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Why aren't there more Demon Slayer fics? This is me, trying to subtly nudge people into writing them. Subtly.

Nudge. Nudge.


Real Summary to be made, sometime.
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Prologue: An Auspicious Awakening


No longer running, from carpal tunnel
Cornfield Central, Indiana
Prologue: An Auspicious Awakening

"Sorry! But I don't know!" The young boy shouted, so loud that it lifted both him off his feet and caused several occupants of the shrouded, claustrophobic shop to wince back. A shop that, was perfect for insulating loud noises and amplifying them, say, such as from a boy yelling at the top of his lungs.

To that effect, several sensitive–of–hearing aliens uttered incomprehensibly at the boy, gesturing what were most likely extremely rude signs with either a multitude of limbs or other appendages that may or may not have been limbs. Meanwhile, the other shop owners eagerly jumped on the chance and offered head muffs, applicable for many types of ears.

It appeared... the boy's loudness was well expected.

Regardless, the disguised (poorly, nobility radiated off of her, like a perfume of wealth attracting salivating merchants… and those of ill-repute) Queen of Naboo grimaced at the noise. Just how powerful were this boy's lungs?

Her Jedi escorts, however, proved remarkably unaffected, keeping their calm and showing not even a hint of pain from the noise. Oh, the younger one, the one with a braid in hair quickly hid his wince. Qui-gon continued, "But you must have it, this shop is the one that carries wares from across the entire galaxy, right?"

The boy stared with eyes wide open at Qui-gon. Vivid crimson eyes somehow ringed in gold, both fierce and warm , not unlike a fire. A moment passed, in a seeming contest of two wills, before- "Sorry! I don't know!"

Well, that was not good.

In the end, Qui-gon broke first, turning to Padme and Obi-wan. His brow furrowed in contemplation before he spoke. "I'm afraid that we may be trapped here longer than we imagined. I thought…" Seeming to reconsider his words, the wizened master shook his head. "My apologies, we have failed you… and your queen."

The tacit understanding between her and the Jedi Master went unnoticed by his student. Even as Padme's political mask definitely did not hold, the gaping loss of her world stretched out darkly in front of her. "But Master! We cannot stay here!"

"Patience, my young Padawan. The Force works in mysterious ways, perhaps, we have been brought here for a reason." If Qui-gon began to stroke his impressive beard, Padme wouldn't be surprised. He had the air of someone attempting to teach a lesson to his more brash apprentice.

And Obi-wan seemed to recognize it too, if the roll of his eyes and disgruntled expression meant anything. In a long, suffering tone, "Master…"

"Boy! Boy,are you sabotaging my business again?!"

Those strange eyes turned away, Padme started, she hadn't realized he hadn't looked away, to stare at a rather disheveled Toydarian with another boy trailing behind him, one much more… ordinary than the previous.

"Hey, Kyo." Waving, the sandy-haired boy (surprisingly, a lot of children on this middle-of-nowhere planet) roamed his gaze over until it stopped at her.

The sheer contrast between the boys, despite the similarity of their clothing, and likely their stations- apprentices to a shop owner? Padme noted the oil stains and dust caking the second boy, so a mechanic… or something to work on in the desert outside. Why was he still staring?

"Hello! So you were found, Ani! " The boy who must have been Kyo shouted again, causing the scruffy Todyarain to grunt and twist his finger into his ear.

Eugh, Padme tried to be affected by the lack of civility. She had wanted to see the galaxy, but what a first impression.

Kyo ignored the Toydarian completely, opting to split his attention between the second child-Ani, and Padme's group.

Flying over to Kyo, the winged alien, who must have been the actual shop's owner tried to swat at the boy but, with a movement too fast for her to see, Kyo appeared next to Ani, carefully cleaning him up with that same wide smile and intense stare. No, wait. Padme shook her head clear, must have been the sand. The stress and worry were getting to her.

Qui-gon started, both too distracted by the appearance of Ani and now the sudden incomprehensible speed of a boy without a talent for the force. A Sith-in-Training? Even as the thought returned, he brushed it off, why would a Sith leave their apprentice in a backwater hole like this? Also, even if the Sith could hide their presence so thoroughly for millennia, he hardly suspected a boy no greater than 10 or 12 galactic standard years could hide it so well in front of a Jedi Master.

He must have just been too focused on the blazing sight of the newest child in the Force.

"Now, what can I do for you, customers? A selection of droids? The highest quality fuel this side of Mos Espa? Don't listen to the boy, pah! Watoo has everything you could ever need!"

Padme let her eyes wander over to pair of boys as they left, Ani sneaking back looks all the while. She waved and immediately, his head spun back.

They made a strange sight, especially Kyo. His hair, eyes, and loudness. It felt as out of place in these exhausted wastes as much, well, her group did.

The moment of kinship was lost, as Watto laughed noisily at Qui-gon.

Kyojuro Rengoku nodded at his friend in this strange new life of his. "Good, good."

"I have complete faith that you will free yourself and your mother soon!"

He kept nodding, as Anakin exactly babbled on machinery and how that extra little bit of power to his pod-racing could be calibrated (machines had certainly changed in this new life), and how pretty was that lady?, and who were those guys, and…

In this new, cruel world, he had awakened into, his younger brother wasn't with him, nor his father, nor his mother. Part of him was glad, part of him mourned their loss, but all of him was happy that they did not join him here.

And Anakin wasn't a replacement, and neither were all the other children Kyojuro took under his wing. Senjuro was Senjuro, and Anakin was Ani. Simple as that. Kyojuro Rengoku had no family here. And that was good!

Kyrojuor ruffled Ani's hair. "I see! So you will be leaving soon."


He nodded decisively. "Alright! I will take care of your Mother, and everyone else when you leave."

It had been a long time coming, and while Kyojuro would definitely miss his brightest youngest brother, instinct had warned him at the very beginning that Ani would disappear. That thought had only grown stronger at the way the world, no, the universe had seemed to swirl around Anakin. A torrential flood of something great, something grand, and so powerful, it took his breath away.

It reminded him a little of Tengen, a song only he could hear or see. But with notes so grand and so encompassing that it set his instincts screeching over thin glass.

Anakin's sheer presence almost felt a little of Kyojuro's own instinct, passed down centuries of demon hunting, forged in blood and hope, burning alight in his heart and guiding him ever on further, even to his death. Like he was standing besides Father before.

"What are you talking about, Kyo?" Panic set in Ani's voice. He didn't understand. After all, he was only a child, unaware of how the world itself bent around him. He shook his head. "You're talking crazy again. I'm not leaving anytime soon, and you don't have to take care of anything!"

Anakin huffed, and turned sharply on his heel. He needed to work on his podracer, the thought itched in his skull painfully- he needed to check on it now- the itch went unsoothed by Kyojuro's soft ruffle.

But, even as Anakin said that, something in him wrenched wrong, just like whenever he set a fuse wrong in C-3PO or his podracer had been sabotaged to explode.

Kyo never lied.

Before the warriors took Ani away, before that dark presence of loathing hatred, bloodthirst, and rage- so much rage, like a demon but focused only on rage, instead of their terrible hunger (Maybe even an Lower Moon) approached on the horizon. Kyojuro found the strongest warrior watching outside of the Skywalker's home.

The sandstorm had already passed, and now the wastes burned with an icy stillness.

Sometimes, this world felt like the underworld. Terrifyingly hot, and bitterly cold, with constant whirlwinds of flesh scraping sand.

"I have a question, and I want you to answer with all your heart." Kyo let his voice soften, and the sound of chimes twinkled somewhere.

Three moons shone on the figure that night, shadowing him in blue. But not even their hue could hide his almost-comically colorful appearance.

Tattoine didn't have clouds, all of its moisture sucked up by farms, and it's moons often reflected at least one of its' twin suns, so every night was bright. Bright enough to see, but not bright enough so that shadows couldn't hide.

"..." For Qui-gon, this night felt like something he couldn't forget. The excitement of having found the Chosen One warmed his chest. The joy slowly being given to the force, still keeping him giddy even as he meditated.

As a Jedi Master, it was his duty to answer questions, hopes, confusions of the younglings. Although recently that duty had been, respectfully, attributed to other, more orthodox Masters. Still, something felt distinctly odd about this youngling.

So he said, with unusual seriousness. "I will do my best."

Perhaps, this was a test by the Force. To temper his enthusiasm with wariness.

Kyojuro seemed to stare into his mind, those striking two-toned eyes filling him not with fear, not at the sight of yellow- and it was more of a golden blaze from a star too close, not at all like the greedy putrid fear and hateful madness which filled the Jedi who fell. Once again, Qui-gon dismissed the passing want to stretch his curiosity through the Force.

"What do you believe is the purpose of your strength?"

The words resounded through the night, echoing among the sprawl of buildings.

Qui-gon frowned, strength? That was something more realized by the Sith then the Jedi. "My strength is coincidental, it is not something I sought, but something that was given to me by the force, by my training. If I had to describe its purpose…"

Purpose for his strength? He blinked, this…this. It reminded him of that moment in the Council Chambers. The clear night was not the late light of the setting sun peeking through blinds in private discussion seclusion with ancient grandmasters , but somehow… His arguments for the Jedi to be more involved, to be more active, to… use the Force and… the living Force.

"Its purpose is to guide. To be an example for my Padawan, and to guide others onto a better path."

Yes, Qui-gon could almost feel the approval from his own Master. Even on a face set in carbonite.

Kyojuro smiled, so bright that it even surpassed the three moons above. "Then Anakin will be blessed to have you for a teacher."

Before Qui-gon could react, Kyojuro had turned away, a hand left high in the air as acknowledgment.

Was there… a man much older, with a blazing white cloak transposed in that boy's place?

Qui-gon blinked the mirage out of his eyes, only seeing a disappearing dot melting away in the night.

Strange. Don't mirages come from heat hazes?

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Chapter 1: Who are you?
Chapter 1: Who are you?

Kyojuro breathed, low and steady. Wisps of unreal flame gathered at his breath, his eyes closed from the shifting sands slowly picking up heat and wind.

In the wake of Anakin's incredible victory in pod racing, many of the children who had bet on his amazing friend with every bit of scraped-together, cobbled, and secreted credits; they had asked Kyojuro to help them hide their painfully and preciously earned savings.

Like he was their Hashira… that thought settled like a stolen star behind his breastbone, trailing up and down his too-young body and ill-trained and fed at that.

Even after diligently putting himself through his training-loving crafted for his apprentices in another life, Kyojuro felt-no. Knew that the title had not been earned yet. Not in this current life.

He was too weak, too young, and too insignificant to fulfill his duties for them.

Complicated situations with no enemy easily seen, were part and parcel of every Demon Slayer Corp's members existence. Demons could hide in plain sight, integrating so deeply in an isolated location, living so well with their unknowing prey- sometimes who even tried to protect their killer.

To put it plainly, each and every mission could never be said to be simple.

The situation in which he was born into, was much like that.

Except with machines that were utterly beyond him and even stranger beings who were not demons; Kyojuro had still wished to crawl under a rock at all the occurences he had tried to kill another simple being one pure instinct, they did look awfully like Demons, but that was no excuse!

But at least, this: the vortex of rage and bloodlust rapidly approaching and screaming along his senses, was something that Kyojuro could do right now.

The others would come later, he swore. And never, not even in death, had he broken a vow.

Readying the borrowed pipe he had picked up, around the makeshift pod-racing track; the metal cool and not-unlike copper under his ungainly soft hands… Not for the first time, did he wish for his stalwart companion to be at his side.

Destroy all Evil Demons. Kyojuro snapped open his eyes, there.

An object, even in his vision, distorted through the sands but sharply contrasted on the empty dunes. One of those sleek vehicles, like Ani's Podracer, but even more dangerous and thin. It suddenly came to him, that it was not unlike a hawk swooping low to the ground.

That hawk gained tremendous speed and came directly at him.

Which he had intended after all, by positioning himself, central to the even more hawklike, silver machine of the stars, that noble and the warrior guards were currently readying for the boundless sky. As his most flashy fellow Hashira would say, Umu! Tengen Uzui Approved!

Five seconds.



Kyojuro didn't shift his respiration, already being in a state of Flame Breathing. For as long this too-young body could last, barely a half day. How shameful!


The young Kamado boy, and that boar-headed boy would laugh at him!


In an instant, the speeder flashed by Kyojuro, completely dismissing his presence, and it's darkly garbed passenger letting just the pressure difference bowl over the irrelevant resident. Said irrelevant resident, moved with such alacrity that not even the Force premonition warning the Sith Apprentice could he avoid the pipe coming for his chest.


The speeder without its' rider, spun out of control and whirled into the sands at its overclocked speed, exploding out a truly massive spout of sand and dust, until the fuel core hit the soft sand at such speeds it was as if it were steel, and likewise exploded.


Kyojuro had already twisted out of the way, but the sheer air pressure catching up with the speeder, blew him on his back. Spinning away from the similarly staggered vortex of hatred.

The red-and-black skinned man panted desperately. Only his last nano-second of using the force to blunt the blow had saved his chest from being caved in!

Slowly, they both rose. One now much more wary of the other, even if it was a child, and a pathetic ordinary entity in the Force.

"Tell me. Are you a Demon?" Kyo's words carried easily, even as the wrecked speeder crackled merrily away. Before an answer, "Sorry! That was a dumb question. It doesn't matter if you are or aren't- If you seek to harm the people behind me…

"Then I cannot let you pass!"

The metal pipe had twisted awfully at the force put on its fragile body, but with a powerful wrench, Kyojuro righted the bend in the pipe. With strength that should not belong to a bow of his age, much less a malnourished slave.

He had been given this strength once again, and once again he would not fail.

The man with the same screeching hatred and mad bloodthirst of a Demon said nothing. A silver object spun slowly behind the man, although it stopped before it reached his hand. No, unworthy.

The horned man settled into a standard fighting stance, unrestrained aggression lurking in every movement.

"I shall take that as your answer then!"

Suddenly- Kyojuro was before the man. Pipe coming for his head, directly below the horns.

Fast! Too fast for a Jedi! In the tiny moment before Kyo's weapon met his head, the man forced his head back, into a kicking backflip to cover his hasty dodge. Were those yellow eyes? Another Sith!?

Smoothly avoiding the kicks, Kyojuro stepped back then pressed forward with an utterly perfect form downwards slash. Smashing the pipe directly on the back.

Spittle and a grunt escaped the Sith apprentice. Barely able to roll away and messily scramble to his feet.


A snarl and the pulling out of that silver object- a hilt?- was the only answer.

Red ignited from the hilt, a horrific beam of chained light enhancing all of the swirling, self-perpetuating mass of rage before Kyojuro.

A cancerous growth, ah! Would this named a Demon in emotion then?

So that's what those strange rods were.

"Surrender," Wait- he added thoughtfully, "Please." A bamboo-eating girl dashing between warm wooden seats and cutting through fleshy, ew! as his cute junior would say, tendrils; in his mind's eye.

If a Demon could change, then perhaps a man with a Demon's heart could do so as well.

The red light swung at Kyojuro with a vicious snarl right behind the ugly buzz from it- the pipe that rose to meet it smoothly, nearly evaporated at the power.

Or not. Unfortunate!

Two-toned eyes widened, before they flashed forward, stepping out of the path of the impossible blade- but another slash came speeding forward, and Kyojuro had to dodge each and every blow.

A flurry of crimson began to wrap around the boy, both blurring at inhuman speeds.

The orange glow of a melted pipe streaked in between that overpowering red, glancing blows aimed at hands and body, stronger blows were too difficult to connect with the shortened weapon.

There! An opening!

Kyojuro caught the man's hand, ignoring the counter punch to his ribs that lifted him off his feet.


"Know this! It was Maul who killed you!" A second sword of bloody light forced Kyo to let go of the hilt, and stumble back- and the Sith Apprentice stepped forward, rotating with his blades into a thrust directly at Kyojuro's stomach.

Savage satisfaction filled Maul as his lightsaber inched towards the-!

A strange intake of breath feeling like pure flame in the Force(what?), and a crater appeared at the ground(What?).

Maul blinked.

Rushing to the scene, the two Jedi also blinked.

A smile as bright as flame, a boy born with twin suns at his back, "I am Rengoku Kyojuro! And you will not kill me!"

Something well known and beloved in the almost suburban sprawl in Mos Espa: Shmi Skywalker's cooking boasted a high honor among the local children, and its most ardent supporter was often jockeyed between her son, and-

"Not Tasty! Not Tasty!" Now, that was unheard of, even as Rengoku doubled down on everyone in the nearest town hearing it. The sheer noise shook the entire silver ship.

The Not-Tasty showed itself to be a peculiar green drink, bubbling oddly through the Naboo-style cup(silver spirals wrapped in glass).

Captain Panaka titled his head, military training suppressed the urge to cover his ears, unlike the 'Queen' and her 'hand-maiden'.

"Heh. That's how you know it's good medicine. You ever hear of bacta? I wouldn't be complaining so loud, if I were you- not on my pay." Surreptitiously, the guard coughed, ducking behind his stiff hat. "No offense, your highness."

'Queen' Amidala shook her head, despite the grand headdress and elaborate makeup caking her features. Something that glittered like gold jingled. "None taken, We understand. After all, the Zaltin Corp gouges our Mid-Rim home far more than the Core. It is an ongoing issue, We would discuss in the Senate… if not for the present crisis."

Rengoku stared unblinkingly at everyone for a moment, casting his gaze around at the two murmuring in low tones in the corner; Ani staring at him as the Yellow boy did, and passing the 'Queen' and her Captain- he saw the handmaiden trying to dissect him with her eyes alone.

It almost reminded him of Master Oyakata's wife, that same intelligence behind eyes sharp as their blades.

Alright! Rengoku swallowed the entire drink whole, and gently placing the cup down, bowed heavily towards the Naboo group. "Thank you for your hospitality! I will repay you in the future!"

And before anyone could react to that ridiculous statement, he had after all fended the Sith Apprentice long enough for the Jedi to outnumber him and force a pained retreat; Rengoku was in the airlock-

"Wait! We're in space, Kyo!" Ani stood up, reacting before the Jedi and the Nabooians, and definitely the knocked-unconscious Gungan.


"Yes, space, as in the space that you would kill you if you walked out."

Rengoku looked for all the galaxy a confused puppy, one of those guard breeds found in select Mid-Rim planets. Suddenly, his age was apparent and the whiplash was definitely hitting Obi-wan the hardest. Or at least the young padawan hadn't learned how to hide it as well as his master or their protectees did.

"But I have to take care of your mother, and all our brot-friends- Aha." Popping his fist in his hand, seemingly not even noticing his broken ribs or the burnt patches of his clothing from the Sith's lightsaber, Rengoku's eyes met the 'Queen's. "I require your help- please take me back where we just were!"

Obi-wan interjected, "Where the Zabrak who tried to kill just was."


"The Zabrak who you somehow fought off, who may or may not," His tone made it clear what he thought of that denial, crimson lightsabers weren't popular around the Jedi Academy. "Be the legendary Sith, come back from the dead; mind you, without any use of the Force, oh, but wait! You had a pipe! - No, a pipe melted in half!"

"While you're the same age as a… youngling. And with fractured, or probably, definitely shattered ribs." There was no mistaking the sarcasm practically flooding his words, especially at the end where it pitched higher with just the slightest touch of hysteria.

Qui-gon just patted his Padawan's shoulder.

But the sarcasm went completely ignored, Rengoku just nodding happily at the acute summarization.

Anakin said what the less martially-inclined people in the room all wanted to. "That's one-hundred percent, absolutely, not happening."

While Rengoku blinked in confusion, "We went into hyperspace, and…" Anakin's nose wrinkled. "I didn't want to say anything, but our Hyperspace generator? I don't think it's going to hold for a trip to…"

Padme, lost in thought, answered the implicit question. "Coruscant."

"Coruscant and back to Tatooine." Anakin continued easily. "Coruscant, we're good. But Tatooine?" He sucked in a breath, scratching at the back of his head.

"I got a bad feeling about."

Qui-gon sagely closed his eyes. "I concur. I, too, have a bad feeling."

His Padawan rubbed the bridge of his nose, a habit that would stay with him for the rest of his long life. Along with massaging his temples, and - "Does anyone else have a bad feeling? Apparently, now's the time to share." - Using snark as a coping mechanism.

"Please, go right ahead." Not even Rengoku could push past that amount of sarcasm.

Thus was the humble beginning of the Negotiator. And his many, many migraines.

Melted Burnished, Copper-like Pipe

A piece of piping salvaged from the eccentric Pod-racing trail; a sport popular in the Outer-Rim regions with risk and reward unbalanced. But even so, its appreciation is difficult to stamp out, and its participants possessed of reflexes beyond the ken…

This piping had a non-spectacular use for one of those participants who was unfortunately not possessed of those unnatural reflexes, and the following disaster was to be expected, and despaired of.

Yet, some say items created for a purpose somehow long for a similar one…

But this item, would most definitely not long for its next purpose.

An improvised weapon that strangely was wielded in a two-handed grip. Spectacular strength can still be found engraved in small handprints on its surface. Like it was burned onto the tool.

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Before I go to bed, here's a fun sneak peak:

The Force

Anakin will one day describe this eldritch, all-connecting, energy; as a beating heart in the palm of his hand. Crooning secrets and truths in both future and past.

He will also say, quote, "The Force is cool, but Breathing? That's free."

