Queen of Puddles (Digimon) (Ranamon SI)

... I fully approve of the "wrong Beast Spirit" arc you have given Zoe.
It is really too bad that I have a feeling that is a powerup she is going to make everyone regret her getting.

Her enemies because her problem of losing her stuff is replaced with a Beast Spirit, and her allies because apparently she looks ugly in Beast form now.
I see negotiations have broken down immediately. I would say I'm surprised, but this is pretty much par for the course. I also want to state for the record that I called it back in the previous chapter about FlaiRanamon being influenced by something.
Well that went just as well as I expected, hopefully the fact that she left despite the fact that she was doing quite well in the fight manages to give them an hint, but all the taunting will make even harder for them to realize it.

I'm pretty curious about what her "allies" will think about this turn of events, they will probably complain and express disappointment, but they might also realize that having mastery over both winds and water can give her quite some extra versatility and the flight allows her to travel quickly outside the ocean too.
Or she's just naturally like that all the time.
Actually yes, as far as I can tell the personality is ALREADY Zoe but with more confidence. Which is what Zoe is pretending to be already(as she has confidence issues) so it fits right in.

I think she would be having more problems with Calamaramon except Calamaramon's whole thing is to fixate on any other woman who doesn't accept her dominance anyway.
Well, on the upside you kept the attractive Beast Spirit form. :V

I wonder what the Wind Spirit thinks about both of them though. "Well... one idiot is good as another I guess. Wanting to keep the Water Beast Spirit too over me, shit taste girl. Yes, I am saying that to both of you, but Ranamon's got dibs, so I guess I'm sticking with her."

All the kids: *nods* "The rule of dibs is to be respected."

Ranamon: *screams into her hands*
Thanks for the update

Shame she couldn't have sent a Toucanmon with a note and the spirit
Ohoh, I am now going to suffer from lack of chapters as I wait for next part of this, now that we see how the meeting have went. Aghh, waiting!
...splitting my response post in two again because my goodness, I did not expect this many comments on this chapter.

I haven't watched Digimon in years, is that a normal thing, or was the Wind Spirit jealous that their wielder is cheating on them?
It was pretty consistent in Frontier that Beast Spirits messed with your head.

Yeah, setting aside any potential exceptional circumstances, beast spirits are by and large just like this due to the strength of their instincts — in fact, I specifically took notes from how the kids initially reacted to their own beast spirits (see this post for a summary) to write this scene. As she's characterized in her official profile, Zephyrmon is described as *looking* composed, but actually being quite capricious/mischievous, enjoying startling people, embarrassing them, or "telling them unhappy fortunes". In battle, I figure this translates to quickly getting up in enemy's faces to "jumpscare" them, and taunting them in ways that leaves them flush with shame — and because of this, unlike the other beast spirits, she actually likes to talk beyond just firing off attacks. Zephyrmon also doesn't tend to start battles herself, but this one had already started, and with the levels of anger in play at the time... yeah, not the best scenario to slide evolve to her in and expect things not to go even further south. ^^;

I also want to state for the record that I called it back in the previous chapter about FlaiRanamon being influenced by something.

Mmmhmm. ;) I tried to make it pretty obvious without making it too obvious? I'll detail the specifics of how this seems to work on an internal level soon, though I imagine you can get the gist of it from the chapter proper.

Zephyrmon took one look at the the 'didgidestined' and went "Nah, I'd pass'. Turns out being paired with someone with an ounce of maturity is a lot easier to put up with.

The fact that you are ascribing a desire for maturity to a Digimon whose default personality essentially boils down to "Impmon, but with the power to actually back it up" is genuinely hilarious to me. (≧▽≦)

Given his reaction I kind of expect Kouji to bring this up later, that Ranaman was trying to talk. Even if amounted to nothing, it couldn't have hurt.
Next episode, the kids will cool down and will, probably, notice how she had a different speech pattern, as well as all the other inconsistencies......face palms ensue! xD
I wonder if we'll start having chapters with the POV of the kids and other characters every now and then...
It would be interesting to see the kids talk about what just happened, Ranamon's strange behaviour and the switch of Beast Spirits.
That's not a bad idea and I kinda hope we get that on some level. It is prime episode material.

As it happens, next chapter is an interlude! So you'll likely be seeing their thoughts on the matter quite shortly. (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧

Also, now that the kids have seen that using other Spirit is possible, will any of them try using the Earth spirits they took, or will they be sticking to their own elements for the most part.

Who knows... though, if you've seen my previous posts on the matter, you can probably take a good guess at which route I'd prefer to go.

Maybe instead send them a letter or something?
I mean, at least this way they have to know she actually tried to talk. They could just burn the letter or ignore it.
Shame she couldn't have sent a Toucanmon with a note and the spirit

Maybe! At the very least, they'd have time to think over a letter, and if they didn't take it well Ranamon!me wouldn't be there to retaliate against. Though somehow I doubt that "giving" the spirit to another Digimon to deliver would work all that well...


