Quest Recommendation Thread

can anyone help me? I'm looking for a old quest to reread where the main character, thanks to i think a alterative version of himself with the kaleidoscope, unlocks a random potienial and he gets something with tech, and the quest goes with him being a nobody to going back to college, getting into shape, working and then eventually starting his own bussiness and eventually develop high tech space travel etc. Evenually he kind of makes a kamen rider like suit that allows for dimensional travel. anyone knows what it was called?
Catalyst Quest by @Alaric - [Original]
Summary: Mankind has a weakness in its heart, the Catalyst. Once triggered it can turn people into demons, who in turn lead human civilization to collapse. You are Father Richard Anscham, the leader of the Church of Mercy, a man who can wield the power of an entire pantheon. Do your best to handle all of the crises that befall you personally and the country at large (Cultists! Sieges! Famines! Demon outbreaks! Trauma! Breaking metaphysics!). As the second most powerful person in the country, there is a lot to handle.
Recommended: @Florin
Review: The quest is set in a dark fantasy early medieval world and covers almost all genres from action to romance to horror. Every single thing about it is incredibly well thought out and detailed, there is a plethora of assets made by the QM: Art, images, timelines succinctly covering all major events in the quest so far and way more. It has an immense cast of amazingly developed characters, the inherent mystery embedded into the setting acts as a driving force to explore more and more while trying to balance the MANY issues that pop up. The quest is a constant balancing act, where actions TRULY matter and have heavy repercussions down the line. I have been a long time reader of the quest, (since it first started on a different platform) and have been hooked since. Absolutely worth the time to read, it is captivating and will definitely take you places. I cannot recommend it enough, the time and effort put into it shows with every update.
Persona the Beautiful by @Lapin Lune - [Persona]
Summary: At the illustrious Hanataba Academy, social life begins and ends with the All-Aces, the school's most accomplished clique. Including heirs to family fortunes, children of Living National Treasures, sports stars, and technical wizards, the All-Aces maintain an ironclad grip over the school. However, there is more to their popularity than just simple admiration. You are Nakamura Haruka, a perennial wallflower who, for some reason, ends up on the radar of the All-Aces and dragged into their secret world, where they use the power of Persona to control Hanataba's perception of them, eliminate anyone who they deem a threat, and compete with one another in Duels for a mysterious prize. Will you be able to remain yourself in the face of such temptation, or will the glamour of the All-Aces transform you into someone entirely new?
Recommended: @PA2
Review: For such a popular franchise, I've seen surprisingly few Persona quests on this forum, and this one is absolutely one of the standouts. Taking elements from Heathers, Revolutionary Girl Utena, and other similar properties, the QM creates a vibrant setting fitting of any Persona game and fills it with absolutely amazing characters. The worldbuilding is top notch, being wholly original while still fitting exceedingly well into the greater Persona universe, and the action is fast-paced and exciting. As a follower from the very beginning, I was hooked on this quest from the first update, and I heartily recommend it to anyone, whether they be an existing fan of Persona or just someone looking for a really good urban fantasy action/social management experience. Updates tend to be daily and the quest is set to reach its completion relatively soon, so hurry and participate while you still can!
Does anyone have any recommendations where things snowball/derail gloriously out of control, like an unlikely roll completely alters the trend the quest was going in?

On of my favorite quests on SB was a stormtrooper quest where they almost immediately rolled an nat 103, letting them capture Obi-wan Kenobi, causing the entire canon to be derailed and next thing they know they are helping Lord Vader plan a coup to depose of the Emperor; So I am curious if there are any quests where things derail like that on here.

Lamia Daughter Quest
(Also known as Lamia Child Quest)

It's a /tg/ quest, but the readers were relatively tame for most of it. One of my two favorite stories all-time, from anywhere, ever. I even took my current avatar from it.

sup/tg/ - /qst/ Archive

(The quest. Complete as of 96 threads. Wonderful amazing best story ever ever.)

sup/tg/ - /qst/ Archive

(A spinoff quest, set 500 years in the future. I've only just started reading this one, and so can't vouch for it.)

/tg/ - Traditional Games

/tg/ is 4chan's imageboard for discussing traditional gaming, such as board games and tabletop RPGs.
(The original idea that lead to the quest. Do be aware that the first half of the thread is mostly filled with 4chan folks acting like 4chan folks. I'd recommend starting at post #15158596, where the OP expands their description a little and people stop being creepy assholes.)