A tired master will listlessly respond, "You were, literally, born by the Force"

"Sure, that is true. Probably. But I don't remember needing to give up my Mom to breathe."

Somewhere, sometime, someplace. A force ghost whispers, "Just your legs, and wife, and future with your children."

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I like this

I like this a lot

Seriously Rengoku is a force (heh) of nature and he's only a child. Imagine when he's older and has a Vibro-Blade, he'll probably be able to do something crazy like make it so that the heat of his hands in conjunction with the High Frequency vibrations of a Vitro-weapon will cause the molecules in the air to speed up thus cause actual fire attacks instead of just a metaphoric fire
Chapter 2: You’re a Jedi, Harr-
Chapter 2: You're a Jedi, Harr-

In a spaceship meant more style and exorbitant comforts worthy of being a pleasure cruise for royalty; unsurprisingly, there was little room for a private chat. The Jedi used the super tight sleeping quarters, and the tall Captain Panaka usually was piloting the ship.

(Nice, safe, solid, he had taught Anakin the controls and had even explained how they may look on other spacecraft. Graduated top o'my class at the Academy! Laughter tinged with worry. "They still bring me in to teach those newbloods some things or two- talent they got, but experience? That's what these gray hairs are for!" More laughter, freer now, and burning with determination.

Captain Panaka will die to ensure that those young guards will see gray in the mirror too. Anakin had shivered, "So do all Naboo spaceships have no firepower?" Something sharp lingering behind his smirk.)

The Queen, pretty too - maybe Angels traveled together - but why would she paint her face like a podracing hull?

(A memory of terrifying men, clad in clothing that didn't protect you from sand or the heat, laughing and chatting in the Catina; one somber one, deep in the strange water. Oh, my Angel, my Angel in the stars.

Fake but warm, it whispered in Anakin's head, lost amid myriad thoughts and emotions.)

But if you were two slight children… Then you had options.

Anakin had pulled his weird friend - if you swung an invisible object at the dead hours before the sun even rose, you were weird - into a vent (silver and smoothly shiny, Angels apparently did live in heaven) and through the sleek innards of the Naboo starcraft.

"So…" Well, might as well just go for it, "Are you a Jedi?"

Rengoku blinked his awesome eyes. "No." Somehow still sounding as if he was shouting, even in a whisper. Whisper-shouting. "I only serve Oyakata-sama!"

Whoever that was.

Blind, but so so… better. Somehow, even the name swelled suns of respect in Anakin's chest, inspiring him even as he found the brilliance like a comet streaking through the stars. Too short, too short.

Anakin nodded, missing the intruding knobs and wiring above them by a hair, a quick mind once again noted the improbable fortune of his friend. "Okay. Not a Jedi, got it…"

A moment passed in silent contemplation between the two of them, the strangely focused breathing of Rengoku pleasant with the quiet hum of the engine. His Breath will forge anew the shattered cage around his blazing heart.

"...Can you teach me then?"

"Sure!" Cool.

Rengoku stilled, a crease forming between his weird forked brows. Anakin's mentioned how weird Kyo looks, he's like an alien, but like Anakin. If that made sense…

"I'll write up a training booklet for you, so you can train even when you become a Jedi and protect, Sorry! , guide the Noble lady!"

"Cool… Wait." Something was off about that, wasn't it? Ignoring his hot cheeks, Anakin turned over Kyo's words in his head. Everything made sense, but the way he put it-

Slowly, letting each word linger on his tongue - like how sometimes the sand would taste on the fruits sold by Jira, or how after a sandstorm even Mom's food had that awful feeling; "Kyo."

And if the way his friend turned the full force of his attention him, calmed him in this new, new, brave, wrong, and too bright galaxy - provided a warm flame to steady his haywire instincts, then Anakin made a mental note to ask Master Qui-gon to help Rengoku too.

And maybe every other slave: Banai and Wald, and Jira, and Mom, oh, Mom.

"What do you think Jedi are?"

Rengoku sat upright, his posture sharp and mind cutting through his own assumptions. "Shameful! Shameful, if my fellows could see me now, I would crawl into the sand!"

Several in earshot wondered what the boy was talking about, but as their destination soon approached they focused on their own parts to play.

The connection between the similar weapons of the Sith? Sith and the Jedi had worried at the back of his mind, but he assumed it was merely a coincidence by nature of powerful tools following similar paths! Like the Breath of Flower and Insect to Water.

But he was wrong!

Jedi were not elite protectors of Nobles! Not- Like the samurai of yesterday!

He had even dismissed his wondering on why they hadn't used their strength responsibly! Their responsibilities unfulfilled! Duties left to wither! Those weaker unprotected-

Fire ignited across his body, broken ribs forcefully pushed together by Breath and god-given strength.

Three people instantly felt something scorch their prenatural senses.


"I, Rengoku Kyojuro, very much dislike you!"

Anakin tripped on air, and fell flat in the doorway, causing Captain Panaka to also trip- decidedly not on air- before he could announce their arrival.

Kyo had never, ever, expressed any kind of dislike! Not even of sand, or the scorching heat, or the stabbing cold, or the- or the, you get it- Never!

Obi-wan, awoken in his nap- again- wondered if he should be bothered by this, or not. Deciding discretion sounded very much the path of the Jedi High Council, he turned to the wall and firmly attempted to return to sleep.

Qui-gon, on the other hand, worried. An old friend's words echoing in his ears…

"Enough. We are here." Padme helping both Anakin and Captain Panaka up, decided that Jedi Matters were Jedi Matters. Additionally, Naboo was literally under siege, and why were there two children aboard her ship, also… was it fair to leave Jar Jar- No (Please), but for saving her World.


"Now, all of you, off my ship!"

"Ahem... Our ship."

Coruscant was a planet encased in metal, from the clouds all the way down to the choking chasm of infrastructure below. Yes, it was an incredible feat of engineering, architecture, and material science that truly earned its title as the Jewel of the Core. Yes, it was the center of the galaxy, with every bit of its orbit, its climate, and even its time of day controlled to the dot. And yes, it was the seat of the Galactic Republic.

But as anyone who lived on the man-made world would know, Coruscant was the Galactic Republic, and it lived all its beauty and gaping flaws.

While Anakin tried to capture the dizzying awe of a slave exposed to civilization at its most processed, and the Jedi gave it a passing glance before soundly putting their homeworld out of mind again, and the Nabooians grimaced at the overflow of metal; Rengoku frowned. Instinct told him that the crafted beauty of the surface was but a front for the howling desperation below.

Even in another life, there were injustices and suffering that he couldn't slay with a sword.

While Demon Slayers had uniforms and were funded for their unquestionably lethal service, they were not a legal arm of the government, and all their activities were disavowed and hidden from the general public. They weren't even truly funded by the government- who had barely tolerated their dangerous existence- the Ubayashiki family provided a stipend for all Slayers. Along with donations and care received from the unfortunates who realized the Demon threat.

That is, to say a Demon Slayer could act with impunity and strike down human criminals, or suffering perpetuated by those corrupt or in power would be very much wrong. Either the threat of death by Demons and subsequent exhaustion or the government's even heavier response to Demon Slayers who went vigilante had ended those ideas well before Rengoku's generation.

And Tengen's own stories of the demon-like side of authority would stay many other hands.


Rengoku often forgot those warnings while on missions. Apologies, Oyakata-sama!


Coruscant felt like the worst of those places. So many flashing lights and milling people that any thoughts of rebellion were crushed under the weight of intoxicating pleasure or exhausting industry.

The strong thrived in the light, while the weak suffered their excesses in the abyss below?

If he was a more a beautifully minded Hashira- his cute juniors!- or as wise as Oyakata-sama, he would think this the Underworld, or the dying sparks of his asphyxiating brain...

But he was not! And it didn't matter. Regardless, if whether this was a nightmare or a dream, he, Rengoku Kyojuro would set his heart ablaze!

Anakin heard a sound, like chimes to ears. Beautiful but sad in a… happy way? And suddenly, Coruscant looked a lot less amazing and more like the ships of the worst of the Hutt-funded gangs or pirates. All metal and wiring and piping pumping bloody fuel for reasons that ticked imaginary numbers on a greasy screen.

Now, onwards- To the dislikable Jedi Council!

The bright-haired and incredibly weird-looking boy like a flame sitting outside the Jedi Council chambers in the temple drew more than a fair share of curious eyes.

Both younglings and Jedi's further along the path of enlightenment stared at the eyes burning into yellow, eyebrows as loud as heavy black brows that were also forked, and hair that defied all comprehension. They thought to themselves, a new fashion on Coruscant? While those younger wondered if they could get hair that cool and pretty, or would it be against the Code?

Rengoku had been patiently waiting, naturally! Ani was, of course, first as was right. Although Rengoku had many reservations about the Jedi, and Qui-gon too but a little less, he knew how much his young friend burned with desire to be among their number!

So there he sat, waiting for the Jedi's version of Selection to begin- was there a ground full of Sith that young Jedi warriors must face in order to become a true member of their Corps? Though these warriors with strength without the understanding of what it should be used for probably didn't. Strength as a coincidence?

No warrior who desired defense would place a sword - a sword was even an impossible blade of light, it did cut after all - would place a sword on their belt. Instead of say… a shield.

Was he being, perhaps, unfair? Surely those impossible blades were rare to the point of legend, making a whole shield of light sounded even more far-fetched than a sword. Rengoku creased his brow. This was uncomfortable! Recognizing the depths of his ignorance was annoying!

He will correct that as soon as possible! Like adjusting his form a thousand little ways until his mind shut down, strength was not only found in the body. If one's strength could only be described as physical, then one would find a Demon's claw instead of a misstep in their form.

That's why you must practice until you want to die! And then run until you want to die! And then swing your sword until your arms want to fall off! Why you must keep your eyes open no matter how much they are crushed! Move until your body cries out for death, and then push forward even still!

Anakin in the council chambers felt a burning determination on his back, and felt fear.

"Fear I sense in you, much fear."

A green wrinkled alien, that was about as small as Anakin said oddly to the room. Talk weirdly, he did. Oh god, it wasn't contagious, was it? Anakin doesn't look enough like a dehydrated fruit to seem wise if he started talking like a weirdo!

"Ummm, I guess." Maybe, he would have lied or bluffed, but with Kyo being able to detect lies like nothing else, Anakin only lied to his Mom now, she doesn't need to go worrying about him, not at all!

Yoda hummed. "Fear for your Mother? Miss her you do?" Phrasing it like a question, even though Anakin knew, could feel, it-the Force- whispering in a strange song to the green alien. But it wasn't a question, it was an accusation. And the other Council members, those great overlooking seats buzzing with disapproval being washed away into the Force, made that clear enough.

"So what?" And anger rushed through him, Yeah! Did he miss his mom? Of course, he did! Was there something wrong with missing his, his, Mom?! If it was such a problem, go back to Tatooine and save her!

"Attachment you have, fear for her you do, anger you feel. Suffering you will."


What the fuck was this frog talking about.

Anakin had once heard Jira call him the Kindest boy she knew, which wasn't saying much considering they only knew the miserable kids mucking in the sand under invisible chains, but privately? Honestly? He wasn't kind, he just knew what felt wrong and what felt right. It was simple, anything that was bad, and wrong, and shitty, were things Watoo would do, or what the gang would do, or what the Hutts hedonized in. And anything they wouldn't do? That was right. Kyo had smiled when he confessed that to him, a late day shimmying and poking about in C-3PO spent together.

Amazing! Incredible! To be honest, we are in a terrible, wrong world, but you are different! You don't have what others have, but you have me! You have your wonderful Mother! Let's live rightly! Whatever you do, keep that mentality and you will go on to do awesome, good things! And then Mother would definitely tell you did your duties wonderfully!

So even though Anakin didn't really get what this frog meant, with his stupid confusing way of talking, he knew… that people like the Hutts? The Slavers? They wouldn't help his Mom either, even though they easily could.

"Shut up, you fucking frog-"

Expletive after expletive came out of the young boy's mouth, things he didn't care to understand but overheard from the scruffiest meanest people shouting in the Catina.

The rest of the Council meeting only went downhill from there.

The Force

Anakin will one day describe this eldritch, all-connecting, energy; as a beating heart in the palm of his hand. Crooning secrets and truths in both future and past.

He will also say, quote, "The Force is cool, but Breathing? That's free."

A tired master will listlessly respond, "You were, literally, born by the Force"

"Sure, that is true. Probably. But I don't remember needing to give up my Mom to breathe."

Somewhere, sometime, someplace. A force ghost whispers, "Just your legs, and wife, and future with your children."

Pfft wow never have I thought someone would say that to Yoda

Then again Anakin is a kid and Yoda did move to a swamp after the Jedi were killed

I always did think Anakin was a little too... Disney, for a slave. Plus, without the awe and newness of having a super cool temple and cool lightsabers, and just really awesome appearances, the Jedi would start looking a lot less like heroes. And more like people who would ignore him.
Chapter 3: A New Hope (Flame)
Chapter 3: A New Hope (Flame)

The Jedi as a whole, while many had argued against their increasingly isolationist and increasingly passive methods, were actually in a Golden Age, perhaps not of the Light side, but of the Jedi themselves.

Yes, through their ties to the Republic and the many many laws and wordings in the Senate that both directly and indirectly leased them on a tight trend, in exchange for hefty benefits they enjoyed the Core and Mid-Rim; the Jedi had, despite growing in numbers to a degree that fully would have shocked even the most radical of Jedi of old, still not widely grown in notoriety or public knowledge.

Regarded by many as a mysterious and powerful group of, well, space wizards, or monks that made no sense and really should learn tans and brown bathrobes do not make a uniform, the Jedi were divorced from the public that they so allegedly serve, and 'guided'.

Yet, many would consider the current Jedi to be in a Golden Age- imagine this:

No Sith to defend against, Dark Jedi in single digits counted by the Decade! (which is actually likely connected to their isolationist and early age of instruction, lack of attachments indeed) A stunning breadth of younglings, knights, masters, all concentrated at the heart of the Republic! Even the Jedi High Council had more members than any had ever seen! Proudly strong and united with members such as Mace Windu, Adi-Gallia, Yaddle, Plo Koon, Even Piell, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Yoda, and many more!

And the Council wasn't filled with purely human or human-centric species of aliens, which was the case for the Jedi of millennia past. No, with their relationship of the Galactic Republic, Jedi were able to allow force-sensitive children from the entire Republic and train(indoctrinate) them into the ways of the Force and the light side's teachings.

Knights and Masters on average, were far younger and more embedded with the light than most of the Jedi's long history- excluding the harshest of wars between Lords of light and dark, conflicts so devastating and destructive that they stagnated the entire galaxy a hundred- thousand times over… it was said that the hardest of times forced out the strongest. But with the creation of the Knight trials, the average ability of all senior members of the Order was, on the whole, more rounded and connected to the Force than ever before in living memory!

Jedi of today enjoyed lifelong compensation, their basic needs and shelter could be easily accommodated by the enormous Jedi Temple based on Coruscant, with powerful legal allowances or moral reputation idolizations in the Core-Worlds, many of their missions or journeys through those Sectors were tolerated or even celebrated by the law of the Republic.

In short, Jedi did not have any true need to become strong in a galaxy that they had helped and sacrificed to create. Not even the lingering remains of the increasingly powerfully dark Sith were concerning enough to change the Jedi of today.

Perhaps… it was that these wonderful highs were so high and the lows so low, that the Jedi had such a mixed reputation. Especially in the Mid and Outer worlds. And that was not even accounting for the Unknown Regions.

Yoda sighed. "...Too harsh, perhaps we were on Anakin Skywalker."

It had been a long time since the Council had interacted with those untrained in their ways, and even then, not those of such volatile ages. "Understandable his emotions were, too much in his young life at once, happened."

Yoda distinctly ignored how his colleagues seemed to have re-noticed his peculiar speech quirks, his speech had been such for longer than any of them had lived, as was the case for many things. Also, it forced them to think on his words, something many were too brash to do, even the wisest.

Mace Windu, the master of Vaapad, and not surprisingly aggressive for a High Council member, shot up a sharp brow. "He's too old, we know that. We all know that."

"This," referring to the incident that caused even Mace to add some new curse words to his extensive repertoire. "This is why. Even if he is the Chosen One, if we change our ways for one boy, no matter who he is or what he might do, how can we believe in our own principles?" He challenged them all with a fierce look, daring them to answer, to fight for that idea in verbal debate. No one did.

"We cannot."

The other Council members broke out into whispers and murmured discussion between themselves, almost forming factions from just a single boy- Yoda closed his eyes, focusing outwards into the Force. Still, the future ahead felt like shadows in glass. Blurry, indistinct, but full of darkness. What lay ahead was unclear, and even his heart was beginning to be unsettled at the outbreak of events forcing them into focus.

First, Dooku. The Disaster, the growing power of the Dark Side… more and more Jedi Masters who employed even greater perception and wisdom of the future than he, dying off in strange and unknowable accidents… None of it boded well for the future.

"Enough." Yoda opened his eyes, his voice ceasing all other discussions, "Much to think of we have, Worrying these events are. But Fear? Fear we must not!"

Fear led Anger, Anger led to Hate, and Hate… Hate led to suffering. And Suffering was the beginning and end of it all.

"Now, we shall meet with another child- And Better we shall be. Less harsh, we should be. Remember our younglings and not who the child is, we will."

Rengoku wondered what put Anakin in such a foul mood.

Qui-gon Jinn had ushered Anakin away before he could ask, but nonetheless! Rengoku could feel that his friend had grown brighter in himself, more sure of himself despite the newness that they had found.

He nodded so energetically that those nearby wondered if a fire had been set somewhere, hopefully not in the archives, they shuddered. Even if everything was stored in crystal and fireproof materials, the Archivist would flay them in words and punishments for any due part in threatening her domain.


If his young friend could grow ever brighter, then so must Rengokyu grow in passion! He will become worthy of the title of Hashira even sooner in this life! While Muchiro still had him utterly and soundly demolished in speed to become a Hashira, and his talents were mere embers to the next generation of Demon Slayers, Rengoku would never falter! Their growing strength only inspired him! And saddened him for failing to ensure that they never needed to grow that strength!

Hard work will never be worthless. Even if it failed, that hard work and determination poured into it surely had meaning, even if no one believed it!

Rengoku would believe even more then!

"Enter, you should."

But first.


Even if they didn't consciously understand it, the Jedi, no, most practitioners of the Force had a peculiar view of those without a gift for the mystical energy threaded through all life and death. Force sensitivity, after all, naturally precluded a life full of choices that impacted the galaxy at large.

It was… an implicit bias, one could say.

Force-sensitivity also increased traits such as a quick mind, pre-natural instincts, phenomenal luck, charisma, mood swings like you wouldn't believe, emotional sensitivity of a teaspoon, the ability to move things with your mind, empathy and emotional manipulation, the ability to understand machinery on a level no one could, and creating tech that vastly eclipsed the current galaxy's entire technological abilities- Quite honestly, the Force was a damn cheat.

And it even was passed down through bloodlines.

So one could understand Yoda's shock at finding Rengoku's midi-chlorian count. "Funny, this is not. A joke, in very much poor taste."

Mace snatched the holo-tablet from the Grandmaster's hand. Upon seeing the screen, he blurted out, "Motherfu-"

A perfectly ordinary count of midi-cholorians. Nowhere near even the weakest youngling's count- No no no. Midi-cholorians could be wrong. Many cases had shown that the biological test meant very little in actual application, and only sustained observation and actual training proved an individual's actual connection with the Force.

Yoda cleared his throat, "Young Rengoku, please, answer these questions, can you?"

"I can! May I ask you questions in turn then!"

Several council members had to hide a smile at that, a game of twenty questions was it? Also, why was the boy shouting?

Without the extreme expectation placed on the 'Chosen One' and their unknowing subconscious reaction to such a swirling nexus, terrifying in the sheer emotion, in the Force- along with their humbling by Anakin, their reception to another child was much more reserved.

And hidden.

Yoda smiled, which most definitely did not remind Rengoku of a Kappa Demon. Just a little. Sorry! The robes didn't help.

"Answer, we will." The aged Grandmaster waved his hand, and a striking tablet with peculiar inky blots on one side moved through the air to him. "What, see you do?"

Rengoku watched the display with no reaction, though he couldn't exactly open his eyes wider. Always Vigilant. Only close your eyes when they cannot open!

"A rectangular object that floated through the air! Very flashy!, but I cannot repay you for the show!" He clasped his hands together, and offered a respectful bow, just done in such a quick motion that many wondered if it even happened.

"... Moving on, I will."

Reactions similar were not uncommon. Not every youngling knew what a Jedi was.

"Very well- my question is this! Why do you not free us?"

The air seemed to freeze. No, Rengoku's gaze was so intense, his question so simple but striking, that even the Jedi High Council, renowned for their wisdom, skill, and experience, were silent.

Yoda recovered the quickest. "Our influence in the Outer-Rim, most wrongly in areas of such evil, the weakest it is. Only apologies, we can give, and Truth, insufficient, it feels."

"Don't apologize if you will not change anything!" Rengoku's words were not harsh, or accusing, but scolding. "Next question, please!"

That only made it worse for the venerable High Council. The late Coruscant sun had begun to set, and the darkening room allowed for wounded egos to hide in from the blaze they faced.

Again, they as one turned(not physically but in the Force) to Yoda to ask, the greatest teacher and mostly connected with the younglings.

