Protoculture Effect (RT/ME), thread 2

Oh, by the way, making some changes. Decided to give Garrus's sniper rifle a bit more detail and attention. And a new name.

* * *

Codex: M-104 Widowmaker

Prior to the Relay War, all modern infantry weapons in Citadel space, from pistols to assault rifles, were micro-scaled mass accelerators, using mass-reducing fields and magnetic force to propel miniature slugs to lethal speeds. The two main restrictions in mass accelerator small arms technology are recoil, which limits the speed and therefore power of the weapon, and the heat generated by friction, which limits rate of fire. For sniper rifles, the power limitation was especially crippling against heavily armored targets, and with the violent arrival of Cyclones and powered armor onto the galactic scene, one shot one kill was no longer possible with existing pre-Sentinel sniper rifles.

Armax Arsenal's solution to the problem was elegant in its simplicity. When developing the M-104 Widowmaker, Armax built a secondary mass effect generator into the stock of the rifle and linked it to the weapon's fire control computer. When engaged, this secondary mass effect field triples the overall mass of the weapon even as the primary mass effect field decreases the mass of the ammunition. With its bipod deployed, the Widowmaker's increased mass allows the sniper to handle more recoil. The fire control computer automatically takes advantage of this and increases projectile velocity, thus achieving greater armor penetration, although this does limit the rifle to one shot per heat sink rather than its standard three.
I'm just trying to put together a "fic bible" for the story, that's all.
....y'all do remember that the reason the SDF-1 had to transform was because it couldn't fire the main gun in ship mode, due to problems with power connectors (or so the books explained it).

Note that in Macross 7, VF-X and Frontier, the newest generation of SDFs essentially act as giant carriers in their standard cruise config, with the main gun being docked to the SDF's bow, where it can be detached to act as a handheld gun in battroid mode, or manuver as an independant ship. Just saying.

Tl;dr with the newer ships there's no reason at all to transform, except that it looks really goddamned cool.
Sithking Zero said:
Now, let's not get too hasty. Shepard walking into a room with all the guns in the galaxy?

This is gonna get Gooooooood.
I never said I wasn't going to do it, just that I had no plans to and that the purpose of this was to put together a 'fic bible.
Sithking Zero said:
First, Macross doesn't exist in this timeline. I get the point, but Cyclone doesn't seem to like it when Macross is brought up.

Second off, I present you the argument of PUNCHING A REAPER IN THE FACE WITH AN AIRCRAFT CARRIER, which then spits out a Macross Missile Massacre.

Any and all arguments are invalid.
Do Reapers have faces?

Also, my God! I was going back and consolidating my codex entries for this 'fic in order to keep track of them for reference as part of my 'fic bible. I had no idea I'd written so much for it.
So what's the reaction of the citadel on seeing SDF type ship? , reason why ask is about joker and Ashley conversation in ME 1 when they first saw the Destiny Ascention.
Sithking Zero said:
First, Macross doesn't exist in this timeline. I get the point, but Cyclone doesn't seem to like it when Macross is brought up.
There does seem to be a rather violent hatedom by fans of both franchises, which is a pity - I rather liked Robotech and the books, and Shadow Chronicles was good, and transforming power armor motorcycles. Always win.

Well, the Ex-Gear gives you more manuverability and you can evade/eject/escape faster, but transforming power armor motorcycles are just inherently cooler.
Second off, I present you the argument of PUNCHING A REAPER IN THE FACE WITH AN AIRCRAFT CARRIER, which then spits out a Macross Missile Massacre.

Any and all arguments are invalid.
Never said that I didn't disagree with that point; simply that it isn't necessary to transform.

And yes, puching a Reaper in the face with an aircraft carrier would never get old.

Still, consider - if you have the main gun as an independent ship of it's own, then what does that mean? You could theoretically have guns akimbo dual wielding Macross cannon barrage.

