You pout for a bit, considering what Homura told you about the Tokyo Council. If anything, you're... disappointed. You were hoping that they'd be amenable to being helped. Surely people would like that, but no: crab bucket mentality is out in full force, apparently.
A single crab in a bucket can crawl out, provided the sides aren't too high. But put a few crabs in the bucket, and none of them will ever get out, because they're all trying to climb on top of each other, pulling each other down.
... Of course, Homura doesn't have the greatest social skills in the world. Kneecaps are a privilege, not a right and all that, eh? She's probably right: it would be easier to shoot them. But it might not be more effective to do so.
Ultimately, that's a problem for later.
"Sabrina?" Homura prompts.
"Nah, just thinking," you say. "It'd be great to get the Tokyo Council on my side, but I think that would be an uphill battle."
Homura nods again.
"Feh," you grumble. "Shame I don't know anything about them. It'd make life so much easier... On the other hand, I'm happy with what I do know." You smile at Homura.
"It is useful," she agrees.
"No, not just that," you say, shaking your head. "I know a lot of things, but... the most important things are what helped me make friends, right?"
"It is... good to know you," Homura allows, eyes flicking awkwardly away from you.
You laugh, and pat her shoulder with your free hand. "Yeah, it's good to know you too, Homura. Mind you... My knowledge isn't all-encompassing, and it's... weird, sometimes. I know bits and pieces of knowledge, scattered all over the world and history. I know things that happened here, in France, things that never were, and I know a few dozen random languages and odd skills and..."
Homura glances back at you, sidelong. "You read Wikipedia in your spare time?" she asks, voice utterly dry.
You blink, startled, before laughing. "What free time?"
She shrugs.
"But... yeah," you say. "It's just... well, some of it is timelines that couldn't have happened. Like... I don't know. There should have been a tsunami to follow the whole mess in Ishinomaki. And, well, I don't know. I know stuff about events in France of six centuries ago."
You grin crookedly at Homura. "Do you know, I'm not the first white-haired, probably-European Grief mage?" you say. "There was one in France, named Corbeau. She transferred Grief into other people's Gems, and she was a nasty piece of work in general."
Homura grimaces, something dark flickering across her face. "You're not like her. I met a girl like that once..." She trails off, shaking her head. "Osaka."
"Huh, interesting. But... nah, I'm not too worried about that," you say. "Just amused by the coincidence, you know? But... yeah. My point is that my knowledge is weird, I suppose."
"It's accurate enough," Homura murmurs.
"I haven't been let down on anything crucial yet," you concede. "And hey. I'm here. I know what's been happening around here."
"Are there many divergences from what you know?" she asks, voice quiet.
"Eh," you say, waggling your hand. "Yes, and no. We're blazing a new path here, in many ways - as far as I know, I'm entirely new." You quirk an eyebrow at her, and she nods in response to the unspoken question. "That said... no. The knowledge I have matches up very well for you and Mami and Madoka and Sayaka even Oriko and Kirika. The whole mess in Asunaro is essentially the first time that what I know has really slipped up."
"They created something that blocked out the existence of the Incubator, correct?" Homura asks, frowning slightly. "Could it be something like that, affecting your knowledge?"
"I... don't think so," you say. "It's possible, but truthfully, I'd personally chalk it up to Asunaro being weird."
"It sounds like it," Homura agrees, pursing her lips.
"Bleh," you say, leaning back and hooking your arm over the bench. You sigh, tilting your head up to look at the sky, shaded a dark grey by Homura's timestop. There's no sound of insects, the distant rumble of the city frozen out, but it's... peaceful, in a rather oppressive way.
You think about Walpurgisnacht, and you think about Homura's loops. With every turn of Homura's shield, time reverses, and Madoka's potential increases, the very fate of an entire universe twined to her life. And with every passing repetition, she becomes that much more of a target for Kyuubey.
