Puella Magi Systema Fractus, or A Practical Guide To Fixing Everything (PMAS/APGTE)


I think I know what the crossover is, and it's the chapter name that made it click.

"You must gather your party before venturing forth."

PMAS/Baldur's Gate.

Six party members total.

(Though if it is, everyone is going to have to be ridiculously depowered to avoid crushing the setting under heel.)

Chasing through the labyrinth-
Hacking his way through the undead-
More undead-
Moooore undead-
Seriously, why so many undead?
Opening the doors to the temple of Bhaal for the final confrontation...

The Bhaalspawn walked towards Sabrina, and quirked his eyebrow.

"Sooooo. Weird lady. Last time I checked, you aren't Sarevok. What are you doing here?"

Sabrina raised her head from the Deck of Many Things she was trying to SCIENCE into giving her the best possible benefits. Maybe ask Homura to work out a stable two-minute time loop together with her so they could "reload" each time-

"Ah, sorry, got distracted. You, see I had this positively fascinating trip to the Watcher's Keep, and I- right, right, not important right now." Sabrina stood up from the, well, throne she was occupying and walked towards Gorion's Ward. ( Weird, that. Didn't he have his own name? Why does everyone call him after his two daddies? Then again, Homura's Ward has a certain ring to it. Madokamispawn however, eeeeew badwrong delete, delete delete! )

"Well, remember when you suddenly decided you'd rather walk out of the city and go finish all those quests before chasing after notoriously murderous demigod who wanted to sacrifice thousands of people in order to ascend to godhood? While you were doing that, me and my party decided, screw it, we're going after him."

"Is he dead then?"

"Not... exactly, though he'd probably wish he were."

Somewhere on the Demiplane of Madokami

"I regret all my life choices!"

Sabrina shrugged.

"So, taken care of. What are you going to do now?"

"I've heard there is a Crusade somewhere north. Something about devils and Dragonspire..."

"I see, I see." Sabrina nodded politely to Bhaalspawn. "See you in Avernus, then."

He walked out of the Temple of Bhaal feeling profoundly cheated somehow.

Couldn't resist.
Venture Forth 1.3
[x] Mami, Sayaka, Homura, and Madoka.

"I've made up my mind," you say. "I'll be going, of course, with Mami-"a smile "-Sayaka-" a cheer "And for the last two, I was thinking Homura and Madoka."

Homura's shoulders drop, tension flowing out of her, while Madoka is taken aback. "M-me?" she says. "But I'm, I'm not a magical girl! I'm not useful, like Homura or Sayaka."

"Yes, you are," you say. "With Sayaka and Mami and Homura by my side, I'm not too worried about raw power. We've got that covered. You're our friend, and having you along will certainly brighten our days; honestly, your emotional support is worth its weight in gold."

"Umm, emotional support doesn't weigh anything," says Madoka. "So in gold, it would be… worthless… I get what you're going for! But…"

"Okay, maybe not the best metaphor, but I think you get the point." She nods. "So, if you're fine coming along?"

"I mean, if you think it's for the best…" she says. "I want to be there for you guys, to help you, but I don't want to weigh you down either."

"You won't," you say. "Aaand it just occurred to me that we'll have to come up with something to tell your parents… oops?"

"Aww, crap," says Sayaka. "Maybe say we're having a bunch of sleepovers at Hitomi's place? Hey, Hitomi, would your mom cover for us?"

"Only for a bit," says Hitomi. "The two of you staying over for a day or two would make sense, but the entire weekend?"

"I don't really like lying to my parents," says Madoka. "But we can't tell them we're going, so I guess we have to…"

"I know," says Sayaka. "But like you said, I don't really see any other way...Ooh, I've got an idea! We can say we're on a weekend field trip!"

"I don't think that will work," says Madoka. "My mom goes out drinking with Miss Saotome sometimes, what if they meet up and she wonders why Miss Saotome's not with us on a field trip? Or what if she brings it up, and Miss Saotome says that there isn't a field trip?"

"Oh, I hadn't thought of that," says Sayaka. "It'll work for me, but we might need something different for you…"

"Actually, I think it'll work," you say. Things have been lining up quite nicely for you on your quest to enter the mysterious portal, and you have the strange feeling that you streak of luck will extend to this.