Or, if the UEF is still using the SDF-1 Macross-class design, or an evolution thereof, then simply dock dreadnoughts to the arms - afterall, the ARMD ships could be docked there, so when you have two dreadnoughts docked you've got not only the Macross cannon, but also the dreadnought main guns ready to fire...
*sigh* Once again, some confusion. My opposition to Macross-related stuff in my Robotech stories is simply due to the respect I have for the two as distinct IPs. I like Macross. I enjoyed Macross Zero and Macross Plus and will probably enjoy Macross Frontier if I ever get around to watching it. Heck, I even liked Macross II. I love some of the Macross designs, such as the VB-6 Konig Monster.

But if I don't stop Macross-related ideas in the nub for my Robotech stories -- and this is based on experience from before coming to SB -- they always, always invariably take a subtle shift toward "How can I can convince Cyclone to rewrite his Robotech story as a Macross story or turn it into a horribly mutated fusion of the two?" And so far, nothing I have seen since coming to SB has suggested that this won't happen here.

That is why I make every attempt to shut down Macross discussion as quickly as possible. That is why I do not intend to use any Macross-based designs, despite how much I like some of them, like the aforementioned VB-6 Konig Monster. Because such discussion has no relevance to the story and tends to lead toward something that tends to trigger in me a visceral urge to strangle someone. Obviously, this is unsuccessful, as we now instead end up repeatedly discussing why I don't want people talking about Macross in my Robotech story threads when it should be blatantly obvious. *sigh*
Vianca, the ideas you're suggesting completely ignore the design changes implemented in the later generations of Robotech ships and mecha, a common mistake by Macrossites.

First off, the SDF-1 was not vulnerable from the sides. Just because their main gun points where it points doesn't mean it can't defend itself from other directions. It has smaller broadside armament. A weapon the size of a reflex cannon cannot be easily maneuvered. Try to aim something that big, and you might as well turn the whole damn ship anyway, as it wouldn't go any faster.

There's also the fact that later Earth ships, while some did mount powerful fixed weaponry -- like the synchro cannons of later UEEF ships -- they were primarily designed with large missile and broadside armament anyway.
My apologies, Cyclone. Didn't mean to touch a sore spot there.

But out of curiosity, how does the current SDF-class vessel of Protoculture Effect compare to the SDF-1? Also, I may have missed this a while back, but how do current VTs compare to alternative fighter designs from other races?
You're getting ahead of yourself, Vianca. The Thanix cannon doesn't exist yet, as it was reverse-engineered from Sovereign. Mind you, Earth already has something that is similar to the Thanix cannon, the MAC-95, but it's a side effect of a powered-armor-wielded hypervelocity round in atmosphere, not an intentional design feature, and its potential a ship-killing weapon has not been recognized yet.

The broadside armaments of Robotech ships are actually quite impressive. In fact, their flaw during the Third Robotech War was that their broadside armament emphasized anti-capital firepower over anti-mecha firepower, and their point defenses were overwhelmed by the sheer number of invid mecha they were swarmed with. These broadside armaments are the same type of broadside weaponry that let them fight the Robotech Masters toe to toe, and the Masters had assault carriers flinging city-destroying antimatter rounds by the end of the Second Robotech War.

Whiskey Golf, the question of SDFs has not been answered yet because I haven't decided yet. As for fighters, the VTs easily outclass Citadel fighters. The Citadel military forces, in turn, have been focusing on improving their point defense systems instead.
Vianca said:
True, but you can easily do what the Batarians did to make a nok-off from a Reflex canon using smallers stuff, like lets say a fighter it´s reactor.
What about a fighter's reactor?
ramdomperson said:
Didn't the Batarian knock-off also temporarily disable their ship?
Noticed that, did you? I was concerned I was being too subtle with that.
Ah. That's something that really doesn't scale down well. At least not with the plasma generation technology the batarians have.
Actually, I have been following the Geth Effect thread, but I have... plans... for Cerberus. So to speak.

Trust me, after the Battle of the Citadel, everything will be derailed.

For example, knowing what high-ranking asari know and knowing that, Haven Accords aside, the Citadel Council is concerned about the tech gap between them and the Sentinels Alliance... well, how long do you really think Shiala's going to remain on Feros, regardless of what she wants?
Some updates. First, a random codex entry.