Another sword, hanging over your head. This one, the Incubator could bring down on Homura. You know what would happen, once upon a never: Homura, defeated once more by Walpurgisnacht who would have taken her best shots and ignored them. And Homura would despair.
Oriko warned you once of dire imprecations, should Homura find out.
You can't quite understand. Perhaps it's because you're not Homura. You don't have the crushing weight of endless defeats on your hands. For Homura, perhaps, the will to continue comes from the belief that it wasn't all for naught. That she could someday make it right, and it'd all be worth it. Hope that one day she could fulfill her promise to Madoka.
Without that hope, replaced with despair and a surety that the only thing she could do was make it worse...
But you're here.
You don't want to take away from what Homura's done. The bad, yes. You will help her bear the burdens. You won't take away what good she's accomplished, but in a way, you are part of the good she's accomplished.
"Hey, Homura?" you say, breaking the comfortable, contemplative silence.
Her gaze flickers over to you.
"Thanks for helping me be here," you say, smiling faintly at her. "I rather like existing."
Her head tilts fractionally to the side.
"You know, if you hadn't looped, and Madoka hadn't made her Wish, I wouldn't be here?" you half-explain, half-ask.
"You're... welcome?" Homura says, head tilting in the other direction.
You giggle. "I suppose that makes you and Madoka my mothers. Mado-kaa-san has a certain ring to it, don't you think?"
Homura's expression freezes.
"Um... Homura?" you prompt. No response.
... You're not absolutely sure she's breathing. True, you don't actually need to, but still.
She finally thaws, moments later. "You are- welcome," she repeats mechanically.
You laugh, relaxing as you pat her hand. "It's a joke," you say. "Technically true, I guess."
"I would- I am glad you exist, too," Homura mutters, amethyst eyes unable to meet yours.
"I really do owe my existence to you and Madoka, I think," you say, shaking your head. "Just... I don't know. I'm completely new, aren't I?"
Homura nods.
"Then yeah," you say, sighing. "Say, Homura? If you don't mind my asking - do you know what Madoka's Wish was, exactly?"
Her expression falls, a little. You're still holding her wrist, and perhaps if you weren't, you wouldn't have noticed the way her hand twitches in that abortive little gesture.
"'I Wish that everything could be fixed!'" Homura says.
"Ah. I see," you say, squeezing her wrist a little. "I- I know it must be hard for you, but... thank you. It could be helpful, in the future."
It gives you hope, really. It's such a Madoka thing to Wish for, and if she Wished for it, then you don't doubt that it can be done. By hook or by crook. On the other hand, it occurs to you that if you are the result of Madoka's Wish, then you technically just asked about your own conception. Eugh.
You shake your head, chasing that thought from your mind. "You know, Homura..." you begin, and promptly trail off as you think about how to phrase this.
"What is it?" she mutters, still looking away. Her eyes roam the grey-hued garden, lingering on the uprooted rose bush for a second before flickering away.
"When this is all over, when Walpurgisnacht has fallen," you say, putting gentle emphasis on the 'when'. "I think Madoka would swear off making a Wish for your sake if she knew about the loops."
For the second time in a few minutes, Homura freezes, breath catching in the back of her throat. She's so still she might as well have been caught in her own timestop, if it weren't for the fact that she isn't trapped in monochrome shades of grey.
"I know," you say quietly. "But we are going to beat Walpurgisnacht, and whatever comes after... If Madoka has her friends safe, including you, Homura, and if she knew the effort and sacrifice it's taken to get you here today? She'll respect that. She's like that, you know?"
"I-" Homura's jaw clenches, voice tight with restrained emotion. "I don't want her near this. She asked me to keep her away from being a magical girl, she needs to be protected from this."
Voting opens
[] Write-in what to say to Homura
[] Dinner time with Mami
- [] Drop Homura off somewhere
- [X] Be sappy and affectionate
[] Continue through rest of night
- [] Anything specific to do?