That's her new name.

Bakabaka, I thought the whole point was to not antagonize them?

Ah, that's a name I've heard before. ^^; Though to be fair to... myself, it's not like Ranamon!me wasn't trying to get away from the whole mess once I realized explanations weren't going to happen. I just couldn't seem to actually pull that off (first I had to save the Toucanmon and Gomamon, then I had to keep Zoe from drowning, then I couldn't outpace Calmaramon...) and once I became Zephyrmon and her instincts took over... well.

To be fair, it was the kids who aggro'd first and Flairanamon was the one who went in with peaceful intent. not her fault the twits escalated.

...and in fairness to them, the kids had every right to believe Ranamon!me may have just been attempting to trick them, or at least didn't have pure intentions, given the event they'd recently come from. Takuya still definitely jumped the gun, but I can absolutely still see a world where Ranamon does the exact same thing I did here, but uses it as a method to surprise attack the group/steal their D-tectors/set them up for the ambush they thought I'd intentionally planned. She is one of the craftier members of the evil warriors, after all.

Wait. She could have just appeared as Shutumon and avoided all this. Saying she took the spirit of the real Ranamon (true).

If I'd thought of it, yeah, I could've! Though I... imagine that still would have gone wrong, just in an entirely different way. Or at least a different order. ^^;

... I fully approve of the "wrong Beast Spirit" arc you have given Zoe.
It is really too bad that I have a feeling that is a powerup she is going to make everyone regret her getting.

Glad to hear! Just as a bit of trivia, there was actually an early draft of this chapter where Ranamon!me found both beast spirits, and tried to do the same thing I did here, only to end up getting the water beast spirit beaten out of me, leaving me with only Zephyrmon anyways, at which point things would've proceeded apace as Zephyrmon's "I'm going to cause problems on PURPOSE" instincts kicked in. I ended up going with this version instead though, as I felt it flowed better and left less questions.

As for Zoe getting Calmaramon, she's not happy about it — but she's still going to make the best of what she's got to work with. She's already got a better grip on Calmaramon than Ranamon did in canon, and I feel like the fact that she managed to use both Titanic Tempest and Acid Ink in far more effective ways (not to mention landed by far the most solid blow on Ranamon!me/Zephyrmon!me in the entire engagement) speaks well for her. Though, Calmaramon being built primarily for use over water does mean she may just have to get creative to make this work, given she seems to have no choice for the time being...

I don't think they ever really explain why Zoe of all people was the only one to not have any notable issue with it, especially since as noted her general showings in frontier are pretty awful, and I can only think of what I think was a dub thing of her saying "cause I'm a girl" or something like that.

Zoe actually didn't ascribe her control of Zephyrmon to being a girl, if you check the episode. In the JP version, she has no idea, and Tommy suggests it was just determination, to which Zoe says maybe, but either way it's a girl's secret (and also a secret to her). In the EN version, she chalked it up to luck – and then Tommy asked "Not because you're a girrrrrl?" and she went "Yeah, maybe~", only for them to tease her about it immediately afterward. Either way, she didn't actually say that.

This just shows how big a loser Zoe is, she has no problems with using Beast Spirits and still needs help to win fights in canon.

...I'm not sure what your apparent vendetta against Zoe is about such that you feel the need to keep making comments like this, but if you're expecting me to lean in to the "Zoe is completely incapable" attitude you've got going on, you should probably jump ship now. Zoe isn't incapable, canon just refused to let her get pretty much any direct wins (except against Ranamon herself, ironically enough), which I've already gone on record as noting I thought was incredibly stupid. I'm aiming to give just about everyone who got neglected by canon a better show in this fic, and the fact that Zoe is the most directly affected by this particular event means she's likely going to be center stage for that. If you want to stick around, just... turn the vitriol down a notch, please?

(Also, not to put too much of a point on it, but if you look at the series on a broader scale, basically the exact same criticisms leveled against Zoe can in large part be leveled against Tommy as well? Zoe only lost her spirit to Grumblemon in the first place trying to save Tommy from having his spirit taken, and Tommy later lost it to Grumblemon anyways, only getting it back sooner because Takuya as BurningGreymon prioritized it over Zoe's for some reason. Zoe may have lost her first battle, but Tommy never took out any of the evil warriors himself, while Zoe did... you get the picture).

Another thing is, I'm kinda surprised she went straight for telling them the full truth about being a human, instead of going for a more convenient lie about being Ranamon for real and just wanting to defect. Each option comes with its own risks, of course, but I sort of expected the idea to at least come up in the inner monologue, to debate the pros and cons of keeping up another falsehood vs having a less exotic and more believable story.