* * *

Codex: GArDIAN

A ship's General Area Defense Integration Anti-spacecraft Network (GArDIAN) consists of anti-missile/anti-fighter weapons on the exterior hull. Because these are under computer control, the gunnery control officer needs to do little beyond turn the system on and designate targets as hostile.

Prior to the Relay War, GArDIANs exclusively utilized laser weapons. Since lasers move at light speed, they cannot be dodged by anything moving at non-relativistic speeds. Unless the beam is aimed poorly, it will always hit its target. In the early stages of a battle, the GArDIAN fire was 100% accurate. It was not 100% lethal, but it didn't have to be. Damaged fighters had to break off for repairs.

This theory of point defense and fighter combat was fundamentally altered upon contact with the Sentinel Alliance. With over a century of hard-earned combat experience with directed energy weapons, the Alliance had considerably superior lasers and, more significantly, anti-laser countermeasures and armor, rendering the Citadel fleets' GArDIAN lasers largely ineffective. Current GArDIANs now utilize a mix of laser turrets, mass accelerator turrets, and countermissile batteries.

The Sentinel Alliance counterpart to GArDIANs -- given no specific name beyond "point defense systems" -- uses a combination of particle beam turrets and countermissile batteries, augmented by pinpoint barrier systems.

* * *

Second, a few more scenes for Noveria.

* * *

John hated politics. He really, really hated corporate politics. And especially obstructive bureaucrats. Like, say, Administrator Anoleis.

"So, let me get this straight," he said. "You're denying me access, despite my Spectre status?"

"Correct, Commander," Anoleis replied. "All ground traffic is suspended due to the blizzard, and I will not overrule it. Additionally, Noveria is not technically a Citadel world. NDC laws apply here. Numerous non-disclosure agreements, confidential data, and security concerns apply. Spectre authority is... limited."

Damn, John thought. Just when I was beginning to think this whole Spectre thing was actually going to be useful.

"So, Administrator," he said, "just out of -- let's call it curiosity -- what exactly would stop me from killing you and anyone who gets in my way, blowing open the garage door with a plasma missile, and commandeering a vehicle to get to Peak Fifteen, regardless of whether or not I have a garage pass?"


John had to admit. Anoleis was one cool customer. He didn't even bat an eye at the threat.

"I'm a Spectre," he pointed out, trying again. "I leave politics to politicians."

"Spectre authority only extends so far," Anoleis replied coolly. "Such blatant violence against civilians would most likely result in your Spectre status being revoked. Possibly even war between the Alliance and the Citadel. It wouldn't be in anyone's best interest."

"All right, next question," John said. "How is it in anyone's best interest to deny me access to Peak Fifteen?"

"Proprietary information, Commander. I'm not at liberty to discuss. Additionally, there are liability issues with the weather."

"You know, it's answers like that that take me back to the 'plasma missile' idea," John muttered. He turned on his heel and left, rejoining his squad outside the administrator's office.

* * *

John was in the conference room on deck two again. With him was the group that was quickly becoming known aboard ship as "Shepard's Irregulars," the mix of specialists, consultants, and liaisons he had gathered together, along with the Marines of his ground team and his XO.

"So," he said, looking across the gathered group, "anyone have any ideas how we can get to Peak Fifteen? Anoleis can cite the weather issue until that damn blizzard blows over, but that storm's going to last a good while."

"I say we go with your plan and shoot our way through," Wrex offered.

Garrus shrugged. "This place is corrupt as it gets, Shepard. Grease a few palms, do a few favors, I'm sure we'll be able to convince someone to let us use their garage pass."

"I have an idea," Jane said, her expression thoughtful. "Alenko, think you can fly your Thor in this weather?"

"The Mako's going to be out of commission for another week," John reminded her.

"I remember," she said, nodding, a small smile on her face.

* * *

Tali muttered something, but although the three of them were pressed up against each other in the Cyclone compartment of Kaidan's veritech, Jane couldn't quite hear her over the wind.

"What?!" she called, shifting slightly to look at the quarian. It was a tight fit, even though she had selected the smallest members of the ground team to go with her. The bomb bay had more room in theory, but the various loading mechanisms made it impossible to convert it to carry passengers in a reasonable amount of time.

"I said, " Tali shouted back, "'I don't think this was a very good idea'!"