[] Write-in (word count limit: 150 words)
Homura is not good with these 'feeling' things.
A single crab in a bucket can crawl out, provided the sides aren't too high. But put a few crabs in the bucket, and none of them will ever get out, because they're all trying to climb on top of each other, pulling each other down.
... Of course, Homura doesn't have the greatest social skills in the world. Kneecaps are a privilege, not a right and all that, eh? She's probably right: it would be easier to shoot them. But it might not be more effective to do so.
Ultimately, that's a problem for later.
"Sabrina?" Homura prompts.
"Nah, just thinking," you say. "It'd be great to get the Tokyo Council on my side, but I think that would be an uphill battle."
Homura nods again.
"Feh," you grumble. "Shame I don't know anything about them. It'd make life so much easier... On the other hand, I'm happy with what I do know." You smile at Homura.
"It is useful," she agrees.
"No, not just that," you say, shaking your head. "I know a lot of things, but... the most important things are what helped me make friends, right?"
"It is... good to know you," Homura allows, eyes flicking awkwardly away from you.
You laugh, and pat her shoulder with your free hand. "Yeah, it's good to know you too, Homura. Mind you... My knowledge isn't all-encompassing, and it's... weird, sometimes. I know bits and pieces of knowledge, scattered all over the world and history. I know things that happened here, in France, things that never were, and I know a few dozen random languages and odd skills and..."
Homura glances back at you, sidelong. "You read Wikipedia in your spare time?" she asks, voice utterly dry.
You blink, startled, before laughing. "What free time?"
She shrugs.
"But... yeah," you say. "It's just... well, some of it is timelines that couldn't have happened. Like... I don't know. There should have been a tsunami to follow the whole mess in Ishinomaki. And, well, I don't know. I know stuff about events in France of six centuries ago."
You grin crookedly at Homura. "Do you know, I'm not the first white-haired, probably-European Grief mage?" you say. "There was one in France, named Corbeau. She transferred Grief into other people's Gems, and she was a nasty piece of work in general."
Homura grimaces, something dark flickering across her face. "You're not like her. I met a girl like that once..." She trails off, shaking her head. "Osaka."
"Huh, interesting. But... nah, I'm not too worried about that," you say. "Just amused by the coincidence, you know? But... yeah. My point is that my knowledge is weird, I suppose."
"It's accurate enough," Homura murmurs.
"I haven't been let down on anything crucial yet," you concede. "And hey. I'm here. I know what's been happening around here."
"Are there many divergences from what you know?" she asks, voice quiet.
"Eh," you say, waggling your hand. "Yes, and no. We're blazing a new path here, in many ways - as far as I know, I'm entirely new." You quirk an eyebrow at her, and she nods in response to the unspoken question. "That said... no. The knowledge I have matches up very well for you and Mami and Madoka and Sayaka even Oriko and Kirika. The whole mess in Asunaro is essentially the first time that what I know has really slipped up."
"They created something that blocked out the existence of the Incubator, correct?" Homura asks, frowning slightly. "Could it be something like that, affecting your knowledge?"
"I... don't think so," you say. "It's possible, but truthfully, I'd personally chalk it up to Asunaro being weird."
"It sounds like it," Homura agrees, pursing her lips.
"Bleh," you say, leaning back and hooking your arm over the bench. You sigh, tilting your head up to look at the sky, shaded a dark grey by Homura's timestop. There's no sound of insects, the distant rumble of the city frozen out, but it's... peaceful, in a rather oppressive way.
You think about Walpurgisnacht, and you think about Homura's loops. With every turn of Homura's shield, time reverses, and Madoka's potential increases, the very fate of an entire universe twined to her life. And with every passing repetition, she becomes that much more of a target for Kyuubey.
Another sword, hanging over your head. This one, the Incubator could bring down on Homura. You know what would happen, once upon a never: Homura, defeated once more by Walpurgisnacht who would have taken her best shots and ignored them. And Homura would despair.
