Raising a Monster

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"Ana suggested I keep a Diary of everything that happens. Just in case I get too old to remember, or something should happen to me. So....where to start? I guess, at the beginning...
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The One who Strangles Concepts to death
Inspired by Moronis and his "Overprotective Monster Quest", an idea for a video game, and my need to get back into writing (Goddam it writer's block! Give me my muse back!) I decided to start this Quest up.

The basic idea is, you get a baby monster and have to raise it to be a functioning member of society...or not. Depends on the votes.

Like Moronis, I'll mostly be using a rather loose system that will evolve as time goes on.

Rolls will be done with d100s.

Stats are out of 10.

Let's get started.

The wailing siren that is the your phone interrupts your peaceful dreaming, causing your eyes to bolt open. Your hand falls down upon the device like a hunk of lead, dragging it in front of your face, as you attempt to focus your eyes.

7:00 AM. Time to get up.

Groaning into your pillow, you push yourself onto your elbows. Trying your best to ignore how comfortable your bed seems right now, you force your body to sit up on the edge of the mattress. The brownish carpet brushes against the soles of your feet as you move to stand up. You do your daily stretches, yawning as your body tries to wake up along with your mind.

Stumbling slightly, using the bluish wall in your room for support, you make your way to the bathroom. You stumble into the room, and begin your morning ritual of hygiene.

Brush your teeth.


(Not) Flossing.

Quick shower.

You walk out of the bathroom, rubbing your head and face with a towel to get dry. You make sure to drop it in your laundry basket, as you make way towards the kitchen. You move on auto-pilot, as you grab your favorite brand of "Oh who gives a shit" cereal and pour some of it into a bowl. Milk follows soon after, completing your morning ritual as you begin to eat breakfast in preparation for work.

What kind of job does an 20 year old—

[] Man
[] Woman

—of your caliber have anyway?

[] Accountant: One of the most unfilling and demanding jobs in all of the US, number crunching. You leave for work in the morning, sit down at your desk, and spend the rest of the day looking at a computer screen doing hard mathematics. A standard day for you is working till the wee hours of the morning, just to do it all again the next day. The job may pay well, but that novelty wears off fast. (Money 7, Sanity 10, Notoriety 0, Actions 1)

[] Middle School Teacher: "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach." Well, guess you're the latter. Getting up everyday at 7:00 and getting to the school building by 8:00 to teach the first bright minds of the day. By "bright minds" you mean kids more focused on getting laid and reading the newest update on Twitter than actually listen to the things you teach them. Not a very well paying or thankful job, but at least you can set your own hours for the most part. (Money 4, Sanity 10, Notoriety 0, Actions 2)

[]Freelance Writer: When you first heard about freelance writing, you saw it as a dream come true. A job that you could literally be doing right now? Needs almost no formal education to do? Be your own boss? Write the stories you want to tell? Get paid for it? Sounds fucking awesome! Then you finished high school, and found out how much
work it actually is. Writers block, deadlines, actually finding a publisher, hardly getting any money when the book doesn't sell well, and more are a natural part of your life right now. And man, do you wish you knew this shit before you finished high school. (Money 2, Sanity 10, Notoriety 0, Actions 3)

[] Assassin: When you left college, you definitely did plan to get a job working for the government. When you found out that meant clandestine meetings, information gathering, and seeing the world through a high powered scope, you were more than a bit surprised. It isn't an easy job, heck over the course of 1 month you've been forced to move to about 3 different states, change your name 5 different times, and nearly got drowned in the bottom of the ocean. Thankfully, your network of friends is there to help you out where they can. Still, it's no cakewalk. (Money 9, Sanity 8, Notoriety 3, Actions 3)

[] Mercenary: Bodyguards, private military, discount armies, hitmen. Those are just a few of the words that public uses to describe people like you. You don't care what the job is or how dirty your hands have to get to complete it. All that matters is that you get paid in the end, and paid well at that. That doesn't mean that you'll just take any job though, you have a life outside of this after all! This just so happens to be what you're good at! And hey, it's a job that pays well and lets you plan out your own hours! What's not to love?! ...Well, there's the ever present fact that you could die at any moment...but that's unimportant right now! (Money 8, Sanity 7, Notoriety 3, Actions 3)

So to explain:

Money: The amount of cash you have on you or in savings. You want a lot of this.

Sanity: Your overall mental state. Having low Sanity can lead to destructive habits, such as drinking, self-deprecating, depression, etc. Hitting 0 will lead to a game over as you go insane.

Notoriety: How well known you are to the criminal underworld/supernatural world. You want to keep this low. Hitting 10 will cause an event where you will either have to move your home losing just about every material thing you have (including Money) or die from the massive amounts of hitmen coming down on your head.

Actions: How many things you can do in a given day. Will sometimes be locked when you have a job to do.
These are just the Stats for your character, I will post up the Stats for your Child in the next update, then I'll do Perks.

I'm looking at updating every Tuesday and Friday CST. Hopefully that will motivate me to work on updates when I can.

*Vote Closed*
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Character Sheet
Howard Craft
Level 2 (+5 To Combat Rolls)
Child: Anastasia the Eldritch Abomination
Job: Trainee Negotiator (Mage Association)

Stats: Money 5, Sanity 10, Notoriety 6, Actions 2

Weekly Income: None

Current Food: 4/4

The Journal
Starship Troopers
Warhammer 40k
Star Wars
Horror Books
Red Cloth (From Shadow Creature)

Known Adults/Supernaturals:
Volkar Harrowmont: 6/10

Barbara Harrowmont : 7/10

Maeve Harrowmont: 6/10

Helga: 1/10

Oberon: 1/10

Children/Child Supernaturals:
Chester Harrowmont: 8/10

Blue: 2/10

Acquaintances(That you can actually stand):

Olly Rivauld: 9/10

Devon Weston: 2/10

Current Association Training: 25% Done

Tranquil Fury: Colder than a walking fridge. Cold as a gun. (When activated gain a +20 to Combat rolls! Chance to negate Magic!)

Zen Sight: I Feel all, thus I See all (When activated, all enemy Stealth Rolls receive a -25 Penalty, and you gain a +25 Bonus to spotting them and Combat! Increases chance to Negate Magic!)

Those who can't, teach better: You're not the best, but you are still a teacher. And you'll be dammed if anyone questions it. +15 to rolls when teaching your child and classroom

Middle School Drama: You've been around enough 13-16 year olds to know what they worry about at that age. +15 bonus to rolls when child hits puberty
Authoritative: Sometimes, tough love is the best love. +10 to rolls when laying down the law

Those fucking brats!: Why do they keep putting a tack on my seat? -10 to rolls to keep Sanity when doing job.

Low Risk Job: If a roll would increase Notoriety with a fail, add +10 to roll (Negated due to Unemployment)

Strong Willed: Either your willpower is harder to break than titanium, or you were insane to begin with to even THINK about raising a THING THAT SHOULD NOT BE as your child. No longer lose Sanity from Supernatural sources.

Knowledge of the Supernatural (Beginner): Turns out, there's an entire world that you are completely unaware of right under your nose! Heh, heh….uuuggghhh. +5 to Supernatural Investigations.

A Bond between Father and Daughter: Everything is better now! (Trust is Maxed Out! +15 to actions to Increase Trust and 1 Reroll for failed actions to increase Trust!)

Orator (Novice): You've got that commanding voice! (+10 to rolls to Inspire or Persuade others)

DODGE!: Best way to not get hit? Not get hit! (+10 to Defensive Combat Rolls)

Power of the Fist (Beginner): Your hands feel so fucking sore now! (+10 to Combat Rolls where you use your fist as weapons)

The Dice are kind...for today: The Dice Gods are satisfied. (+10 to any Failed Roll once a Day)

Moves like Jagger: You've got the Skills to pay the Bills! (+15 to Dating!)