"If you had a better idea, you should have said something when Shepard was taking suggestions!"

"I have to agree with Tali," Liara said, her voice somehow carrying despite her not apparently yelling. "This is very... awkward."

"At least we're all friendly!" Jane offered cheerfully. "Or else this would be a lot more awkward!"

"Just how friendly do you want to get?" Liara asked, eyebrow cocked curiously.

"I'd need a nerve-stim program to get any friendlier," Tali grumbled.


"I said... oh, nevermind!"

* * *

Did I mention that Jane was a Vanguard? Probably not. But she is.
bullethead said:
A question: why don't they have a shuttle? I know the Normandy is a small ship (even if it is SR-2 sized), but considering that it already has the Thor, the Sif, and the Mako, I figure that the hangar bay has to be larger than the canon Normandies already. They can't stick in a Kodiak equivalent and shove everyone on that?
The Normandy doesn't have a shuttle because it generally doesn't need one. It's fully transatmospheric, capable of landing on most planets, and has a drop-capable IFV. Sure, the Normandy could carry a shuttle. It just doesn't because the need for one was not foreseen.

BTW, I think Robotech Earth has some funny design ideas. I can't actually recall any VTOL aircraft in Robotech that didn't have legs...
Cyclone said:
The Normandy doesn't have a shuttle because it generally doesn't need one. It's fully transatmospheric, capable of landing on most planets, and has a drop-capable IFV. Sure, the Normandy could carry a shuttle. It just doesn't because the need for one was not foreseen.

BTW, I think Robotech Earth has some funny design ideas. I can't actually recall any VTOL aircraft in Robotech that didn't have legs...
Alpha fighters. Scott takes his up in fighter mode several times over the course of New Generation, complete with stock footage of the takeoff from below.
Rolfson said:
Alpha fighters. Scott takes his up in fighter mode several times over the course of New Generation, complete with stock footage of the takeoff from below.
Yes, but Alpha fighters still have legs. Even if they aren't using them.

Still, I do concede the point regarding helos and the STO shuttles. I had forgotten about them.

So... I guess no one has anything to say about the codex entry or the snippet?
I'm just wondering how much overall long-tern plot relevance Jane Hunter will have as the resident Fem!Shep analog, considering that the main lead's role already been taken up.

Perhaps if Shepard ends up requiring the Lazarus Project treatment (requiring her to assume command in his place), or even Hunter herself*, if she's the one buying the farm if/when a Collector cruiser (dreadnought, really, given how massive that sucker was) comes a callin'...

Maybe then, Jane Hunter will feel just a tad less redundant, plot-wise. Even if I'm more partial to a Fem!Shep main by default, Jane comes off as something of a fifth wheel here.

Definitely appreciate her being a Vanguard though, and would synergize quite nicely, if Shepard happens to be an Infiltrator. Can't recall his precise classification, though (bog-standard Soldier?)

* - Yeah, I know; no way in hell Cerberus would go through with it for her alone, not unless she pulls off the big 'save the galaxy' moment, instead of her CO.
Shepard was initially envisioned as an ME1-style Infiltrator... but he's turned out to be a whole lot more Soldier in the narrative. And Cerberus has a very different role to play here.

United Earth Spacy Director of Special Projects Jack Harper. Central Research Branch for Reverse-Engineering Studies (aka Cerberus). Special Agent Miranda Lawson, Office of Special Projects Internal Investigations (aka Osprey).
So, can anyone point me to anything that explains how Tactical Cloak actually works?

Also, if anyone has any personal experience with the AT-12 Raider, some info on it and how it handles (better yet, a Youtube video) would be appreciated.
bullethead said:
You can get it through Gibbed's ME3 editor. Just go to player variables, then copy the entry for any other shotgun and replace the name with "Raider". Make sure you make another copy of the entry, then add ".flag" after Raider, then set the value to 1 so you can get it in the weapon GUI.
I can't exactly do that with the 360, can I?
bullethead said:
Yes, you can, as long as you have a USB flash drive lying around. I modded my first runthrough so I could get the Indra.