Oriko warned you once of dire imprecations, should Homura find out.
You can't quite understand. Perhaps it's because you're not Homura. You don't have the crushing weight of endless defeats on your hands. For Homura, perhaps, the will to continue comes from the belief that it wasn't all for naught. That she could someday make it right, and it'd all be worth it. Hope that one day she could fulfill her promise to Madoka.
Without that hope, replaced with despair and a surety that the only thing she could do was make it worse...
But you're here.
You don't want to take away from what Homura's done. The bad, yes. You will help her bear the burdens. You won't take away what good she's accomplished, but in a way, you are part of the good she's accomplished.
"Hey, Homura?" you say, breaking the comfortable, contemplative silence.
Her gaze flickers over to you.
"Thanks for helping me be here," you say, smiling faintly at her. "I rather like existing."
Her head tilts fractionally to the side.
"You know, if you hadn't looped, and Madoka hadn't made her Wish, I wouldn't be here?" you half-explain, half-ask.
"You're... welcome?" Homura says, head tilting in the other direction.
You giggle. "I suppose that makes you and Madoka my mothers. Mado-kaa-san has a certain ring to it, don't you think?"
Homura's expression freezes.
"Um... Homura?" you prompt. No response.
... You're not absolutely sure she's breathing. True, you don't actually need to, but still.
She finally thaws, moments later. "You are- welcome," she repeats mechanically.
You laugh, relaxing as you pat her hand. "It's a joke," you say. "Technically true, I guess."
"I would- I am glad you exist, too," Homura mutters, amethyst eyes unable to meet yours.
"I really do owe my existence to you and Madoka, I think," you say, shaking your head. "Just... I don't know. I'm completely new, aren't I?"
Homura nods.
"Then yeah," you say, sighing. "Say, Homura? If you don't mind my asking - do you know what Madoka's Wish was, exactly?"
Her expression falls, a little. You're still holding her wrist, and perhaps if you weren't, you wouldn't have noticed the way her hand twitches in that abortive little gesture.
"'I Wish that everything could be fixed!'" Homura says.
"Ah. I see," you say, squeezing her wrist a little. "I- I know it must be hard for you, but... thank you. It could be helpful, in the future."
It gives you hope, really. It's such a Madoka thing to Wish for, and if she Wished for it, then you don't doubt that it can be done. By hook or by crook. On the other hand, it occurs to you that if you are the result of Madoka's Wish, then you technically just asked about your own conception. Eugh.
You shake your head, chasing that thought from your mind. "You know, Homura..." you begin, and promptly trail off as you think about how to phrase this.
"What is it?" she mutters, still looking away. Her eyes roam the grey-hued garden, lingering on the uprooted rose bush for a second before flickering away.
"When this is all over, when Walpurgisnacht has fallen," you say, putting gentle emphasis on the 'when'. "I think Madoka would swear off making a Wish for your sake if she knew about the loops."
For the second time in a few minutes, Homura freezes, breath catching in the back of her throat. She's so still she might as well have been caught in her own timestop, if it weren't for the fact that she isn't trapped in monochrome shades of grey.
"I know," you say quietly. "But we are going to beat Walpurgisnacht, and whatever comes after... If Madoka has her friends safe, including you, Homura, and if she knew the effort and sacrifice it's taken to get you here today? She'll respect that. She's like that, you know?"
"I-" Homura's jaw clenches, voice tight with restrained emotion. "I don't want her near this. She asked me to keep her away from being a magical girl, she needs to be protected from this."
Voting opens
[] Write-in what to say to Homura
[] Dinner time with Mami
- [] Drop Homura off somewhere
- [X] Be sappy and affectionate
[] Continue through rest of night
- [] Anything specific to do?
[] Write-in (word count limit: 150 words)
Homura is not good with these 'feeling' things.

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