Ranma 1/2 ideas, Discussion, and Rec thread

A partial idea.

Ranma's walking by the shop when Cologne addresses him as "daughter-in-law." Turns out, the Chinese Amazons have decided to legalize gay marriage, and update their policies accordingly. Ranma demands answers from Shampoo, only for her to tell him "you less jerk as girl, anyway." What hijinks will ensue?

(Wound up paralleling the "Cat's Tongue" story arc; not certain how to diverge. Seeing Shampoo stomp Kuno's ass would be funny, though. And the implications for Ranma/Akane...)
"you less jerk as girl, anyway." What hijinks will ensue?

(Wound up paralleling the "Cat's Tongue" story arc; not certain how to diverge. Seeing Shampoo stomp Kuno's ass would be funny, though. And the implications for Ranma/Akane...)
Honestly this is a really fun idea, especially cos yeah, Ranma is generally in a better mood and more chill to be around in the 'cursed' form; it only goes so far, but Ranma definitely tends to see more at ease and less defensive unless pushed and often inclined to relax faster and in a more varied manner.

Also this does just legit feel like something that would happen in Ranma 1/2 as far as the world building goes which makes it more hilarious.

So is this in place of the Cat's Tongue, or does it start during it, or some other time? Why's Shan-Pu beating on Kuno, not that it isn't fun. Not sure on the implications for those two given Akane's closet, if she's in one, is mad of titanium and Ranma's very much in "No trans/no homo" territory when it comes to her gender and sexual identity.
So is this in place of the Cat's Tongue, or does it start during it, or some other time?

Haven't decided. Technically, Cat's Tongue doesn't lock Ranma's form, just keep him from easily changing. If they wanted something more permanent, they'd need the locking ladle, or some other plot-device incense. I suppose it depends on Shampoo's preferences, too. Not certain how many ways she swings.

Why's Shan-Pu beating on Kuno, not that it isn't fun.

Establishing her claim to the pig-tailed girl. Although I wonder how Kuno would react to the news that his dream girl is engaged - to a woman? Would he melodramatically stomp off, trailing rose petals while declaring his absolute heartbreak? Would he challenge Shampoo to a (very short) duel? Would he start angling for a threesome? Would he go back to annoying Akane?

Not sure on the implications for those two given Akane's closet, if she's in one, is mad of titanium and Ranma's very much in "No trans/no homo" territory when it comes to her gender and sexual identity.

General rule/headcanon: When Akane is in a good mood, her sexuality is whatever Ranma is. When she's in a bad mood, her sexuality is whatever Ranma isn't. Hence why she's so confused: she was going to have a normal awakening, when in walked a fiance who completely SCRAMBLED her wires. I imagine Kasumi and Nabiki have some interesting conversations; they were going to let her figure it out for herself, but now neither of them are even certain how to advise her. There's a thin line between love and hate, and Akane Tendo is superpositioned on it.
Haven't decided. Technically, Cat's Tongue doesn't lock Ranma's form, just keep him from easily changing. If they wanted something more permanent, they'd need the locking ladle, or some other plot-device incense. I suppose it depends on Shampoo's preferences, too. Not certain how many ways she swings.
I suppose I more meant is this story diverging from that point in the story. So Shan-Pu is not bothered by Ranma being largely unable to change because, or is it taking place later?

Establishing her claim to the pig-tailed girl. Although I wonder how Kuno would react to the news that his dream girl is engaged - to a woman? Would he melodramatically stomp off, trailing rose petals while declaring his absolute heartbreak? Would he challenge Shampoo to a (very short) duel? Would he start angling for a threesome? Would he go back to annoying Akane?
Oh I see, that is fucking hilarious I love it XD

Honestly the fact all of those feel near equally plausible says a great deal about Kuno as a character. I think a lot would depend on context and how the battle with Shan-Pu goes as he could also just fall for her too.

General rule/headcanon: When Akane is in a good mood, her sexuality is whatever Ranma is. When she's in a bad mood, her sexuality is whatever Ranma isn't. Hence why she's so confused: she was going to have a normal awakening, when in walked a fiance who completely SCRAMBLED her wires. I imagine Kasumi and Nabiki have some interesting conversations; they were going to let her figure it out for herself, but now neither of them are even certain how to advise her. There's a thin line between love and hate, and Akane Tendo is superpositioned on it.
Hahaha, oh my gosh this is legit genius, kudos I love it!
No ideas, just musings on how the characters would play (iterated) "Fuck, Marry, Kill."