Care to point in the direction of some reliable info on how to do all this?
bullethead said:
Thanks. And damn, the Raider's spread is ridiculous. That's a CQC weapon if there ever was one. Might have to make a Vanguard Shep to really try it out.

Anyway, got a new codex entry and a single scene.

* * *

Codex: Noveria

Noveria is a small, frozen terrestrial world, barely habitable by conventional definitions. It is privately chartered by the Noveria Development Corporation, a holding company founded and funded by two dozen major high-technology companies in Citadel space, including Elanus Risk Control Services and Synthetic Insights. The NDC leases out labs to perform research too dangerous or controversial to be performed elsewhere.

Since Noveria is not technically a Citadel world, the NDC is free and willing to issue such leases to Alliance-based corporations as well, much as the Alliance and Citadel alike would prefer otherwise. There still remains, however, prejudice between Alliance and Citadel species; for example, although a human corporation like Binary Helix may lease a lab on Noveria and secure it with their own human security, ERCS, which NDC contracts to provide security for the planet, is no more likely to hire humans on Noveria than anywhere else.

Given Noveria's unique situation, it is the source of many wild conspiracy theories throughout both Alliance and Citadel space.

* * *

The door to the captain's cabin chimed.

"Enter," John responded automatically. The door slid open to reveal a familiar turian.

"Hey, Commander, you busy?" Garrus asked.

"Not really," he replied. "Just submitting a request to get us a shuttle."

"Yeah, about that," Garrus said, "why don't we have one already anyway?"

John shrugged. "The Normandy's fully transatmospheric, and we've got the Mako -- well, had the Mako -- for combat drops, so we shouldn't have needed one."

"I see."

"Something I can help you with, Garrus?"

The former C-Sec officer looked away. "Maybe. It's Nerisse. Or Captain Ganthus, I should say. There's been an increase in smuggling lately, and since I'm here, she wants my help shutting it down, thinks a new perspective is just what they need."

"And you think I can help," John said flatly.

"You do have a knack for being in the right place at the right time, Commander."

John nodded thoughtfully. "So, what's being smuggled?"

"Lots of things, really," Garrus replied, "but she's mostly worried about restricted weapon mods. Noveria isn't like the Citadel. Security here depends heavily on limiting access to weapons tech."

"Hence the warm welcome we received," John said dryly.

"Yeah." Garrus gave the turian equivalent of a frown. "What is it, Shepard? You haven't argued one bit yet."

"Wellll..." John said, reaching under his desk and picked up a package, placing it on his desk. "As it happens, while I was shopping for supplies, a certain shopkeeper in there asked me to bring this in past customs."

"Really, now?" Garrus said, his mandibles twitching in amusement. "Just like that, you have it all wrapped up?"

"I think there's more going on here than we know about," John said, nudging the package.

"What do you mean?" Garrus asked. "What is it, exactly?"

"High explosive ammo," John answered. "This is some serious firepower we're talking about here, Garrus. Can your girlfriend handle this?"

"High explosive ammo?" Garrus repeated. "Nerisse wouldn't have the armor or firepower to deal with that. And she's not my girlfriend."

* * *

The plot thickens. Into what, I don't know yet. If anyone's got any ideas on how to expand on what Inamorda's actually there to do, I'm all ears.
I think chapter eighteen is pretty complete now.

* * *

For the umpteenth time, Nerisse Ganthus wondered why she'd gone corporate. So she reminded herself. Like a good little turian, she'd joined the military and served her mandatory term as a recon scout, but after that... well, serving one's people was all well and good, but it didn't pay the bills nearly as well as working for Elanus Risk Control Services did. Even if that meant being assigned to some frozen world in the middle of nowhere.

Still, she missed the closeness she'd had with her comrades in the service.

"Captain Ganthus, this is Noveria Flight Control," the voice blared over her comm. "We've got an unauthorized ship coming in hot, and they're refusing to wave off!"

"Spirits," she cursed as she bolted to her feet. Within seconds, she was charging out, donning the last pieces of her armor, as she caught up with the on-duty dock security team.

