[X] There was no need to take her time. Madoka should head to the roof, alone, to see the Magical Girl.
The bell rang, and Madoka saw Homura leave her seat the moment it did.
She didn't blame the other girl for leaving so quickly, without even waiting for the teacher's dismissal. After what had happened at the start of class, she probably wanted to get away while everyone else was slowed down, so nobody ended up trying to talk with her on the way out.
Miss Saotome seemed to agree with that assessment, because while she watched Homura go with a surprised look, she didn't stop her. It wasn't until after Homura was out the door that she looked back towards the class.
"Well..." She took a moment to orientate herself again, before she spoke. "Class dismissed, everyone. Enjoy your lunch."
Everyone stood, and Madoka briefly noted Sayaka and Hitomi looking her way, before the teacher called out.
"Oh, Miss Kaname!" She called. "Do you mind stepping over here for a moment? I need to discuss something."
Madoka looked over towards the door, where people were already funnelling out and gossiping amongst themselves, before walking over to Miss Saotome.
"Yes, miss?" Madoka asked.
"I meant to bring it up earlier." The teacher explained. "And I'm not sure how relevant it is now. But Miss Akemi's records say that she's recovering from a heart condition, so I was going to tell ask you to keep an eye on her and be there to show her to the nurses office if she needs it, but..."
She trailed off, looking around the classroom quickly in the process. Madoka did so as well, and noted it was empty now. Her friends must have left when Miss Saotome called her over.
"The... Thing, that happened earlier." She sighed. "I'm not entirely sure what happened there. I won't ask if you know anything, Miss Akemi seemed like she didn't want to talk about it, but if you would prefer to avoid Miss Akemi after what happened earlier, I'll jus-"
"It's fine." Madoka squeaked. "I... Akemi doesn't seem like a bad person or anything, so I don't really have a reason to avoid her. If she looks like she needs help, I'll..."
Noticing the relieved look on her teacher's face, Madoka trailed off.
"That's good." Miss Saotome sighed. "I didn't want to pressure you one way or the other, but I'm glad you're a nice person, Madoka. Still, Miss Akemi did draw attention to you specifically in the middle of class, and I know how shy you can be at times. If dealing with Miss Akemi makes you uncomfortable, let me know. I'm sure she won't blame you."
"...Thank you for the thought, Miss Saotome." Madoka bowed her head slightly.
"Just let me know if there's any issues, okay?" The teacher asked. "For you or Miss Akemi. I'm... Not sure what to make, of her claims, but if she seems like she needs help, let me know."
"I understand, Miss." Madoka nodded again.
Miss Saotome nodded back. "You can go and enjoy your lunch now, Madoka."
Madoka nodded one more time, and left for the door.
The hallways were semi-crowded, with people just eating small lunches and using the break as a time to gossip, as Madoka looked around.
...Sayaka and Hitomi would probably be waiting for her, but right now, Homura would be waiting for her as well, and between them, Homura needed Madoka more right now. Madoka's friends would understand if she explained it to them later, but Homura seemed...
More fragile, somehow. Madoka hoped she wasn't being overly judgemental, but Homura seemed like she would worry too much if Madoka was late.
So rather than look for her friends, Madoka made a beeline for the stairs. Homura would be waiting on the roof, and this was the fastest way there.
As she walked, however, she overheard the gossiping peers around her. It would seem like, unfortunately, news was already spreading of what had happened in class.
"You're kidding, right?" Asked a girl Madoka didn't recognise. In response, a boy she vaguely knew from class spoke.
"Ask anyone." He replied. "She just declared it in the middle of class, saying she was a Magical Girl who came back in time. Then she realised what she'd done, glowed purple and was in her chair."
"Well, she's definitely magical if she could teleport like that..." A third party noted. "But from the future? That's a little far-fetched, isn't it?"
"There's something weird about her." The boy from class noted. "I don't know why she'd lie, though. Maybe she's crazy."
"Well, you did say she blurted it all out to some random girl in class..."
Madoka quickened her pace before anyone could look at her and realise she was the one Homura had said those things to. The gossip was spreading fast already, and Madoka didn't want to be there when people realised that she was relevant to the current story...
Well, it was fine. She walked fast enough that nobody was looking at her long enough to put it together. The gossip continued for most of the walk, however. It was starting to feel like everyone knew about Homura being a Magical Girl by this point, though Madoka did notice that the gossip seemed to omit the bit about her being from the future, when it wasn't being sceptical of the concept...
Well, Madoka had seen time stop, and she had seen Homura breaking down, so she felt as if Homura's claim was reliable. She could see why people were doubting it, and perhaps it was for the best that people didn't believe it and push Homura to give information about the future, but Madoka hoped Homura wouldn't be hurt by the scepticism. It could hurt, to be thought of as unreliable in what you say...
Well, something to think about later. Pushing open the door to the school roof, Madoka walked up.
Homura was sitting on a bench on the roof, on here own. Thinking about it, it was kinda weird how there was space on the roof, but rarely anyone sitting on it. Then again, Madoka had heard once, a rumour that people came to the roof to talk when they had something private to talk about, like a love confession. So perhaps people just avoided it out of politeness.
Homura looked up as Madoka entered, and gave a sort of sad smile at the sight of her.
"M-Madoka..." She stuttered out. "Thanks for coming."
"It's fine." Madoka replied. "It's not a problem, really."
Homura nodded, as Madoka stepped forward and sat next to her.
...She had forgotten to stop and get her lunch first, Madoka noted vaguely, but then she pushed that thought aside. She didn't need to worry about eating right now, she needed to talk with Homura.