Easy a title, grandmaster was not. "Solve every problem, we cannot. Should we, every problem solve? No. That way is the way of control and power."

Rengoku fired back, lightning quick. "You talk strange! But excuses are not answers! Philosophy is not meant as a reason against duty!"

Yoda responded just as quickly. "Say that I did not! Excuses, I do not mean to give, and it is only through philosophy can we resist the Dark side!"

"Evil is something we all must face, but allow it to go unchecked out of fear of it, can not be called good or Light."

Rengoku's words, high on his child's voice, echoed throughout the lofty chamber.

Every member of the Jedi High Council recoiled as if Rengoku had swung a blade of flame at their necks.


Yoda looked like he had been stabbed through, a gaping wound in the eldest Jedi alive. But he was not the greatest example of the Golden Age of the Jedi Order for nothing, and slowly, but not weakly, Yoda asked.

"Time, time you must give us. Perfect, we can never be. Problems everywhere they are, and evil left to fester we have, but… but the Jedi, the Jedi honor I have to teach, have done great good and sacrificed even more."

Clang! A stick suddenly slammed into the ground, and Yoda slowly, slowly left his floating seat. "Failings, our failings of you, blame me you should. My instructions and guidance failed them, I have."

The rest of the Council wished to speak out, wanted, needed to disagree, to argue that Yoda could not be blamed, and that this wasn't… But the words stuck in their throats, to interrupt the greatest of them all, to speak out against their grandmaster…

Rengoku approached the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order through the silence thick and heavy with words unspoken.

"I see, I see. You are right! The problem begins in you."

Anger and shock flooded through the temple, and the ignition of a violet blade shot out.

"You are too much of the Jedi Order! If you take responsibility for the entire Jedi Corps, then that's where you have failed!"

"Raise your head, you have failed, but failure is never the end. And neither is the end! Each and every member of the Jedi are warriors, great warriors!" Mace Windu lowered his saber, "Strange warriors!" An alien with four arms a neck longer than it had any right to be stood up. "Warriors of unbelievable age! Of light so bright that I am ashamed! Ashamed of my own lacking flame! So ashamed I wish to only follow your light- But I will not!"

Yoda let out a breath, staring above at the boy-no, man blazing in front of him. And he saw it clear as flame, a uniform of night, a cloak of white licked by fire, a heart never to go out, and a man that would never give up.

And he felt like he did so, oh, so long ago. Centuries ago, when memory faded and became more unreal to him then even the future. Staring up at the Jedi Temple, staring up in awe.

Rengoku clasped Yoda on the shoulder, and hope began to burn anew. The future remained in shadows, and the worries and ravages of time, hopes and nightmares, began to rekindle, and yet… yet. Yoda felt like his old heart beat furiously again.

"If you are likewise not satisfied with the result, if it stabs at you, if it hurts you to even think of your lacking, then change! Even if you fail, even if it humiliates you and you fall and cry miserably! Set your heart ablaze and try again!"

Rengoku's eyes challenged them all, staring into them.

"Follow your own paths, we must! That's the only way we can live happily and live fulfilled lives defeating evil!"

Rengoku Kyojuro

The Flame Hashira born again in a galaxy of light and dark. A flame that will never 'die', and blazes in every heart that has ever witnessed the never-faltering flame.

Skilled in blade and quick in mind, the Flame Hashira has never 'lost'.

A man who can even light the darkest of times, even in death.

Is perfectly ordinary in the Force, and has no special connection, void or otherwise in the mystical energy.

Is really loud. Tore out his slave chip, and has just been on Tatooine without anyone realizing.

Loves his Mom.

Chapter 4: Three Totally Normal Talks
Chapter 4: Three Totally Normal Talks

The Senate could be described as a shining example of the Galactic Republic, the fully realized and veritable incarnation of the desires and hopes and dreams so many had sacrificed, died, killed, and strove for a thousand years. It was a product of the Ruusan Reformation as much as it was a product of the Old Republic, and it was as that legacy of greatness as the Jedi and Sith were.

It could also be called stupid.

The sheer amount of representatives and Senators could not be overstated, and the ensuing slow stagnation and hotbed of dissenting factions and host of personal, public, and corporate influences in the once mediating and passive Senate forced it to turn into a nest of vipers all waiting to strike at one's heel.

Good, became a word which had no meaning. Profit and personal gain, or political favor were the words that had any real sway over the overwhelming majority of the Senate.

Just as Senator Palpatine and his late Master and his late Master, and a line of shadowed Sith had worked for centuries to achieve. Of course, not even the Sith would claim all the credit, the Ruusan Reformations and the natural inclination of all politicians did most of the work. And who could forget the oh so wise Jedi? Their influence and lack of influence in politics was most helpful.

Smiling genially, with a face so kind and grandfatherly that Padme and her cadre of lovable buffoons would feel relaxed, Palpatine plucked artfully the strings of discord. "I was afraid of this, my Queen. The Republic and the Senate… I can only say that the Trade Federation has its hooks too deep in those greedy bastards."

Faking righteous anger, but not too much, was a game that Palpatine had long learned to master, and the Queen, naive and idiotically heroic stupid she was, could barely keep the furious red from spilling all over her face.

"I understand your frustration, our Senator, but surely there must be something we can do? Without the Republic's aid… we'll be all but slaves to the Trade Federation."


"What was that? I didn't quite catch that?"

Palpatine coughed, ah. He must have let his guard down too much after being so close to his laughably easy victory.

Caution and prudence still had to serve him well, for years to come- with a wave of his hand- he manipulated that memory to blur and fade even further, adding tinges of more anger, more frustration, more reckless Justice to distract the naive Queen.

"Oh, I was merely thinking of galactic law, I find it most helpful to read up on the material occasionally. Refresh the mind, new eyes can always find solutions to new problems."

Padme shook off a sudden bout of weightlessness, extraplanetary travel always had that effect on her, and her rising emotions didn't help. "Senator?"

How crass. How simple, to not see such an unsubtle ploy? It appeared that Palpatine's longtime work on her may have been too thorough. A job too well done, ah, well it was his earliest machinations after all. It almost felt nostalgic. "Have you read the Galactic Constitution, your highness? I find it a most illuminating read, myself, and full of political abilities and powers that many would find… helpful."

There. He could not act any more obviously. For the sake of the several spies and listening devices allowed on his person, and his own desire to choke the life out of the Nabooian people and their ignorant Queen.

"Very helpful." The Vote of No Confidence, your highness, was subtly threaded red into her memories, to be refreshed when she re-read the Galactic Constitution.

Just in case.

Qui-gon Jinn stood tall in the more private council discussion room, just a few doors away from the High Council chambers. No longer an ignorant Jedi knight, he had seen the depths of the Galaxy and the folly of their ways, and no longer would he be cowed by even the legendary Grandmaster of the Order.

Still… whatever had transpired after Anakin's horrific first introduction to the leading body of the Jedi, had caused a shaking of the Jedi, to their very foundations it had felt like. The disturbances in the Light side, a vibration through his flesh, and warmth in his bones.

He had a feeling, that this meeting with Yoda would be illuminating. In more ways than one, whether he would train the Chosen One, whether he would stay in the Jedi Order.

It all hinged on this.


"I… I don't understand." The admission pained him, but Qui-gon had to say it. "Why. Why now? Why do you feel different now?"

"Why not when my Master challenged you! Why not when so many other, other Jedi, wise, strong, skilled Jedi Masters and Jedi knights challenged you!"

Yoda weathered the increasing accusations calmly. Even as he already gone through several exhausting debates just today. "Understand you do not. Understand then you did not."

Qui-gon snarled. Before barely recomposing himself, forcing out his emotions into the Force, calm. Calm, he was not a young man anymore. He would not frustrated and lost when speaking to the Grandmaster. "Then help me understand, do not speak simply in riddles. This is not the time for instruction."

Of course, Yoda smiled, of course, Qui-gon regretted the words before they even emerged from his mouth.

And the unspoken lesson rang out in the silence. It is always the time for instruction. There are only times when you do not want to be instructed, and times you do. Qui-gon helpfully translated from Yoda's peculiar speech.

"Understand, you did not. Not of our ways, not of what you asked for. Attack us, attack me, you meant to do. Our ways, our methods, our lives, everything you attacked, without understanding of what you wished for."

"The Order needed to change, what we were doing, what we are doing- It's not working!" Qui-gon would not be guilted, would not allow Yoda to twist his meaning-

"Stop. See you must. You focus on us, you wish for Us to change, you attack the Order. The foundations that raised you, that protected you from the Dark Side, the Order and all it's members, you attack." Yoda shook his head.

"The Results you must think on, the actual failing we have caused, not the why of the failing." He sighed. "But this too, my fault it is. You and Dooku are the same, too removed, too much like me, to see. My failing as a teacher, this is."

"Point at the Jedi, use the suffering we have not prevented as evidence, as reason to change."

Qui-gon forced out a harsh breath. And another. Letting his turbulent emoticons into the Force, allowing his mind to think rationally and with the haze of anger and defensiveness.

"Think on you should, why not free his Mother you did not. I too, will think heavily, and then act rightly. As I should have done."

Qui-gon's breath hitched.

The time, the Naboo mission, the lack of credits... excuses.

"...the Chosen One?" He swallowed down his shock. "What of the Chosen One then?"

Yoda laughed. "Change, he has caused already has he not? Both Anakin Skywalker and Rengoku Kyojuro bring change to the light already they did."

"You know what I meant."

"Hmmm. Train him, we do not know. Too much to think on we have, to think on the traini-" Yoda suddenly stopped, the most peculiar expression making its way on the wizened Grandmaster's face.

"Is something wrong? I unders-know he's too old, but… if we forgo his training, the consequences would be. Disastrous." Qui-gon suppressed a shiver, already the Dark Side was growing stronger, if the Chosen One did not uphold balance. Then the Dark would consume all, and destroy, and corrupt-

"...Determine Rengoku as a Force-Sensitive… we forgot."



Rengoku wandered about the Jedi Temple.

His search had brought him to Anakin, asleep, earlier and in the guest sleeping quarters, he had left him. Not without a careful search around the premises for any sense of a Demon, emotional or physical, but after acknowledging the cold, grasping, maw below, it was otherwise perfectly safe.

That maw was probably a result of Coruscant's underbelly, as cruel as that was.

Rengoku resolved to investigate it further once he returned to Coruscant after his mission on Tatooine.

Even without Oyakata-sama's orders and organization of information from the entire Corps, he had already found several missions to complete! Long-term and complicated missions, with no easy Demon to slay, but that was the way of things even before.

The Demon threat did not end with one, it wouldn't be right to say it would even end with slaying Muzan. That would be ridiculous! Muzan was only the source, and without the source, their work as Demon Slayers would end, but only after the fallout from Muzan was completely wiped away! Their duty as the strong demanded no less!

And his current duty as the strong demanded him to grow in strength, to surpass even his previous life. To fulfill his responsibility and live out his own words, Rengoku must train even more!

To the probable, that may or may not exist, training halls!

A stomach growled loudly.

Have you heard… of a Jedi Shadow? Maybe not, maybe yes, but if you did, then that would be information that you shouldn't have.

The Jedi had further segments with three classifications, three kinds of Jedi and their own personal brand of problem-solving through that. Consulars, Guardians, and Sentinels. Although the third, was much more rare than the first two, and consequently enjoyed a complicated relationship with their own Order.

Besides the Temple Guards that inspected Rengoku's visitor pass and his credentials, most of the Temple had gone to sleep, except those with more nocturnal needs or particular sleep cycles. But all in all, the Jedi Temple was a surprisingly empty and solemn place during the night.

Like a long-forgotten tomb of a powerful pharaoh.

The flow of activity and the ever-cacophony of noise on Coruscant didn't stop just because the sun crossed below the horizon. Politicians, spies, corporations, corporate spies, attendants, assistants, those enslaved in all but name, those that hungered below, the flood of mortality never rested.

The wicked never did.

The terrible truth of the Jedi, they had forgotten the Sith. No, they had forced the Galaxy to forget the Sith. Erasing every scrap of information on their enemies, the Jedi of old had done more than defeat their foes, they defiled and exorcized every remnant of the bloating stinking corpse that had been the Sith.

Dark artifacts, any and all information of the Sith, the devotees of the Dark side had been brutally massacred and erased by the Jedi. All out of the concern for any to fall to the allure of the Dark side. Even entire planets and remnants of their far-reaching Empire had been blanked from any and all records. Known records.

How very kind of the followers of the Light.

In just five years, the Galaxy had trouble even recalling the Sith, and what they did, and what they could do.

Who carried out that task? Jedi Shadows.

And what happened to the Jedi Shadows, now?

Perhaps they returned to being Sentinels, blending in with the populace and secreting out any hint of their quarry. Or perhaps the Jedi excised them out of fear for their tainted light.

It wouldn't be the first time that the Jedi had forced out their own.

Rengoku frowned, looking over his shoulder again. On Coruscant, the sheer overflow of everything had sent his instincts into a chaotic whirl of static and colors, past a certain distance, nothing was certain.

Like an Upper of Lower Moon's unreal bloodthirst, the intensity drowned out anything in a horrifically wide range.

Very well! He must train his instincts as well then!

But… how?

Making his way to the training grounds as helpful directed by one of those Temple Guards, Rengoku mused on that thought. From his experience, his instincts only sharpened and increased in skill when in life or death battle.

Should he ask one of those helpful silent guards for a spar then?

"Or should you finally come out, and allow me the honor of sparring with you!"

Two-toned eyes scanned the walls of the temple, long slanted planes and supports allowing for shadows to gather. The smooth and grand architecture seemed to hide nothing, but in the night, everything didn't seem so sure anymore.

Rengoku stared at a particular spot, high above from those crescent scones of lanterns. His brow creased, looking more childishly adorable than fierce. "If there's no one there, I apologize!"

A moment of silence passed.


Oh, well… that was embarrassing. For a moment, it was almost like his Flashy friend was playing a prank on him. Or his fellow with the too small voice but with hard work displayed in every tidal wave, had elected to say something and he couldn't hear.

Rengoku firmly decided, he disliked Coruscant-


Only the ignition of the blade allowed Rengoku to swerve out of the way, dashing forward too fast for his younger body and rolling into a rack of training lightsabers- the ones given to younglings to first practice using their signature tools.

Rengoku quickly snatched one of those impressive unreal silver hilts and jumped back into a fighting stance.

"Aha! Thank you, for helping me train my instincts!"

"'re welcome." A woman of slight build, carrying a long spear blazing a yellow sun on the end. Besides that, Rengoku couldn't quite make out anything else, as if the shadows had followed her and helped disguise her within an array of blues, and blacks, and purples, and all blurry indistinct shapes and colors.

"We can… chat while we spar." The inflection landed on spar in a particularly dangerous way, almost sibilant. The sharp edge and husk went unreacted to by Rengoku.

"Efficient!" Thumbing around the lightsaber hilt, a soft white sword of light jumped out. Quickly, Rengoku ran his thumb near the light- so a dimmed down and safe version of the impossible- Incredible!

"Exactly." And it could come in longer variations, a spear of glaring yellow even.

"I'll go first, are you a Sith?" And go first, she did, a sudden thrust towards Rengoku buzzing loudly off his easy deflection. No serious intent to harm behind her first, or second, strike.

Just a testing of the waters. "No, I am Rengoku Kyojuro!"

He flashed forward, a quick under-his-breath chant of First Form: Unknowing Fire, and a crescent slash blazing forward at her neck.

A sharp exclamation of surprise on his instincts, before an impossibly fast spin of a slightly too-long spear - especially with the not-insignificant length of the lightsaber, completely deleted his strike.

So the Force could do that too, interesting!

"And I didn't ask for a name. So, those yellow-ringed eyes of yours are natural?" The spear suddenly flipped back, and with a kick! raced down on Rengoku like a guillotine.

"My family believes it's because we have our mothers stare into fire for two hours every seven days, it's a strange but very meaningful ritual to follow for generations!" Handily gripping his borrowed saber, Rengoku heavily blocked the strike, before speeding out of the way and pushing closer with his own slash down.

"Weird. And you overshare. Careful there, "A hint of teasing bite entered her words, just slightly. "Someone might take all you have to share, and give nothing in return."

The woman pulled back her spear, even letting go of it to allow it to move unabated, just to catch it again and stab away Rengoku's attack.

For a moment, the two sparring paused and observed each other. Rengoku hummed thoughtfully, not as strong as the Demon in emotion or Sith, but certainly with her own unique tricks, and a much calmer and say sharper demeanor.

On her part, the brief flicker of confusion at the skill and reaction speed of Rengoku confused her, before she snapped that down and remembered how vast the galaxy was. An oddity there or an oddity here was nothing to get worked up over.

"Your form is a little unpolished, but your spearwork was very impressive!"

"Heh, and your reaction speed and movements are way too good. Pretty handy with a lightsaber too."

It seemed like any suspicious intent had been slightly alleviated by the short spar- "You're too simple though, not even a single scheme or trick you hiding up your sleeves?"

Rengoku blinked, and checked his sleeves.

"...still a kid, then. Okay." The softer de-activation noise of her own variant lightsaber marked the end to their impronto spar. "… I heard you fought a Sith."

And the lingering shadows on her form, some having been forced away by the battle, vanished altogether. Revealing icey purples, and muted red to a sharp scarlet, and an overall underlying dark black theme with sparse white accents.

"I'll show you to the mess hall, you haven't eaten, right? Those old geezers always forget about being actually mortal to offer it to their guests."

She started walking away, spinning her lightsaber into a smaller silver stick a little longer than the other hilts he had seen. "Come on, you can tell me about it while we walk."

Jedi Shadows, whatever happened to them, were no more. With their elimination of the Sith's history, so too did their history vanish into the depths of the galaxy's vivid history with the Force and its users.

"By the way, if you need a job that's a little too much for the Light, just ask for Rosaria."

Or maybe that's just what they wanted you to think…

Unfortunately, what they wanted you to think was true. The Order had disbanded the Jedi Shadows soon after their work was done, in accordance with the demilitarization of the Jedi and the Republic as a whole.

Now, their legacy remained in tiny slivers of methods and a sharp-eyed, steely, cold efficiency, found in very select Jedi Sentinels.

Lightsaber Pike

A variant of the more traditional designs of a lightsaber, that asks. Why not more reach? And answers with, 'Because it's looking quite nice from the high groun-'

Just before that erstwhile padawan was soundly defeated by his master and soundly shown the difficulty in handling such a long weapon, especially when blaster fire and too-fast-to-see attacks were the leading causes of death. And of course, how another lightsaber user can completely destroy the handle, while one tries to desperately get your burny point back into a defensive position.

Still…. Its users hotly defend the pike's inclusion as a more common variant. Like Double bladed lightsabers, or the shorter dual-wielding styles.

Commonly used by Temple Guards, and strangely used by an odd Jedi Sentinel-in-training.

Lightsaber spears offer unprecedented reach, but their reach proposes an ironic weakness in close quarters.

Unless one has a knife. Or claws on their hands.

Chapter 5: To Guide
Chapter 5: To Guide

It had been agreed through at least Qui-gon and perhaps even Yoda, that they all needed to return to Tatooine. Strangely however - or not so strange considering the remoteness of the desiccated world - the outgoing flights to such a region of space were… zero.

At least directly.

And while the Jedi could requisition their own pilots and spacecraft, those who could do so were all either already in use, or stymied and blocked by the Trade Federation. Or mysteriously in repair.

Obi-wan offered a morbid thought. "Do you think… that the Trade Federation may be more closely involved with the Sith? After all it does appear that they knew the Queen was on Tatooine at some point, and though that could be reasoned to be from our own flight from Naboo… Coincidences are something we shouldn't excuse not with the Sith."

Padme stayed silent as the Jedi began to speak in low tones, playing both sides of the argument and trying to determine the irrationalities or irregularities in it. A well-worn learning experience for the Padawan and his Master it seemed.

Even though her disguise has been shed, her handmaiden Sabe's reaction to little Ani's question about her identity tingled in her memory.

But that was nothing compared to the sinking feeling as she recalled her impulsive actions in the Senate. Calling a vote of no confidence had just felt so right at the time… like it was the only thing to do.

"-I am breathing!"

"Yes you are! But you need to breathe like me- here, try to feel how I do it, then mimic it. I will correct it."

"This better not be a joke."

"Focus. Feel your breath. Focus!"

Padme wondered why these kids were on her ship again.

Intellectually, she understood it to be because their home planet was closer to
Naboo than Coruscant, but hadn't they been rescued from slavery? And the realization that they were slaves, not merely unfortunates living in a backwater Outer Rim world, had stabbed her and mocked her endlessly for her ignorance.

But why were they going back?

The knowledge, the almost understanding from birth that Padme was privileged and sheltered, never had really mattered much on Naboo. Yes, she hated it herself and wanted to escape even from the splendor and glamor that choked her down and down into beautiful dresses and exhausting masks.

Yet now…

Padme wondered if this was some form of punishment, natural and ironic justice for her privileged life, and her inability to care for it.

Naboo was a beautiful planet, in fact, it was voted in the 3rd Best Planet to visit in the Mid-Rim planets, by GNN in the 'The Galaxy's Sexiest Balls' poll held on Coruscant! With gorgeous ocean vistas, stunning organic architecture and absolutely breathtaking splendor of natural wildlife and flora, Naboo was the premier tourist destination!

With vineyards, condos, mansions, and the quaint little royalty-inspired theme of this quaint little planet. Frankly, who wouldn't want to live on this wonderful planet? Apparently those everywhere else.