"Sit rep," she barked, checking her M-15 Vindicator's thermal clip. The select-fire battle rifle was a company weapon, built by ERCS, and so, here on Noveria, where ERCS handled security, they got them by the crate load. Fortunately, it was actually a quality weapon, deadly accurate and capable of bringing down personal shields and punching through body armor with frightening ease.

"Not sure, Captain," the watch commander, Antoc Valerus, replied. "Flight Control IDed the ship; it's registered as an Alliance frigate, but it looks turian in design."

She nodded in silent acknowledgement. Every species had their own aesthetic in ship design. Salarian ships, for example, tended to have rounded designs that made them look like they'd be as much at home in an ocean as in space, while the asari... Nerisse couldn't find the words to describe asari ships; suffice it to say that they were... very distinctive. Turian ships, on the other hand, favored a sleek, dagger-like design, all speed and power, but human ships tended to be big and boxy, with all the style and subtlety of a brick in the face.

"I hate mysteries," Valerus grumped.

"Shut up and deal with it," she snapped, bringing her rifle up, not quite pointing it at the approaching figures. A trio of humans clad in Cyclone armor led the group, flanked by a krogan and a turian in a heavy set of armor she didn't recognize but had the hallmarks of an Armax design.

"Hold it right there," she ordered. The group stopped. "Identify yourselves."

"Lieutenant Commander John Shepard," the lead human said. "Citadel Spectre. I'm here on Council business."

Nerisse suppressed a derisive snort. A human Spectre? They really expect me to buy this crap? Sighting down her rifle at him, she said, "Nice try, but this is a restricted compound. Leave or surrender your weapons."

"Nerisse, is that you?" the turian spoke, the flangeing in his voice quickly identifying who was speaking, despite the face-concealing helmet he wore.

She frowned. She recognized that voice. "Garrus? Garrus Vakarian? You're a long way from the Citadel. What's the matter? C-Sec not paying you enough?"

"Are you kidding?" Garrus snorted. "That's one of the first things you learn at C-Sec. Besides, you're hardly one to talk, Nerisse. You went corporate."

"And now you've gone freelance," she countered. "Alliance, Garrus? Really?"

"I'm not working for the Alliance," Garrus corrected, gesturing to Shepard. "I'm working for a Spectre."

"You expect me to believe that nonsense?" she snorted. "You can turn around and leave if you like, but if you try to go any further without relinquishing your weapons, we will open fire."

Shepard snapped his arm up and replied coldly, "Lady, I'm not the one here staring down the wrong end of a missile launcher."

Nerisse was a little concerned, but up close, the Vindicator was powerful enough to bring down even a Cyclone's shields and punch through his faceplate with two bursts. She could easily pulse the trigger fast enough, and at this range, she wouldn't miss. It was just a matter of getting her shots off before the human fired his missiles, which, admittedly, would be no easy task.

"Don't you people get any news out here, Nerisse?" Garrus asked plaintively.

"Captain Ganthus," a feminine voice sounded over the PA, interrupting the stand off. "Stand down. We've confirmed Spectre Shepard's identity and authority. He and his team are welcome here at Port Hanshan, with or without weapons."

Nerisse felt her mandibles twitch.

"I said 'stand down.'"

She growled. "You heard her," she said grudgingly, lowering the Vindicator. "Stand down." She glowered at the Spectre and waved them past. You'd better be right about this, T'Lani, she thought grimly.

* * *

"So," John mused aloud as they walked past the blaring weapon scanners, "your friend there doesn't seem to like me very much, Garrus."

"Probably not," the former C-Sec officer replied. "Nerisse likes to play fast and loose with the rules -- kind of a given for a recon scout -- but she doesn't like surprises, and Spectres are unpredictable. Spirits, you've already thrown her for a loop just by being a human Spectre."

"Any advice?"

"Just make sure you're far away if you piss her off."

"Don't think I think I can handle myself, Garrus?" John asked, mock hurt in his voice. "You wound me."

"Nerisse and I used to spar, Shepard," Garrus warned. "She's good."

"Better than you?" John prodded. He and Garrus had had a few friendly sparring matches, and so far, Garrus was ahead one fall out of seventeen.