"Are you okay to talk about this?" Madoka asked, as she sat down. "I mean, you don't have to say anything if it hurts too much to think about it-"
"N-No!" Homura interrupted. "You... I... It..."
She started interrupting herself, unsure of how to continue, and Madoka gave her a moment to collect herself. Eventually, Homura took a breath, and looked at Madoka.
"It's..." She began, voice shuddering. "I don't know how to say it..."
"It's fine." Madoka reassured her. "If you're not comfortable, it's okay."
Homura was silent for a long time after that.
...Was whatever happened in the future this bad? That Homura wanted to talk about it so much, but could barely bring herself to talk about it at all?
"You don't have to talk about it if you can't." Madoka repeated. "And you don't have to go into detail if it hurts too much. Just say what you can, when you can."
Homura drove her nails into her palm, as she started trying to talk.
"...Madoka?" Homura asked. "I... There's something that's going to happen soon. Something bad. And when it happens, there's going to be some people who do bad things at that time."
...So it wasn't just a natural disaster, then. Or, not completely. Whatever was going to happen had people making it worse. Madoka wasn't sure she could comprehend what would be bad enough that Homura found it so hard to talk about, let along that someone would cause it.
"Can you say who?" Madoka asked.
Homura took a moment to respond, again.
"There's... There's some people, who work in Yggdrasil." Homura explained. "They have access to Yggdrasil's resources. They're some of them."
Why would Yggdrasil make something bad happen? The corporation had basically made Mitakihara. They area had gone from a relatively obscure town to one of the biggest cities in Japan once Yggdrasil had started investing in it. Yggdrasil employed most people in the city. Even Madoka's mother had a desk job in it.
Even if it sounded like it was just a few people in Yggdrasil, it also sounded like they were high-ranking members of Yggdrasil.
"And..." Homura continued, taking a moment to try and add to her statement. "There's... There's a being, of sorts. The origin of Magical Girls. He calls himself Kyubey. D-Don't trust him."
"...Kyubey?" Madoka asked, barely understanding the issue at all.
"I don't understand it..." Homura continued. "But... It makes people into Magical Girls, but it lies to them. It tricks them. It wants something. It'll give you power if you need it but then it tries to use you for it's agenda, and..."
Homura was starting to panic, so Madoka stepped in quickly, before it could get worse.
"So, there's people in Yggdrasil and something magical." She repeated. She didn't fully understand it, but she didn't really need to. She could find out more later, about what was going on. For now, she needed to keep Homura calm.
Homura still hadn't said what the bad thing was yet, so Madoka took a moment to think. If it was too hard for Homura to say what the problem was, then...
"What can we do to stop it?" Madoka asked.
Homura looked at Madoka for a moment, not talking.
"...I mean, you came back to tell me, right?" Madoka asked. "So whatever happens, it has to be something you think I can help with, right? Or at least something I can prepare for."
Homura kept looking at Madoka, before realising she was staring, and quickly nodding to show comprehension.
"It's..." Homura stated. "...Lockseeds. We need to get Lockseeds. A-As many as possible, and the best ones we can."
...Lockseeds? As in, for the Inves game? Used to call on Inves?
Was that related to whatever the bad thing was? Did someone try to use Lockseeds to call up Inves outside of the arena, and use them to do something? Was something like that even possible?
"...I don't think we can get Lockseeds." Madoka explained. "We lost out last one yesterday, and it's going to take a month before-"
Homura's position had changed, despite Madoka not seeing her move, and Madoka's gaze drifted over her as she noticed this. In her hand, the girl in the glasses was holding a Lockseed, with the image of a strawberry on it.
...That was a new design. But where-
"What Lockseeds are Team Baron using?" Homura asked.
Madoka stared blankly for a moment, trying to think of the answer.
"...I think I heard that they were using a new kind." Madoka admitted. "Pinecone, or something? Something new-"
"Pinecone's were Class C Lockseeds." Homura explained, quickly. "Sunflower's Class D. This is Strawberry. Class A. We can beat anyone with this."
Madoka stared at the Lockseed blankly, trying to process this as well, now.
"I-If we use this, we can beat any of the teams, right now." She explained. "D-Depending on the one holding the Lockseed. If someone lost their grip, it would be bad, so the weaker teams would be best. B-But with some experience, we can take on B-Baron..."
...That was a bold claim. Team Baron was the current best at the Inves game, so the claim that this Lockseed would let them be overwhelmed...
"Assuming that S... The Lockseed Dealer doesn't respond." Homura admitted. "He should have A Class Lockseeds t-too, and he's probably just w-waiting until people are catching up to introduce them-"
A bell rang out, and Madoka and Homura both looked back towards the door to the roof.
"W-We should go back to class..." Homura stated, softly. The Strawberry Lockseed in her hand disappeared, as she stood up. "If we... Can I come with you, after school? If I meet with your friends, I can... Maybe you can convince them to let me come. I can give Sayaka the Strawberry and she can use it to..."
...Sayaka? How did-
Oh, well, that was obvious. Think, Madoka. Of course she knows Sayaka's name, if she's from the future and knew Madoka she'd know other people too.
"I'll talk to them." Madoka promised her. "I'll see you after class, then."
Homura nodded, and the two girls started to walk back to class.
After class, Madoka will need to speak with Sayaka and Hitomi about this. But how much should she tell them?
[X] Madoka can't lie to them, and they'd see right through her if they tried. Tell them everything.
[X] They don't need to know everything. Something bad happened in the future, Homura wants to stop it, this will help.
[X] Homura struggled just to tell Madoka, so maybe telling others is too much. All they need to know is that Homura is helping.