That wasn't the plan, actually. Takuya sarcastically demanded to know if it was my evil twin, and in the heat of it, Ranamon!me just said essentially yes. I'd have had to figure out a way to explain that if that had somehow calmed them down, but I still probably wouldn't have gone with "I'm some other consciousness from another dimension that's stuck in Ranamon's head". I mean as if my credibility wasn't low enough as is... :rolleyes:

I'm pretty curious about what her "allies" will think about this turn of events, they will probably complain and express disappointment, but they might also realize that having mastery over both winds and water can give her quite some extra versatility and the flight allows her to travel quickly outside the ocean too.

You're assuming that Ranamon!me tells them at all — frankly, it's probably better for them not to know about it; I may have been stuck with this particular card, but it's still a good one to keep pocketed. Though, given Mercurymon and Duskmon's respective abilities/attitudes, that may be impossible to avoid anyways...

Well, on the upside you kept the attractive Beast Spirit form. :V

Really stretching for the silver lining there, especially as I've noted before that I feel like Calmaramon's "ugliness" is significantly overemphasized, but yeah, seems I did! Looks like this is the team for the time being!

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That wasn't the plan, actually. Takuya sarcastically demanded to know if it was my evil twin, and in the heat of it, Ranamon!me just said essentially yes. I'd have had to figure out a way to explain that if that had somehow calmed them down, but I still probably wouldn't have gone with "I'm some other consciousness from another dimension that's stuck in Ranamon's head". I mean as if my credibility wasn't low enough as is...
maybe she could point out how Other digimon have the same name and appearance while also being individuals?
Ah, that's a name I've heard before. ^^; Though to be fair to... myself, it's not like Ranamon!me wasn't trying to get away from the whole mess once I realized explanations weren't going to happen. I just couldn't seem to actually pull that off (first I had to save the Toucanmon and Gomamon, then I had to keep Zoe from drowning, then I couldn't outpace Calmaramon...) and once I became Zephyrmon and her instincts took over... well. As you saw


Honestly, it does kinda feel like a nonstop disaster train.

Really stretching for the silver lining there, especially as I've noted before that I feel like Calmaramon's "ugliness" is significantly overemphasized, but yeah, seems I did! Looks like this is the team for the time being!

Well, she may have done Something Stupid, but at least she's pretty!
As it happens, next chapter is an interlude! So you'll likely be seeing their thoughts on the matter quite shortly. (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧

Quite excited to see how this Interlude will go. Amusing how a switch has happened.

Heh...unwanted ambush and reinforcement...

as Zephyrmon's "I'm going to cause problems on PURPOSE" instincts kicked in.
Not sure why, but I just really like this line, mostly cause it seems funny to me. See what fun comes from this.
That wasn't the plan, actually. Takuya sarcastically demanded to know if it was my evil twin, and in the heat of it, Ranamon!me just said essentially yes. I'd have had to figure out a way to explain that if that had somehow calmed them down, but I still probably wouldn't have gone with "I'm some other consciousness from another dimension that's stuck in Ranamon's head".
Mind control exists in Digimon, which is something that should be brought up to the kids after things cool off.

Also, Duskmon is a thing. Being a Human from another dimension trapped in one of the corrupted Spirits is actually an acceptable explanation.
maybe she could point out how Other digimon have the same name and appearance while also being individuals?
The legendary warriors are unique by nature of being the Human Spirits.
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And now for the other half!

I don't know if anyone noted, but the kids didn't won this battle. She beat their asses as Ranamon, and when she whent Zephyrmon, she was beating them harder while trying to hold back her instincts.
While the battle was indecisive (due to Flairina meking to flee rather than continue fighting), the encounter as a whole was a loss for both sides.

The kids got their butts handed to them pretty well, and did not obtain their objective of killing Ranamon to use her data and spirits for their own means. They also have been further demoralized, as their loss means they were unable to avenge Seraphimon despite the technical 5 vs 1 and Ranamon being very noticeably hesitant to fight. Especially since most of the kids were hampered by mere zoning. Takuya in particular had a humiliating end to the encounter (which he chose to continue solo) where he found himself swimming back to shore.

Ranamon, however, failed to meet her objective of diplomacy and opening a dialogue. And because of her lip as Zephyrmon, soured relations even further.

Retigh's right; I wouldn't exactly say Ranamon!me "won" this engagement in any meaningful way either, or even a literal one. Between the Toucanmon/Gomamon, Zephyrmon's instincts, and the unexpected cyclone the kids certainly took a few lumps, but Ranamon!me got hit by fire, blasted in the jaw with light, injured my left shoulder, nearly got my hands drilled straight through, and took a pretty bad burn over a significant portion of my lower body. There's basically no way I'd have managed to keep that up much longer, Zephyrmon or no, and this was largely the best possible location I could have fought the kids in since the water hampered their options so badly (the need for flight and the awkwardness of treads on sand kept JP from slide evolving into MetalKabuterimon, and KendoGarurumon was a complete non-starter). Not to downplay Ranamon!me's "performance" here, but I feel the need to give the kids a bit more credit than that.