"Really?" says Madoka. "If you say so…"

"Well no, not if I say so," you say. "It's your decision to make. But things have been working out when they shouldn't be so that we can go into the portal-thing, so I think that your solution will work." Madoka takes a few seconds to think, hand on her chin as she frowns. "If you really think it will be fine… I can't think of anything else, and it wouldn't be too much of a lie; this thing is just like one big field trip!"

You smile, infected by Madoka's optimism. "That's one way of looking at it," you say. "So, I guess, make your calls?"

You step back as Madoka, Hitomi, and Sayaka pull out their phones, calling their parents to inform them of field trips and sleepovers and covering for magical adventures. plomping onto the couch beside Mami, you make a call yourself.

"Hey Oriko, Hi Kirika," you say. "We've figured out who'll be coming through the portal thing. Sorry, but you'll have to stay in the mansion for a few more days."

"Aww, Sabrina!" says Kirika. "That's just mean…"

"Sorry," you say. "But someone had to stay, and it ended up being you two."

"It's understandable," says Oriko. "I lack my main magic, and Sayaka has my dear Kirika's antimagic copied. We'd be redundant, especially compared to what Homura can do."

"And Homura won't be going anywhere… alone, let's say, I figured it would be even worse to only take one of you."

"Yeah, that would have sucked even more," says Kirika. "Well, I guess this is buh-bye, at least for a bit."
"I guess it is," you say. "Kyoko Sakura and Yuma Chitose will be coming by to look after the city while we're gone, I trust you won't give them any trouble?"

"Of course we won't!" says Kirika. "We'll be fine!... Woulda been more fine if we were with you, but still fine."

"Well, then I guess this is goodbye, at least for a bit," you say. "See you later!"

"Have a nice trip!" "Goodbye."

You close the connection, leaning back against Mami as Madoka, Hitomi, and Sayaka finish up their explanations. Mami smiles, leaning her head on your shoulder, and you wait in silence.

"I'll be safe," says Sayaka. "Love you, Mom. Buh-bye." She turns off her phone, plopping down onto the couch beside yours as Madoka finishes up her call. "So, what do we do now?" she asks. "Just, sit here and wait?"

"We've got maybe half an hour until the barrier appears," you say. "Until then… I guess we just chat."

"Another one of Sabrina's patented plans," says Sayaka. "What do you think the place we go into will be like?"

"I have no clue," you say. "I want to say it's not that dangerous, if we can go into and usually survive, but with the group we've got we could make it in most places."

"Ooh, what if we're in some anime world!" says Madoka. "With sentai teams, and giant monsters, and mechs!"

"Madoka, that would be too weird," says Sayaka. "Can you imagine us in an anime? Actually, now that I think about it, I could imagine Sabrina in an anime. You hear that, Sabrina? You're an anime character!"

You feign shock. "Sayaka, I can confirm that I am not, in fact, an anime character."

"Aren't you, though? You're overpowered as hell, dramatic, you have a trenchcoat-" "-You're really silly!" Madoka chimes in. "Yes, you are very silly," says Sayaka. "Overall, I say that you are one hundred percent anime character!"

"Oh no!" you say playfully, putting a hand to your heart and swooning dramatically. "I have been slain by your vile lies! Fortunately, as an anime character I have just one more resource available to me. My waifu!" You wrap your arms around Mami, collapsing onto her as she squeals, surprised. "Mami, defend me from these fiends!" She giggles, returning your hug and trying to stay upright, but it's too much. She falls, side hitting the couch as she laughs, and all but Homura start chuckling.

"Sabrina, I'm afraid I can't help you," says Mami. "You have to face the truth. Sabrina… you are an anime character."

"Noooooo!" you say. "I-... I'm an anime character? This can't be… Though, I guess if I'm an anime character, I can survive anything as long as I have my friends by my side, even this revelation! Power of Friendship, people!"

You continue on like that, joking and playing, and before you know it the time is almost up. You feel something to your right, and look up to see that a large blue circle has appeared at the end of the room, humming quietly.

"So that's it," says Madoka. "That's the portal…"

"It is," you say. "Well, Hitomi, I guess this is goodbye for a few days."

"I will be awaiting your return," says Hitomi. "Stay safe, everyone."

"We will," you say. Everyone waves goodbye, and you take Mami's hand in your own.

"Good idea," says Mami. "There's a chance that we'll be separated in our crossing, keeping close should prevent that."