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Stoker Quest: A Surreal Exploration of the Post-Post Apocalypse by @Florin - [Original]
Summary: The world is dead. What remains is the last vestige of life in the Universe. You see and explore the wasteland through the eyes of a humble Servant, a Stoker. Loyal to The Furnace (the broiling heart of your cold planet), your mission is to harvest Husks, the empty shells of former People and feed them to your patron as fuel. Your labor is always rewarded.
Recommended/Disliked: Recommended!

Brevity is the soul of wit, and Stoker Quest has it in abundance. This fast-paced, action-packed, and utterly surreal quest follows a humble Stoker as he lives to serve a Furnace that's keeping the last of the world alive. We're taken on metaphysical journeys, befriend an unbelievably odd cast of characters, and do so with an elegant writing style that keeps the quest's momentum always moving forward. The quest was originally ran on another site, but Florin has taken the time to import his archive in full onto the thread. It's a short read to catch up, and I highly recommend this quest to anyone who's looking for a memorable adventure.
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A Regiment at War: A American Civil War Quest

You are in command of Regiment during the American Civil War and must guide its way to victory for either the Union or the Confederacy. History is in your hands.

Summary: In this Quest, you play as a Regiment during the American Civil War, and you will have to lead these soldiers to either glory or death on the battlefield. That was the plan, at least, until the joke character Colonel leading the Regiment started being an actually interesting character and then we followed his career instead.

Review: Recommended. It has great characters, good pacing though sometimes a bit rushed, and more. Its greatest strength, however, is how it makes the era feel alive, like you feel like you're actually there in 1860's America, whether on the battlefield or in the White House. The main issue with this Quest is that the grammar and spelling can make it an issue to understand the words sometimes. Fortunately, this doesn't detract from the story. I'm not really one for describing with many words, so this review will be short compared to others. I won't spoil it for you too much, because that just ruins the fun of reading a story, so just check it out and have fun. :)

Starward Gaze - A Conspiracy Quest

With the fiery conclusion of the Second World War, America stood at the forefront of the remaining powers, its homeland untouched by the depredations of the second war to end all wars in three decades. With the power of the atomic bomb showcased not once, but twice just over two years ago, few...
With the fiery conclusion of the Second World War, America stood at the forefront of the remaining powers, its homeland untouched by the depredations of the second war to end all wars in three decades. With the power of the atomic bomb showcased not once, but twice just over two years ago, few other than the exhausted Soviet Union could consider challenging the titan in North America. It was at this time that American power was at its zenith, the beginning of the American century.

Such presumptions of grandeur were quickly and quietly crushed on a quiet July night in 1947, when something fell from the sky in Roswell, New Mexico.

Review: This is the first quest by the user @Granite, It's off to a promising start with it's set up based arond the real life Rowell crash with it's reltively fast story pace. I can't say more because there's only two chapters out at the time of writing but I would keep my eyes on this one.
I wanted to ask for recommendations. Specifically, I want to read other original Magical Girl quests; ideally not those with an overly grimdark tone. Longer would be better, but I'm also interested in any that are just beginning that I can support.
ideally not those with an overly grimdark tone.
Depends on what you consider grimdark.

There is one extremely over-the-top Madoka Mafia quest where various magical girls teams are criminal gangs vying for control of Mitakihara. It's dark, it's bloody, it references dismemberment and cannibalistic monsters with casual ease, it is also exceptionally funny and surprisingly touchy-feely for the themes it portrays. Fourthwall's writing style is something you might want to check out for yourself to see if it's your cup of tea absinthe.

It's been running on and off for 5 years, so not exactly new...

Magical Girls Without Honor or Humanity - A Madoka☆Mafia Quest Mature - Modern

DNK Manufacture is porting the personally acclaimed Majokko Without Honor or Humanity to the...

There is a number of fan quests of varying quality made after CrystalWatcher's Magical Girl Quest system and setting. The one I found easiest to join, being a complete newbie to the mechanics, is Highway to Hell. It deals with a Magical Girl holding out against demons on the first interplanar human colony in a universe-spanning conflict between Unified Darkness and Unified Light. She gets assignments, or just gets into various troubles, and the players' job is to keep her alive and try to solve battle encounters like the puzzles they are. Currently we are in a bind after getting stuck in a Hell dimension by following a trail of our kidnapped companion.