I really like Zephyrmon's design but it does feel kinda way less beast-like compared to others. JetSilphymon and RhinoKabuterimon however feel like they just... suddenly swapped the theme. Thunder being mechanical and then organic, Wind being organic/fantasy and then tech?

Now Daipenmon, that one is simply bad and was thrown in with little thought to the pattern set by the fire and light hybrids. Wind and lightning at least made some attempt to go by it.

Zephyrmon absolutely could have been an earlier draft of the human spirit of wind. Though I think in her case (unlike with, say, AncientGreymon/AncientGarurumon clearly being repurposed drafts from their respective beast spirit form and fusion spirit form), she *was* designed as a beast spirit from the start — they just made her more humanoid than the others for fanservice purposes, which is really rather annoying to me. She should at least have a tail and more plumage, I mean come on.

Regarding the others, RhinoKabuterimon was likely taken from an early draft of either MetalKabuterimon (before they settled on the technological theme) or AncientBeetlemon, while Daipenmon likely got shoved into the position because they didn't have any previous drafts of Chakmon/Korikakumon/AncientMegatheriumon to draw on. JetSilphymon was... well, probably not intentionally designed as a hybrid spirit either, but I can't really guess at what she was for, and between that and actually being humanoid, she's the closest of the fusions that got shoehorned into the role to looking like she actually belongs. Never gonna be fond of the propeller nipples though...

You know, is there any reason to just... not?

You could just play keep away from them, not even approach the ocean fractal codes (because is anyone else going to even try to really? The knights are powerful, sure, but can they operate for extended times underwater?) and coast along.

If you don't act, maybe things will just cap out when the last of the land disappears and leaves the digital world as a series of disconnected seas.

On one hand, no super-awesome-mega fusion form to kill Lucemon. On the other, Lucemon is stuck in limbo forever because he doesn't get quite enough code to manifest and all his pawns are completely powerless to fix that because the only aquatic one ditched him.

It's one of those way of zen moments where knowing when not to act is more important than knowing what to act upon.

...or maybe I just want to see a destressing slice of digital life moment where Rana/Zephyrmon is taking a vacation while everyone else is scrambling around trying to figure out how to 'fix' things now.

A lack of stress is... not really what I'm known for, plot-wise. ^^; Might have to head to the omake mines for that. Also, bear in mind that while the evil warriors are the primary agents Cherubimon (or rather, Lucemon) executes his will through, that doesn't mean they're the only ones. The very first Digimon that attacks the kids, Cerberumon, explicitly attacked the Flame Terminal in search of the Human Spirit of Flame, and while I'm not sure it's ever directly stated he was literally under Cherubimon's command, Bokomon's explanation that "Cherubimon's corruption caused many Digimon to go wild" + Cerberumon's statement that he intends to destroy the spirit (not use it, or take it, or anything like that) pretty heavily implies that, not to mention his targeted destruction of the land around him and subsequent slurping up of its fractal code. Ranamon is a conveniently aquatic pawn to have take charge of the destruction of the seas, but she's almost certainly not Cherubimon's sole resource in that area.

In that case, I wonder where you were going with "It wasn't actually me that attacked you guys," the line that caused them to ask about having an evil twin. Was that just another knee-jerk response? And, if she did go for the truth, I was expecting Ranamon would leave out the "consciousness from another dimension" bit and just go with "I'm a human stuck in this body." Of course, the unbelievable-ness of the story is why I thought it was a little strange if Ranamon went straight for it without considering alternatives, so I'm not surprised that wasn't the plan, but I am wondering what the plan actually was.
Mind control exists in Digimon, which is something that should be brought up to the kids after things cool off.

Also, Duskmon is a thing. Being a Human from another dimension trapped in one of the corrupted Spirits is actually an acceptable explanation.

Since Ranamon!me wouldn't have been able to actually prove I'm human, the plan I likely would have arrived at would be to tell the kids (as many have suggested) that I'm just trying to defect due to not wanting the planet destroyed/understanding that Cherubimon's end goal is completely insane, or possibly that I was being outright controlled in some fashion. All told however, Ranamon!me didn't have much of a plan in mind going into this in the first place — I hadn't really considered what "cover story" to give the kids beforehand, since I'd been thinking I was early enough in the plot than I wouldn't need one, and once I realized I wasn't, I kind of figured handing over Zoe's beast spirit would do most of the convincing of my intentions for me, which- well, you know how that went. I was hasty, more focused on what I needed to tell the kids about how to deal with the other evil warriors than how to explain myself, and that showed. Not one of my better moments, to be sure.