"Not exactly what I was going for, but I suppose you have a point," you say. Madoka slips her hand through Homura's, smiling at the startled reaction. You take the opportunity to squeeze Homura's other hand, and Sayaka grabs Madoka's.

Hand in hand, you all step into the portal.

In a place that does not exist, an ageless woman smiles with a face not her own.

The first thing you think is that the sensation is quite different from that of entering a witch's barrier. It takes longer, a good five seconds, for you to be spat out on the other side.

"Is-" you pant, out of breath."-Is everyone still here?" you ask, looking around. They are, to your relief, and you look around to see that you're standing in grassy plains. The sun is high in the sky, making this somewhere close to noon, and the quiet wind flows through the grass.

"Where are we?" says Sayaka. "This place looks empty."

"I can't see anyone," says Homura. "If we're in a rural area, it could be hours before we find someone, even if we fly on Sabrina's grief jet."

"But doesn't it feel weird?" says Madoka. "If we fly up to people like that, they might not respond too well."

"But if walk, we could go the whole day without finding anything," says Sayaka.

"I agree with Sayaka Miki," says Homura. "We can only talk things out if we find people to talk with."

Mami grips your hand, and you squeeze hers back.

"If… if we find people, there is a good chance they may just attack us," says Mami. "If I were in Mitakihara and d-didn't know Sabrina, and her grief jet arrived? I would most likely panic, or assume hostile action."

"Again, they can't assume hostile action if we don't meet them," says Sayaka. "And who cares if they think we're bad and attack us? We can take em!"

Well, you need to do something. What do you do?

[ ] Grief Jet.
[ ] Walk.

[ ] How do you act?
--[ ] Careful, wary.
--[ ] Joking, silly.
--[ ] Serious, calm
--[ ] Something else?

[ ] Anything else? (Write-In)
Is it wrong for me to be scared that they ended up in Berserk? I don't remember that being an option, but still.
First thing we need to check all our powers still work. Make sure we're not nerfed.
Silly everyone.

We can do camouflage.

[X] Grief Jet.
-[X] Camouflaged.

[X] Be friendly.

That prevents people from seeing us visually. That doesn't stop whatever magic sensing abilities that are present in this world from seeing a giant 'dark magic' beacon, maybe, depending on the setting.
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That prevents people from seeing us visually. That doesn't stop whatever magic sensing abilities that are present in this world from seeing a giant 'dark magic' beacon, maybe, depending on the setting.

Then we get Sayaka to use her antimagic on the plane to repel magical scrying. This is a foolproof plan that can not in any way go wrong.
Then we get Sayaka to use her antimagic on the plane to repel magical scrying. This is a foolproof plan that can not in any way go wrong.

Villager: You look like a group of adventurers. Do you guys have a healer?
Unholy Quintet*: Uh, yeah.
Villager: Then come quick! The local hedge mage suddenly started projectile vomiting and bleeding from his eyes, screaming that the magic was all wrong.
Unholy Quintet: *sweats*

*My pet name for our group here since we've replaced Kyouko with our terrifying grief powers.
Villager: You look like a group of adventurers. Do you guys have a healer?
Unholy Quintet*: Uh, yeah.
Villager: Then come quick! The local hedge mage suddenly started projectile vomiting and bleeding from his eyes, screaming that the magic was all wrong.
Unholy Quintet: *sweats*

*My pet name for our group here since we've replaced Kyouko with our terrifying grief powers.

I was thinking more, plane falls out of the sky due to someone using antimagic on the magic holding it together, but this would also work.
That prevents people from seeing us visually. That doesn't stop whatever magic sensing abilities that are present in this world from seeing a giant 'dark magic' beacon, maybe, depending on the setting.
If anyone can sense our grief I think they'll sense it whether it's witchy or not. Anything like that would probably be either a detect magic or detect evil type thing, and I don't think that being witchy makes grief any more evil or magical. We probably already reek of evil and magic, so a little more shouldn't hurt.

Also, we should have Sayaka fly up super high first, and use her eyeball power. If she can spot any signs of intelligent life we might as well just walk to it.
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How does this look everyone?

[] How do you act?
--[] Serious, calm

[] Send a Sayaka clone up as high as she can fly to get a look around with her Eyeball power.
[] If she sees signs of humans, civilization, or anything else intelligent, walk there (but use best judgment in emergencies).
[] If there's nothing interesting around, use a grief jet to fly until you find something.