Highway to Hell - A Magical Girl Quest

Play as Adoration, one of the stronger magical girls of the Golden Age. It's a Magical Girl Story: Meet cool people, Befriend Magical Girls, 'Befriend' Magical Girls, and kill demons.

Alternatively, there is a more standard fare of a magical girl dealing with balancing out the world safety and their social responsibilities, figuring out their magic and relationships alike, and fighting monsters by moonlight or something. Or daylight, it's not like they have a schedule. There are a few twists and turns to the formula, which you probably would recognize if you ever played Magical Burst of Magical Fury before. Magic is dangerous and unnatural, and few people can be trusted to have your best interests in mind -- but it's not as if you are fuel to avert entropy, either. At least, not from what we learned so far.

This quest is relatively new.

Undoomed: A Magical Girl Quest Original

Magic is real, and you don't know what's going on or what to believe. Find out, and try not to lose yourself in the process.

I assume you would know about the more popular quests on this site, but most of them are on a hiatus. There is Echo's Puella Magi Imperatrix Mundi which updated relatively recently, and I can't recommend it enough. It has summaries and everything, so it's probably easier to link to it and leave it at that.

Puella Magi Imperatrix Mundi, or: Wherein Half Of Japan Tries To Kill You

An OC-centric PMMM story, wherein a talented, optimistic young girl feels directionless and becomes a magical girl in order to keep her home safe. Now she's one of the most powerful magical girls in Japan and is determined to drag everyone else kicking and screaming into the brighter future she...

There is VII Queens which has an original setting and a semi-classic premise, but I don't know if it is still alive. You are one of the magical Queens in a shattered world, and you need to figure out your role and how to bring everything back together, not made easier by echoes of the war the Queens waged on one another, and bad blood all around.

It went on a hiatus before, so I hold out hope for its return. We seem to be closing on the final arc, now that most of the revelations are done with.

VII Queens Original

A false world exists as a prison for seven queens. How was it created? Who created it? And why are they there?

There is RWalker's Magius Quest which is halfways a strategy game as it involves herding 20+ girls trying to break the Magic Girl/Witch system and dealing with pressure by their neighbours and Incubators alike.

The Magius of Kamihama City [AU Magia Record Quest] Fantasy - Modern

As the Magius, their goal was simple – the Liberation of all Magical Girls from the tyranny of being turned into Witches. Actually doing this would be tricky, however. The Incubators might suddenly change their minds and try to take their project down. And there were no limits to the other...

There is Crimson Flight's quest which only has ~5 chapters and updates once every 2 months. He is a good writer, and I like most quests I've seen from him, but I am not sure this one will survive. Again, a classic setup -- a girl gets her powers by intervening on behalf of a cute mascot persecuted by its less cute foes, and thus gets drawn into a conflict she knows little about. So do the readers, for that matter.

如願以償 (Magical Girl Quest) Original

Can you really achieve happiness without sacrifice? Clad in magic, Shin Hayate fights for the sake of the people. For the sake of their happiness. For the sake of their dreams. But for your own sake ... will you still fight, o brave Eidola?
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Can I ask for recommendations here if I am looking for a specific type of quest?

Edit: Since a poster two above did and didn't get into any trouble, I'll just ask. Does anyone know of good quests where you play as your traditional supervillain evil genius? Preferably a narrative quest rather than like a crusader kings esque management sim.

The only one I can find is this, and while it's great it's also very short

They Called Me Mad [Mad Scientist Quest] Original

Link to Story-Only Thread It is the year 2015 CE. Never before on the planet Earth has the...
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Edit: Since a poster two above did and didn't get into any trouble, I'll just ask. Does anyone know of good quests where you play as your traditional supervillain evil genius? Preferably a narrative quest rather than like a crusader kings esque management sim.
I am a bit less useful with this, considering villain protagonists are rare, and I don't play those kinds of quests.

But I have one in mind.

A Conjuror's journey

A Conjuror's Journey. Cynric Tyne was known throughout the region of Winterhold for his...

A fantastically written sandbox quest where we played an absolutely immoral wizard by the name of Cynric Tyne trying to outrun his doom. It is set in a crossover multiverse where we could relatively freely travel between the worlds and interact with plots from multiple franchises. Eventually, one way or another, the players would find a way to break the world, and flee over to the next one.