Lucky Lamia Man: She's just into me. (+25 Resistance to Supernatural Seduction)

Insight (Novice): I can read you like a book. (+10 to Perception Rolls against people!)

PTSD: Protector Complex: I need to defend them! I won't let them die like the others! (Whenever you make a choice that would lead to someone being hurt or left alone due to your actions, I will roll 1d100 at a -30 penalty. It becomes -40 for children. If the roll is high enough for success, you will perform the action you chose, but the Perk will not disappear. If the roll is low enough for a fail, you will perform the opposite of your choice.)

A Golden Experience: You think faster than you move. (-25 Penalty to all actions for two weeks)

Lesser Eldritch Slayer: They bleed the same as mortals. (+20 Damage to all Lesser Eldritch)

Lockpicking (Beginner): It's only illegal if you get caught. (+10 to any Stealth Roll and +10 to picking Mundane Locks)

Your enemies are some kind of strange Shadow Creatures. Apparently they live in..well shadows and are currently watching your every move. You've encountered one of them twice. Once when it appeared on the roof of your car. Then again when you accidentally left Anastasia at home alone.

You have discovered that whatever the Shadow Creatures are, they can bleed. They can be killed.

You have discovered that Magic exist.

You have discovered something called Belief.

There's an Eldritch Monster underneath your school. It is currently asleep Indefinitely, unless someone else tries to wake it up.

You killed the Eldritch that was under Crossroads.

You've got evidence that suggest Barton has been performing rituals on children sent to stay there since the 1800s. They have a profile on Ana, and want to capture her for a sacrifice.

Ana knows something about the War between Humans and Mythics.

Olly and her parents are Lamia's.

Blue is...strange? Said "Not To Trust The Fae". Whatever that means.

Blue has a niece...somehow.

The Cult is Gone. Crossroads will take 3 Months to rebuild.

Raising a Monster Rolz Room

Harrowmont Family

Werewolf Bodies (Volk, Bar, and Mae): Dogs with Human Faces (+15 to all rolls)

Young Werewolf Body (Chester): Young Dog with a Boy's Face (+10 to all rolls)

Pack Mentality: We fight as one, lest we perish alone (+10 to all Rolls when working together)

Full Moon Fever: We....can't....control it....(-50 to ALL ROLLS other than Combat Rolls during a Full Moon)

Eldritch Hatred: They will all pay for what they did (+20 to Rolls against Eldritch Monsters, +20 to rolls to sense Eldritch)

Pack Alpha (Volkar): I'm the Boss (+20 to all leadership rolls when his family is involved)

Pack Mothers (Barbara and Maeve): "I don't spoil him!" "Yeah, ya kinda do." (+15 to rolls to protect Chester)

Little Cub (Chester): I'll grow up fast! Promise! (+5 to Combat Rolls due to training, -10 to Social and other rolls due to childishness)

A Crush (Chester): I'll protect her! Just like Mr. Craft! I will! (+10 to Combat Rolls when defending Anastasia)

Silver Weakness: It's in the blood, which sucks. (When in the presence of real silver, -55 to all rolls)

Animal Instincts: Can't we just fight for dominance instead? (-35 to all social rolls due to animistic tendencies)

Olly Rivauld

Lamia: Snek lady. (+20 to all social rolls, -10 to all combat rolls)

Seduction: Look into my eyes....(Can perform supernatural seduction, allows for mind control, can be resisted)

Snake Scales: I'm bulletproof....not really. (-20 to all Combat rolls against Olly when she's in Lamia form)

Sunlight Aversion: It doesn't kill me, but it is annoying...(-10 to all rolls while in direct Sunlight)

Blood Dependence: I don't have a problem! Just need it every once in awhile or I go insane. (Must ingest human blood every few hours, else suffer a -10 to all rolls. Penalty increases for as long as she doesn't ingest blood for)

Claws and Fangs: Kick, scratch, and bite! (+20 to all Combat rolls)

Creature of Shadow: Something I kept from my heritage....(+20 to Stealth Rolls)

Principal Devon Weston AKA The Marine

Military Training: I don't know what I've been told!
(+10 to all Combat Rolls)

Timeless Veteran: The wars we've had, I've been in all of em (Has been in WW 1, WW 2, Spanish-American, and Vietnam)

Mythical Annihilator: They fear me, because I can kill them…. (+40 to fighting Mythics)

Survivor: …but they can't kill me. (-35 to Mythics who fight him)

Modern Weaponry: I love me some Dakka (+15 to rolls when using Human weapons)

PTSD: *Nam Intensifies* (-20 to rolls involving one of his triggers. Penalties stack)

Last of his Kind: I'm the only one left… (No other will be like him. No others can be made. -25 to all social rolls)

Don't Make Me Angry: My Rage is Legend (When he is enraged, +50 to all combat rolls and +30 bonus when against Mythics; Should he be killed, roll 1d100. On a 30+, he gets back up and keeps fighting, but with a -25 penalty to all rolls. Penalty stacks)

Bloodshot: I see Red everywhere (When enraged, can't discern between friend and foe. Combat roll results apply to EVERYONE!)

The Cursed Vigil: I got this thing back in the war. Never once lost it… (As long as he has this, he will never fall)
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Child Sheet
Level 2 (+5 to All Combat Rolls)
Parent: Howard Craft
Monster Type: Eldritch Abomination

Stats: Alarm 3, Notoriety 3, Trust 10, Satiety 8

Basket Crib
Young Child's Plain Clothes
Human Psychology Book
Sociology Book
Government Systems throughout History Book

Days Until she Mature's Again: 2 Months


Chester Harrowmont: 7/10 SL

Blue: 2/10 SL

THING THAT SHOULD NOT BE: A baby eldritch horror that could grow up to be one of the deadliest things in all of existence isn't exactly something you can keep hidden from the supernatural crowd. As it grows into its powers, Child Notoriety will become easier to raise.

Human Form (Child): Need to look the part if you want to play the part. You have a humanoid form that allows you to blend in. No penalties to interactions with mortals, but a -15 to all rolls to use your powers. You now have a five year old form. +5 to interactions with other children.

Eldritch Form: Tentacles are optional. You have an eldritch form that lets you unleash your true power. +20 to rolls to use your powers, but any mortals you come in contact with immediately go insane unless they have sufficient willpower.

Aura of Horror: It's not my fault I literally smell like the end of the world! -15 to all rolls to remain hidden from supernatural entities.

Supernatural Senses: I see you! +15 to all rolls to sense supernatural entities.

Prodigy(Reading): Your eye's just fly across the page! Once you hit toddler age, +15 to all rolls to maintain information from reading.

Potential Unlocked: Now is the time to train! (As long as you are in Child state, gain a +15 to gaining a new Perk or Power)

Human's Will to Live(Beginner): A race so stubborn that they won't even die when killed! (+5 to Rolls when fighting a losing battle)

Put your trust in me: I have your back. (+5 to persuading others)

Spiral Power: How does it work?: No seriously, how the Hell does it work? (+10 to all Howard's Belief based Rolls)

A Loyal Following: They believe in me and only me. (Ana has two extremely Loyal Followers who she can order to complete task for her at any time. You will need to meet this Followers before Howard can do anything about them.)

Self-Defense Training (Novice): Defend Yourself! (+10 to all physical Combat Rolls)

Human Psychology (Beginner): Based on my Deductions, you're going to do this next (+10 to Persuasion against Humans, +10 to Combat Rolls against Humans)

Physical Augmentation: Get Fit! (When activated, add +15 to Physical Combat)

Telekinesis/Telepathy: I can read your mind, and throw you around like a ragdoll! (When activated +15 to all Mental and Physical Combat)

Rituals: I hereby summon thee....whatever your name is. (Can perform rituals to someone Eldritch creatures)

Biological Augmentation: My body is a weapon! (When activated, +30 to Physical Combat)

Spider Legs: Crawling on Walls! Long Reach! Impalement! (When activated, can climb up buildings and otherwise without having to resort to flying! Also, adds a +15 to Combat Rolls.)

