Psycho (Esper Academy Quest)

So, I'm going to write some of the chances of success we would have with certain stats:

5 in the stat: good success=6,25% ; simple success=37,5% ; general success=43,75%; failure=56,25%
6 in the stat: good success=9% ; simple success=42% ; general success=51%; failure=49%
9 in the stat: good success=20,25% ; simple success=49,5% ; general success=69,75%; failure=30,25%
10 in the stat: good success=25% ; simple success=50% ; general success=75%; failure=25%
13 in the stat: good success=42,25% ; simple success=45,5% ; general success=87,75%; failure=12,25%
14 in the stat: good success=49% ; simple success=42% ; general success=91%; failure=9%
15 in the stat: good success=56,25% ; simple success=37,5% ; general success=93,75%; failure=6,25%

Do you think we should change some of the stats?
If not, this is probably still good to know.

Honestly, I feel a little unsure about assigning less than 5 to the stat, especially since we don't know how often the character will be subjected to status checks. Luckily, the genius trait should help with training if a stat starts to feel particularly inadequate for our play style. While probably getting all or most stats to 10 is a good long-term quest goal in my opinion.

I wonder if 20 in any stat means it's physically impossible to fail in this case unless there are complicating factors.

I feel like the stats should be separate from the rest of the vote since that becomes a mechanics vs. flavor thing, but eh.

...I actually sort of relate statistics to flavour parts. It seems like a connection between Josephine's relatively high mental resistance and her strong personality, ability to powers and her vivid imagination. Well, and 15 intellects, which are her pride as a genius and an "unsurpassed detective". I may have gotten too carried away thinking about things like this, but I "blame" the like/dislike part of it. This really allows you to customize the character more precisely than most quests allow.
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Yeah just to be transparent I'm gonna end the quest here. I didn't think a lot of stuff through with character creation and rushed into this.

Realized when I was writing the update I really have no motivation to write with this MC, (Nothing against MC just not my type of character) Even if I did update now I know myself and would probably end up abandoning this quest in like 2-3 weeks tops. In the future I think it's best if I create character templates and let people vote from those choices.

I know it's lame to do this less than 3 updates into the quest but I'd rather let you guys know now instead of randomly ghosting the quest without a word in a few weeks. Sorry.