". If you don't think talking is going to work, you might as well just find another option (like going over/through the walls).
It's not "scope out the place and look for the most likable guard, then introduce ourselves to him". If you don't think talking is going to work, you might as well just find another option (like going over/through the walls).