Editing in to get rid of the doublepost:
"Umm, emotional support doesn't weigh anything," says Madoka. "So in gold, it would be… worthless… I get what you're going for! But…"
Shush you, with your logic.
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If anyone can sense our grief I think they'll sense it whether it's witchy or not. Anything like that would probably be either a detect magic or detect evil type thing, and I don't think that being witchy makes grief any more evil or magical. We probably already reek of evil and magic, so a little more shouldn't hurt.

Also, we should have Sayaka fly up super high first, and use her eyeball power. If she can spot any signs of intelligent life we might as well just walk to it.

Active grief like the grief jet is, in PMAS, a lot more noticeable than passive grief. Now of course we don't know the rules of the setting we've just been dropped into so you might be right but until we actually have evidence of such a thing I'm not sure we should make assumptions.
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Active grief like the grief jet is, in PMMM, a lot more noticeable than passive grief. Now of course we don't know the rules of the setting we've just been dropped into so you might be right but until we actually have evidence of such a thing I'm not sure we should make assumptions.
Fair enough. What about having Sayaka keep a lookout with her eyeball power while we go, and walking the rest of the way once we find something?

Like this:

[] How do you act?
--[] Serious, calm

[] Send a Sayaka clone up as high as she can fly to get a look around with her Eyeball power.
[] If she sees signs of humans, civilization, or anything else intelligent, walk there (but use best judgment in emergencies).
[] If there's nothing interesting around, use a grief jet to fly until you find something.
-[] Have Sayaka keep a lookout with her Eyeball power.
-[] Once you find something, if it's not an emergency land and walk the rest of the way.
The way all of the problems to us Isekai'ing just parted in front of us to get us into the plot makes this maybe feel like maybe we're in a less serious setting. Like maybe a comedy fantasy anime like Konosuba or Slayers?

Of course that's nothing definite, just a feeling, and I think I'd probably prefer a more serious setting like Dragon Age or something. Depends how it's handled and the specifics of the setting of course.
Active grief like the grief jet is, in PMAS, a lot more noticeable than passive grief. Now of course we don't know the rules of the setting we've just been dropped into so you might be right but until we actually have evidence of such a thing I'm not sure we should make assumptions.
Mami can detect the Grief Jet. Someone like Kirika can't.

The camouflage trick doesn't raise our Witchiness, I think, since it's... mechanical?
Mami can detect the Grief Jet. Someone like Kirika can't.

The camouflage trick doesn't raise our Witchiness, I think, since it's... mechanical?

We need a transparent windscreen for the grief jet. Making grief act transparent makes it feel witchy, I think.
We need a transparent windscreen for the grief jet. Making grief act transparent makes it feel witchy, I think.
Hm. That is true.

Well, we could move slower than jet speeds, so as to not need the windshield. We'd still move faster than by walking, and we'd be able to look far from up above.

And hey, think what the breeze will do to Homura's hair! :V
Alternatively I guess we could just not look where we're going. :V
[] How do you act?
--[] Serious, calm

[] Send a Sayaka clone up as high as she can fly to get a look around with her Eyeball power.
[] If she sees signs of humans, civilization, or anything else intelligent, walk there (but use best judgment in emergencies).
[] If there's nothing interesting around, use a camouflage grief jet to fly until you find something.
-[] Have Sayaka keep a lookout with her Eyeball power.
-[] Once you find something, if it's not an emergency land and walk the rest of the way.

Added camouflage. Although, technically it should probably be blue or white. :V
I'm not fully convinced though that witchy grief is very likely to tip people off. Also, what does everyone think about the possibility that the choice of how fast to move will determine whether we get there in time for something? Like in time to stop someone from dying, like in PMAS how we could have saved the witch-kissed lady at the beginning by getting there sooner? I don't really know whether that's the kind of choice that Lord Chungus might give us, but I thought it would be good to bring up?
If this is that kind of choice, speed could be rather important.
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As a note, a transparent windscreen can be accomplished by putting a lattice-work of very fine grief particles in the space and then simply holding them there against the air pressure. It doesn't need to stop airflow, instead simply slowing it enough that the pressure balance drags most of the air away. Vaguely similar to the approach used for pickup trucks replacing their tailgates with a loose mesh so as to reduce the increased drag that results from downward pressure along the bed, by permitting a vortex of higher pressure air to form, resulting in air flowing over the empty space.