Energy Ball: Fire not included (+10 to all Combat Rolls)

"In Two Places At Once": 15% Done
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Choose Your Child
[X] Man
[X] Middle School Teacher

You place the used bowl within the sink, saying you'll get to it later as you walk back to your bedroom. A simple push of the sliding wooden door is all it takes to open up your main closet with most of your clothes inside.

Slipping out of your dirty undershirt, you grab the suit and pants combo hanging in the center of the rather sparse group of clothes. The entirely black outfit with a red striped tie is and has been your standard outfit for your job. You go to work in it everyday, partly because it's the only one you can afford, and because you don't really care all that much about your appearance when go to work. The kids certainly don't, and most of the other teachers are a bit too focused on getting their paycheck than actually caring about what their co-workers are wearing.

You close the closet door with your foot, as you suit-up for work. It doesn't take long, you've done this enough times that it's almost like an instinct at this point. A glance at your phone reveals that only 10 minutes have passed.

Still on schedule it seems.

Sighing a bit, you take 1 minute to make sure your hair is at least semi-presentable. Need to look good for the big boss after all. Satisfied with how you look in a mirror, you grab your keys off of the counter as you walk towards your front door. When you get there you start to reach for the door handle, and stop.

Is this really what you're gonna be doing for the rest of your life?

You glance over at your living room. There isn't much to look at, just a flat-screen TV you managed to buy through Ebay (and a lot of saving and fasting) and the three seater sofa that sits in front of it. Pretty spartan, unless you count the windows welcoming in little slivers of sunlight into the room. The curtains move in small circles, evidence that your air conditioning is working and blowing stale air into the room.

Your gaze lingers on the empty sofa for a bit longer. You will admit, your life is boring. Day in, day out of nothing but dealing with a bunch of brats that don't even want to listen to you and wasting the rest of the day away watching mind numbing TV. It's not so bad, you mean you could be one of those criminal masterminds that always gets their plans foiled by the heroes in those Saturday Morning cartoons that come on sometimes. Those guys must have an untold amount of stress on them every day of the week.

But there is one thing they have that you don't; companionship. Sure, they have little in the way of real friends, but so do you. None of your students want to be associated with a "Crusty old man that can't understand how I really feel!" such as yourself. As for the other teachers….well let's just say you would rather stab your own hand with a rusty nail than spend time with those assholes for more than 7 hours a day. Either they're total assholes, total bitches, or should have a sign that says "Do me for an Easy A" constantly hanging around their necks.

Still, it's your job, and you'll do it for the money or your name isn't:

[] Write in name….

You shake your head to rid yourself of your stupor, maybe you'll try to find someone to talk to at that Walmart down the street. No one should have to walk this bumpy road we call life alone after all. Besides, it'll feel good to have someone to dump all the stress of the day off on when you get home.

Your phone says that your musing cost you 2 minutes. Off schedule, but not that much trouble. The schools just a few miles down the—the fuck?

Your stride out the door is interrupted when you look down at your front doorstep.

Is that a...basket? Like the kind they leave at houses to drop off babies in? Looks like it.

You step back to stand in the door frame, as you lean out and look down both sides of your street. You make sure to look at least five times down each side, but even with your 20/20 vision you don't catch a hint of who could've left this thing here.

Frowning, you decide to look the one way they never look in the movies...up.

….Nope, nothing.

Feeling slightly uncomfortable that someone was able to get up to your doorstep and leave something there, you crouch down to get a better look at the basket.

It's wooden, completely in contrast to your dull white house, and seems to be held together with some kind of knotted rope. A quick check with your hand reveals a soft velvet colored sheet covering the top part of the item.

Curiosity gets the better of you, and you lift the flap to reveal:

[] Werewolf: Ahh! Look at those cute little ears! They look like a puppy dog's ears! (Werewolves are mythical creatures that turn into an extremely powerful form when the moon is full. While they do have a human form, many of their mannerisms are akin to dogs or wolves. They are carnivorous and follow a pack mentality, where the strongest among them, the "Alpha", is considered the leader until dethroned.)
(Alarm 0, Notoriety 2, Trust 6, Satiety 4)
(Character Perk:

  • Alpha Wolf/Owner: Wolves need little except for food, companionship, and love. Trust is easier to raise, while Alarm is harder to raise.

Child Perk:

  • Ambitious: They will eventually challenge you for position of Alpha. If you lose, you'll have do whatever they say until you can prove your dominance.)

[] Lamia: Nothing seems to be different, except for the weird skin coloration on its legs. Should babies have that? (In Greek Mythology, Lamia are known as the predecessor to vampires and succubi. Having a human upper half and some type of beast as a lower half, they are said to have the uncanny ability to seduce their prey and feed on its blood. Their favorite food is human children, and they tend to be very territorial. The most common type of Lamia are the snake morphs.)
(Alarm 1, Notoriety 3, Trust 5, Satiety 3)
(Character Perk:

  • Immune to Seduction: Lamia are basically the proto-vampires/succubi, so of course you would have to be able to resist their charms if you want to raise one. Gain immunity to supernatural seduction.

Child Perk:

  • Possessive: Lamia's don't like to share. With anyone. Even if you bring them to your house as a guest. Easier to cause Alarm.)

[] Eldritch Abomination: Look at those eyes! They're the color of the night sky! No literally, you can see the night sky in its eyes! Sweet...and kind of disturbing. (One of the most dangerous monsters in the known and unknown world is being entrusted into your care. As its powers grow, those that wish it harm will come in force. Good luck, and may the Universe have mercy on your Soul.)
(Alarm 2, Notoriety 5, Trust 3, Satiety 6)
(Character Perk:

  • Strong Willed: Either your willpower is harder to break than titanium, or you were insane to begin with to even THINK about raising a THING THAT SHOULD NOT BE as your child. No longer lose Sanity from Supernatural sources.

Child Perk:

  • THING THAT SHOULD NOT BE: A baby eldritch horror that could grow up to be one of the deadliest things in all of existence isn't exactly something you can keep hidden from the supernatural crowd. As it grows into its powers, Child Notoriety will become easier to raise.)

[] Ghost: Is this some kind of joke?! Seriously, there's nothing in here! Oh well, back to work you guess. (The Ghost of a child has attached itself to you. While it shall primarily remain in your home, its powers and presence will follow you wherever you should go. It will not grow old, however it will grow bitter and angry over the fact that it's killer remains at large. If you do not put the child to rest, or find a way to satiate it's vengeful wrath, you will be in grave danger.)
(Alarm 0, Notoriety 0, Trust 3, Satiety 9)
(Character Perk:

  • Spirit Sense: Trying to raise a ghost is hard enough. Thankfully, accepting the task gave you ability to see them. Downside (or is it an upside?) you can see other spirits too.

Child Perk:

  • Ethereal Body: Being a Ghost means a lot of things. You don't have to eat, sleep, or worry about physical pain. Emotional pain on the other hand, is very damaging and leaves untold scars. Doesn't really help with interacting with other people. Harder to gain Trust, but don't have to worry about Satiety as much.)

Alarm: How much humans know about your child. If it gets too high, you'll have the government, crazy cultist, and news reporters banging at your door. At 10, you'll get a game over as your child is hunted down or captured.

Notoriety: How well known your child is to the supernatural world. If it gets too high, you'll have the agents of the Gods themselves banging down your door. At 10 you'll get a game over as powers beyond your understanding come to take your child away.

Trust: Self explanatory. You want to keep this high. If it hits 0, don't be surprised if you wake up with a knife through the heart.