The planet of luxury, Nature's palace, all wonderfully advertisable names commonly used for the 'Natural' Emerald of the Mid-Rim.

Get married here now, all you easily-led meatbags!

There's a hundred percent 0(.99) chance of having an assassin droid slit your throat and drench your wedding with red, red wine that was!

Rengoku, naturally, had no idea of the peculiar advertisement that blared across the Holo-Net, and ergo felt only nostalgic as he gazed upon the blue-green eye in the vast emptiness of space filled with abyssal stars.

He frowned, as an amorous donut floated across his view.

The Trade Federation blockade, a sight of military might unseen for centuries.

Looking closer, you could see a hundred thousand dots multiply into a million, to a billion droid-operated fighters and barely veiled kamikaze ships. And then zooming out, terrified of that endless death, you were faced with larger starcrafts, frigates and destroyers alike, equipped with powerful weapons able to annihilate any fleeing ship. Human-filled or otherwise.

And then the crown queen of the set, the Flagship, the control center of the awe-ful fleet. Ringed with a defense system that could shatter the shield of any foolish enough to approach it, without the reflexes of an inhumanely energized roadrunner, it was virtually impossible for any to weave through the death trap of lasers, torpedoes and self-targeting mines that the Flagship's defense could unleash at a moment's notice. Of course, that wasn't even accounting for the droid fleet situated in between any idiotic starcraft approaching Naboo or leaving Naboo right dab center in between the Flagship and certain death and humiliation.

Naturally, the Queen's starship was not approaching death and humiliation, by droids dumber than even meatbags, and instead smartly going the ye-old route of coming from the back, and saying, Aha! Backstab! Classic.
Anakin flicked off the inflight holo-deck. "...So the Holo-net is always like this?"

Obi-wan continued to stare at the deck. "I… I honestly don't know. But that's not important right now. We need to go over the ground rules, when we arrive on Naboo."

"First, no going off and trying to get yourself killed. Really, two kids shouldn't be here at all, but that out-of-nowhere shutdown of all flights to the Outer-Rim and sabotage of the Jedi's own starcraft leave us no choice."

"I feel like you just said something highly concerning."

"Second, Ignore the Gungans, and plug your ears, if you start talking like one, the Nabooians have a cure, but it's' highly invasive and painful."

"Culturally and racially insensitive but okay."

"No, it's actually a bug in the translation system. It's been there for 50 years, just before our Senator became our Senator." Padme distractedly added. Analyzing the strategic locations and potential weaknesses with her Captain and revealed handmaiden. "And the cure involves sky-diving."

"Third, we don't know for sure, but there is a 99% chance that the Sith will show up and try to murder us all. When that happens,"

"Wait, don't you mean if?"

"When that happens, you can ignore all the above rules and trust in the Force."

Obi-wan patted Anakin's shoulder, in that way when someone doesn't know how to properly communicate to a person below chest height, and also doesn't understand how to show comfort.

Qui-gon continued that, and patted both Anakin's and Obi-wan's shoulders. "When all else fails, the Force will always be with you. Remember that, both of you."

Rengoku watched them all, the senior promising subtly to protect his juniors. And ran his hand over the training lightsaber that somehow was found on his person, after his later dinner.

The tears flowing down a boy with kindness illuminated in his very being, and the shaking of a boar's head, struck him then.

It was something that had stayed with him, from the very beginning when he had become a Hashira and had met all the wonderful, unique, incredible others.

They would all die young.

And Rengoku felt that same slow quiet knowing, that the Jedi looking at his juniors with pride, would die soon.


Then, Rengoku would make a new duty. Create a new flame, in his heart, let it flow and scorch through every limb and every blood vessel.

No one will die here today.

Moving past the Gungans, and their strange antics, and Jar-Jar, after they somehow earned the support of the underwater peoples of Naboo, they flew low to the planet and evading through flora and bored fire from the Trade Federation above, they made it to the main palace hanger.

Wasn't this going too easily?

Qui-gon cast his mind out into the Force, trying to feel the jaws of the trap closing in on them. Only darkness lay ahead, and the fangs of the Sith began to wind tight around his neck. Like laughter of a horrific rat which had been finally released into the sun.

Maul approached, and everyone knew it: Anakin shuffled in his seat, those are Naboo Starfighters aren't they? And hey, didn't Captain Panaka mention that their controls were extremely similar? Obi-wan was attempting to pinch the bridge of his nose and wear a hole into his own temples, waves of his fear and that terrible inevitably being thrown desperately into the Force. Padme and her cadre, checked blasters one more time.

Rengoku breathed out, flames seeming to simmer from his lungs.

A moment of tense silence passed. Once the doors of the Queen's ship lowered, they would be fighting for their lives, Naboo, their very futures.

"Yosh! No one will die here! This is a promise by Rengoku Kyojuro!"

It was ridiculous. A fool's promises through and through. There was no way, not even an impossible man like Rengoku to ensure such an impossibility.

The Trade Federation, even with Gungan assistance, was too powerful. The Sith had grown too strong with their rule of two for even a Jedi Master and a Jedi padawan-near-Knight to face without certain death.

But yet, a ridiculous promise, a ridiculous boy.

It was enough. Not enough for a guarantee, but enough for hope.

"Hmph. Of course, no one's going to die here, Kyo! With two Jedi, and two Angels? Not to mention R2 and Captain Panaka? The Trade Federation is already losing their minds! I mean, look how much they had to bring out just to try to scare us? And it still isn't enough. "

"... Of course, then here is an order from the Queen of Naboo. No one can die here! We command it!" Both Sabe and Padme blinked at each other. Wait, did she say that or did she say that?

"Well if the Queen commands it, I guess that going out in a blaze of glory isn't going to happen. Oof, I really wanted to be remembered in the history books too." Panaka smirked, tipping his hat to the trill of R2-D2.

"The future is always in motion."

"And its motion is that we're going to win, right Master?"

Before Qui-gon Jinn could answer, the blaster fire interrupted.

Qui-gon panted weakly.

The soft hiss of his lightsaber, slowly dying in his ears. The constant rounds of blaster fire dimmed into one slow drum beat.

In any battle with a Jedi, or any wielder with a lightsaber, any hits, any wounds, were nigh-fatal. Even though the concentrated beam from the Kyber crystal cauterized any wounds, instantly. The sheer heat and damage would spread into the body and even through the Force. Melted blood and flesh, and bone would seep with ruined nerves, arteries, and bones.

One's will was concentrated in their lightsaber, and that bled into each and every attack.

His hands shook, the vibrant green sun in them wavering. Was his vision blurring? His legs didn't feel real, like he wasn't really there. Like he was already becoming one with the Force.

The fear, the darkness, it was all-consuming.

And with every strike barely blocked, every weakening of his own attacks, with every barely corrected wrong move, he saw it more and more clearly.

The long fall, the terrifying symphony of darkness in the future, a galaxy on the edge of collapse and nightmares born anew. So much, so much death.

And the light, oh where was the Light? Where were the Jedi?! Where was Yoda? Where was the Chosen One? No, no, no, had they all been crushed under the endlessness? Suffocated, corrupted, and defiled?

Maul, in every attack, in every burst of rage and horrifying pure hatred, mocked them. Forcing through his surety, his absolute understanding, the complete certainty that this future would come to pass. And there was nothing he, nor anyone could do against it.

But, Qui-gon felt the Force asking him. A seductive whisper, doesn't he want to stop it? Do you not want to save the Galaxy? Save the Jedi?

Then give in. Give in to the Force, and let it become you.

"Do you feel it, Jedi? Feel the truth? Do you see the Future now?" Maul spoke, waiting just on the other side of the Naboo Palace's antimatter-matter reactors. An abyss waiting behind him, dark and full of nothing.

The Sith was strong, stronger than he, stronger than he and Obi-Wan, stronger than even their combined force with the man in a child's form.

Oh, it was close, so very close, but the sudden Force push of Rengoku into the wall, re-shattering his ribs and forcing him to be just slow enough, and Obi-wan's own slight corruption to the Dark side.

Now both of them were waiting behind another gate.

The fight had already been lost. They didn't know. Didn't understand the Dark Side. Its allure, and its depths drowning, drowning, drowning.

Qui-gon sat not only to calm himself in the Force, but also to hide the shaking of his legs. "I do. I do see it."

"Then you have already lost!" The Sith shouted, madness and emotion twisting horribly.

"Perhaps I have." Qui-gon admitted, sheathing his lightsaber and crossing it over his hands.

Neither Obi-wan or Qui-gon had trained extensively in the lightsaber, instead choosing to use diplomacy and words to resolve conflict. It was… a fact that he somewhat regretted now.

Maul laughed a chuckle into cold amusement.

Obi-wan was too enraged to say anything, too full of the dark side's corruption to even use his cutting remarks.

But Rengoku, Rengoku closed his eyes.

The sound of chimes resounded.

"Jedi Qui-gon Jinn! I asked you before, what was your strength for! Do you remember?!"

Maul snarled at the boy. "His strength? His strength is nothing to mine! Nothing to the power that the Sith wield!"

"Jedi Qui-gon! What is your strength for!"

Obi-Wan gritted his teeth. If this gate would only open! Then they could help Master defeat the Sith! "Master! Just stay alive until we can kill the Sith!"

Qui-gon said nothing.

To guide, was a strange thing. It both patronized and uplifted. It automatically knew that one was in a superior position. That one had knowledge or understanding and the other needed it.

Qui-gon Jinn had once said that his strength was coincidental, that in the end, all he was. Was a guide for those below him.

He was the teacher, the mentor fated to die. The one succeeded by the ones he trained.

It assumed weakness, it assumed necessary instruction. It also assumed that one could become strong. That one would use that instruction and go beyond their teacher.

Qui-gon Jinn was not a good Jedi. He was not the most skilled with a lightsaber like his Master Dooku, his wisdom was nothing compared to the likes of Yoda. His connection to the force was shallow and paltry compared to any of those on the High Council. Although his padawan had believed Qui-gon deserved a seat there, if not for his unpopular opinions, that was entirely untrue.

The only thing Qui-gon was able to do, the only thing that he could say was his strength. Were the lessons he imparted.

He told his lessons, but he stayed in the Order. Speaking out against it, but not leaving it, hoping to change it from the inside.

Qui-gon had even thought his master Count Dooku a coward. Afraid to continue his crusade against the Jedi Order, and change it for the better, instead running off to his home planet and washing his hands of them.

"Do you believe your duties are finished, Jedi Qui-gon! That your guidance is enough?!"

In truth, Qui-gon Jinn was a terrible example of a Jedi. he was a near outcast in the Order, and his opinions had brought him nothing but scorn and exile.

He had been… alone.

But then somehow, someway, he had been given a Padawan. And Obi-wan was weak, almost ending up to join the Agricultural Corps, if not for his apprenticeship to a washed-up Jedi Master like himself.

But now, that once weak, and insecure Padawan had become strong, was ready to become a Jedi Knight!

He, Qui-gon Jinn, failure of a Jedi that he was, had trained a true Jedi Knight. And he knew, he felt it in the Force, no, he pushed it into existence into the Force!
That Obi-wan would become one the greatest Jedi to ever live!

And he would train the Chosen One in Qui-gon's stead-

Are you an idiot, Master!? Do you really believe I can train Anakin Skywalker to become a Jedi? I can, but I can only train him like me!

Qui-gon stood up. And the gate opened.

"Fight!" Rengoku shouted again, so loud that it rattled the gates. Obi-wan continued, "Fight and Win!"

Qui-gon Jinn breathed, imitating the Flame behind him. One, two. His lightsaber reignited into the brilliant green.

Maul awaited.

"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want, and I don't believe you even have a want. Your Master has ruined you, he has guided you to believe only in his will, his wants. I can tell you truly, I don't have enough strength to match you. But what I do have is a duty unfinished! I have a padawan unready, and a Chosen one to guide!"

The second red blade hissed out.

"If you leave now, if you abandon your Master's failure of you now, that will be the end of it. I and my Padawan will let you go, you do not have to be this, be your Master's Slave."

Maul struck out, lashing out with fury that shattered the ground underneath Qui-gon, crunching the metal.

"I will not kill you, but if you continue this, I will defeat you! Even if you kill me, my Padawan will find you, and he will kill you!" Lashing out with a spinning kick, Qui-gon pushed forward, matching each and every blow that screamed into the Force, with his own determination.

Maul widened his eyes, as he was continually forced back. What!? By this pathetic Jedi? By this decrepit failure?

His lightsaber! He couldn't put enough strength into a double-bladed lightsaber! Not without hurting himself, the Sith roared in the Jedi's face. Swiftly deactivating one side, and-

Then Obi-Wan was there, dashing into the fray with full trust in his Master, and thrusting his own lightsaber directly into Maul's stomach. And Rengoku carved his own lightsaber through the Sith's lightsaber hilt. Crimson shattered into gasps of dying rage.

Green flashed out, joining blue, and together they slashed through Maul. A perfect cut.

"May the Force be with you."

Chapter 6: The Pre-Time Skip, pretend it's in Yellow Blocky Center Text
Chapter 6: The Pre-Time Skip, pretend it's in Yellow Blocky Center Text

The end to the Naboo Invasion, or what was also called the Trade Federation's blockade (turned humiliation) marked a warning to all major galactic powers, and its masterminds who still hid their faces. While on the surface, life had seemingly returned to it's mundane peace. The pleasant facade hid massive undercurrents of swift actions taking place that would shape the future to come.

Padme Amidala, her Handmaiden and Captain Panaka happily settled back on their hard-won homeworld, negotiating and trading with the Gungans in unprecedented friendly relations and alliance.

Artoo, or RD-D2, continued to serve as her personal Astromech droid, although with peculiar flight recordings engraved into his programming.

As for the others in that conflict?



"Now, Anakin, your training will be… unique for a Jedi."

The boy-turned Hero of Naboo shifted on his feet, feeling his newest outfit pull oddly on his skin- like it glided on it, rather than scrape as sand. "Is it because I'm the… Chosen One?"

A snort echoed in the requisitioned starfighter of Naboo, the distant silver patterns on its otherwise dull steel hull making it rather apt for its occupants. "No, definitely not that, Master just doesn't want to go back to Coruscant." Obi-wan dramatically leaned in to whisper. "You'll find that Master has, opinions, let's say, of the Jedi Order. Don't ask, or he'll jam a hundred hours of complicated philosophy down your ears!"

"Ahem! Actually, your fellow Padawan-" Ignoring Obi-wan's affronted gasp, the aged man continued, "-is incorrect, your training is in part because of the Chosen One. But only as how it affects how powerful you are in the Force. Otherwise, you are just as any other Jedi youngling."

Anakin scrunched up his face, that sounded kind of like bantha spit, but well. Life couldn't get any crazier, could it? "I still don't get this Chosen One stuff, I'm just… me."

The two senior Jedi shared a look, no Master, he's your responsibility, you should explain it to him. Padawan, there comes a time in every man's life when he should learn to teach, and learn through teaching.

It was kind of annoying, how they were so close, and almost insular to Anakin. That was a stupid and ugly thought, cruel and dark red and putrid yellow, but it was just how he felt! Like how he felt whenever Watoo would be lingering by his podracer, or how he'd find parts missing from C-3PO even though he'd swear on the suns that they were just right there!

"Now you see, Anakin. Those emotions you feel? The emotions that have completely distracted you and consumed you from listening? As Force-users, as people born with a deeper connection with the Force, everything we feel can become self-perpetuating. Imagine a cycle of endlessly increasing emotion and feelings, now imagine what you would do with all that infinite emotion."

Anakain opened his eyes, not even realizing that he had closed them, and found himself hovering in the air, suspended in place. "W-what!?"

Qui-gon pulled himself into a meditative position and joined Anakin, though with far less ease, and tiny drops of sweat beading on his forehead. "I expect your next question will be, why hasn't this happened before? Just as you have become aware of how you can use the Force for incredible effect, such as your Pod-racing and your Piloting abilities, so too you have opened yourself to incredible potential."

There was a distinct calm to the way the Jedi Master spoke like he had gone through this all before- like he was utterly confident in himself and his place within the Force.

Obi-wan flinched as his Master's steady gaze found him. "Listen well, my Padawans, the Dark Side is powerful, no doubt you both felt the Sith, Maul's power, which I admit overwhelmed me. Indeed, both Obi-wan and myself were far too close to falling to the Dark Side, fueling that infinite engine of emotion into madness."

Silence passed as they all considered the Sith's fate, and- "But… if the Dark Side can make you that strong, then why can't you use it? It distracted me, yeah, but I could pull myself out of it, and you did too!" Said Anakin, his own hover wobbling a bit at his thoughts.

Obi-wan decided to keep the Order's doctrine and own arguments against that to himself, curious to see his Master's answer.

The silence of hyperspace spread through the ship, until. "The Dark Side by its very nature, corrupts. Yes, everyone, no matter how entrenched they are in it, can pull themselves back into the Light. But that's a gamble, a gamble on how much power you can draw from it, before it draws too much in return. It offers strength and power on a much faster and much easier scale, but it demands so much more in return."

"..." Anakin stayed silent. It sounded a bit like Watoo's gambling, he could win big, but so he could lose everything. And then after he'd lost everything he'd steal or beg for scraps to gamble again, trying to get it all back.

Clap! "And that is exactly why we are going back to Tatooine and freeing everyone there as your very first mission as my Padawan!"

Obi-wan blinked.

Anakin blinked.

Wait, how did that connect to anything?!

And actually, where was Rengoku?!

In the 5000 levels below Coruscant, to be precise, on the last just livable level, floor 5, blaster fire sparked off glaring gold.

Even here, the pollution and sheer depth from the surface of the planet, meant that for all but the hardiest of biologies, one had to wear their own oxygen tank and wear completely-covering protective gear to not be affected by the toxic fumes and even more diseases in liquids and air from across the galaxy. Imports that went mysteriously missing, smuggled goods, and stolen peoples, all bringing the vastness of a galaxy, into the metal world.

All of that trickled down, down, down, and the more levels deep one went. The stranger it got.

1000 levels, the Middle class, the people who lived on Coruscant for the entirety of their lives, ferried along skycars and through buildings that stabbed at the sky. And there they would stay, trapped just below where the sun could touch skin.

2000 levels, where culture thrived in neon and grime.

3000, it choked and clung on you, the smell a constant reminder of who you were, and who you will never be.

4000, a different world. The playground of darkness and glowing pollution, the dregs from above, the only scraps to fight over.

5000, a hell that no one would willingly venture into.

"Now." The clawed hand gripped the gas masks' filters, without piercing through, but only just. "Tell me, what are you doing down here? A Hutt bounty hunter threatening people is nothing new, but a rat fleeing all the way down here is."

The golden spear impaled the thrashing human's arm, piercing through the shoulder and rendering the blaster arm completely irreparable. "*****"

"Tch." The translator must have been broken, what a pain. With a sharp yank, Rosaria ripped out the human's mask, potential female, but too indistinct to make out among the fumes, only the terrified panic truly memorable, and replaced it with her own.

Focusing on her breathing and applying a dead Force technique, she could hold her breath to an upwards of 10 minutes, if she did absolutely jackshit. So, an estimate of a minute now. Plenty of time.


The bounty hunter sang like a canary.


In the Jedi Temple, there was a distinct hurry, an urgency that was quite strange for the warrior monks following peace. The elden structure had never been home to such a sense of… dare one say, passion.

Masters and Knights shouted at near screams at or with each other, debating in such fervor and almost-emotion, that many took it to the sparring grounds. And still it went unresolved with the extinguishing of lightsabers, many coming away with welts and singes only to return even fiercer in debate.

Younglings and the essentially-retired of the order watched with confusion as the entire Order was thrown into a chaotic hall of arguments and philosophical change like a flood through anything they had ever known.

Some tried to enter the High Council Chambers, asking for their bastions of light to calm the escalating situations outside. Yet, the leaders of the Jedi Order had been locked in complete isolation in even more debate for over a galactic week now.

Some took refuge in the Archives, even under the withering glare of Madame Jocasta, only to find many other Jedi doing the same or embroiled in the maddening study of holocrons seldom opened for millennia.

Rosaria, of course, and many of the other Jedi Sentinels- the bare few stationed around the Jedi Temple. Paid little to no attention to the upheaval of their supposed order, only some sneaking a confused glance at the events, until they were told breathlessly by a disturbed Jedi, and then they laughed until they fell over.

A long, long-suffering sigh escaped, "How many times have I told you not to go down past 2500 levels? You can't keep getting lucky. One of these days, a flesh-eating disease will take you, and I'll have to autopsy your corpse."

Rosaria only played with her throwing knife- suddenly snatched away by the Chief Healer, Vokara Che. "Do you want the Order to sanction an order against your tendencies?! You're on thin ice as it is." Examining the uncivilized dagger in disgust, Madame Che pocketed it, to be put along with the many, many other such items she had appropriated from Rosaria over the years.

"Heh. I don't think I have to worry about that, not with how crazy everyone else is now. Remind me, to offer a drink to those weirdos." Said the Jedi Sentinel, making a mental note to steal back her daggers.

The Halls of Healing had often seen young Jedi, too caught up with their lightsaber or their interesting new Force Techniques, but never with such frequency, besides Master Qui-gon Jinn long, long ago. "And I'll remind you that many of them are underage, and the rest wouldn't imbibe your offer."