"Our longest match went nine rounds before the judge called it a draw," Garrus said with a shrug. "I have reach, but... she has flexibility."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Commander Shepard? I'm Enyra T'Lani, assistant to Administrator Anoleis. Welcome to Noveria."

John turned his attention to the asari who had spoken, the same one who had gotten Garrus's friend to stand down, judging by her voice. "Bit of a cold welcome," he commented.

The asari nodded. "Please understand, Commander, the facilities here on Noveria were developed with the express intention of avoiding Council scrutiny. There are lot of company secrets on this planet, some worth millions of credits, and they are guarded quite jealously."

"Fair enough," John acknowledged, "but we're here on Council business. We need access to Binary Helix's Peak Fifteen facility."

"I see," she said pensively. "You'll need to speak to the administrator." She turned and started walking. "Please, follow me."

* * *

John hated politics. He really, really hated corporate politics. And especially obstructive bureaucrats. Like, say, Administrator Anoleis.

"So, let me get this straight," he said. "You're denying me access, despite my Spectre status?"

"Correct, Commander," Anoleis replied. "All ground traffic is suspended due to the blizzard, and I will not overrule it. Additionally, Noveria is not technically a Citadel world. NDC laws apply here. Numerous non-disclosure agreements, confidential data, and security concerns apply. Spectre authority is... limited."

Damn, John thought. Just when I was beginning to think this whole Spectre thing was actually going to be useful.

"So, Administrator," he said, "just out of -- let's call it curiosity -- what exactly would stop me from killing you and anyone who gets in my way, blowing open the garage door with a plasma missile, and commandeering a vehicle to get to Peak Fifteen, regardless of whether or not I have a garage pass?"


John had to admit. Anoleis was one cool customer. He didn't even bat an eye at the threat.

"I'm a Spectre," he pointed out, trying again. "I leave politics to politicians."

"Spectre authority only extends so far," Anoleis replied coolly. "Such blatant violence against civilians would most likely result in your Spectre status being revoked. Possibly even war between the Alliance and the Citadel. It wouldn't be in anyone's best interest."

"All right, next question," John said. "How is it in anyone's best interest to deny me access to Peak Fifteen?"

"Proprietary information, Commander. I'm not at liberty to discuss. Additionally, there are liability issues with the weather."

"You know, it's answers like that that take me back to the 'plasma missile' idea," John muttered. He turned on his heel and left, rejoining his squad outside the administrator's office.

* * *

John was in the conference room on deck two again. With him was the group that was quickly becoming known aboard ship as "Shepard's Irregulars," the mix of specialists, consultants, and liaisons he had gathered together, along with the Marines of his ground team and his XO.

"So," he said, looking across the gathered group, "anyone have any ideas how we can get to Peak Fifteen? Anoleis can cite the weather issue until that damn blizzard blows over, but that storm's going to last a good while."

"I say we go with your plan and shoot our way through," Wrex offered.

Garrus shrugged. "This place is corrupt as it gets, Shepard. Grease a few palms, do a few favors, I'm sure we'll be able to convince someone to let us use their garage pass."

"I have an idea," Jane said, her expression thoughtful. "Alenko, think you can fly your Thor in this weather?"

"The Mako's going to be out of commission for another week," John reminded her.

"I remember," she said, nodding, a small smile on her face.

* * *

Tali muttered something, but although the three of them were pressed up against each other in the Cyclone compartment of Kaidan's veritech, Jane couldn't quite hear her over the wind.

"What?!" she called, shifting slightly to look at the quarian. It was a tight fit, even though she had selected the smallest members of the ground team to go with her. The bomb bay had more room in theory, but the various loading mechanisms made it impossible to convert it to carry passengers in a reasonable amount of time.

"I said, " Tali shouted back, "'I don't think this was a very good idea'!"

"If you had a better idea, you should have said something when Shepard was taking suggestions!"

"I have to agree with Tali," Liara said, her voice somehow carrying despite her not apparently yelling. "This is very... awkward."

"At least we're all friendly!" Jane offered cheerfully. "Or else this would be a lot more awkward!"

"Just how friendly do you want to get?" Liara asked, eyebrow cocked curiously.

"I'd need a nerve-stim program to get any friendlier," Tali grumbled.