Satiety: How content/happy your child is. This includes physically, and emotionally. Low Satiety will result in a rather unhappy and possibly depressed child.

Like with Moronis' Quest, Perks can be gained based on rolls and certain interactions. They can be negative or positive depending on the roll.

Almost forgot:

What is the child's gender?
[] Boy
[] Girl

*Vote Closed*
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Day 1
[X] Howard Craft
[X] Eldritch Abomination
[X] Girl

You slowly move your arms around the basket, eyes still locked onto the baby's. You're not sure what it is, but as you start to cradle the basket in your arms, you feel...something from looking into those eyes.

You can't really explain it, you just want to stare into those black, dotted expanses forever, and ever, and—

The alarm on your phone starts to blare, bringing you back to reality. You shake your head and pull your phone out, careful to keep one hand on the basket holding the child.

7:40 AM! Your 20 minutes off schedule!

You start to panic, and prepare to rush off towards your car. Right before you leave the first step, you hear a mewl from the child still cradled in your arms. You palm hits your forehead with a loud slap. The baby! What are you supposed to do with it?!

You contemplate leaving it at home, but immediately dismiss the idea. There is no way you could leave a baby in your house for 7 hours without a babysitter! Child Services would be on your ass faster than you can say, "Negligent Parent!" And you don't have the time or the money to hire a babysitter right now! You briefly think about going to one of the neighbors, but you doubt any of them will even believe you when you tell them, "Hi! I'm one of your neighbors! I know we haven't talked much, but I need you to watch over this kid that I found on my doorstep for me while I go to work! Kay! Thanks! Bye!"

"Aaahhh, crap!" you say out loud, pacing in the middle of your lawn. You hear the child's mewling become more frequent, and you instinctively cover it up more with the velvet sheet. It falls silent in your arms, and before long you hear the telltale sound of snoring coming from it.

Sighing in relief, you make your way back over to your front door. Gently closing it as to not wake the baby, you take out your keys and lock the door with one hand. The tumblers within the lock click, and you start to make your way towards your car, child in tow.

Nothing for it. Looks like you'll have to take the kid to work with you. You carefully place the basket into the passenger seat and buckle it up.

As the car roars to life, surprisingly not waking up the child, you quietly hope that the school's daycare is still in service.

Well looks like you lucked out.

Slightly adjusting your hold on the basket, you begin to make your way towards the daycare section of the school. Thankfully you were able to clock in just when the clock struck 7:45, giving you a good 15 minutes before your first class begins.

The daycare center, officially titled "Barton's Darlings" in honor of the woman who started the Red Cross, was built way before you were hired to work here. About...10 maybe 15 years ago? Your estimations are probably off by a good margin, but then again you never really had a reason to go here in the first place. In fact, most of the teachers did their best to stay as far away from this place as possible. You can't imagine why though, as you cross the threshold that separates the main building with Barton's.

Almost immediately, you are overcome with a sense of...peace. The likes of which you would never have felt in the main building. While most of the school's halls are your standard white, on white color, this place actually has some variety to it.

You see yellows and green that mesh perfectly together, making the whole place seem alive and welcoming. Finger painted pictures, no doubt from the babies who have hit toddler status, dot the walls here and there.

You glance at what you assume is the front desk judging by the fact that it dominates the middle of the room. The supports alone reach all the way up to the ceiling, giving the person currently acting as the greeter places to store other items. These include, magazines, hand sanitizer, and...a fucking microwave oven?!

Taking a minute to wonder about how much of your paycheck is dedicated to keeping this place running, you approach the woman sitting at the counter. She looks up from her children's care magazine with a smile on her face, "Hello there! I don't think we've seen you here before."

One of your hands goes up to scratch the back of your neck. Why do you suddenly feel so, awkward? "Well, you see, I've never really had a reason to come here before."

The, 18-20 year old, based on her smooth complexion, squints in thought, "Really? Because I've seen just about every teacher in here at least once or twice. You are a teacher, right?"

You nod, "Yep. Howard Craft, at your service," you try your best to put a flourish into it, but that's difficult to do with a bundle of infant in your arms. You just end up wrinkling your suit a bit, and waking up the baby.

Its smooth, alabaster skin scrunches up as it starts wiggling around in its rope and wooden confinements. You straighten yourself, and look back at the receptionist, only to find her smiling like a madwoman as she looks at the child in your hands.

"Ahhhh! I figured that was why you came here. Can't leave 'em at home all alone now, can you?" You think you hear a bit of an edge to her voice, but dismiss it as your ears playing tricks on you.

The woman pulls out a clip board from under the desk, and places it in front of you along with a pen. "I just need you to sign your name here, and the name of your child here," she points to two dotted lines about halfway down the page. Looking closely, you can actually see some of the names of your co-workers on that list.

You are struck by a sudden realization; A name!

You didn't give...it a name!

You don't even know it's gender yet!

Chuckling slightly, you excuse yourself and head into a corner behind the threshold. Ok, first find out it's gender. Thankful that the child has gone back to sleep, you find the area that covers where it's legs should be and lift it up.

….Hmph. Looks like it's a girl.

Covering up her legs before the air can upset her, you place your hand on your chin. Let's see, a name. What kind of name should you give her?

[] Write in child's name…

Class Roll: http://orokos.com/roll/462163 = Fail

"UUUUGGGGHHHHH," you groan loudly as you drive back home, head pounding from the classes today. Someone must've given them all sugar for breakfast, lunch, and dinner cause for the entire day they did nothing but hop around the room screaming at the top of their lungs about something you really didn't care about.

You think it had something to do with "Cartoon Network?" Some kind of reboot or something?

All you know is, it got all the kids to suddenly make your life hell on wheels for today. You hardly even got to the midpoint of the lesson plan for today. Oh well, at least your boss didn't walk in on you and start chewing you out for what happened.

You hear a small burping sound, and look over at your new….child, you guess? She's currently got a bottle of milk in her hands, given to you by that rather nice receptionist at Barton's, Kelly, you think her name was. She also gave you some tips on taking care of the little girl, saying that it was, "Quite clear you have no experience raising children."

She's got you there you suppose, as you reach over and rub the child on the head. She's your responsibility now, you guess. Unless you feel like putting up a bunch of flyers asking everyone if they've misplaced a baby, but then again, you suppose if they left it on your doorstep they were jerks anyway. Seriously, who just leaves a baby on someone's doorstep like that?

You pull up into your driveway as the sun moves across the sky. It's still high enough to constitute afternoon, thankfully, so you still have some time to yourself.

But really—

Perception Roll:
http://orokos.com/roll/462164 = Fail

—who in their right minds would leave a baby on its own like that?! This isn't like the movies or some kids cartoon show! You could get put in jail for that type of shit! In fact—

Just as you open your door to go inside, you stop and look behind you.


Strange. You could've sworn that….nah. Probably just your imagination.

Now then, how to spend the rest of the day?

Actions available before night time: 2

[] Physical: You're gonna need to learn how to defend not just yourself, but your little girl now.
  • [] Focus on Offense (Work towards Perk for Offensive Combat)
  • [] Focus on Defense (Work towards Perk for Defensive Combat)

[] Mental: The Mind is a terrible thing to waste. And you are not gonna waste yours.
  • [] Focus on Mental Power (Work towards Perk for Mental Offenses)
  • [] Focus on Mental Fortitude (Work towards Perk for Mental Defenses)

[] Perception: You missed enough paper airplanes coming towards your head to know that you need to better your vision.
  • [] Focus on perceiving Objects (Work towards Perk for seeing things before they hit you)
  • [] Focus on perceiving People (Work towards Perk for spotting others before they see you)

[] Work on lesson plan: Always helps to be prepared for anything (+10 bonus to next Job roll)

[] Look up "Starry Eyed Babies": You're pretty sure that babies aren't supposed to have eyes that look like the night sky. Maybe the library can help you out. (???)