Now, I don't know about "genius" since most of Cynric's schemes come back to haunt him, but definitely high on evil and manipulative since they ruin a countless amount of lives in the process... and benefit a handful, who stick with him through thick and thin to the bitter end.

It has a sequel, Void Voyaging, nicknamed Tragedy Voltron, thought it might take you a few updates to find out why. It references lots of characters and plotlines from its predecessor, but their knowledge is not crucial to enjoy it. The sequel quest splits the narration into three, with protagonists acting independently on different worlds, and is lighter on villainy simply by virtue of two characters being fed up with Cynric's plots.
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Uhm, does doofenshmirtz count?

I would say so
I am a bit less useful with this, considering villain protagonists are rare, and I don't play those kinds of quests.

But I have one in mind.

A Conjuror's journey

A Conjuror's Journey. Cynric Tyne was known throughout the region of Winterhold for his...

A fantastically written sandbox quest where we played an absolutely immoral wizard by the name of Cynric Tyne trying to outrun his doom. It is set in a crossover multiverse where we could relatively freely travel between the worlds and interact with plots from multiple franchises. Eventually, one way or another, the players would find a way to break the world, and flee over to the next one.

Now, I don't know about "genius" since most of Cynric's schemes come back to haunt him, but definitely high on evil and manipulative since they ruin a countless amount of lives in the process... and benefit a handful, who stick with him through thick and thin to the bitter end.

It has a sequel, Void Voyaging, nicknamed Tragedy Voltron, thought it might take you a few updates to find out why. It references lots of characters and plotlines from its predecessor, but their knowledge is not crucial to enjoy it. The sequel quest splits the narration into three, with protagonists acting independently on different worlds, and is lighter on villainy simply by virtue of two characters being fed up with Cynric's plots.
Thank you! While we are on the subject, good villain quests in general?
While we are on the subject, good villain quests in general?
Dead, or alive?

The reason I can't recommend them is because I don't know about them. I avoid Marvel or DC universes where this distinction is easy to make, and most of the quests I do take part in are "villain-adjacent" at best. For example, Gally's Dark Prince of Camelot (a quest I loved to death, currently dead -- description is linked to in the first post of the thread) deals with an anti-hero protagonist who is perceived as a villain of their story, which causes tensions with the perceived "heroes", but is hardly worth the name, having lost the reason to fight dirty. Magery's Raynare Quet is about a Fallen Angel minor villainess who gets killed off in the prologue of the TV Series, and is forced to reevaluate her second chance at life -- she still acts the part, but evil no longer brings her the satisfaction it used to as an act of defiance of God's will. There is a story by tomwritestuff (ongoing, and itself a sequel to his first two attempts at the same tale -- you can join in if you like where it's heading) about a lawyer who tries to make a living in the world of superheroes and supervillains, and though she has an ear of two villains, she is not one herself (although that doesn't stop random vigilantes from trying to murder her). There is an Evil Sorceress council-type quest (currently dead?) built on the principles of questers interacting with a villainess and trying to give her advice on how to develop her kingdom, but apart from conquering nations with necromancy she is no more evil than any given ruler, and if anything, her nation is more prosperous and enlightened for it. There is a short and abandoned Drow Quest by Birdsie, but their villainy is on a level of highschool bullying (which I found extremely amusing at the time).

There is Rien ne va plus recommended by someone in this thread boasting the tag of a villain protagonist, and it is supposedly good, but, uh... Marvel quest. Did not read.

Most Warhammer quests played straight would likely land you somewhere adjacent to villainy, though their characters would not think that, obviously.

On the whole, I just don't see this kind of quest around here much. A Conjuror's Journey is probably the closest you can find where you'd be playing a complete and unapologetic monster, not that it is immediately evident.
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Dead, or alive?