"Age didn't seem to matter to the Trade Federation trying to kill them."

Madame Che rolled her eyes. "Yes, please take your example from them. Why wouldn't you."

A moment of stillness passed as the debate outside the Halls began to elevate into screaming.

"...I take it that's not unusual?" Rosaria asked, raising an eyebrow at the Chief Healer's uncharacteristic inaction.

"... Next time, when you're stealing back your uncivilized weapons, add a bottle of the strongest drink you can find."

Rosaria, already skulking away, waved a hand in reply.

So the Light had begun to shift, how… funny.

Still a bunch of uptight Force-obsessed airheads.


It was known that the Archives actually had their own mysteries. Beyond the vaults of holocrons, and the even more guarded vaults with Sith Artifacts and Holocrons carefully studied in order to either purify the spirit of the Sith Lord lurking inside or to cure and prevent the malevolent abilities of similar Artifacts, there was a long-standing rumor that a terrifying ghost wandered the halls, and was particularly common to see at night, when all the shadows would dance. And when all hope or safety would be long asleep, the ghost would be there, waiting for you.

And then it would scare you until you fell unconscious, and when you woke up, wondering if it was all a bad dream… you would realize that your blankets had been tucked so tight you couldn't escape!

Jocastu Nu, the Chief Librarian would only smile at the terrified Younglings who spread this tale. Saying nothing to either its truth or its lies. She would feign ignorance if any particularly insightful asked her if she had seen the ghost too.

The Archives hold many secrets. I suppose… that the Galaxy is too vast and too full to deny anything. But I will say this, if you smell smoke, smoke like those of the filthy products, then you should be in bed.

"A dream of green?" Madame Jocasta shook her head. Lines deepened on her face, as she searched through her mind. "I've never heard of anything such, related to Coruscant at least."

The phantom-like Sentinel, garbed in dark, tapped her claws on the desk. "Related elsewhere then? In the Core, or the Mid-Rim, please."

"Beyond the renovation proposals for wildlife or nature preservation efforts throughout the Core, and less so in the Mid-Rim, nothing even similar. And this was said by a Bounty Hunter of all things?"

Rosaria recalled the woman screaming in madness, something foul rotting inside the brain. "...Potentially Dark-side or Cult-related. Something very wrong is hiding below us. People in Level Five have said that the noises under them have stopped. All of the noises."

Jocasta Nu recoiled. "On Coruscant? Here? I would say it was impossible… but with the reemergence of the Sith…" The troubled look on the aging woman's face told everything Rosaria, the Jedi would be useless. Their entire foundation had been shaken, and before it could settle, the Dark Side sensed weakness. "The Galaxy feels darker than ever before."

On that, they agreed. But Rosaria knew that the galaxy hadn't really changed, it was the Jedi finally opening their eyes that changed.

It was a little sad.

Often, Demon Slayers had to work alone. The area they had to protect was too big for even their sizable group to handle with the best precautions. And of their elite number, the Hashira in particular chose to go alone. Shielding their juniors as best they could from the scourge of Demons, by eliminating them with alacrity.

But this often backfired, as even Hashira, alone and outnumbered, became the prey to an Upper Moon, only to be discovered from their missing status after a number of months.

Or from a combination of Lower Moons and other Demons working in tandem to trap and weaken the physically-lesser human until they fell, valiantly dying only for their flesh and bones to be defiled and mocked.

The most dangerous aspect of Demons wasn't their incredible strength or their devastating speed and abilities, but their mind. With a mindless beast, even the strongest could be slain by a human with enough preparation and help.

But with all the cunning and intelligence of a human, and physically enhanced to utter insanity, the only edge that the Demon Slayers had was also in use by the Demons. Breath slightly even out the playing field, but as Rengoku could attest to. An Upper Moon was unimaginable for even a Hashira.

Rengoku brightly wondered how long this fall would go on. But he didn't let himself even think that the Sith(or Demon of Emotion) would have surely died from such a ridiculous height. The ripped tatters of black painted an interesting image of what he might find below.

Leaping from wall to wall, slowing down his drop again. Rengoku felt a familiar enemy.

His stomach growled in Naboo's tunnel down into the abyss.

Rengoku's Training Booklet[Flame]!

Given to his young friend, Anakin, it holds precious and unique records of using an unknown technique to enhance and uplift any individual by using their breath in such a way that their body reacts powerfully.

Unconnected to the Force seemingly, this technique has only been seen in use by Rengoku Kyojuro, a human.

Potentially less or more effective depending on species.

Causes illusions of elements when used, in this case; Flame.

A simple style that is best used with clear purpose and strong foundations. Weak against trickier moves, or attacks from a distance.

But moving through, forward, and into attacks can lead to incredible risk and pyritihic reward.

Throwing Dagger

A rather front-heavy weapon, can pierce through many light materials.

Its predecessor was a bag of spice, similar to pocket sand.

While in the era of blaster and plasma, this antiquated tool resembles nothing but a curiosity, it remains startlingly effective against Jedi. Its effectiveness also cannot be understated when used in surprise or stealth.

Deft use can provide lethal openings in combination.

The chain-smoking Sentinel who uses these, often was compared to a similar dark-styled, rebellious Jedi youngling.

However, those comparisons are now shushed hisses of fear. A given memento, now the only reminder of a shared connection.

I won't lie, this story is weird but for reasons i cannot find i find this story to be fantastic, i hope it gets atleast 30 more chapters.
I won't lie, this story is weird but for reasons i cannot find i find this story to be fantastic, i hope it gets atleast 30 more chapters.

Thanks! It's probably the weird perspective. I decided to just go crazy and shift in between omniscient third overall, and extreme focus third.
Chapter 7: If Mice can plan… do they Dream?
Chapter 7: If Mice can plan… do they Dream?

The dignified Count Dooku, grand orator and public face for the increasing Republic Reform (Not at all the Secessionist party in Galactic politics, why would you even ask?) movement. The unofficial leader and visionary for change was a particular man.

With particular tastes, undoubtedly refined and well-bred, every step and movement of his radiated a dangerous edge of calm and wisdom. As if he knew every step he would make and how to best implement his every action as he saw fit.

A kind of man that was dangerously charismatic.

He made an imposing sight, that was to be expected, and even admired. Even his facial hair was magnificently trimmed to a sharp silver line.

The last of the Lost Twenty, the twentieth, natural, of the Jedi who resigned from the Order, and yet in spite of his departure the Count still enjoyed great respect and honor from the Jedi Order.

A political idealist, a man defined by his principles, his idealisms for the galaxy… few could have expected the sheer insanity that he had strode in soon after he left the Order.

None who could have stopped him.

Through pools of betrayal and filth, Dooku had planned his own friend's death, and meticulously falsified said death in cold efficiency, hiding his deeds to such a degree that not even the Jedi realized that one of their members had been betrayed so utterly. Sifo-Dyas, a powerful Force Seer, died in ignominy.

Wading in political intrigue and the dark manifest, the serene Count of Serrano soon found his newest apprentice, and after murdering her sister to ensure her fall, began to create a weapon from a man for his great war.

Again, and again, Dooku manipulated those underneath him, and with their trust, forged them into tools of his own. Why?

Why, to shatter against the great Republic, and force them to expose the ever-expanding rot with violence on a scale that no one could even imagine?

Did the Dark Side corrupt and ruin this great Jedi so far? Or was this buried in him, simply waiting for the moment that the man became powerful?

Count Dooku crossed his legs, folding his hands over his knees. "So it is agreed on, Jango Fett."

The Mandolorian was impossible to read behind that signature mask, and heavy dull grey Beskar armor. And yet, even though the Count was unarmored and free of any obscuring on his own face. The sheer ease with which the Fallen Jedi had with someone who so should by all rights, utterly loath the man who caused him to fall into slavery.

It was disturbing on both their parts.

Like they understood a completely inhuman mindset, something so far removed from actions and their results, that they revolved around on something greater than simple morality or consequences.

A slight curl played on Dooku's lips. "Or do you not agree? Do you think you can find a higher bidder?" His face smoothed out to granite. "Finding another of your talents would be difficult I admit, but not impossible. And for a man like you- a better price would be easy."

Neither men tensed or readied themselves, both too skilled to require any preparation in less time to kill the other. At least, they both believed so.

Dooku sighed. "I simply thought that you would wish to bare your fangs at the Republic sooner rather than later."

Before the Bounty Hunter could answer, a battle droid skittered into view, sliding on its poorly designed feet and it's top-heavy chassis. "Sir-Sir-Sir-Sir! Rep-Reporting for… Du-ty!"

"... Shameful."

"Isn't it? But it was designed to be such, something so pathetic-"

"No. Shameful how far you have fallen, Jedi Dooku."

The air seemed to freeze, even though that was impossible. The sheer tension had thickened.

A high-pitched squeal suddenly came from the droid- "Sheeeee!" - before it was silenced.

"Choose your next words carefully." A man like the Count of Serrano needed no threats, the mere idea of who and what he was, was far more than enough for most to cower.

But Jango Fett was a Mandolorian, and as such he was defined solely by battle. The choices, the failures, and the victories in it, more real than anything else in a galaxy of grey. Most saw their culture as barbaric, uncivilized, a relic of war in a galaxy of peace.

And they would be correct, there were no more true Mandalorians in the Galaxy, no true honor in battle, and no worth to be found beyond death.

And so he removed his helmet. Showing a face that would define an era. "Shameful we both are, and how far we have come. I agree, but I have one stipulation."

But maybe, maybe this devil's bargain had its own opportunity.

Jango Fett could not be a true Mandolorian, but perhaps he could raise one. And if he had to fall with a man that had forgotten everything but his dreams… If he had to work with a man that could not even be called a shadow of what Jango had so respected on that day, a man who had cast aside everything that had made him and in so lost everything he wanted to create-

Then he would.

Count Dooku wondered how foolish his once-foe could be, believing that he could raise a Mandalorian when the man himself couldn't even remember what that meant. And with Jango Fett as the only example, his new soldiers, his new Clones, would be strong, but without anything beyond a bounty hunter's delusional ideals, and the ruins of the Jedi's to follow, they would never amount to anything beyond… simple tools.

Darth Tyrannus would leash any power, chain any monster, claim any darkness, all to force the truth into reality.

The Liberation Front, or as it was affectionately named and teased for, Three People Who Should Be The Chancellor.

Three who had all the will, strength, raw charisma, and morality to enact a long-needed revolution for the Republic, but had not even the slightest clue.

And it was just as hilariously sad as it sounded.

A rather recent addition to the horrid mess that was considered galactic politics, The Liberation Front was recent… As in barely nascent and formed from the straggling remains of people with nowhere to go but in their shadow. And as in it should have happened far, far sooner, and not in the last 5-10 years of peace.

Rather unfortunate, one could say. Misfortune made dream.

An organization with no real formal hierarchies, no official rules, not even a standard banner or uniform, and yet…

It was an entirely functioning fleet.

Ships and resources needed to both maintain and staff those old, salvaged, barely functioning crafts were provided by Anakin's ludicrous ideas. Like Asteroid mining. In the Outer Rim. Where every horror was made manifest. Just a few days ago, the fleet had to outshoot a worm the size of an orbital space station with bone spurs that exploded outward in shrapnel. With acid and poison. Because of course.


The fleet was upkept by a young padawan as well to miraculously better or original standard of functionality. And adding the cherry to the sundae, another helped organize and arrange the ships, electing and extensively detailing their captains and forcing down contingency plans in case of events.

"You're pulling it the wrong way, again." The offhand remark, after a quick glance outside the bridge, lit the match. The verbal exchange of flames back and forth and back and forth.

So to speak.

"And you need to check your eyes again because This is definitely the wrong way."

"My eyes? What of your head then? With how many times you've crashed us into the worst situations one could ever imagine, I'd hope that you only have minor brain damage." Interjected a strikingly smooth-toned and stylistically dignified man, not at all disrupted by a magnificent beard.

"Me? Oh that's rich, I'm the one with brain damage, yeah, sure, right. Where'd that accent come from again?" The other man, younger by a decent amount of years, brushed back his hair again, narrowing his eyes in concentration or annoyance.

The single hand outstretched onto the bridge of the spacecraft as if he were about to command legions to fall in line. Following that line, a bridge better fit for the scrapyards than any current day use emerged, and further, that line synth-glass reinforced with dura-weave, and further still… An empty void of stars. And one singular asteroid. Laced with veins of glassy shine.

"I told you, Anakin. My accent is none of your concern. Just like I told you, that if you pulled that asteroid in that method, you'll only waste our time. Unless that suddenly appeals to you, I believe you should begin listening to those with more experience than you."

"Ha!" Crowing in mirth, Anakin snapped his fingers at, "Obi-wan, you just called yourself old. Told ya that beard aged you like milk!"

Obi-wan automatically moved his hand up, in a manner solely reminiscent of a wise thinker-perhaps like his dear Master. Catching himself, the Jedi Knight(In spirit!) scowled. "Experience does not equal age, my younger brother. Or weren't you arguing that, when you-" His eyes flew open.

"Anakin! The Asteroid!"

The massive structure dwarfed even their large starcraft (a repurposed cargo frigate, lovingly partaken from those unfortunately poor Hutts). Proved to be a rock that essentially could and was mistaken as a large moon at one point before they had carefully detonated it smaller- that rock still ten times their size barreled past their ship. So large its gravity scraped along the internal pressure of the ship's, and now barreled past them, heading for an impact on the dusty sphere behind them.

"No!, Shit! Fu- Obi, get to the anchor harpoons! We have to try and slow it down even a little!"

His mind racing in lightyears, the older Jedi quickly calculated the odds, and the strength of their ship, and the potentially fatal error or even using outlandish movements like hyperspace jumping, or…

"There's no time, Anakin! I'll get the comms, just try and slow…just slow it. Down."

The Force exploded in a nexus of energy, an ocean of energy and sheer power flooded past them, like a nova of energy into a single person, and with a single hand that conduit for such energy breathed low, flames tingling along that sheer flood of power, and commanded it to obey him.

Anakin, young Jedi Padawan, slowly willed the Asteroid to stop.

No, not slowly, his eyes flared open with impossible energy and with an almost visible aura of the Force, so dense, around him, he clenched his hand.

Shattering the next extinction event for that unfortunate planet behind them, into nothing more than a meteorite shower.

On that day, Tatooine looked up. And saw the stars falling.

And as if it were by divine providence, with the stars came rain.

Rain on a planet that had forgotten what water could be.


"So… which one of you would like to explain why we are having to explain that Jedi aren't gods?" Qui-Gon Jinn said in a tone so flat it could disprove reality. Desperately training to keep the amusement out of his voice, and failing.

A whistle broke out from the Chosen One, not at all nonchalantly.

In fact, it was very much the opposite of nonchalant and it served its purpose. Anakin raised his eyebrows, along with the corner of his lips in a roguish smirk. "Who me? Why don't you ask the man who convinced Jabba the Hutt to run away with an entire pirate fleet at his slimy tail. Without even a lightsaber?"

Qui-gon played along. "Hmm, an excellent point and a deflection that I have been curious of myself. Padawan? Care to elaborate?"

"You do realize I am no longer your Padawan, Master?"

"And yet, you respond to it so well."

Behind Obi-wan's lack of response to such a quick attack, Anakin cackled. Barely held back laughter annoying Obi-wan into another similarly childish deflection. "I see that our newest Desert Messiah would like to add something? Please."

"No, no, the floor's yours."

"I insist."

"I desist your insist."

"That doesn't even make sense, clearly your mouth moves faster than your brain. As I saw very well when you nearly caused a cataclysmic event."

Anakin flapped his lips, "Well, you, uh, you don't make any sense." Realizing how stupid that sounded, he quickly forged on. "And hey, no harm no foul."

"Ahem," coughed Qui-gon, turning both of his apprentices' attention from their bickering to him, their going-gray-far-too-prematurely teacher. "Actually, you destroyed…"

He flicked through the datapad. "Obbu's palace of great grandness."

"That's a Hutt, they don't count." True. Mostly.

Obi-wan slanted his brow. "Sweeping planetary bombardment under the rug now? They may be terrible, morality-deficient, spacefaring slugs, but that's no excuse to break their most palace of palaces."

A shrug was the only response that he received from his light chastisement. "Meh. I'm sure you can negotiate it with Jabba."

Adding a particular lilt to his words, Anakin smugged the most smug he could. To be fair, he pulled it off quite charmingly, but that disconcerting sound of an Imperial March playing to warcrimes in the background did add flair to his every move. His every move.

"Why yes, Jabba would be most amenable at the end of my lightsaber. A blue searing threat to the throat tends to loosen even their grasp."

"You found a throat in that!?"

Qui-gon wondered when his cute little Padawans grew up and became powerful combatants fighting against the (arguably, by who though?) most depraved organizations in the Galaxy.

It felt like just yesterday, he was attempting to train Obi-wan and Anakin to not permanently maim each other with lightsabers.

Ah, the memories. The painful, exhausting, debilitating, terrifying memories of training one of the greatest Jedi to ever live.

And the Chosen One.

Obi-wan may have possibly overturned his entire head into gray- In an Escape Pod, with Jabba!?- far overtaking the Chosen One's lead with that one.

Honestly, their charisma, and two very different methodologies and examples of charisma they had; terrified Qui-gon a little…

A lot.

He supposed there was also far too much sentimental attachment and pride in that fear, oh, how he could hear the Jedi's doctrine slamming him down, but…

Still, Qui-gon enjoyed guiding his students far too much to stomach burying those emotions into the force. And far too embarrassed and prideful to shunt them off where either of them could feel it.

Before their bickering could escalate into one of them attempting to use the Liberation Front's ships and sending off into a devil-may-care attempt at oneupmanship against the worst the Galaxy had to offer; their Master interrupted for the sake of rationality.

"Now, now. I believe… that we have an urgent matter at hand." Both of them blinked at him, suddenly remembering that yes, he was still there.

And not lost in his memories, which had become far much more common at his age. Qui-gon was barely past 50.

"First, the fallout of your stunt Anakin, remember our plan to simply install that asteroid as a moon, and slowly and carefully remove the ice and add it into Tatooine? You and Obi-wan will have to deal with the environmental disasters that will likely ensue, and deal with the moisture farm's equipment especially."

"Of course, but why must you sound as if you are also punishing me, Master?" Obi-wan, the ever-dutiful student bowed serenely in acknowledgment, forcing Anakin to do the same.

"Because you distracted Anakin and needled him out of your own boredom," replied Qui-gon, inwardly wondering if they were classified as eco-terrorists on Tattoine yet. Knowing the Liberation Front's heavy influence on Tatooine- an unofficial main station for the movement- he suspected that Godhood should be expected, Anakin being the primary figurehead of the moment after all (and completely unaware of it, thankfully. Qui-gon's attempts to run damage control on the Chosen One's abilities and destiny were difficult enough.)

"And also, Anakin." The young man returned his focus from discussing with Obi-wan the best areas to focus on, and how to avoid sand again. Qui-gon smiled secretively. "It's high time you began crafting your own lightsaber, is it not?"

A trip to Illium was quite long overdue. Ah, but first a short detour to Coruscant to officially Knight Anakin and Obi-wan, and…to see how the Jedi Order had changed in his absence.

The HoloNet had exploded with the Naboo Invasion, and its Heroes even more so.

Especially, when the rumors of the boy-Hero of Naboo setting off in a three-man band to purge the Outer Rim of slavery began to trickle in with blurry vid-cam footage. And unsubstantiated, unbelievable, unrecorded, displays of speed and telekinesis by the unknown Jedi.

Naturally, their next target became the mysterious flame-haired boy who was said to have helped with defeating that other Dark Jedi! But was not a Jedi- when that section somehow leaked from the Jedi Temple, that a non-Force-Sensitives had gone toe to toe with a Dark Jedi(along with two other Jedi, but drama sold more) and won as a child! (Rengoku was actually nine, but one digressed)

First, it had been lazy third-rate Bounty Hunters sent after him, more as a drunken idea of hilarity to have such an oddity.

But as that boy continually dismantled and evaded his pursuers, and…when footage from his exploits began to leak. Well.

It became a race to the abyss of pathetic trash... (Sidious may or may not have increased that bounty, just as a moment of regard to the boy that disrupted his plans. Oh, what a joke, what fun… He would absolutely do that, and would also leak his bio-report).

Maul crunched the datapad in his hand. Flinging the sparking pieces into the nearest corner so he wouldn't feel like he was about to tear his way through his own ship.

Oh yes, he had lived. He had survived. In a strange twist of fate, the double cut through his abdomen had actually created his opportunity.

In the dual lightsabers' rate of cauterization, Maul lived. The agony and misery of the Nightsisters' play, the tyranny and madness of Master, the sheer hatred… It was all he had, all he could need.

And to see that his hates had become so high, had risen above him in so many ways that he couldn't have even realized before his miserable death. Before the depths he had to savage through and shatter apart even through madness and rage. To see those objects of his infinite hatred gather, make merry, live in joy and contentment.

Maul growled. Animalistic, wrong, primal, uncontrollable.

Because that was what he had become, just a filthy, monstrous animal surviving through spite and hatred. Long had he grown used to the consuming dark side that kept him both sane and insane, it was necessary. Long had the clarity of his rage overcame all else. Long had he first been so at odds with his pain, his hatred, the sheer agony in every fiber of his being, every cell that begged and pleaded for death while acid ran through them.

But now? Without hatred, Maul knew that death would find him anew. And unlike before, it would not be left wanting.