[] Try to make some friends: Let's face it; you need friends. Let's see if you can makes some. (Possibly unlock friendships to be cultivated)

[] Adoption Papers: It occurs to you that you don't actually have "official" custody of this bundle of joy yet. You should probably fix that. (Stops Child Services from labeling you as a kidnapper)

[] Take care of kid: Ok, Kelly said that the first thing babies need is "Tender love and care." Let's give it a try. (Raise Trust/Satiety with child)

[] Look for a babysitter: You can't bring your child to work with you everyday. Especially when the daycare is full. You need a babysitter. (If successful, a babysitter will watch over your child, freeing up an Action. However, it is possible to lose Trust with the child by doing this.)

Here's how I will do rolls in this game:

1 = Crit Fail

2 - 19 = High Fail

20 - 39 = Fail

40 - 69 = Success

70 - 99 = High Success

100 = Crit Success

Here's the difference:

High/Crit Results shall earn you a negative or positive Perk or effect dependent on the roll.

*Vote Closed*
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Day 2
[X] Name: Anastasia

[X] Take care of kid

You walk into your bedroom, suit and tie replaced for a more casual light blue T-shirt and dark green cargo pants. The carpet tickles your feet, as you approach Anastasia. She's still in her basket with the velvet covers swaddling her without restricting her breathing. The bottle Kelly gave you is sitting next to the basket, expertly leaned up against it for easy access.

Your eyebrow raises as you pick up Anastasia, without the basket this time. You don't remember putting the bottle up like that. Dismissing it as nothing, you look over at your new (soon to be officially) adopted daughter. Kelly said that eye and skin contact is extremely important now so that the baby doesn't see you as a stranger once she grows up. You need her to become familiar with you, to learn to trust you.

"Well," you adjust Anastasia so your arms act as her cradle, gently rocking her to keep her calm, "let's give this a try."

Child Care: 99 = High Success

"So...how should I do this?" You pace around the room, Anastasia tucked into your arms as you try to figure what you can do to gain more trust with this child. Racking your brain for normal things people do with their babies doesn't really help out, so you fall back on the one thing you're at least passable at; teaching.

You smile at Anastasia, "Would you like to learn how to read, uhhh, sweetie?"

You swear you see her nod her head yes.

Smiling you walk over to your living room and start to rummage through the stand your TV came with. You don't really have any place to put the books you like to (or are required to) read in your bedroom, so you just toss 'em here. Easier to access them anyway.

A little bit of searching, and some clever maneuvering of Anastasia if you do say so yourself, later and you pull out the book you're looking for with an "Ah Hah!"

You plop down on the couch with your daughter in your right arm, and open up "Dr. Seuss' Green Eggs and Ham" with your left hand. A classic book that any expecting parent would do well to read to their child. You smile as you start to read the words out loud to Anastasia, sometimes taking out her tiny, soft hands to point along with you as you read the words. However, over the course of the reading you learn something:

Anastasia is a prodigy at this.

Soon enough you're no longer leading her along the pages. It's more like you're trying to keep up with her. Those small, dotted eyes of her's just skim the pages, absorbing every detail before you've even gotten to it.

You're amazed to say the least, and a bit proud of your new daughter as you watch her get to the last word before you've even read it.

You close the book and look at your child, "Looks like we've got ourselves a bit of a reader, don't we?"

You see her face form into an open mouth smile, and she starts to make that gurgling noise that babies do. You rub her head, and put the book away for the time being. However, as you stand and get ready to go to the adoption agency to get your papers, you almost think you hear her mumble the words "Da-da."

You leave the house feeling a whole lot happier than you usually do.

(Trust and Satiety with Child Increased! Anastasia gains Perk: Prodigy (Reading)! Rolls to gain Trust will now have a +10 bonus for 2 days!)

[X] Adoption Paperwork

Whew! You just about collapse onto your soft welcoming bed, almost going to sleep immediately. It took alot, from going to at least 3 different courtrooms, signing and copying who knows how many official documents, and having to field some of the most annoying questions ("I'm telling you, she just appeared on my doorstep! I'm not making this up!....No I don't do drugs, I'm a teacher for God's Sake!) but you
finally got it all sorted out.

You give Anastasia's basket one last glance, before darkness overtakes you and you fall into a deep slumber.

46 = Success

The night is quiet.

Another day, another dollar.

It's much simpler to drop Anastasia off now that both of your names are in their records. Kelly's there to greet you, and takes your baby with gentle hands. That same feeling of awkwardness returned, but it disappeared the minute you left Darling's.

You noticed a couple of the other male teachers would flash you a thumbs up for whatever reason as you walked pass. Which is strange, because they usually just ignore you with only a grunt to identify that they know you exist. Even more confusing, the female teachers seemed to do their best to keep away from you, going so far as to only come in for their shift once they are sure you're out of the classroom. Strange. You may need to check and see what all that was about.

Job Roll: 35 + 10 = 45 = Success

Today was a bit better than last time, thankfully. The kids seemed to have calmed down from their rant about, whatever it was. Though that doesn't mean they don't go out of their way to listen to you as you teach. Fortunately, you were actually able to finish the lesson a little early that day, giving you time to catch up some reading. Nothing permanent of course, just some extra time on your hands. (+5 to Rolls for Today)

Nothing else of note really happens, just an average everyday occurrence. You know, except for making sure you pick up Anastasia from Barton's before you get home.

What to do now?

Actions: 2

[] Physical: You're gonna need to learn how to defend not just yourself, but your little girl now.
  • [] Focus on Offense (Work towards Perk for Offensive Combat)
  • [] Focus on Defense (Work towards Perk for Defensive Combat)

[] Mental: The Mind is a terrible thing to waste. And you are not gonna waste yours.
  • [] Focus on Mental Power (Work towards Perk for Mental Offenses)
  • [] Focus on Mental Fortitude (Work towards Perk for Mental Defenses)

[] Perception: You missed enough paper airplanes coming towards your head to know that you need to better your vision.
  • [] Focus on perceiving Objects (Work towards Perk for seeing things before they hit you)
  • [] Focus on perceiving People (Work towards Perk for spotting others before they see you)

[] Work on lesson plan: Always helps to be prepared for anything (+10 bonus to next Job roll)

[] Look up "Starry Eyed Babies": You're pretty sure that babies aren't supposed to have eyes that look like the night sky. Maybe the library can help you out. (???)

[] Co-workers: What was up with everyone yesterday? (Find out why your co-workers acted the way they did yesterday)

[] Try to make some friends: Let's face it; you need friends. Let's see if you can makes some. (Possibly unlock friendships to be cultivated)

[] Go shopping: You've got some cash. Wouldn't hurt to spend a little bit of it. (Spend Money to purchase items or food)

[] Take care of kid: Well it worked the first time...(Raise Trust/Satiety with child)

[] Look for a babysitter: You can't bring your child to work with you everyday. Especially when the daycare is full. You need a babysitter. (If successful, a babysitter will watch over your child, freeing up an Action. However, it is possible to lose Trust with the child by doing this.)

*Vote Closed*
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Bit more Info
@LinkOnScepter can I have a QM ruling on this?

Also, will you be implementing timeskips so we actually have a chance in hell of getting to see Anastasia all grown up?

Well, unless specifically stated, you are assumed to have food in your house for your child. However, there is a reason the Shopping Option is there. If you want I can put up a value for the amount of food you currently have available in your house.

As of right now, it's about; 2/4 food. So you are good for 2 more days....provided you don't get another mouth to feed while the Quest is going on.

If it's about more than just food (i.e. diapers, clothes, etc.) then yes, you've got that taken care of as long as she's a baby. Of course, as of right now the only type of sleeping place Anastasia has is the basket you found her in. You can go shop for a new one, but it won't be cheap.