The reason I can't recommend them is because I don't know about them. I avoid Marvel or DC universes where this distinction is easy to make, and most of the quests I do take part in are "villain-adjacent" at most. For example, Gally's Dark Prince of Camelot (a quest I loved to death, currently dead -- dscription is linked to in the first post of the thread) deals with an anti-hero protagonist who is perceived as a villain of their story, which causes tensions with the perceived "heroes", but is hardly worth the name, having lost the reason to fight dirty. Magery's Raynare Quet is about a Fallen Angel minor villainess who gets killed off in the prologue of the TV Series, and is forced to reevaluate her second chance at life -- she still acts the part, but evil no longer brings her the satisfaction it used to as an act of defiance of God's will. There is a story by tomwritestuff (ongoing, and itself a sequel to his first two attempts at the same tale -- you can join in if you like where it's heading) about a lawyer who tries to make a living in the world of superheroes and supervillains, and though she has an ear of two villains, she is not one herself (although that doesn't stop random vigilantes from trying to murder her). There is an Evil Sorceress council-type quest (currently dead?) built on the principles of questers interacting with a villainess and trying to give her advice on how to develop her kingdom, but apart from conquering nations with necromancy she is no more evil than any given ruler, and if anything, her nation is more prosperous and enlightened for it. There is a short and abandoned Drow Quest by Birdsie, but their villainy is on a level of highschool bullying (which I found extremely amusing at the time).

There is Rien ne va plus recommended by someone in this thread boasting the tag of a villain protagonist, and it is supposedly good, but, uh... Marvel quest. Did not read.

Most Warhammer quests played straight would likely land you somewhere adjacent to villainy, though their characters would not think that, obviously.

On the whole, I just don't see this kind of quest around here much. A Conjuror's Journey is probably the closest you can find where you'd be playing a complete and unapologetic monster, not that it is immediately evident.
Thank you, I'll check these out.

That said, when I say villain quest I am less looking for unapologetic monster and more like, hammy supervillain if that changes anything
That said, when I say villain quest I am less looking for unapologetic monster and more like, hammy supervillain if that changes anything
Yeah, I got it, hence my disclaimer that I don't normally do settings where supervillains are abundant.

Of the ones I Iisted, the only one that fits the hammy part is Raynare, perhaps, and that's only because she is a poser. Cynric is the Grey Cardinal mastermind; Mordred is a brooding type who "did it because he had to". There's something for everyone, but never quite the right combination of qualities you want in a protagonist.
Are there any recent Quests where the MC is a genuine good person? Like the old tropey shounen type of protag? Cause I honestly like older character archetypes better than most modern ones. I also really don't like villain Quests.
What's a genuine good person? There is a difference between that, and a shounen protagonist. The defining traits of the latter are the simplicity of their motivation and worldview, making up for the lack of complex approach to life's problems with zeal and DETERMINATION.

Also, how recent are we talking about?

I can think of a couple quests where protagonists could be described as unambiguously good, yet they'd be as far from run-of-the-mill shounen as one could be. One is DragonParadox' Sir Ronald Verley, a paladin in all but name who got planeshifted to the Pathfinder-verse, from Age of Ice and Blood: A Pathfinder System Heroic Fantasy Quest. Another would be the silent former Defense Specialist James Courage from Fallout: Kansas City, which you can find described here. F:KS has been running for 4 years and a change, so it's not exactly new. Both update regularly.

Gazetteer's Aster from Rising in the East fits the bill to an extent, what with being a young Solar, but the quest hasn't updated in a while. Of her other quests and those inspired by them, Skylah (Fallen Empires -- An Old Republic Era adventure; finished) and Jazt (Fallen Empires: Shipbreakers and Lightsabers; in process) are some-shade-of-good, probably, though Skylah maybe less so, considering she kills a guard to escape captivity when a choice to attempt otherwise was present.

Classic Magical Girl quests usually feature similar themes. Yui from Imperatrix Mundi outright describes herself as a shounen protagonist. Saya Shirayuki from Majokko Without Honor and Humanity would rival any old-tropey shounen in sheer daring and bullheadedness, if not always in the good of one's heart. She didn't start that way, but the questers played her like a big damn hero. Most of the time, anyway.

You might want to take a look at another of FourthWall's quests. While not featuring a lot of moral decisions just yet, it borrows the premise of Hamefura to put a simple and honest athlete in the shoes of a supposed villainess protagonist of an Otome game, naturally shifting the genre. Her motto, "Full effort, full throttle!" would probably fit with the kind of character you are looking for:

So You've Become a Villainess: an (Otome) Isekai Raising Project Original - Fantasy

Wake up. Win hearts. Punch nobles. Dodge death flags. As Kid A (née Grace Claudius), learn to win friends and influence people or die screaming in this heartthrobbing Otome Villainess raising project!
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