Quid Fieri Fato Rotas Considerauerit (30k Primarch Quest)

[X] It would appear that you have landed in a rather large warehouse, one that is filled to the brim with old machinery. Many of them are marked with red labels, or yellow and black stripes. You look around for some way to leave the area, but nothing comes to mind. As you search through various containers, you finally manage to find something to help you. It emits a multicolored glow, and you can feel it call out to you. You pick it up, and then you feel invigorated, somehow this weapon would help you.
[X] Your pod appears to have crash landed into a rather large chamber that is ornately decorated with figures you can not identify. You also see men and women in bright red robes starring at you and your pod. And from that crowd of onlookers, a figure emerges. He is clad in robes that are similar to his fellows, but they appear to be of a finer quality. But what you find the most striking about him are his "eyes". They are most certainly not natural, and appear to have been replaced with pieces of glass and metal.
[x] You look around and notice that you appear to be in a rather old room. A fine layer of dust covers everything in the room, but it feels rather homely to you. As you investigate your surroundings, you come face to face with the owner of the room. His clothing is ragged, but something tells you that long ago it would've been considered formal wear. His blue eyes scan you for a moment, and then he takes a sip from a flask on his person.
[X] Your pod appears to have crash landed into a rather large chamber that is ornately decorated with figures you can not identify. You also see men and women in bright red robes starring at you and your pod. And from that crowd of onlookers, a figure emerges. He is clad in robes that are similar to his fellows, but they appear to be of a finer quality. But what you find the most striking about him are his "eyes". They are most certainly not natural, and appear to have been replaced with pieces of glass and metal.
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[] You look around and notice that you appear to be in a rather old room. A fine layer of dust covers everything in the room, but it feels rather homely to you. As you investigate your surroundings, you come face to face with the owner of the room. His clothing is ragged, but something tells you that long ago it would've been considered formal wear. His blue eyes scan you for a moment, and then he takes a sip from a flask on his person.

Who is this ? I wanna know.
[X] Your pod appears to have crash landed into a rather large chamber that is ornately decorated with figures you can not identify. You also see men and women in bright red robes starring at you and your pod. And from that crowd of onlookers, a figure emerges. He is clad in robes that are similar to his fellows, but they appear to be of a finer quality. But what you find the most striking about him are his "eyes". They are most certainly not natural, and appear to have been replaced with pieces of glass and metal.
Hmm, the GM declared my post funny? My humor evidently transcends into mundane activities.
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[x] You look around and notice that you appear to be in a rather old room. A fine layer of dust covers everything in the room, but it feels rather homely to you. As you investigate your surroundings, you come face to face with the owner of the room. His clothing is ragged, but something tells you that long ago it would've been considered formal wear. His blue eyes scan you for a moment, and then he takes a sip from a flask on his person.

The true mystery option.
[x] You look around and notice that you appear to be in a rather old room. A fine layer of dust covers everything in the room, but it feels rather homely to you. As you investigate your surroundings, you come face to face with the owner of the room. His clothing is ragged, but something tells you that long ago it would've been considered formal wear. His blue eyes scan you for a moment, and then he takes a sip from a flask on his person.

Let's hope this is a DAoT survivor. The concepts he could teach us alone...
[x] You look around and notice that you appear to be in a rather old room. A fine layer of dust covers everything in the room, but it feels rather homely to you. As you investigate your surroundings, you come face to face with the owner of the room. His clothing is ragged, but something tells you that long ago it would've been considered formal wear. His blue eyes scan you for a moment, and then he takes a sip from a flask on his person.

Let's hope this is a DAoT survivor. The concepts he could teach us alone...

Ummm Emps can teach us. Im more worried about getting the Ad mech to play ball
Hmm, the GM declared my post funny? My humor evidently transcends into mundane activities.
He rated it funny because you wrote "beenreplaced" and rated my post insightful because I corrected it.

Let's hope this is a DAoT survivor. The concepts he could teach us alone...
Occam's Razor says that is probably correct, however that does not make it a wholly good thing. For example, imagine if he teaches the Primarch to cherish innovation, creation, and creativity. In the current age those are all bad ideas. Whether because of mad chaos god inception, easier daemon possession, or the possibility of things going terribly right.