And yes, I did plan for time skips. In fact, Anastasia is going to become a toddler faster than you might think. If you want to find out how long that is, I would suggest the Look Up "Starry Eyed Children" Option.
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Day 3
[X] Co-workers

Roll: 31 = Fail

You corner James, one of the few teachers you can actually stomach for more than a few minutes, in his classroom just when the bell rings for his class to get out.

You start off with simple questions, like, "What the Hell is up with everyone?" "Why are all the female teachers avoiding me?" "Do you have something to do with this?" Yet, even after offering him about half your paycheck (which he didn't take, thank god) you were unable to get even a single hint of what was going on yesterday out of him.

Though, as you headed off to your classroom, you could tell that some of the man's defenses had been weakened. He'll break, every man does. Especially if you pester him over and over again.
(Little progress made towards Co-workers investigation)

Roll: 49 +10 = 59 = Success

Your luck is holding out it seems, as the kids are rather pleasant today...to an extent. You still have to deal with the occasional rabble rouser, or dodge a stray paper airplane sent your way. Other than that the day is peaceful.

It isn't until you get to the library with Anastasia in tow that it goes from peaceful to very disturbing.

Roll: 96 = High Success

You weren't really expecting much when you went to the school's public library after picking up Anastasia. It didn't take very long as no one really stopped you from going there, perk of your co-worker's ignoring you, you guess.

There wasn't really much to say about the good old, "Bram Stoker Library". It was just about the same as any other library at any other school; dark green walls, long and short desk with chairs stacked next to them, an old librarian who has probably been around since this school was made, and books. Shelves upon shelves of books.

You breathe in deeply, the scent musky of books both old and new overwhelming your senses, as Ms. Repily, the librarian, hands your library card back to you with a smile. As a teacher, you didn't necessarily
need a card, but it just didn't feel right unless you did. This was your favorite place in the school, after all. There was no other place in the building with the type of peaceful silence the library afforded. Not to mention, an entire menagerie of books, novels, and short stories was there, ready to be read at any time by anyone.

You smile down at Anastasia, "You smell that, sweetie? That's the smell of knowledge." She gurgles in your arms, as you walk over to the drawer that held the DDS (Dewey Decimal System) cards to begin your search. Of course the place did have electronic devices that you could use to narrow down your search quicker, but you were always a bit of a traditionalist. There was just something about looking it up yourself rather than having some cold, lifeless machine do it for you that caused your self-esteem to flutter just a bit more.

You pull out the card you're looking for and head over to the only section where babies with stars for eyes is even mentioned. You focus on the card, only looking up occasionally, until your gut tells you that you've reached your destination. You look up, and are slightly taken aback by where you ended up.

You're in the Fantasy Horror section.

Specifically, the H.P Lovecraft area.

"This can't be right," you glance back down at your card to double check. Nope, according to it you've reached your destination. You grimace a bit, this doesn't seem right. You had expected to find yourself in the history section, or maybe some book with birth dates in it. But H.P Lovecraft?

It's not that you don't like his works, heck your name is a bit of a play on his anyway. You've read plenty of his books every now and then, and you will admit the man is an amazing writer, though you always thought that his views were bit too...cynical. Still, they made for some interesting reads, and even more interesting book reports. However, you aren't looking for a romp through Lovecraftian Horror today, you're looking for answers.

Sighing, you decide that you might as well check out a book to read when you've got a bit more free time. And who knows, maybe Anastasia would like to read a bit of it when she grows up. You grab one of your all time favorite books in Lovecraft's series; "The Dunwich Horror." A suitable mix of suspense, horror, and epic climax needed for a good read.

You find an empty table, pull up a chair, and open the book. When you do, you feel tiny hands grab hold of your neck and look to your left. Anastasia's staring down at the book, mouth hanging open as she waits for you to start reading.

You feel a bit unsettled, letting an infant read something like this. Then again, you doubt she'll actually be able to understand the words in this book. Dr. Seuss is one thing, H.P Lovecraft is another.

Satisfied at your answer, you get back to reading.




You sigh in contentment, as you turn the last page of the book. You always loved that last part where they took out the twin with magic. One of the few times in Lovecraftian books that the humans actually sort of 'win' in the end. Unfortunately, it didn't really give you any clues as to Anastasia's possible origins. You still can't understand why—

As you look away from the book you feel..something pull on your mind. You're not sure what it is, but it makes you look back at Dunwich and...what the fuck? You lower your right hand, gingerly into the newly hole in the back of the book. From within, you withdraw a small red journal, about the size of the palm of your hand. There's no title, no author signature, nothing that even gives an idea of who wrote this or what this is. Instead there are symbols, intricate drawings that seem to predate anything that you can think of at this time.

Just looking at the cover makes your eyes hurt, and you keep feeling this pull in the back of your head. It's feel like somethings trying to corrode away your common sense, make you lose what makes you...you. Yet every time it even gets close to you, you clamp down on it and it retreats.

The journal is in your hands without you remembering to pick it up. The world is consumed by the whispers of things that claw their way to the edge of your vision. Your hand shakes, yet is does not stop as it opens the cover of the journal. Your mouth feels dry, yet you read the words on the page out loud in someone else's voice;

For you who have come to find yourself reading my tome, I feel I must warn and dissuade you from your course of actions.

Turn back now!

Destroy this volume!

Abandon your charge, for that is the only way for you to return to your life of blissful ignorance!

If you do not heed my words carefully, you will stumble upon a life of turmoil and strife.

You will know fear, as creatures, older and beyond your understanding, come to overwhelm your mind. They will break you in ways that mere mortal minds couldn't comprehend, leaving your soul a shattered husk for even more nefarious powers to make their own.

You will know pain, as the Horrors you shall face will surely show you it in its purest form. They have had centuries, nay, eons to practice the torturous arts, and they will use them to full capacity. You may think your body unbreakable, you will be proven wrong.

If you have not yet destroyed this wretched tome, then I must urge you to do so once again! No one should have to face the dark terrible truth that I have! Please, for your own sake, stop reading now!

If you are still here, and you have disregarded my words of sage wisdom, then your mind is either already gone, or more foolish than I originally thought.

For you have been given a task that I am rather familiar with. To understand that task, you must remove all previous conceptions of what is and what isn't real. You must abandon the rules by which you believe reality to apply to. You must change your perceptions.

You have been given the task of watching over an Eldritch Abomination.

If my calculations are correct, you have at least five days before it matures into what could be considered a 5 year old by our primitive standards. As such, you must—

The journal slams shut just when you get to the middle of the sentence. Almost immediately, everything returns to normal.

The whispers, gone.

Dunwich Horror, none the worse for wear.

The library, still the same as it's always been.

Even that constant feeling of nausea you had ever since you opened the book is gone, no trace left of its passing.

Yet you are still uneasy.

For it was not the wind that shut the journal.

Nor was it one of your hands, for they were glued to the pages as you turned them with reckless abandon.

None of the other people in the room seem to have even noticed your episode.

Slowly, you look up into the twinkling, dark eyes of your saviour.


….Wonder if the boss will have a problem with you taking a few days off?