The most glaring flaw being the fact they had to speedrun the final arc because they executives didn't green light the extra episodes the series needed.

Huh, really? I can't find a source for that, and I'd be surprised to hear as much given how the final arc dragged in places; I barely remembered the last 13 or so episodes when I started writing this fic.

A discarded idea for Tamers was that Takato had watched the Digimon Anime (Adventure and 02), this may have been changed due to the planed inclusion of Ryo Akiyama.

So Flairina does the Digimon Anime exist in this story version of Tamers?

...wha... what does this have to do with this story, which is set in Frontier, exactly...? Genuinely baffled by this question.

She gets the third most art of a Female Digimon after Renamon and Gatomon actually. Is just that some of that art is lost due to the time period it was uploaded online.

That... really doesn't sound right to me, even with a lot of the *ahem* fishier art buffering the numbers. I'll grant that I'm no expert on the subject, and can hardly speak on art from 20 years ago that may have vanished in the interim, but I'm reasonably sure that you're at the very least exaggerating. Got a source on that?

The other option would have been all the kids piloting Susanoomon like a Megazord, so...

Actually, no, that sounds badass.
Either badass or the more realistic option of Susanoomon resembling attempts to play Octodad with four players.

I mean, they kind of did that? The group had their own little pilot space/cockpit inside Susanoomon, at least, albeit not private ones. Though I imagine the finale would have played out rather more comedically if we had like, JP controlling the left leg, while Kouji controlled the right arm, and so on and so forth. Just call them Collapsemon, because that's what they're gonna be doing a lot of. :rolleyes:

I needed something to get my mind out of things that were difficult to do and were starting to become a headache.
And I thought on how people were talking about how long would it take until someone here decided to make a Fanart of a combination of the Water Human Spirit and the Beast Digimon Spirit.

Those were some nicely wasted 4 hours XD.

Oh wow, was not expecting that art suggestion to actually manifest, let alone that fast. O.O Thank you so much! I genuinely love the way you mixed Ranamon and Zephyrmon's details for this; the way the hip and ear fins grew larger to look more wing-like, while Zephyrmon's wings became fin-like in turn, is a very nice touch that I personally feel sells the entire design. The way the claws and gauntlets have been fused (along with their respective spirit emblems, even) is also great, not to mention the saw-tooth design over the bottom of the mask that looks like both stylized water and shark teeth. :evil: Aside from looking a bit awkwardly top heavy compared to her component parts, amazing job all around! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Please make the "Wings" be the same color of Zephyrmon wings.
I refuse XD.
The idea with Volansmon is combining "Water" and "Air", water creatures with sky creatures.
The name Volansmon comes from the Constellation of Volans, the Constellation of the Flying Fish.
The Wings are made similar to the fins of Ranamon to follow the theme of the Flying Fish, so the nature of the wings is something I'm NOT going to compromise with XD.
Sure, it's not as much of a "Simply pick parts of each Spirit and smash them together" as are Aldamon or Beowulfmon, but for some things I have to take creative liberties XD.

I absolutely agree. Again, the way the fins and wings have been combined is the best part of this design IMO, and while I could see a version that keeps more of Zephyrmon's original wing coloration or makes it part of the base gradient, I like this version plenty as is — feels like a more complete fusion to have the colors become more uniform with the rest of the body/skin.
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Interlude: Winds of Change
Questo fa schifo.

Zoe sighed. As much as she would have preferred a different phrasing, there really weren't any better words for it. She'd been powerless for what felt like weeks after Grumblemon stole her spirit, unable to do anything to meaningfully help the group during any of the dangerous situations they'd subsequently run up against. Unable to fight back against the Golemon, unable to help stop BurningGreymon when he went out of control, unable to prevent Seraphimon from being struck down by his own attack...

She glanced down sullenly at her D-Tector. And now, courtesy of JP, she finally had her spirit back... only to discover almost immediately thereafter that her beast spirit had been taken as well, found by one of the evil warriors before she'd even had a chance to see it.

So now, she was stuck with Ranamon's, which felt... unpleasant, at best.

Zoe's gaze dropped to her shoes. When the beast spirit had first emerged from that underwater shipwreck, seemingly unearthed from the sand-covered seafloor by the cyclone Ranamon had summoned directly above it, she had thought that she was saved — and in a way, she had been. While the five of them hadn't managed to conclusively beat Ranamon, they'd still driven her off in the end, not losing any spirits or taking any lasting damage between them beyond a few bad bruises and a headache. Yet the entire time she'd been Calmaramon, she'd felt subtly wrong, overly-bulky and strangely-shaped... not to mention ugly, given her friends' initial reactions to seeing her as such. They hadn't mentioned it since then, and Calmaramon wasn't even technically her, but that didn't entirely take the sting out of it.