Chasing him through mounds of trash and filth, the cost of beauty and life to sink a planet beneath ugliness. Chasing him through even the dizzying channels of hyperspace, and soon even here would not be safe. A flame would not be deterred, oh, he knew. Flame must burn, and he must flee.

Flee until he could drown it all.

"Warning, warning. Approaching the Maw. Returning you to-" He smashed the navigation system into durasteel. Thorns of dull gray, splattered with too bright red. Thin and wet, like blood water. Like rusted filth.

He had fled through monsters that devoured stars, he had been nearly slain at ruined worlds that he had set up as traps to simply delay!

This, this galactic nightmare was his only chance.

The Maw, or the cluster of black holes at the very center of the galaxy, was a presence that not even Jedi or Sith could claim. Neither his Master nor the pathetic Knights of Light would find him here.

Only that man, only that living flame would. And Maul would be waiting.

A horrid grin split Mauls' face in half, teeth cracking into blood again, but he paid it no heed. A hyperspace leap, right into the very center of the cluster!

The Force was leading him to it, it was crooning in the language of Dathomir, of the chants of the Nightsisters! His hope led there, it began there.


His hatred fulfilled.

Everything to the order of the Plan. The Plan, the plan, he would not be left wanting!

Closing his feverish eyes, itching in that wrong wrong wrong way again. Insects crawl under his skin, oil and blood ran through him, and parasites of metal clawed beneath his sight,

Maul forced the Force to flow through him, pool its viscera and darkness into him. Tell him, Tell him where he must go!

Already, he could sense that his stolen starcraft- an enormous Trade Federation flagship (What were droids to his rage? Nothing but metal to tear- was screaming in agony. Entire sections of the craft ripped themselves from limb to limb, like a crying creature from the abyss of Dathomir. Lone shrieks filling the void of shadows. Heat rose, and auras of blazing orange began to shear apart the rest as engines died against the pull of undead stars.

Restraint. Know Restraint.

Not yet. He could not jump yet, he had to slip in between the black holes, between their devastating masses in hyperspace. Yet still allow them to pull him back, resist the jump until his movement landed him the heart of the galaxy.

It was an impossible jump, a jump that not even through trillions of droids could it be calculated.

Maul laughed with red raining from his orfices. But with his Hatred, it could! The Dark Side enacted its toll on him, even as it began to blaze to life in his mind. The path, he could see it!

He could see it!


When Maul awoke.

He wondered if it not better for him to have died. Limbs twisted, bones cracked and slurped down down down through his broken body, mechanical legs melted through his frame, something itchy everywhere. Maggots and worms he supposed.

Had the Force preserved him? Stolen his consciousness from Death yet again? Was his immortal existence forever barred from Dathomir? Chained to a body defiled and ruined?

Maul felt distinctively wrong.

Like an error in the code, an unknown presence in the Force, a dream within a nightmare, seeds implanted with a parasite, a life in death…

Where, exactly was he?



She gnawed on his mind again.

Devouring memories, running through the cracked red of Dathomir, joy with his brothers in flame, eating his dreams whole, the Jedi dead at his feet, his Master finally relinquishing it all to him, Vengeance satisfied, swallowing his emotions through a mouth that stretched and stretched and stretched, empty white, a stolen sun tearing through his crimson, blue and green robbing him of life, dead black wounds,

ate everything.

And spit something else out.

Sinkhole Station

A prison of unbelievable construction and technology situated directly in the center of the Galaxy. Hence its name.

Also, is in the middle of all the supermassive blackholes of said galaxy.

The sister Station to this one, is similar in design but far larger in scope. And is said to be able to move Stars. And contains one in its Center. Both stations' construction and build are impossible to replicate by the galaxies' current standard of technology. And the next millennia. And the next. And the next.

It was constructed nearly 100, 000 years ago.

Built to contain a prisoner in a planet located within the Maw. Its inhabitants are known as Mind Drinkers.

This station has been destroyed.

Chapter 8: Wait, the Timeskip ended early!
Chapter 8: Wait, the Timeskip ended early!

Five years before the galaxy-spanning conflict known as the Clone Wars, Rengoku Kyojuro had been tracking the elusive Sith, named Darth Maul, throughout the galaxy.

In what could only be described as a painful journey of complex machinery, inexperience with any sort of machinery, and constant setbacks that may or may not be related to such and delays that were most definitely responsible for his newfound experience with marooning.

Unused to navigating the tangled web of Galactic travel, and its lesser chaotic sprawl of hyperspace channels, Rengoku found himself plunged into the deep end of space's most dreaded horror.


And Customs.

Through planetary systems, that had spaceflight checks-in routinely scrunching their faces at his lack of identification, through towering cityscapes that sneered on his battle-battered dress and disaster of hygiene - sonic showers mildly terrified Rengoku, there was nothing wrong with sand or water showers! But sonic showers were a poorly disguised Demon Attack!

Hygiene that would be only be fixed after some fellow took pity on the mendicant Demon Slayer.

Although citizenship and identification were… loose so to speak of this galaxy in myriad of greys. Certain steps required serious intervention, like Rengoku's impromptu near death at the hands of sickness. As it so happened, peculiar oil-borne and filth-addled disease ran rampant over the junk planet that Maul and Rengoku had been taken to after their sojourn down Naboo's hole. Only through the timely intervention of a passing cruise ship dropping off its own excess was Rengou still alive today.

If, not laden down with strange and peculiar shield medicines and inner warriors fighting off sickness. Like a cure to the Demon plague, but thousands of times over. The Common Cure applied to at least a thousand recorded diseases and ailments that had once ravaged the galaxy in a future long forgotten.

Potentially. Galactic History notoriously grew murkier and murkier the further back one went. Why, some had even suggested that the Force had the power to alter history, and likewise time! As an insane response to why history after a certain point became so muddled that it was suggested that Sith and Jedi were once the same!

Rengoku privately wondered if that was so irrational.

But to digress! Through shenaganery of the strangest level, and more skill than luck, Rnegoku had soundly gathered his wits in the new, brave, galaxy! And had firmly found himself- Doing the exact same thing he had done in his previous life.

Living off scraps and goodwill while hunting down elusive, murderous, targets.

Actually, in simplifying that down all the way to such firm understandings, did indeed soothe Rengoku's unfamiliarity and utter confusion of the ways of the galaxy.

To think of places in planets, to imagine the stars as highlights of the journey rather than the light that provided safety…

That wasn't even going into the depths that Maul had sunk to escape defeat. Plots that entrapped entire systems into near-apocalyptic conflicts or political monsters that Rengoku could barely make heads nor tails of. Traps employing entire asteroid fields like a nigh-infinite amount of lethal death of house-sized rocks, as if was just to test Rengoku's fledging spacefighter piloting skills.

Several Mid-Rim systems had outlawed anybody with flame colored hair or eyes recently, much to the confusion of some species travelling through.

…Still he often failed his piloting tests, his lack of talent compared to his friend showing itself, especially when his training often led him to fall back on using the throttle as a sword hilt, and stuck surviving on bare rations in an uncomfortable space suit-

So to sum it up!

His own weapon remained his trusty borrowed white sun, which felt and appeared to be chewed up by a Rancor. Or two.

Truth be told, Rengoku was ill-made for Demon pursual missions. Embarrassing as it was to admit! But honesty was the only thing he had ever known!

A consequence of the Hashira's extreme focus on skill and martial ability to take on the Demonic Moons. In focusing all his efforts on Breathe and Battle, he had neglected the other realms which allowed for him to even discover a Demon in originality.

"So… what brings you to the Jewel of the Core, my strange-looking friend?"

Rengoku blinked, looked down on the complete mystery of what he had been eating, and slowly so slowly that his head rotated a full 360 degrees in the time it took for all 4 eyes of his 'friend' to blink.

He stared at the fields of steel and glass, that strange mix of opulence and industry, the crags of machinery and blocky-almost construction of a planet forged from steel and on the death of an entire ecosystem.

And said, smartly. "Oh."


There wasn't really anything to express after that, as Rengoku recovered his wits and began to make his way on Coruscant.

So he was here, again.

The trace he had been chasing Maul down, had indeed led him to the Core Worlds, as he had learned there were known by, but why and how he ended on Coruscant instead of the deeper space he recalled the trail led, beguiled his memory.

Like thin wisps of smoke rising from flame, Rengoku could feel his mental hands grasp at, but fail to grip soundly in memory and trail of thought.

It did bother him a little- but more importantly!

After five years, surely it was time to reunite with his old friends and new!

One could not devote his whole being into sole focus, as his ancestors had written down and passed down to him! They had mentioned family and the practice of wooing fair maidens much more than that, but Rengoku read between the lines!

And read between those lines. And again. There was an awful lot of how to woo fair maidens in there, to be absolutely fair! Quite honestly, Rengoku had no idea what even what a fair maiden even supposed itself to be? Some form of esoteric swordstyle? And to 'woo'...


To slay demons! How clever! By hiding their skills in strange wordings and obscure code, his ancestors had even devised a method in order to pass down their skills barring the possibility of their descendants separating from the Demon Slaying Corps!

Rengoku mentally noted to do the same, but also provide a method of breaking through the code. And provide multiple copies, as his Ancestors must have lost the cipher.

But first, where was he on this strange planet? The oddness of having feet only on untethered steel, on knowing that there as only sheer abyss below threw his head into disparity. Without scents of nature on the wind, and the sight of green blind, Coruscant struck a harsh place of discomfort within Rengoku. Which he then soundly ignored, as he had been doing on most of the other planets he had visited in his time.

Dust and steel on the wind like glass shards, like the hidden Swordsmith Village, but far more… industrialized. A giant of railroads on air, of history stacking and stacking onto each other, until all collapsed under its own weight.

Surely if he kept walking, eventually he would see the Jedi Temple on the jagged horizon?

Rengoku stepped onto a platform, and without a single blare from his instincts, dropped 100 levels into Coruscant.

The man-in-a-teenager's form kept his thoughts upbeat.

One must go down to go up!

Setbacks were natural part of life, afterall.

Another step, and he walked directly off the optical illusion of a platform into the depths below.



4000 levels below the surface of Coruscant, Rengoku avoided the peculiar fogs of humidity and gathering condensation. Their look proved ill, and he'd rather not test his standard Common Cure! Get one today and don't die choking to death on your own eyeballs! Or don't and please refer your body to the Nearest Biodegrading center.

It was not so much dark, as it was shadowed. With peculiarly vibrant lights that glittered like jewels in the depths, and barely lit the area near them in hazes of green and violet. Red sensors from droids and cybernetic enhancements shone like beams through the constant fog- Rengoku noticed the abundance of filtered masks, and smartly held his breath, waiting for his chance to emerge on a level with healthier air. Unfortunately, his last encounter with the bloody-themed Sith had cost Rengoku's space suit, having faced against a strange space squid would do that.

Some would describe Coruscant as having another world below, a world of ugly truths and desperation choked down by poison.

But that would be far too dramatic and poetic for what it really was. Coruscant was Coruscant, and it was the same all the way down. It just didn't bother hiding what it was behind fancy parties and rich blood at some point past sea level.

Rengoku looked up, and realized that he could not see the sun from down here. Either night had fallen, or he was so far down that the light had been stolen away.

This. This may be a setback he may need help for.

But in a good way!

"Welcome to Coruscant, or should I say, welcome back?" Sheev Palpatine smiled warmly at the three Jedi. Who were completely oblivious to his true nature, and the sheer thrill it sent through him whenever he met with the slaves of the Light.

Qui-gon Jinn, that foolish dissident who unfortunately did not perish, and even more unfortunately kept the scion of the Force from Palpatine, bowed to the Chancellor of the Republic- a tad too highly, his nose should have been pulled against the ground if the Sith Lord had any say. Or just rolling about with the rest of his head.

But alas, the role of grandfatherly leader of the Republic had it's shackles.

"You show us too much honor, Chancellor." Impossible, a Jedi wouldn't know honor if it sat in the same office with them. And offered them tea and scones served with their horrible deaths in the future.

Keeping his eyes closed in wrinkled crescents, Palpatine waved away the Jedi Masters foolish attempts to disallow him again. "Nonsense, how could I do anything less for the heroes who saved my planet from the Separatists?" His slitted eyes carefully analyzed the Jedi for any reaction to that name. Its use had been only in secret rumours afterall. If this… 'Liberation Front' had any secret relations unbeknownst to him, Palpatine would know from their pathetic lies.

And if his foolish… 'apprentice' had been attempting to hide or devise strategems to overthrow him, like it was not the most obvious and laughable failure imaginable… Like Jedi had not been so lacking in sense and any understanding of their own weaknesses. Like it had not been the same mentality that thousands of Jedi who fell to the Dark before him.

Dooku's own belief of his superiority compared to his former compatriots, never failed to remind why Sidious kept him around.

Pure petty humor, and a useful tool. A useful. Tool. Darth Sidious considered it again, looking at the actual Jedi in front of him… So, purely humour. A tool could be quite easily replaced after all.

The other two stayed behind their master, like children unready to be freed from thier Mother's cage. But even in his hidden presence within the dark side, Sidious could feel the nexus of the Force around one particular child.

Palpatine spoke, hiding the smirk in his words. "And anyway, much has changed since your last visit. I would be remiss if I did not give you fair warning before you are inevitably thrown into the Chaos."

Letting his words wash over them, Palpatine began walking softly to his office, his hands shown to them on his back. An implicit offer of trust, that their primitive minds would no doubt assume to be his belief in them.


"Five years can change much after all. And the Jedi Order is not the same as it once was."

When the Jedi decided to venture outside their ivory fortress, their assumption of the Galaxy, their strength, their place in it, and the Gilded Age, were crushed on the unyielding fall.

Hundreds died in the first week. Inexperience, lack of current knowledge, and sheer hatred towards them, even the Mid-Rim provided a sizable number of casualties in the first wave of Jedi sent out. And as for the Outer Rim, 77%.

The story of Aurra Sing, her capture and ruin by the hands of bandits, or the few Jedi that fell to the Dark's seduction; horror stories told by the singular. Quickly became not so irregular in their history, and ironically with such understanding that their vaunted place in the galaxy was not so secure, nor their own shadow in the light… Horror stories died. No one wanted to revisit such a prevalent reality after all.

To put it frankly, the Jedi with all their training, for all their preparation and self-focus, were found wanting by the Galaxy outside the Core worlds. Found wanting and weak.

The first that went out, with golden hearts and hopeful wishes for change, found themselves at odds with the corrupt Mid-world, the harsh wild of the Outer World who either saw them only as nuisances at best or… merchandise at the worst.

Qui-gon knew this of course, some Jedi had even visited the Liberation Front's for advice or guidance on where to ply their best efforts.

But for how devastating the losses were, the scope of the loss for the Jedi Order?

Qui-gon could only bow his head at the newly formed memorial of fallen Jedi at the entrance to the Temple, flickering holoimages of the lost seemingly mocking him for his inability to see such a result.

"We increased the training, and the necessary requirements to be sent out in missions outside the Core. Even for the Mid-Rim, two pairs of Jedi are what we should expect, less so if it is not a Master and Padawan duo." Trust Mace Windu to be so blunt that it stung him out of his reflection.

"Sustained blaster fire and guerilla tactics were the main causes of the first, then… the second wave found the overwhelming corruption and darkness too much to bear and just snapped. Padawns on Masters, Masters on Padawans. Knight on Knight." He spoke as if it was something that didn't happen in just five years. Like it was history, detached and emotionless. As if the bandages wrapped around his eye meant nothing.

"For a moment, we feared the coming of a Jedi Civil War." His nonplussed fear, the resigned acceptance of such, should have terrified Qui-gon in turn.

Qui-gon stared at the young man glitching blue and imagined yellow eyes on him. It was disturbingly easy to do. "I trust that you would not be speaking to me if it did occur."

A hefty hand slapped his shoulder hard enough to send Qui-gon stumbling forward. "Who do you think we are? The Sith? Fucking cowards who can't even sustain a group bigger than two rats? No. Of course, I wouldn't be speaking to you if we were all dead."

It hit him then that Mace Windu was there. Here. Not in the lofty tower of the Jedi High Council. That was enough to force Qui-gon to tear his eyes from the memorial. Haunting blue still behind his eyes. "You stepped down."

Mace Windu nodded, solemn focus etched into every new nearly imperceptible line on his face. "All of us. The High Council became too political, and frankly, most of us were pulling double duty on the other councils anyway."


"Even Yoda." Suddenly Mace cracked a smile. Sitting odd on his too-serious facade for a moment, before it morphed back into strange mix of zealot adherence to the light and a younger Mace Windu with a more devil-may-care attitude. Not to dissimilarity Anakin actually. "That old bastard is probably enjoying himself, confusing younglings. At least they listen to him And you know what, even I'm thinking of pulling a Qui-gon and finding some kid and calling him the Chosen One just to get two Padawans."


"Yeah, pulling a Mace Windu just sounds motherfucking better."

"In other news, strange fluctuations of gravity have been circulating through Wild space, but with the recent expansion of the Hutt Clans into such turbulent space. Experts have been so far unable to investigate directly, but many agree that the entire galaxy will be affected by the power-"

The blonde, bottle-green eyed reporter was cut off by an incoming transmission.

Anakin lingered awkwardly outside the archives, trying to lean onto a nearby pillar while scrolling through the Holonet. Thankful for the interruption, he quickly answered the comms. "Hello?"

Shmi Skywalker's voice floated out of his wrist. "Ani! Oh, I'm so glad you're safe. When I heard about the Hutts expanding, I-"

Anakin grimaced, yeah. He could definitely understand where that may have come from. "We're okay, Mom. Don't worry." A foolish statement, for either of them, but still. "We're all here on Coruscant, safe and sound."

Feeling the eyes of curious Jedi on him, some realizing that this was an actual familiar relation and beginning to increase their burning curiosity, Anakin whispered, "You're safe too right?" Sure, hiding his mom felt a little dumb and more than a little shameful, but well. Rubbing his attachments in front of the Jedi was something for the past him. Anakin liked to think he was better than that now.

She only laughed off his worry, twinkling mirth coming off flatly through the galaxy-wide transmission. "The Liberation Front is nearly worshiping me, Ani. Honestly, I might have to start giving away donations now… you really are my miracle."

It was a miracle his face didn't combust from embarrassment then and there, why oh why did mothers love to embarrass their children?

"Oh, what's that? Obi-wan tried to shave his beard with his lightsaber again? Gotta go, mom, love ya bye!"

The amused snort cut off, just as Anakin fled to the safety of the Archives from the curious, mocking, eyes on him.

His control of the Force had rapidly increased, so now he wasn't flooded with impressions and futures from the heart whispering secrets from his palm, but even still. The Force was such a breathing, living thing, that he felt its weight bear down on him even so.

Like a Krayt Dragon simply existing near him, a breathing living volcano of strength and presence.

Anakin shook his head from the Force's wistfulness, now was not the time. Taking a moment to breathe in, he let the instinctive flow of the Force cease, and instead be filled by flame.

It was a startlingly different feeling.

He'd almost describe it like the Dark-side, drawing power just to you, like a focus in the Force, instead of the peaceful flow of the light, but the mindset was more similar to the calm and steady mind needed to access the Light. Either way, Anakin quickly found his target.

"-Scary the galaxy, is. Natural to fear, danger around every corner, danger for a Jedi. Even more so, one would caution"

Now, while Anakin Skywalker had certainly matured in the interring years. The sharp bitter tang of the… frog, still flowed like sewage over his tongue.

But admittedly, Anakin like the mature reasonable teenager he was, one who was responsible for providing raw resources for the Outer Rim and being a Jedi in ways he never even imagined of, was ready to not swear at the fucking frog. Completely. Unless.

So as he rounded the corner with confidence in each step, and maybe a little of what Obi-wan called swagger, Anakin could say with complete reasonableness-

That he did not mean to crash into the other hiding fellow.

And stumble painfully back from the incredibly solid Archive shelves, and then flipped onto his back into the padawans- oh so that braid wasn't a rebellion prank they were playing on him, gotcha.

Still was not his style at all. And wow, pretty sure he missed whoever's head by a lightyear, another frog?

A harsh intake of sucked breath, before a nonchalant whistle. "I have apprehended the creep, Master Yoda!" Another off-key whistle. "... Also the Archives are protected now and all, so… I'll just be going if you don't mind."

Yoda stared down amusedly into Anakin's swirling eyes. "Stay, please you will. Much to discuss, both with this… creep and you."

He fucking knew that frog held a grudge!

When the orange Torguta slid into his view, tinier even than some of the newest rescuees, he just knew that green wrinkled long-eared stuffed animal was laughing even harder.

If Obi-wan ever heard, he'd have to kill them all.

You know. Metaphorically.

A dream of green.

It began in whispers. In hushed tones echoing around without source. In glittering dying lights and clouds of vapors. It came and went, mere scratches on vinyl, sounds in the steel.

A dream of green. Of life in the dark, of vitality without morality.

Rengoku breathed out, low and wheezing. Running his hand over the hilt of the short lightsaber, he wondered perhaps if seeing things in the shadows was simply the norm so far below anything else.

Coruscant did not have any oceans, but so far below everything else.

It felt like the bottom of a dark sea. Beings seemed to move around him, flickering back and forth with afterimages in trailing glows, mutations and sickness all trickled down from the very top, but it was a tired strength to live. No fight to give anymore.