Also keep in mind that Sabrina can slow down and alter the vehicle at will, meaning that if she needs to "stop and open a window to look out", she could do that in a matter of moments. And a high-speed vehicle is only necessary if they're needing to travel a large distance.

In fact, that brings up another alternative... and some other things we might look to do.

[X] Create grief platform, use platform and Sayaka's powers along with binoculars/scopes from Homura's stockpile to reconnoiter.
-[X] If no settlement is visible, camouflaged grief jet. If settlement would be over half an hour away on foot, low-altitude half-walled camouflaged grief platform up to 15 minute walk away. If settlement is within half an hour walk, walk to settlement.

[X] How do you act?
-[X] Friendly, helpful, confident.

[X] Before leaving, use grief to quickly dig out about 40 cubic meters of soil to store in your 100m radius extradimensional storage space, for possible emergency use as a non-magical barrier or projectile.
-[X] Within storage, arrange soil in a simple box around yourself, four walls 2m tall and 5m wide. If magic-ignoring weaponry is an issue, shift walls out of hammerspace for instant fortification.
[X] While in transit, invest some attention in enchanting some grief. Make sure others know you're doing this so they can keep watch.

Sabrina has multitasking out the ass, and a huge storage area to go along with ridiculous mundane power utility, so she should use it.
Adhoc vote count started by Godwinson on Oct 1, 2018 at 11:20 PM, finished with 226 posts and 3 votes.

  • [x] Walk
    [x] Calm and friendly
    [X] Create grief platform, use platform and Sayaka's powers along with binoculars/scopes from Homura's stockpile to reconnoiter.
    -[X] If no settlement is visible, camouflaged grief jet. If settlement would be over half an hour away on foot, low-altitude half-walled camouflaged grief platform up to 15 minute walk away. If settlement is within half an hour walk, walk to settlement.
    [X] How do you act?
    -[X] Friendly, helpful, confident.
    [X] Before leaving, use grief to quickly dig out about 40 cubic meters of soil to store in your 100m radius extradimensional storage space, for possible emergency use as a non-magical barrier or projectile.
    -[X] Within storage, arrange soil in a simple box around yourself, four walls 2m tall and 5m wide. If magic-ignoring weaponry is an issue, shift walls out of hammerspace for instant fortification.
    [X] While in transit, invest some attention in enchanting some grief. Make sure others know you're doing this so they can keep watch.
    [X] Grief Jet.
    -[X] Camouflaged.
    -[X] Be on the lookout for landmarks and people.
    -[X] As soon as you spot people, land and walk.
    [X] Be friendy.
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[] How do you act?
--[] Serious, calm

[] Send a Sayaka clone up as high as she can fly to get a look around with her Eyeball power.
[] If she sees signs of humans, civilization, or anything else intelligent, walk there (but use best judgment in emergencies).
[] If there's nothing interesting around, use a camouflage grief jet to fly until you find something.
-[] Have Sayaka keep a lookout with her Eyeball power.
-[] Once you find something, if it's not an emergency land and walk the rest of the way.

Added camouflage. Although, technically it should probably be blue or white. :V
I'm not fully convinced though that witchy grief is very likely to tip people off. Also, what does everyone think about the possibility that the choice of how fast to move will determine whether we get there in time for something? Like in time to stop someone from dying, like in PMAS how we could have saved the witch-kissed lady at the beginning by getting there sooner? I don't really know whether that's the kind of choice that Lord Chungus might give us, but I thought it would be good to bring up?
If this is that kind of choice, speed could be rather important.

It's less that it's likely to tip someone off and more that if it does it'll likely ping as the worst kind of black magic and everyone will assume we're the fucking dark lord coming to destroy everything they love. And have their suspicions confirmed when someone takes a closer look and we're liches (aside from Madoka who is obviously the pure virgin sacrifice we plan on using to summon bzhiuaslhuiqa to this world and usher in the end of all things).

A low probability but high impact risk so to speak.

Of course that kind of misunderstanding would be hilarious and the kind of thing that I really enjoy in crossovers so I'm fine if we do end up using active grief but I'm not going set us up to fail intentionally even if it's where I kind of hope the plot goes.
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