Shame swept over her like a breaking wave. Why did this world so seem to revel in kicking her while she was down? Had she even once been the slightest help to anyone? Won a single battle she'd been involved in? She'd beaten that trio of Mushroomon back in Breezy Village, but then they'd collectively digivolved to Woodmon and beaten her right back, forcing Kouji to jump in and save her. She'd distracted the Goblimon at the Wind Factory, but there had been too many of them to actually fight, and they'd have shot her down if JP hadn't taken care of Snimon before they could. She'd tried to assist against Gigasmon, only to end up having her spirit stolen from her entirely. And now, even with a beast spirit of her own, Ranamon had still escaped with hers...

As quick as the shame had come, indignance surged up to swallow it. No, she'd definitely helped! Distracting the Goblimon was all she'd been meant to do at the Wind Factory, and she'd done her part just fine! She'd saved her friends back on the mountainside, not to mention freed all of Grumblemon's hostages! She'd kept Tommy from having his own spirit taken, rescued Seraphimon's egg before the ones that killed him could get their hands on it, and just now she'd managed to control a beast spirit on her first try, which was more than any of the boys could claim. Besides, even if Ranamon had her real beast spirit, Zoe had hers too. This wasn't anywhere near a loss!

She just... wished it felt more like an actual victory.

Trying to summon the optimism to put it all out of mind for the moment, Zoe turned and looked back down the beach. She'd moved away a few minutes ago, wanting a bit of time to get herself back together, but the rest of the group was still situated right where they'd de-digivolved, trying to figure out how to proceed.

"How would you know?"

...and evidently getting nowhere fast, if what she could hear from here was any indication.

Shaking her head, Zoe walked over to rejoin them. Takuya, Tommy, and JP were standing relatively close together, while Kouji had distanced himself slightly, leaning up against a nearby palm tree.

"Look, Whamon wouldn't have just stranded us here, right?" Takuya was saying, gesturing animatedly at the air. "So there has to be a way off this island."

"Yeah, well where is it then?" JP asked. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm not seeing a boat anywhere, and I don't think the Trailmon tracks run through the middle of the ocean."

"Well, uh..." Takuya mumbled, thinking it over for a moment before snapping his fingers. "Got it! Did anyone see where those Toucanmon went? Not sure how we'll make them tell us yet, but they should know how to get back to land."

JP shook his head. "Not me."

"Me neither." Tommy said.

"They weren't exactly our highest priority at the time." Kouji pointed out.

"Same here." Zoe chimed in, implicitly announcing her return. "I'm not sure what happened to the Gomamon either."

She assumed they'd fled while she was underwater, accidentally grabbing the wrong spirit.

"Hmmph, I don't really wanna know where those guys went." JP muttered, kicking at the sand and wrinkling his nose. "My face still smells like fish..."

"Yes, for a warrior on the side of evil, Ranamon certainly seemed to have a lot of additional help on hand." Bokomon remarked.

Takuya rolled his eyes. "Seriously though, did you hear her? 'Wasn't how it looked', my foot. I know bad guys aren't always the brightest, but did she seriously think we were gonna listen to her?"

"...maybe we should have."

The others turned to Kouji in surprise.

"Huh? What do you mean?" JP asked.

"I mean that we barely know anything about our enemy right now." Kouji said, crossing his arms. "All we really know is what's written in Bokomon's history book, which tells us nothing about how Cherubimon's warriors actually operate in the present day. We don't know where they're based out of, we don't know how they get around, and we don't know how they seem to keep finding us."

"Yeah, so?"

"So, if we'd let Ranamon keep talking, we might have been able to get some of that information directly from her." Kouji elaborated. "Even if she was lying about being on our side, we still could have leveraged that to learn more about how her group actually functions... but we didn't, and now we might never even know if she was telling the truth or not."

Takuya balked. "Wha- come on man, you don't seriously think she's got some kinda evil doppelganger, do ya?"

"I can confirm that there is only one copy of each legendary spirit in existence." Bokomon cut in, raising a finger in objection. "For instance, there is no possibility of a second Agunimon appearing elsewhere in the Digital World, as Takuya already possesses both legendary spirits of fire."

Takuya nodded. "See? It was just a dumb trick."

Zoe frowned. Had it been...? Takuya seemed sure, but Takuya was a bit of a hothead at the best of times. As much as Zoe agreed that Ranamon having an "evil twin" seemed pretty unlikely, if she had been faking, she'd been completely committed to the act.

"Bokomon says everything that comes out of my mouth is a dumb trick!" Neemon commented.

While Bokomon habitually snapped Neemon's waistband against his side, Tommy began fidgeting with his hands.

"She did sound kind of different..."