-Ongoing disagreement on whether Ranma counts as one or two persons for this
-Kuno keeps getting "kill," except for one "fuck" answer, which he's certain is from...okay, he's not certain. (It was Ranma, but he meant "fuck Kuno" metaphorically...at least that's what he says.)
-Kodachi fills out everything as "kill."
-Ranma leading the "marry" category, to his amusement
-Dr. Tofu getting a surprising number of "fuck" answers
-Happosai disqualified, on grounds he is unkillable; when he complains, everyone offers to murder him
-Nabiki gets exactly one "marry" answer, which sets her on a mission to figure out who
-turns out a bunch of strange answers were due to Mousse filling out forms wrong
-Kasumi gets zero "marry" answers, which surprises everyone...to which she says that she's already engaged, which surprises everyone even MORE.
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Trying to figure out how to convey the difference between someone using boku and watashi - in English.
Keep in mind that I don't speak a lick of Japanese, but based on what I've read from that link, you'd basically have to change the register. So, when a character would use watashi have them speak more formal/polite, more informal in case of boku, and very informal/rude for ore.

As I understand it, it's like the difference between "I'm sorry, I do no know that" vs "Sorry, don't know" vs "I dunno"/" How the hell should I know that?".

In general, I'd probably recommend not really thinking about which "I" the character would use, but instead think about what the character is meant to convey. And then use the appropriate register for that.
Oh, you meant "using Boku and Watashi while speaking English"?
That's simple, you don't.
if you are writing a story about characters who speak a language with gendered pronouns and the meaning and appropriateness of those pronouns are significant to them emotionally and socially, then you need to be able to express that in the language your story is in.

This cavalier dismissal is insulting.
Each character having their own tone and voice is important, yes.
Trying to force one language to behave like another is not.
wow you just really think everyone else are stupid, don't you?

the question was asked because it is important. when narratively important context and details are conveyed through pronouns that have no equivalent in the language being translated go. the translator had to fine some way to convey that context or the translation is not accurate.

if this could be solved by "just don't" the question wouldn't need to he asked in the first place.
wow you just really think everyone else are stupid, don't you?
if this could be solved by "just don't" the question wouldn't need to he asked in the first place.
I'm saying they are going about it in the wrong way.
Like trying to make music for something and asking "how do I depict their purple dress".
(trying to think of a different way to word this and failing)

I'm not attempting to be insulting, so if I'm coming off that way it's not intentionally, I'm just very not good with words.
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Ranma uses that because he is quite the macho guy in either form (it's a pretty authoritative version of "I", as in cops or "hold my beer and watch this"). If he was being humble/cute (latter is a definite female form disguise moment) he would use "watashi".
Would this be the right place to share this?

I've watched this trailer a couple of times now and while I'm happy to see that Ranma gets a remake, I'm really not sold by the new character designs. I'm not sure why, but Kasumi and Nabiki feel a bit, I don't know, "off" and obviously there's the color changes for Ranma's female form. Sure, it might be closer to the manga, but I definitely prefer the old red hair, blue eyes look to the new pink hair and pink/brown (depending on the scene) eyes.

We do see parts of the Rhythmic Gymnastics and Figure Skating arcs in the trailer, so given that Shampoo isn't shown, the remake might actually use the originally planned episode order.

In general, I'm probably optimistic about it and hope that it'll be available here in Germany as well, but think that it'll take some time to get used to the changes.
So, the first episode of the remake is now live on Netflix. Here are a couple of my thoughts about it, spoilered of course
I didn't expect a release with 6 dubbed languages (Japanese, English, German, Italian, French, Spanish), though that makes it a bit weird that they didn't customize the Intro (and Outro), instead using the original Japanese with Kanji.
The intro music isn't bad, but I definitely prefer the one from the original anime ("Don't make me wild like you", the Yappappa Yappappa one).
Speaking of Kanji, I think we got written "sound effects" (like POW etc) all throughout the episode, but since I don't read Japanese, I don't know what they said.

During the first Ranma vs Genma fight (the one on the street) there's a style shift that, in my opinion, makes the fight looks worse than if it had been in the normal style.

Throughout there are a couple of changes that I find rather questionable. For exanple, Akane says that she "hates men" instead of "boys", which makes the likely upcoming crush on Doc Tofu a bit out of left field. Nabiki also doesn't change into formal clothing to meet Ranma, which was always a neat bit of characterization. Also some dialogue bits just sounded better/flowed more naturally in the original. For example "and I'm better built to boot" feels a lot more Ranma than "And, you know, I'm pretty sure I've got better proportions than you". Though I could probably quote Ranma's entire response here and not just that bit.

The English voice acting isn't bad, though I'd probably question Nabiki's casting/performance, though given my experience with the old anime, I'm constantly thinking that that's not how the characters should sound.

In general, I'd say that my main problem is that it isn't the original. Instead of just enjoying it for what it is, there was a constant nagging in the back of my head, that this was changed, or that that is different. With the constant feeling that that what I'm used to is better than the new stuff. I do hope that I can get used to the new series quickly, because it deserves to be appreciated for what it is.
Interesting the remake went the same way as the remake of "Urusei Yatsura" and deliberately set it in the 1980s. Guess a lot of plots would be resolved too quickly or have to deal with extra elephants in the room if they were set in the current day…

(Dunno if they did the same with the live-action special, though).
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