("A Journal" Obtained! Time Limit Activated! Anastasia's form will mature into a 5 year old human girl within 2 days! You are now aware that there is a Supernatural World under your nose! Perk Gained: Knowledge of the Supernatural (Beginner): Turns out, there's an entire world that you are completely unaware of right under your nose! Heh, heh….uuuggghhh. +5 to Supernatural Investigations)

Current Food: -1

Days until Anastasia Matures: 2

Actions: 2

[] Physical: You're gonna need to learn how to defend not just yourself, but your little girl now.
  • [] Focus on Offense (Work towards Perk for Offensive Combat)
  • [] Focus on Defense (Work towards Perk for Defensive Combat)

[] Mental: The Mind is a terrible thing to waste. And you are not gonna waste yours.
  • [] Focus on Mental Power (Work towards Perk for Mental Offenses)
  • [] Focus on Mental Fortitude (Work towards Perk for Mental Defenses)

[] Perception: You missed enough paper airplanes coming towards your head to know that you need to better your vision.
  • [] Focus on perceiving Objects (Work towards Perk for seeing things before they hit you)
  • [] Focus on perceiving People (Work towards Perk for spotting others before they see you)

[] Work on lesson plan: Always helps to be prepared for anything (+10 bonus to next Job roll)

[] Read the Journal: You really don't want to do this, but how else are you supposed to prepare? (Learn more about Anastasia and the Supernatural)

[] Co-workers: What was up with everyone yesterday? (Find out why your co-workers acted the way they did yesterday)

[] Try to make some friends: Let's face it; you need friends. Let's see if you can makes some. (Possibly unlock friendships to be cultivated)

[] Go shopping: You've got some cash. Wouldn't hurt to spend a little bit of it. (Spend Money to purchase items or food)

[] Take care of kid: Well it worked the first time...(Raise Trust/Satiety with child)

[] Look for a babysitter: You can't bring your child to work with you everyday. Especially when the daycare is full. You need a babysitter. (If successful, a babysitter will watch over your child, freeing up an Action. However, it is possible to lose Trust with the child by doing this.)

[] Go looking for trouble: This is probably a horrible idea. But...you just gotta know. (Try to find evidence of the Supernatural. Could lead to a battle.)
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Day 4
[X] Take care of kid

Child Care: 73 + 10 = 83 = High Success

"Ok, so to recap," You pick up Anastasia (you've long moved past only cradling her using that basket. Now you hold her in your arms.), and start heading towards the fridge to prepare her daily milk bottle. You open it on autopilot, as you try to sift through the craziness of yesterday.

"You," you look at Anastasia as you put the bottle in the microwave to warm it. She stares at you, sucking on her hand, her starry eyes shining like the sunlight outside, "Are not actually human, and can understand the things I say."

She nods her head.

The microwave beeps, and you take out the bottle, giving it over to your "child". You always did wonder why she liked to drink it when it was still rather hot, guess you've got your answer now, "You're actually a lot older than you appear."

Again, you get a nod while she feeds on her milk bottle.

"And within...well 1 day now, you're going to mature into a Young Child, and actually be able to form full sentences," by now you're sitting on your sofa, TV on and blaring something about the upcoming election. You don't really pay that much attention.

Anastasia nods, however you see something in her eyes. You search through them a bit more, and conclude that it's a question. You're not sure how you know that, just call it a gut feeling. Not like the overwhelming sense of nausea you had while reading that Journal (which the Librarian let you keep as it wasn't in any of their records). Call it more like, "Fatherly Intuition".

"Is that going to be a problem?"

It's a simple question, a yes or no answer would easily suffice. However, it's what's behind the question that she really wants to know. Are you going to treat her differently from the way you are now? Will you lose your nerve and abandon her like the Journal suggest? Or will you try to eliminate her while she's still weak?

You stare into her eyes, making sure that she understands everything that you are about to do.

You raise your right hand.

And you rub her soft little head.

If that doesn't get your point across, you don't know what will.
(Trust Increased! Progress towards New Child Perk gained!)

Class Roll: 55 + 10 = 65 = Success

Lady Luck must be having an off day, because this makes three days in a row where your students were at least sort of well behaved. You even able to get to the end of today's lesson plan without much trouble.

However, as the class was letting out a couple of the female students came up to you. Apparently there was a rumor going around the school that you had a daughter that you dropped off at Barton's everyday until school let out. As you expected, they ask you if you could bring her to the class one day, probably just so they could dote on her like their prone to do. You decline, as you're not sure if you should expose your child to so much technology based social interaction just yet.

[X] Go Shopping

You really didn't like Walmart.

Well, that's not true.

You didn't like supermarket's in general.

It wasn't the store's fault. The idea of a giant store with just about everything you need for your house at an affordable price was right up your alley.

It wasn't the clerks. Those guys were just like you, a bunch of people just trying to make ends meet in this crazy world we all live in.

No, there was one thing that made going to supermarkets a total pain in the ass.

The people.

You had to field constant questions from nosy customers who all wanted to talk about your baby girl. You had to fend off everything from old grandmas who kids still hadn't given them grandchildren, to other newly made parents who wanted to know what your secret to getting your kid to not cry was. Thankfully, your years as a teacher made you a master at the Art of Pretending to listen to people when they talk.

So, now to spend some of your hard earned cash:

[] Food: General supplies to keep both your and your child's stomachs full.

  • [] How much do you buy? (1 Food = .5 Money)

[] Furniture: Coaches, cribs, and otherwise to spice up your living space.
  • [] New Coach: 2 Money
  • [] New Crib: 2 Money
  • [] New Bed: 2 Money
  • [] New TV: 3 Money

[] Clothes: Need to have something to keep you warm in the winter.
  • [] Baby Clothes: 1 Money
  • [] Young Child's Plain Clothes (Standard T-Shirts, Long Pants, etc.): 1.5 Money
  • [] Young Child's Pop Clothes (Specialty T-Shirts, Ripped Jeans, etc.): 3 Money

[] Books: Train, Expand, and Feed your mind.
  • [] Exercise Books (+5 to Physical Training): 2 Money
  • [] Mental Exercise Books (+5 to Mental Training) : 2 Money
  • [] Fun Reading Books (Possible Perk for Character/Child when read): 1.5 Money
    • [] Fantasy
    • [] Sci-Fi
    • [] Historic
    • [] Horror

Stranger at the House: 59 = Success

Pulling up to the drive way, you climb out of the driver seat of your car. You look over at your little sweetheart, as her tiny body slowly rises and falls with her breathes as she sleeps. You do your best to move quietly so as not to disturb her and get all of your purchases in the house.

You close the door to your home a third time, you look back over at your car. However, what you see makes your adrenaline run up.

There on the roof of your car, a hunched over figure stares you down. You can only make out its bloodshot eyes as they pierce into yours. The rest of it seems to be completely covered in darkness, despite the sun being high in the sky right now. Your blood runs cold, as the words in the Journal ring in your ears about the Horrors that will come for you.

But then, you hear the mewling come from within your car.


Gritting your teeth, you slowly walk towards the vehicle. You keep a close eye on the creature, watching out for any sudden moves as you start to get closer. "Forgive me for asking so impolitely, but please tell me why you are currently sitting on the roof of my car?"

The figure tilts its...head you guess, to the side as it regards you with some manner of contempt. A low hum goes through the back of your head, and you clamp down on it. The only thing that matters is getting your daughter in the house.

The creature disappears.

You're not sure when it happens. It's just there one moment, and gone the next. You didn't even look away from it. It just up and left right in your line of sight.

Tension that you didn't know was building vanishes in an instant, as you rush towards the car and pick up Anastasia. You cradle her gently, checking to make sure not a single hair is out of place. Inter-dimensional Horror or not, she's still your adopted daughter, and you will protect her.

Looks like it's raining today. It's not bad enough to let school out for a day, but hey it's something.

It is now raining!