Zoe nodded in silent agreement. While she still wasn't exactly in any hurry to stand up for Ranamon, the obvious change in tone and cadence would have been hard not to notice.

"It wasn't just that." Kouji said. "Did you notice she only really started fighting back after those other Digimon showed up?"

Tommy nodded. "She was yelling that she didn't want them getting hurt."

Takuya rolled his eyes. "So she sounded a little different than last time and maybe isn't a total jerk. She still had Zoe's beast spirit, so it's not like we were wrong to strike first for once."

"And if we'd known that beforehand, I might have agreed." Kouji said pointedly. "What actually happened though is that you, knowing nothing, decided to attack on your own, and in doing so basically forced everyone to follow your lead."

"Wha- hey!"

"Do you ever think these things through? You didn't even remember that BurningGreymon could fly until Ranamon was already leaving-"

"Hey, I didn't see you tagging in! And I didn't forget, I just didn't want to risk-"

"Come on guys, let's not fight." Zoe interrupted, holding back another sigh. "Don't we have more important things to be doing?"

"Yeah, I thought we were trying to figure out a way off this island." JP pointed out, lifting a hand to his chin. "Maybe if we built a raft?"

"Well if we knew where the Toucanmon went..."

"They have wings Takuya, they probably already flew off-"

"Then why don't we just do the same thing? Half of us have wings too!"

"And half of us don't! And even if we did, do you seriously think flying out over the ocean in a random direction and just hoping we find land before exhaustion sets in is a-"

"Um, I have a question?"

The group quieted and turned to Tommy.

"Yeah? What's up?" JP asked.

"Well," Tommy said, "I was just thinking. If Zoe can use a beast spirit that isn't hers, then... does that mean any of us can use any spirit?"


"Ah... huh." Takuya rubbed the back of his head as he turned to Bokomon. "I dunno. Can we?"

Bokomon hummed thoughtfully, taking a moment to flip through the book that he always seemed to pull out of nowhere.

"Hmm... I'm not sure." he admitted after a moment, scratching the top of his head. "There's nothing in here that would say otherwise, so I suppose I don't see why not? You were all chosen by Lady Ophanimon, and Zoe has obviously already proved it possible."

"Wait, so-" Takuya fished his D-Tector out of his pocket and pushed a few buttons before turning the screen outward, allowing the group to see the Beast Spirit of Earth now displayed on the screen, "-you're saying I could become this guy if I wanted?"

"It appears so, yes."

"Aww, what good is that though?" JP sulked. "The only other spirit I have is Grumblemon's, and I don't wanna be him."

"Yeah, but... that means if one of us loses our spirits again..." Tommy started.

"...we'll have others to fall back on." Zoe finished for him, sharing an understanding glance with the youngest of the group.

Kouji nodded, seeming thoughtful. "It would give us more options as well, especially if we used them in tandem with the spirits we're already accustomed to."

"Well, let's try it then!" Takuya cheerfully exclaimed, fiddling with his D-Tector some more. "Just gotta..."

A code cocoon abruptly enveloped him, prompting everyone to take a sudden step back. A muffled scream was audible for a moment, before the cocoon dispersed to reveal Gigasmon in all his brutish glory, causing everyone to recoil even further. Zoe's hand instinctively flew to her own D-Tector, wary despite herself that this was somehow the real one, back for more-

"Oh man, my nose is huge!" Gigasmon exclaimed, raising one hand to rub the protruding appendage. "Just look at this thing!"

-then let her hand drop back to her side. Yep, that was Takuya alright, rougher voice or not.

"Hey, calm down guys, it's only me." Gigasmon laughed, turning to a still unsettled-looking JP and Tommy. "Watch!"

He immediately began making exaggerated muscle man poses, somehow only made more comical by the beachside setting and Gigasmon's legitimate musculature. JP and Tommy both quickly broke down laughing, and Zoe even found a small smile returning to her own face. A few seconds later, Gigasmon vanished, Takuya reappearing in his place.

"Sweet, that worked!" he grinned, punching a fist into his other palm. "I'd like to see those guys try to take us on again when I've got two beast spirits to-"

"Actually Takuya," Zoe cut in before Takuya could get too carried away, "maybe you should give that to Tommy? He doesn't even have a beast spirit yet, after all."

Kouji nodded in agreement.

"Things have only been getting more dangerous lately. Tommy needs it more than you do."

"I wouldn't mind..." Tommy mumbled, fidgeting again.

Takuya deflated a bit.

"Guess you've got a point there." he admitted, holding out his D-Tector just a little reluctantly. "Ready Tommy?"

Tommy nodded, raising his own device to face Takuya's.

A moment passed.

"Uhhh, how do I...?"