"I said... oh, nevermind!"

* * *

The door to the captain's cabin chimed.

"Enter," John responded automatically. The door slid open to reveal a familiar turian.

"Hey, Commander, you busy?" Garrus asked.

"Not really," he replied. "Just submitting a request to get us a shuttle."

"Yeah, about that," Garrus said, "why don't we have one already anyway?"

John shrugged. "The Normandy's fully transatmospheric, and we've got the Mako -- well, had the Mako -- for combat drops, so we shouldn't have needed one."

"I see."

"Something I can help you with, Garrus?"

The former C-Sec officer looked away. "Maybe. It's Nerisse. Or Captain Ganthus, I should say. There's been an increase in smuggling lately, and since I'm here, she wants my help shutting it down, thinks a new perspective is just what they need."

"And you think I can help," John said flatly.

"You do have a knack for being in the right place at the right time, Commander."

John nodded thoughtfully. "So, what's being smuggled?"

"Lots of things, really," Garrus replied, "but she's mostly worried about restricted weapon mods. Noveria isn't like the Citadel. Security here depends heavily on limiting access to weapons tech."

"Hence the warm welcome we received," John said dryly.

"Yeah." Garrus gave the turian equivalent of a frown. "What is it, Shepard? You haven't argued one bit yet."

"Wellll..." John said, reaching under his desk and picked up a package, placing it on his desk. "As it happens, while I was shopping for supplies, a certain storekeeper in there asked me to use my Spectre status to bring this in past customs."

"Really, now?" Garrus said, his mandibles twitching in amusement. "Just like that, you have it all wrapped up?"

"I think there's more going on here than we know about," John said, nudging the package, "more than just some smuggling ring looking to make a quick buck."

"What do you mean?" Garrus asked. "What is it, exactly?"

"High explosive ammo," John answered. "This is some serious firepower we're talking about here, Garrus. Can your girlfriend handle this?"

"High explosive ammo?" Garrus repeated. "Nerisse wouldn't have the armor or firepower to deal with that. And she's not my girlfriend."

* * *

Jane led the team into the garage at Peak 15. The chamber was positively cavernous, and the lights were flickering. Catwalks were suspended across the room, accessible by ladders and stairs.

"This place is huge," Kaidan muttered. "If the doors weren't jammed, I could bring my Thor in here with room to spare. Wonder why they built the garage so big?"

He got his answer in the form of something slamming into the ground at his feet, the shockwave shattering his kinetic barriers and knocking him off his feet.

"Take cover!" Jane ordered, matching actions to words as she and Liara dove left, taking refuge behind a heavy-duty cargo hauler. Tali dove right, crouching behind the questionable cover of a forklift, and Liara stretched out a hand, then clenched her fist and yanked it back. Biotic energy swirled and pulled Kaidan toward the relative safety behind the cargo hauler.

"That's one hell of a big gun," Jane muttered. "More krogan mercenaries?"

Liara peered around their cover. A flash of light briefly lit the far end of the garage as the air itself seemed to ignite from friction. Another shell tore down toward them, smashing into the cargo hauler, lifting it off two of its wheels before gravity reasserted itself.

Liara ducked her head back.

"That's... not a krogan," she declared, her eyes wide.

* * *

Codex: Noveria

Noveria is a small, frozen terrestrial world, barely habitable by conventional definitions. It is privately chartered by the Noveria Development Corporation, a holding company founded and funded by two dozen major high-technology companies in Citadel space, including Elanus Risk Control Services and Synthetic Insights. The NDC leases out labs to perform research too dangerous or controversial to be performed elsewhere.

Since Noveria is not technically a Citadel world, the NDC is free and willing to issue such leases to Alliance-based corporations as well, much as the Alliance and Citadel alike would prefer otherwise. There still remains, however, prejudice between Alliance and Citadel species; for example, although a human corporation like Binary Helix may lease a lab on Noveria and secure it with their own human security, ERCS, which NDC contracts to provide security for the planet, is no more likely to hire humans on Noveria than anywhere else.

Given Noveria's unique situation, it is the source of many wild conspiracy theories throughout both Alliance and Citadel space.