Actions: 2

Days until Anastasia Matures: 1

[] Physical: You're gonna need to learn how to defend not just yourself, but your little girl now.
  • [] Focus on Offense (Work towards Perk for Offensive Combat)
  • [] Focus on Defense (Work towards Perk for Defensive Combat)
[] Mental: The Mind is a terrible thing to waste. And you are not gonna waste yours.
  • [] Focus on Mental Power (Work towards Perk for Mental Offenses)
  • [] Focus on Mental Fortitude (Work towards Perk for Mental Defenses)

[] Perception: You missed enough paper airplanes coming towards your head to know that you need to better your vision.
  • [] Focus on perceiving Objects (Work towards Perk for seeing things before they hit you)
  • [] Focus on perceiving People (Work towards Perk for spotting others before they see you)

[] Work on lesson plan: Always helps to be prepared for anything (+10 bonus to next Job roll)
[] Ask for a day off: Hey, your only human. You can only go on for so many days at a time. (+1 to Action for one day, but may worsen rep with boss)
[] Look for a new job: Maybe you should try to find one that pays a bit more (Possible new job opportunities)

[] Read the Journal: You really don't want to do this, but how else are you supposed to prepare? (Learn more about Anastasia and the Supernatural)
[] Co-workers: What was up with everyone yesterday? (Find out why your co-workers acted the way they did yesterday)

[] Try to make some friends: Let's face it; you need friends. Let's see if you can makes some. (Possibly unlock friendships to be cultivated)
[] Go shopping: You've got some cash. Wouldn't hurt to spend a little bit of it. (Spend Money to purchase items or food)

[] Take care of kid: Well it worked the first time...(Raise Trust/Satiety with child)
[] Look for a babysitter: You can't bring your child to work with you everyday. Especially when the daycare is full. You need a babysitter. (If successful, a babysitter will watch over your child, freeing up an Action. However, it is possible to lose Trust with the child by doing this.)

[] Go looking for trouble: This is probably a horrible idea. But...you just gotta know. (Try to find evidence of the Supernatural. Could lead to a battle.)

*Vote Closed*
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Day 5
Class Roll: 94 + 10 = 104 = Artificial Crit

You know those times where you are just so fucking focused on one task that the whole world seems to just fall by the wayside? Well you're having one of those moments right now, in class.

You can't really seem to explain it. Everything just goes perfectly today. The students are (for once in their lives) quiet and obedient. They hang on to your every word, you even see a couple of them
taking notes. You haven't seen that happen since the start of the year! Everyone just seems to pay attention to you and only you. Even their phones are silent and out of sight for more than 5 minutes! You're pretty sure that's a world record somewhere in America!

You get through today's lesson plan quick and easy, in fact you even have time to give everyone the introduction for the next lesson plan. Once class is over, you gather up your things and prepare to brave the rain to get home, when the Principal comes into your classroom. Mr. Wenton looked completely counter to what the middle school movies would have you believe Principals should look like. Rather than a serious business suit with a sour expression greeting you every time you saw him, instead it was a more casual green T-shirt with Khaki pants. He would always greet both the students and teachers with a warm smile, and had no problem showering those who did well with praises.

This has caused him to garner the nickname, "Big Green Softy". However, his cheerful demeanor hides a rather wrathful beast. You shiver slightly at the memory of the last teacher who was caught giving failing students passing grades as long as they gave him a cut of their allowance every week. They say that as of right now, the man can't get a job at any school in the country. Even the more seedy schools refused to hire him, leaving him penniless.

Thankfully, it doesn't look like he's in a firing mood right now, as he drapes his arm over your shoulder, "Craft, my friend! That was some rather impressive teaching you did back there! Tell me, have you been practicing your lesson plans?"

You feel a bit nervous, but smile nonetheless, "Well, um, no sir. I was just giving it my all like I always do."

"That's what I thought! And it's why I decided to give you this bonus today!" he claps you on your back, putting an envelope with your pay and what feels like a bit extra in your right hand. "We need more teachers like you here Craft! One's who actually trying instead of reading off of a written script." With that, he let's you go and walks out the door.

You take the envelope in hand and feel around in it. It certainly seems heavier than usual, proving that the man isn't lying. And just when you blew all your cash on groceries too. Guess this means you gonna need to try a bit harder, make sure that you earn this extra cash.
(Bonus to Paycheck! +4 Money! Perk Gained: Those who can't, teach better! Gained some rep with your boss!)

[X] Read the Journal

Journal Read = 61 = Success

I was once like you. Ignorant. Blind. Happy.

There was a time when the world wasn't filled with horror and anguish at every corner. When I worked the fields and withdrew from them the fruits of a hard day's labor. When I could walk to and from my forest home to be with my friends and family.

..When I had, friends and family.

Yet, on the day that my charge came to me, all of that changed.

My family and friends, dead.

My crops, burned and salted.

My home, torn down and left to rot.

I could go nowhere, for no matter whence I fled, they would always be watching me.

They wait in the shadows, and observe at first. They are creatures of the dark, and they have lived for far longer than you or I have. They are not human, they feel no fear nor empathy. By now you have probably seen them watching you, as they have since the day your child came to your doorstep.

You must be wary, for they are everywhere. They are in every shadow, every corner, just out of your vision. Even as I write this journal, I feel their contemptuous gaze on my back. They are watching—no, not watching.


But waiting for what?

(Supernatural Creature Revealed: Shadow Creature! Knowledge gained!)

The rain pitter patters on your car, as you drive through the rain. You sigh and look at the journal in your passenger seat.

That last read really put you on edge. Shadow creatures? Watching your every move? Something straight out of an Orwellian horror book. Not only that, but it didn't really tell you anything useful. Like, maybe he could've told you how to hurt them? If they can be hurt? Maybe he could've said something like, "Oh hey, here's this bunker I made filled to the brim with weapons specifically made to kill these things."? Heck, maybe he could've said something about Anastas—

You stare out of your front window, driving your car on auto-pilot. You look back over at the passenger side seat, and feel something click in your head.

You didn't head over to Barton's today.

Because you didn't bring—

Child Care = 6 = High Failure



You literally put the petal to the metal, as you careen down the street towards your home. You hear a lot of angry honks and calls from fellow drivers, but you ignore them. There are few enough cars in your way that you won't hit anyone, and it isn't the end of the month yet, so the cops aren't out in force. You just focus on getting home before anything bad happens to Anastasia.

'Crap. Crap. Crap.' you think to yourself as you pull hard into your driveway, tires screeching. You just about jump out of the car, and rush over to the front door. Rain begins to soak through your suit, but you don't care right now. You just need to make it inside. Briefly, you notice how none of the windows are shattered, or how your front door is still locked as you reach for the doorknob.

Cursing, you fumble with your keys, struggling to pick the right one out of the other ones. After what feels like an eternity, you take out the right keys and unlock the door. Before you even hear the tumblers click together, you burst through the front door, feet slapping against the carpet as you rush towards your bedroom.

You skid into the doorway—

Anastasia Powers Roll = 88 - 15 (Human Form)= 73 = High Success

And the first thing you see is the dark creature from yesterday, holding it's side in as something leaks between its fingers. It seems to have put on some kind of red cloak since last time, the fabric of which bends and writhes in strange patterns. It's blazing red eyes spot you, and it makes a strangled noise that reminds you of a cornered animal. It's body sinks into the floor until nothing is left of it except some tattered red cloth and some small black stain. Smoke rises from it, giving off the smell of sulfur and burning fabric.

Hearing a cry, you rush over to the basket that you've been using as a makeshift crib. Anastasia is there, crying out and thrashing around in her velvet bindings.

Trust Check = 41 = Success

Upon seeing you, she catches your nose and she stops her thrashing. Her eyes open up, and you see her stare at you for a time. Then her other hand comes up and lightly slaps your right cheek. She's still an infant, so it doesn't have very much punch, but still you feel slightly hurt by it.

You grab onto her hand and hold it for a time. Hoping that your company is enough to let her know that you are sorry for leaving her behind. It seems to be, as she calms down after a couple of minutes, and you pick her up to prepare her bottle for her.
(Trust Slightly Decreased! Item gained: Red Cloth! Knowledge Gained: The Shadow Creatures bleed!)

The Rain Worsens! (No School! +1 Action Until it lets up)

Actions: Locked as…

Days until Anastasia Matures: 0

Shall continue in next update!

For those wondering what the Trust Roll was for, it was to see how much Trust you lost. A High Success or Crit would've completely negated it.
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