As Takuya began haplessly fiddling with the device's buttons, Kouji sighed and stepped forward to help. Roughly half a minute later, one of them finally seemed to figure it out, as the Beast Spirit of Earth abruptly ejected from Takuya's D-Tector, hovering in the air for just a second or two before siphoning down into Tommy's. The small boy held the screen up a moment later to showcase the spirit now displayed on the device.

"It worked!"

"So we can mix and match?" JP said, grinning widely and raising his hand. "Ooh, let's try out each others' spirits next! I call first dibs on BurningGreymon!"

Kouji shook his head. "No. Those of us that have our own beast spirits should stick with them for now. There's too much risk of one of us going out of control again if we start trading them around like toys."

While Zoe internally agreed, she wouldn't exactly have objected to trading the beast spirit currently in her possession for a different one — though, she supposed Calmaramon was still technically preferable to Gigasmon.

"Aww, come on!" JP pouted. "Zoe didn't have any trouble controlling Calmaramon."

"...come to think of it, yeah, you're right." Takuya said, turning to her with dawning surprise. "How'd you do that, Zoe?"

Doubtless he was thinking back to his disastrous first experience with his own beast spirit. While Zoe remained proud that she hadn't had a similar episode, she also wasn't really in the mood to tout her accomplishment given the reality overshadowing it, and so simply shrugged.

"Just luck, I guess."

...that, or an overabundance of righteous fury overriding any inherently beastly instincts, especially after Ranamon revealed what she'd taken.

Takuya shrugged, apparently dismissing it once Zoe refused to elaborate further, and turned to everyone with a smile.

"Alright then! We've got some new tricks, and we're back on track! Let's get moving you guys!"

The rest of the group just stared at him with identical flat expressions.

"...juuuuust as soon as we build that raft!"

Not as much Zoe dialogue as I'd really like for a Zoe interlude, but I felt it was more important to establish her headspace at the moment than anyone else's. And of course there's some obvious butterflies...

A huge thanks to @Pheonix14, @Warclam, @ScorpioBot, @Captain Skipjack, @CCBubba, Leaf, Bertucchi, Jordan Juengel, Alxariam, and my eight other Patrons not named here, as well as an extra special thanks to a certain generous patron who wishes to remain unnamed. Each of them receives a "theoretical raft", delivered in the form of ten to fifteen large palm tree logs. Some assembly required I'm afraid, it is only theoretical after all... okay yes I didn't manage to prepare anything in advance this time. Forgive me? I've been in solitary for the last week or so on the grounds of distributing digital lifeforms like candy. ^^; Cut me some slack and I'll try to have something better next time. 🌴🪵
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"...juuuuust as soon as we build that raft!"

I'm sure that will go perfectly.

In my high school we had a school trip called the Disaster Trip.
The reasoning was that since going on a canoe trip with a bunch of teenagers would likely result in disaster, they should just plan for it and have fun.
It starts with everyone creating their own boats.
It's surprisingly difficult.
Ah yeah, the best part of digimon Frontier fanfic (or 02 for that matter) is the theoretical swapping of transformation trinkets.

It can cause fun times, like having backup digimon bodies in case of emergency.
Or leading to the confusing possibility of swapping bodies that you possibly have started to consider "yours", which is also fun.
A code cocoon abruptly enveloped him, prompting everyone to take a sudden step back. A muffled scream was audible for a moment, before the cocoon dispersed to reveal Gigasmon in all his brutish glory, causing everyone to recoil even further. Zoe's hand instinctively flew to her own D-Tector, wary despite herself that this was somehow the real one, back for more-
As Takuya began haplessly fiddling with the device's buttons, Kouji sighed and stepped forward to help. Roughly half a minute later, one of them finally seemed to figure it out, as the Beast Spirit of Earth abruptly ejected from Takuya's D-Tector, hovering in the air for just a second or two before siphoning down into Tommy's. The small boy held the screen up a moment later to showcase the spirit now displayed on the device.
Kouji shook his head. "No. Those of us that have our own beast spirits should stick with them for now. There's too much risk of one of us going out of control again if we start trading them around like toys."

At least Kouji has brains.
And Zoe should have let know that using Calamaramon felt wrong.

Remember, the Wind Beast Spirit told Ranamon 'You'll do', but Ranamon was not the first choice.
The spirits are at least partially aware, and have preferences.
At the very least, someone who is not the chosen of that spirit will not be able to use it at its full potential, and at worst, it will backfire or go berserk at the worst possible time.

And eventually, they are going to need to put all spirits together.
Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth, and Wood together for a Hyper Spirit Evolution to KaizerGreymon
And Light, Darkness, Thunder, Water and Steel for MagnaGarurumon.

What is going to happen to Ranamon during that moment? Have you already figured out what kind of Rookie form you are going to get?
Flamon and Strabimon exist for Fire and Light, but no variants exist for the others.

At least even the other kids all physically joined in for Susanoomon...
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