"So you're finally here. The Jedi finally remembered who we are~" Humanoid shapes emerged into view. Pale humans tinged in grey and trailing smoke behind them, in neon lights. Glowing eyes of yellowed hues, like a droid's eyelights. "You're just in time, the show's about to start."

Anzati Assassins, an obscure race of heretically long-lived beings.

Rengoku flicked the lightsaber on. In truth, when he had first discovered their existence, he compared them to Demons. But. He may or may not have done that to any and all unique species that seemed faintly evil.

"Have you ever dreamed?" The lead one spoke softly, things trailing out from cheeks, while others moved into a formation surrounding him.

Yes! It was unpleasant!

"Are you looking for the Shadow still?" Seemingly perfectly at ease, they continued to circle around him in dizzying colors.

The lack of gas masks was to be expected, heavy cybernetic enhancements were the Anzati's second dangerous aspect.

"Or have you found other reasons to come below? He was here for something else. Or should I say, something else was here for him?" Tapping their cheek, the pale Anzati kept golden eyes trained on him. Hunger distant to something else in them.

Vibroblades began to whine, extending out of their backs, like spiders hatching out of silken eggs.

Rengoku said nothing, conserving what little air he had left.

"Would you like to? Dream?"


A long-lived humanoid species. One particular trait is their ability to drain memories and lifetimes away from potential victims, the so-named snot Vampires. Despite their nickname, are horrifically deadly and manipulative, adding onto impressive skills and abilities with that of victims, and enchanting even further with cybernetic enhancements. Are said to have once trained a certain Bounty Hunter.

Relation to humans and Dathomir Zabraks is unknown.

Ironically, they name their choice of addictive, Soup.

Force-Sensitivity Average unknown, but do have potential to be Jedi Masters. If far too dangerous combined with their natural proclivity towards hunting sentients and mild hypnotic abilities.

The Oldest Anzati are said to mock the Jedi and the Sith, calling the Force a creation of theirs.

As to who, or what they truly worship instead...

Perhaps a god of flesh and steel.

Chapter 9: A Name is Only What She Makes of You
Chapter 9: A Name is Only What She Makes of You

The Kaminoians. Ethereal beings who lived outside the natural galaxy, lithe, beautiful, sapient creatures who must have slithered out of the very depths of the oceans. Abyssal features, thin, stretched features, and a total lack of common empathy. But they compensated that with staggering intelligence. Not emotional intelligence, but practical- to them at least. Still, they were to put it plainly.


But that was like accusing a fish for drowning, or for a bird for falling. It simply meant nothing to them. In reality, it wasn't out of a lack of anything, but rather what filled that so-called lacking void that made empathy obsolete.

The Kaminoans were just not like humans, the baseline average of the galaxy. Born without the concoctive mix of brain chemistry and ancestral, vestigial traits, instead their minds functioned much like…

Divine beings. Impossibly powerful creators whose minds were alien and indiscernible to the vast majority of the galaxy. Unless you were an AI.

And that's what they were to the clones. Not mothers, not fathers, not family, but the incomprehensible divine that modeled them out of clay and grew them in and out of water.

In the far outreaches of the Outer Rim, no, even beyond. Extragalactic. There they toiled and wreaked havoc with the very foundations of life itself, mastering them to an extent that no other biological race could boast of.

Focusing in one particular Kaminoan-

Nala Se prided herself on a unique rationality. One slightly marred from the usual doctrine uplifted by the countless calculations defining Kamino. One that included her own barest... pride, pride as damnable and maddening as it was, was her one true flaw. The mutation in her brain, the error in her hormones, the discomfort of her mortal shell, and her immortal mind.

Tracing her hand on the glass wall between her and the clones, she watched as they ran drills and drills and drills. Simulations, endless and uncountable, less like training. And more the entire makeup of their lives.

All the same man, all the same genotype- But… An interruption.

"Your work proceeds well. In another few years, they may be able to be deployed in practical excursions."

Nala Se idly rotated her head, ah, Halle Burtoni must have edited her own DNA again. A new appearance? No facial grafting so far, but perhaps the aging Kaminona preferred to match the Chancellor of the Republic.

She responded after a slow flick of dead eyes, "They may be able to... But, your own work has run its course. How many years left before you expire?"

The sudden shift in topic didn't deter the wizened Kaminoian. "Not before your own project does."

Her headband jingled lightly, light running strangely through the jewelry hanging from it. "Potentially that is, depending on our involvement with the Galactic Republic in the future. Assassins and Sabateours run rampant in the Core… And so, I request a dozen or so Clones to be supplied to me. The highest performing of your experimental batches."

Stick-thin fingers stopped on the young children trapped in the strange limbo between adulthood and childhood, although that period would last even shorter than usual.

How fascinating, while nothing was truly secret here, to imagine she'd be so easily found… It was impossible to hide, with their entrapment in their own world, and the simple lack of logic for secrecy to their kind. Still, Nala Se had kept her own private projects low on the shared network.

It would have taken considerable effort to confirm such suspicions of her.

"... So you distrust the Republic." The creation of the clones, and the incredible investment they poured into the utterly ridiculous endeavor of providing for an entire Galactic war force; would have seemingly contradicted that notion.

The Kaminaoins must have trusted the Galactic Republic enough for them to repay them for their services naturally, or at least that their sizable investment would not go to waste. They must have also realized that no government would suddenly ask for such massive military spending if not some form of war was to be.

On that note, considering the lack of movements of sizable groups that would be more logical to combat, lack of expeditionary task forces, silence of colonization efforts in the Outer Rim or policing policies being implemented even in secret; the Trade Federations and the Secessionists were the only logical explanation for enemy.

"One would be a fool to trust any sapient. Unpredictability and emotionality are their primary lifestyles." The old politician wrung her hands. Eyes flicked back and forth, lidding as the planetary cycle came to a close.

Nala Se wondered if their contribution would sour their relations and trade with the intergalactic banking entity. Rationality deemed it implausible. Irrationality supposed that they should sabotage their own work.

"Unfortunately, I will have to decline your request. Their abilities may be unique, but that uniqueness makes them particularly difficult to ascribe standard indoctrination procedures."

Loyalty and Resolution blazed out in interesting themes that she had found essentially encoded in the Mandalorian's DNA, but even that could be broken by a sapient's self-expression and experiences. And which would likely change even more in such a toxic environment as the Senate.

Or perhaps their loyalty and resolutions could shift in light of new information. Information that was purposely hidden and explicit for the Clones.

Nala Se accepted the scowl that Halle Burtoni gave her, it was to be expected when working with other sapient species to be affected pathetically.

Then, she also accepted their efficient proposal of the Shock Trooper programmed clones as guards instead.

Finally, the grand atrium ended in her patrol, and the simulational obstacle course revealed itself.


The Clones were not her children. They did not have familial or emotional bond… Yes. Yet, there was something. A familiarity, a relationship even so.

Nala Se watched their progress through the course, vaulting over movable cover, shielding with plain white synthetic 'buildings', firing simple paint-like weapons at the opposing team, and she smiled.

The gods did so 'love' the creations, if not then, why would they make them?

Not out of love, not of loneliness, but out of the desire to create. To forge a legacy beyond the galaxy.

The Clones will die. Their bodies will litter the stars. And yet, they already knew as such.

Nala Se paused, that's peculiar.

No extra-orbital arrivals were scheduled today. Did the Hutts wish to take another batch of clones?

"You can call me Vi-C."

Cheeks emblazoned with grinning mouths in sharp bold black lines, and a tactical outfit that exposed skin running down with plated synthweave, and sigils of unknown information constantly skipping through.

Rengoku naturally didn't.

Level 5, strangely enough, proved itself to be well-lit, almost as if an artificial sun blazed in the depths, but with individual beacons outpouring light down the smooth hallway. Too smooth.

It didn't escape his notice that said smoothness, belied the crawling skittering of Vice's companions just behind the walls, the moment out of his sight they fled to ambush points that faintly keened with scents of blood.

And rot.

"Are you afraid, little not-Jedi? You can talk to me, I won't bite." Vi-C or Vice leaned in, breathing out into his face.

I very much doubt that!

This close, and Rengoku could see the fine hairs low on her glowing gold eyes, and make out the obvious circuits running through them. And the false hair that shone oddly, like plastic weave.

Resisting the urge to cut off her head while on such low oxygen probably did not help his situation! Besides the current lack of available attacks and the unprompted current deadlock- Rengoku simply imagined her as rather similar to the more terrifying of his fellow Demon Slayers.

Why, compared to some, the Anzati Assassin could be said to be pleasant! If not very much involved in a cult of sorts. That did actually put a damper on the whole taking him down into the lowest levels of Coruscant. Rengoku tried to remember if he had any experience with cults in his previous life… No? Oh yes, most of those missions went to the Insect Hashira.

"Oh, did you come down here with no rebreather?" Tapping a mouth cheek, Vice tilted her head. The click-clack of her razor-sharp-clawed feet paused.

Correct! But I very much feel you did not have to put it like that! Do not insult me with implications, do it straightforwardly! Thought, Rengoku, sure that it would translate through his body language.

Her back bent and she stared straight into his throat. Terrifyingly, Rengoku found his instincts failed to register her properly, similar to some Hashira's spars with the Sound Hashira. How interesting! Also! Air, please!

"Heh. " Lights danced merrily in eyes of golden tech.

The click of her talons continued, but the sharp angle of her back didn't, in a disturbing show of movement and flexibility."Or did you not want us to glean your secrets from observation?"

Rengoku blinked. That would have been an excellent idea! If he had purposefully put it in motion. Which he had not.

The further they went on the smooth sloping hall, the more evidence of grand beasts that survived though everything else began to show. Enormous rifts through steel, pools of melted duraplates, the stench of rot thickened, and not even Vice's scent tinged with something flowery and poisonous could hide it.

There should have been echoes of monsters, roars from titanic beats and cunning flexible creatures that lurked in the abyss.

Coruscant after all was an average class-sized planet, and as such even the lowest levels were ridiculously large.

In fact-

Rengoku gasped.

Past Level Five, Coruscant's tight-packed undercity which had been devolving more and more into tunnels of rats and killers, gave way to the impossible caverns below.

With enormous towers stretching down and up like pillars of the world, the foundations of the greatest skyscrapers that even ascended into space.

And an abyssal ocean. Teeming with bioluminescent life, that crawled along even the cavern's ceiling, and into the long fog that visibly curved down to the horizon.

The oceans that had once bore the light of the sun, had all been emptied into the lowest caverns below Coruscant.

But as if to remind Rengoku that he was not in the Underworld, a Sith Dreadnaught stabbed through two foundational pillars, pouring into a waterfall from its caverned surface. Illuminated by the sparks of life and gleaming electricity lancing through the water.

Of course, Rengoku failed to recognize that the starship was a Sith Dreadnought dating back to the Great Galactic War. One of the many that had laid siege to Coruscant itself, and had ripped through the sectors and through sectors and through legions, all the way to its core.

Vice laughed. Directly from her throat, all the way from her belly, a deep wonderful laugh resounded in the emptiness.

"How is it? Your first time sleepwalking?"


The ocean, for that's what it was, an ocean locked in a dungeon, trapped in a hole that never ended, and as burrowed as wide as it was long.

It was an ocean that would have covered an entire world, how deep and unfathomable it was, with nebulas of violet algae blooms and schools of saccharine fish of merry red velvet.

Curtains of sinew hung from the ceilings, soaking up the endless humidity and the dripping chemicals alike. Vines of tendons and stalagmites laden down with filth from above. Sunshine yellow rippled through the walls, a constant chemical reaction that Rengoku saw hues of violet and red bursting within, like starburst candies.

And again, the grand centerpiece, a Sith Dreadnaught from days past and dead mocked time in its precarious position.

Whale song rang through the depths, and a pale beast rose out, a carnival phantasm of what great lumbering giants that once swam across the ocean, but was instead an ugly bleached sun-less thing streaked with chemicals and useless trailing fins that extended far too much.

And behind it, the Sith Dreadnaught seemingly grinned with its ruined face of shattered hulls and cavernous eyes of ripped-scrapped heart.

So all in all, Level 0 of Coruscant exacted its name from you, as it said. An impossible underworld, flourishing in darkness.

The indication of otherwise began with the noise. Joining in the orchestra of oceansong, human voices, alien voices, the scratchy warbles of droids in different tongues.

Vi-C confidently twirled her hands onto her hips, barely resting above slotted skin. "You can breathe down here." And in explanation paired with triple grins, "The Old Whale's lungs are something to behold, still functioning at impossible efficiency millenia on millenia."

Rengoku felt that was rather unlikely, and more exaggeration in innocent fun than veritable truth, but his instincts haven't failed him yet.

So he breathed.

And… everything popped out even more, in fluorescent virescence, shining with undue light and unnatural glow.

"Amazing!" Of course, Rengoku was still a hundred percent certain that he will be inducted into a murderous, malevolent, malicious cult soon, but the world-Galaxy's wonders should be expressed as such!

"Amazing, hmm, a good word for it." Vice hummed in contentment, like a large cat's purr… with undertones of vicious bloodthirst, but Rnegoky ignored the tang of blood coming off her in waves. And the more… viscous scent like milky-fluid, mixed with the sharp natural oil reek.

Vi-C transformed her body language suddenly, and Rengoku was suddenly approached by a waitress at some family restaurant. A Demure and polite, but impossible-to-see truth behind the practiced facade right behind the counter at some liminal diner in the middle of nowhere, floating in the void of space. Or something like, a 'Service' face.

"Why don't you explore our riveting community? I can see you are still shocked by your perilous journey here, but surely our nice local population free from the Top Crust's corruption will sooth any worries you may still have!"

"Stay in Bed for a while, this is the last stop till the end."

"Your trial on Illium, it begins."

Ahsoka Tano, age 8, Jedi Youngling with a penchant for fiery will and impulsiveness, rushed forward.

So basically she was a bratty orange. And you would be damn right that she knew that.

See, every youngling after their trip to build their first lightsaber- bragged like they were Sith Slayer Obi-Wan Kenobi, or held themselves to that same noble walk of Count Dooku.

(No one imitated Yoda, he was… too immediate, too close to think of the previous Grandmaster. And after all, he was barely as tall as them! Shorter in many cases. And Mace Windu, Ahsoka shuddered. No, just no.)

So everyone knew what to expect from Illium. Hallucinations that were most definitely legal and not a result from hypothermia, Terrifying visions of the future, Suppressed guilt swallowing you whole and choking you down into freezing water…

You'd might think you were safe, steady, or balanced in the light like the Chosen One. But those younglings came back haunted. Eyes bleary and shadows seeping under skin, and waking delusions until they were pulled aside.

And no one would see them again. A life resigned to the Agri-corps, the Serv-Corps.

The cocky ones got it the worst.

So… Ahsoka Tano had very little expectations of this Anakin guy.

And if her lekku twitched like dying trees in the wind, then that was her problem only- thank you very much!

A lesson in trust, don't.

The Sith Dreadnaught as maudlin and macabre its appearance of terror and tyranny, was a haven for the deprived. The hopeless, and the desperate flocked to the hulking ship of nightmares.

Systems sustained on the Carrier Class starcraft were like Mana from the heavens. Life support systems, climate control, even artificial gravity- all these impossible technologies taken for granted above, proved their weight in survival.

But. Time ravaged all, and not even the Sith in their desire for eternity and immortality could outlast the needs of the many.

The medical facilities were long defunct on the dreadnaught, its cannons and turrets, orbital strikes stations all slavered for energy to support the dying power. The artificial gravity that provided a respite from the press of everything above, was the first to go.

The cybernetic enhancements on the Anzati? No longer possible, and the mutations that were cut away returned with a vengeance.

Once, the underworld of Coruscant may have been a dream of life where even Jedi feared to go, and where a ship stolen from the stars became their ark.

Once. And so the lungs of the dying Starborne whale wheezed over and over, sustained over hundreds of hundreds. Its smaller cousins sliced up to dry, and eat, and pour viscus lifeblood down a decaying core. The conversion of mutated whale oil to a Sith Dreadnaught's reactor should have been impossible.

No, it was impossible. Hidden from most's sight, in the flash between ramshackle corrugated steel, butchered sea flesh writhed with life. Like their metal cousin, the whales that were forced to die in the dark were carriers of life.

That sight quickly vanished, as he ascended into the Dreadnaught. Hallways humid and hot, vents slow and harsh on ears. Everything was covered in barely glowing algae and rust.

Rengoku stood out like a flaming middle finger in the barracks -turned- living home.

Although, aliens with even stranger appearances than he, thrived in the humidity- Rengoku might have even spotted a Gungan- but unlike them-

He was still sun-kissed and full of color.

And also not horrifically mutated, that was a big part of his standout-ness. N integral part. Vital really.

So close to the core of Coruscant, not only was the climate warm like a beating heart ripped out of a chest, but it was also near to the titanic power generators of the steel planet. The sheer energy overflow and resulting mix between heady diseases from across the galaxy and chemicals from above boiled into a cacophony of too much in too little.

Oh dear, even Rengoku could see where this was going.

And as he was dragged inside a room by a gas masked wearing, face masked, eyes covered, head to toe, everything a mask, singular individual.

He wondered if he was guided here by his instincts, or by the Anzati and their mastery over humanoid biology and skills.


"I can't tell if you're as dumb as you look, or you just live for death."

He didn't bother dignifying that with a response. Instead brightly staring at his erstwhile companion expectantly.

She groaned. "Should have expected it from you." Handing him back the training lightsaber again, she examined it with distaste in the set of the bedraggled wear. As much one could be in heavy obscuring clothing. "1000 credits, No that's not enough for the headache you exist for, Lifetime drinks on you."

Rengoku smiled. "Naturally!"

One companion reuinted with.

Marison knew that his name wasn't Marison. Ashen flesh squirmed across his jaw, stretching across his eyes, and mouth, pulling them into a forced smile. Horns grew unnaturally fast, and appeared to twitch, as if still alive, bloody red flesh still dripping off stark bone.

In a sense, he knew he was in the exact same position he had been from the very beginning. But his legs propelled him farther, strange things grafted from ashen flesh that wormed into his. It was just far more obvious with - Mary.

And with hooks dragging his throat to carve out words, Maul knew he was utterly trapped in a hollow pale abomination's shell. No, no, no. She did not need to lie to him, twist his mind into barely visible putty, not since he had done… whatever he had done in Wild Space.

"The Mother thanks you for your dutiful contributions. Great joy and elation have been achieved, due to your stellar efforts. Kneel."

Traces of her were obvious, but even in the cracks of what was once his, the Force flowed through him like nothing before. But what was power without the agency to use it?

He had been lacking, and she had drawn out every little dirty thing that had been in him, and drowned him in her own.

Marison felt his own lips twitch, his newest insanity, humor in dramatics. Dramatics that weren't all that dramatics, and more bare veils over the truth of what was, but he digresses.

Behind pupilless eyes, Maul watched the congregation of scum die on their feet. A visible wave of force snapped spines and forced the Hutt's without legs of their own, to drown in their own spit on the ground.

Cruel or simply senseless?

Screams resounded and resounded in too full mouths, too trapped kissing the floor beneath their tears. Awfully unnessercery, thought Maul. Knowing that he would have delighted in their suffering just a few… somethings ago.

Empathy would do that, he'd suppose.

Or maybe it was just sheer exhaustion as hooks tore rivers of blood into his lungs again. "Good… Now, Jabba. Please remove your innards please."

Mary, to put it far far far too lightheartedly, was difficult to read. Quite like Mother Talzin in that case, or as was the case before Maul half-dragged, half-eaten through, had the unfortunate realization that all the great terror of his life-

Were nothing at all, but mortal to the core. Palpatine, the Dark Side, Mother Talzin, all the Sith in the end. All that lived was born to die.

As was Jabba the uniter of the Hutt Cartels or Clans by their naming, slowly with terror and fear eliminated from his worshipful body, removed something too slimy and too saturated with an odor that even in his own abomination of skin and twisted body, Maul grimaced.

The blood and guts of a Hutt were also disgusting, but whatever reproductive lining felt particularly…

Well, Marison had to give it to Mary.

If nothing else, She was a Mother.

Beneath ashen bone and carapace, Maul watched as they all began to die.


Five years before the conflict known as the Clone Wars.

The Outer Rim around the region of Wild Space and then further and further and further, lost all contact.

And like a sweeping wind, communication loss spread rapidly across the vastness of space. Contact after contact, scattered Holonet buoys, Hyperspace stations, entire planetary regions and systems in the Outer Rim and paramilitary, privateer, pirate, smuggling, slaving, bounty hunters, all organizations…

All of it went dark.


Apocalypse Now.

God, were gonna have to team up with Palps arent we? That is the only way the galaxy survives the shitstorm that is Abeloth.
Chapter 10: None leave the Slaughterhouse, not alive.
Chapter 10: None leave the Slaughterhouse, not alive.

Codex Dosier Unlocked

5C, or Vi-C, or Vice

Whispered to be, the End of Dreams. An Anzati Assassin, whose existence is not recorded in any available records.

Notes from Jedi Sentinel, Rosaria:

Heavy Cybernetic Enhancements- expect vibroblades, enhanced musculature, subdermal plating, nerve-to-brain hardware to software, optical perfection, all the chrome you could put on a body and still look like a fucking wraith.

