Questing in Kanto

Sakura raced through Pallet Town and knocked eagerly on Yuki's door. "Yuki! Today's the day! We're starting our journey!" She rocked on her feet. She was hoping that Yuki would be fine with her tagging along after them. She wanted to go on a journey with a buddy. She knew a lot of people took this as a chance to remake themselves and face who they were on their own though. She just hoped Yuki wasn't one of them.

[ ]Come down slowly, it's still early
[ ]Open the door immediately, Yuki's been ready for hours!
[ ]Already gone and down the road
[ ]Write-in

Eevee, Male
Lonely, focused on sound, alert
Moves: Helping Hand, Tackle, Growl, Bite, Sand Attack

[ ]Name
"Ugh." Yuki wasn't traditionally a morning person. He preferred to stay in bed for a good while and doesn't take kindly to being woken too early. The exception came to a selected few, like Sakura. Which is why he only responded in a low grunt as he went to greet her.

"Sakura, please. It's still early. Slow down a little. You know it's not a race." He pleaded with her. That didn't mean Yuki didn't want to travel with her. "Did you eat breakfast at least?"

[X] Come down slowly, it's still early
[X] Vivi
Pallet Town Year 1 May 1
Sakura made her way into the house with a big grin. "Oh, I know. But it's hard to slow down!" She tugged at one of her braids. "Aha, I might have forgotten that."

Vivi made his way over to Yuki's side and leaned on his trainer. The poor eevee was not happy with how loud Sakura was being first thing in the morning, just as much of a morning person as his trainer.

"It just feels like we've been waiting forever to actually get to do this!"

[ ]Plan out the first steps of the journey
[ ]Be spontaneous! No plans, just head out!
[ ]Take the morning slow, eat and enjoy the last moment at home
[ ]Write-in
"Oh for…." Yuki palmed himself at Sakura's eagerness. With a shake of his head, he closed the door behind her and led her to the kitchen. "Take a seat. I know your excited, but we don't need to go right away. I'm not letting you go out on an empty stomach either."

He picked out some cereal and poured her and himself a bowl. Some food for Vivi was set out too, so he can get into a better mood. "Believe me when I say I waited for this for a while too. But we aren't going to be home for a long time. Enjoy the sight of it for a little as we eat."

[x]Take the morning slow, eat and enjoy the last moment at home
Sakura served up a bowl for herself and joined him eating. Vivi gave a soft 'vee' of happiness at his own breakfast being set out and started to eat. "I can't tell if you're truly relaxed or just not awake enough to really take in what's happening today," she teased cheerfully.
"Both." He answered. "That and you're too hyper to know what relaxed feels like." Yuki teased back while poking her cheek.

"Tell me what your plans are. What do you want to get out of traveling? I know we both been in town since we were children, but do you have a focus?" He asked as he ate. "Right now? I want to see the region and become strong."
Sakura poked him back with a laugh. She hummed thinking over what he said. "Seeing Kanto is a big one for me too. It feels like I've really only ever seen this small corner of it. I mean, I've been out to a couple other cities, and I've been to Johto once, but there's so much more out there! Besides that, I don't really know. I was hoping I'd figure it out following you around. You know what you're doing. The traditional gym run, right?"
"That's pretty much it. I want to be able to see how far I can go against the strongest trainers around. It's not as if my mind is soloy focused on that. If other things come along I'll see about trying them out. I'm sure something for you will come along too."
Sakura nodded. "Yeah. I'll figure it out!" She nodded her head with confidence. "So, what are you thinking? Are we gonna start with looking for new pokemon for our team? Start heading to the gym? Do some training? Or...we could do a battle to start off! My bulbasaur against your eevee!"

[ ]Battle Sakura
[ ]Train Vivi
[ ]Look for pokemon to catch on Route 1
[ ]Focus on traveling towards Viridian
[ ]Write-in
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"Let's start this off properly." Yuki said as he washed his bowl and puts it to dry. "Let's go outside and have our first battle."

[x]Battle Sakura
Sakura grinned. She helped clean up in the kitchen before heading out and releasing her bulbasaur. The bulbasaur gave a confident bawl and stepped forward. She looked around before locating her trainer and happily pushing into her leg. Sakura crouched down and petted Carnation. "We're gonna have a battle bud!" The bulbasaur turned around and looked across at where Vivi stood near Yuki, sharp and ready to go. Sakura grinned. "We're ready!"
"Alright. Are you ready, Vivi?" He asked his partner before turning his focus back on the opposing pair. "Start off with a Sand Attack to weaken them!"
Vivi boldly raced forward and kicked up the dirt on the ground spraying it at the bulbasaur. She lifted her head in surprise and shook it trying to clear her vision. "Try and use vine whip around you to keep him from closing in Carn!" Sakura shouted. Obediently the bulbasaur began to wildly whip the ground around herself, unable to see well enough to aim.
Vivi braced himself staying back and watching Carnation. "Keep it up!" Sakura encouraged. Vivi charged in. One of the vines brushed against Vivi as he came in. Carnation was too slow to respond to feeling where Vivi was however, letting him get in a full tackle on the bulbasaur. The little dinosaur let out a complaint and tried to butt back into him in response. Vivi grinned and did his best to close the distance again as Carnation tried to follow and stick close. "Keep striking in front of you!" Sakura urged
Vivi leapt forward and bit down on Carnation. The bulbasaur rapidly retreated trying to shake the eevee off. She complained loudly as she circled around and did her best to shake him off. "Wrap him with your vines Carn!" Sakura shouted. The bulbasaur shook herself again before following orders and tried to use her vines to help pry the eevee off. This time she was successful, though she looked tired from the effort. Sakura grinned and shook her head. "I think that's it for us."
"Good work, Vivi." Yuki let out a small sigh of relief as he kneels down to pet him. After that he goes over to the opposing pair to check on them. "Don't worry about it. You two will get better."
The eevee leaned into Yuki's pets with satisfaction. He had done a good job, he was being praised.