Or maybe he's jaded enough to understand this, to have seen all the the knew come crashing down and a cult of fanatic religious nuts take its place. Do you think he would appreciate the Ad Mech? The Imperium? No, he wouldn't. It would explain him slumming in an empty room, wearing the old clothes of his station, drinking his problems away.

I think it would be an interesting plot to explore, but I'm too caught up in imagining us ruling Mars and running the Ad Mech. :grin:
If the high priest option wins, I wonder what the appearance of a Primarch would do to the influence of the Organicist faction in the Admech.

Also Lorgar being jelly at our sanctioned faith. :p
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[x] You look around and notice that you appear to be in a rather old room. A fine layer of dust covers everything in the room, but it feels rather homely to you. As you investigate your surroundings, you come face to face with the owner of the room. His clothing is ragged, but something tells you that long ago it would've been considered formal wear. His blue eyes scan you for a moment, and then he takes a sip from a flask on his person.

Let's hope this is a DAoT survivor. The concepts he could teach us alone...
maybe it is Semyon - Lexicanum who was the Guardian of the Dragon or Mag'ladroth, the ancient C'tan supposedly entombed beneath the surface of Mars.
[x] You look around and notice that you appear to be in a rather old room. A fine layer of dust covers everything in the room, but it feels rather homely to you. As you investigate your surroundings, you come face to face with the owner of the room. His clothing is ragged, but something tells you that long ago it would've been considered formal wear. His blue eyes scan you for a moment, and then he takes a sip from a flask on his person.

Mysterious guy is mysterious, and mysteries tend to be associated wih secrets. I want all of the info-shinies.
[X] Your pod appears to have crash landed into a rather large chamber that is ornately decorated with figures you can not identify. You also see men and women in bright red robes starring at you and your pod. And from that crowd of onlookers, a figure emerges. He is clad in robes that are similar to his fellows, but they appear to be of a finer quality. But what you find the most striking about him are his "eyes". They are most certainly not natural, and appear to have beenreplaced with pieces of glass and metal.
So I might as well tell ya about the options you didn't take

The first option would've been a space-station from the DAoT, with all the problems that implies.

The second one would've been a cyberpunk world, same with the third. Except the third would be cyberpunk on multiple planets.

The fourth one would've been based on the start of the twentieth century.

The fifth one was plain old Slaanesh land.

The sixth one would've been landing in 1950's land, and in totally-not-america.

The last one would've been on a world contested between Tzeentch and Khorne.
That last one sounds like it deserves it's own standalone quest.
[X] Your pod appears to have crash landed into a rather large chamber that is ornately decorated with figures you can not identify. You also see men and women in bright red robes starring at you and your pod. And from that crowd of onlookers, a figure emerges. He is clad in robes that are similar to his fellows, but they appear to be of a finer quality. But what you find the most striking about him are his "eyes". They are most certainly not natural, and appear to have beenreplaced with pieces of glass and metal.

Arkhan Land - Lexicanum
[X] Your pod appears to have crash landed into a rather large chamber that is ornately decorated with figures you can not identify. You also see men and women in bright red robes starring at you and your pod. And from that crowd of onlookers, a figure emerges. He is clad in robes that are similar to his fellows, but they appear to be of a finer quality. But what you find the most striking about him are his "eyes". They are most certainly not natural, and appear to have been replaced with pieces of glass and metal.
[X] Your pod appears to have crash landed into a rather large chamber that is ornately decorated with figures you can not identify. You also see men and women in bright red robes starring at you and your pod. And from that crowd of onlookers, a figure emerges. He is clad in robes that are similar to his fellows, but they appear to be of a finer quality. But what you find the most striking about him are his "eyes". They are most certainly not natural, and appear to have been replaced with pieces of glass and metal.
"Your pod appears to be perched above a rather large furnace, and you can feel the heat on your skin. You manage to jump out of your pod before it teeters over and falls into the furnace. Thankful that you have narrowly avoided death, you do not notice that you have attracted the attention of the foundries supervisor."

Koriel Zeth - Lexicanum

Your going to be meeting a large amount of the movers and shakers on Mars. Now how friendly those interactions go are another story.