Likely Force-Sensitive, Extremely Manipulative and Charismatic. Graceful movements, impossible to determine the predictability though Force battle sense- due to current removal from the Force by Sentinel due to extreme proximity to Dark Side Nexus. Also; ridiculously talented mechanic, see Sith Dreadnaught somehow still in use. Splicer, total number of stolen or mastered skills are uncertain.

Threat Estimation: Beyond Jedi High Council Masters, danger increases in her current location and possible assistance from local population, backup too risky without arising suspicions.

Least causality-risk plan: Controlled detonation of the Sith Dreadnaught's reactor (and potentially the Dark Side Nexus as well), see local population for hesitance.

Armature and gear: Can't see anything too obvious, but she does have those six other cybernetic Anzati by her. So... high-end blasters and vibroblades (God, I hate vibroblades, so many shitty jokes)... possible lightsabers, but I have a feeling she doesn't have them. Call it a gut instinct, but that's probably wrong because she can manipulate her body language like a master.

Dark Side Nexus: Nearby, may enhance capabilities, possible connection to weakening of Jedi ability to predict future likely, how long it has been down here, is likewise uncertain.

Connection to, 'A Dream of Green': Certain.

If situation escalates, Jedi Sentinel Rosaria will expunge herself from records. This file will also corrupt.

Personal Addendum:

Vice likely already knows my identity, and apparently, I may have missed an entity known as the Shadow, whoever the fuck that is, before my arrival. Unconfirmed.

Vice's intentions towards me, are likely malicious in nature. Jedi are their favorite snack after all. Feel like a detective outta one of those cheesy holvids, you know the ones, the artsy Noir ones?

Never liked them.

This place is unreal, like a hole in the galaxy, Like somewhere that shouldn't exist. and I can feel the Dark Side attempting to whisper me back to using the Force. heh, Either of them will have to kill me first.

I'll say this... I don't stand a chance to Vice. It's like... Agh, I don't know. She's not mortal. Or something, calling her a monster leaves abad taste in my mouth, but Vice sure as fuck isn't a god. End of Dreams, my ass. Pretentious dickspit.

Hmm. Have you thought of an Anzati's theoretical limit? From all the brain-sucking snot vampire creepy-ass ways, from all their skills, from Jedi to Sith, to century to millennia, to technique after technique?

If anyone would be that limit, Vice is that limit. And what's even worse, is that no one knows about her.

Sounds like a job for me.

Perfect. And no overtime pay? Or pay at all?

Even better.


You only had to fall once.

"Angels and heroes don't last long where the devils play."

The Dark Side, no matter what anyone else said- was a part of the Force that wasn't going away. Not ever. Not now. And it will always be there, the heartbeat in your ear, the blood pumping through your head, and the nerves firing up and down your body.

"The Jedi? Who the fuck are the Jedi?"

The Sentinels knew that better than anyone. Right on the edge, a Sentinel hovered on the thin line between the fall and the dying light. A sunset eclipsing everything, even your dreams, and the only hope in a failing galaxy already burned up.

"I don't think you realize, but let me drill into your skull before it's blasted through. We don't matter. No one remembers us, and no one will. You think it's because we're poor? Or because its' a eat or be eaten galaxy? Every credit we push into the system isn't enough. Because everything we have is from them. And everything we are is from their scraps. Nothing is free, not even living."

There was a reason why Sentinels didn't come near the Jedi Temple.

"You pay to breathe, you pay to drink, you pay to stuff yourself into a ventilation shaft, not to get stuffed by a parasite."

Fifty-fifty. A coin's flip between the Dark Side and death. A chance too high for others.

"Wrong? Of course we know it's wrong, everyone who ever comes here's can fucking feel how wrong it is. Can breathe in the air and cough out black. Can blink tears bloody. But no one can change a thing. It's not even hell. It's just living."

They say you aren't remembered for how you lived, but how you died.

Bullshit. Everyone died the same way they lived.

Sentinels didn't get remembered, they didn't get carved down in the Archives, and they didn't make history.

No one in the universe could say to understand the Dark, like he did. Not its seductive talons, the sweet nightmares it whispered in your ear, the dreams it haunted you in the shadows. The Dark Side hunted down, it pulled you into sticky tar, and stained you with all the colors of emotion. The Dark Side beckoned like a sweet lover. And abused like a god grown too fat with spoils.

Palpatine smiled at the young man staring him down. Eyes like steel, as keen as any politician's and unreadable as any con artist. Signtaure intelligence lurking behind a handsome facade. Yes, he knew a face like that once. Before it grayed and aged as fine wine.

Obi-wan Kenobi leaned back, crossing his legs sharply. An indirect jab at his feeble appearance, or a subconscious defensive mechanism. Oh my, what fun, what fun! "I don't believe we've been properly introduced, Chancellor."

"Indeed, a great misfortune on my part." Adopting a tired flash in his eyes, Palpatine faced the floor-to-ceiling windows. "But let's dispense with the formalities, neither you nor I wish to scurry about like the rest of the Senate. Parrying favors and connections as if they were common swoop gangs."

To his credit, Obi-wan merely raised a fine brow at the Chancellor's sudden shift in demeanor and act. "Why, Chancellor, don't threaten me with a good time."

A sinister smile, a horrific grin and a half, morphed on Palpatine. Although The Emperor had a much ring to his ears, Chancellor had it's own charm.

"The Negotiator, I see, is in full force. I must confess, I didn't expect a Jedi to be so well-versed in words. Pardon me, but most seemed to be content removing themselves from politics." He paused thoughtfully, smiling kindly over his shoulder. "If you are looking for a mentor in the field, I have been searching for a… successor."

"Come now, Supreme Chancellor." Obi-wan deflected hastily, panic flaring into the Force even as his posture remained smooth. "The Republic needs you for many more years yet."

Coward. But oh well, Palpatine supposed that having some fun in the Senate would be disruptive to the Plan. There went his entertainment for the next half-decade. He'll have to make do with… kicking babies or some other horrific act. Perhaps training another Maul? "If you say so, but do keep in mind my early retirement please. Actually, that reminds me, do tell me you've knowledge of a… Count Dooku?"

The Jedi were his toys. No one would deny him such, and no would realize until his puppet's strings were cut. And yet… Sidious bared a hint of sharp white teeth.

Obi-wan widened his eyes, as young as he was, his silver tongue had to be tarnished and bloodied soon. Sharpened into a fine blade to whittle down others. "I… Master's…"

"While the 'Republic' cannot agree to provide funds for your… Liberation Front, other influential parties may." Oh dear, I've fallen into trading connections again, the wry smile on Palpatine seemed to say, Ah. Well, take this one for free then. From one Politician to another.

Sidious laughed maniacally how stricken the young man appeared.

What a delightful toy.

"You've already met Vi-C, she or they, are the unofficial leader. I don't know how strong you think you are, but I can guarantee Vi-C's got more metal than flesh than you. We'll have to take them down together. No plan B's, C's, or Z's. Got it?"

Rengoku hummed.

"Naturally. You want to know why we have to, this Dreadnaught's a Dark Side Nexus." The glass pieces on the gas mask glinted down at him, displeasure clear in the harsh ksssh. "Fuck, you don't know what the Dark Side is-" Oh, was that obvious? Rengoku thought if he simply pretended to know what everyone was discussing that no one would notice.

It worked fine when he was in space. Disregarding the times he had been handily thrown out of the airlock. Or that other time the airlock 'malfunctioned', or perhaps that incident with the political ambassador of Mandalore, and that other incident with the... "Sorry! But that is not important! Vice seems to be an integral member of this community-"

"Bed." At his perplexed look, "The Sea Bed, the Bed of chaos, Whale's bed- might, definitely, mean something more though."

"Of this community named. Bed." Rengoku continued smoothly. "If we intend to eliminate her, surely we must have an appropriate reason beyond suspicion?"

Rosaria thanked herself for setting up audio suppressors earlier. Even when he talked calmly, it felt like Rengoku tried to put as much passion into his words as he did... well, everything else. Supposed that made sense, then.

Oh yeah, speaking of talking- She shrugged and said, "Not really. Judgment before evidence is the Sentinel creed." -Rengoku furrowed his brow- "Joking. I'm not Mace Windu… But if you really need a reason, you can just watch the next Sleep."

"These names feel purposely mysterious and dramatic!"

"You're one to talk. Or shout."

It happened like this:

"And so… another one of us joins the Dream today!" No applause came, but that failed to deter the animated Vice, practically skipping across the Atrium of the Sith Destroyer. "I trust there's need no reminders of what a blessing this is?" Who strutted about the rotting floor with cheerfully high knees and snappy movements.

The lack of any response revealed itself to be somewhat related to the duo smack dab in the middle… The only two others apart from the so-named future dreamer. But that surely was only somewhat related. Although, a technicolor nightmare of scenery may have also contributed to the harsh silence, absent whalesong not-not-withstanding.

Rengoku's slouching friend scoffed, a setup if she'd ever seen one. But drily with just a tinge of annoyance, she threw her voice to the Anzati. "Sorry to disappoint, Not sorry. My friend here needs a reminder. Afterwards… quit with the games, and then try and kill us."

Rengoku nodded along heartily. "Informing us to your overall goals and longterm plans would be helpful too!"

"...Sure, and with all that I'd appreciate a surrender too. But taking prisoners is for those who walk in the Light." Shedding the obscuring heavy clothing, the sound of silver against silver rang out until- Click. A smooth glide into a pike longer than him by several heads. He noted quickly the additions, a crescent blade as a counterbalance, but the familiar ignition of a yellow lightsaber proved its identity albeit with distinct ornamentals trappings.


Testing the feel of her weapon, Rosaria spun the pike with a kick. Clear cut circles until it's fiery point leveled at Vice's head.

His own saber snapped out fiercely still a training lightsaber, albeit modified. "But if you do surrender, I will ensure whatever cause you champion receives due consideration!"

The roll of his companions's eyes accompanied by an under her breath, "if it was anyone else I'd say that was bantha-spit."

While the Atrium was massive, time and its horror had stripped it away into the cloudy red depths of the water below, and more than half of it sumbermedg itself under dense growth and shone with eerie intensity.

Painted in flickering neon purples, Vi-C's expression was impossible to tell, but golden orbs spun slowly in shadows.

She blew out a sigh.

With a movement too fast- for either of them to see- the kneeler's heads snapped off. The wet smack of one bursting like a ripe watermelon against a wall, and another noisily squishing into the water. It wasn't even a blur, just a still image of a kneeling man, and then emptiness above shoulders.

Kicking the still motionless body into the water, Rengoku forcefully ignored how it twitched and bulged as it slid down. The time for study had passed.

"I suppose… I got too greedy. Some Soup just goes bad."


Lights, one, two, three, four, shuddered on. A flashbang and a vanishing act all in one.

Vice's voice glitched into sharp static through the now-too-brightly lit room.

"Chop-chop, you know the drill. Slaughter your way through, until you find me at the top... Trust me, it'll be fun. You stop me from cracking Coruscant, and I force you into a Dream. Champion or Take no prisoners anything you want in there."

It happened like this: They had no chance from the start.


"Fuck, fuck, fuck! The Dark Side Nexus isn't this ship, it's Vice! She's the fucking Nexus!"

"Your language leads me to believe that is bad, very bad."

Weaving through the turret's fire, two blurs sprinted the butcher's work. No, not blurs, it was flashes of figures in clear-cut movements and well-practiced… art and skill moving in such speed that your eyes lied to you and features melted away into barely distinct shapes and colors.

What also didn't help was the streaks of plasma and blaster fire. And the mutated bodies sloughed off the walls of the ancient Dreadnaught, blinding colors and lights blinking into together with-

The vents laughed, and once again, all the air in the hallway exploded. The Sith Dreadnaught creaked in a low droning whine ripping higher into bloody shrieks, as explosions raced after each other, like the spine of the Whale wrenching itself out with violent acclaim.

A glittering sun javelined into the nearest still twitching Anzati cyborg.

While a torrent of illusory flames decapitated another in a beautiful flourish.

And Vice's voice scratched over the shipwide intercoms again, somehow cutting through all the other noises. "What do you think the Dark Side is? Something to mewl and howl in place? Of course, it's me~"

"Do you know what Vi-C means? Five C. Five tiny insignificant, little, pathetic, Centuries before I drank the previous Me. Five centuries against millenia- hundred, billion, infinite."

Another bitter scoff, even as an Anzati assassin sliced a vibroblade between ribs, catching Rosaria in the height of her momentum, and sending her tumbling with velvet ribbons hissing out, and painfully into a wall. Despite such, "Cry, Cry me a river, so you're insane and don't know who the hell you are. Go whine to the HoloNet- you want to know who you are? You're not special! Just another freak in a galaxy of dead ends!"

(Can, Can't cut through vibroblades, too much risk of molten subpar materials flying out and ruining physical performance. Permanently. Can, Can't, Can kill them directly. Do-ne. )

That might be most she's ever spoken! Thought Rengoku, as he ducked low under a spear of crackling blue and sharply twisted the lightsaber. Screaming with exertion to increase his strength, flung the body into the whirling Anzati spidering sleek silver and needles on the ceiling.

Blood spit out of Rengoku's mouth even as the two assassins blurred into twitchy movements- Mechanical enhancements and sustained life. Annoying!- Before they were impaled through the head, by twin daggers.

His mind flickered through observations and conclusions: Air too explosive to Breathe, reserve powerful attacks and support companion against true opponent.

Shameful as it was to say, without his Breathing technique, he was barely keeping par with his companion!

"And who are you? Little. Pirate. Girl. I lived your life! I lived his life, I lived a thousand and one better! A thousand and one worse! I have slaved in the Infinite Empire! And have eaten one so far above that it must have been a god! I have served the Immortal Emperor- and planets suffered under me in turn! I have killed fleets in the Old Republic- tearing my own to mere scraps left to waste in the void! I am the End of Dreams! The Final Stop. The Host to a Million Parasites!"

Rengoku glanced at Rosaria, "..."

"To be honest- I do not have any idea of what they are saying! But it assuredly sounds…" He paused, working the iron taste out of his mouth, "Interesting?"

Rosaria didn't even seem to notice his words, something leaving her shaking and exerting far more than she should, something that was not adrenaline. Venom and vitriol practically dripped off her as she pressed her own lightsaber to her side, steam hissing out of the wound and the polished bronzium guards on her sides melting bright orange into it. "And yet you still ended up down here. Leave your dramatic bullshit at the door next time, and die with some dignity."

(Dark Side Corrup-up-uption increasing. Negative cycle rapidly affecting sense, Pain, Pain will help concentrate.)

Just as another assassin burst out of the viscera of another, and glittering with blinking red, the cyborg Anzati tackled Rosaria and laughed in victory- Rengoku shattered the hallway beneath his feet in haste, and with one swift motion cut through the suicide bomber and their explosives, and continuing that motion brought his arm barreling into the slowly reacting woman.

Knocking her away like a ragdoll.

"What is hell, but a god's paradise? Down here is exactly where I want to be. As a benevolent god, I'll grant everyone one last beautiful sight. One last Dream of Green."

Thrusters that couldn't have still worked, blared with angry crimson. Corpses all over the ship began to rise, blood puppeting them up and into stations gleaming with rust and ocean growth. Carcasses of a thousand dead whales writhed on the hull. Bursting into dark red and yellow light, assimilating into the rotted metal.

"Everyone! To your positions! Our final cruise begins now- The Malgius rises once again!"

Stabbing through twin pillars, twin pillars directly balanced under the Jedi Temple, the Sith Dreadnought screamed. And slowly, slowly, began to shift forward.

Coruscant seemed to shiver, and shiver, and in a natural, unnatural disaster unseen since the last bit of nature died, the planet shook. An earthquake quickly thrumming through the metal crust and through 10 levels, 200, 3000, 4000, 5127 levels.

"The only thing life needs is water and sun! So let's see the Sun!"

Rengoku braced himself, and blinking red exploded with the white star.


If you've heard one sob story, you've heard them all.

"...Why? Why are you still awake, Rengoku Kyojuro! Do you not feel the dark pulling at you? Are you too good for the likes of us?!"
She was taken by pirates who murdered her family, sure. Done sobbing?

Good, move on. To her, family and bloodties were exactly that. Wires. Garrotes of bonds dead and gone. Choking her throat, in demanding useless obedience. Kneel. Love. Remember.

Remember what? Before she even knew what anything was even anything, it had been killed from her.

So she cut them away. Not that hard really, when all you had to think about was staying alive. And when the edge of hunger and desperation bled any memories of warmth into cold picks at your brain.

"-Through subjecting those under you with the self-same abuse you must have undergone over and over, you have only proved its hold and truth on you! Stop, see yourself, and surrender! You are perpetuating the same understanding of the world that you have experienced a hundred times over! Only becoming a hypocrite in cruel multi-destructive tragedy."

An orphan, a tragedy to a criminal, a child to a murderer.

"-Not a Jedi after all. Force Unsensitivity. Fine, fine, Fine, fine, Fine! If you believe so strongly, then why don't I just drink your Light!"

Standing over the only man she would call father, standing over the man who stole her, gripping a dagger through his heart. Seeing the silver hilt on his belt.

A flash of yellow, and a slap that shattered her cheekbones, and a new life to match it.

Rosaria stumbled back to the present.

Rengoku besides her, pulled back with a wave of the Force that tore off metal above in a awful peeling shriek- she blinked back pasts and flashes and flashes and flashes. She shouted, "Ignore the memories! They're pulling on the Dark Side to draw us in, neutralize them and - "

"Whatever ails, you companion, Focus through it! I will take the front-"

Another wave of the Dark dragged her in.

The sight of the Jedi Temple above, trailing smoke above a cooling corpse. Why you sticking to me? A kick through poked through bones, Why you handing me a dagger? You think because we're similar, means something? Fuck off. You were born shit, and you die shit. Learn that before you try and dream of anything else but a pointless death for someone else.

And get checked up by Madame Che.

She tripped awake.

A maddeningly serene, hatefully grinning, 5C watched the Jedi fall, fall under the weight of their own lives, attempting to sprint through and dodge through lives and burning red deaths alike. Rengoku flung himself forward, with a trail of spiraling fires, dragged his lightsaber through the bridge's deck, and when the Force Wave thundered again, thrust his hand into the molten maw anchoring himself.

(Shining detached gold to follow. Do you know… why no one remembers us?)

No, no, Focus!

And on the shaking floor of the Sith Dreadnaught's bridge, she heard whalesong again. And rotating metal-

A sudden jump to leap in distance and pull him back from the revealed turrets burning crimson bolts from underneath- His instincts choked and deafened by the chaos and the elden Anazati's skill! Apologies!- her left came away cooked and blasted. Something buried deep in her failing and protecting, and killing and shielding Rengoku.

(Crooked grins welcoming her back, ash on her lips, and exhaustion like pleasant sins crawling down her spine. You know… it's like you belong here, down with us.)

She blinked out sparks, taking in her surroundings with a detachment customary to her. Rengoku dodged in front of her, still just closing in with zigzagging movements to Vice, and as if in slow motion… The recognition drilled through her aching skull, of him being so so much younger than her. Of the vibroblades still humming in his legs and arms, and fiery hair damp with red running down all the way to the roots,

Something burned in her palm, and she started down dully at the lightsaber dancing in her vision. A spear was practically useless without another hand…

(Why a spear, umm, Sentinel? A dismissive glare and light shining down from arched windows. No offense really, it's just… kind of. Well, dumb.

Shouldn't you have something you can actually deflect with? Sustained blaster fire will put you down like the space scum you are.)

5C effortlessly avoided both of their attacks, massive fluctuations of the Dark Side cras-

Run, Run, Run you fucking worthless!

hing down with the distance. Faster and faster until memories and present faded in and out with each like photographs slipping through your hand.

Was this the bridge of the dreadnaught? How did they get here? Empty thoughts rattled around Rosaria's head, barely able to lift her spear and stab at the flickering Nexus, 5C. For her arrogance, the yellow blade was slapped away, and a colorless training weapon was forced to remove the offending hand- But.

It blinked, off and on.

"Fourth Form-!"

"Oh, I see now~"

And illusory frenzied yellow embers billowed out triple mouths, "Fourth form!"

Rengoku stopped. And in an instant, forced his lungs to still with just his inner muscles, even as the feeling of a fist had torn out his insides and frozen them solid, he switched his entire body in another space between a second. Lowering his blade to his side, and twisting himself, he blazed through the overwhelming waves of the Dark Side!

"Ninth Form-"

-Vice grinned, an arm coming up with an oddly shaped blaster in-

Slug thrower, can't cut through it, superheated metal shrapnel! Reconnect, reconnect with Force, enhance physical capabilities!

Rosaria lunged to- but a thin line sliced through her eyes, red edges beginning to well through instantly, invisible monofilaments receding from Vice's neck - but still her spear thrust forward and, And.

Everything stopped.

Everything stopped.

It all stopped.

And a maw bloomed in the space between. Tearing a perfect hole through the frozen Vice, through her arm, shearing through cybernetics, through the skull and the pulsing pink, through glinting hearts and organs, and a perfect line ending just above her hip.

And a maw bloomed through Rosaria. Perfectly center through her spear, like it had been simply vanished. Like an eraser was taken to her and emptied the hollow of her body, less so than Vice's obliteration, but her entire arm and a line curving directly through half through her right breast.

In that emptiness, a monochrome god appeared.

This is getting too... Eldritch for me. Idk how else to say it. I'm unable to enjoy any of this, and I really tried to enjoy it. The writing style is way too dreamy for me.