Sakura carefully sprayed the bite Carnation had taken. It wouldn't take too long to heal, no more than an hour or so, and the bulbasaur seemed fine, if grumpy about her loss. Sakura smiled up at Yuki. "I hope so. I won't make a good rival if you beat me all the time. I want to be able to match you at least!" She petted her bulbasaur again before straightening. "So, ready to really head out now?"
Route 1 Year 1 May 1
The pair headed towards route one. Sakura waved at Ren and Minato as they passed towards the route, the boys planning out their own journey. Vivi kept close to Yuki as they passed into the soft hills of the route. It was a popular area for weaker and younger pokemon to live in, as humans kept the more dangerous pokemon further away from the route so it was safe for them to travel along. Occasionally stronger pokemon looking for a human trainer would turn up.

Carnation was happy to charge ahead in short bursts, running out of view in the tall grass and just as quickly back to her trainer. Sakura was practically skipping, just holding back from the sheer familiarity of the route. Everyone in Pallet Town knew the route well, it would be ridiculous to be excited just to be passing along it. This was the first time looking for new possible team mates however, and that painted everything in a bright new sheen.

[ ]Look for a specific pokemon to catch
[ ]Study what pokemon are along route 1
[ ]Travel off the path towards the wilds (warning: farther off path pokemon grow more powerful)
[ ]Let chance and instinct guide to possible pokemon team members
Yuki walked along side Sakura into route one. His familiarity with the area came with living right next to it. As a child, he often played around it. Never went too far because of all the Pokémon that could've hurt him. Nothing too strong lived around though. Maybe that changed in the past few years?

He decided to try finding a new teammate. Nothing came to mind on who though. The young trainer decided to get let nature take its course. He'll try for whatever comes across his way.

[x]Let chance and instinct guide to possible pokemon team members
Route 1 Year 1 May 2
Exploring along the route felt like the perfect thing to do. The bulbasaur boldly lead the ventures off of the main path to root out places that pokemon would be in for them to see. Sakura had lost count of how many rattatas and pidgeys she had seen darting away and out of sight as they explored. It felt like there was always something out in the grass moving around and calling.

Of course, watching wild pokemon from a distance and getting close to one was two different things. The wild pokemon may be used to humans passing along the route but they weren't so laid back as to let them get within distance to start a battle. That took a lot longer. In fact, they spent their first night camped out along the route without the success that Sakura had been so sure would be right around the corner.

The early morning started off with a much better turn of luck. They had barely woken when they found a wild meowth investigating their camp. As bold and confident as any feline it looked at them and held its ground as they came out, instead of fleeing the way so many of the wild pokemon had.

[ ]Battle the meowth
[ ]Capture the meowth
[ ]Lure the meowth closer with food
[ ]Write-in

Their luck kept up with a rattata coming out to challenge them for a battle close to noon, doing its best to dig in its feet and get the best of things.

[ ]Let Sakura battle the rattata
[ ]Battle the rattata with Vivi
[ ]Catch the rattata
[ ]Write-in

Sakura almost fell over herself with her excitement when she found a spearow. The prickly bird pokemon was much more solitary and aggressive than pidgeys were, and tended to be harder to work with. She loved their boldness and striking nature however, and was thrilled to get the chance to encounter one.

[ ]Battle the spearow
[ ]Capture the spearow
[ ]Lure the spearow in with food
[ ]Write-in
Yuki wasn't too stressed about how the day turned out. They just started out. Things aren't going to go exactly as expected right away or not at all. Nature will take its natural course.

He knew this the next morning after getting up. Breakfast was being made when a Meowth rolled up into their camp. He gave a small smile at the bold cat. "Hey you." The trainer greeted the cat. "You want to join us for breakfast?"

[x]Lure the meowth closer with food

"Why don't you give him what he wants, Vivi?" Yuki said to his partner, so they can battle.

[x]Battle the rattata with Vivi(For the chance to catch it)

"Aren't you gonna catch it? We might not see one again for a while."

[x]Encourage Sakura to catch it.
The meowth minced in closer to the settled camp. It accepted the offer of food with dignity, even if it refused to get close enough to be touched. The meowth groomed itself as it finished breakfast, Sakura cuddling her bulbasaur with clear adoration in her eyes for the meowth. "It feels so weird to see one outside of town. I'm so used to them wandering around there, it feels weird to remember they live out in the wilds too."

OOC: Let's start with the meowth